17 - -1747 ,if t '' : li-. - r--[,7,-- 1 - 71 - , , , i, • -fint— i 1 „., 1 -A -VA . , i . , ) RN - - 7 7% ,r.„. ~ a , * V . , i y. - 3ya.:ltftt.) :artm,Jaar v —Ortiota to CI-z . nerali KattettEscluc, arAiicrtbina, 3.)olitio,Aitcraturr, litoratitn, 3rto, ..cienteri,aartruturt,anuomnactit, Szt. 'v? ®nog 111.1 till Ell Y THEODORE H, CREMER, 'CP out The "Irma xi" will be published every Wed. made} , morning, at 52 00 a year, it' paid in advance, and if not paid within six months, $2 50. No subscripbn received for a shorter period than az months, nor any paper discontinued till all at. rearages are paid. Advertisements not exceeding* one square, nill be inserted three times for $1 00, and for every sub.a quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as to the time an adverti :mew is to be contintt ,ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac• cordingly. BANE NOTE LIST Rates of Discount in Philadelphia, Planks in Philadelphia. Bank of North America - - I . !Litk. of the Northern Liberties aink of Pcon Cornmerct.tlll:tok. Prou'a. Fartn,rs' tic Mechanics' bank - Kensington bank BchuylkiU hank Mechanics' bank Phildde%phut batik Southwark bank Western bank Mayamensing bank - - - Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank Bank of Pennsylvania Girard bank of the United States \ - Country ranks. 4 ~., Bank of Chester co. Westchester par B ink of Delaware co. Chester pal' Bank of Germantown Germantown par Batik of Nlontg'ry co. Norristown pal' Doylestown bank Doylestown par Easton B oikb par 'stop _ - . Farm Ts' bk •it Bucks co. Bristol par Bank tif Nl.trtiturnnerl'd Northumberlanclpar Flonestl•tle bank Honesdale 1 Farm, vs' bk of Lanc. Lanc-tster par Lancast, bank Lancaster par Lancast,r county bank Lmicwiter P.r Bank .it Pitt.bur..; Pittsburg 4 Merch'ts' & Maituf. bk. Pittsburg i Excli,titge bank Pittsburg 4 lii. do. branch of Ilitllidaysburg 4 Cola IA & bridge cu. Columbia par Franklin bank lliasiubcgton li M uncutugalluflut bk of B. Brownsville 1i Farmers' bk cut !leading Itt.ading par Lebanon luck Leb.intin 4 liiiik of Middletown Middletown 1 C irl isle b ink. Carlisle 1 Erie bank Erie 2 tl tok •if klobersburg Cli,imbersburg 1 B 4IIK ofGettysburg Gettyht)Ui g 1 York bulk York 1 }Janisburg' bank Harrisburg I Min-rs' ok of Pottsville Pottsville i liAnk I in; pielialion cn. Motarose 35 Ftrowrs' et Drov,rs'l)k \‘' ay tivslx.rougli 2 15 ink 't L • wist.ov n 1.- w istfbw n 11 Wy uning lymk ‘Vi ik,sha rye Ii Nortliamptim bank A Ilen t.w n no sale I Berk; c.outity 'milk Itt•mling no site West lir.incli hank Williamsport 1i Towanda latok Towanda nos'. le Rates of Relief Notes. North t n l,ibc rtics, Di.lawart. may, Far mers' B u , k or Bucks, Germain., n pa.' E'rks Co. B.wk - - 50 All others 11 ERCINTINGHON CABINET 8,/, CHAIR WARE RUM. Cunningham & Burchinell TDEsiiEe I FULLY intm m the citizent 444 of the hors ughand comity of Fltiottug tlon, the public gene v:illy, and tio ir uld blends mid customers hi par , ieuhr, that they contittur to carry on busiues in tilt it new establisment, t,ue do, I ta st of tht north eastern corner el the I.) , l , niumi in sou' borough, where they are pr, p. to :401: whoksalo and retail, till articles in their line of busim•ss; such. as Sideboards, Seereiaies, Sot. fax, Settees, larecr►►s, workstands, card, pier, centre dial air and breakfast tables; High, Field, French, and Low Pesl 81l D S 14; A D S ALSO—Every v;,riety of ZlsaamdaQas. each 7n4 Rush seat, Cane ,enißnlb. Bust Straight tack Bn,ton paters, 4. Common Racking Chairs, tutee her DIIIIW@ D of all colors, qualities and sizes; nod Paper Hanging of various patterns and qualities N. B. Co ffi ns ma te and funerals ;metl ed either in town or country, at t lie shortest notice. They keep a splcioid HEARSE for the accommodation at their customers. Nov. 29, 1843. L. SEWELL STEWART, Alk LAY/4 11UN7 INGDON, Office in Main street, three doors wesi of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry establishment. February 4, 1843.--tl. STRAY COW.—Strayed from the sub scriber, living in the borough t , f Alexandria, more than a month ago, it red and whit, spotted cow, with a white face, and a mark on one of her horns, nearly the shape of an 0. Said cow is near calving, or probably has calved by this time. Any infinauntion that could be given, respecting sled stray, would be thankfully received by tli subscri ber. THOMAS MITCHELL. January 15, 1895. eir,ML&NK BONDS to Constables NI. Stu, of - Execution, under the new law, just printed, and for sale, at thisolhee, s ~~^~~~ ~ v :~~~~•~~ ~31.J p ~~C309 ~~ i ~.j~.