Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 19, 1845, Image 2

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    new county, ore decidedly opposed to any division
of the connty. Some townships are almost unani
mously opposed—l a:n prepared to prove what I
now say—l speak from data in my own immedi
ate possession. According to the official returns of
the late Presidential election, a copy of which now
lie. up,m my desk, the whole numherof votes polled
in Snyder township was 180;—the number of tax
ables is about 200. Well, air, here in my hand are
docum en is to show-here arc two petitions that prove,
that at bloat 184 of these taxable, are opposed,not only
to the pror 'east division, but teeny division whatever.
Here are ••• o remonstrances from the single town
ship of .der, one having attached to it 113 sig
natures, ens the other 71, which together make 184
tax paying inhabitants, who respectfully, but sol
emnly and decidedly protest against being stricken
off from Ifuntingdon county, its any manner what
ever. Is not here a voice speaking louder than
thunder 1 Is not this language which cannot be
"Misunderstood I what 200 voters or taxables in a
township and 184 of them directly opposed to any
division! why even the Presidential question, all
absorbing as it was, did not rouse them into such
decided and enetgetic action as this question of di
vision. There are actually more names to these
remonstrances than there were votes polled at the
late election. How can this Legislature in direct
opposition to such remonstrances—in the very face
of proof so overwhelmning—tear these people away
from their ancient associations, and transfer them
Into a separate and new community against their
will end consent 1 would it not be injustice 1--would
it not he anti-republican I—would it not be diamet
rically opposed to those principles of freedom--those
republican institutious for which our fathers fought
—for whirls they bled and died, and which we their
eons, should foster and cherish, and transmit unbro
ken and untarnished to our sons, and our son's
sons to the latest generation. Why, sir, I hesitate
not to any that the people of Snyder township, rather
then this bill should pass, would rise en mastic, and
come down hare, and on their knees, (if need
should e,) implore and beseech this Legislature
not to bring on them a crisis so fraught with evil—
an event so big with consequences as this in their
view would he to them. And now I tell you. sir,
and I speak advisedly on the subject, that should the
Legislature so far disregard their feelings and de
sires on this head, and turn a deaf ear to their uni
and solemn protest, as to pass this bill, erecting
them with others into a new county, they will from
year to year send up their petitions praying that
they may be replaced in their former connection,
and that they will not desist from so doing until
their prayer is • granted. Several other townships
are similarly opposed to this division. The proof
is not quite so tangible and overwhelmning as in
the other case. It is more promiscuously wrapt up
in the general remonstrances, than it is in Snyder
township case, yet by a careful examination
of the remonstrances, a strong voice of opposition
may be distinctly heard in the murmers of discontent
and disatisfaction every where to be heard through
the townships of Motris, Tyrone and Woodbcrry.
The township of Morrie complains and remon
strates very strongly. The bill contemplates the
division of that township—the one part to remain
as it now is, and the other to he cast in with Blair,
and they ask, why should they be riven and rent up
into fragments, and parceled out into portions? one
here and another there, merely for the gratification
and advantage of a few stock jobbers and specula
tors in and around the borough of Hollidaysburg,
who like a flock of hungry vultures, hover around
ready to pounce upon their prey. Nor is the town
ship of Woodberry less excited and roused on this
subject. They held a meeting there a short time
mice, at which it was unanimously agree to oppose
and resist this attempt of the Hollidaysburg people
to rend the county. At that meeting they appoin
ted two of the most respectable citizens to come on
here and represent their case to members of this
House; to show you that it woe the free, unani
mous impulse of the people, they send on gentle
men from each of the political ranks, so that no
jealousy or misunderstanding might arise as to the
object in coming here. Thus, sir, you may see that
this division mania rages in, and is confined to a
small circumscribed circle in, and around the bore'
of Hollidaysburg, and is not at all the general wish
of the people.
Again. I find there has been an effort made to
awaken and enlist the sympothies of members its
favor of the bill. Representations are made that
the gentleman who advocates this bill atands alone,
and that he ought to be pitied. What ! does he re
ally stand alone; are there not 5 or 6 borers contin
uity at his elbow. whiapering into his ear. I assure
you the gentleman has more assistance at least
more company than I should wish to have dangling
shout my elbow; but as regards sympathy, it is a
very good thing if it is not suffered to run too far.
