Rage.cst cs Tau am:sa Ana Iluistingdon, Feb. 20, 1 545. V. IL PALMER, Esq. (No. 59; Pine street &eke Th;rd, Philadelphia) is authorized to act as ATent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and advertisements. cry Two COMETS are now observable in the South. They are said to be large, and making their way North! Look aloft ! The Morris Canal is about to be enlarged from Newark to Easton. "In strugghng with Miss-fortune L:es the proof of virtue." The Pittsburg Weekly wants to know what Ethakspeare meant by the above! Who can impart the desired information? Boa That'. Tostrr.—At the Empire Club sup per, Now York, as vouched for by the Louisville Journal : " My daddy is God's noblest work, and I am the aoblega work of my daddy." Go it, Bob—your'e a cute 'un ; a regular "chip off the old block !" Gaslug WILL OVT--DON ' T CRAMP IT !-Hear the outpourings of an honest heart in regret for the dilapidated condition of his " unmentionables:" Farewell! farewell old trouserloons ! Long time we've stuck together Variety of scenes gone through, And braved all sorts of weathet ! 03 . The National Intelligencer, says, The Mc- Nulty investigation was brought to a close by Jus tices (Morsel! and Goddard) requiring the accused to give bail in the sum of seventeen thousand dol lars fur his appeirance at the next Criminal Court, on the second Monday in March, 1815, to answer to the charge of embezzlement. His securities are the Hon. Emery D. Potter and Mr. Bryan Leonard. APPOINTMENT HT THE CANAL COMMISSIONEHS. --Robert W. Clark, son of James Clark, President of the board, to be Supervisor on the Western Divi sion of the Pennsylvania Canal. This confining fat offices to one family is becom ing quite popular with the , progressive Democracy.' The party might exclaim, with a well known +Scotch canal contractor on the Juniata canal, who, when Mr. Clarke in his capacity of acting commis sioner, was counting him down his large monthly estimates, as each hundred dollar pile was counted, would encourage him, with the exclamation, Weal Mr. Clark, yer a vera extra-ore-dinary man.' Tau PROSPECT.-The Nashville organ, of Mr. Polk, has semi•oflicially announced that is the President elect does not desire to embroil himself in contest of those who aim at succession, he will not choose his cabinet officers from the aspirants to the Presidency, but will take them from among those who have not as yet aspired so high. The same paper intimetes that this determination will not ex clude Mr. Buchanan, as it is understood that that gentleman has relinquised all presidential hopes. Whether the new President will be able to ad• here to such a determination, even if he has formed it, iv among the things doubtful. TAX ON DOGS. Lest week we gave our readers a petition, pre sented to the I louse of Representatives of Ohio, on the 10thinst., praying that a tax he imposed on dogs, in the county of Knox. The following is the report of the select committee of the House, (Mr. Mortuts,) to which was referred the petition. The committee select, of this honorable House, To which was teferred the poetics of Rouse, And other good men of the county of Knox, For a law that's here deem'd to be quite het'rodox, That is, that dogs be deprived of their fun Of pulling of wool, and making sheep run, Or clue, that the ownera be aaddled, slack! 'Vith a tax on their puppies which their purses would rack— Ask leave to report, to this body of wise men, That, having examined with deepest acumen, The reasons set forth for your grave legislation, Are unanimous quite that the good of the nation Requires cur-laikiont of dogs pro:nenatling. We recommend, therefore, without further explain. ing, That some kind of a law, or joint resolution, Be enacted,(to bring the who!o rhyme to conclusion.) That each dog in the land:he cur-laird in the rear Just back of his head, a is mode Robespierre SUPPLEMENT BY THE COMMITTEE. Provided, that lawyers and raisers of geese Be exempted, who live near old °snipelis— The histly of banks id that famous region, Has nothing to do with this simple conclusion. Let the afflicted call and see our certificates.