~3a s :~~~a~~ ~ `~Qfl ~~~ "~,J'' o 1 Y. "To chant , the languid hours of solitude, He oft invites her to the ,Macs lore." Prone Me St. Louis Revel /c. song of the ditor. Sit! Sit! Sit ! rrom matin hour till twilight gloom, He's a • fixture' there in his dusky room ! Away the moments flit, And the world outside, with joyous din, Moves gaily on—but the world within _ Is ham, and toil. and core ! No turn knows he in the weary day But the turn that shows the pivot's play, As he tarns his easy chair! Think ! Think ! Think ! In the smith's bright fr, ,, , the fire glows, But the smith IIiMRPII the bellows blaws— Unheard the hammer s c!ink ! Not so the lire that lights the brain Of him who wears the gathy chain, Or makes the press vng. gn He must flash with light, and glow with heat, With quill in hamd his brain must twa— ddle never indulge a Gloat ! Write! Write! Write! Tho' Jitney soar on it tired wing, She must still her tribute celestial bring, Nor own a weary flight! And reason's power's and Mint ry's store, Must prove their strength, and bring the lore Antique, and sage and mystic :-- For these to the uttermost thou lit and particle, Must go in to-morrow's leading article'— Of argument—wit—statistic! Lie! Lie! Lie! If he happen to ho a party hack, He must echo the yell of the greedy pack, And shout the demon cry ! To Honors appeal he must never hark, But aim, aim like Death, at a shining mark, As he speeds the poison d dart ! And then, when the battle so tierce is o'er, And the victor's apportion the captur'd store, Their Martha shall he Its part Clip! Clip!Clip!-7 . , No • eablinging' she, r 4 Ilia hands doth hold, But thew with which the current gold, By lawful right he'll clip,— The' Devil' in gone, but ho will not fidl Of a prompt return with the • morning =W— A basket full of • exchanges'-- And then the editor opens and skims— Aceidents—deaths—di,o eri n—wl.i,ns— As over the world he ranges Paste! Paste! Paste! With a camels hair brush, and a broken cup, lie gathers the goo Ker diaorographs spy. And sticks them on in haste: The , Devil' appears. with a grin and a bow-- . Please sir, they're waitin' for , copy now' He says, in accents solemn 'The foreman thinks he'll soon impose The outside forin with scraps of prose, And the lender may be a column !' Pay ! Pay ! Pay ! The 'world' is done work on a Saturday night And hounds with n step of gay delight To hi, wife and babes away ! But round the editor, see ! a score Of honest jaurs' who tense him sore— And ho may not he unbeedful ; Tho' blight is the wit that eon furnish there, The means to relieve them all from rare, By shelling them out the needful !' Prom the Weekly Argus. The little man Tale. Folk say I've got a little tnan, No more my heart does ache ; Folk say he's small, 'tis all they can, I love him, he's my JAKE. O how some girls do fret and cry You'd think their hearts would break: 'Tis I can toll the reason why— Because they've got to JAKE. Young tnaids a lesson take from me, While young he wide awake; For all our old maids must agreo—. That's hard to tind a JAKE. Many fair men are happy now, Whom I refused to take; A silly girl was I, I crew, But fortune gave me Joan. Since ktune bath thus favned me, In dreams, or wLon awake; I vow I cannot happy be When absent from my Jo o. To a Child with Flowers. Let thy life he like the flowers, Springir g in their wild•wood bowers! Springing. seen not and alone, From mill nook and niossy stone; Starting up by silver rill; Slumbering 'neatli the shadowy hill; Hidden in the tangled grass. Noted sealer, by those who pass, Sweeter here than sweetest sound, Breathes their fragrant breath around! Let thy life be like the flowers, Springing in the wild-wood howersi— Clouds may darken up the sky; Angry witah go tas coping by ; Patter down the chilling rain; Yet mid all they ne'er complain, But front out their quiet nooks Scatter smiles and pleasant looks; Searching thus the hearts of all, Sweet content, whate'er befall. POVERTY.