It is one of the noble sentiments or feelings of
our nature ; but it is to be exercised towards a pro
per object. and it is to be retained within proper
Founds. If the gentleman's cause is good he de
serves sympathy, both he and the petitioner. he
represents; otherwise neither he or they do.
But have you no sympathies for those 184 citi
zens of Snyder township, whose cone I men
tioned before; shall we have no kindred feelings
towards those good tax-paying citizens, who are
thus to be disrupted and torn from all their cher
ished associations--from every thing they hold most
dear, and to be flung into the cold embraces of a
community, with whom they wish to have no such
affinity ; and when, to the load of taxation that now
presses them down to the earth, is to be suporadded
taxes on the top of taxes without limit and without
intermission. What! have we come here to legis
late for the town of Hollidaysburg alone? Have
we not all sworn to support the Constitution, the
provisions of which embrace the good of all. Have
we not all token a solemn oath that in our Legisla
tive capacity, we will act for the common good, and
not for one portion or section exclusively.
Thee, Mr. Speaker have I, in my own plain and
homely manner endeavored to place before you and
before this House, what I ainceivell to be a fair and
candid exposition of filets in this question. I have
not intentionally misrepresented any circumstance,
or given it a coloring, which in ray opinion it did
not merit. Many little minor considerations, I have
left out of view which in the aggregate as well as
separately, might have considerable weight and
bearing, but I have already occupied so long a time,
and tranagresseil on the patience of this House so
much that I shall bring my remarks to a close.
I have not attempted to discuss the general
jections urged upon the ground. of principle a
gainst this thing of milking new and email counties.
These are general aspect. of the subject. which must
have been discussed before the Legislature, over
and over again, and it might appear as an insult to
the understanding, were I to attempt the discussion
of the subjects, with which members are no doubt
betti.r acquainted than I.
Finally, trusting in what we conceive to be the
justness and uprightness of our mom, and also re
ly•nr on the wisdom, experience and good sense of
this Legislature, I cheerfully submit the whole mat
ter to their decision.
PARTNERS WANTED.—The following par
agraph from a down coat paper will doubtless prose
highly interesting to the ladies:
WA srrn.—To the town of Shreveport. about
ibrity or forty ladies to form partnerships in ma
Hon , many of the ladies of Huntingdon will go !
Don't all *peak Id one
"One country, one constitution, one destiny."
Z32za ma fl m bal co ua,
Wednesday morning, reb. 19, 1845.
Wood ! WOOD !! Wood 1!!
Some time ago we give notice by publicity, to
OUR cousTny svavuieeas, WOO WEHE is AR
REARS, that wood would be taken in payment for
the same;—we have been since on the lookout
every day, and NOT ONE STICK HAS AS YET
BEEN RECEIVED ! Now we have been for at
least ten days past, obliged to beg, borrow, and
deal, all that was needed during that period t and
as printers characters are bad enough at best, we
have resolved, and has passed, to not stand it any
longer. If any should be presuaded by this notice
to help us, they will please bring it soon.
cO - • We call the attention of our readers to the
able speech of HENRY BaewsTen, Esq., against
the erection of Blair county, commencing on the
first page.
cc:f A coquette is a rose from which every lover
plucks a leaf; the thorns aro reserved for future
'l'Hl✓ LAST,—During Gov. Porter's late visit
to Philadelphia, a gentleman, by accident, having
trod on his foot, immediately asked his portion.—
The Ex promptly replied, " I cannot grant it—l'm
no longer Governor."
cc). The Hon. WILLIAM L. DArrox, has been
re-elected United States Senator by the Legislature
of New Jersey, for six years from the 4th of March
next. He received every Whig vote in the elective
No MAYOR IN Borroic,—Therd was a seventh
failure to elect a Mayor in Boston on Wediteeday
of last week. The vote stood:
Homer. Davis. Parker. Others.
