Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 16, 1845, Image 2

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..Oneeooritry:one eonetitution, one dealing."
L€Lz:tacvallmdlcm as
Wednesday morning, April 16, '45.
Tr.x..—A gentleman direct from Texas, in
forms the editor of the Natchez Free Trader, that
the Teal. Congress will accept the annexation
acheine almost unanimously.
Tea Loss or .s MAI t..—The New York Herald
says: "We have received information that the
entire mail whirls woo made up in this city on the
2tl of February, for Philadelphia, never reached
that city. We know of sonic money that was in
thin mail, and we suppose that thousands of dollars
were lost. This is the most extraordinary case of
mail loss, or mail robbery, that has yet come to our
notice. N ill the department examine into the
A NORTH C ROL' N A Bor.—We have just seen,
says the Raleigh Register, one of the greatest nat
ural curiosities of the day, viz: a child who will
not be eight years of ago until July next, and who
weighs 177 pounds!—more than the celebrated
Daniel Lambert weighed at the sonic age. Ho
measures round the waist 45 inches—round the
hips 47--the thighs 116—the knees 18—neck 173
—and his height is 4 feet 83 inches !
Since the first of this month the woods in differ
ent parts of our county have been on fire, and the
flames, fanned by very high winds, have spread with
great rapidity, destroying in their course a large
amount of young timber. In some parts, we un
derstand, Farmers and Iromnasters found it very
difficult to save their fences, wood, Ac.
Our exchanges throughout the State, give notices
of similar import.
A 11l NT TO PAPER MAKEns.—Letters are to be
weighed under the new postage law, and paper
makere will accommodate the public very much by
making their letter paper light. Will you be Bo
good ite to take this hint Mr. Papermaker
ix-riorrEntscr. TWO CINTUNIES AGO.—Two
hundred years ego, the vice of drunkenness was
oven more prevalent than it is now. In a discus
sion on the subject in the British Parliament, the
Bishop of Salisbury stated that in one street in
London a board was put up with the following in
scription: Vou may get drunk here lot one pen
ny—dead drunk for two-pence—and have clean
straw for nothing.!"
C - A young man applied for the benefit of the
bankrupt act, and upon being asked how much he
owed, he said he reckoned about 500,000, as he
saw they charged a man $lO for biasing a married
woman in Ohio, and if the price was as high here
(or kissing girls, he must be in deb. about half a
43:).• Avoid a man/ that's got much jaw. Re
member the more aterson talks the less he knows.
It's your lean geese hat's always cackling; not the
fat ones. Recolltict this, and avoid men that's got
the gift of gab,' as you would those tat have
the gift of mead..
had two daughters by the first wife, the eldest of
whom was 'parried to John Coshick ; this Coahick
had a duo' to by the lirstjwile whom old Harwood
married, ud by her he had a son,—therefore John
Coshick's second wife could say as follows
My father is my son, and i'm my mother's moth
er my sister is a daughter, and I'm grandmother to
toy brother,
cry Gov. Pratt, (of Maryland) has designated
the 27th of June next, as the day for the execution
of Henry M 'Curry. found guilty by the City Court
of the murder of Paul Roux, of Georgia, while
temporarily stopping in Baltimore.
A's 1,11 vn•LITT.--We hear it stated
that a Boston Printer has placed Five Hundred dol
lars at the disposal of the Principal of the Otis
School, for the Library for that institution.
Wsonzar or PoLurics.--A stout man is an
nounced by the chairman, to address a political as
oeinitlage ; he raises and commences:
" Mr. Chairman and Fellow-Citizens, ore you
all determined to suFport your candidates on Tues
day next?"
Cries of "we are, we ore!" Speaker, silting
down. "Then it will he widess fur me to say any
ORCOON.-A correspondent of the Salem Gaz
ette, writing from Oregon, under date of July last,
says that "beef is worth sfl per hundred, flour $4,
pork $1.2 50, lard and butter 20 eta, per pound, and
cheese the same." He adds, however, that " the
people of the Oregon country have the advantage
over the producing stales, viz: their stock are fed
wholly by pasture. They lunge the whole winter
and are never housed. There are acorns in abun
dance for the swine."