—Is poverty a erime I Certainly, it must be so, for we see the rich rascal courted, his offences forgotten ! while a poor man, with no stain upon his character but poverty, is shunned and of no repute! There ie a redeeming grace in gold which hides all iniquity. SP C II C.C.4 OF HUNTINGDON COUATY, In the House of Representatiaes, February 4th. Against the B:t for theerection of Blair county out of parts of Huntingdon and Bedford. MR. I3RE WSTER roee and said Mn. SPEAKER is with some degree of pain, sir, that I appear before you in the attitude of a , public speaker. I have never been accustomed to it, and esperially do I feel on the present occasion. and before the present assemyy, that embarrass.. mint which is so natural, so peculiar to my coosti- Whim But. painful as it is, mid unaccustomed as I am, I yet feel myself impelled by a high and im perative sense of duty to my constituents, to raise my puny arm in opposition to the passage of this bill. I feel strongly inclined to say something on this question, besides merely casting my silent neg alive upon it. That the town of Hollidaysburg has grown up to be n place of considerable note mid importance, is a fact that I arn quite free to admit, That the people themselves are an enterprising, en ergetic, and generous people. I am no willing to ' subscribe to. I am happy to have some acquain tances there, with whom I have hail interceurse of a most pleasing and friendly character; neither am I going to deny their right to seek for themselves and their town all that emolument—all that advan tage—and all that ag.g,randitement of which flick locality is susceptible, yet when the question arises, whether we shall erect theta, together with a few adjoining districts, into a separate county, at the expense and eaMilice of so many other highly im portant .d conflicting interests, I am compelled to demur and object. Were the division a matter of very general utility—were the people generally of that section of the county really laboring under any great inconvenience or disadvantage as they now are situated, or were it a subject of wowing and very general discontent, that they have not been stricken off. limn would there be some good grounds why we should grant the prayer of the petitioners. But sir, I believe that on a careful examination and review of the petitions, remonstrances, and documents, presented here from time to time, this will be found not to be the fact. The people of Hollidaysburg are, sir, the grand central, moving principle of this panorama. The project originieed there, and that is still the centre from whence every other minor alteration proceeds. It is a fact too notorious to be overlooked or mista ken, that there are manly a few property holders in the town of Hollidaysburg and its immediate vieini ity, who urge this project so strenuously. And not only, sir, is that the case, but many of them are property holders, by virtue of that right conferred upon them through or rather under the Shetirs hammer. Property inherited by them under the most ruinous and disastrous circumstances to the original owners. Sir, they would gravely ask this legislature to grant a law, or act by which this pro perty, thus obtained, is to be entranced to perhaps four-fold the price at which they bought it. This would he speculation mdeed. This would he spec- Motion with a vengeance. To understand this matter thirty. we must be made aware of the flirt, that a revulsion or pretty general bankruptcy has taken place fur the period of two or three years gone by, in the town of Hollidaysburg, and that property there has in a great measure changed owners. The town under the auspices of the public works ad vanced rapidly, but like many other towns within my knowledge, it outstripped its own futility; it overreached its own local resources, and hence the revulsion of which I speak. And hence, 1160 the LdOlid to that speculation of which I have gaven you but a faintoutline. Land jobbers and speculatora,and overgrown monied individuals, some of whom are no doubt, at flits present time within tho range of my voice, having watched these operations with an eagle's eye, have pounced upon the sacrificed pro perty of a suffering community, bought up at half it- rest value, and these aro the individuals—these tho people, generally speaking, who ask the the di- vision contemplated by the bill now under consid eration. Why, sir, were it proper, or were in ne cessary, I could mention the names of individuals living in the very hr rough of Huntingdon,w here os a matter of course, a division is strongly opposed, who by the exercise of that influence and authority which set of men always hold over another, have got up petitions, signed by persons living in the lin nictitate vicinity, and for aught I know, some of them living in the very borough, praying for this division. Ono of the petitions I had the honor of presenting to this honorable body, was one of that character. Another potitition I had the honor of presenting, praying for'the'erection of new county to be culled Blair was got up in my own immediate neighborhood, henee, I can speak about it with cer tainty and precision. A gentleman I find has been at the head of it, with whom I am personally well ac quainted. eis'an iron master, and has the lease ofa furnace, which will expire in a short period front this time, when, according to his nun declarations, he to going to leave. This gentleman, who is a renter where Ito now is, has a wealthy Puller living in the upper section of the county, somewhere in tho vicinity of Hollidaysburg, consequently it may be easily seen where this gentleman's feelings and where his interests tend. Now, sir, when I looked over the names to' this gentleman's petition, did I find the names of the landholders, the tax payers, the merchants or the judicious mechanics to it?