Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 19, 1845, Image 3

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    Tk LIE). la cl/ CD IMILL.3 I IenD. .
Illamlingdon, Feb. a 9, 1 845.
-- 1
rrf V. B. P A T. WER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street
bano.79eird, Phihdelphia,)is authorized to act as
Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and
The Payment of the Interest,
The Philadelphia papers of Tuesday
last were filled with glowing accounts of
the rejoicing which prevailed in the city
ou account of the payment of the State
Interest. The Inquirer says:
Much joy was expressed by all classes,
and in every part of the city yesterday.,
on account of the payment of the inter
•ert on the public dent, and the consequent
restoration of the honorable character of
'the Commonwealth.
At 12 o'clock, a salute of 100 guns was
'fired from Bush Hill, by two of our ar
tillery companies who went through the
gladsome duty with great precision and
It being known that the lion. David
R. Porter, Ex-Governor of the State, was
in the city a number of citizens resolved
to wait upon, and congratulate hint on the
auspicious event. Shortly after 2 o'clock,
they arrived at the American Hotel, Ches
nut street, the head Tuners of the Gov
ernor, accompanied by a detachment of
the National Artillery, Capt. J. K. Mur•
phy—Lieutenant Ward commanding.--
The hand, which by the way was capital,
played several patriotic and military airs,
as the military and citizens approached
and entered the private apartments of the
The citizens were received with great
urbanity by Mr. Porter, who was accom.
panied by Will F. Johnson, Esq. late
Attorney General, and several friends.
?Erne ',WEAL', Eeq. Mayor of the
city, addressed the Ex-Guvernor in a
brief speech in which he expressed the
Jeep emotions of gratification felt by the
citizens in relation to the glorious event
which they commemorated.
Governor PORTER, in his reply, obser
ved that the honor conferred upon him
was so unexpected, that he was wholly
at a loss in what language to return his
thank. adequately, to the citizens who had
thus manifested fur his conduct in relation
to the State finances, so much regard and
respect. lle was highly gratified that
Any portion of his public conduct should
have received the approbation of the cit
izens of Pennsylvania ; and particular!y
`so, that it should have been approved by
the enlightened citizens of Philadelphia.
to him, was gratifying in the extreme,
He did not consider that lie wa-s entitled
'to these distinguishin marks of kindness
:•l-for he had only d oner his duty. Ile
bad sworn, on being installed into office,
to do his duty to the people; and to the
beat of his ability he had endeavored so
'to do.
When he had entered upon the Guber
natorial office, he found that about $2,600,
'OOO was due trout the State to laborers,
and other domestic creditors, who really
could not afford to be kept out of their
:Money. Every week of his life, at that
time, he was assailed by men with tears
in their eyes, who stated that their little
property was about to be sold to pay the
Yew debts they had contracted for the
necessary support of their families— that
Their property thus forced into the market,
would 'bring but a faction of its real value
*--and all this they should suffer, because
they 'could nut obtain payment of their
just dues from the Commonwealth. He
rijoiced at the event which had been
brought about—the payment of the State
Interest. lh his Xll essages, lie had pre
sented 'facts in relation to the linantcal
tontlition of the State—what he knew to
be facts. And he was free to say, in re
ferring to the Treasurer of the Common
wealth (Mr, Job Mann,) that the Depart
ment had never been inure ably or faith
fully filled, than by the gentleman who
had officiated during the latter portion of
his Administration. But this was not all.
The tax payers would now be convinced
that the taxes would be devoted to the
inarposes for which they were levied; and
we should find that, from this day, the
taxes would be cheerfully paid.
The Governor then spoke in the most
thedring terms of the condition of the far
mers and agriculturalists of the State ;
SIMI after expressing the heartfelt pleas
ure which the happy and auspicious event
of the day, and the congratulations of his
fent)* citizens tiltioledhim,--Ite address
ed himself to the Mayor, and concluded
by saying— , 1 thank sou, and the gentle
men with you for the manifestations of
regard aad respect, which I have this day
received at your hands.
