SHERIFF'S SALES, ri ue of sundry ,1 rits of Levari Facias and Yendilioni .Exponas, issued out of the Cowl of Common Pleas of Huntin , lon county, and to me direc ted, will 17! exposed to public sale, ;.t the Court house in the borough a midi., Jon, on Monday the 14 h day of April, 1845, iron, day to day until sold) the following property, viz: All that certain frame cooper shop, one and a hall stories high, situate on the turn pike road leading,- from Ilulliddysburo• ' to Eienanorg, 1 . 1.0.011_1 tin said road 40reet .anti extending hack 30 feet, in the Own of Duncansville, in the county of Hunt- ingdon, and the lot or piece of ground and curtilege appurtenant. Seized, taken in esecution, and to be sold as the property of Philip Beamer, owner or reputed owner and contractor, at suit of Betijmninplugent. ALSO: All that certain two story building sit uate on a lot of ground in the town of tirayaville, in Franklin township, in the CO.lnty of Huntingdon, adjoining lands of Lwing and Travin,containing one acre and one eighth of an acre of ground—said building beings frame house 30 feet in front extending back '2O feet, with a kitchen and thereto attached 12 by 15 feet, with the appuitenances. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Stove, at the suit - of John 1). Bell. ALSO, AB those two certain inlots of ground situate ou Allegheny street, in the burn' of Hollidaysburg, Huntingdon county, nod known in the general plan of said bo rough by the numbers 8 and 9, and also the eastern halt of lot number 10, adjoin ing said lot number 9, with all the housee, buildings and inessuages thereon erected, with the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in any wise upper taining— being the same premises purchas ed by defendant from John Irwin—see re• cord Book Y., page 593, &c. Seized, take . o in execution, and to be sold as the property of Dr. James Coffee, at suit of Thomas White, Esq. ALSO, A certain tract of land called .' Flower Yield," situate on the Little Aughwick Creek, in Springfield township, in the County of Huntingdon, containing 2231 1 acres and alloWatice,ekc.—being the save premises winch James . Hunter and wife by deed dated 13 March, 1839, granted and emiveyed to William Pollock, the defen dant- —together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances. Seized, taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of William Pollock, with notice to Jacob E. Bare and 'Thomas Ashton, terre tenants—at suit of James Hunter, Eqi. ALSO, - A tract of land situate in the township of Walker, Huntingdon county, contain• ing WO acres, be the same more or less, adjoining lands of John Anderson, Widow lieffoer. 'James Dean, and Jacob Heffner, about 75 acres of which are cleared, with a cabin house, a hewed log barn, and a intuit apple orchard thereon. Seized, taken in execution, anti to be auld as the property of II ray Maize, • ALSO, _ . All that certain lot of ground situate in the new town plot of the borough of llollidaystmig,situate on the southerly side ol Blair Or% being 60 feet an front on laid street and extendiog back at right angles to the same 174 feet on the westeruly and 68 fret on the easternly aide of said lot to Mulberry street—being lot number 118 is said new town plot—having thereon erected a two story brick dwelling house, with caw, enient out buildings. Seized— taken in execution, and to be sold ae the propel ty of Michael C. Garber. ALSO, A certain lot or piece of ground in the Gown ut Gaysport, Huntingdon county, fronting 60 feet on the northerly side al the Turnpike road and extending back to land of Join M'Cahan, about 90 fret, bounded on the west by a lot of James Fream and on the east by Eli Yoter, hay ing a two story Irame dwelling house thereon erected, now occupied by d elettd silt—and another - dwelling house (haute also) now leased to Coln Tate, and a frame stable. Seized—taken in execution, and to be soul the property ul David Tate, Esq., 'defendant in a judgment with John Boas laugh and J. C. Betts. ALSO, Ali that certain lot aground situate on the north side of the Turnpike Road ir, the borough of Franketown, fronting 50 Sect un toe said road and running back at sight . angles to sante 16U feet, bounded on the east by an alley and on the west by a lot owned by Denling•T & Brua--having a two story lug duelling house, a two story frame dwelling ►cause and