lost $003,033. and will pay the whole amount.— 1 worth $20,000, hot also their dwelling houses and Thu Penn Ake we have heard nothing of, but be- ; e very dollars worth of furniture and clothes they lieve it is ruined, and will pay only a small per con- possessed. Sold one, I have lost $30,000 and have tage on the dollar. The Mutual 011ieo we under- now but nue dollar in the world. stand, will pay all its risks.—Losses $65,000. 1 __ Messrs. Forsyth & Co., although in great danger. I THE EXCHANGE OFFICES. arc among those who were saved, and continue bu- I Mem & Slhbett and Jones lost comparatively M ainess at their old stand. . tie. Mr. Allen Ktamer's safe preserved his books, We regret to learn that Samuel Kingston. Esq.,l paper atel money. Mr. William A. Hill we un has been missing since the fire was raging Ott Thur.- . derstand, has all his valuables in the vault of the log afternoon. He won last seen going into his-; Exchenge Bank, burning ot)ice! It is feared he is lost. Great solicitude was felt for seine time to know whether the vaults of the Bank of Pittsburg had stood the brunt. Yesterday forenoon they were opened and found unharmed. All the hooks, paper, specie, &e., were moved into the U. S. Bank, where 1 tiro bank now does business. PUBLIC BUILDINGS. OFFICES AND MAN- UFAUTORIES BURNED, The Globe Cotton Factory, owned by J. Wood & Co.; the Firemeit's Insurance Office; the Fire and Navigation Insurance Office; the Penn Incur- once Office; the Mayor s Office, Tombs', Mer clients and Board of Trade Reading Rooms, its tiles and valuable library, Philo Hall—all in one building; the 13ank of Pittsburg; the Chronicle Office; the Exchange Offices of Messrs. Sibbett rind Jones, Allen Kramer and William A. ; the Merckstat's Hotel, Wood street; the Eagle Hotel, Third, street ; the Monongahela blouse; the; Glass Works of Bakewell & Pears; the Founde ries of Messrs. J. Anderson & Son; J. Livingston, (and Scale Factory also;) the new and extensive Steel Works and Coach Spring Manufactory of Messrs. Jones & Quigg. just about going into ope ration; the Rolling Mill and Nail Factory of Messrs • Freeman & Co., Kensington—culled the Dallas Iron Works"; the Glass Works of Messrs. Miller & Co.; the American Hotel, corner of 3rd and Smithfield street; Murdocks' liughie and Wilson's Tamils. and the William Tell Tavern on Water street; the Associate Presbyterian Church on 4th strict; the Baptist Church, corner of Grant and Third; the Western University; Wood's Brewe ry; Robertson & Reppert's Oil Mill; the African Methodist Church, Second street; the Scotch Hill Market House; Fulton's Bell and Brass Foundry; the Monongahela Bridge; the Custom House; Gwynne and Edey's Lard Oil Factories; Indian Rubber Factory of .1. G. Morgan. LIST OF WHOLESALE MERCHANTS BURNT OUT. Commission, Forwarding and Wholesale Gro cery Masc.—Allen & Co.; Atwood, Jones and Co.; A Beeler; J. Bell; J. W. Butler; Wm. H. Campbell & Co.; George Cochran; A. Gordon; King & Holmes; 1.. Hutchison & Co.; S. Kellar; W. Sc J. F. Kelley ; Peter Paterson ; Poindexter 4. Ca; J. W. Burbridge & Co; Church & Caro thers; I. Dickey & Co.; Wm. J. Howard & Co.; M. B. Riley & Co.; Robertson & Reppert ; S. F. Von Bonliorst & Co.; 1,. & J. D. Wick; Williams & Dilworth; Win. Wilson. Jr.; Geo. A. Berry; Black & M 'Kee; 0. Blackburn; Vonkirk & Co.; English, Gallagher & Co.; P. C. Martin; Rankin & Colton; Thomas W. Scaffe ; H. Lambert; Taney & Beat; R. D. Miller & Co.; William P. Young. Druggists and C'hrmists.—Ogden and Co.; E. Fentlerich ; J. Kidd arid Co.; J. Schoonmaker and Co; R. E. Sellers; 11. 11. M'Cullough. Dry Goods Jobbers.—Arbuthnot and Stewart; William Bell & Sons; Semple end Barker; Jones, Murphy & Cc.; William M Clintock. (Carpet.) Thrdware .Merchants—James M. Cooper; A. Henderson & Co.; Clark and Cameron; Nelsons and Morgan, shovel manufacturers. Queensware Houses—H. Rigby ; James Park, Jr. and Co.; Bennett and Bros. Bonk and Periodical Stares—C. H.Kay; John ston and Stockton ; J. W. Cook ; Luke Loomis. Paper Warehouses—lioldship and Browne; J. Howard and Co. 1 on and Nail Warehouses—Spang and Co.; J. Anderson ; Bailey, Brown and Co.; Bissell and Semple ; Freeman and Co. (at Church and Coro t hers ;) EdWard llughs, (Brownsville works:) lerenx, Sterling and Co.; Lyon, Shorh and Co.; 0. &J. H. Shomilierger ; Woods, Edwards end M'Knight; J. A. Stockton and Co. (Franklin works, Pennsy Ivania.) Foundry Warehouses—J. Anderson and Son; W.'l'. M'Clurg; Robinson and Minis. • Tin, Copper and Sheet Pon Manufacturers-- Howard and Rogers; Kane and Keller; J. T. Kincaid; John MlVilliams; Wm.Scaile; Sheriff and Shirk. Mass Wurehouses—Bakewell & Pears; Curling, Robertson and Co.; M. & R. H. Sweeny and Co. ( Wheeling ;) S. M'Kee & Co.; C. Ihmsen. Boot and S/we StoresG. Albree and Co.; AV- Curtly sod Loomis; J. Bates; W. McCowan ; B. Perry. Tobaeconitts—E. Day ; G. 