1451 4329 3340 17
Whole number of votes 9137. Mr. Davis, (na
tive,) who has the highest number, lacks 408 of a
6:r NV° invite the attention of the merchants of
this county to the advertisement in this paper hea
ded To Country Merchants."
A WONDER.—Two Printers at the South,
(ea-partnere) who have dissolved, are quarrelling
about a division of the profits.
Lucky dogs to have such a bone of contention—
Printers do not often quarrel about their profits.
temporary gives the following good advice to news
paper readers:-- , 4 People in every station of life
should read the advertisements, not only to ascer
tain what is going on in the world of life and busi
ness, but to take advantage of the many favorable
opportunities presented in its columns for benefit
ting themselves."
ri House of Representatives have passed the law
creating sixteen new counties.
Office-seekers cover Washington city like
warts do the toad; the former ornament the country
about as much as the protuberances do the latter.—
An avalanche of Locofocoiani has fallen upon the
National Capitol.
A New York paper says that several tone of
brimstone has been ordered to Washington to cure
those gentlemen stationed there who have the itch
fur office.
pj The Emperor of Russia, among many other
things, has presented Queen Victoria with a dozen
cradles. A gentle hint, that!
Legislature on Tuesday week elected the Hon.
Daniel S. Dickinson the United States Senator fur
six years from the 4th of March next.
The Green Bay Republican says that an ex
press lied just arrived from Cooper Harbor on Lake
Superior with accounts that the winter had been
very mild, the mercury keeping at about 0 below
zero and thawing.
If it thaws in them diggins at 6 below zero we
should like to know when it freezes—when it boils?
MICHIGAN SENATOR.—The Legislature of
on the 4th inst., elected Lewis Cass to the Senate
of the United Slates, for six years, from the 4th of
March next. The vote stood in the Senate, Lewis
Cass, 18, for Epaphroditas Ransom, 6,—in the
House, for Cass 44, for Hezekiah G. Wells, B—the
entire Whig vote in the Legislature.
j' The occupations of the member of the House
of Representatives of this State are as follows:
Lawyers, (too many)
Gentleman, (perhaps)
Printer, (not enough,)
Miller, (the Speaker,)
Twenty-two of this number, including the whole
delegation front Allegheny, are said to he gray
headed Batchelor,' Wo state this fact for the
benefit al the ladies.
Correspondence of the Huntingdon Journal.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
HAllltl.lltiriG, Feb. 14, 1945,
For several days past the business transacted has
been of no great importance. In the House, yes
terday, the election district bill, which passed the
Senate of the 111th, with amendments, was token
up and the amendments concurred in. One sec
tion of this bill requires the elections in the new
township of Jackson (formerly part of Barree) in
Huntingdon county, to be held at M'Aleavy's Fort.
Among a number of resolutions adopted, is one di
recting the Committee of Ways and Moans to in
quire into the expediency of taxing all coal export
ed from this State. Several bills were reported ;
most of them, however, of a local character, not
interesting to the readers of the "Journal." Mr.
Burnside, from the Committee on Internal Improve
ments, ono authorizing the New York and Erie
Railroad Company to construct their road through
a part of Pike county, in this State. Mr. Cooper
one requiring all officers to be elected at one time,
to be voted for on one ticket. Yesterday and to-day
the time of the House was chiefly consumed in the
consideration of Mr. Bayard's bill for the suppres
sion of Riots. The discussion of this bill hasbeen
quite animated. The Riots in the city and county
of Philadelphia, last spring and summer, have cal
led this bill into existence. The members from the
city and county wish, I believe, to have the provis
ions of the bill to operate over the whole common
wealth ; and the members from the rural districts
wish to confine its operation to the city and county
of Philadelphia alone.
In the Senate, yesterday a number of petitions
for, and remonstrances against, the erection of the
new county of Blair were presented. Mr. Sullivan,
from the Judiciary Committee, reported a bill re
quiring the State Treasurer to institute suits imme
diately in Dauphin county against any-defalters to
the Commonwealth and their sureties. The bill
authorizing the purchase by the Canal Commission
er., of an additional number of trucks for purposes
of transportation, was passed, after being so amen
ded as to limit the cost to $20,000, to paid out of
the motive power fund. The House bill providing
for the removal of the seat of justice of Columbia
county from Danville to Bloomsburg, which has
occupied much of the time of the present Legisla
ture, passed through second reading this morning,
and eras ordered to be transcribed for third reading.
