Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 05, 1845, Image 4

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WIIE1114:AS by t.recept t,,
wt rluet
totl by t h e Jotlges or the ('allow,'
heal of the county of I Itoiting.ltio, boor
tog te,t the 15• b day of Jirtuary, A. 1).
1845, I JIM cwnnuand,•d to makt•
throughoct lily etude Itaditvcrk thAt an
8: !jo at tied court of etllll:min Pleas w ill be
I,al at the court house, in the borough of
Huntingdon, in the county of Hunting
don. on the second Monday (and 10th
day) of March, A. D. 1545, for the
trial of all issues in said court which re
main undetrmined,before the said Judges,
when and where all jurors, witnesses and
suitors in the trial of said issues are re
quested to attend.
Dated at Huntingdon the I sth day of Jan
uary, A. D .one thousand eight hundred
and forty-five, and the 68th year of
American Independence.
JOHN ARMl7`AGE,Slit'ir.
Sheriff's Gni:e, Hunting
don Feb. 12, 1845.
WIIEREAS by precept to me directed
by the Judges of the Common Pleas
of the county of Huntint,don, braying test
the 15th day of January, A. D. 1845, 1 am
commanded to make
throughout my whole bailiwick that an
adjourned court of Common Pleas will be
held at the court house, in the county of
Huntingdon on the third Monday (and
17th day) of IMarch, A. D. 1845, fur the
trial of all issues in said court which re
main undetermined before our Judges,
when and where all jurors, witnesses and ,
suitors in the trial of said issues are re
quested to attend.
Dated at Huntingdon the 15th day of Jan
uary, A. D. one thousand eight hundred
and forty-five, and the 68th year of
American Independence.
Sheriff's Offlv, Hunling
dun, Feb. 12, 1845.
Trial List—March adjourn
ed Court.-16345.
Walter's heirs v Stoner & Stoner
Batton's Assinee v Batton et al
Walter's heirs v Stoner et al
Trustees G. It. C. v J. 1). Rea
Reel v Hudson
Lombard for use v Seeds Sc Davis
Leonard v Lytle & Patterson
Parsdos v Waggoner
Hoover v M'Nainara et al
Patterson v M'llduff
Patterson v Caldwell
Reynolds v Long
Culbertson v Kemp et al
Hollidays' heirs v James Alexander
M'Nutt's adm'r v Stewart
Com'th. Pennsyl'a. v Alex. Ennis et al
Reliance Tran's Co. v O'Friel's ex'rs
Shell for Reeves v P. &D. lineman
liuehlers ik Smith v Cumin/ell& Stewart
Rogers v Hewn et al
John Hartley v J. W. M'Cord
Williams v Crane
P Kurfman's Ex'rs. w E. Corbins' Ex'r.
Campbell et at v Frederick Sheoff
A. Johnston w Brubaker 8c Stacy
Andrew H. Hirst w Benjamin Johnston
a W. Hulings v J. Itoogcrs & Co.
Thomas, for Dysart v George S. Hoover
Mary Cuthbert v Dougherty &Devine
Eldridge & Conrad v John Barr
Martin Gates v Wheelaud's adm'r
Same v Same
Same v S4me
Same v Same
Same w Same
Same v Same
Com'th for use v B. O'Friel's ex'rs
Martin Gates v T. Burdge's ex'rs
Same v Same
Dennis Haylin v B. O'Friel's ex'rs
James McGuire v Same
Hugh Dempsey v Same
James Cleary v Same
James Dooley v Same
Bernard King v Same
John Skelly v Saint
James Dooling v Same
Taylor & Lyttle v S.une
Loftus et al v Same
Mary Kelly for use v Same
Patrick Rodgers v Same
John an'Kilpin v Same
Jacob Weight v Eli Walls
M'Bride et al &c. v Z. G. Brown
Weight for use v T. M. Owens
Wilson & Co. v David Robeson
Commonwealth ' 4, Johnston Moore
H. Crownover 11, Wm. Pollock
Dr A. Johnston v Dr. C. O'Friel
H. Neff's Adm'rs v John G. Fleck
J. A.Ham ikon's ex. v A . Patterson
Barney Stroup v Adam Bracht
M. C. Garber v John F. Lowry
John Leonard v W. M. Lyon& Co.