'Wilson. Livery Stables—R. and R. 11. Patterson; li. Fenelon ; Merchant's Hotels and several others. Cabinet and Choir Mikets—James Woodwell; A. Bulford; Devitt and Aspers; J. K. Hartley ; M. Kane; Lemon and Flowers; Lowrio and Harbin; W. Milliken; J. M'Farland ; A. M'Cardy ; N. Young ; G. Singer. Auctioneers—P. M'Eenna: Lynd and Biekley. Merchant Milan, amid Clothiers—E. Bruck !ocher; Cooley and Laird; J. Green; Wm. Leon ard; J. Shipley; S. Schyer ; S. Stoner. Wire Workers—R. Townsend and Co.; J. Wick ersham. Upholsterers—Wm. Noble; E. Effmundson. And a lane number of other minor establish ments and other branches of business. THE ACTION OF COUNCILS. The prompt attention of councils in taking all the immediate measures in their power to alleviate our unhappy situation will coot:vend itself to the attention of our citizens. Mr. Durrah is to go to liarristturg to produce such Legislative action as can be obtained. IL seetns to us, that among other things, the Legislature cannot do better for us than to pass the 1401 giving the right of way to the Bal timore Railroad. This would tend, if the bill is accepted. to encourage our men of wealth, who are yet unpostrated, to build up the city again, and would bring capitalists to nettle among us. Is this too touch to ask of our Legislature I INCENDIARIES ARE ABROAD. Yesterday afternoon, an attempt was made to fire Wilmarth and Reynokl's board yard, on Irwin st. The doable dyed rtlisin had placed a bundle of matches. ignited in a heap of shavings, and thrust the whole into a board pile. It had begun to blaze when it was providentially discovered. Let the po lice of the city be on the watch. These devils in the shape of m en among us would destroy the whole city if they could. Laborers, Brickntakers, Bricklayers, Carpenter., ticc., will lie in immense demand 141 a short time.-- Preparations for rckuililing are already making, in some insianees. THE INDIVIDUAL LOSSES. The losses of some individuals and houses art emulsions, ranging Groin $5,000 upta $200,000. Thus, one firm of wholesale grocers, the heaviest holders of Sugar. Molasses, &c., in this city, and also owners of the building in which they did bu siness, cannot taw , lot mesa than horn 680 to $lOO,OOO. There is the Monongahela House also, which cost 6:,00,000, including the furniture. In tutu Lista:ices niaLitanta not only lost stocks COURAGE. BRETHREN, COURAGE. The Pittsburg Gazette holds the following cheer- ing language "We have carefully inquired of many of our clearest headed business men, those most thorough ly conversant with the resources of the city, as to the probable effect of this disaster upon its pros perity, and coupled with our own knowledge of the strength of the merchants who were burnt out, the position of their circumstances, tke., we are fully convinced that though the commercial prospects of the city are terribly shaken, yet it is not Wally prostrated. rind in due time will rise shove it all. Ottr liege tyanufitclories are untouched—the only mills of any importance which arc burnt being the Globe Factory, which is the smallest in the citv, the Kensington Iron Works, the Bakewell and l'ears' Glass Works. Various other small establishments were destroyed, but it is with great satisfaction we announce that the great leading branches are com paratively untouched, and that business, so far as they are concerned, will go on as usual. As for our wholesale merchants in the Grocery, Queensware. and Dry Goods branches who were burnt, some number of them, will commence forth with. Some aro wholly ruined, many much crip pled, but we believe the majority can go on as usual, and yesterday they were busy getting places of bu siness and offices. I t is with heartfelt pleasure we observe the forti tude with which they hear their losses. There is no repining—no despair—no sullenness; but a calm, determined spirit, which