— They prove conclusively that they can be cured if they get the right medicine. Bc sure and get Dr. %Vistaed Balsam of Wild Cherry.' Beware of ' imitations. This 13alsarn cures,all affections of the lungs, and liver, such as bleedieg of the lunge, bronchitus asthma of 10 or 20 years' stantling, croup, obstinate pain in chest, and side, • Mess.. Slxvoitu & PARR 1--Dear Sirs:— With regard to Dr. ;Velar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, for which you orb wholesale agents, we have sold, since last October, eighty-two bottles at retail, and have heard fechn a great proportion of them as producing the desired effect. Several important cases in this vicinity, which carps under our personal knowledge, have beets cured !—where . other remedies have been tried for years without eftect, In fact we think it one of the moat valuable rem edies for consumption of the lunge, and all other complaints for which it is recommended, and do think that the suffering of the afflicted demand that you should give it a general circulation, and make its virtues known. Yours truly. WEBGLY & KNEPPER, Druggists Wooster, 0., May 23, 1843. The genuine, for sale by Thomas Read, Hunt- ingdon, and MrB. Mary Orr, Bollidaysburg. The BRANDRETII PILLS, an a general family medicine, especially in a country so subject to sud den change.) of temperature as this, their value is incalculable. By having tho l3randreth of all ways on hand, should a sudden attack of sickness take place, they can be given at once, and will often have affected a cure before the physician could have arrived. Porchnee the genuine medicine of Win. St ewart, Iluntingdon, Pa., and other agents published in another part of thb paper. Pardoning Potrer. Agreeable to a - resolution of the Leg islatut e, the law, ing list of pardons was tratisiti!tted by the Secretary uf the COM monwealth to them. It shows the nom ber of pardons granted by Gov. Porter, during his administration. Murder 2nd (tepee— Washington, Manslaughter—Perry, 1 Pet jury— Ci ao ford, Arson—Cu iate! land, Bigamy--Beaver, 1 Adultery— Cumberland and North. umbel land, 2 Vorgery- 7 -Allegheny, Bet ks, Itiit and ‘llti - ren, - 4 Burglary—Favette, 1 Assault and Battery—Cumberland 1, Dauphin 2. Fayette 1, and Pl.ilatlophia 1, 5 Larceny—Adams, 1 Libel—Adams, 2 Conspiracy—lluntingdon, 2 Riot— Lycoming 15 and 11ercer 13, 2$ Pausing counterfeit money-11e' ks, 1 Fraudulent ‘oting--Cumberland, I Accessary to larceny—Butler, I Unknown—Cumber land, 2 Tut+~~, The number of pardons granted after conviction are 570, and the nature of the crilnes for which they have been sentenced as follows: Minder tot degree, 3 Murder 2nd deal ee, 28 Manslaughter, 24 Adultery, . 10 B gamy, 4 Rape, 10 Perjury , 4 Robbery, 9 Robbery and Burglary, S Burglary, 24 arson, It) Arson and Butglary, 2 Arson and Larceny, 1 Forgery, , 20 Passing counterfeit money 21 Horse stealing, 14 Riot, d 6 Conspiracy, SO Assault and Battery, 73 Fraudulent voting, 1 Fraudulent insolvency, 1 Larceny, 77 Receiving sto!en goods, Id Libels, 4 Malicious mischief, 6 Nuisance, • 5 Attempt to cutontit burglary. 