A company of emigrants, front Illinois and lowa,
purpose taking the line of march from blooming
ton on the 7th Mat., far Oreg.. The marching
distance from Missouri to the Oregon shore on the
Pacific, through in inloospitahle country, is not lees
than ':000 miles, and no army could not well ac
complish, it in Icsa than our months. The Rev.
Lira Fisher goes out with this company on a mis
sion under the patronage ot the American Baptist
Hume Mission Society.
Stop your earn while gossips and F l and erers
are F peaking of other+. Toko your fingers away
lo listen to the voice of fiteudly
From Me United States Gazette.
Texas and Disunion.
'IN hen the hot bloods of the South were anxious
to intimidate the North by threats of disunion, a
disunion which must have left them tut the mercy of !
their slaves, or to the defence of their repudiated i
friend., we felt it a ditty to place before our readers
their blustering threat., that the extent of their
folly in making such threats, or of their wickedness
in proposing such ends might be fully understood ;
and the Executive of the Union found his hands
strengthened in the legitimate exercise of the high
duties of his station in reference to this evidence of
treason, by the manly support of that party. in
whose defeat he was elected, and whose members
he treated with bitter injustice.
What is wrong in the South in regard to the
rights, dignity, and integrity of the notion, cannot
he right in the East; stud that which is treason and
rebellion in South Carolina, cannot detterve a much
more moderate designation its New York, or Massa.
chusetts. We, therefore, think it proper to give as
an evidence of some degree of public feeling; an
extract of a letter, written by Judge William Jay,
of New York, to Dr. H. J. Bowditch, of Boston,
in reply to a question put by the latter to the former.
whether he (Judge Joy,) still held the same opin
ion in regard to the duties of the North, in case of
the annexation of Texas.'
Judge Jay answers, and shews what he con
siders the duties of the North, in reference to the
annexation of Texas. He proceeds to stale that
the tariff of 1829 did not justify, either by its
ject or its form, the threats of ilisunion made by the
South ; but that the action of Congress, with refer
ence to Texas was, in object and in form, such a
clear violation of the Constitution, no to justify a
seperation of the free from the slave States, and he
VI. Dissolution must take place, and the soon
er the better.
"1. We are not hound to maintain the Union,
fos llie sake of the slaves. The morals and hap
pines, of our children and posterity ought to have
I more weight with us than the vain hope of libera
-1 ling the slaves who arc herenifer to people Texas,
California. Yucatan, &c.
" 2. It is far more probable that a continuance of
our present connection will enslave the North, than
that it will free the South.
"3. A seperation will more easily be effected
now, than when the relative strength of the South
shall have been greatly augmented. B ereafter we
shall be as serfs rebelling against their lords. Now,
if the North please, we may dissolve the Union,
without spilling a drop of blood—who will hazard
the opinion that this may he done forty years bet ice!
" 4. How a dissolution is to be effecied—how a
new confederacy is to be formed—what States shall
compose it—are questions which time alone can
solve. Let us avoid as wholly unnescessary as in
excusable, any resort to chysical force.
. . . . . . . .
" 5. The South has immolated the Constitution
on the altar of slavery and was ready, if necessary,
to offer up the Union itselfto the same bloody fiend.
Remember Mr. Rhett's 'Texan with or without the
Union.' Remember the resolution passed at the
mass meeting at Beaufort, South Carolina, in 1844.
If we are not permitted to bring Texas into our
Union peacefully and legitamately, as now we may,
then we solemnly announce to the world that we
will dissolve the Union sooner than abandon Tex
as.' I'his certainly has been a very general feel
ing among the slave holders, and we are thus warn
ed that the Union can only be maintained as an
auxiliary to human bondage.
" VIII. Present duties of the North.
I. 'Po regard the constitutional provisions rel
ative to future slaves as utterly revoked and abol
2. To punish every individual, whatever may
he his office or condition, who may have any agen
cy whatever in the apprehension or surrender of a
"3. To punish every person who, within our
territory, may exercise by deed, mortgage, or other
wise, any authority over slave property.
..4 Whenever any of our colored citizens are
imprisoned in the South on account of their com
plexion, to seize an adequate number of the citi
zens of the State committing the outrage, who may
be found on our soil, and to hold them as hostages
for the liberation and full compensation of said
colored citizens.