a frame stable thereon. Seized—taken in execution, and to be sold its the property of Daniel Hileinan, to Alefendittit, in alutlentent with Stephen' ilanintund, at suit of Jacob Garman. • ALSO, All that teed or parcel of land in Alle• gheny tp., containing about 575 acres, be the same more or less about 275 acres, of which are cleared and tultivated. The said land is now used and tenanted as too separate Ln•ms, total being the remaining part Or rertdue of the real estate now owned oy Bernard O'Friers heirs—said land is good limestone and is bound I sat the east lands of Adam Black, on the west by Aaron Burns ' heirs, on the torch be Geo, i,te Cowes., and on the south by Alexander Oysart —haring thereon etee- tetl tao farm dwelling houses and two barns. Seized --Liken in execution, and to 6e sold as the property of Bernard O'Friel, deceased--now in the hands of his Exe cutors. The interest of Dr. Charles 0% Friel, one of the heirs of B. O'Friel, de ceased, in and to the foregiiitig mentioned land will be sold at same time, providing the whole of said estate be not sold. //LSO, A rot or piece of ground situate on the corner of Walnut sweet and short alley the borough of 11.01hdaY,burg, Butt!" ingdoo county, Ironing 40 feet on said 1% alnut street and exivnilini. s back at right angles to snow along short alley 180 feet —having thereon erected a double stone house, two stories high, fronting on Wal nut street, and a row of small stone buil dings fronting on said short alley. . . Seized—taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of John Mahoney. ALSO, All those two lots of ground in Gays port, Huntingdon. county, on the east side of Basin street 180 feet in frinit, and ex• tending at right angles 120 feet along Pennsylvania street, and thence at right angles to Porter's alley and along said alley 120 feet to Basin street, as laid out on the ground and marked Nos. 82 anal 83, in the general plan of said town. heized—taken in execution, and to he sold as the property of H. &per Heth erington, by virtue of a judgment, our mortgage recorded in mortgage book, No. 1--page 133.. ALSO, All the right, title anti interest of Gen. Bang!Junin in owl to the eastern half part of Lot No. 2 1 ) itithe new town plot of the borough of Hollidaysburg, limiting nil Blair street SO feet and extending bat k at light angles to the same 162 feet to Hose Alley—having thereon erected a two Sto ry frame dwelling house, fronting on said Blair street. Seized —taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Geo. Ilaughman. • ALSO, A certain tract of land containing 130 acres more ur less, sitoate in A legheny tp. Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of Jacob Miller, Abraham tieahl, Elias Ba ker & Co. and Henry Glass, having about 50 acres of cleared land and a logdwell ing house and a log barn thereon. Also-4.0t numbered 150 in the plan of the town of Hollidaysburg, fronting 58 feet on the north side of Juniata street and extending back 160 feet to Bank Alley-- having thereon erected a three story brick tavern house and a large frame stable. Seized—taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Jas. R. Johnston. Al SO, All teat piece or parcel of ground con- Lainingabo . ut 2 acre;, be the N;me inure ur less, lying between the Allegheny Portage Rail Road and the Turnpike Road, in Al. • legheny township, bounded 'on the West by Bell & HigginN and On the east by 8. Nu gent, south by said Rail Road . and north . by said Turnpike—havitg thereon erected a large stone dwelling house and three log houses. • Seized—taken in execotion, and to be sold as the property Id :William Keller ALSO, 411 that certain tract of land situate in the township of Barree, Huntingdon coati-, ty, containing 250 acres, be the same more or lees, about 150 of which ate cleared and cultivated, adjoining lauds of Samuel Barr, Robert Barr, Hugh Smith, Jaws Stewart and Samuel Stewart—•having 2 two story frame house•, a double log barn and a good saw•tntll thereon erected. Seized—taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of David Burr, with notice to Thomas Osbourne, terre tenant. A LSO, Lot No. 4, in the town of Gaysport, in the county of Huntingdon, fronting 60 feet on the northerly side of the Turnpike Road and extending back to the Juniata River, bounded on the west by a lot late of John Rimslough, now of Dr. P. Shoen