This bill submi is the question to a vote of the peo
ple of that county. Tho Senate bill to repeal the
"Stay Law" passed the House, after being amend
ed so as to postpone the time of its taking effect
until January 1846.
The House bill erecting parts of Huntingdon
P and Bedford counties into a new county to be called
.1 Blair, has not yet been reported in the Senate.
There has been, for some time, says the U. States
Gazette, a movement in Portland, Maine, towards a
stupendous railroad project, which, while it excited
the doubts of many as to its practicability, evidently
awakened the fears of the Bostonians. Tt lan
was to connect the Atlantic and the St. LaWMce,
by a railroad extending from Portland to Montreal.
The Legislature of Maine, which has been most
mulishly obstinate in its anti-corporation policy, has
caught the feeling of go-a-head-iuveness, and grun
ted to the company , 4 a perpetual charter, incapable
of being repealed, altered, limited or qualified, by
Legislative power, without the consent of the stock
holders; and wholly free from taxation, now and
forever, except upon real estate purchased by the
Corporation; shares, including the right of way,
being personal estate, and taxible to the owners
where they have their home; not to be tapped on
the western side, though it may be sluiced on the
A most enthusiastic meeting was recently held in
Portland, on the receipt of the news from Angusta,
of the passage of the bill incorporating the compa
ny ; and several gentlemen from Montreal, who had
come to watch the progress of the bill, were present,
and addressed the meeting. They hastened next
morning to Canada, in order to complete the pro
ject, by procuring such legislation no may be re
quired to extend the road across the line into her
Majesty's territories. John Neal, in discussing the
question, or rather in, arguing for the Portland road,
To which I answer, there lies the snap! show
ing that Portland is the nearest point on the Atlan
tic sea-board from Montreal, by more than a hun- 1
dred miles; and the nearest point to London, Liv
erpool, Manchester, &c., by another hundred miles
at least, keeping in view a vessels appointed course.
There lie the survey and estimates! of Mr. Hall,
of Mr. Hudson, of Mr. Crocker, and others, all go
ing to prove that while Portland is more than a
hundred miles nearer to Montreal than Boston is,
the Portland route, running through a level coun
try, and for much of the way, over lands of so little
value now, that toe can have them for the asking,
with abundant materials and cheap labor, and cheap
fuel, along the whole route, may be finished and
put into operation, for two-thirds the cost per mile
of the Boston route, perhaps for one-half."
(j" The dryness of the legislative proceedings is
sometimes relieved by a little fun, which is the
more welcomed when it comes because of ita rarity.
Quite a hearty laugh was produced in the House of
Representatives of Ohio, some days since by the
presentation of the following memorial:
Mr. Combs, on leave, presented the petition of
38 citizens of Miller towbskip, Knox county, for a
law to tax dogs.
[The following is the petition:
To the Honorable General Assembly of the State
of Ohio:
Whereas, destruction very great
By dogs, among the sheep of late,
And danger that they will do more,
As they have often heretofore,
Requires that something should be done
To stop the rascals in their fun:
We, therefore, of you honors pray,
That you'll enact, without delay,
A low that shall impose a tax
On dogs, or on their owners' backs,
Of such amount as may suffice
To make dogs moral, just and wise,
And we'll forever and a day,
When so inclined, devoutly pray.]
The weather has tipp very mild for a few days.
Chants in Oldeli Times.
A correspondent of the Brooklyn Advertiser, in
referring to a late lecture by Professor Silliman, Jr.,
who mentioned the discovery of an enormous an
imal of the lizard tribe measuring 80 feet in tenth,
fiom which he naturally inferred as no living spec
imen had been found, that all animals had greatly
degenerated in size, confirms the supposition by
referring to the history of giants in the olden time,
of which he furnishes a list. From that it seems
that we, of the present day, are comparatively
dwarfs, when placed by the side of the thirty feet
gentlemen of antiquity 1 Verily there were 'giants
in those days l'
The giant exhibited in Rouen in 1735, measured
over eight feet.