— No, sir. But I found a large proportion of them to be his own furnace hands. His wood-ch?ippers. his waggoners, together with sundiy others over whom he holds an influence, but who do not collectively pay $5O tax in the course of a year. And since I am on the subject (if:petitions. I may as well advert to two other petitions I have had the honor of pre senting. They purported to be petitions of sundry inhabitants of the borough of Shirleysburg. Now, sir, Shlrleysburg is the town where I live, when at home, hence I know, or ought to know all about their wishes and their feelings on this subject, and what, forsooth is their pies, that they ask for this division? Not, certainly, that they can he benefit ted immediately by the erection of this new county of Blair, for Shislcysburg is more than twenty-five miles from the nearest border of this proposed new county. No, sir, this cannot he th 6 plea; but the idea is, that if a new county is stricken oil above, the town of Huntingdon being no longer near the centre of the remaining part, will cease to lie the county town, and that Shirleyshurg from its central position will become that favorite spot called the seat of justice. T 1 show how correct I have been in my opinions regard to their reasons for division, I shall here read an extract from a letter which my friend Mr. Morrison of the Senate, received from a certain gen tleman of the borough of Shirleysburg, in answer to some interrogatories, he (Morrison) put to him in relation to this matter. The utter t read thus, " we think in seine future day we can get a new county oil the lower end of Huntingdon, Bedford, and part of Franklin counties, and then wi may stand a good chance of getting the county town here." Now, sir, were I selfish in this matter; were I willing to r•acrifice that trust committed to my care, on the altar of selfishness or individual emolument, the course poinred out to me would seem to be that of favoring or advocating this Blair county scheme; but, sir, I have a duty to perform—l have a trust resting upon me that rises fir superior to these sel fish considerations, and I trust that no sinister or selfish inducement, however great and alluring, will tempt me to swerve from that upright straight for ward ',course, which a high sense of obligations will The Hollidaysburg people complain of the dis tance they have to travel in going to, and coming from the present county seat. That distance aceor• ding to the bent information I can obtain is 28 miles. The . is one road by which they can go in 24 ' We ah. 11,1 put down the distance at 28 miles, wide!' is the distance on the turnpike. Now, sir, if this distance should seem long teeny one, let bin' consider the distal., cf many other county seats from sonic of their borders. There are very few of the counties I presume but have elate unties farther oil' than this, nod thin distance cons ! plait.] of by the Hollidaysburg people dwindles into mere insignificance when compared with the distance and (Hl% wittier', some oldie inhabitants in other sections; of Huntingdon county have to travel in visiting the county neat. The inhabitants of the whole South-eastern border or base of the county are obliged in getting to Court, &c., to travel a distance of from 35 to 40 miles. Not only have they to 'ravel this distaneo but they have to travel over roads that are often had—roods that wind through gaps and mountains, crowing creeks and rivulets', that are often swollen and sometimes itn pomade on account cf ice or some other cause.