must carry them up again. The effect will be to set us bock for mo ment, but we never had more confidence in the strength and spirit of our merchants to overcome it all in time. It must he supposed that all the busi nese portions of the city are consumed. Most of the Dry Goode Jobbers are untoticged; so of the Hardware merchants, and a number of the heavy houses are out of the burnt district. And it fortu nately happens, too, that a large mount of groce ries from the east, for the city, had not arrived. We repeat. therefore, that though the city is terribly shaken, it is neither ruined, nor totally prostrated." Moot heartily do we hope that the cheeting lan guage of our brother will be sustained—ney, it must be sustained, and Pittsburg must rim from her ashes —and how precious, how costly are those ashes? A committee of the English Lutheran Church was sitting to accommodate in their building desti tute futuilies. We find the following interesting paragraphs in the Pittsburg Advocate of Monday the 19th. OUR INSVIIANCE OFFICES. -It is with delight we hear more favorable accounts from our offices, otter an investigation of their losses. ado not wish to hold out any encouragement not warranted by facts, but after comparing notes we feel author ized to say, in general terms, that the offices in this city as a whole will pay a very large per eentage on all their risks. The whole amount insured by them is about $BOO,OOO and at the very outside not over $850,000. Their capital in the aggregate will cover up a large proportion of this amount. The affairs of the Penn Company are in u better train was helievell and they will pay a large per centago on their risks. lONA aT Tux GROAT Frox.—A committee ap pointed by the Councils, after a full examination of the burnt district, having minutely visited every part of it, have arrived at the following result: 982 buildings burnt, value $2,586,500 Value personal property burnt, This does not include money or personal proper. ty of young men.or persons not keeping house. In calculating the value of real estate, the com mittees have estimated the cash value of the im provements as they were before the fire, and not what it will require to repair or rebuild them, which must exceed the above estimate at least 25 per cent. Tun &Ace Buirm—Mr. R. F. WGowan, the City Regulator, informs us that the burnt district covers fifty act es in the city, and six acres out of it. BUILDINGH BEGUN To-net !—As many of our in domitable citizens as are able to build, who are not too much crippled to do it. and could get contracts made, have done so. and new buildings arc begun to-day. This is the right kind of spirit. The Swallow. It would seem that, comparing the report of the number of passengers whose names are entered on the books of the Swallow, the number said to have escaped alive, that there is a deficiency of thirty two. Of these, the bodies of thirteen have been taken from the wreck and the river; whether the other nineteen will be among tire dead, or whether some error in the entry of the names will be discov ered, it is impossible now to judge. We fear, how ever, that more titan thirteen lost their lives in that fearful wreck. Among those recovered and taken to Albany, was the corpse of Miss Mary Torrey, of Pottsville, Pa. The inquest by the Coroner and his jury isgoing on, and the general tenor of the evidence seems to prove that the awful occurrence was the result of criminal carelessness. It is stated too, that the Pilot, Burnett, has admitted that he was in charge of the helm, before she reac'aett Four Mile Point, (four miles from Hudson.) The Senate of New York has given the matter into the hands of a Spe cial Investigating Committee, charged with power to send for persons and papers. A proper exami nation of the circumstances attendant upon the oc currence may, therefore, be looked for.—U. S. Ga.. The work on the new and enormous Anthra. cite Furnace, at Danville, (Pa.) to form an addition to the works of the Montour Iron Company, has been commenced. The furnace will be 16 feet across the bodies, forty feet high in the stack, and will he capable of making one hundred and twenty tons of pig metal a week. A rolling mill, belong ing to the same company, is under roof and will be soon completed. The building for a now Iron Foundry is also be ing erected at Danville. It will be put in operation during the coming season, and mainly for the cast ing of hollow-were. 