berger, and on ti e east by a lot claimed by the detendant—having thereon erected a two story brick dwelling house and a frame stable. Seized—taken in execution, and to be sole as ti.e property of Peter Boyle. A LSO, All that certain lot of ground, situate on ihe north eastern corner of Alleghe ny and' Wayne sneers in the borough of fronting 60 feet on the southern side of A Ikthetly street and ex• teuding back along Wayne street 180 feet to an alley, having thereon elected them: small frame houses .one story and a hall and two stories high. . St;tzed—taken 111 execution, and to be sold as the property at Parin I'. Hamel /on, with notice to Ann Hamilton, terry tenant, A LSO, All the right, title and i. , terest of bong. lass 'WI ay, in and to all that tract or piece or parcel of land purchased by him from Slwrthill, by article of agreement, Situate in the township of Henderson, containing 50 acres or thereabouk,iiiijoin. log other lands of James Shot thin, land now of David Cunningham and others-- about 20 acres of which are cleared and a log dwelling house and small barn there on erected. S , ized—Taken in execution, and !o be sold as the propertyot Douglass 'Filly. . • A LSO, A lot or parcel of land in Barree'town ship,llutdingdon cnuuty.containing about one acre, be the some more or leas—hav ing a frame il %yelling house thereon erect ed. Said 141111 adjoins lands of William liar, William Porter and'Wm. Mouser. ISeized--inken in eseculion, and to be sold al, the property or NI , itliam Riddle% A LSO, I'w•o adjoining lots of ground situate on the northerly stile of Allegheny street in the tows► lif Newry, in the county of Hun tingdon, fronting about 50 feet on said street and running hack 200 feet, k ound • ed on the west by a public street and on ti►e east by a lot claimed by the estate of J o hn Mork—having a two story log house and a stable thereon erected. Seized—taken in execution, and to be sold as the properly of Jona Conrad, with notice to terre tenants. A I.SU A tract, piece or parcel at land situate in. the township of .11enderson, in the enmity of Huntingdon, adjoining: lands of Douglass Wray, David Cuimitighatn, and others, containing 'shout 112 acres -40 of which are cleared, with a log dwell ing house and barn thereon erected. Seized--taken to executiori , , and to be sold as the property of James Shorthill. ALSO, All the right, title, interest, claim and demand oldie defendant, Johrt Swartz, of, in and to all that certain tract, piece or parcel of land, on which he now Imes, situate in the township of Antes, near the Allegheny Mountain, and supposed to contain about 90 acres, be the ,mine more nr less,arof adjoins lands of fly ary Nicholas Cherry and others, having some cleared land and a log catiin house and stable thereon erected. Seized;- I .taken execution, and. to be sold as the propert y .of John Swartz. . . _ A. 1,50, All those two adjoining lots ot ground situate on the noeth side of 'Juniata street iii the turough of Hollidaysburg, Fronting each 60 lent WI said street ; and extending back at right angles to same 160 feet Bank Alley; said lots being numbered 155 and 156 in the recorded. plan of said la, rough i 56 being a corner lot, and on the corner of J uniata and Penn streets, on said lots are erected the Ilollidays uurg Foundry,Casting H ouse, a two story .brick store house, an office building and a frame building used in connection with the Foundry—together with all the Ma chinery and fixtures belonging to and at tached to the freehold. Seized—taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of George R. M'Far lane, Michael C. Garber, and Albert J. Garber; lately trailing under the firm of M'Farlane, Garber St Co. • ALSO, All the right, title and interest ot the defendant in and to all that certain piece or parcel of ground situate in the eastern end of the borough of Huntingdon, and bounded as follows, to wit: at the south east corner ot lot Not. 170 on St. Clair street, and thence along the southern line of said lot 1531 feet to a post, thence along the line of William. • Dorris' meadow lot 1381 feet to a post, ' thence along the fence of A. P. ‘Vilson's meadow lot 177* feet to a post to Saint Clair street, and thence along said street 1:36 feet to the place of beginning—hav ing thereon erected a two story log dwel ling house with a frame kitchen and a stable. Seized—taken in execution, and to be sold as the property oiTlitnnas Eldridge. 