— Here. sir, would be grounds of cornplaint—here are grievances' indeed—here are dittiultirs and incon veniences to overcome of which they know nothing, and to which they are not nubjected, and, sir, were a division to be granted at all on the ground of dis tance from the county town, the people on thin bor. der °fate county have much better claims than finale of Hollidaysburg. Again: this distance of 28 miles about which they complain, will be very much di toinished in our estimation, when we ...Rider the travelling facilitien that are afforded to the people of Hollidaysburg, in their intercourse with the neat of justice. Hollidaysburg is situated at the head of the Juniata Division of the Pennsylvania Canal on which are placed comfortable and pleasant Packs boats, which pass upwards and downards every slay I during the navigation season; besides this time is the great northern turnpike road, which diverges from this place. passes through the towns of Hun tingdon and Hollidaysburg. and on to Pittsburg; thin channel of intercommunication is also open to them continually, and ott one or the othet of these modes of conveyance Call the people of Hollidays burg be accommodated every day in the year, with di ect, safe and convenient passage to the scat of Ijustice. Another plea held out by the people of Holli daysburg is, that suits have accumulated on the county docket, and that the issues upon these fruits have been tardy and long delayed. This plea how ever plausible, is tome feigned than real—more for effect than a real grievance. That a good many suits remain on our county docket, I ant not about to deny ; but sir, this is in part to he attributed to a certain want of despatch in our judicial proceedings, and in part to other causes. It is notorious to all that our courts do not manikst that prompt and energetic characters for business, which ought to distinguish the legal proceedings of our judicial bo dies, and which our did manifest under former and better auspices. Where, or to whom the fault is to Le attributed, I take not upon me to say. I would only say, that from what I can learn, the fault should be distributed over a good deal of ground, and that the parties in the silts, as the judicial tri bunal itself, and perhaps the gentleman of the bar ought all to sustain a share of this blame. Medrding to the best information I coull obtain on this subject, (and I have been careful and dili gent to inform myself on all subjects connected with this unpleasant oilier,) these suits are generally speaking of a trifling and unimportant character, and that any that are of importance remaining un issued, have been, and are purposely delayed anal kept hack at least one of the parties concerned. fear ing that the result or issue would not be such as to meet his approbation or wishes. Not only is this the tint, but in the long catalogue of suits which me or will he paraded here for effect, are a large amount judgments or liens against property which ore merely entered up for security against bankruptcy, and cannot fairly and legitimately be nut forth as proper suits to appear on the trial list ; anal that all I have stated 2n this head may assihrie the charac ter of indubitable truth. I would here state that I have known our courts at periods not long since, to be dismissed at an early stage of their sessbms, merely for want of any business being before them on which they might act. This plea of the accumulation of suits is sir, n mere filllacy—a mere stroke of policy, and in not entitled to that weight which they wunkl attach tort. Another argument made use of, and urged upon this occasion is, in my opinion, vogue and !don:eth er fallarions. it is, that a large proportion of the auitio that have accumulated on our county docket, originated in, and belong to the upper seetion M the county, where this division is asked for, and that consequently they ought to have a court of their own to try these causes. Hut in:o.dd this being an argument in favor of division, it is, in my hum ble opinion, an cornet against it—a reason why it aliould nut I, granted. What is the fair arid Irgi throats+ inference that may be draw❑ from this fact or admission. I. it not, tar, ilint they are a litigious and rucontentious people? And shall we, in the solemn capacity of Legislators, grant facilities to litigation I Shall we create law fecilities and cost them into the very lap of a law-loving people it not absolutely certain that it, proportion to the in ducements held out, and presented to the, corrupt principle. and ',minions of the human heart, just in the game proportion will the exercises or actions proceeding from those principles, increase and abound. Hence, if the people of Hollidaysburg, at the distance of twenty-eight miles from the seat of Justice, have instituted nod multiplied suits, so as to I crown the county docket in such a manner that they cannot be gone through with, how wool.' it be wets the Com, of !mince brought to their very dui-.