The speeches of both gentleulen were
' received with acclamation—the band play
ed e Hail Columbia,' and ' Yankee Doodle'
—and both the military and citizens, hay.
ing partaken or a cold collation- , the par
ty separated, highly pleased with the pro
41.ineritan Indians in England.
Fourteen lowa Indians are now in
England, and have been giving exhibitions
ut a number of the principal towns.—
They are headed by 'White Cloud;' and
a correspondent of the Boston Atlas says
that this Chief was unable for several
.days, to appear at the daily exhibitions—
this was also the case with Se-non-ty-yah,
the great medicine man, who was sadly
infllicted with rheumatism, and being six
ty years of agei he suffered for a few days
very much—Nii-ho-monla, one of the
most active, and the best looking. man of
the party, was confined to his lied for
three weeks. The thief's (laughter, S.
phis, a girl two years uhf, met with an
accident at Birmingham—she . thrust her.,
arm through a broken pane of glass and
rut it—intlatuatien ensued, and it was
feared that she would not survive, but she
is now entirely well.
The writer adds It is somewhat
singular that, although the very best nied•
ical attendants were immediately called
to When these pet suns were ill, and they
I left their prescriptions, yet, not one In•
dian mould take the medicines prescribed,
but ousted entirely to the advice given
by Se•noti-ty-yah, their own doctor—
and his mode of treatment was of course
peculiar. In almost every case lie burnt
tobacco, invoked the blessing of the Great
Spirit, leaned over the sick person, rubbed
the juice of herbs on the body, and snook
his medicine bag over it I Which of
these prescriptions answered the purpose
I am unable to say; but, although two or
three of the Indians were at death's door,
and one *as prOnouuced actually dead,
they are all now perfectly well and hearty,
and are this Week giving their games and
dances in the ancient city of York; where
Mr. Catlin has joined them to lecture Up ,
on their manners and customs; before he
goes With them to Paris, where they will
be exhibited with his Indian collection•
The limas will probably leave France for
New York, in March or April next, and
then return to their own beautiful prairie.
grounds. hey have received ninny val
uable presents since they have teen in
England, add they are all contented and
happy; but the great expense of taking
such a large party about the country has
not allowed any one to realize a sufficient
remuneration fur the great risk attending
the exhibition.'
The subscribers, Wholesale Merchants,
Manufacturers and Dealers in Philadel'a.,
respectfully invite those Country Merchants
who are about purchasing their Spring and
Summer Supplies, to an examination of their
respective Stocks of Goods.
We believe that our several assortments
are as complete as ever have been offered in
this city, and shall be pleased to have them
give us a call.
Importers and Pealers n Silk and Fancy
Dry Goods.
Caleb Cope & co. 165 Market st. above 4th
W. & R. P. Remington, 92 du
Ashhurst & Remington, 80 do
See, Brother & co. 70 do
Yard & Gillmore. 109 do
Domestic and Foreign Dry Goods.
Reynolds, M'Farland 8c co.. 105 Market it.
Morgan, Buck & co., 57 do
W. B. & U. B. Cooper, 53 do
Samuel Hood & co., North Last corner of
Market and Fifth streets.
King, Boyd & King, 26 North Second st.,
o ) posite the Madison House.
William H. Brown & co. ' 20 N. Fourth st.
Julian, Mason & co., 1561Vlarket street.
Eckel, Sanger & Raiguel, 128 N. '1 hard st.
above Race.
Smith, Howell & Barr, 33 N. Second st.
Barclay Lippincott, 166 k Maiket street one
. .
door below Filth, south side.
Ludwig, Kneedler 8c co. 112 North Third
street, West corner of Race street.
Haas it Hollingsworth, 18 North Second
street, and 2 Church Alley.
James J. Boswell & co., 50 Market st.
Frederick, Dewald & co. 62 N. Third st.
Importers and Dealers in Hosiery, Gloves,
Trimmings and Fancy Goods.
E. S. Burnett, 3 South Fourth street, cast
side below Market.
J. & J. P. Steiner, 98 North Second street,
4 doors below Arch street.