05. To petition Congress and the State Legisla
tures to take measures for the amicable dissolution
of the Union.
Thus, sir, I have given you a brief outline of
my views on this monstrous subject. I could have
fortified my assertions by a numerous array of facts
and quotations. but I have not time. On conver
sing with others, I have been surprised to find how
many agree with me in opinion. From all I see
and hear, I am convinced the late Congress
has given the Union its death-blow. It may lan
guish for n while, but its fate is sealed. I can make
great allowances for the slaveholders. They have
acted under the pressure of supposed pecuniary in
terest—in accordance, NO far as relates to the main
tainnnee of slavery, with the habits and principles
of their ancestors, and for the most part with the
teachings of their spiritual guides. But what can
he said to extenuate the turpitude of our northern
Democrats I To the Moneta of history—of their
own consciences, end of their God, I leave them.
I am. dear sir,
Yours, very respectfully,
11. I. Bow nyrrn, M. D.
The Hon. Mr. Jay speaks only for himself, we
suppose, but as he is made to speak through a most
respectable Whig paper, and as thousands hold
opinions with him, as it regards the inexpedience
and injustice of immediate annexation, we think
proper to say, that en far as our knowledge extends,
, no real Whig thinks of proposing or aiding
lotion, as a remedy or a revenge. Wrong as the
annexation may be, it cannot justify such a wrong;
and the high minded and the puro higs of the
middle and eastern States will be cautious how
they bring upon themselves, nr their principles, the
; odium of any proposition, that includes as a means
or end, the dissolution of the union of these States.
It is possible ti.tat the offence of disunion may
come; It is possible that the high-handed measures
of a part of the South, and their insulting tone and
conduct, may lead to such a terrible result, but woe
In them by whom it comes. Let the whigs have
no part nor lot in the measure. If driven by others
to experience such dreaded and condemned results,
let them not be chargeable with the initiation them
of. As citizens and men, they will understand how
to mitigate to themselves the evils, and make firm
and permanent as a substantive nation nation, that
which may fall to them by a rupture or excision.
They Will know how to profit by the repudiation of
the °Minding limb, but they will neither propose,
nor Function the operation.
Let as hear nothing of thermion, or rather of the
approval of disunion, by Whigs. If men whose
votes sanctioned and secured annexation, see pro
per to talk about disunion, or those who think the
United Stales made for them nnd their slnvee, choose
to threaten dissolution on account of revenue laws,
upon them be the consequences. The Whigs, wills
a knowledge that the latter laws ore wholesome
and right, will stand by the Union; and with the
consciousness that annexation was wrong, will still'
adhere to, and maintain the Union. Nothing shall
drive them from their attatchment to right. There
is yet time to defeat annexation, but disunion has
no remedy.
We ought to say that the Boston Atlas, in which
we find Mr. Jay's letter, gives no sanction or appro
val to its statements.
Highly important from Texas.---Re
ception of the Annexation Resoln
tions---Great Rejoicing.
We haven supply of papers by a recent arrival
from Texas up to the 25th ult., and we find they
are filled with rejoicing at the passage of the an
nexation resolutions by the 'United States Con
gress. The citizens of both Galveston and Hous
ton testified the liveliest joy immediately on the re
ception of the news, a fact which proves what the
journals of that country have always asserted, that
the people are strongly in favor of the project, how
ever much the prominent politicians are opposed to
it. It is from the latter that the only opposition to
the measure is to be found. The vessels in the
harbor at Galveston displayed the star-spangled
Banner and the Lone Star in unison from their
masts; one hundred guns were fired in honor of
the event, and an illumination of the city was
agreed upon with the greatest unanimity. A pub
lic meeting was convened, at which Gen. Memu
cm Hugt presided. A preamble and resolutions
expressive of the joy of the people at the prospect
of becoming once more citizens of the 'United
States, were drawn up and passed without dissent
from any person present.