Samuel Wigton v Curry & Roseberi y
T hor " B arnes v George W. Geer
Yingling for use v William Nelson
A. B. Long v Dr. A. M'Pherran
Overseers of Morris v (Wheel.% of Tyrone
Irvin for Jones s Shipley's Ex. 2 suits
C. H. Lease & Co. v Jacob Drake
Commonwealth v W Price & sureties
John Miller v DGoodfellow'sadins
John Calderwood a Hugh McNeal
David Branstetter v Nowlan & Robeson
L. Lingafelter v X. Leff or Luff
William P. Erhard:ls
No. 42 North Second street, Philadelphia
The subscriber respectfully informs his
patrons and dealers generally, that he has
removed his Cap Manufactory, to the upper
part of the building, No. 42 N. Second
street, below Arch, (entrance through the
store,) where he manufactures Caps of
every description and pattern, of the best
materials and workmanship. Having a
large assortment of Caps always en hand,
orders can be supplied at short notice.
August 21,1544.-2 mo.
tr. E. tritlingiallic,
.ITTORX El .IT Z.fl 111*.
LIST OF .31311011 S
For an A jxtenid nif Common Plum
I h. id at linlaingdon, in and for th e
Coun'y lin n tin„..i.,), on the second
Alan iv an,l 10th dig, if March, A. U.
1843, viz
Albright Jou., Cord HendLrson tp.
A meigh Peti r, Blu, ksmitli, Wait,
Alexander James, I' aniet , Bart ye.
Burley Jacti:i„Carpi liter Smiler.
Cumming Th9lllaS, Farmer, Morris.
Critic Evan, do. Antes.
Cook Miles, do, Todd.
Cunningham Robinson,do West.
Cartoon James, Jr., Constable, Barree.
Dysart Joseph, Farmer, Franklin.
Douglass John. do Shirley.
Decker John, Jr., do Henderson.
Eicholtz Charles, do Woodberr).
Fleck Conrad, Constable, Tyrone.
Fridley ;Samuel, Butcher, Henderson.
Grafias Israel, limier, Porter,
Green Nathan W. Constable, War riorml
Heu•uislt John, Jr., Farmer, Morris.
Hum, Christian, do Huston.
Hatups,, Et ims, do Henderson.
J , tics .1•11111 I'. Printer, Blair.
Keller intim [ot M] Farmer, Morris.
Leeport John, Wagoannaker,
M'Farland Archibald, Farmer, Snyd,r.
Miller Henry W. Clerk, Henderson.
M'Neal Hugh, Iroumaster,
Nash Daniel G. Laborer, Henderson.
Robeson Samuel, Tanner, Allegheny.
Smith Joseph, Farmer, Dublin.
Stitt Alexander, Tanner, Porter.
Suter John, Farmer, Woodberry.
Trout John, du Antes.
• Trout Joseph, do do.
Tt mpleton James, Chairmaker, Shirley.
Yocum lames, Blacksmith, Porter.
Yocum John, Jr. Farmer, Walker.
Bollinger John, Farmer, Springfield tp.
Roushlough Michael H. Merchant, Blair.
Buchanan Alexander, Farmer, do
Copely John, Blacksmith, VVarriorsinark.
Cromwell 'I - . P. Jus. Peace, Cromwell.
Cunningham D tvid, Farmer, Hen derml.
Carothers Alexander, do Morris.
Drickle Henry, Carpenter, West.
Estep Thomas W. Collier Snyder.
Edwards Jam s, Farm( r,
Forrest Joseph, Innkeeper, Henderson.
G win Edward, Carpenter, Blair.
Hagerty Augustine, Farmer, Antes.
Huston Thomas, do Barree.
Hudson George It do Springfield.
Hall Adam, Clerk, Henderson,
Now James, Farmer, Antes.
