Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 26, 1845, Image 4

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111 Y virtue of sundry Fit- of Levari
Ruins and Veild:lioni .Exponas,
issued out of the Court of COMIMIII Pleas
of Huntingdon county, and to me direc
ted, will be exposed to public sale, ht the
Court house in the borough of Hunting
don,. on Monday the 14 , 11 day of April,
1845, (and from day to day until sold)
the following property, viz:
All that certain frame cooper shop, one
and a halt stories high, situate on the turn
pike road leading from Hollidaysburg to
Ebensburg, fronting on said road 40 feet
and extending back 30 feet, in the Own
of Duncansville, in the county of Hunt
ingdon, and the lot or piece of ground and
cut tilege appurtenant.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Philip Befirner,
owner or reputed owner and contractor,
at suit of Benj nolo Nugent.
All that certain two story building sit
uate on a lot of ground in the town of
tirayaville, in Franklin township, in the
county of Huntingdon, adjoining lands of
Ewing and Travis,containing one acre and
one eighth of an acre of g round—said
building being a fratne house 3 feet in front
extending back 20 feet, with a kitchen and
thereto attached 12 by 15 feet, with the
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of John Stover, at the
suit of John D. Bell.
All those two certain inlots of ground
situate ou Allegheny street, in the born'
of Hollidaysburg, Huntingdon county,
and known in the general plan of said bo
rough by the numbers 8 and 9, and also
the eastern half of lot number 10, adjoin
ing said Int number 9, with all the houses,
buildings and messuages thereon erected,
with the privileges and appurtenances
thereunto belonging, or in any wise apper
taining—being the same premises purchas
ed by defendant from John Irwin—see re
cord Book Y., page 693, &c.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the propert y of Dr. James C'oJ'ee,
at suit of Thomas ‘Vhite, Esq.
A certain tract of land called 4. Flower
Field," situate on the Little Aughwick
Cree!:, in Springfield township, in the
county of Huntingdon, containing 2231
acres and allowance, &c.—being the Caine
premise: , which James Hunter and wife by
deed dated 13 , 11 March, 1839, granted and
conveyed to William Pollock, the defen
dant. —together with all the hereditaments
and appurignances.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of William Pollock,
with notice to Jacob E. Bare and Thomas
Ashton, terre tenants—at suit of James
Hunter, Esq.
A tract of land situate in the township
of Walker, Huntingdon county, contain•
ing 200 acres, be the same more or less,
adjoining lands of John Anderson, Widow
Heffner, James Dean, and Jacob Heffner,
about 75 acres of which are cleared, with
a cabin house, a hewed lug barn, and a
small apple orchard thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Wray Maize,
_ .
All that certain lot of ground situate
in the new town plot of the borough of
Ilollidayshurg,situate on the southerly side
oh Blair str't, being 60 feet in front on said
street and extending back at right angles
to the same 174 feet on the westernly and
188 feet on the easternly side of said lot
to Mulberry street—being lot number 118
in said new town plot—having thereon
erected a two story brick dwelling house,
with convenient out buildings.
Seized— taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Michael C. Garber.
A certain lot or piece of ground in the
town of Gaysport, Huntingdon county,
fronting 60 leet on the northerly side of
the 'turnpike road and extending back to
land of John M'Cahan, about ' 9O feet,
bounded no the west by a lot of James
Fream and on the east by Eli Voter, hay•
ing a two story frame dwelling house
thereon erected, now occupied by defend
ant—and another dwelling house (flame
also) nov leased to Owin Tate, and a
frame stable.
Seized —taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of David Tate, Esq.,
defendant in a judgment with John Boos
laugh and J. C. Betts.
. •
All that certain lot of ground situate on
the north side of the Turnpike Road in the
borough of Frankstown, fronting 50 feet
on the said road and running hark at right
angles to same 160 feet, bounded on the
east by an alley and on the west by a lot
owned by Denlinger & Brua—having a
two story log dwelling house, a two story
frame dwelling house and a frame stable
Seized—taken in execution, and to be
Fold as the property Or Daniel Hileman,
ro•defendant, in a judgment with Stephen
Hammond, at suit of Jacob Garman.