A !committee was appointed to address the in
habitants of Texas upon the great event, and every
thing indicated a unanimity and fervor of popular
sentiment in favor of Annexation, which we had
scarcely anticipated from the rumors that have
reached us of late from that country. It was also
requested, by special resolution, lot President Jones
to call an extra session of Congress for the purpose
of ascertaining the will of the people in respect to
annexation. At Houston there wee the came evi
dence of gratification. I was hailed with a burst of
enthusiasm by the citizens that has never :seen ex
ceeded. The news of the victorious battle of San
Jacinto scarcely excited such general and enthusi
astic rejoicing, the sound of the drum and other
musical instruments, the roar of the cannon and the
loud shouts of the multitude, resounding long after
midnight. It is thought a favorable indication on
the part of President Jones that he should hays ap
pointed the Hon. David S. Kauffman, an ardent
friend of annexation, as Charge d'AtTairs to the
'United States.
Pottstown Tarriffite of the tat inat, states than on
Saturday evening Mr. Roderutr, the Tax Collec
tor of North Coventry township, Cheater county,
was attacked on his way home, near the hose of
Mr. Hallman, in the county above mentioned, by
two persons, who without form or ceremony com
menced beating hint with clubs. Mr. R. at this
treatment, attempted to defend himself, whereupon
he was stabbed by one of his assailants. He then
resisted no longer, but gave himself up to his ene
mies, who ritledlis pockets of about eighty dollars,
and then immediately took their departure. It is
supposed that the persons who are guilty of this
mean, In., vile and wicked act, to say the least of
it, reside in the county, and were known to Mr. It.,
as each of them had a covering over his face, and
spoke not a word during the transaction.
ROUT TO Guisi..—The Missouri Reporter soya :
"In a letter written by Mr. Jefferson, soon after the
purchase of Lousiany, that distinguished states
man pointed out the practicability of n route to
China over the Western prairies !to the ' Pacific.—
This magnificent idea, based on the remarkable fore
cast of that wonderful man, has been revamped re
peatedly since by other persons and palmed off as
original with themselves. That such a route will
be established at some day not far distant, recent
events authorize us to believe most sincerely.'
THE MIRSING PACKETS. -There is scarcely the
shadow of a hope lingering in any breast, that the
long missing packets, United states, Normandie,
and England, will ever return. They do'bbtless
went down in the dreadful gale of December llth.
Every navigator who hos spoken of it, describes it
as terrific in the extreme. The last accounts is
from the Fracis Lord, Captain Gladden, which mi
raculously escaped destruction. The narrator prior
to his description of the perils and suffering of the
voyage, says the gale was most terrific, such as he
never experienced, although a wafarer of the deep
for many years. The storm king on that dreadful
day hurled to destruction. ninny a good lull ship,
and gorged hilmell with human life.
Sirwrr IN Tire an. STOIIMS.—PeopIe are of
ten led to inquire what are the best means of safety
during a thunder storm. If out of doors, we should
avoid trees and elevated objects of every kind and
if the flash is instantly followed by the report, which
indicates that the cloud is very near, a recumbent
position is considered the safest. We should avoid
rivers, ponds, and all streams of water, because
water le a conductor, and on water in a boat, would
be most prominent objects, and therefore most likely
to be struck by lightning. If we are within doors,
the middle of a large carpeted floor will be tolerably
safe. We should avoid a chimney, for the iron a
bout the grate, the soot that often line. it, and the
heated and clarified air it contains, are tolerably
good conductors; and should on that account be a
voided. It is never safe to sit near an open win
dow because a draught of moist air is a good con
ductor; hence we should close the window on such
occasions. In bed we are comparatively safe, for
the feathers and blankets are bad conductors, and we
are to a certain Went insured in such a ricuation•
Cor,orpoodonre tf Me New York Trittine.
TRIAL Or 11013 GU/TON Dig
Thunder,') CONCLUDED--- NO
HUDSON, March 30, 1845.
The trial of Smith A. Boughton, or Big Thun
der,' was concluded on Friday night, and on Sat
urday morning Mr. Joonix, counsel for the pris
oner, commenced summing up. He spoke about
five hours; and, in his able, argumentative and elm
qacht address to the jury, recapitulated the °vi
de.° which went to show that the Sheriff was
robbed of his papers by arrangement, and that
Big Thunder at Copake was not Dr. Boughton,
convinced many who heard and no doubt several
of the jurors, that the Sheriff was about as much
to blame in the transaction as the prisons, if not
The Attorney General, Joaw VAN Bon., t eq.,
summed up on the pert of the prisioner, end spoke
from 4 o'clock to 6, (the hour of recess) anti from
the assembling of the court at 7 o'clock until near•
ly 10 o'clock, P. M. Considerable interest was
felt in Mr. Van Duren's maiden effort in the coon•
ty of his birth, and the court room was crowded to
its /Moat capacity by the ladies and gentlemen of'
the city and surrounding towns. All were agreea
bly disappointed, ns the speaker acquitted himself
in a manner that did high credit to himself and the
classical soil of old Columbia, that has furnished
the State and the nation with so many great men.