2 Gaining, 1 Extortion, 1 Fornication, 2 Attempt to lire dwelling, I Boas tiality, 1 Exposure of body, 1 Exhuming dead body, 1 Nlistlemeanurs, I Total, ZYMEIII.9.7a P.MCOY.D. ~ Here the girls and here the widow Always cast their earliest glance, And, with smileless face, consider If they, too, won't stand a chance To make some clever fellow inwards In bliss, and often too—in trouble." MARRIED: On Thursday morning the 20th instant, by the Rev. John Peebles, GEORGE TAyLon, Esq., to Misa PRISCILLA MOORE, daughter of the late Robert Moore, Esq., all of Huntingdon. On Thursday tho2Oth inst., by F. B. Wallace, Esq., Mr. ALEXANDER WESTBROOK, to Men. ANNA CLAUBAUGH, both of Henderson township. On Tuesday 25th inst., by Rev. H. G. Dill, Mr. JAMES M'MONEGAL, to Mrs. JANE JACK SON both of Huntingdon county. 081T17.9.7.7 Froth DEATH no age nor no condition saves, As goes the freeman, so deports the slave, The chieftain's palace and the peasant's bower, Alike are ravished by his haughty power. DIED: On the 12th inst., ROBERT ST.t: W ART, son of B. F. Bell, of Antes township, aged 9 months and 13 days. safe df Real Lstale. Will he sold at public sale on the premis es, in West tuwtiship, Huntingdon county,. On Saturday, 1211 i of .h'Fril nett, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the following described real t state late of Eltsba Green, of said township, dec'd, viz i A tract, piece or parcel of land contain ing about EI3ED a.cotrcs•so s , be the same more or less, about 20 acres of which ate cleared, having about 12 acres of same in excellent cultivation— part of said land is limestone, and is well timbered. On tho premises is a never failing spring of wa ter which runs through the same. Said land djoius Lindad George Green, Gen. Kem turtling, John Livingston, William Foster's heirs and litiLivrt Wilson, and lies on the public road leading from the Warm Springs to M'Altlivy's Fort. Persons desiring to purchase can get any necessary information concerning the pre mises and terms etc,, by calling on the un dersigned who live near the said tract of land. The terms will be made known on the day , f sale and will be very reasonable. ARLES GREEN, 11ENRY M'CRACKEN; Executors of the last will of Feb, 26,1844, Elisha Green, deed. 1111ats.-I`Y.o , s llt theater. About the first of September lust, a box of PATS came directed to the subscriber, residing t "(nadale Furnace; Huntingdon county, from Lewistnwn, and without any word concerning them. The hats were sent to me without any order whatrter. 'll4 is to notify the owner that he is politely reques ted to come and move property and pay charges, and by so doing can have them. WILLIAM KENNEDY. R , clrialu Furnace, F.t. 26, IS /3.—pd TO COUNTRY MTERCIZANTS. The sub,cribers, Wholesale Merchants, Manufacturers and Dealer's iu Philadel'a., respectfully invite those Country Merchants who site aboutpurchasing their S p ring and Summer Sup/ tics, to au examination ut their re:Tective Stocks of Goode. We believe that our several assortments are as complete as ever have been offered in thiscity, and shall be pleased to have them give us a call. linporters and Loaders 4 n Silk and Fancy Dry Gaud*. Caleb Cope & co. 165 Mat ket et. above 4th W. gc It. P. Remington, 92 do Aslaiurst & Remington, 80 do See, Brother & co. 70 do Yard & Gillmore. 109 do Domestic and Foreign Dry Gt ods. Reynolds, M'Farland &co.. 105 Market tt. Mi.rgan, Buck & co., 57 du W. B. & G. B. Cooper,s3 do Samuel Hood & co., North East corner of Market and Fifth streets. King, Boyd & King, 26 North Second st., copo:lte the Madison House. William H. Brown & co., 20 N. Fourth st. Julian, Mason & cr., 156 Market street. Eckel, Sangler & Raiguel, 123 N. 1 hind st. above Race. Smith, Howell & Barr, 33 N. Sectiiiti st. Barclay Lippincott, 166 i Market street, one door below Fifth, south side. Ludwig, Kneedler & co. 112 North Third street, West corner of Race street. Haas & Hollingsworth, 18 North Second street, and 2 (Mulch Alley. James J. Boswell & co., 30 Market it. Frederick, Dewald & co. 62 N. Third st. Importers and Dealers in Hosiery, Gloves, Trimmings and Fancy Goods. E. S. Burnett. 