All that tract or parcel of land in Alle•
gimpy tp., containing about 575 acres, be
the same more or less, about 275 acres, of
which are cleared and eultivated. The
said land is now used and tenanted as two
pa rate faring, end being the remaining
part or residue of the real estate now
owned by Bernard O'Friel's heirs—said
land is good limestone and is bounded en
the east by lands of Adam Black, on the
west by Aaron Burns' heirs, on the north
by George Cowen, and on the south by
Alexander Dysart—having Cher coo erec•
ir.l i.o farm dwelling houses and two
wails, Ste.
Seizcil —taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of ."ernfird
deceased--now in the I ands of his Exe
cutors. The interest of Dr. Charles
Friel, one of the heirs of B. D'Eriel, de
ceased, in and to the foregoing mentioned
land will be sold at saute time, providing
the whole of said est lie be nut sold.
A lot or piece of ground situate on the
corner of Walnut street and short alley
nt the borough of Hollidaysburg, Ilunt
ingdon county, lrotring 40 legit on said
Walnut street and extending back at right
angles to saute along short alley 180 feet
—having thereon erected a double stone
house, two stories high, fronting on Wal
nut street, and a row of small stone bud
dings fronting on said short alley. .
Seized—taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property tifJolitt Mahoney.
Al SO,
_ .
All those two lots of round in Gays
port, El untiNdon county, on the east side
of Basin street 180 feet in front, and ex
tending at right angles 120 feet along
Pennsylvania street, and thence at right
angles to Porter's alley mid along said
alley 120 leet to Basin street, as laid out
on the ground and marked Nos. 82 and
83, in the general plan of said town.
beizedZ•taketi in execution, and to be
sold as the property of H. &imer Heth
erington, by virtue of a judgment, our
mortgage recorded in mortgage book, No.
1--page 133. _ _
All the right, title and interest of Geo.
Baughman in and to the eastern half part
of Lot No. 229 in the new town plot of
the borough of Hollidaysburg, fronting on
Blau• street 30 feet and extending back at
right angles to the same 162 feet to Hose
Alley—having thereon erected a two sto
ry frame dwelling house, fronting on said
Blair street.
Seized —taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Geo. liaughman.
A/, SO,
A certain tract of land containing 130
acres more or less, situate in A legheny tp.
Huntingdon county, adjoining lands of
Jacob Miller, Abraham Beahl, Elks Ba
ker & Cu. and Henry Glass, having about
50 acres of cleared land and a logdwell
ing house and a log barn thereon.
Also—Lot numbered 150 in the plan of
the town of Hollidaysburg, fronting 58
feet on the north side of Juniata street and
extending back 160 feet to Bank Alley--
having thereon erected a three story brick
tavern house and a large frame stable.
Seized—taken in execution, and to be
sold us the property of Jai. R. Johnston.
. .
All that piece or parcel of ground con
taining about 2 acres, be the same more or
less, lying between the Allegheny Portage
Rail Road and the Turnpike Road, in Al.
legheny township, bounded on the west by
Bell & Higgins and on the east by B. Nu
gent, south by said Rail Road and north
by said Turnpike—having thereon erected
a large stone dwelling house and three log
Seized—taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property ot William Keller.
911 that certain tract of land situate in
the township of Barree, Huntingdon coun
ty, containing 250 acres, be the same more
or less, about 150 of which are cleared
and cultivated, adjoining lands of Samuel
Barr, Robert Barr, Hugh Smith, lames
Stewart and Samuel Stewart—•havin
2 two story frame houses, a double log
barn and a good saw-mill thereon erected.
Seized—taken in execution, and to tie
sold as the property or David Barr, with
notice to Thomas Oshourne, terre tenant.
Lot No. 4, in the town of Gaysport, in
the county of Huntingdon, fronting 00
feet on the northerly side of the Turnpike
Road and extending back to the Juniata
River, bounded on the west ny a lot late
01 John Bouslough, now of Dr. P. Shoen
berger, and on tl e east by a lot claimed by
the defendant—having thereon erected a
two story brick dwelling house and a
frame stable.