'fire Judge(Parker) commenced his charge to the
Jury about 10 o'clock P. M., which occupied about
half an hour. 'fire charge was an able one, and
was well calculated to prepare the minds of the
jury to convict the prisoner. The jury retired ine
mediately after the charge by the judge, and had
not agreed on a verdict at nine o'clock this morn
ing. In all probability they will not agree. I un
derstand that eight of them stand out for conviction
and four for acquittal. The four are residents of
the 'infected districts.' The numerous other in
dictments against Boughton and Belden, and the
other .Indian' anti-renters, have been laid over to
the next term of the Circut Court.
Yours. B.
P. S. The Court met this (Sunday) evening at
10 o'clock, r.nd the jury came in and announced
that they could not agree. The Judge called upon
each juror seperately, and every man exprtssed his
conviction that if they were kept tegether for a
year they would not be able to agree upon a verdict,
and thentthey were discharged. Eight for acquit
and four for conviction. Two were willing to a
gree either for acquital or conviction.
Protest of Mexico lirainst Annex-
The Washington correspondent of the Evening
Post has procured from a member of the Diplo
matic corpse at Washington (to whom it was offici
ally communicated) a copy of the formal Protest of
Col Almonte, Mexican Plenipotentiary, against the
passage of the Texas Resolution. The following
is the Post's translation. It will be seen that the
reports that Almonte had used hush language,
threatened an appeal to the people of the United
States, &c. were entirely unfounded:
The undersigned, &. &c. has the honor to ad
dress the Hon. John C. Calhoun, &c. &c. for the
purpose of making known to him the profound re
great with which he has seen that the General Con
gress of the Union has poured a law consenting to
and fulminating into the Amen can confederation
the Mexican province of Texas,
The undersigned had flattered himself that in
this question the good sense and sound opinions of
the citizens most distinguished and experienced in
the management of public affairs in this Republic
would have prevailed in the deliberations of the le
gislative body, and of the Union, but unfortunately
this hoe not been the case, and, contrary to his hopes
and most sincere wish., ho sees consumated by the
American Government an act of aggression the
most unjust which can be recalled in the annals of
modern history, such as the spoilation of a friendly
nation, like Mexico, of a considerable part of her
For these reason,. the undersigned, in fulfilment
of his instructions finds himself obliged to protest,
as he does accordingly protest, in the most solemn
manner in the name of his Government against the
law parsed on the 28th of last month, try the General
Congress of the United States, and sanctioned on
the first of the present month by the President of
the said States, by which the province of Texas, an
integral part of the Mexican territory is allowed to
be admitted into the American Union.
The undersigned, in like manner, declares that
the aforesaid law can in no manner invalidate the
right which the Mexican nation possesses to recover
the aforesaid province of Texas, of which she is
now unjustly despoiled, and which right she will
sustain and enforce at all times, by whatever means
are in her power.
'fire undersigned will say in conclusion to the
Hon Secretary of State of the United States, in
order that he may be pleased to inform the Presi
dent of the said States of the same, that in con
sequence of the law against which he has just pro
tested, his mission to this Government is termina
ted from to-day. Consequently the undersigned
requests the lion• Secretary of State to he pleased
to send hint his passports, as he has arranged to
quie this city as soon as possible for New York.
The undersigned, &e. )Signed.)
Washington, oth March, 1845.
The Lost Treasure Ship.
The Baltimore correspondent of the New York
Courier, writes that there has been letters received
by the arrival of the ship Constitution, from those
connected with the San Pedro expedition, who
went out to the coast of the Spanish Main to raise
the Spanish man-of-war San Pedro, sunk on the
coast about fifty years ago, having on board about
$2,000,000 in specie bullion and other materials.