Goopius saw a girl who was ten feet high!
The body of Grostes was cloven feet and a half
high. ,
The giant Galbra, brought from Arabia to Rome
under Claudeus Coeur, was near ten feet high.
Funnmon, who lived in the time of Euguno
measured eleven ftet and a half.
The Cavalier Scrog, in his voyage to the Peak of
Teneriffe, found in one of the caverns of that
mountain, the head of Gnanch, which had 80 teeth
and it was supposed that his body was not less Lhan
15 feet long !
The giant Ferragus, slain by Orlando, nephew
to Charlemagne, was eighteen feet high.
In 1814 near St. Germain, was fouud the Tomb
of the giant Isoret, who was twenty feet high.
In 1590, near Bogen they found a skeleton
whose skull held a Imolai of Corn, and whoso
body must have been eighteen feet long.
Platerus saw at Lucerne, the human bones of a
subject nineteen feet long!
The giant Bucart was twenty-two and a half
feet high; his bones were found in 1705, near the
banks of the river Morderi.
In 1813, near a caste, in Duphine, a tomb was
found 30 feet long, 12 wide, and 8 high, on which
was cut on a grey stone the words, Keutolochus
Rox.'"rhe skeleton was found entire twenty-five
and a half feet long, ten feet across the shoulders,
and five feet deep from the breast bone to the back.
Near Mazarino in Sicily, in 1516, was found the
skeleton of a giant thirty feet high! Elia head
was the size of a hogshead, and each of his teeth
weighed five ounces.
Near Palermo in Sicily, in 1548, was found the
skeleton, of a giant thirty feet long, and another
thirty-three feet high, in 1550.
A SCEINE.—In the House of Representatives at
Washington, on the 6th inst., the Annual Indian
Appropriation MU was taken up, and during the
discussien, quite an acrimonious personal contro
versy arose between Mr. Black. of Ga., and Mr.
Giddinge, of Ohio. Mr. G. said the remarks of Mr.
B. were low and dirty. Mr. B. replied that no
gentleman could ever look at Mr. G. without be
coming 4• low and dirty." A great many expres
sions of a similar character were bandied between
them, and Mr. M'Dowell, of Ohio, and Mr. Burt,
of South Carolina, interposed and called Mr. B. to
order. Here the matter dropped fora time; but soon
after, Mr. Giddings rose and proceeded to reply to the
personalities of Mr. Black. He was commenting
on something Mr. B. had said about "knocking
down." What Mr. G. said induced Mr. B. (who
was standing near him) to exclaim—" If you say
that out of the House I will knock you down 1 ."--
At the same time he was moving towards Mr. G.
and tried to raise his cane, apparently with the de
sign to strike him, Mr. I lammett. of Miss., seized
Mr. 8., and drew him outside of the railing. Of
course there was a great deal of excitement in the
Hall, and for a few moments the proceedings were
arrested. Mr. Black, we hear, is a very passionate
man, but small in stature ; whilst Mr. Giddings is
strongly built, cool and courageous. Ho is said to
have borne himself with great coolness throughout
the scene.
young married lady, of Baltimore, died suddenly on
Thursday, the 6th inst., from the above cause.—
About seven years ago, whilst being addressed by
the young gentleman who afterwards become her
husband, she, in a playful mood, put a gold ring in
her mouth, which she unfortunately swallowed by
accident, it lodging in her throat, whore it remained
in spite of surgical skill, causing at intervals much
pain and uneasiness. On the night of her death
she was sitting in her room, when of a sudden she
experienced a strangling sensation. She immedi
ately arose, and in attempting to walk, felt herself
reeling. She seized hold of the bed-post, and ma
king some noise, attracted the attention of her hus
band. On seeing him come to her aid, she made
another effort, disengaged herself from the bed-post,
and falling into the arms of her husband, expired
from strangulation.