--. The inference is, in my opinion, sir, irresistible, and the argument they would build upon thin grounol, is any wrested from them, and may he wielded against them. Another argument made use of is, that Huntingdon county iu large, and therefore ought to be divided. %Veil, we admit that geogra phieally considered, our county is pretty large; but in another point of view, we are nut no very lioge —perhaps not above inediiierity. We toy, p!oi;- ty large territorial suriace. Bur wind kind o f n elflike,: is it ? Is it not one intermioable ledge of rockit fr o m one extremity to the other one comm. tied eximnhe of mountains, whether we consider it letistlm int., breadth who, or diagonally. it is true, this picture is raornewhat relieved by the appearance here and there of fruntid 'allies, the products of which reward the labor and toil of the husbandman, and even 'on the summits of these mountains, and atoll; their bases may be heard the 140111111 of the woodchopper's xc—the regular jingle of the mi ner's shovel, and all the busy din and bustle of fur nace operations—yet the general character of the soil is Minis as I have represented. Hence, although our territorial limits may seem large, yet from the rough and broken nature of our soil, and COUFO• quently the abstnee of firming facilities, our pop ulation must always remain thin and sparse. And we never cats arrive to that degree of wealth and population to which many of our sister countres nifty arrive, that are of much lead territorial extent than we. And one of the main objections we have to this division is, that it cuts off a large portion of our best soil. Huntingdon county has really none of her good soil to spare—she needs it all—to place her on a par of equality with her sister counties, and I would just remark here by the way, that eve ry remark I have made under this paragraph, with regard to Huntingdon county, applies equally to Bedford. Every one must know that these are two of the roost broken and mountainous counties in the Stale; and we canna but resist the attempt made by the Hollidaysburg prolate, as well as we love and respect them, to cut oil' a considerable section of our choiscat and very best territory, and I erect into a county of which they are to be the focus. ! I have thus, sir, gone over what f conceive to he connty , the principal ground on which the argument is has- And the common idea Is, and the common lim ed in favor of this division. I shall now, as briefly j gunge isi we will wor l, an d t re . e , and t ormen t as I can, endeavor lo advance some of the reasons the Legislature till they grant it. Now, sir, it is why we object to it. And, Ist. a object to it on high time, in my humble opinion, that the Legisla= the ground of the increased taxation it will impose lure should undeceive the public mind on this head. upon us. I need not tell you that we have a State Let it he known that it will not he Worried into el debt suspended over us to the amount of some 40 measure that is not right In itself. millions of dollars, for the payment of which every H omo are now before us some half d ozen pro j ect , individual is, in n certain sense bound. We all, , for the erection of new counties all awaiting the too, very well know (for we individually feel it) issue of this Blair county hill. And if it is saccessa that the citizens of thin Commonwealth are groaning ful, the others will he urged with ten-fold impetus beneath the immense weight of taxes that are now I.asity and violence; and in a short time we shall iinposed upon them ; and that, too, merely to pay j behold tho sad spectacle of our noble State being the interest 011 this debt. Now, I would ask, is it dismembered and cut up into little petty fragments wise, is it politic, nay, is it even just, to increase —puny, insignificant internal principalities or cora that load under which we are now borne down to porntions, possessing neither weight nor respects the earth, unless it would l•o for the attainment of batty. some very valuable object, an object of much greater I Again; We ha on proof irrefragible that several importance than any contemplated by this bill: of the townships within the premed limits cif th f\—P , ..ler h Usa cc:ill:1s. 47S cz.) 1:14 That this division will increase our taxation fat county and judicial proceedings, will. I presume, be evident to every one. The entire assessed valua tion of the taxable property in the county of Hun tingdon was at a recent period $9.,,,61,946, and the assessed valuation of that part which would he stricken off at the Wile period wan $3,166,573, leaving a balance of $5,135,373, or not much more than the one half as the us*esod value of the tax able