Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, January 29, 1845, Image 3

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    galauesk Vcasuusx. cull.
) Huntingdon, Jan. 29, 184.'x.
Ty.V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street
below Third, Philadelphia) is authorized to act as
Atv , .' for this paper, to procure subscriptions and
Sale of the Main Line.
The Philadelphia Enquirer of the 21st Inst. says ,
" At attempt was made yesterday at the Exchange,
to sell the Main Line of our State Improvements, in
conformity with an act of the Legislature, and the
decision of the people. But few persons were in
attendance, and no bid was made, when the sale
was adjourned until this morning."
The Case at Darr.
The Legislature of Rhode Island have
pissed a bill for the liberation of Dorr, on
the sole condition of his taking the usual
oath of allegiance to the State—the con•
(titian on which other insurgents have
been liberated. The only opposition that
the bill met with came from Dori's
friends. We should suppose that he
would thus accept his liberty, as he has
already admitted that the present Gov
ernment of Rhode Island is the true and
rightful one.
The Provinence Journal (1 Saturday
ITlonting slys
`The Committee on the petition for the lib.
.eration of Thomas W. Doer reported yes
terday by bill, liberating him upon his ta
king the oath of allegiance to the. State.
The bill was passed by a large majority.
-every Monte but two in the House and
three in the Senate voting sgainst
Yes ; the men who have been clamoring
at the Algerine cruelty which keeps Tho
stuns W. Dorr in the State Prison ho
have published such moving appeals to
lite sympathy of the people--who have
thawo upon their own imagination and
the public credulity for such pictures of
". loathsome dungeons" and t. barbarous
treatment," have recorded their cotes
against authorizing the victim of all th;s
cruelty" to be released upon taking the
very oath which each of them took when
he entered the General Assembly To
show the more plainly the motive which
influenced their votes, they declared by
two of their leaders that they did not con
sider. the oalh required to be in any de
gree degradisig,und that they dould cad
vise him to take it —and then voted against
allowing him to take it and to go free.—
'These same men, too, had voted for ex.
'tending pardon to the other persons in•
dieted on the same e , 'editions: and yester
day they voted against pardoning Dorr on
that condition Does any one ask the
motive for this apparently unaccountable
conduct They do not wish Darr to be
liberated. They can make mo:'e out of him
where he is. There he is a source of per
verted sympathy and political capital.—
Free he would be over their heads, and
unless he is greatly changed during his
imprisonment, he would ruin any party
which should follow his lead.
Therefore the Dorrite leaders wish to
keep him where he is, and they are ex
-ceedingly mortified to find that all their
blustering and all their insultshave failed
to provoke the General Assembly into re•
fusing to extend the act of amnesty
to him. They are unwilling to trust him
with the privilege of taking the oath and
leaving the prison ; they are afraid that he
will do as Dutee J. Pearce and others who
'have been indicted, with few excel,.
lions, have done. This is Dorrism; this
is a practical illustration of the sincerity
-ant the honesty and the sympathy for
'Dorr which distinguish the party.
We think Mr. Dorr's outdoor counsel•
logs should now, as a matter of policy,
advise him to come out. They can make
little more capital out of his incarceration
•by the blood thirsty Algerines after this,
and he would be worth something as a
lion out of doors
'Hon. JESSE MILLER of Perry county to
be Secretary of the Commoowealth.
JOHN K. KANE, E•q. of Philadelphia, to
be Attorney General of the Cummon
Appointment by the Secretary of the
HENRY PETRIKEN, Esq., to be Deputy
Secretary of the Commonwealth.
Edward F. Gay, Superintendant of
Motive Power and Supervisor on the Col
umbia Railroad.
Everard ales, on the lower portion of
the Juniata Division of the Pennsylvania
Casper Dull, on the upper portion of
the same Division.
Samuel S. Jamison, on the Western Di
vision of the Pa. Canal, from Pittsburg
to Dam. No. 3. on said Divkion.
Samuel Holman, on the Eastern Divis
ion of the Pennsylvania Canal.
Jack-on MTatltten, on the Susquehan
na Division tit the Pa. Canal.
«illium R. Maffit, ou the North
Branch of the Pu. Canal.
John 8. Cash, at Philadelphia.
Animus Stewart, at Paoli.
Robert Laverty, at Prtkesburg.