Cloths, Cas sinters, Vestings, WWl'
Trimmings, 4•c.
De Coursey, Lafourcade & CO. 77 Marketst.
William H. Love, 147 do
J. Godley Spry & co. 84 do
Hardware, and Cutlery.
Eaward S. Handy & co, 98 Maaket street
- -
above third.
Yardley, Sowers,& co. 141 do
above third.
John S. Fitchett & co. 47 do
below Second.
Allen It. Reeves &co. 177} do
Vim. T. Howell & co. 181 do
eacon & Paterson, 187 do
Martin Buehler & Bro. 195 do
b elow Fifth.
Michael V. Baker, 215 do
Muslin & Pepper, 4 N. Third st.
Faust & Winebrener, 70 do
Saddlery Hardware, and Carriage Trim
John M. Ford, 32 North Thiix! street.
H. &G. Fricke, 14 do
Goff & Paterson, 12 North Fourth street.
William Ford, 7 do
Saddler ; Saddlery Hardware, Harness, Trunks.
Edivard P. Moyer, 38. also 252 Market St.
Publishers, Booksellers, and Stationers.
Grigg & Elliot, 9 North Fourth st.
Hogan & Thompson, 30 do
Hides, Oil and Leather Dealers.
William Musser & co. 263 Market street.
H. M. Crawford, 204 N. Third at.
Boots, Shoes, Bonnets, Caps, Leghorn and Palm
Hats. -
W. E. &J. G. Whelan, 158 Market at.
Levick, Jenkins & co. 150 do
China, Earthenware and Glass.
Alexander Read, 205 Market st.
Peter Wtight & Sons, 259 do
Wright & Wharton, 29 N. Third st
Benedict Dorsey & Son; 125 do
William P. Hacker, 62 North Second st.
above Arch. and Dealers in Drugs, Mediiines,
Paints, Oils, &c.
Thomas P. James, 212 Market street.
ThompsomPancoust & co. 40 do below 2d.
Caleb Cresson, 6 North Third st.
Manufacturers of Sieves, Riddles, Screens, and
Wirework in general.
Joseph A. Needles & co. 54 N. Front street.
Combs, Brushes, Buttons, Spool Colton,
Tri ?timings, Fancy Goods, &c. &c.
Oliver Martin, 24 North Fourth street,
S. M. Day, 10 do do
Monarocturers & Imp , rterl of Military
Goods, Fringes, Cords, Tassels, Carriage Laces.
Win H. Hartsinann & Suns, 51 N. 'llara
Irtanifacturers of Urnbryllas, Parasols
and Sun-shades.
Sleeper, Brothers, 126 Market street,
Wright & Brothers, 125 do
86 <III
William A. Drown;
ECrittfacturers of Hats, Cap, Wool Hots, &c.
Henderson & ',click, 144 Maiket street.
S. 13c O. C. Nichols, 114 do
Manufacturers of Patent Floor & F urni
lure Oil Cloths, and Elastic Carriage Curtains.
Potter & Carmichael, 568 North Third st.
Isaac Macauley, Jr., 6 Not th Filth St.
Alantffacturers of Ladies' & Gentlemen's
_ .... elteapTravelling Trunks.
A. L. Hickey & cu. 150 C liesnat street.
George E. &tins, 8 and 25 N. 4th st.
Importer of Toys, Mary ty Staple Goods,
Brushes and Perfumery.
A. F. Ott Monrose, 16 S. 4th below Matket.
Louis C. Batierstmits, 170 Market street.
Illantlacturer of Combs, Brushes, Soups
and Perfumery.
Thomas Burch, Jr. (late of Pittsburg) 183
Market street.
William V. Anderson & cc. 21 N. Water st.
John Trucks, 17 N. sth st. cor of commerce.
Waterman & Oslmuni, North West corner
of Second and Arch streets.
R. Paterson & co. 182 Market street.
Dealer in Candies, Oranges, Lemons,
liaisons, 4-c.