property of the old or remaining part. should this division go into effect. Having therefore still the seine round ofjudicial proceedings to go through (for I presume our courts will not be cuttailed or diminished either in number or duration)—having our jurors and commissioners still to pay as before, and all the appendages and expertses of a court and county business, and hut one half the means to pay it with, is it not clear Bin' our LINOS' Mink con sequently he increased nearly one hundred per cent: --and that he who now pays one dollar must then pay nearly two. Again, the immense loud of taxs ation it will inevitably fasten on the citizens of the new county themselves, is a subject that should itt my opinion be carefully taken into considerntion.-- It is true :he advocates of this bill will tell us dust this will ie borne willingly by the people; but this do. not Nnswet the objection satisfactorily ; it may answer the objection partially. but far from univer sally. We bane positive evidence before US in the Penn county petitions, that the citizens even of Mid proposed new county are far froti being all agreed, or nntistied, or willing to come under this yoke of bondage. A large arid respectable portion of them remonstrate ageing it as strongly and as vigorously as we do. Many of the remonstrances against this new county of Blair were got up in the richest and most taxpaying portions of it--signed by the most respectable and deeply concerned inhabitants within , its limits. Why, sir, I had the honor of presenting one petition in the course of this cursor , from chi. lalms of Newry and vicinly, a town situated only 2i or 3 miles from Hollidaysburg. most respectably iand numerctusly signed. remonstrating. against Lhiti new county. Here, sir. are it large class irl the ve ry butte and sinew of the country' opposed to it, and on whom we try the passage of this bill impose an exhorbitent tax against their will and consent.— tint only so, but taking into consideration the smell.ss of the county, and necessarily the seanti flees of their means, we impose a tax on them that well be intertninable—a burthen they can never get rid of--a load they never con shake from them.— Consequently the position assumed, that the people themselves are willing to conic under this yoke, can not be sustained ; at beat, it is only partially, correct. Another considerntion which we think Iran bonsiile'- rthle weight in this matter, and which is calculated to awoken in tiA serious apprehension, Is thig t that if the division is effected according to the Prayer of tire Blair county petitioners, and a pert of the coon ' ty be stricken trlf above, the present county sent will then he entirely out of the centre. The din mire from the borough of Huntingdon to one edge of the county, (that is in a direct line,) will then .t be more than 5 or F, Mil* whereas, on two other opposite extremities it will be 35 to 40 miles hence the county will have lost its counterpoise-- it will have lost its symmetry and balance. And the next shower of petitions we shall have kefore the Legislature will he either for the removal of the county seat to a position More central, or preying for another division somewhere along the Franklin comity line, where as I have before stated the peo ple are so remote front the present sent of justice. Now, sir, either side of this alternative presents us with a case which eve would deplore, and which we would deprecate. We like neither horn of the dilemma. Our county has been ni the expense only two or three yettra ego, of erecting a clever, stilistan tial court house--with all the offices commonly con nected with auch buildings--suitable and convenient in all respects—and at a cost of some ten or twelve thousand dollars to the county. Our jail is suffi cient for all purposes to Which buildings of that kind are usually put; therefore, to he obliged in these perilous times, at the whim or caprice of ano- , ther set of petitioners to perform this labor over again--to sustain this tax—this ex pent e in the new, is really more than we are able to heir. Some may think that this is a mere imaginary evil lam depicting; that it is ideal, end not likely to occur; hut I tell you, sir, that It is no idle pies tore flint I have been pirtraying. No fanciful crea ture of the imaginatiOh. There are, sir, people just waiting the lesue of this Blair county division, and if granted, t have not the least doubt that the next Legislature will he presented with petitions, either fur the object of removal, or as I stated before, fdr a new division at the opposite extremity of the