Seized—taken in execution, and to be
sole as the property of Peter Boyle.
A Lso,
All that certain lot of ground, situate
on the north eastern corner of Alleghe
ny and Wayne streets in the borough of
Hollidaysburg, fronting 60 feet on the
southern side of Allegheny street and ex.
teuding back along Wayne street 180 feet
to an alley, having thereon elected three
small frame houses one story and a hall
and two stories high.
Seized—taken in execution, and to be
sold as the priyerty of Parin I'. Hamil
ton, with notice to Ann Hamilton, terse
All the right, title and interest of Doug•
lass Witty, in and to all that tract or piece
or parcel of land purchased by him from
James Shorthill, by article of agreement,
situate in the township of H enderson,
containing 50 acres or thereabouts, anjoin
ing other lands of James Shorthill, land
now of David Cunningham and others--
about 20 acres of which are cleared and
a log dwelling house and small barn there
on erected,
Sized—taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Douglass 'Pray.
A lot or parcel of land in liarree town.
slitp,lllitilingdon coo iity .containing about
one acre, be the SUMP more or less—bay
ing a frame dwelling house thereon erect
ed. Said land adjoins lands of William
Hays, William Porter and Win. Mo.,,ee,
. .
geized--taken in execution, and to be
sold a . the 1 ,, onerty of \% iltiam
A I.:FA),
Two adj3ining lots or ground situate on
the northerly side of Allegheny street in
the town of Newry, to the county of Hun
tingdon, fronting about 50 feet on said
street and running back 200 feet, h ound•
ed on the west by a public street and on
the east by a lot claimed by the estate of
John Mock— baring a two story lug house
and a stable thereon -erected.
Seized—taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property bl John Conrad, with
notice to terre tenants.
A tract, piece or parcel of land situate
in the township of Henderson, in the
county of H untingdon, adjoining lands
of Douglass Wray, David Cunningham,
and others, containing •thout 112 acres
-40 of which are cleared, with a lug dwell
ing hous e and barn thereon erected.
Seized--taken in execution, nod to be
sold as the property of Ja mes Shurthill.
A Lso,
All the right, title, interest, claim and
demand of the defendant, John Swartz,
of, in and to all that certain tract, piece
or parcel of land, on which he now lives,
situate in the township of Antes, near the
Allegheny Mountain, and supposed to
contain about 90 acres, be the Caine more
or less,and adjoins lands of Henry Niggle,
Nicholas Cherry and others, having some
cleared land and a log cabin house and
stable thereon erected.
Seized—•taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of John Swartz.,
All those two adjoining lots of ground
situate on the north side of J uniata street
in the borough of Hollidaysburg, fronting
earls 60 feet on said street, and extending
back at right angles to same 160 feet t'
KU Alley; said lots being numbered 155
and 156 in the recorded plan of said bo•
rough—No. 156 being a corner lot, and
on the corner of Juniata and Penn streets,
on said lots are erected the Hollidays
burg Foundry,Casting House, a two story
brick store house, an office building and
a frame building used in connection with
the Foundry—together with all the Ma
chinery and fixtures belonging to and at
tached to the freehold.
Seized—taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of George R. APFar
lane, Michael C. Garber, and Albert J.
Garber, lately trading under the firm of
M'Farlane, Garber & Co.
All the right, title and interest of the
defendant in and to all that certain piece
or parcel of ground situate in the eastern
end of the borough of Huntinlttlon, and
bounded as follows, to wit: b_eMoning at
the south east corner of lot No. 170 on
St. Clair street, and thence along the
southern line of said lot 154 feet to a
post, thence alimg the line of , William
Dorris' meadow lot 1381 feet to a post,
thence along the fence of A. P. Wil son's
meadow lot 1774 feet to a post to Saint
Clair street, and thence along said street
136 feet to the place of beginning—hav
ing thereon erected a two story log dwel
ling house with a frame kitchen and a
Seized—taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property til_Thomas Eld ridge.