John J. Richardson, 42 Market st. below 21
bnporter of all land& of Shipping Fars.
William Geisse &Sons, 60 South Front, be
low Chesnut street.
Sgricullurel & Horticultural ItylementY,
Garden, Grass and Flower Seeds.
1 0. Prouty, 194} Market street, below
Sixth, South side.
Looking Glasses, Plated Fancy Hard-
ware, Combat, Brushes, &c.
Wm. & Walter Cresson, 14 North 4th st. '
Importer aad Dealer in Bolting Cloths.
Jacob Fry, 58 Not th Third street, (succes
sor to ]titters.
ManUfacturers& Dealcrsin Straw Goods,
Hair Edgings, &c.
William M.& James E.Maull, 30 North 2d
Manlffacturcrs of Caps and Stocks, and
* Dealers in Bo . ots, Sitoes and Bonnets.
James Leet & co.; 124 North Third st.
Manufacturer of Potent Leather, Glezed
Muslin, Carriage Oil Clothe and Caps.
John T. Haig way, 9 North Filth street.
Brass Eight Day, SO Hour and General
Clock - Ealablishments.
James S. Smith, 82 N. 3d st. near Cherry.
James Barber, 238 Market at., south aide,
above Seventh street.
A. E. Lovell, corner of Third slid Wood
streets, and corner of 4th and Market sts.
Print Warehouse, Dealers in Prints, only.
Morrell & ca., 201 Market street, second
door above Fifth.
Philadelfihia, Feb. 19, 1845.
Will be received by the undersigned, at
the Commissioners' Office in Huntingdon,
till Wednesday the 12th day of March, for
the erection of a Bridge acrcssthe Raystown
Branch of the Juniata river, at or near Jas.
Entriken's, in Hopewell township, said
bridge to consist of two spans, each llsi feet
in length. The plan and specifications can
fie Seen at the Commissioners Office.
Commissioners' Office, Hun
tingdon, Peb. 18, 1845.
Juelitor's 'Notices.
Txit undersigned, auditor appointed by
the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county,
to distribute the assets in the hands ot Gee.
B. Young, Esq., adin't. of Mary Fisher, late
of the borough of Alexandria dec'd., to
and among the creditors of said deceased,
hereby gives notice to all interested, that
he will attend for that purpose at his office
in Huntingdon, on Friday, the 21st day of
March next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. when and
where all persons having claims are reques
ted to present them.
February 12, 1845. Auditor.
THE undersigned, anditor appointed by
the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county,
to apportion and distribute the assets in the
haLtis of John Kerr, ex'r. of Levi West
brook, late of Walker township, deceased,
to and amongst the creditors of said dec'd.,
hereby gives notice to all persons interested
that he will attend for that purpose at his
office, in Huntingdon, on Friday the 21st of
March next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., ot which,
all persons having claims against said estate
are requested to take notice.
February 12, 1845. Auditor.
THE undersigned, auditor appointed by
the court of common pleas of Huntingdon
county to approprtate the moneys arrising
from the Sheriff's Sale of the real estate of
Daniel K. Kamey, hereby gives notice to all
persons interested in said appropriation that
he will attend tar that purpose at his office
in Huntingdon, on Saturday the 22d day of
March next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.
February 12, 1845. Auditor.
Estate of Josiah Gloss's, late of
Ames township, deed.
OTICE is hereby given that letters of
41,11) administration upon the said estate
have been granted to the undersigned. All
pet sons having claims or demands against
the same are requested to make thefts known
without delay, and all persons indebted to
make immediate pay inent to ,
February 12, 1845.
Estate of Lawrence Swoope,
Late of Cass township, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known withoUt
delay, and all persons indebted to make i►n
mediate payment to
ian. 22, 1845.-6 t. CasS tp.
BLANK DEEDS, of an improved
form, for sale at this office. •
For an Arjournid Court of Common Pleas
to be held at Iluntivdon, in and for the
County of Huntingdon, an the second
Monday and 10th day rf March, A. D.
1845, viz :
Albright John, Cord winner, H ends rsuia tjs.