Ingram John, do Franklin.
Lee Henry, do B ,rrce.
Leech John M. Millwright, do.
M'Cracken Henry, Farmer, West.
Myerly Solomon, Farmer, Cass.
Moore Jesse, Jr. ( 1 0 Frankstown.
Morrison Wiliam,
do Shirley.
Moore Thomas B. Merchant, Blair.
Parks William, Farmer, Cass.
Roller Joshua, do Woodberry.
Riddle John B. do Frankstown.
Reed Joseph, Chairmaker,
Stitt Robert, Gentleman, Henderson.
Stryker John, Farmer, Vl, est.
Stonebraker David 11. Fanner, Franklin.
Shultz James 1,. IVlanaw, Snyder.
VVarelield Adam. Blacksmith, Henderson.
Wertz Sob moo, Farmer, Blair.
Wilson William, Blacksmith, Antes.
HE subscriber continues to
111..ture, in Harrisburg, French Burrs o f
and of the very best quality, much
cheaper than ever, and so very favorable
Letters addressed to ltim will receive the
same prompt attention as if personal appli
cation were made.
Feb. 5,'1845.--9 mu.
And possession to lie given on the Ist day
of April next,
The Pig Meadows Farm,
on the Aughwick cret k, six miles above'
Sliirleysburg, and now in the possession of
Damn Lane and John Ramsey.
This farm will he let on favorable terms
to the tenants. There is a large quantity of
cleared land on the farm
in fluntin g tion,
Attorney for S. L. Keene,
Adm'r with the will an
nexed of John Lukens,
Feb. sth 18.15.
Estate of 131IN3AIVIIN CORBIN,
Late of West township. decd,
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
minstration upon the said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known without
delay, and all persons indebted to make im
mediate payment to
Feb. 5,1845-.-6 t.
Valuable Farm for Sale,
The subscriber offers for sal, at private
sale one of the best tarnish) Bedford county.
Said farm is situated on Bobs creek, half a
mile from St, Clairville, 10 miles from Bed
ford, and 22 miles from liAlidaysburg.
The farm contains
.421,C.2.05w,23 8
all bottom laud, 75 ILcres are cleared , and
under fence. the improvements are a rood
two story frA
and stable. There is on the premises an
orcnard of excellent fruit. If application
be made immediately the above valuable
farm may be had for $3OOO
I en. 29, 1845.-3 t,
No. 200 M t //KET STREET,
(Above 6th Street)
Cr HE subscriber, thankful for the liberal
support of his friends and the public
generally, respectfully infortns them that he
still continues at the old established house,
where he will be pleased to accommodate
allthuse w ho favor him with their patronage.
Dec. 14, 184.2.—tf.
Rate., 01D:scowl/ in Pkikud•ipkia
Zanirs in Philadelphia.
Bunk cif North A mericii
B mit of the NArthern Liberties - 'pat
Bank of Penn T.wnship - - pa ,
Commercial Bank of Penn'a. - - pa ,
Farmers' & Mechanics' bank - - pa ,
Kensington bank - - - par
Schuylkill bank
- - - - i , n
Mechanics' bank • -- - i; l ;
Philadelphia bank - - - par
S•mthwark bank - - - par
VVestern balk - - - - par
M.,yaimmsing bank - - - par
Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank par
Bank of Pennsylvania - - - par
Girard bank - - - I
Bank of the United States - 25
Country Banks.
Bank of Chester cu. Westchester par
Bank of Delaware co. Chester par
Bank of G.trinantown Gt,rtnantown par
Batik of M.nitg'ry co. Norristown par
Diyiestown batik • Daylestown par
Easton B ink E tston par
Farmers' bk of Bucks co. Bristol par
Batik of N irthuntherl'd Northumberland pal
Ii inesdide batik Honesdale 1
Fal'lllETA ' bk of Lane. Lane tster pal.