They have succeed in getting up an anchor, some
brass cannon, and several dollars in silver. One of
the dollars was imbedded in the timbers of the yes.
sal about four inches, caused, as is presumed, by an
explosion of magazine which sunk the ship. The
stockholders are in high spirits, and refuse $lOOO
per share for the stock which originally cost $lOO.
A corpse recently disentered at the Church of
St. Berthier,Quebec, has been found to be petrified.
An oyster shell is exhibiting in Boston, which is
recently from one of the South Pacific Islands.—
It weighs 60} lbs. is 29i inches long, and is 201
inciter across.
l'carful IliEaster.,
The Steamer Swallow, left Albany at 6 o'clock
on Monday evening, with two or three other boats,
to come directly thee ugh to Now York. She had
on board a large number of passengers, probably
three hundred and fifty in all. When passing thro'
the narrow chatter at Athena, she ran upon a largd
rock, called the Brig." The bow ran up so high
that it woo impossible to stand upon .the deck. The
keel broke, and the stern bent upwards, and still
went down so much that in three minutes the two
cabins were full of water. The scene among the
passengers may be imagined. It was 9 o'clock in
the evening, and very few of them were in their
berths. The upper poet of the boat noon took fire,
which increased the alarm.
The evening was very dark, and the wind blow
ing fresh at the time the boat struck. Fortunately
the Rochester, Capt. Cruttenden, was but a few
bout's length ahead, but by the time she Succeeded
in rounding to and reaching the swallow, the water
ivss up to the top of the ladies' cabin.
'rho passengers were taken off by Capt. Crußen
der), but so short was the interval from the time the
Swallow struck till she went down, that it is im
possible to say how many lives were lost.
The following letter contains full particulars of
this fearful accident:
STEAMER liocuEsTin, Tuesday, 3 A. MT.
My Dear Friend--You may value a few lines,
from sot eye witness, descriptive of the terrible ac
cident which befel the Swallow last evening. At
about 8 o'clock, when going at a rapid rate, the boat
struck on a smelt rock island abreust the town of
Athena and city of Hudson. I was sitting in the
upper saloon in conversation. At the first severe
shock the passengers rushed below, but their fears
were calmed for n moment by the outcry that we
hod only come in contact with n raft.
But our ears were speedily assailed by the appal
ling sounds of the rending of timbers, and the evi
dent destruction of the boat; while the stern settled
with frightful rapidity. Those who hod "turned
in," in the after cabin, had barely time to leap from
their berths before the water was upon them. You
can imagine the horrors of the scene at this mo
ment, when more than three hundred souls were
thus exposed in the midst of falling snow and al
most utter darkness. As the water reached the boi
ler fires, a sheet of mingled steam, smoke and flame
poured into the boat, illuminating the ghastly coun
tenances with a sudden glare of vivid light, and
completing the consternation. The conviction that
the curse of fire was to be added to our other immi
nent perils, efirlied the resolution of the stoutest
hearts, But the rapid sinking of the boat extin
guished the fires, and all was darkness again.
In'less than five minutes, by the blessing of God,
the stern rested on the bottom, the water being
above the windows of the aft saloon state rooms.
Several females were drawn out of state rooms by
dashing in the windows; two almost exhausted—
one very aged, and now lying on board this boat in
a precarious situation—were taken from the ladies'
cabin by cutting through the floor. They had sus
tained themselves on settees, with only a few inches
of breathing room for their faces.
The how had been forced high and dry upon the
rock, and the boat, split open amidships, was left
rising almost perpendicularly upward. covered with
anxious beings clinging to the bulwarks. The re
mainder of the passengers were sadly grouped on
the forward upper deck, ninny bewailing the absence
of dear companions and actuated by the most dread•
ful apprehensions for their fate. this time the alarm had been thoroughly corn- j
municated to the shore on either aide. The bells
of the churches began to ring, and the river was
soon covered with torches, waving in the fleet of
boats that put off to our assistance : while the llo
cheater, which had found it difficult to get to us, and
the Express, which had now come up, were gradu
ally approaching alongside. The sound of the bells
pealing on the air, the shouts of those in the boot,
the light of the weaving torches, and the wailing
grief of many on the wreck, constituted features of
a most impressive scene.