Ameigh Peter, Mac ksmith,
Alexander James, Farmer, Barree.
Burley Jacob, Carpenter Snyder.
Cumming Thomas, Farmer, Morris.
Cruise Evan, do. Antes.
Cook Miles, do. Todd.
Cunningham Robinson,do West,
Cartoon James, Jr., Constable, Barree.
Dysart Joseph, Farmer, Franklin.
Douglass Jolts, do Shirley.
Decker John, Jr., do Henderson.
Eicholtz Charles, do Woodberry.
Fleck Conrad, Constable, Tyrone.
Fridley Samuel, But Cher, Henderson.
Gratis Israel, 'limier, Porter,
Green Nathan W. Constable, Warriorm'k
Harnish John, Jr., Farmer, Morris.
Hoover Christian, du Huston.
Hampson Evans, do Henderson.
Jones John I'. Printer, Blair,
Keller John, [of M] Far Mer, Morris.
Leeport John, Wagonmaker, Franklin.
MTarland Archibald, Farmer, Snyder.
Miller Henry W. Clerk, Henderson.
M'N eal Hugh, Ironmaster, Mot ris.
Nash Daniel G. Laborer, Henderson.
Robeson Samuel, Tanner, Allegheny,
Smith Joseph, Farmer, Dublin.
Stitt Alexander, Tanner, Porter.
Suter John, Farmer, Woodberry.
Trout John, do Antes,
Trout Joseph, do do.
Templeton James, Chairmaker, Shirley.
Yocum James, Blacksmith, Porter.
Yocum John, Jr. Farmer, Walker.
Bollinger John, Farmer, Springfield tp.
Boushlough Michael H. Merchant, Blair.
Buchanan Alexander, Farmer, do
Copely John, Blacksmith, Warr iorsmark.
Cromwell T. P. Jus. Peace, Cromwell.
Cunningham David, Farmer, Henderson.
Cardthers Alexander, do Morris.
Driakle Henry, Carpenter, West.
Estop Thomas W. Collier, Snyder.
Edwards James, Farmer, Tod.
Forrest Joseph, Innkeeper, Henderson.
Gwin Edward, Carpenter, Blair.
Hagerty Augustine, Farmer, Antes.
Huston Thomas, do Barree.
Hudson George B. do Springfield.
Hall Adam, Clerk, Henderion.
Igow James, Farmer, Antes.
Ingrain John, do Franklin.
Lee Henry, do Barree.
Leech John M. Millwright, do.
M'Cracken Henry, Farmer, West.
Myerly Solomon, Farmer, Cass.
Moore Jesse, Jr. e. Franl6tbwn'.
Morrison William, do Shirley.
Moore Thomas B. Merchant, Blair.
Parks William, Farmer, Cans.
Roller Joshua, do Woodberry.
Riddle John B. do Frankstown.
Reed Joseph, Chairmaker, Blair.
Stitt Robert, Gentleman, Henderson.
Stryker John, Farmer, West.
Stonebraker David R. Farmer, Franklin.
Shultz James L. Manager, Snyder.
Warefielcl Adam, Blacksmith, Henderson.
Wertp Solotnon, Farmer, Blair.
Wilsibn William, Blacksmith, Antes.
zz)usuith)nacfE , EMieraacs3..
THE subscriber will offer for sale, by
public vendue or outcry, on the premises,
on Thursday the 20th day of February 1845,
that valuable
now occupied by him, situated on the south
erly side of Tyrone street, in the town of
in the county 61 Huntingdon, together with
the appurtenances thereunto belonging.
The HOUSE was built ex
pressly for a Tavern; and has
always been occupied as such—
is a well-constructed three story
brick building, 31 by 43 feet, and nearly
new. There is a good STABLE on the
premies, also nearly new, and large enough
to accommodate 25 horses.
-- TERMS OF SALE.—Easy terms will be
givenpayments to suit the purchaser.
Any person wishing further information
colic truing the property can obtain it by
calling on the undersigned.
Feb. 5, 1845,—t5.