Tlionins J. Ilainea, at Lancaster.
bates G. Given, at Columbia.
John Nitl,
Peter Orw:in, at Newport.
Jo,eidi B. Slingert, at Lewistown':
John S. Patton, at Huntingdon.
William C. M'Curtnick, at Hollitlays-
Anthony W. Wasson, at Johnstown.
Jaiii , s Gillespie, at Freeport.
John Fleitung, at Pittsburg.
William at Philadelphia.
John O'Conner, at Hollidaysburs
Weigh Scales.
C.C. Hemphill, at Johnstown Weigh
illiam Philson, at' Johnstown Weigh
William B. Foster, at Pittsburg.
Myron S. Warner, at Northumberland.
James Wagonseller, at Schuylkill Via
Alexander Stewart, at Swartara Aque
Jeremiah Murphy, at Freeport Aque
Samuel White, at Duncan's Island
Joshua Fackler, at Portsmouth Outlet
Lock, in place of.l. Black, resigned.
SATURDAY, January 18.
Mr. Sullivan presented a renionstr.mce
against the county of Blair, and in favor
et the county of Penn.
Mr. Foulkrod limn the joint Commit
mittee un the subject, submitted the fol
lowilig as the miler to be observed at the
Inauguration of FRANCIS It.
Governor•elect, viz :
lat. That 12 o'clock at noon, be the
hour fixed fur the Inauguration ut the
Governor•elect, on Tuesday the 21st day
ul January, instant, in the Chamber of the
House of Representatives.
. _ .
2nd. That Messrs. Fuulkrod, Darsie
and Fegely, of the Senate—and Messrs.
Nl'Caslm, Campbell and Painter, of the
House of Represtntatives— , will attend
tfie tiaveroor-elect on Tuesday the 21st
nt, at his lodgings in Harrisburg, and
accompany hum to the Hall of the House
of R e p r eoentatives, where the members
of both Houses ar • convened, and where
the Speaker o: the Senate. or in his ab , .
sence, the Speaker of the House of Rep
resentatives, shall administer the usual
oaths of office to the Governor elect,
which being done, the Governor shall be
publicly declared by the wading of a copy
of the certificate of his election, signed
by the Clerk of the House of Represent
That a committee of three mem
bers of the Senate be appointed, with
three members of the House of Reines
sentatives already appointed, to wait on
the present Governor and Heads of De
partments, and accompany them to the
Hall of the House of Reptesentatives.—
On the arrival of the pi ()cession at the
Capitol, the Governor and Governor-elect
as ill take their places on the Speaker's
platform, the Speaker of the Senate on
the extreme right, the Governor-elect
seated orxt, then the Governor and Speak
er of the 'louse of Representatives on
the extreme left.
4th. The Canal Commissioners, mem•
hers of Congress, ex•members of the
Legislature, members of the late Con
vention to amend the Constitution,
Judges, of the Courts in attendance at the
Capitol, who have a desire to witness the
Inauguration, will hand in their names to
one of ihe members of the committee.
sth. The lobby of the House of Rep
resentatives will be especially reserved
for tilt. !Airs.
6.h. The military who may be in at
tendance, and desire to form a part of the
procession, will report themselves as ear
ly as possitile to the Chairman of the Joint
7th. The procession will leave the lodg
ings of the Governor-elect precisely at
hall-past eleven o'clock, A. M., and af
ter the inauguration, will return to the
sante place.
SATURDAY, Jan. 18.
Mr. M'Casliti (Joint Committee) report.
ed a sett of rules in relation to the ar
rangement to be made for the cei eninny
of inaugurating the Governor elect of the
Commoawealth, which were adopted ;
and on his motion the usual number of
copies of the same were ordered to be
Mr. Brewster of Huntingdon, pre
sented a petition from Barren township
for a new canny to be called Blair ; one
for a new county to be culled Penn; a
remonstrance against the creation of a
new county to be called Penn; also, a re
monstrance from the inhabitants of War.
riorsinark, against any division of Hun•
tingdort county.
The resoldtions relative to the tariff
came up in order, pending the amendment
of Mr. Sanderson to the amendment of
fered by Mr. Smith. of Bells, which in'
stracts our Senators, &c., to oppose the
Sub• Treasury bill. On this the yeas and
nays were ordered and were, Yeas 35,
Nays 66.
Mona•:, Jan. 20.