0, A lot of ground No. 9, ih the town plot of the borough of Alexandria, fronting 60 feet on the lower side of the Main street or Turnpike Road running through the said borough and extcntling back at right angles to same 180- ',feet, bounded on the east by the lot of John Ichiiiger, and .on the west by Nicholas Cresswell, having thereon erected a tun story plastered dwelling house, a small shop and a small log stable. Seized--taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Stephen Ichinger. ALSO, All that Jot of ground numbered 72 in the plan of the town of Williamsburg,. Huntingdon county, fronting 50 feet on north east side of econalstreet, and run !ling back towards Juniata River on High street 175 beet to an Alley—having there on erected a two story frame dwelling house . and a lug stable. . . . Seized—taken in execution, and to be sold us the property of Jos. S. P. ilarris, ALSO, All the right, title and interestof Chris tian Staman, ot, in and to a lot and a half of ground in the borotzgli•of Alexandria, situate on the northerly aide of the Turn pike timid or Main street, being about 90 feet in front on the said street, and exten ding back at right angles ill the sante, to the bank of the Juniata Division of. the. Pennsylvania Canal, bounded on the west .by a lot of Dr. H outz, and on the east by a !ot of Mrs. Jackson—thereon erected a two story frame .Tavern house, a 'Allister ed store room, and a frame stable, with a shed attached. Seiied —taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Christian Staman. A LSO, All the right, title and interest of Jesse Bally and James haily or either of them, of, in and to JI that tract, piece or parcel. ot land situated in the township of Wal ker, in the county of huntingdoti, contain. ing about 80 acres,or thereatiout,,bountled by lands of Valentine li (*.Mel. on the north, John Heffner on the east, John Hoo ver on the south and James (Moore on the west, from 40 to 50 acres of. which are cleated—having thereon erected a two story log dwelling house, a lo..; barn, and a wagon maker shop. Seized--taken in execution, and to be sold as the property of Jesse 13.tily and James halt. JOIIN ARMITAGE. Sheriff's Office, .11 • ' don, March 16, pm. s• - • Silvertansalion • li ar lIEREAS by precept In me three ted dated at Huntingdon, the (sth day of Jan., A. I). one thousand eight hundred and forty-five, under the hands ;mil seals of the Hon. Abraham S. %yd. on, President of the CG.w•t or Common Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general jail delivery of the fanh judicial district of Pennsylvania, composed Of the counties of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union, and the Illin.Joseph Adams and James Gwin, his associates, Judges of Are county of Ifuntingdon,justices assigned, appointed, to hear, try, and determine all and every indictments, and presentments, made or taken for or concerning all crimes, which by the laws of the state are made capital or felonies of death and other offences, crimes and misdemeanors, which have been or shall be committed or perpetrated within said county, or all persons who are or shall hereafter be committed or he per petrated for crimes aforesaid—l am com manded. to make Public Proclamation,. throughout my whole bailiwick that a Court of Over and Terminer, of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be held at the Court House, in the Borough of Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and• 14th day) of April next, and those who .will prosecute the said prisoners, be-then and there to prosecute them as it shall be just, and that all Justices of the Peace, Coroner and Constables within the said county, be then and there in their proper persons, at 10.o'ckek A, M. of said flay, with their records, inquisitions, examina tions and remembrances,: to do those things which to their offices respectively appertain. . . .. . bated .at Huntingdon the 15th day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty five and the 68th year of American loilepenoence. JOHN ARMITAGE, Shy. Sheriff's office Hunting dim, March 19, 1345. • Proclamation. HERE AS by precept to me direc• V led by the Judges of the Common pl e , is o f the county of Huntingdon, bear ing test the 15th day of Jan., A. I): 1845, I am commanded to make Public Pro clamation throughout my whole bailiwick that a court of Common Pleas will be held at the court house, in the borough of Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon, on the third Niontlay (andt . st day) of April, A. D. 1845, for the trial of all issues in said court which remain undeter • mined. before the said Judges when and where all Jurots, Witnesses. and suitors in the trial of all said issues are required to attend. Dated at Iluntingdon the 15th day of January, A. D. one thousand right hun dred and forty five, and the WI year of American Indeyeod,nce, _ _ 301111 ARM ITAGE Sh'f. Shetiff's idlice H un , dun, March 19, )845. 