'We are glad to notice these evidences of a revi val of the old prosperity in the interior of the State; every furnace erected makes new demand. upon our mines, and every pound of iron mined adds to the means of our commonwealth. THE HUNTINGDON JOURNALS ""One country, one constitution, one destiny." UCS zra. aa a fi En tvall oz. Esa , Wednesday morning, April 23, '45, rj' FRANCIS B. NV ALLACE, Esq. has been appointed Postmaster in this place, in place of Da vid Snare, Esq., resigned. CLAY TOWNSHIP.--A new township, bear ing this name, has been formed out of a part of Springfield township, in this county. ADMITTED.--C.4lnAnT Hawrr, Esq.. woo, on Wednesday last, on motion of J. G. Miles, Esq., admitted to practice in the several courts of Hunt. ingdon county. ( ~ _Counterfeit $2O bills on the Harrisburg Dank are in circulation. They have somewhat a blurred apperance. They are dated Oct. 7,1840. Relief to the Pittsburg Sufferers. A bill for the relief of the sufferers in Pittsburg has passed the Legislature unanimously—appropri ating the sum of $50,000, to be placed into the hands of the city authorities, for the relief of the suffering. The bill also releases the outstanding stole and county taxes of the sufferers for the pre sent year, and for the next three years, and remits or refunds the amount of the licenses of dealers in merchandize whose establishments have been de stroyed. A detailed account of the awful calamity which has befallen the city of Pittsburg is contained in our columns, commencing on the first page. A Good Hint. We find the following in some of the papers, and copy it for the benefit of our subscribers residing at a distance who have never thought of the subject, and others who have found it inconvenient to call at our office in person. We hope that all such will take advantage of the existing law before the First of July, as no doubt they only need such an in ducement to do their duty to the printers--a duty which so many of them are apt to postpone too long, or forget altogether : Tun Now PORTAGE Low which goes into effect on the first of July, prevents post masters from franking letters containing money for the payment of subscriptions to publications. Those therefore who are desirous of saving postage. would do well to act on this hint and forward their dues to pub lishers at once. A Ftvz Husinurin DOLLAR COVNTERFEIT.— Some impressions front a plate, engraved by Messrs. Toppan, Carpenter & Co., some years ago, for the Port Carbon Railroad and Canal Company, in Illi nois, of the denomination of $5OO, have, it seems, come into the possession of dishonest hands, and have been so altered. as to purport to be $5OO notes of the Philadelphia Bank. Three of them have already appeared here, and there are,probably,more in circulation. The signatures of the President and Cashier are well imitated, but the counterfeit is la little longer and wider than the genuine notes, and the plate is entirely:different as to lettering, style and viginettes. The viginette of the genuine note represents a locomotive and train of cars, as having just passed a rocky precipice, while that of the counterfeit represents two female figures, one with sheaves and a sickle, and the other with a rake; no one acquainted with the genuine note, could be defrauded by the counterfeit, but it is well calcula• ted to deceive strangers.— U. 8. Gazelle. 913,450 $3,479,b50 Extra Session. The Harrisburg Telegraph of Wednesday last nays Yesterday, after the hour of five o'clock had expired, which had been agreed upon by both branches of the Legislature, as the time for final adjournment, a proclamation from the Governor was received and rend, convening them again to-day. The two houses then agreed to meet this morning at 9 o'clock, expecting to receive a veto of the ap propriation bill. But on learning this ,norning that the bill would be signed by the Governor, they a -1 greed to adjourn sine die, at 12 o'clock, M. to-day. n'lt is now formally announced that the Globe establishment has been sold to Messrs. Ritchie and Hies.. Mr. Ritchie, who is about to assume the duties of official editor at Washington, is said to be seventy years old. He has edited the Richmond Enquirer for forty-one years—and, the common fate of edi tors, leaves the scenes of all his struggles and his many triumphs, poor. May he be more fortunate in his new abode. The Raleigh, N. C., Register says that the se vere frost of the Bth inst. has blighted everything in garden and orchard, and destroyed all hope of fruit this season. THE MORMANS.