Lancaster bank L mcaster par
Lancaster county bank Lancaster PI
Bank of Pittsburg. Pittsburg
Merch'ts' & Mimuf. bk. Pittsburg
Exchange bank Pittsburg i
Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg i
Col'a bk & bridge - co. Columbia par
Franklin bank Washington li
Monongahela Mt of B. Brownsville li
Farmers' bk of Reading Reading par
Lebanon bank - Lebanon i
Bank of Middletown Middletown 1
Carlisle bank Carlisle 1
Erie bank Erie 2
Bank of Chambersburg Chambersburg
Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 1
York batik York 1
Harrisburg bank Harrisburg I
Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville i
Bank of Snsquehan n a co. Montrose 35
Farmers' & Drovers' bk Way nesborougli 2
Bank of Lewistown Lewistown 13
Wyoming bank Wilk,sbarre 1 }
Northampton bank Allentown no sale
Berk.; county batik Reading no sale
West Branch bank Williamsport li
Towanda hank 'l'owanda no FL le
Rates of Relief Notes.
Northern Liberties, Delaware County, Far
mers' Bail of Bucks, Germantown pa
Berks•Co. Bask - - - 50
All others 1i
iloclarale ffounlng.
Tait subscriber wouldyespectfully inform
the citizens at Huntingdon and the adjoin
ing counties, that he still continues: to car
ry on business at the Rockdale Foundry, on
Clover Creek, two miles from Williams
burg, where he is prepared to execute all
orders in his line, of the best materials and
workmanship, and with promptness and de
He will keep constantly on hand stoves:of
every description, such as
Cooking, Ten Plate,
sTovEs :
nominees, Hollow Ware, and every kind of
castings necessary for forges, mills' or ma
chinery of any description ; wagon boxes of
all descriptions, Ike., which can be had on
as good terms as they can be had at any
other foundry in the county nr state.
Remember the Rockdale Foundry.
(17/ Old metal taken in exchange for any
077 Mr. K. has recently purchased the
pattent right of a cooking stove for Hunting
don county—the stove will be set up by him
and warranted to the purchaser to be as good
as any in the State—orders furnished.
July 17, 1844.—tf.
Watches, Silver Ware 4. Jewelry
James Peters & Co.,
No. 105 N. 2(1 St., corner of Elfretles
Alley, Philadelphia,
J.P. & CO. continue to'manufacture at their
old stand, Silver Spoons, Spectacles, Thim
bles &c. on as low terms as any other manu
factory in the city. They have on hand and
keep constantly for sale, beside their own
manufactures. flinches of all kinds & prices ;
Silver Warc,fewefry &Fancy (loods,m their
variety, which will be sold low. Spectacle
Glasses fitted to all ages and sights, in Gold,
Silver, Germar, Silver and Steel Frames,
with convex, concave, periserpic, blue,
grey and green glasses.
rr Watchtnak,rs supplied with all ne
cessary articles in their line, such as Tools,
Materials, Glasses &c.
;1' Watches repaired at short notice
and warranted to perform.
t ri- Cash or exchange given for old Gold
and Silver.
Phil's., Dec. 11, 1844.-2 m.
FARM FOR SALE.—An old and well
improved farm cold:doing
with 'allowance, a liege quontity of which is
.ared and under good fence. The improve-'
nemts are a large and convenient dwelling
house, tNO story spring house, barn and
other out buildings, with a never tailing
spring of water convenient, and an orchard
of choice fruit. There is also a gond lime
! kiln with abundance of lime stone and fuel.
This propene is handsomely located on the
hank of kugliwick creak, Shirley township,
Huntingdon county, and possesses many ad
' vantages in point of locality. Being distant
trom the borough of Shitlevsburg cnly two
miles from the canal three miles and a half,
and Immediately on the mail from iildricys
burg, to Drake's ferry. There is also a
first-rate merchant mill on the property
adjoining it.
ALSO, 53 acres of woodland handsomely
located on Chesnut ridge, Shirley townshil),
Huntingdon county.
Apply soon to the subscriber en the pre
January 15,1845.