3 South Fourth street, east side below Market. J. &J. P. Steiner, 43 North Second street, 4 doors below Al ch stret t. Cloths, Cassimers t Ves Tailors' Trimmings,4i, De C oursey „Lafoureatle & cu. 77 Matitet st. William tf:Love, 84 du J. Godley Spry & co. Hardware and Gallery. Edward S. Handy & co, 98 Miuket street, -above third. Yardley, Sowers &co. 141 do above third. Jolla S. Fitchett & co. 47 do below Second. Allen It. Reeves &co. 1771 do Wm. T. Howell & co. 181 do Deacon & Paterson, 187 do Martin Buehler & Bro. 195 do below Filth. Michael V. Baker, 215 do Maslin & Pipper, 4 N. Third St. Faust & Winebrener, 70 du Saddlery hardware, and carriage Trim. niings. John M. Ford, 12 forth Third street, H. &G. F 1 icke. 14 do ( if & Patersoti, I 2 North Fourth street. Ford, 7 do Saddlery, Saddlery Hardware, Harness, Trunks. Edward P. Moyer, 38. alsu 232 Market st. Publishers, Booksellers, and Stationers. Grigg & &Hut, 9 North Fourth st. Hogan& Thunipson, 30 do Hides, Oil and Leather Dealers. William Musser & co. 26A Market street. H. M. Crawford, 204 N. Third st. Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Caps, Leghorn and Palos W. E. &J. G. Whehin, 158 Market Et, Levick, Jenkins & co. 150 do China, Earthenware and Glass. Alexander Read, 205 Market st PeterWtight& Sons, 259 Wright et Wharton, 29 N. Third st. Benedict Dorsey & 50n,125 do William P. Hacker, 2 North Second st., above Arch. Manufacturers and Dealers in Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, &c. Thomas P. lames, 212 Market street, 'fbompson,Pancoast & co. 40 do below 2d. Caleb Cresson, 6 Nortli•rhird st, Manzi=hirers of Sieves, Riddles, Screens, and VVireivork in general. . . . --- Joseph A. Nee( les & co. 51N. Front street, Combs. Brushes, Buttons. Spool Colton, .- - - Trimmings, Fancy Goods, &c. &c: Oliver Martin, 24 North I•'uurth street, S. M. Day, 10 _do do Manufacturers & Imp >tiers of Military Goads, Fringes, Cards, Tassels, Carriage' Laces. N'4'lll fl. HairtSlllallll & Suns, Si N. Third st. iliatiffacturers of Umbrellas, Parusas and Sun-shades. Sleeper, Brothers, 126 Market street. Wrieit & Brothers, 125 do William A. Drown, 86 do Manufacturers of Hata, Caps. Wool Hats, dec. Henderson & Levick, 144 Maiket street, S. & O.C. Nichols, 114 du Manufacturers of Patent Floor & Furni• lure Oil Cloths, and Elastic Carriage Curtains. Potter & Carmichael, 568 North Third st. ltaac Macauley, Jr., 6 Not th Fifth st. Manufacturers of Ladies' & Gentlemen's Cheap Travelling Trunks. A. L. Hickey & co. 150 Chesnut streets George B. Balsa, 8 and 25 N. 4th s t. Importer of Toys, Fancy cir. Staple Goods, Brushes and Perfumery. A. F. Ott Manrose, 16 S. 4th below Market. LoUIs C. Bauersaclis, 170 Marl et street. Mantloclurer of combs, Brushes, Soaps and Perfumery. Thomas Burch, Jr. (late of Pittsburg) 183 Market street. Groceries. Wilham V. Anderson & cc. 21N, Water st, John Trucks. 17 NJ sth at, cor of conunerce, Waterman & Osbourn, North West corner of Second and Arch streets, It. Paterson & cr. 182 M irket street Dealer in Candi, a, ()fovea, Lemons, John 1 Richardson, 42 Market st. below 2J. imparter ef all kinds o/ Shipping Furs. William G,isse & Sons, 60 South Front, be low Chesnut street. Jlgricalturel & horticultural Iniplementl, Garden, Grass and Flower Seeds. Di 0. Prouty, 194 1 Market street, below Sixth, South sick. Looking Glasses, Plated Fancy Hard• ware, Combs; &e. Wm. et Walter Cresson, 14 North Ith st. Importer aad Dealer in Bulling Clot/ s. Licub Fry, 58 Noith Third s tit Lt, (succes .. nor to hitters. Manufacturers & Deal( rs iii Straw Goods, Hair Edgiiigs, William M.