'Trial List for dpril Term, FIRST WEEK. D.- W. Rickets • v William M , Nite Walter's, heirs v Stoner & Stoner Batton's Assinee v Batton et al Walter's heirs v Stoner et al John M'Comb v C. A. Newingham W. 13. Hudson v S. Williamson Edward O'Hare v S. Roy er et al J. Leslics, assinees Wilson .& J u nes W•dter's fur Isett v . Jacob Shoop Same v Same • Same 7) &one S one v Same P. Frazer Smith v William Pollock Lumhard.for use v Seeds & Davis Leonard , . v Lytle & Patterson Parsons v Waggoner Patterson v M'llduff Reynolds v L , mg Hollictays' heirs v James Alexander Com'th. PemisyVa. v Alex. Ennis et al SECOND , WEEK J. &J. Wilson v Crrsswelrschildren Martin Gates v James It. Johnston Itelianc,• Fra Co. v O'Friei's ex'rs J. P. M'Dowell v Dougherty (Itin'kr;) E. Sh.,emaker V Alexander (:win Jonathan Jackson v J. &J. Forrest Thomas Williams v L. E. Craine A. Johnston 7, Brubaker &Stiffler Andrew Hirst w Benjatilin Johnston D. W. Hulings v J. Itodgers & Co. Coneth for use s B. O'Friers ex'rs Martin Gates v Burdge's ex'rs Same v Sam, M'Bride et al &c. Z. G. Brown Weight for use v T. M. Owens Wilson 8c 'Co. v David Robeson H. Crownover w• Win.• Pollock D r A. Johnston v •Dr. C. O'Friel H. Neff' Adm'rs• as John G. Fleck Charles Springer V Lewis My linger Dickey's Achim's. V X. P. Wilson, Esq. M. C. Garber v Jilts F. Lowry Jilin Leonard v W.M. Lyon & Co. Samuel Wigton v Curry & Roseberi y • •J. Martin'sAdm'r. v Dougherty [lniekr] Overseers of Morris. v Ov'seers of , lyrone Irvin for Jones V Shipley's Ex. Sine v Same C. H. Lease & Co. 0 Jacob Drake Commonwealth v W Price & sureties Higgins& co. for use v Israel Griffins J...seph her .v John F. Lowry John Miller v D Goodfellow sadms Samuel Caldwell v It. Morris' Ex'rs. T. ?Amain. TTO RA' El .I 'T RUNTMODON, PA FIC , X-141 CS.3:I3bI2III3T.I.USIM E , jltormey at Law, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA Will practice in the sencrut eastri4(y Min Be, fort, and Cambrza cows ti-s. bwone,sentrusttel to kis care, will be foilNuliy attended to. Orrzeit.—lllatnutitt. Diseases of the Lungs and Dr eat, TESTIMONIALS. " 4 11.910. To TILE PUBLIC.— In accordance with the' prev•tiltng custom, and in order to sho a the virtues of this medicine mine fully, the full lowing certificates have been selected; and it is not our wish to trifle with the lives. or health of those afflicted, we sincerely pledge ourselves to make no assertions or " false statements" of its efficacy ; nor• will we hold out any hope to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant. The proofs ate here gir , •n—and we solicit an inquiry from the public into every case we pubdsh, and feel assured they will fiud it a medicine well deserving their patronage and confi dence. REMARKABLE CURES, Of all thecUres that ha yet been record ed, there are certainly none equa I to the 10w Mentioned, and they plainly show the curability of Consumption, teen in some of its worst forma: Let every man, woman and child read the following, and we are sure that it must satin- . ly all of the great virtues of the medicine. fU" Read the following from Dr. Jacob Hotlmam ,a physician of extensive practice in Huntingdon county : Dear procured one bottle of Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from Thomas Read, Esq. of this place, and tried it in a case of obstinate Asthma on a child of Paul Schweble, in which many other re me dies had been tried . without any relief. Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my opin ion the child is effectuelly cured - by its use. Yours, &c. JACOB HOFFMAN, M. D. Dec. 23, 1841. 