In the course of an hour all were taken off who
remained in the Rochester, the past scenting like a
terrible dream. lam approaching the city. liens
scarcely be but that several ore lest. Many leaped
immediately overboard in that frenzy of mind which
precluded the power of self-preservation in the wa
ter. The doors of most of the state rooms were an
sprung at once as to be immoveable, arid examina
tion will probably discover the dead within some of
them. I can scarcely hope otherwise.
The boat is a complete wreck. It was a mourn
ful sight as we cast off from her side. The captain
behaved nobly--calming fears, and making his voice
heard every where in advice, with the most thor
ough judgment and self-possession. The baggage
is almost all deep under water, and will be recover
ed only In a damaged state.
Our hearty thanks are due to the officers of the
Rochester end Express, for their prompt assistance,
and untiring assiduity to saveevery thing that hand
could be lain on.
Friends in the Rochester tell me that the yell of
a gong, as they described it, which came to their
ears from the sinking boat, was of a character never
to be forgotten.
N. B.—The apprehensions of loss of life which
I have expressed above, are fully realized. Several
females were seen to be washed off by the water,
as it rose above the guards, and all, it is thought,
could hot have escaped from the cabin. Several on
board our boat have nothing but their night dresses.
NVe glean some additional particulars from the
New York papers of last evening. Instead of there
being three lives lost, there are seven, at least, and
probably many more. Si: bodies of females were
token from the wreck on Tuesday, and the follow
ing recognized—Mrs. Briggs, Mrs. and Miss Wood,
and Mrs. Colton, of 'l'roy, whose husband come
down On hearing the news of the disaster, and was
present when the body of his wife was discovered.
A Mr. Gibson, who was on board with his wife,
had en far looked for her in vain. A gentleman of
Albany, was at the wreck also, in search of his two
A rumor prevails that a young lady, a niece of
Joseph C. }leant, Esq., of Troy expired with fright,
after safely reaching the shore.
The eh - mho maid of the boat says she was the
last who left the ladies' cabin, and at that time all
the ladies hod left it. Mr. Earnest, of Cooperstown,
a passenger, was sitting near the ladies' cabin when
the boat struck, He went aft and the word was
given out, "all safe:"—immediately after the cry
woe, it come forward," and all rushed forward in
one confused mass. Again the word was given "go
aft," and the passengers moved from the bow of
the boat, but were arrested by flames issuing from
the furnace rooms, near the boilers, which happily
prevented many from obeying the order, as thou,
who were forward were all saved.
The tide ebbs and flown into the boat, and the
water, even at low tide. being at considerable depth
it in difficult to grapple for their bodice.
Some who jumped overboard bad a very narrow
eater , . Mire Cornelia Platt, a young lady of De.
troit, who was on her way to Now York, under 1};o
charge of Mr. C. H. Hicks, of that city, left the f, e p t
on a settee, and woo taken up a short distance
low, nearly exhausted. Mr. Hicks, when he went
over, had his overcoat on, but finding that hecould
not do anything with it on, end it requiring great
exertion to keep the settee up straight, he succeeded
in getting it otf—the coat was found nearly fivo
miles below ; in one of the pockets was a draft for
a considerable amount. . .
A gentleman of Detroit, nained Hurst, having a
hag containing $l5OO to gold, jumped overhead
with the brig upon his arm, but soon was obliged to
let it go. He wog only saved by having fortunately
grasped a narrow strip of board, as he jumped.—
Close after hint came another man, claiming the
board, with curses and imprecations. Ashe shred:
out from the boat he almost immediately went down,
grasping the possessor of the board /7 the foot,-
He however ieleased himself with great difficulty,
and was saved.
From the beat estimates at which we have been,
enabled to arrive, there were on board the HwalloVr, ,
at the time of the accident, not for from three hun
dred souls. Ninety-four were rescued by the His
cheater, about forty by the Express, and a number
of others, (how many we could net learn.) went tip•
to Albany on the Utica and Robert L. Stevens.