A lot of ground No. 9, in the town plot
of the borough of Alexandria, fronting 60
feet on the lower side of the Main street
or Turnpike Road running through the
said borough and extending back at right
angles to same 180 feet, bounded on the
east by the lot of John Ichinger, and on
the west by Nicholas Cresswell, having
thereon erected a two story plaistered
,dwelling house, a small shop and a small
lot , ' stable.
Seized—taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Stephen Ichinger.
All that lot of ground numbered 72 in
the plat) of the town of Williamsburg,
Huntingdon county, fronting 50 feet on
north east side of Second street, and run•
ning back towards Juniata River on High
street 175 feet to an Alley—having there
on erected a two story frame dwelling
house and a lor , stable.
seized—taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Jos. S. P. Harris.
All the right, title and interestof Chris
tian Staman, of, in and to a lot anti a half
of ground in the borough of Alexandria,
situate on the northerly side of the Turn
pike Road or Main street, being about 90
feet rn front on the said street, and exten
ding back at right angles to the same, to
the bank of the Juniata Division of the
Pennsylvania Canal, bounded on the west
by a lot of Dr. Houtz, and on the east by
a . lot of Mrs. Jackson—thereon erected a
two story frame Tavern house, a plaister
ed store room, and a frame stable, with a
shed attached.
Seized —taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Christian Staman.
All the right, title and interest of Jesse
Baily and James Baily or either of them,
of, in and to all that tract, piece or parcel
ui situated in the township of Wal
ker, in the county of Huntingdon, contain.
ing about 80 acre.l,or thereabouts,bounded
by lands of Vatontine Hetrhor on the
north, John Heffner on the ea at, John lion
err on the smith and James Moore on the
west, from 40 to 50 acres of which are
cleared--having thereon erected a two
story log dwelling house, a log barn, and
a wagon maker shop.
Seized—taken in execution, and to be
:old a: the property of Jesse Ilaily and
James Body.
Sheriff's Olfice, 11u nt
dun, March 28, 1815. S
WHEREAS by precept to me direc
ted dated at Huntingdon, the tsth
day of Jan., A. D. one thousand eight
hundred and forty-five, under the hands
and seals of the Hon. Abraham S. NVil
son, President of the Court of Common
Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general
jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of
Pennsylvania, composed of the counties
of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union, and
the Hon. Joseph Adams and James Gwin,
his associates, Judges of the county of
Hantingdon,justices assigned, appointed,
to hear, try, and determine all and every
indict meats, and presentments, made or
taken for or concerning all crimes, which
by the laws of the state are made capital
or felonies of death and other offences,
crimes and misdemeanors, which have
been or shall be committed or perpetrated
within said county, or all persons who are
or shall hereafter be committed or be per.
petrated for crimes aforesaid-1 am coin
mantled to make
Public Proclamation,
throughout my whole bailiwick that a
Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be held
at the Court [louse, in the Borough of
Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and
14th da:t) Of April next, and those who
will prosecute the said prisoners, be then
and there to prosecute them as it shall be
just, and that all Justices of the Peace,
Coroner and .Constables within the said
county, be then and there in their proper
persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day,
with their records, inquisitions, examina
tions and remembrances, to do those
things which to their offices respectively
. .
Hated at Huntingdon the 15th day of
January, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and forty
five , and the 68th year of American
Sheriff's office Hunting
don, March 19, 1895. S
W ( I t , : R h
y E,
t A h y u
t i t .i tp r e e s c r o p e
t t h o e m c e o
m te n
Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear
ing test the 15th day of Jan., A. D. 1845,
I am commanded to make Public Pro
clamation throughout my whole bailiwick
that a court of Common Pleas will be
held at the court house, in the borough of
Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon,
on the third Monday (and 21st day) of
April, A. D. 1845, for the trial of all
issues in said court which remain undeter
mined before the said Judges when and
where all Juno s, Witnesses and suitors
in the trial of all said issues are required
to attend.
Dated at Huntingdon the 15th day of
Jane:lrv, A. D. one thousand eight hun
dred and forty five, and the 68th year of
American Independence.