..412 rf AT .A.Wu
BUN 7 INGD ON, P 11,
Office in Main street, three doors west
of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry e,,t ablishmeitt.
February 14, 1843.--U.
IUSTI C E S' Blanks of a ll kinds, for sale
at this Office.
tab Parchascrx—Guaratafee.
'l' n o DDlllTNignecl :4te tof the Pattentee,
of the Stove, " 7Zr ()wen tf the Mot,"
umlerst.mtling that tl,e OWO , Es, cr Om,
C ,,, lCcriit . o for t hcm, of other ;Ind da•rent
patent Ctmking ri.ovus, have 11111 tituned to
bring suit against all who purchase and use
—!'he Queen of the West." Non - his is
to inform all ,ltd every person wit shot
purchase and use said Stove that he , 11 ial
demnify them from all costsor damage rum
any and all suits, brou4ht by ,Alter I. -en
ters, or their agents. for :my intringmt 7 of
their patents. He gives this notice so : - 'lllt
persons need not be under any fears because
they have, while consulting their own inter
ests and convenience, secured the superior
advantages of this " Queen" not only of the
West, but of the East.
1511.1.121 L GRAFFIUS.
July 24, 1844.
C-Icu)ciprzuvsa - 0 =f3tlcc.).:ls) 9
For sale by I. 011„‘FIUS & SON, Alex
andria, Humiliation county, Pa.,
cheap fur ca,h or Lou it try
produce at the
market price.
_ _
The '‘Queen of the West" is an im
provement on Ilathaway's celebrated
hot Air Stove. There has never yet ap
rpear•d any plan or a Cooking Stove tha!
possesses the advantages that this one
has. A touch less quantity of fuel is re•
quired fur any amount of cooking or ba
king by this stove than by any other.
Persons are requested to call and see
berme they purchase elsewhere.
July 3, 1844.
Z:0 CL) 1.. KY Z..- `U'B
MESPECTFULLY inform the citizens
cf Huntingdon comity, and the public
generally, that they cotddlue to carry on
Copper, Tin and Slieet•trdn Businera
in all its branches, in Alexandria, where
they manufacture and constantly keep on
hand every description of ware in their lane;
such as
New and Splendid Wood Stoves
22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches long
New Cooking Stoves of allhinds,and
Also four sizes of Coal Stoves,
All kinds of castings done, for Forges, Saw
mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG
WARE; all of which is done in a workman
like manner.
Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller, /'re•
serving, and Tea Kettles, for sale,
wholesale and retail,
Persons favoring this establishment with
their oust( m may depend on having their
orders executed with fidelity and despatch.
Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta
ken in exchange. Also wheat, rye, corn
and oats taken at market price.
Alexandria, July 3. 1844.
NOTICE..—The subscriber respectfully
requests all persons indebted to him fur
work done at the old establishment, pre
vious to the Ist of November last, to call and
settle their accounts without delay.
July 3, 1844.
Drugs, Chemicals, Nedicines,
Wholesale Druggist, Chemist and Phar
maeian, No. 21 . 2 Markel Street, a few
doors above the Red Lion Thtel,
Thomas P. James would inform Druggists,
country Merchants and othei s, that he has
taken the Chemical Ware House, formerly •
occupied by the late firm of Meredith, Hen
derson, & Co., and that he has laid in a care
fully selected stock of fresh Drugs, Chemi
cals and M,dicines ; also, Paints,Varnishes,
Oils, Dye Stuffs, r lass Ware, &c., which
he will dispose of on accommodating terms.
Physicians supplied with all the recent
chemicals, vegetable alkalies, extracts and
other materia medics. The fullest con&
deuce may lie placed in the purity of all the
medicinal preparations from his establish
ment, as much care is thk,On their prepa
rati,in and selection.
Philadelphia, Oct, 30, 1844.-3 m.
• " • r-Th
A. H. Burazi.auan,
wouLD most respectfully inform the
citizens of Huntingdon, and the
public in general, that he has commenced
the saddle and harness making business in
all its various branches, in the shop former
ly occupied by Alex. M'Allister, deed.,
one door east of the 'Pioneer Stage Stable"
and directly opposite lionck's blacksmith
shop, where he is pet par, d to accommodate
all who may favor him with theirpationage.