& Junks E,M.tull, 30 North 11 street. Illantfacturersni enel and Bunch, and * Deakra in Bads, Slums and Banneta! James T. Let & a .; 124 North Third it. Mann finturer of Pntent Lealhcr. Glezed Muslin, Carriage Oil Clutha and Caps. . John T. Holloway, 9 North Faith street. Brass Bight Day, SO Hour and General Clock Establishments. James F. Smith, 82 N. 3,1 st. twat. Cherry. James Barber, 238 Mtt ILA it., south bide, above Seventh street. , • A. E. Lovell, corner of Third and Ntoci,l s'reets, and corner of 4th and Market sts. Print Wu, ehousr, Debts!. e in Prints, only. Morrell & cr., 201 Market street, second door above Fifth. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1845. Public wiWice. NOTICE is hereby that all the personal property belonging to James Isett, of hlopr well township, now un the premises occupi ed by him, consisting of farming utensils, horses, cattle, hogs, licusehule and kiicheil furniture, was purchased by me at Consta ble's Sal, , sale un the bib day of February A. 1845, and that the same has been left in the possession of said Isett until I thia proper to remove the samt. 4111 persons are therefore cautioned against interfering with the same. MATTHEW GARNER. February 26, 1845-3 t pd An die ei wrialhr in die Slade Iluneingdcn eneine Durck die ermuterung meiner fretinden, bin ich bewngen Os Can didat um des Friedenrichters Anit (Justice of the Peace) an der kommende Whal mi zubieten, welches an machsten Mate Statt linden wild, im Lill Ich erwahlt werde,po verspreihe ich die pficliten desselben, aufmeiksamkeit antrichtigkeit v.' el fullen. GEORGK LIAR rLzy: Huntingdon, den lsteni Feb 1845: Ptoposals Will be received by the undersighed; at the Commissioners' Office in Huntingdon, till Wednesday the 12th day of March, for the erection of a Bridge act% ss the Itaystown Branch of the Juniata river, at or near Jas. Entraken's, in Hopewell township, said bridge to consist of two spans, each 115 feet in length. The plan and specificati..ns can be seen at the Commissioners Cffice. ALEX. KNOX, Jr. MOliD. CHILGO rE, Ccmr's JOHN F. MILLER, Commissioners' Office, Hun tingdon, Feb. 13, 1845. 5 ditditorls Olotices. THE undersigned, auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to distribute the assets in the hands of Geo. B. Young, Esq., whin. of Mary Fisher, late of the borough of Alexandria dec'd., to and among the creditors of said deceased, hereby gives notice to all interested, that he will attend for that purpose at his office in Huntingdon, on Friday, the 21st day of March next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. when and where all persons having claims arc reques ted to present them. GEORGE TAYLOR, February 12, 1845. Auditor. THE undersigned, auditor 'appointed by the Orphans' Court of 11 untingdon county, to apportion and distribute the assets in the haLds of John Kerr, ex'r. of Levi West brook, late of Walker townshi?, deceased, 0 and amongst the creditors of said dec'd., hereby gives notice to all persons interested that he will attend for that purpose at his office, in Huntingdon, on Friday the 21st of March next, at 1 o'clock, P. Ms, of which, all persons having claims against said estate are requested to take notice. GEORGE TAYLOR, Fdbruary 12, 1895. Auditor. Tue undersigned, auditor appointed by the court of common pleas of Huntingdon county to approprtate the moneys arrising from the Sheriff's Sale of the real estate of Daniel K. Kamey, hereby gives notice to all persons interested in said appropriation that he will attend for that purpose at his office in Huntingdon, on Saturday the 22d day of March next, at 1 0'c10ck,?,m,... GEORGE 'TAYLOR, ~ February 12, 1845. Auditor, Estate of Zosiah Clossin, late of Antes ImenNhip, dec'tl. irSt, OTICE is hereby gh;en that lettersof administration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All petsons having blaims or deMands against the same are requested to make them known without delay, and all persons indebted to make immediate payment to THOMAS& CLHSSIN. WILLIAM P. DYSART, 5 Adm'rs. February 12, 1895. Estate of Latereaie &taupe, Late of Cass township, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the said estatt hate been gratted to the undersiglied. All persons having claims or demands against the same are reqoe.ted to make them known without delay, and all persons indebted to snake im mediate payment to CALEB SiI 7 OOPE, .4der. Jan. 22, 1845.