The Spelker presented a petition from
citiz , n4 of Huntingdon county for the
erection of the new county of Blair.
Messrs. Morrisen and Hill several of
like import.
Morrisint also presented four re
inoiottrances against the erection or said
count v.
On motion the senate went into exec
utive session, when Mr. Chapman moved
that the Senate advise and consent to the
nomination of Thos. Burnside as Asso
ciate Judge of the Supreme Court.
Mr. Sterigere moved to postpone the
tether consideration of the nomination
until Saturday next. Ile was nut oppo
sed to Judge Burnside, but there was
now g tes , lotion before the committee on
Retrenchment and meformn, providing for
the reduction of the number of the
Judges of the Supreme Court, which he
thought ought to be acted upon.
Mr: Hill also spoke in favor of the
postponement. The committee would
he pi spared in a day or two to make a
report on the resolution.
Mr. Chapman opposed the motion.--
Nid a word had been uttered against
Judge Burnside, and delaying to act up
on his nomination might give an impres
sion abroad that there were serious charges
against his character and legal abilitieS.—
Mr. C. opposed the reduction of the rum
ber of Judges, and said that as the Judi•
chary committee in the oilier branch of the
Legislature ; mid reported adverse to the
reduction, he did not think the reason
given for the postponement, a good one.
Mr. Darsie thought it due to the corn•
mittee that they should make report be
fore the nomination vs as acted upon. He
wished to hear the opinion of legal gen
tlemen before he was prepared to vote.
Mr. Champneys followed in a speech
of some length. He was friendly to
Judge Burnside, but in this case Senators
should be blind to his interests, and leg
islate for the interests of the State, Mr.
C. went into an able argument to prove
that there was uo necessity for five
Judges and that Justice would be better
administered if the number were reduced
to three, It was a reform demanded by
the embarrassed condition of the Com
monwealth. He hoped the motion to
postpone would prevail.
Mr. Chapman replied, and the debate
• was further continued by Messrs. Ster
igere, Champneys and Sullivan.
Mr. Sullivan favored the reduction.
Expedence taught him that more Judi
cious decisions were made by a small
number of Judges than by a large one.
tie trusted that the present crisis would
not influence Senators, but that they
would decide the same now as they
would if another administration were
not coming into power. lie did not wish
to see ally favoritism shown in the halls
of legislation.
Betore Mr. Sullivan had concluded his
remarks, a committee from the House was
announced, who informed the Senate
that the House was ready for their recep.
thin for the purpose of going into election
for State Treasurer.
Alter smite time the Senators returned
to their Chamber, and Mr. Sullivan,
ler on the part of the Senate, reported
the pi oceedings of the Convention..
Mr. Sullivan resumed his remarks.— ,
- Fle said the qualifications or Judge Burn
side had nothing to do with the decision
of this question. He hoped as an act of
courtesy to the committee, the motion to
postpone would be sustained.
On . the question recurring, the postpone ,
meat was agreed to—Yeas 19; Nays IS.
MONDAY, Jan. 20.
The Speaker presented a petition tur a
new county to be called Blair.
Mr- Metzgar : a a remonstrance against
a new county to be called Blair.
Mr. Bishop: a remonstrance from Bed
ford county of the sonic import.
Mr. Magehan : a petition from 44 cit
zens of Huntingdon county, for a new
couunty to be called Blair; also, one from
Allegheny tp., in said county of like im
Mr. Burnside: a remonstrance against
the creation of the new county of Blair,
and one petition for its erection,
Mr. Dickey: one from Allegheny tp.,
Huntingdon county, for a new connty to
be called Blair.
Mr. Brady: one signed by 40 citizens
of liulitinadon county, for a new coun
ty to be called Blair.
Mr. M'Murtrie : 2 petitions for a new
county to be called Blair, and a remon
strance against it.
Mr. Brewster of Huntingdon: several
petitions and remonstrances against the
new county to be called Blair, and against
the di'isior► of said county in any way :
also, for the new county of Blair..
Mr Sankey; one for the erection of a
new county to be called Blair; also, one
for the repeal of certain laws in reference
to slavery.
Mr. Burns: 2 petitions from Holli
daysburg for a new county to be called
Blair; also, one from D. W. M'Cabe and
others, fur an alteration in the law rela
ative to fog scalps, du.
Mr. Amer: one for a new county to be
called Penn, and against a new county to
be called Blair.