He will constantly keep on hand
Harness, Sn (Idles, Bridles,
Collars, &c.
Repairing done nn the shortest notice and
most reasonable terms.
By a strict attention to business he hopes
to receive a liberal share of work.
Huntingdon, May 8, 1844.
Old stand, urpo,ite Get. .1 cksrn's Hotel,
AS now on hand and still continues to
44,44 manufacture the most splendid assort
ment of elegant Furniture and Chairs. &c.
ever iffered for sale in the bort ugh of Hun
tingdon, embracing almost every article in
the ab. Are line ; which in point of durabil:ty,
workmanship fashionable style of pattern,
and fine finish, will compare with sinniar
articles manufactured in uoy portion of - the
county; nil of which he is thtermined to
sell at very reduced prices for cash or ap
proved country produce, or on:time to punc
tual dealers.
lintels, private dwellings. &c. furnished
to order at the shortest possible notice.
House, sign, and fancy painting done on
the most reasonable terms.
N. 13.—Collins mule for the citizens of
the borough, at the shortest notice.
Huntingdon, Oct. 16, 1844.—tf.
T H E 14
RSA 7 Ftlt,„,ol
Diseases of the Lungs and Breast.
To THE Punmc4.— 1.41164 n accordance with the
pro-tiling custom, and in order to silo* the
virtues of this medicine mine fully, the fol
lowing certificates have been selected; and
as it is not our wish to trill, with the lives
or health of thaw I.lilicttd, we sincerely
p' edge ourselves to make ho assertions or
false statements" of its efficacy ; nor will
we hold nut anv hope to suffering humility
which facts will not Warrant. Th e ;trouts
are here given—and we solicit an inquiry
front the public into every case we publish,
and feel assured they will find it a medicine
well deserving their patronage and cumuli
Of all the cures that have yet been record
ed, there are certainly none equal to,the
below mentioned, and they plainly show
the curability of Consumption, even in
same of its worst forms :
Let every man, woman and child read the
following, and we are surethat it must satis
fy all of the great virtues of the medicine.
AZ' Read the following from Dr. Jacob
Hoffman, a physician of extensive practice in
Huntingdon count) :
Dsar Sir:-1 procured one bottle of Dc.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from
homas Read, Esq. of this place, and tried
it in a case of obstinate Asthma on a child of
Paul Schweble, in which many other reme
dies had been tried without any relief. '.1.11
Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my opin
ion the child is effectuelly cured by its use.
Yours, &c.
Dec. 23, 1841.
'the case of 'Thomas Cozens is related by
himself as follows, and acknowledged by
all who knew him to be one of the most
astonishing and extraordinary cures ever
performed :
April 20, 1843.
On or about the 13th of October, 1841, I
was taken with a violent pain in the side
near the Liver, which continued about live
days, and was followed by the breaking ot
an ulcer, or something inwardly, which re
lieved the pain a little, but caused me to
throw up a great quantity ot offensive mat
ter and also much blood. Being greatly
alarmed at this I applied to a physician, who
said he thought he could do but little for
me except give me some mercury pills
which I refused to take feeling satisfied that
they could do me no good ; many other re
medies were then proctired by my wife and
friends but none did me any good and the
discharge of blood end putrid corruption
still continued every few days, and at the last
it b-came so offensive that I could scarcely
breathe. I was also seized with a violent
c iugh,w hich at timescaused me to raise much
more blood than 1 had formerly done, and
my disease continued in this way until Feb
ruary, when all hopes of my recovery were
given up, and my friends all thought that I
would die of a galloping consuMption. At
this iniontzt when my life apparently was
drawing near to its close, I heard of Wistar's
Balsam of Wild Cherry and got a bottle
which relieved me immediately, and by the
use of only three bottles of tins medicine,
till my pains were removed, and my cough
and spitting ot blood removed, anti in a few
days my health was to far restored as to en
able me to work at my trade (which is that
if a carpenter) anti up to this time 1 have
enjoyed rod health.