A "Rumen" OFFICE B.l(Am—A correspon
dent at Washington furnishes the Knickerbocker
with the following laughable sketch :
" Dickens might draw some laughable earicattheo
from the live specimens of office hunters now on
hand here. The new President has jest advised
them all to go home and leave their papers behind ,
them, and such a scattering you never saw !. One
fellow come hero from Illinois, who was introduced:
to a wag, who he was told, had great influence
court, and who, although destitute of any such Ore
tentions, kept up the delusion far the rake of' the
joke. _ . _
The sucker addressed the man of influence 'Ono—
thing on this wise: "Now,atranger, look at them
papers. Them mutes is the fuel in our
There's Deacon Stiles; these aint a plower a Man
in all the country; and there's John Rogers, our
shoe maker; he mode them boota,antl a beiter pair
never tramped over these diggina. You wonldn't ,
think them soles had walked three hundred miles of
Hoosier mud, but they have though they are sound'
yet. Everybody in our town knows John Rogers r
just you go to Illinois and ask him about me. ychelli
find out how I stand. Then you ask Jim Tastier,
our constable, what I did for the party ; he'll tell ,
you I was a screamer at the polls. Now I've co,no
all the way front Illinois, and on foot too, most of
the way to see if I can have justice. They wanted!
me to take a town office at home, but I must hay° a
something that pays beforehand; such as them ,
charges as they call 'em. haint got but seven ,
dollars lea. and can't wait; just get me one of them ,
charges, will ye ? 'roll the old man how 't is—
hell do it. Fact is, he must: I've eirnt the office ;:
d—d if I
ton Post, alluding to the' extensive production of
cotton, says that the great staple will be still further
increased by the acquisition of Texas. The Able
Senator from Arkansas—Mr. A shley—sair.! l in a
speech to the Senate. at its late session, after allu
ding to the tide of emigration which was pouring
into Texas through his State, Five years would
not pass'iliihry before Texas would be Ode to grow
cotton enough to supply the whole world. Why.
little Arkansas, with her population 0! 1 122,000,
possessed cotton enough to supply two such worlds..
That little State alone could produce double the
quantity of all the cotton now raised in the United
States. 'Po accomplish this would require but four
millions of acres, and the State had from ten to
fifteen millions of good land for the production of
cotton." If that article is worth but six cents now,,
ouch an addition to the productive power would re—
duce its value to a very low point. The annuall
report of Mr. Ellsworth estimates 872,207,000 1b...
of cotton to have been grown last year.
A Serious kiie at Towanda,
A desrructive fire occured at Towanda, Pa., ow
Monday before lost, which destroyed several very
valuable buildings on the northwest corner of the
public square. The fire broke out in the Eagle
Hotel, which was entirely consumed, together with ,
all the buildings on the North and South to the
value of $16,000. The whole square West' et'
Main street, and between Poplar and State, is ono
heap of ruins. The buildings were mostly frame..
the larger portion of the property belonged. toilio
Towanda bank. Messrs. C. L Ward and J.•Elliota
also suffered severely.
A Suicide,
We learn that Frederick E. Daily, Esq. who hag
lately been appointed Deputy Prosecuting Attor
ney, for York county Pa., committed suicide on•
Monday, by hanging himself, under the following
singular circumstance.. On bringing in first in. ,
dictment to the Court a small error was discovered•
and of which he was informed by the Judge, when
ouch was his mortification, that he went home, and
won discovered a short time after suspended by the
neck, entirely dead. Mr. Bailey was highly re
spected by all who knew him, and his death hes
thrown gloom over the entire neighborhood.
An Awful Suicide.
Charles J. Cone, a Journeyman hatter in Dan
hurry, Ct,. was found dead in the shop in the morn
ing, sitting upright in a chair. A piece 8f opium
was taken from his stomach as large as a walnut.
He had evidently been suffering from an attack or
delirium tremens. A manuscript was found in his
possesion filled with horrible and impious ravings.
But the direct agency in producing this dreadful
result stands out by his own confession, in letters
of fire This is the cause of drink—ever since
my last spree I have been in trouble and cannot
A fire occurred in Pittsburg last week, which de
stroyed about one third of the city. Passengers in
the Packets report that twenty-four squares of
building. have been reduced to ashea. The fire
commenced near the Monongahela Bridge, and the
most commercial and manufacturing portion of the
city is destroyed. Vs a have not received a paper
from Pittsburg since the occUrrence of the fire, and
therefore cannot give further particulars at pres
j Character is a phoenix which cau expire but
once--from it's ashes there is no resurrection.
rry'Religion ie e man Fringing to hie Makir the
fruits of hie heart.