-The Warsaw Signal says r-- ~W e learn from a gentleman direct from Nauvoo, that a new revelation has been received in.relation to the Temple. The work, on that structure, is to be almost entirely suspended for the present. and the whole energy of the saints is to be devoted to the building of a wall or rampart around that edi five. This wall is to enclose six acras ; the temple in the centre. It is to be fourteen feet high, six feet thick, composed of solid atone masonry, The work on this new monument of folly, has been al ready commenced, and hundreds of hands are em ployed in carrying it forward." The Danville Intelligencer says the Montour Iron Company, at Danville, have engaged with two contractors for the erection of one hundred and twenty dwelling houses at that place, this season. The houses are to he of good size, and well ar ranged for the comfortable accommodation of fam ilies. Reported for Ike Journal. Court of Quarter Sessions. The following canes wero brought before the Court last week. Commonwealth vs. Christian E. Craine. In dictment for assault and battery on the person of Augustus Cornmesser, in Antes township. The defendant was convicted and fined $2 00 and coats of prosecution. Comma:two/tit vs. David Metz, James Mitch inson and William Lantz. Indictment for assaul t and battery on David It. Christie at a singing school to Allegheny township. The jury acquit ted the defendants and saddled the prosecutor, D. R. Christian with the payment of the costa. Commonwealth vs. Thomas H. Pollock. In -1 dictment for an assault and battery, by the defend ant, a scholar in a common school in Shirley town ship, upon John Notile, his teacher. Verdict, guilty. Sentence, that the defendent pay a fine of $5 00, costs of prosecution, and be imprisoned' in. the jail of this county for twenty ditys. Commonwealth vs. William P. Laughlin.— Two indictments, one for asssault and battery on the body of Alexander WAninch, in Dublin town ship, and the other fin removing land marks. The defendant was convicted in both cases, and fined $1 00 in each case, and the costa of prosecution. Commonwealth rs. Benjamin 111'0nd. In dictment for the larceny of a horse, the property of Samuel R. Stevens of the borough of Huntingdon. Verdict, not guilty, and that the defer:dent woe in sane at the tithe of the commission of the offence and that he• woe acquitted on the ground of said insanity. In this case the Court ordered that the defendant be kept in strict custody, in the jail of this county, under the direction of the Sheriff, or keeper thereof, at the expense of the county, so long as he shall continue of insane mind, or until further orders of the Court. Commonwealth vs. Samuel 'Fizzy. This was s nigger baby case, from the borough of Hunting don. The prosccutrix, and mother of the ebony innocent, was Rachel Matson, a married woman, and the baby, defendant', and prosecutrix were all black; and unfortunately, and most mysteriously, the little nigger baby is to have no dady. The de fendent was acquitted and the prosecutrix ordered to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Samuel Africa. Indict ment for obstructing the high. way in Henderson township. True bill. Continued. Commonwealth vs. Letvis K. Wiliams. In dictment for assault and battery upon John Fair. True bill continued. Commoulvealth vs. Jacob Fleck. Indictment for libel on Philip 13ridenbaugh. True bill. Con tinued. The following bills were returned ignoramus by the grand jury. _ _ _ _ _ COrtinio'nw'ealth vs. Jacob Porter and James Curry. One count for assault and battery and one count for assault. Edward C. Wilson the prose cutor to pay the costs. • Commonweafth vs. B. E. M'illartrie, Thomas Hamlin, John IVolfkill, and Joseph Nightavine• I for forcible entry and detainer. Joseph Stewart, prosecutor, to pay the costs. Commonwealth ye. Jefferson Simonton and Henry Shall: for neglect of duty. County to pay the costs. Commouwealth rs. Edward Wilson, Robert B. Wilton and James Wilson for assault and battery. Jacob Porter the prosecutor to pay the costs. Commonwealth rs• Henry At C kllaud William Snow, James