-6 t. C u ss tp. AIJOITOWs NOTICE. THE undersigned auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to apportion and distribute the assets in the hands of Isaac Neff, administrator of Wilson, late of West towhship, deceased, hereby gives notice that he will attend for that pyrpose, at the office of S. S. Wharton, Esti:, in the borotiAh of Hunting&n, on Sat urday the Ist day of March next, at 1 o'- clobk Pt M. , when and where all persons having claims againt.t the sane are required to make them known, or he debarred from coining in for a share of said assets—of which all persons interested will take notice. , JACOB MILLER, Auditor, Feb. Sth 1845-4 t. ISAAC PISHER, ATTORNEY AT LAW.--Has removed to Huntingdon, with the intention of making it the place of his future residence, and will attend to such legal business as may he en trusted to him. Dec. 20, 1843. BLANK DEEDS, of' an imp:Ned form, for sale at this office: LIST OF JURORS For on A'ouriud Court of Common Pleas SI be held at Huntingdon, in and for !hi Cuuniy of Bunting; don, on the second Monday and 10th day if March, A. D. 1845, viz ;L TRAVERSE JURORS.,nairr wNsx. , Albright John, Curd watn,r, Aoteigh Peter, Blat ksmith, Alexander James, Farmer, Barite. Burley Jacob, ' Carpenter Snyder. Cumming 'lhotnas, Fat mer, Morris. Craine Evan, du. Antes. Cook Miles, do. 'Todd. Cunningham Robinson,do West. Carman James, Jr., Constable, Bairee. Dysart Joseph, Farmer, Franklin. Douglass Jul.n . du Shirley. • Decker John, Jr., du Henderson. Eicholtz Charles, do Woodberry. Fleck Conrad, Constable, Tyrone. . Fiiilley Samuel, Butcher, Henderson. Grafius Israel, linnet., Porter, . . Green Nathan Wt Constable, Warliorml Hanish John, Jr., Farmer, Morris. Puover Christian, du Huston. ampson Evans; do Henderson. ines John P. Printer, Blair. Keller John, [of M) Fanner, Morrib Leeport John, Wagonmaker, Frarldni. M'Farland Archibald, Farmer, Snyder. Miller Henry W. Clerk, Henderson. 111'Neal Hugh, Itunitraster, Nash Daniel G. Laborer, Henderson. Robeson Samuel, Tanner, Allegheny. Smith Jost ph, Farmer, Dublin. Stitt Alexander, Tanner, Porter. Suter John, Farmer, Woodberry. Trout John, do Antes. Trout Joseph, do • do. Templeton James, Chairmaker, Shirley. Yocum James; Blacksmith, Porter. Yocum John, Jr. Fainter, Walker. TRAVERSE JURORS.—ascoso wars. Bollinger John, Farmer, Springfield tp. Boushlough Michael H. Merchant, Blair. Buoltalian Alexander, Farmer, do Copely John, Blacksmith, Warriorsinark. Cromwell T. P. Jus. Peace, CrOMWell. Cunningham David, Farmer, Hen der son. Carothers Alexander, do Morris. Dripkle Henry, Carpenter, West. Estep Thomag W. Collier, Snyder. Edwards Jams, Farmer, Tod. Forrest Joseph, Innkeeper, Hende teen. Gwin Edward, Carpenter, Hagerty Augustine, Farmer, Antes. Huston Thomas, do Barree. Hudson George B. do Springfield. Hall Adam, Clerk, Henderson. Igow James, Farmer, Antes. Ingram John, du Franklih. Lee Henry, . do Barree. Leech John M. Millwright, do. M'Crtuken Henry, Pat me r, West. Myerly SolcMon, Far Mer, Cass. Moore Jesse, Jr. do Franllstown. Morrison NiViLiarit, do, Shirley. Moore Thomas 11, Merthant, Paths William, Farmer, Casio: Roller Joshua, do Woos berry. Iti3dle John B. do Frahkstown. Reed Joseph, Chairmaker, Blair. Stitt Robert, Gentleman, Henderson. Stryker John, Farmer, Vest. Stonebraker David R. Farmer, FraLklin. Shultz James L. Manager, Snyder. Warefield Adam, Blacksmith, Hendersor, VVertz Solomon, Farmer, Blair. Wilson William, Blacksmith, Ante& FRENCH BURR MILL STONES, 4 .07 r HE subscriber continues to manufac ture, in Harrisburg, Frehch Burrs of all sizt.s, and of the very best quality, much cheaper titan ever, and on very tavornble terms. Letters addressed to him will receive the same prompt attention as if personal appli cation were 'node. W. IL KEPNER. Feb. 5,1845.