P. S. if not sold on said day the above
desci ibed property will immediately be of
fered for rent. J. N.
Orphans' Court Sale.
IN pursuance of an orderot the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon county, there will be
exposed to sale, by public vendue or outcry.
on the premises, on
Tuesday, the 25th of February next,
as the property of J ohn Scullin, dec'd., a lot
of ground with that large and comrhodiotii
two stories high, part log and weatherboard
ed and part frame, situate in the borough
of Petersburg, in said county, now occupied
as a public house by Mrs. Mary Scullin, and
also partS of two other lots in said borough,
on which are erected a large frame stable
and a small log stable, appurtenant to the
tavern stand. •
*FERMS OF SALE.—One half part Of
the purchase money to be paid on the confir
mation of the sale, and the residue in two
equal annual payments thereafter, with in
terest, to be secured by the bonds and mort
gage of the purchaser.
By the Court,
u:7- Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M.
of raid day. Attendance will he given by
January !",.'9, 1844.
IiTRWO young men of this borough, not de
hcient in personal appearance, pecuni
ary circumstances good, and this side of 25,
being desirotis of entering into the matrimo
nial state, take this method of making it
known to the ladies. Young ladies of re
spectability, of amiable dispositions. and
with a reasonable knowledge of culinary
affairs, who are In search of husbands , will
confer a favor by addressing R.,"
through the post office, stating at what time
and place an interview can he had.
All eomrnut;frTitions strictly confidential,
Letters from a distance must be postpaid.
Huntingdon, Jan. 22, 1845. 3t. paid.
11 - 41,ANK BONDS—Judgm9t corn
*Wmotp-gur sole at gilts cllicc
Account of William Dorris; Trcasu
ror of Huntingdon Academy.
Jun. 3, To balance due on settlement be
fore County Auditors, $BO3 09
Aug.B, To cash from .Dr. B. E. & Wm.
341'.111urtrie in part of their bond, 200 00
Oct. 10, do. du. do. SOO 00
N0v.15, To cosh from County Treasury,
in full of an order - of County
Conunissionera, fur $5OO and In-
1845. $1930 59
Jun. 3, To balance duo on settlement, 295 98i
Jan. 9, By 1 corn broom, $ 25
20, By order of trustees in favor of
Thomas C. Massey, 23 80i
ditto. ditto. 35 00
Feb.. 12, By order of ditto. in favor of
Cunningham a, ifurchinell, 300 00
14, By ditto T. C. Massey, 12 00
22, do. P. Swoope & btlit , rs rent, 100 00
March 12, do, John Anderson, 10 00
By 1 sweeping brush, 311
May 20, By 1 hand dusting brush and
1 broom, 50
31, By order of trustees in favor of
Thomas C. Massey, 20 00
ditto. ditto. 14 163
July 13, ditto. John Anderson, 10 00
20, do. Cun'hum & Burchitu:ll, '5OO 00
Aug.l4, do. Thomas C. Massey; (2) 29 50
Oct. 11, do. Cun'ham & Burchinell, 300 00
. . .
17, do. John Anderson, 10 00
N0v.20, do. Thomas C. Massey, 20 00
27, do. Ephrahn Kyler, 10 00
30, do. Thomas C. ° Massey, 10 07
Dec. 24, do. W. C. F. Hight, 100
26, do. Thomas C. Massey, 800
30, By 1 coal stove from Gcorgo R.
M'Farlane, & CO. 20 110
Balance in hands of Treasurer, 295 981
An order of the County Commissioners on the
Treasurer for five hundred dollars, hearing inter
est from 14th June, A. D. 1842.
A bond of Henry Glazier and Dr. B. E. M'Murtrie
for, seven hundred and sixty dollars, on which
fivo hundred dollars has been paid as stated in
.... last year's account.
The SUMS collected for tuition, have always been
paid to the teacher and settled and accounted for
by him with the secretary of the hoard of trus
We, tho auditors of Huntingdon county, having
examined tho account of William Dorris, Treasur
er of tho Huntingdon Academy from the 3d day of
January, 1844, up to the 9th day of January 1845,
find the same to be as stated above and do approve
of the same. Given under our hands this 9th day
of January, A. D. 1845.