Mr. Mcßride: one for a new county
to be called Blair.
Mr. Sanderson offered a resolution that
the Secretary of the Commonwealth be
directed to furnish a statement of all
pardons grvnted since the 3rd Tuesday of
January 1839 to the house, with the date
of the pardons granted before trial and
A motion was made by Mr. Smith of
Clearfield, that a committee of two be
appointed to wait upon the Senate to the
Representative Hail for the purpose of
proceeding to the choice of a State Treas
urer, and Mr. Smith of Clearfield, and
Mr. Niclfolsoh were appointed said coin
The Serrate being introduced into the
convention then proceeded to the choice
of a State Treasurer for the ensuing year.
On which balloting it a ppeared thai
J. R. Snowden had 71 votes.
John Gilmore " 48
Joshua F. Bethel " 9 44
Necesgary to a choice 65.
James R. Snowdon having received a
majority of all the votes cast, was decla•
red duly elected.
TUESDAY Jan. 21.
Mr. Eyer presented a petition from
citizens of Huntingdon county, for the
new county of Blair.
Messrs. Foulkrud, Ebaugh arid Darsie,
several for the Abolition of Capital pun•
Tozsney, Jan. 21.
The resolution relating to the TarifF
came up in order, pending the amend went
otteied by Mr. Smith of Berks ; and, on
motion, Was postponed for the present.
. .
The Govercor elect and Heads of De
partment being introduced, the Speaker
of the Senate administered to him the
oath of office, when he proceeded to read
his Inaugural address, after which the
House Adjourned.
Mr. Carson presented a petition from
citizens of Huntingdon county, for the
new county of
Mr. Hill, one of similar tenor.
A message was received from the Gov
ernor informing the Senate of the appoint
merit of Jesse Miller as Secretary of the
Commonwealth; also, a communication
from the Secretary of the Commonwealth,
stating that he had appointed Henry Pet
riken, Esq., Deputy Secretary.
WEDNESDAY, January 22,
On motion of Mr. Dunlap, the House
took up the bill relating to the appoint
ment of a reporter of th e decisions
of the Supreme Court,
passed through Committee of the Whole,
Mr. Dotty to the Chair, and was reported
without any important amendment, and
coming up on second reading was debated
A t some length by Messrs. Dunlap, Bra•
fly, Herr Magehan.Cooper,Trego, Smith
Clearfield,of Hollingshead. The bill
provides for the appowlment of a repor
ter of the decisions of the Supreme Court
at a salary of 1600 dollars per year, to be
paid out of the sale of the volumes which
may be published and sold: The bill was
then read three times and passed.
Tuunenar, January 23.
Messrs. Morrison, Eyer, Hill, Bigler,
fluovt.r and Crabb, each presented peti
tions for the new county of Blair.
Mr. Morrison, a remonstrance against
the same.
The Senate then went into Executive
session, and alter considerable debate,
cond. toed the nomination of Luther Kid•
der as President Judge of the 21st Judi
cial district, by the following vote:
YEAS-11118mm Babbitt, Bally, Bigler,
Black, Carson, Chapman Crabh, Darra
Dimmick, Ebaugh, Enue, Eyer,,
Foulkrud, Gibbons, Heckman, Hill, Hoo
ver, Horton, Kline, Rahn, Ross, Slier•
wood, Sterigere, Sullivan, Wilcox, Spea
NAYS—Messrs. Anderson, Champ
neys, Common, Craig, Darsie, Morrison
'fuonsney, January 23.
Mr. Cooper presented a nutotwr of pe
titions from Hollidaysburg, firm the ex
emption of certain property from execu
tion ; also, several fur the new county to
be called Penn, and against the new coon.
ty to be called Blair--to be made out of
parts of Huntingdon and Bedford coun
Mr. Bingham: from Pittsburg, praying
that the act of 1840, authorizing
trates to retain their dockets maybe con
tinued to those now going out at office.
Mr. Metzgar: against — a
new county to
be called Blair.
Mr. Bishop: one of like import.
Mr. Nicholson: for the repeal of the law
authorizing capital punishment.
Mr. Elliott: one against any division of
Huntingdon county.
Mr. Magellan : from
.255 citizens of
Cambria county, in re:ation to the right of
suffrage by admitting free colored citizens
to vote. One for a new county to be
called Blair.