WITNESS.--I ant acquainted with Thos
Cozens and having seen hint during his ill
ness, 1 think his statement is entitled to full
credit. SAM. H. BURROUGHS.
and affirm
ed according to law, on the 20th of April,
1843. J. CLEM EN I'.
V' It is unnecessary to remind all who
wouldget the true article4to inquire virile.-
..flatly for "Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry," and tok- nothing else.
Unprincipled dealers will tell you thnt th
SY RUP of Wild Cherry, or some other cough
medicine is equally as good. Regard them
not—they only want your MONEY ! Remem
ber, it is " Wistar's 'Balsam of Wild Cher
ry" that not only relieves but cures !
Price one dollar per bottle, or six for W.
For sale only in Cincinnati, liy
SA N FORD & 1 8 ARK,
corner o/ Fourth and II alnut.
Also, fr' sale by Thomas Read Ls' Son,
(wholesale and retail,) Huntingdon, and
MAT. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg.
January 15, 1845.-6 m.
11111 A TING DON
Cunningham & Burchinell
cro . 4 ESPECTFULLY inform the citizent
4d of the borough and county of Hunting
don, the public generally, and their old
friends acid customers in particular, that
they continue to early on busines in their
new establisment, one dom cast of the
north eastern corner of the Dianuiticl in said
borough, where they are prepeared to sell,
wholesale and retail, all articles in their
line of business; such as
Sideboards, Seerelaies, So!•
tics, Settees, Bureaus,
workstands, card, pier, centrt
dining and breakfast tables;
High, Field, French, and Low Post
ALSO—Every variety of
such as Rush seat, Cane seal, Bath, Bent,
Baltimore, Straight•tack, Boston pattern
4. Common Racking Chairs, together with
of all colors, qualities and sizes; and Paper
Hanging of various patterns and qualities
N. B. Coffins made and funerals attend
ed either in town or country, at the shortest
notice. They keep a splendid HEAHSP.
fin• the accommodation of their customers.
N.iv. 29, 1843.
BLANK BONDS to Constables for Stay
a.) of Execution, uncler the new law, just
Wilted, and for sale, at this office.
jewelry! Jew Trip ! frailly!!
ir I — tLIST receivtd, asti.ik
fillsr of the moat nitigniti•
„1111 h cleat Jewelry V 2 '.. ever
,`‘ ~ - came up the l'iltc.".lll
,414, ( . , Consisting ut GOLD PAT
m) .0 ~,: Q TENT LEVERS, Ladico
,' , ..., 4 ,.. 4 1.'`''' G 0 L D ANCHOR Lx
- --”' vEas, fu l l jewelled,
SILVER PATENT LEVERS, double Hod single
cased,Sit.vr:a Ailcuon LEVIER S , full jeweled,
double and single cased ENaLisu V% ATCHES,
Imitation Lerera, QUARTIER and FRENCH
WATCHES, &C. &C. Also
Gold Fob Chains, and Seals,
of the most fashionable patterns. Gold
Pencils, Svectacles, Guard Chais, Key's,
Breacelets sett with ti pap., M“htlions, Fin
ger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, sett with
topaz, amethist, &c. &c. Mineature Casts,
Silk Purees, Coral Beads, P,:ckt ks,
Musical Boxes, Mathematical Instrumt Us,
Silver Spectacles, Table Spoons, Tea and
Salt Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Lowumis patient
Silver Pencils, Razors of the finest quality,
HENRY CLAY pen knives, a superior alai •
cle, Steel Pens, Spy Classes, Hair Bros Ks.
Tooth Brushes, Patina Points, &c. &c. All
the above articles will be sold chcapet dial)
ever heretofore.
Clock and Watch repairing done as usual,
very cheap for cash.
A large assortment of eight day and thir
ty hour Clocks will be sold vt ry chcal•.