Passage of the Postage Bill.
The postage reform bill passed the Senste on
the 7th inst., by the following vote, viz:
YEAS-Allen, Archer, Ashley, Atherton, Bar
row, Bates, Bayard, Benton, Berrien, Breese, Bu
chanan, Coates, Crittcrden, Dayton, Dickinson,
Dix, Evans, Fairfield, Foster, Francis, Henderson,
Huntington, Jarnagin, Johnson, Merrick, Miller,
Morehead, Niles, Porter, Rives, Simmons, Sturgeon,
Tappan, Upham, Walker, White, Woodbridge,
NAYS—Bagby, Clayton, Colquitt, Hannegan,
Haywood, Huger, Lewis, M'Duffie, Mangum,
Phelps, Semple, Sevier-12.
The provisions of this bill, as sent to the House,
are that every letter or package weighing half an
ounce shall be considered a singel letter, and redo.
ces the charge on a single letter for any distance to
free cents, and five cents a half ounce for any addi
tional weight.
Newspapers of less than 1900 square inches
(60 inches by OS) are to be charged the same as at
present, but carried free for any distance less than
30 miles. Newspapers of over 1900 sqare inches
(there is none such regularly published] and Maga
zines are to be charged two cents an ounce ; other
printed matter two and a half cents an ounce; cir
culars, &c., unsealed, two cents each. The Frank
ing Privilege is abolished, except for members of
Cangress.—liar. Telegraph.
rire in New York.
The New York Herald of Thursday morning
(the Bth inst.) says At four o'clock yesterday
morning, a terrible fire was discovered to be raging
in a block of buildings occupied by the Tribune
printing establishment, corner of Spruce and Nassau
streets. Every effort was made by the fire compa
nies to master the raging element, but to no pur
pose, and in the course of a couple of hours after
the first notice of the blaze, the Tribune newspaper
concern, the periodical depot of Mr. W. H. Gillian],
the bookseller and stationers' establishment of Jan
sett & Bell, the liquor store occupied by Mr. Ken
nedy, and the German establishment of the bent
ache Schnellpost—a German journal published in
this city for the last three years, with a large stock
of boeks Sze., were totally consumed with all they
Mr. Graham lost not only his stock, but $4OO in
cash and his gold watch, and narrowly escaped with
his life by leaping out of an elevated window Upon
the deep snow beneath. The Germans who had a
ball in Tammany Hall, which adjoined the burned ,
building in the rear, were alarmed in the midst of
their revelry, when all was going on merry as a
marriage bell,' and we understand that the rear of
old Tammany got a severe scorching.
Some insurance is effected on these buildings,
but nothing like the actual loss. Kennedy had no
insurance, and the Deutsche Schnellpost Cory little.
Jansen & Bell's loss is over $lO,OOO. Greely &
McElrath at least as much. The origin of the fire
is attributed to the negligence of a boy who, in
kindling a fire in one of the rooms of the Tribune'
establishment, made use of a newspaper to promote
the draught which not only took fire, but took
wing to some other apartment,and set fire to a
moss of papers, and as the partitionwalls in
the interior were composed of wood, the progress
of the flames was rapid in the extreme.—Not
a brick remains upon another, at the moment we
write, so thoroughly did the work of destruction go
on. We are happy to state that no lives have been
lost, although several persons slept in the building
where the fire broke out.
There is an insurance of $2,000 on the Tribune
Buildings, and $B,OOO on the Tribune printing
A Melancholy Accident.
A most distressing accident occurred in New
York week before last, by which a young lady was
suddenly hurried from a scone of social festivity
and enjoyment into eternity.
Mr. Charles Canda, of Lafayette Place, was re
turning from a party in a carriage about midnight,
with his daughter and Miss Lo Mulder.
Mr. Canda ordered the carriage to stop at Mr.
Lo Barbier's residence, that ho might leave Miss
Lo B. there.
After assisting that young lady out of the car
riage and escorting her into her residence ho was
returning to join his daughter in the carriage, and
was somewhat surprised to find the carriage gone.