Miller, Sylvester Richardson and Stephen Snow for forcible entry, riot, and assault and battery. Samuel Anderson prosecutor to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. &mud Anderson for assault and battery. Henry T. M'Clelland, prosecutor, to pay the costs. Conimortwealth vs. Hans Morrison for assault and battery. Samuel Hergeshimer, prosecutor to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. Samuel Hergishimer for as sault and battery. Hans Morrison, prosecutor, to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. C. E. Crane, for tippling house, and disorderly house. CharlesCornrnesser, prosecutor, to pay the costs. Commonwealth to, John lUle for assault and batter. Thomas H. Pollock, prosecutor to pay the costs. Commonwealth vs. John B. Mayer and S2M. uel Pvicketa for assault and battery. George Heeler, prosecutor, to pay the costa. Commonwealth vs. Gerge Heeler and John fleeter for assault and battery. John B. Weaver, prosecutor, to pay the costa. TAVERN LICENSES. The following applications for licenses came be. fore the Court and were acted upon. James M. Kinkead, Yellow Springs, granted. Wm. Bucanan, Henderson township, do. John Hirst, Manor Hill, do. Francis M . Coy, Williamsburg, do. John 1.. Moyer, Frankstown, do. John Lowe, Gaysport do. S. S. Barr, do. do. Michael Sigler, Alexandria, do. Robert Carmon, do. do. Christian E. Crane, Antes township, do. George Jackson, Huntingdon, do. John Whittaker, do. do. Peter Levingston, do. do. Thomas Wallace, do. do. Alexander Carmon, do. do. John Figart, Antes township, Rejected. joseph Forrest, Warm Springs, Granted. Samuel Jacobs, Franklin township, do. John Dougherty, Hollidaysburg, do. James R. Johnston, do. do. Wm. Donaldson, do. do. Joseph Hammer, do. do. Samuel Steffey, Jackson township, Rejected. James Livingston, Barre township, Granted. Wolter Graham, Yellow Springs, do. Robert F. Hazlet, Groysport, do. Joseph Goodhart, Jackstown, do. Jacob Megahan, M'Connelstown, do. Alexander Lowry, Jr. Waterstreet, do. Janice M'Murtrie, West township, do. Mathias Otto, Newry, Steamboat 31splosicn and loss of Life. An Extra from the office of the St. Landry, La., Whig, under the date of April 3d, says: The Elizabeth Marta,' from New Oorleans on Sunday evening last. and when entering the Cour taublenu from the Atchafalaya, her boilerecollapsed, and completely tore her upper works to pores. The explosion took place about 3 o'clock on Tues. day morning, to which may be attributed the pres ervation of so many lives, as her entire works above the boilers were swept away, together with her boilers and deck fixture. Shortly after the acci dent the Wave' come up, rendered all the assist ance 'in her power and towed the wreck up to W ashington. We insert the subjohretl list, furnished us by the clerk, who escaped uninjured. J. H. Gordon, captain, very badly scalded and bruised. Daniel York, mate, killed. Freeman D. Lamb, first piolet, leg fractured. John Parrish, second pilot, uninjured. James Marquite, first engineer, very badly scalded. Nelson Hill, Second engineer, missing. Charles M. Jones, barrkeeper, uninjured. Mr, Ireiand, carpenter; steward, cook and cabin- boys, uninjured. - Rhodes, deck hand, missing. One negro fireman slightly scalded, and one do. missing. Passengers uninjured, except a few who were slightly bruised. We regret to learn that Capt. Gordon is in every critical state. The' passengers publish a card, in which they 4 . Madly that the accident was one of those unfor seen calamities which no human prudence could prevent, as the captain and other officers were doing their duty when the explosion tor& place." They also return their thanks to the officers of the , Wavc,' for their kind assistance. STRANGE DIESARE.—A very strange contagion has broken out in Valatia, a small village in Co. lumbia co., New York. It IliFonloure the face to a greenish cast, the eyeeloose their usual expression, and have a vacant stare, the voice becomes husky, the memory vanishes, and the conversation becomes confused and a set of incoherent sentences jum bled together, without order and without messing. The strength leaves and the form dwindles away to a skeleton. 