-9 mo. a Mill possession to be given on the Ist day or Ain it next, The Big Meadows Farm, on the ,Aughwick creik , six milts above st,irleyAborg, and now in the posstssion of button Lane and John Ramsey. This farm will be let on favorable terms to the tenants. There is a large quadtity of cleared laud on the faun. J. G. MILES _ in Huntingdon, Attorney for S. L. Keene, Adger with the will an nexed of Julio Ltikens, deed. Feb. sth 1845, Estate of BENJAMIN CORBIN, Late of Ma townekip. dec'd, . . . • Notice is hereby given that letters of ad, minstration upon the said estate have be. h gtiVed, to the undersigned. All pei*tis having, claims or demands against the same are recluested to make them known without delay, and all perkins Ihdebted to make im mediate payment to JAMES sArro'N"; Jr., Adm'r, Feb. 5,1845-6 t. Valuable Farm for Sale, [IN BEDFORD COUNTY. j Tits, subscriber offers for sale at private sale one of the best farms in Bedford county. Said farni is situated on Bobs creek. half a mile from St. Clairville, 10 miles from Bed ford, and 22 miles front Hollidaysburg.— The farm contains (z)er, dra.ccoa-cswas e all bottom laud, 75 acres are cleared! and under fence. The improvements arca good two Story frame DWELLING MOUSE. and stable. There is c,n the premises an orchard of excellent fruit. If application be made immediately the above valuable farm may be had for $3OOO. JOHN BOWSER. Jall. 29, 1845.-3 t. HOTEL. Nu. 200 MARKET STREET, (Above 6th Street) Philadelphia. BOARDING XI.OO PER DAY. SWHE subscriber, thanklul for the libels!' support of his friends and the public geneially, respectfully inf.) ins thtto that lie still continues ne the out established l where We will be pleased to accommodate allthose who favor hilt' wit It t heirpatronage. ISTI It N BROWER. Dec. 1.1, 131.2.—tf. ccaz - e2;occB=m a r,A,I smirws WHoLEsAL4 CLOCK Lsmaitsit- .IPr TIENT. Nu. 82, North' -pp Third Street, near C !terry ,Pitiiadelphia, a wht re may b.: found • the largest assortment of Brass ( l.icks in the United States, among which are year.meinth, eieht d iy, thirty hour and cLccv.— Abut, Wood Clot k 4. CC"' Dealers will find it to their advantage to give a call before porch Rhine elsewhere: , Looking. glasses manufactured. JAMES S. No. 82, Third %Civet near Cherry, Philadelphia. January 29, 1845.-3 m. Watches, Silver Ware 4. Jewelry -.00 James Peters & Co., , No. 105 N. 2d St.. corner of Elfreth't Alley, Philadelphia. J. P. &.Co. continue to:manufacture at their Old stand, Silver Spoons, Spxtacles, Thim bles &c. on as low terms as any other manu factory in the city. The y have on hand an 4 keep constantly for sale, beside their owl manufactures. Watches of all kiwis & prices ; Silver Illire,Jezvefry & Fancy Goode,ni their variety, which will be sold low.. Spectacle Glasses fitted to all ages and sights, in Gold, Silver, Germat. Silver and Steel Frames, with convex, concave, perise, pic; blur; grey and green glasses. Watchim.kers supplied with all ne cessary articles in their line, such as Tools, Materials, Glasses &c. , 0.. Watches repaired at short notice and warranted to perform. rr, Cash or exchange given for old Gold and Silver. Phi Fa., Dec. 11, 1844.-2 m. FARM Fdlt old and well ithprovrcl farm containing ..-....cricapcs•s:36, with allowance, a large quantity of which is cleared and under good fence. The improve; menu are a large and convenient dwelling house, Om story sifting house, barn and other nut bitildings; with a beVer failing spring of vOter tonvenient, and an c tchakd of choice fruit. 