Supposing, however, that the coachman had driven
home, ho walked leisurely in the same direction,
and his surprise Was groat to learn that the carriage
had not arrived'. .
The driver, it appears, on getting down to open
the carriage door, had' left the reins on the box, and
the horses taking fright, had started and run. Tho
driver pursued, but on overtaking the vehicle, found
it empty.
It is supposed that Miss Canda becoming alarm
ed, jumped out, as she was seen to fall on the
pavement, at the corner of Broadway and washing
tint Place, by a watchman, who immediately ran to
her assistance. He raised her and conveyed her
into the New York Hotel, where medical aid was
promptly procured. The young lady was, however,
dead, having dislocated her neck in thefall.
Sho was recognised,.and a messenger despatched
to Mr. Canda's residence, who arrived there shortly
after Mr. C.
It was Miss Cnnda's birth day, she having just
completed her seventeenth year, and had already
won the affection and esteem of all who knew her.
An Invention.
Col. Reed, of Boston, has hit upon an invention,
by which he proposes to transmit letters or pack
ages any distance with immense rapidity. Tho
Boston Post says the process by which this is ac
complished is very simple, consisting merely of an
air chest, which is charged with air by a force-pump
contiguous to the chest. When the chest is suffi
ciently charged with air, the letter or package is
placed in the feeder, and it is immediately dischar
ged through the pipe with great velocity and per
fect safety. Col. Reed; the inventor, is of opinion
that an outlay of $60,000 would insure the trans
mission of letters and packages between Boston
and New York with perfect safety, in the space of
an hour."
The Pittsburg Chronicle has received a copy of
the Annual Report of the Inspectors of the Wes
tern Penitentiary for 1844, from which the Editor
learns that there wero eighteen convictions less du
ring the past year, than in the year preceding.--
Up to January 1, 1845, there were 130 convcits in
in confinement.
The following statement of the relations and
habits of the prisoners, will be interesting to all old
maids and bachelors, and also to those who are fond
of the inebriating cup:
Married, 16 Temperate,
Unmarried, 101 Moderato,
Widows & Widower., 13 Intemperate,
The total number of prisoners received since the
admission of tho first prisoner, July 1, 1826, is as
White Males,
White Females,
Colored Males,
Colored Females,
Total, 1045
Of the above number, 122 males and females
were received during the past year.
A Washington letter states that Mr. Wickliffe,
the Postmaster General, has tendered his resigns.
lion, to take effect on the 4th of March.
land has redeemed the pumpkin hem its insignifi
cance, and made it a choice delicacy. The Mai 4i
Cultivator gives a receipt for cooking beets which
deserves attention for its novelty. Having washed
them free from dirt, roast them in the fire as'you do
potatoes. When the process of roasting them ;I
completed, peel and servo up in the usual manner.
It is a fit dials for the stomach of the most fustigious
Widnes Balsam of Wild Cherry.—Wd
should judge from Messrs. Weagly & kneppr's
letter„ published this day among our advertisements
that this popular remedy for coughs, lung corn
plaints, and diseases of the breast generally, was
really valuable medicine, and worthy of serious at
tention from the public. We are informed by the
wholesale agents that they are almost daily receiv
ing from all parts of the West.
We would advise our readers who are laboring
under an affection of the lungs, to make immediate
trial of this truly excellent medicine. The most
intelligent and respectable families of our city havo r<
adopted it as a favorite family medicine, and per
sons predisposed to consumption who have used it
speak in the highest terms, of its, eflicaey."—Cin
cinnati Daily Limes of May :30, 1844.
The genuine, for sale by Thomas Read, Hunt
ingdon, and Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg.
