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PROSPECTUS FOR THE SECOND YEAR, £i3 GREAT NATIONAL MAGAZINE. Agents wanted.—Reading for all.—To the reading Public.—The best and cheapert family Maga zine in America. axsArt.s , NEW MONT IC L PAMIZIT TeTAGAZZNE, listablishedfor the Diffusion of (Will Knowledge A Monthly Miscellany of Moral and Useful In struction, Embellished with numerous Engra vings. Published on the first of every month, in Parts of fifty large octavo pages earls, (double columns,) TWO DOLLARS per annum, two copies tient to one address for THREE DOL LARS, invariably in advance. In offering such a miscellany as the above peri odical to the public, we wish to make it clearly understood what is the object proposed to be ac complished by its publication, and what will inva riably be the character of its contents ; and by rm species of disguise, or form of deception, attempt to nuke an impression or gain a favor, without pos sewing a legitimate claim to their enjoyment.— Bears' Family Magazine' is a periodical whose ob ject is to collect, condense and systematize the great maw of standing general knowledge, contained in works so numerous and voluminous as to be alto gether beyond the reach of mankind in general and thus collected and prepared, to place it, by its cheapness and comprehensiveness, within the ac quisition of ALL. We shall aim to give the Magazine a character decidedly American, and to make it to this country what the Penny Magazine is to 'Great Britain.— Hence we shall introduce, as far as practicable, des criptions of American History, Manners, Scenery, and Natural Productions. In furtherance of this object, we invite our friends abroad to aid us, by communications and sketches of any thing remarka ble, rare, or unique that may come under their ob servation ; and we trust they will find ample remu neration for their labor, in the consciousness of having added a quota to their= total ofintelligenco which is so widely disseminated through the medi um of Sears' Family Magazine.' From this brief outline of the plan of our New Monthly Magazine, the public will see that no ex °alone will be spared to entitle it to extensive pa tronage. Asa sort of pabulum for schools, and a treasury of knowledge for families, the leading object of the Family Magazine is utility. It is intended that its morals shall be pure, its information authentic, aril its arrangements in good taste. And while it is the sincere desire of all who are engaged in its publica tion, that it may carry the cheerfulness of kowledge and the light of truth wherever it is received, they indulge the hope, that the countenance of the com munity will look favorably upon them, and that its arm of support will be extended in their behalf. ROBERT SEARS, Editor and Publisher. No. 114 Fulton street, N. Y. City. Zlegaut Premiums for Subscribers. A VERY LIBERAL OFFER. ♦n easy method to procure a copy of , Sears' BHA Biography,' , Wonders of the the World,' or . Guide to Knowleclgk,' which sell for two dollars and fifty cents pr. vol. 0:1. Any person either subscribing himself, or procuring a new subscriber to Sears' Family Ma gazine,' for the year, and remitting $3 current funds, free of expense, to the publisher, shall receive a copy of that periodical for one year, and a volume of either of the above works, to be kept subject to his order. And $3.50 will entitle the subscriber to a copy of Sears' Bible History.' oz). Any person procuring 5 subscribers to the above work, for one year, and remitting the money, ($10) free of expense to the publisher, shall receive two copies of Bible Biography, or two of the 4 Wonders of the World.' or one of each, or one copy of Sears' New and Complete History of the Bible,' (2 vols. in one,) which sells for threedollars. Any person procuring 3 subscribers, and remitting #B, (free of expense) shall be entitled to two copies of Bible Biography,' Wonders of the World, or Guide to Knowledge.' AGENTS WANTED. To Clergymen, Students, Agents ofNewpspers and Periodicals throughout the United States. The subscriber is prepared to treat with ;ICI; per ions as possess the necessary qualifications for suc cessful Agents, (either for a stipulated salary or commission on subscribers obtained) to circulate his •New Monthly Family Magazine,' for the year 1845. Good references required. Terms liberal. ROBERT BEARS, No. 114 Fulton street, New-York City. All letters and communications from Agents mud be post paid, or they will not be taken from the Post Office. Da NOT TAX 115 WITH POSTAGE.—•A gents and Subscribers may learn, from the following notice of the Postmaster General, how they may send money to the publisher of the Magazine, without the ex pense of postage to either. 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