'rhe person atthckedravesdlike a mani ac, and the doctors have been unable to discover a remedy. The informant states that "every person wears an lfflighted . countenance, and if it does not soon stop its ravages, the whole town will he inhab ited by lunatics!" None have died from it as yet, but numbers are afflicted with it. ES On the 17th inst., a fire broke out at Zanesville, (0.) and before it was subdued, the dwelling of Messrs. Park arid Dustman, Mrs. Prints, and the business rooms on main street of Messrs Britain & Gibbons, Williams& Greenland, Clements C War ner, were completely destroyed. The loss is set down at $1 . 1,00`, upon which there was on insu rance of $4.000. A young' man named Cooper, a son of Judge Cooper, died soon after the fire, in consequence of the excitement it awakened in him, About half past three o'clock on Saturday morn ing, the large Hotel at the junction of Fulton Ave nue and Atlantic street Brooklyn, owned and occu pied by John Barr, took fire and was totally des troyed. The engines were quickie) , on the spot, hut there being no water in the vicinity, returned home. It was supposed to be the work of an in cendiary, as the fire first caught near the door, It is the third time it has been burned down. The establishment of the Fall River Iron Works Company, nt Fall River, was, with the exception of the machine shop, destroyed by fire on Tuesday evening the Bth inst., occasioning a loss of about $6,000, which is covered by insurance. One or two small buildings standing near the Furnace were also consumed, and Messrs. Hawes, Marbel & Davol lost in stock and patterns about $1,600, on which thole is a partial insurance. 1 biussurry.—The Philadelphia U. Gazette says Wo copied an article some days since, relative to an artificial arm, which had been invent ed and used in Europe, by which many of the offi ces of the natural arm could be performed. A few days since Dr. Bean, of this city, brought to us an invention of the forearm and hand, which, from its appearance and use, seemed to be the model from which the European aim had been formed. And we have no doubt, that when applied, it could be made as useful in all the minutire, as was that to which our former statement referred. As the fin gers plied, and the thumb shared in the pecular motion, and the wrist joint showed its flexibility, we tho't how many things might he performed with such a substitute. writing especially; and no trouble some gout in the small joints, or rheumatism in the large articulations. Dr. B. is also the inventor of a machine for cut ting files, which was very highly approved of by the manufacturers in England, who were pleased with the amount and quality of the worlc which it could perform, but were afraid to introduce such a labor s eying machine into their establishment. Dr. B. has sought out many inventions, which seem to possess the capabilities of much good, if he should over succeed in bringing the public to a fair teat of them. Some evenings since in Bucksport, Me., while a meeting of Millerites woo in progress, a number of men disguised as negroes broke in upon it'and pro ceeded to administer an oath to each one of the devotees of Millerism, that they would not attend any more meetings or aid in propagating the doe-, trines of that iam, and this being done they were bustled out of the house. The disguised party then seized upon a large store of provisions and $4O in money, which the deluded party had gathered together, and intended to give both to the select men. We thought there wore good laws and stringent ones in Maine, but it appears that the people' i liave a little of the leaven of of Judge Lyncli i in them, and can make their laws nugatory fur the time. WISTAICA SALAAM OF WILL Ciisnny.— In the first stage of disease, termed, Catarrhal Consumption," originating from neglected Colds, it has been used with undeviating success, and hun dreds acknowledge they owe the restoration of their. health to this invaluable medicine alone. In thdt form of consumption act prevalent rmoi,g delicate L. ' , young females, commonly termed debility, or 'go ing into a decline," a complaint with which thou sands are lingering, it has 51so proved highly suc cessful, and not only possesses the power of check 'nettle progress of this alarming complaint, but al- . s; strengthens and invigorates the system more effectually than any medicine we have ever poses,. cd. Besides its surprising efficacy in consumption, it is equally efficacious in influenza, liver complaint, asthma, bronchitis, and all affections of the lungs and has cured many of the most obstinate cases, of ter every other remedy had tbiled. The genuine, for sale by Thomas Read, Hunt ingdon, and MT. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg. Lines addressed to Dr. Brandreth, by a Lady. What is the conqueror's fame Gained on the battlN-field? Oh, limndreth ! greater is thy naliv Who causoth death to yield. FtilLinany a long'and weary day, Racked by disease and pain, With anguish great, I suffering !ay, Nor thought to rise again. What was Physicians' boasted skill? Alas ! it eased ale not ; But ky the aid of thy famed 01 1 How changed is now toy lot! Restored to health—restored to those Companions whom I love ; For the reliever of my woes, My prayers :hall rise above. Yee, Brandreth, 'tis to the alorte My thanks ore justly due, Foe life I gratefully must own My constant debt to you. Purchase the genuine medicine of Wm..S7ewarf; Huntingdon, Pa., and other agents publiShett its another part of this paper. 27:1VIZIZIAL "Here the girls and here the widow Always cast their earliest glance, And, with smileless face, consider If they, too, won't stand a chance To make some clever fellow nov nut • 4 , In bliss, and often too—in trouble." MARRIED: On Wednesday the 16th instant, by the Rev. David M'iiinney, Mr. ORLANDO A. TRAUGH, senior editor of the "Demoetatie Stan dard," to Miss SARAH D. CANAN, of the bor ough of Hollidaysburg. [ Thunder and Mars !" another Printer her 4, stepped into the life of double blessedness. May they have always lots of Troughs—go down tu , posterity with all this life can afford.--DEVIL.] On Thursday the 10th inst., by the Reverend T. Mitchell, Mr. JAMES M. CALDERWOOD, of Birmingham, to Miss MATILDA HUNTER S of Antes township. On the 17th instant, by the Rev. J. Martin, Mr. JOHN T. MORGAN, to Miss SARAH ANN DAVIS, all of Hollidaysburg. On Thursday last, by the Rev. T. Mitchell, Mr. , SIMON S. HOCH. to Miss MARY KEYS, both of the borough of Hollidaysburg. On Wednesday, the 16th instant, in Gaysport f by the Rev. J. Martin, Mr. LEVI D. GALLAHER, of Hollidaysburg, to Miss ANN CAROLINK SHIDEL, of Lancaster city, Pa. 03ITTJ-9.LY Z'.3':.so7.Z. Front DEATH no age nor no condition saves, As goes the freeman, so deports the slave,. The chieftain's palace and the peasant's heft*, Alike are ravished by his haughty power. DIED: On Friday, the I Itit inst., Mrs. MAR GARET SHOMO, consort of Mr. Win. Shotno, of Hollidaysburg, and daughter of Mr. Charles, Wilson, of the „ Loop," in her 30th year. THE MARkET•. [CURItECTED WELMLI _ Philadelphia, April 18. WimkTFLOUR, per bbl. - - - $4 37} RYE MEAL, do. - - - - 3 25 CORN do, do, WitzAT,piimePenna.per bush. - - 90 Rim do. - - - 62 CORN, yellow, do. - - - 45 Uri's, do. - - - 26 WHISKEY, in Ws, Baltimore, April lg. W nEAT FLoun, per bbl. - - - $4 , 44; WHEAT, per bush. - - - 98 ColtN, yellow, do. - - - - 42• kyr:. do. ()Ai's. do. WunutEy, in bbls. - - - - . - 22 _ „_ _ CL3.) 2 Dr. Z. E. DORIS2:IIr, HAVING removed from Williamsburg to Iluntingeon. would inform the t ( - immunity that he designs to continue the practice Kir medicine, at d will be thankful for their pa,v ronage. Residence and oflice iurmerly oc cuined by It. Allison, N. B. Having been successful in accom plishing the cure of a number of cancers. (tor which vouchers can be had if riquired) he ft els confident of success in the most ob stinate cases. and should he fail iu curing no charge will be made. Humigdon, April 23, 1845, Rrgimental Order 8. The Volunteers and Militia composing the 3rd Regiment, formerly 29th, 2nd Brigade, lath Division, P. .111, are hereby required to form by companies on lhe first Monday, and sth (lay of May next, and by battalion for parade and review as follows : Ist battalion will meet at the house of Alexander Lowry, on Friday the 16th day of May, in ‘Vaterstreet ;-2nd battalion on Siiturday the 17th, at the house of Captain NVilliam Davison, in Lawrilviile, Sinking Valley. [l7- .the law calls for every man to be ar med—pay attention to this and bring your arms, or a disregard to this notice may cause you to pay a tine—by order of ADAM KEITH, Colonel. April 22, 1845. ISAAC FISHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW.--Has removed to Huntingdon, with the intention of making tt the place of his futur: residence, and wits attend to such legal business an may be en rusted to him. Dec. 20, 1843, ELI 7A'