All watches sold will be warranted for one
year, and a written guarrantee giy ,- n. that
it not found equal to warranty it will (during
that period) be put in order without expense,
or it injured, may be exchanged for any
other watch of equal value. The warranty
is considered void, should the watch, with
which it is given, be put Into the hands t.f
another watch maker.
Huntingdon, April 16, 1844,
Carriage Manufactory
matray mums
wrOS r respectfully informs Ithe citizens
of the borough and ei.unty of Hunting
don, the public generally, and his o,d friends
and customers in particular, that he sfll
continues the
Coach Making 'Business
in all its various branchesoit his old stand,itv
Main street in the borough of Huntiagdon
nearly opposite the 'Journal' printing t ffice
where he has constantly on hand every
description of
Coaches, Carriages,
;i.e q. ll , rd, Buggies, Sleighs
which he will sell low fur cash or r n ream*
able terms. -
All kinds of wolk in his line made to or
ier, on the shortest notice, in a
And all kinds of repairing done with neat
ness and despatch.
Country produce will be taken in exchange
for work.
Any persons wishing to purchase are re
spectfully invited to call end examine and
tulge for themselves.
litintingdon h0v.29, 1843,
cbaractvri,ed in an individual by the ab
sence of all p.riu, sufferi affection in
any part of his body and regu
lar exercise of all his f tht.ut any
exception. They cons
. ing a gat d
appetite at meal times, 51 digestion,
free evacuations, without noseness or cos
tiveness at least mite in every twenty. four
hours, and without heat, dryness, or burning
at the passage ; the free issue of water with
out acrimony or burning, mid without a red ,
dish sediment which is always a sign of
present or an approaching pain ; quirt sleep
without agitation or troublesome dreams ;
no taste of Idle or other had taste in the
mouth upon rising in tile morning ; no sour
ness or disagreeable rising of the stomach,
a clean tongue ; a sweet breath ; no itching,
pimples or spots on the skin ; piks ;no
burning heat upon any part of the body ; no
excessive thirst when unexposs d to laber or
other known cause ; no interruption to any
natural evacuation, nor pain at their period
ical return.
Where the state of the system does not
harmonize with the above picture of health,
it is of the greatest importance that no time
be lest in sending fir a doctor, or in the use
of foolish remedies too often the result ul
speculation ; instead of this course let a dose
of Brandreth's Pills be taken, which will
not deceive, but will at once restore health
to the organ or part that requires it.
All who wish to preserve their heath, all
who are determined to defend their life
against the encroachments of disease which
might send them prematurely to the grave,
will, without hesitation, hove recourse to the
Brandreth Pills, when the state of the mi
' tern does not harmonize with the above pic
ture of health.
Those who live in a country where contit
girus or other diseases prevail, should often
think of this true picture of health, and oh •
serve himself with particular attention, in
order• to ar.t accordingly. The wise and
rightly derected will follow this advice—the
unwis! are left to their own destruction.
Dr. Brandreth's Pills are for sale by the
following Agents in this county.
\Vm. Stewart, Huntingdon.
M'Farlane, Garber, & CO, Hollidaysburg.
& N. Ctesswell, Petersburg.
Moore & Swoope, Alexandria.
Hartman & Smith, Manor Hill.
'I ftomas M. Owens, Birmingham.
A. Patterson, Williamsburg.
117. The above are the only authorized
agents in Huntingdon county.
Sept. 11, 1844.—Gm.
Spanish Hides
2000 Dry Laplata Hides—first quality.
3800 Dry La Galva dn. do.
3000 Dry &died La Guira, do.
1000 Dry Salted Brazil Hides, do.
40 Bales C' reen Salted Patna Kips
30 Bales dry Patna Kips.
120 Barrel's Tanner's Oil.
Tanner's and Currier's Tools.
For salse to the country Tanners at the
lowest prices and upon the best terms.
N. B. All kinds of Leather wanted for
which the highest paices will he paid in
Cash ar in exchange for Hides, Kips fic Oil.
No. 2 1 South 3(1 Sirret,
Oct. 9, 18.14.---ly.