THE PRESENT SEASON.--ThC/O is not a man,
woman, or child, but should take medicine at this
season of the year, but more especially at this pres
ent time ; for there were probably never so many
causes existing at one period, RS THERE ARE NOW,
so likely to produce a state of sickness. The re
AS THEY no uroN the consistence and quality of
the BLOOD ITSELF, give occasion for the most fatal
and malignant disorders. The bile becomes (and
often without any warning) in a moat acrimonious
condition from these repeated changes, and if the
STOMACH and noway; have been nglected previous
ly, the first symptoms require IMMEDIATE ATTER•
TION. To remove the infirmities to which the hu
man frame is liable, no medicine has been found so
effectual as Brandrpth's Vegetable Universal Pills,
which are known by the experience of thousands,
to perfectly cleanse the blood of all foulness, re
move every morbid affection, and renovate weak
and enfeebled constitutions to perfect health and
'Purchase the genuine medicine of iVm. Stewart j e
Huntingdon, Pa., and other agents published if
another part of this paper.
Here the girls and here the widow
Always cast their earliest glance,
And, with smileless face, consider
If they, too, won't stand a chance
To make some clever fellow Demme
In bliss, and often too—in freebie."
MARRIED : On the 6th inst., by the Rev. 3.
Y. M'G innis, Mr. THOMAS TEAGUE, eon of
Daniel Teague, Esq., of Cromwell township Hun
tingdon county, to Miss ANN ELIZABETH
WILSON, daughter of Mr. Williath Wilson, of
Tell township.
atoA . grand mass . meeting of the
t4l Washingtonians will take place us
in the Court House on Saturday
. - evening next, the 22nd instant, its
commemoration of the birth of him whose name
the Society bears. It is hoped that every friend of
the Society will attend through respect to the im
mortal Washington. Speeches appropriate to the
occasion may positively be expected, as several
gentleman have signified their intention to „ hold.'
forth." 'rise musical services of the INDErusinsarr
Bone have also been secured for the evening.--
We hope none will fail to attend, as it will no doubt.
be an interesting theeting.
Feb. 19, 1845. H. W. MILLER, Sec'y.
l k ftsubscricerclesirous of removing west
in the coming summer, offers a ram
chance to, persons in want of a hand
some property, and a comfortable home. It
consists of two adjoining tracts of land, being
in Shirley township, Huntingdon county,
Pa., on the public road leading from Silk
leysburg to Huntingdon, one half mile from
the farther place, and four and a-half miles•
from the Penn'a Canal. Each tract contains
4iiala,ma)Ezs a
more or less, ot good tillable ground in a
high state of cultivation. The improve
meats on the upper tract are, an excellent
Mansion House, a good Double Barn, and
all convenient out houses, such as spring
house, wash-house, smoke-house, &c., &c.,
with two convenient springs of water. - It :
also contains an Apple and Peach Orchard,.
of young and thrifty trees, Of this tract,
140 acres are cleared, 25 of them of the best
quality ot timothy ground.
On the lower tract there are 100 acres'
cleared, With 25 acres good meadow ground
similar to the above,
and two excellent or
chards, one planted within a few years.—
'I he improvements are, a ;good Double'
Frame House, Doable Barn, and the neces
sary out-houses, with a well of good water.
This portion of the property also con
tains an excellent
Grist and Saw-mill,
both situated immediately on the public'
road. Both are in excellent repair and do-'
ing a prosperous business.
TERMS OF SALE:—One half of the pur
chase money to be paid in hand, and the' .
balance in two equal animal payments, with
the usual secure ties. An undisputed title,•
and possesion of the property will be given! ,
on the first of April. Persons wishing tb
purchase, are requested to call and examine
the property. JACOB SHARRER:
February 19, 1845.-6 t.
An die erwhathr in die Sladi Huntingdon'
meine milburger.
Durek die ermuterung
meiner freunden, bin ich bewogen als Can- ,
didat um des Friedenrichters Amt (Justice
of the Peace) an der kommende Whal an
zubieten, welches an machsten Matz Statt
finden wird, im fill ich erwahlt werde, so
verspreihe ich die pfie g hten desselben, mit
aufmeiksandoeit un'l aufrichtigkeit zu
Huntingdon, den 'stem Feb 1845.
ATTORNEY AT LAW.--Has removed to
Huntingdon, with the intention of making it
the place of Ins future residence, and will
attend to such legal business as may be en=
trusted to him. Dec. 20, 1843.
LANK BONDS to Constable:for Stay
Irj of Execution, under the new law, just
printvd, and for sale, at this Wu*.