'the case of Thomas Cozens is related by himself as fillloa4, and acknowledged by all who knew him to be one of Ow most astonishing and extraordinary cures ever performed : HADDONFIELD, N. J. / April 20, 1843. On or about the 13th of October, 1841, I was taken with a violent pain in the side aear the Liver, which continued about live days, and was followed by the breaking of tin ulcer, or something inwardly, which re lieved the pain a little, but caused me to throw up a great quantity of offensive mat ter and also much blood. Being greatly alarmed at this I applied to a physician, who said he thought he could do but little for me except give me some mercury pills which I refused to take feeling satisfied that they could do me no goal ; many other re medies were then procured by my wife and friends but none did me any good and the discharge of blood rod putrid corruption still continued every few days, and at the last it bscame so offensive that I could scarcely breathe. I was siso seized wills a violent c,ugh,which at timescaused me to raise much more blood than I had formerly done, and my disease continued in this way until Feb ruary, when all hopes of my recovery were given up, and my friends all thought that I would die of a galloping consuminion. At this moment when my life apparently was drawing near to its c1 , ,5e.1 heard of Wistar's 'BalsaM of Wild Cherry and got a •bottle which relieved me immediately, and by the use of only three botch s of this medicine, all my pains were removed, and my cough and spitting of Hood re-moved, and in a few days my health was IC, far restored as to en able work at my trade (which is that of a carpenter) and up to this time 1 enjoyed good health. THOMAS COZENS. WrrwEss.--I am acquainted with Thos Coz,ns and having seen him during his ill ness, I think his statement is entitled to full credit. SAM. U. BURROUGHS. GLOUCESTER COUNTY, SS. Appeared before me personally, and affirm ed according to law, on the 20th of April, 1843. J. CLEMEN t. 17 It is unnecessary to remind all who would get the true article, t to inquire partic nlarly for Dr. Wistar's ki,,isam of Wild Cherry." and take nothing else. • Unlirincipled dealers will tell you that th SYRUP of Wild Cherry, (irsoine tither cough . . --- medicine is qually as good. Rogartl them not—they onl, want vont MONEY ! Remem her. it is Wisuir's Balsam of Wild Cher ry" that not only relieve, hut cures ! Price one dollar Jeer bottle, or six for U. Fur sale only in Cincinnati, by • SANFORD & PARK, corner of Fourth and liainut. Alsn, fir' sale liy Thomas Read l Son, (whslesile and retail,) Huntingdon, and ( - )er, Ilallidaysburg. January 15, 1845.-6 m. FRENCH BURR MILL STONES, ,Sl./HE subscriber continues to manufac l&kure, in Harrisburg, French Burrs of all sizes, and of the very best quality, much c h,,aper than ever, and on very favorable terms. ittters addressed to him will receive the same prompt attention as if personal appli cation were made. W. H. KEPNER. Feb. 5, 1845.-9 n, EMmascndiaos.a... • • • . A. 3S. 131711allATICI•11, WOULD most respcctfully inform the citizens of Huntingdon, and the public in general,. that he has commenced the saddle and harness making business in all its varhius branches, in the shop former ly :occupied by Alex. M'Allister, deed., one door east of the "Pioneer Stage Stable" and directly opposite Houck's blacksmith shop, where he is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their patronage. He will constantly keep on hand liar:. ess, S'addles. Bridles, • &c. Repairing done on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms. By a strict attention to business he hopes to receive a Wirral share of .work. litintingclon,lll.ty 8, 1844. A. K. COHNTN, JITTOMITIETIA ILAIn HUNTINGDON, PA (Vice in Main &reef. two doors East of Mrs. J4l , .Contsell's Ten►prrarnee Itutese. COME THIS WAY! :::TM.170:77:1 4 Carriage OP a at if factory IZEIgIaY SIVZITH !pit OS intiolus;the 4344 of the borough epunt y (.1 Hooting. don, the public generally, mid his o.(1 trh•udc add customers in particular. that he L stin continues the Coach Making Illitfilneao in allits various ',much( sat his old stand,in' Main street in the boveugh of fluntio Oen nearly opposite the 'Journal' printing I Ere where be has constantly on hand evkty descriFtion Coaches, Carriages. " :C Bug gies, Sleighs' ..iaaisos Dearborn s, which he will sell low for cash or on yearns able terms. . . All kinds of work in his line made to or der, un the shortest notice, in a WORKMANLIKE MANNER And all kinds of repairing done %MI lie:A lm and despatch. • Country produce will be taken in exchange for wolk. . . . .