Huntingdon, Feb. 5, 1845.
, THE under Signed auditor, appointed by
the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county,
to apportion and distribute the assets in the
hands of Isaac /sea', adthinistrator of Wm.
Wilson, late of West towhship, deceased,
hereby gives notice that he will attend for
that purpose, at the office of S. S. Wharton,
Esq., in the borcitigh of Huntingdon, on Sat
urday the Ist day of March next, at 1 o'-
clock P. M., when and where all persons
having claims against the same are required
to make them known, or be debarred from
coming in for a share of said assets—of which
all persons interested will take notice.
Feb. sth 1845-4 t.
,figr HE subscriber continues to imanufac-
ILJAure, in Harrisburg, French Burrs of
all sizes, and of the very best quality, much
cheaper titan ever, and on very favorable
Letters addressed to him will receive the
same prompt attention as if personal appli
cation were made.
Feb. 5;1843. --9 mu.
T. -R
And possession to be given on the Ist day
or April next,
The Big Meadows Farm,
on the Aughwick creek, six tittles above
Shirleysburg, and now in the possession of
Dutton Lane and John Ramsey.
This farm will be let on favorable terms
to the tenants. There is a large quantity of
'cleared land on the farm.
Apply to
in Huntingdon,
A ttorneyfor S. L. Keene,
Adm'r with the will an
nexed of John Lukens,
Feb. sth 1845,
Late of West township. dec'd.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
minstration upon the Said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known without
delay, and all persons Indebted to make im
mediate payment to .
Feb. 5,1845-6 t.
Valuable Farm for Sale,
The subscriber offers for sale at private
sale one of the best farms in Bedford county.
Said farm is situated on Bobs creek, half a
mile from St, Clairville, 10 miles from Bed
ford, and 22 miles from Hollidaysburg.—
The farm contains
all bottom land, 75 acres are cleared and
under fence The improvements area i mid
two story frame
and stable. There is on the premises an
orchard of excellent fruit. If application
be made immediately the above valuable
farm may be had for $3OOO
1011 N BOWSER.
Jan. 29, 1845,-31.
A. K. 001tNYN,
dITTIDIRII27 1.641174
Office in Main Street, two doors East of
Mrs. McConncif's Tentiocrance *use.
CM3 ,- .2-2Cf2 4-7 :7M 3 II
Tp:NT, No. 82, North
Third Street, near
C herry,Pliiiadelphia,
whrl•e may be found
the largest assortment
of Brass Clicks in the
United States, among which are yearononth,
eight day, thirty hour and itlitrni
Also, Wood Clocks.
Dcalers will find it to their advantage
to give ;t call before purchasing elsewhere:
Looking. glasses manufactured.
No. 82, 'Fliird gtfeet near
Cherry, Philadelphia.
January 29, 1845.-3 m.
567 50
Watches, Slicer Ware 4. Jewelry
James PcSeri & Co.,
No, 103 N. 2d ..St., corner of ElWeth's
Alley, Philadelphia.
LP. & Co. continue to:manufacture at their
old stand, Silver Spoons, Spectacles, Tidal
hies &c. on as low terms as any other mane-
factory in the city. They have on hand and
keep constantly for sale, beside their own
manufactures. [nichea of all kinds & prices
Silver Ware ,Jewelry & Fancy Goods,in thr;r
variety, which will Or sold low. Spectacle
Glasses fitted to all ages and sights, in Gold;
German Silver and Steel Frances,
with convex, concave, periscopic, blue;
grey and green glasses.
47- Watchmakers supplied with all nt
cesmry articles in their liue, such as Tools,
Materials, Glasses &c.
il7 Watches repaired it short notice
and warranted to perform.
Cash or exchange given for old Gold
and Silver.