Sheriff's office Hunting
don, March 19, 1845.
Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, 4-c.
Wholesale Druggist, Minis, and Phar•
macian. No. 212 Market Street, a few
doors above the Red Lion Hotel,
Thomas P. James would inform Druggists.
country Merchants and other 5, that he has
taken the Chemical Ware House, formerly
occupied by the late firm of Meredith, Hen
derson. & Co., and that he has laid in a care
fully selected stuck of fresh Drugs, Chemi
cals and Medicines; also, Paints, Varnish es,
Oils, I)ye Stuffs, Class Ware, &c., which
he will dispose ot on accommodating terms.
Physicians supplied with all the recent
chemicals, vegetable alkalies, extracts and
other materia medica. The fullest confi
dence may be placed in the purity of all the
medicinal preparations from his establish
ment, as much care is taken in their prepa
ration and selection.
Philadelphia, Oct, 30, 1844.-3 m,
E2I:ICAICELaapa , Uso
r --- N• • • • r" - 1
WOULD most respectfully inform the
citizens of Huntingdon, and the
public in general, that he has commenced
the saddle and harness making buSiness in
all its various branches, in the shop former
ly occupied by Alex. M'Allister,
one door east of the "Pioneer Stage Stable"
and directly opposite Houck's blacksmith
shop, where he is prepared to accummodute
all who may favor him with theirpatronage.
He will constantly keep on hand
Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Collars, &c.
Repairing clone on the shortest notice and
most reasonable terms.
By a strict attention to basiness he hopes
to receive a liberal share of work.
Huntingdon,May 8, 1844
William P. Erhardt's
No. 42 North Second street, Philadelphia
The subset iber respectfully informs his
patrons and dealers generally, that he has
removed his Cap Manufactory, to the upper
part of the building, No. 42 N. Second
street, below Arch, (entrance through the
store,) where lie manufactures Caps of
every description and pattern, of the best
materials and workmanship. Having a
large assortment of Caps always en hand,
orders can be supplied at short notice.
August 21,1844.-2 mo.
Office in Main &reel, two doors East of
Mrs. McConnell's Temperance House.
TpusTicF,s' Blanks of all kinds, for sale
- 40 at tills Office.
0 E
1. REMEO4 '
Diseases of the Lungs and Drea.t.
'FO THE PUBLIC.— In accordance with she
prevailing custom, and in order to sho e the
virtuesof this medicine mote fully, the ful
lowing certificates have been selected ; and
as it is not our wish to trifle with the lives
or health of those afflicted, we sincerely
pledge ourselves to make no assertions or
" false statements" of its efficacy ; nor will
we hold out any hope to suffering humanity
which facts will not warrant. The proofs
are here given—and we solicit an inquiry
from the public into every case we pubd,b,
and feel assured they will flod it a medicine
well deserving their patronage and confi
Of all the cures that have yet been record
ed, there are certainly none equa I to the
below mentioned, and they plainly show
the curability of Consumption, even in
some of its worst forms :
Let every man, woman and child read the
following, and we are sure that it must satis
fy all of the great virtues of the medicine.
(17' Read the following from Dr. Jacob
Hoffman, a physician of extensive practice in
Huntingdon county :
Dear Sir:—l procured one bottle of Dr.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from
Thomas Read, Esq. of this place, and tried
it in a case of obstinate Asthma on a child of
Paul Schweble, in which many other reme
dies had been tried without any relief. Th
Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my opin
ion the child is effectuelly cured by its use.
Yours, &c.
Dec. 25, 1841.
The case of Thomas Cozens is related by
himself as follows, and acknowledged by
all who knew him to be one of the most
astonishing and extraordinary cures ever
April 20, 1843.