„. Anv persons wishing to purchase are re spectfully invited to call rad examine and udge f4.themselves. Huntingdon 1%.0v. 29, 1843. Jewelry! Jewelry 11 Jewelry!! ......,. n,UST received, a stock • • gdP of the most niuguiti r v. ,,,_„ : " dent Jewelry re“ , evei: I v % . ,;C,•./ came up the 1 .ke. ',./a ti \ ti\ 41:c Consistin g of GOLD PAT . ".04.5 TENT LEVERS, Ladder' ~,- • 4 - 9 . 10' .. ,, , ,4. G 0 L D ANCHOR I.E -\ .. . - ' r VEIt S , full it Welled, ' SILVER PATFICT LEVERS, I:011ble kild sin g le cusetl,l-iit.vmt ANCHOR LEVER s full jeweled, double and single cased ENGLISH Vs ATCHICS, Itn'tation Levers, QUARTIER Mid l'ltElitli WATCHES, &C. &C. Also • Gold Fob Chains, mid 'Seas,. of the most fashionable pallet us.• Gold Pencils, Spectacles, Guard Chains, Rey's, Breacelets sett with topaz, Mvdalinns, ger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pius, sett with topaz, amethist,.&c. &c: Mineature Eases, Silk Purces, Coral Beads, Pocket Botksl4 Musical Boxes, Mathematical Instrumtlo, Silver SpeCtacles, Table ,Sp(a.hs, Tea and Salt Spoons, Sagal. Tongs, Lowcuds patent Silver Pencils, Razors cat the finest cfhality, , HENRY CLAY penknives, a superior• arti • de, Steel Pens, Spy Classes, Han• Brushes. Tooth Brushes, Plating Points, &c. &c. All - the above articles will be sold cheaper ihau ever heretofore. Clock and Watch repairing done as usdal, very cheap for cash. _ large . assortment of eight day and thir ty hour Clocks will be sold very cheat.. All watches sold will be warranted for one year, and a written guarrantee givt it. that it not found equal to warranty it will (intratt that period) beput in order without exptAst-,. or it injured, may lie exchanged fur any other watch of equal value. The warranty is considered void, should the watch, with which it is given, be put into the hands of another• watch maker. D. BUOY.. Huntingdon, April 10, 1844. i►tociariUe filounTirg. THE subscriber would respectfull% inform the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoin ing cianities, that he still continut s to car- IT nu business at the Rockdale Foundry, on Clover Creek, two miles from Williams burg, where he is prepared to execute all orders in his line, of the best materials and workmanship, and with promptness and de- / spatch. He will keep constantly on hand stoves of every description, such as • Cooking, Ten Plate, PARLOR, COAL, ROTARY, and WOOD STOVE:4 LIVINGSTON PLOUGES, Anvils, flollow Ware, and every kind of castings necessary for forges, mills or ma chinery of any description ; wagon boxes of all descriptions, Ecc., which can be had on as good terms as they can be had at any other foundry in the county or state. Remember the• Rockdale Foundry. U. Old metal taken in exchange far any castings. WILLIAM KENNEDY a 7 Mr. K. has recently purchased the pattent right of a cooking stove f r Hunting don county—the stove will be set up by him and warranted to the purchaser to be as vial as any in the State—orders furnished. July 17, 1844.—tf, Spanigh Elides ♦AD TANNEk's OILS, 2000 Dry Laplata Hides--first quality. 8500 Dry La Guira do: do. 3000 Dry Salted La Guira, do. 1000 Dry Salted Brazil Hides, do. 40 Bales‘Creen Salted Patna Kips 30 Bales dry Patna Kips. 120 BarrellsTaimer's Oil. Ta'mer's and Currier's Tools. For salse to the country Tanners - at tilde lowest prices and upon the best terms. N. B. All kinds of Leather wanted for wliich the highest paices will be paid in' Cash or in 'exchange for Hides, Kips & 0111 • D. KIRKPATRICK & St.NS, No. 21 South St/ Strre, Philadelphia. Oct. 9, 1844.---ly. HOTEL. No. 200 M Al? K ET STREET', (Above 6th Street) Philadelphia. BOARDING $l,OO PER DAY. ST HE subscriber, thankful for the libet al &Le support of his friends and the public generally, respectfully informs them that he still continues at the old, established Ithuse, where he will be pleased to accommodate allthose who favor him with their patronage. CHRISTIAN BROWER. Dec. 14,1842.—tf. ISAAC . . ATTORNEY AT LAW.--111IS removed tr. Huntingdon, with the intention of making it the place of his future residence, and wilt attend tosuch legal business as may he en rusted to him. Dec. 20, 1895. JLANK BONDS to Constables for Stay of Execution. the new law, just printed, and for sale, nt this office.