7 here is also a good with.abundance of lime stone and fuel. This property is handsomely located on the butt of %ugliwick creck, Shirley township, fluntingdon county, and pokotesses many ad- Vantages in point of locality. Being dnikant from the borough of ShirleysbUrg [my two miles from the canal three miles and p Half; and iinmediately on the road from blurleirttl.! burg, to Drake's ferry. There is alto a first-rate merchant mill on the property adjoining it. ALSO, $3 acres of woodland handsomely located on Chesnut ridge, Shirley township; Huntingdon county. Apply soon to the subscriber on the pre. mises. LEWIS BERKsTRESSEIt. January 15,1845 . Orphans' Court Sale. IN pursuance of an Order of the Orphans Court of Huntingdon county, the underigned ustees appointed to make sale of the real estate of Jacob Kelt( e; late of Morris town , ship, in said county, dec'd., will expoLe tat sale by public vendue, on Monday the 3rd day of March nest, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, tho plantation and tract of lane on which said deceased in his lifetime resided, situate io the said township and county, aloioing lands of Hugh Fergus on the west, William Walters and a small lot sold to the lichod Directors, on the south, of Geotgl ; Henry & David Keller on the east, anti of Henry S. Spang on the notch, containing Ma CD adas• . and 72 perches, or thereabouts, of which about 150 are cleared upland and l 0 of mea dow, haiing a two story log house, frame bank barn, a small frame house, and an ap ple orchard thereon. The 'said tract is of the best quality of land, pleasantly situgqttd. being but a short distance from IVaterstreet; on he Turnpik e road. TEnnts CF SALF..—Use third of the par chase money to be pail stn the confirmation of the sale, and the. residue at and immedi ately after the death of Catharine Kellar, Widoiv of said deceased, the interest of this third to be paid to the said widow annually dining her, life ;—the w ht le to be secured by the bonds and mortvaer 0 the plrehaser. JOHN KEI.LER. (of Jacob.) PETER SHAFFER. Jan. 22,1845. Trustees. CAU persons are ,h,ereby cautioned and forewarned not to Avv sell, or in,any way meddle with tlt follow ing iiioperty, which I purchased a Consta bles Sale, on Saturday the 18th o ,lanuary inst.,.as the property of Abrahain Kurts, of Walker township, and hit in the possession of said Kurts till convenient to remove t h e same, io wit : _ One horse, one pow, two ploughs, one harrow, to scts of horse gears. one grain cradle, one mowing scythe and used. PETER SHOWALTER. Jail. 1 , 18 (5.--3t. pd. CaBLVET toed ellatit WARE ROOMS, Old stand, opposite Gee. Licks, n's =COMAS ADAMS, :Ix} AS now on hand and still continues to siallmanufacture the most splendid ass.al ment of elegant Furniture and Cltirs..&c. ever effered for sale in the botch of Hun tingdon, embracing almost eseyy article in the above line ' • which in point 61 dtkability, workmanship, fashionable style of pattern, and fine finish, will comfrare With similar articles manufactured in any portion of the county all of which pi ices dettrmintd to sell at vei'y reduced prices for cash ur proved cOhntry produce, or on time to punc tual dealers. Hotels, private dwellings. &c. ftilished to order at the shortest,possilile unlit e. House, sign, and fancy painting done on the Most reasonable terms. , N. B.—Co ffi ns made for the cit i zens We borough, at the shortest under. Huntingdon, Ott. 16, 1 844.—tf. - GEORGE TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Attends to practice in the Orphans' Court Stating Achniniatratiunacconnts,Scr!venieg. Sec.—Office in Dill stfeel; 3 (km a East ut T. head's Drug stae.. Feb. 28, 1844. LThTICAS! Blanks of all kint% tor stile 1,0 ..t thi). (Afttr.