On or about the 13th of October, 1841, 1
was taken with a violent pain in the side
sear the Liver, which continued about live
days and was followed by the breaking of
nn dicer, or something inwardly, which re-
lieved the pain a little, but caused me to
throw up a great quantity of offensive mat
ter and also much blood. Being gr early
alarmed at rids I applied to a physician,who
said he thought - he could do but littl for
me except give me some mercury pills
which 1 refused to take feeling satis6d that
they could do me no good ; many other re
medies were then procured by my wife and
friends but none did me any good and the
discharge of blood rod putrid corruption
still continued every few days, and at the last
it became so offensive that I could scarcely I
breathe. I was slso seized with a violent
caugh,which at times caused me to raise much
more blood than 1 had formerly done, and
my disease continued in this way until Feb
ruary, when all hopes of my recovery were
given up, and my friends all thought that I
would c!ie of a galloping consumption. At
this moment when my life apparently was
drawing near to its close, I heard of Wistar's
Balsam of Wild Cherry and got a bottle
which relieved me immediately, and by the
use of only three bottlt s of this medicine,
all my . pains were removed, and my cough
and spitting of blood removed, and in a few
days my health was to far restored as to en
able me to work at my trade (which is that
of a carpenter) and up to this time 1 have
enjoyed geed health.
WITNESS. --I am acquainted with Tilos
Cozens and having seen him during his ill
ness, I think his statement is entitled to full
credit. SAM. H. BURROUGHS.
Appeared before me, and affirm
ed according to law, on the 20th of April,
1843. J. CLEM EN V.
irr It is unnecessary tor7nTinClali who
would get the true article,ito inquire partic
ularly for „ Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry," and take nothing else.
Unprincipled dealers will tell you that th
SYRUP of Wild Cherry, or some other cough
medicine is equally as good. Regard them
not—they only wont your MONEY ! Remem
ber, it is " Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cher
ry" that not only relieves but cures !
Price one dollar per bottle, or six for $5.
For sale only in Cincinnati, by
corner of Fourth and Ii alma.
Also, for! sale by Thomas Read f.9' Son,
(wholesale and retail,) Huntingdon, and
Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg.
January 15, 1845.—Gm.
HE ;subscriber continues to mianufac- .
oire, in Harrisburg. French Burrs o f
all siz,s, and of the very best quality, much
cheaper than ever, and on very favorable
Letters addressed to him will receive the
same prompt attention as if personal appli
cation were made.
Feb. 5,1845.-9
K:PCE:i U:llUC'e
And possPasion to be given on the Ist day
of April next,
The Big Meadows Farm,
on the Aughwick creek, six miles above
Shirleysburg, and now in the possession of
Dutton Lane :old John Ramsey.
This farm will he let on favorable terms
to the t4nants. There is a large quantity of
neared land on the farm
Apply to
in Huntingdon,
Attorney for S. L. Keene,
Adni'r with the will an
nexed of John Lukens,
Feb. sth 1845.
attorney at Law,
Will practice in the several courts of Hun.
lingdon, Bedford, and Cambria coon
tics. All business entrusted to his care,
will befoillyully attended to.
imelry! Jtwelry 1 ! J l vr y!!
TrUST received, a stock
40 of the most magnifi
, cient Jewelry 07." ever
—, 4 7 came up the Yike."Sl
(",!) '?'(: Consisting of Gnu
'YEAS, fU 1 l jewelled,
SILVER PATENT LEVERS, Collbie and single
cased,StLvEn ANCHOR LEVER s,fn 11 jeweled,
double and single cased ENGusu Vs ATCHES,
ImUation levers, QUARTIER and FRENCH
WATCHES, &C. &C. Also
Gold Fob Chains, and Seals,
of the most fashionable patterns. Gold
Pencils, Spectacles, Guard Chains, Key's,
Breacelets sett with topaz, Medallens,
ger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, sett with
topaz, amethist, &c. &c. Mineature Cases,
Silk Purees, Coral Beads, Pocket Bi ks,
Musical Boxes,MathematiCal Insutmnts ,
Silver Specta cles, tr
Table Spoons, Tea and
Salt Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Lowends pattent
Silver Pencils, Razors of the finest quality,
HENRY CLAY pen knives, a superior art •
de, Steel Pens, Spy (*lasses, Hair Bruslns.
Tooth Brushes, Patina Points, &c. &c. all
the above articles will be sold cheaper ;Imo
ever heretofore.
Clock and Watch repairing done as usual,
very cheap for cash.