Phil'a.,ber.. 11, 1844.-2 m,
$1930 59
FARM FOR SALE.—An old and welt
improved farm containing
with allowance, a large quantity of which is
cle.u•ed and under good fence. The imprOve
molts are a large and convenient dwelling
house, tvo story spring house, barn and
other out Luddings; with a never failing
spring of water cohVenient, and an orchard.
of choice fruit. There is also a good lime
kiln with abundance of lime stone and fuel.
This property is handsomely located on the
bank of Aughwick creek, Shirley township,
Huntingdon county, and possesses itiany ad
vantages in point of locality. Being distant
from the borough of Shirlevsburg only two
miles from the canal three miles and a half,
anti immediately on the road from Shirleys
burg, to Drake's ferry. There is also a
first-rate merchant mill on the property
adj9iying it.
ALSO, 53 acres of Woodland handsomely
located on Chesnut ridge, Shirley township,
Huntingdon county.
Apply soon to the subscriber on.thepre•
January 15, 1845.
Orphans' Court Sale.
pursuance of an order of the Orphans
Court of Huntingdon county, the underigned
Ttustees appointed to make sale of the real
estate of Jacob Keller, late of ,Morris town
ship, in said county, deed., will expose to
sale by public vendue, on
Monday the 3rd day of March next,
at 1 o'clock, P. M, on. the premises, the
plantation and tract of lane oil which said
deceased in his lifetime resided, situate in
the said township and bounty, adjoining
lands of Hugh Fergus on the west, John &
Williatii Walters and a small lot sold to the
School Directors, on the south, of George,
Henry & David Kellei• on the east, and of
Henry S. Spang on the north, containing
ala CDC) ...4Z1.CE)11(2)
and 72 perches, or thereabouts, of which
about 150 are cleared upland and 10 of mea-
dow, having a two story log house, frame
bank barn, a small frame house, and an ap
ple orchard thereon. The said tract is of
the best quality of land, pleasantly situated,
being but a thort distance from IVaterstreet,
on the Turnpike road.
TERMS OF SAt..—One third of the put.'
chase Money to be paid on the confirmation
of the sale, and the, residue at and immedi
ately after the death of Catharine Keller,
widow of said deceased, the interest of this
third to be paid to the said widow annually
during her life ;—the whole to be secured by
the bonds and mortraze of the purchaser.
JOHN KELLER, (of Jacob.)
Jan. 22,1845. TrUstees.
CAUTION.--All persons are hereby'
cautioned and forewarned not to levy on,
sell; or in any way meddle with the foilow
ingproperty ; which I purchased at Consta r
tile's Sale, on Saturday the 18th of January
inst., as t he property of Abraham Kurts, of
Walker.townshlp, and lett in the possession
of said Kuria till convenient to remove the
same, it, wit :
_ -- -
One horse, one cow, two ploughs, one
harrow, to sets of horse gears. one grain'
cradle, one mowing scythe and sned.
San. '29, 1845.--3 t. pd.
CJIBIXET and Cll4lll
Old stand, opposite Gen. Jackson's Hotel,
MAS now on hand and still continues to
CMAL manufacture the most splendid assort
ment of elegant Furniture and Chairs, &c.
ever offered for sale in the borough of Hun
tingdon, embracing almost every article in
the above line ' • which in point of durability,
workmanship, fashionable style of pattern.
and fine finish, will compare with similar
articles manufactimed in any portion of the
county; all of which he is determined to
sell at very reduced prices for cash or ap.
proved country produce, or onitime to punc
tual dealers.
1 - I;tcW, private dwellings. &c. furnished
to order at the shortest possible notice.
House, sign, and fancy painting done on
the most reasonable terms.
N. B.—Coffins made for the citizens of
the borough, at the shortest notice.
Huntingdon, Oct. 16, 1 844.-tf.
Attends to practice in the Orphans' Court
Stating Administration accounts,Scrivening:
&c.—Office in Hill street, 3 dooms East of
T. Read's Drug Store.
Feb. 28, 1844.
" , [pIiSTIOES' Blanks of ail kinds. for sate
V at this (Mice.
:•\ l= 9 cv 'r.