A large assortment of eight day and thir
ty hour Clocks will be sold very cheap.
All watches sold will be warranted Mr one
year, and a written guarrantre given. that
it not found equal to warranty it will (during
that period) beput in order without expet,se,
or if injured, may be exchanged for any
other watch of equal value. The warranty
is considered void, should the watch, with
which it is given, be put into the hands of
another watch maker.
Huntingdon, April 10, 1844.
Carriage Manufactory
OS I' respectfully informs Ithe citizen
of the borough nod county of Hunting
don, the public generally, and his aid friendu
and customers in particular, that he still'
continues the
Coach Making Business
in all its various branch, sot his old stand,in
Main street in the borough of Iluotiogilou
neatly opposite the 'Journal' printing 4 flice
where he has constantly on hand ever y
description of
a Coaches, Carriages, r -
Buggies, Sleighs
iusitaikal Dearborns,
which he will sell low for cash or on reaonss
able terms.
All kinds of wok in his line made to or
der, on the shortest notice, in a
And all kinds of repairing done %Ali neat
ness and despatch.
Country produce will be taken in exchange
for work.
Any persons wishing to purchase are re
spectfully invited to call end examine stud
uclAe fur themselves.
Huntingdon Nov. 29, 1843
characterised in an individual by the ab
sence of all pain, suffering or affection in
any part of has body by the free and regu
lar exercise of all his functions without any
exception. They consist in having a good
appetite at meal times, an easy digestion,
free evacuations, without looseness or cos
tiveness at least once in every twenty. four ,
hours, and without heat, dryness, or burning
at the passage ; the free issue of water with
out acrimony or burning, and without a red
dish sediment which is always a sign of a
present or an approaching pain ; quiet sleep
without agitat or troublesome dreams ;
no taste of bile or other bad taste in the
mouth upon rising in the morning ; no sour
ness or disagreeable rising of the stomach ;
a clean tongue ; a sweet breath ; no itching.
pimples Or spots on the skin ; no piles ; no
burning heat upon any part of the body ; no
excessive thirst when unexposed to laber or
other known cause ; no interruption to any
natural evacuation, nor pain at their period
ical return.
Where the state of the system does not
harmonize with the above picture of health,
it is of the greatest importance that no time
be lest in sending for a dcctor, er in the use
of foolish remedies too often the result of
speculation; instead of thin course let a doike
of Braudreth's Pills be taken, which will
not deceive, but will at once restore health
to the organ or part that requires it.
All who wish to preserve their heahh, all
who are determined to defend their life
against the encroachments of disease which
might send them prematurely to the grave,
will, without hesitation, have recourse to the
Brandreth Pills, when the state of the ivs
tem does not harmonize with the above pic
ture of health.
Those who live in a country where conta
gious or other diseases prevail, should often
think of this true picture of health, and 0-
serve himself with particular attention, in
order to act accordingly. The wise and
rightly derected will follow this advice—the
unwise are left to their own destruction.
Dr. Brandreth's Pills are for sale by the
allowing Agents in this county.
Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon:.
M'Farlane, Garber, &Co., I In llidaysburg.
& N. Cresswell, Petersburg.
Moore & Swoope, Alexlndria.
Hartman & Smith, Manor Hill.
Thomas M. Owens, Birmingham.
A. Patterson, Williamsburg.
rr The above are the only authoritral
agents in Huntingdon county.
Sept. 11, 1844.-6 m.
Spanish Hides
2000 Dry Laplata Hides—first quality.
5500 Dry La Guira do. do.
3000 Dry Salted La Guira I do.
1000 Dry Salted Brazil Hides, do.
50 Bales Creen Sited Patna Kips
30 Bales dry Patna Kips.
120 Barrens Tanner's Oil.
Tanner's and Currier's Tools.
For salse to the country Tanners at the
lowest prices and upon the hest terms.
N. B. All kinds of Leather wanted for
which the highest prices will be paid in
Cash or in exchange for Hides, Kips & Oil.
No. 21 South 3d Street,
Oct. 9, 1844.--• ly.