Mr. Dickey : for a new county to be
calb•d Blair.
Mr. M'Murtrie : for a new county to
be called Blair ; also, from citizens of Al
lenville against its incorporation into a
Mr. Brewster of Huntingdon, for a new
county to be called Blair; also, against the
same; from Johnson Moore for an altera
tion of the law relating to imprisonment
for debt,
Mr. Burns: against a new county to be
called Blair.
Mr. Ho!Hogshead : against a new coun
ty to be called Blair.
The resolution relative to the occupa
tion of the Oregon Territory was taken up
and read three times and passed. It in.
structs our Senators, &c.. in Congress, to
use all efficient measures in their power
to procure the extension of the Jurisdic
tion of the States over the Territory.
Farm, January 24.
Mr. Bailey presented a petition from
0. W. Barr and others, for the new coun
ty of Penn.
Mr. B:glero from 67 members of the
Bar of Philadelphia, asking for the con
firmation of the nomination of Judge
Burnside; also' for the new county of
FRIDAY, January 24,
CM motion of Mr. Coopet, the act tor
the redemption of the over issues of the
Berks County Bank, which was vetoed
by Governor Porter was taken up.
' Mr. Cooper proceeded to state the
facts involved in the case.
The question being taken by yeas and
nays as follows:—Yeas 88, Nays 5.
So the bill passed having the constitu
tional majority of two-thirds.
pear before you in obedience to the will
of the freemen of Pennsylvania, to give
the solemn pledge prescribed by the Con
stitution, and to enter upon the office of
When I contemplate the interests of
our Commonwealth, as an independent
sovereignty, and as a member of the
community of American states, thh mul
tiplied relations over which it exerts a
supervising guardianship, and the pecu
liarly weighty obligations that press upon
it at the present moment, I feel how
perfectly I am qualified to discharge, and
even to comprehend aright, the ardous
and complicated duties to which I have
been called. To him who watches over
the destinies of States, as well as men,
land whose favor is light and strength, I
look upwards with humble trust, that He
will over-rule any errors and give effi
ciency to toy honest efforts for the public
Happily the principles which should
regulate the administration of the State
have been 104 since declared and estab
licked by our republican fathers. They
are few and clear. That equal and ex
act justice should be administered to men
of all parties in politics, and all persua
sions in religion--that our public faith
should be kept sacred under all circum
stances—that freedom of religion. of std.
(rage, and of the press, should be held in
violate—that general education is essen
tial to the preservation of liberty—that
the separate rights and powers of the ex
ecutive, legislative and judicial depart
ments of the government should be strict
ly maintaitied----that the government
should be faithfully, but frugally adinitlis
tered, and all to whom it is entrusted held
to frequent and strict accountability—
that particular mischief should be correc
ted by general rather than special laws—
that the grant of exclusive privileges to
some is repugnant to our whole system,
the intent of which is to make firm the
equal rights of all —that men associated
for gain should, in common with others,
be liable individually for all their joint
engagements—and that the obedience of
the public agent to the will of his consti
tuents is essential to a r;ght administra
tion of the government, and to the preser
vation of freedom.
These are the leading principles by
which I propose to be guided in the
performance of my official duties, They
are all of them primary truths, affecting
the basis of our government, and needing
no better confirmation of their value, than
is to be found every whet e in the history
of out country.
Thus far the action of our system has
illustraud the capacity of man for self
government, and has shown that, entrus
ted with his own political destinies, and
unincumbered by bad laws, he advances
steadily in knowledge and true happiness.
The doubts at first entertained of its ade
quacy to meet all the contingencies which
arise in the affairs of nations, have been
dissipated by experience. The practical
operation of the governments of the States
and of the Union, in advancing the wel
fare of the inhabitants of our extended and
still extending country, demonstrate their
utility. This is the result of that simple
and natural organization, founded upon
the assent of the people. by which their
sovereign will rules in their local afftirs,
is extended to the State governments, and
by a happy combination gives direction to
the government of the Union. Their
competency to govern themselves is con
firmed by the peace, happiness and pros
perity, which their government has secu
red to the citizens of these States, and is
an assurance that in their hands the wel
fare of all will be, as has been, guarded
and advanced.
Fellow-Citizens of the Senate and House
of Representatives :--It has not been my
purpose to enter at this tune upon the
consideration of particular topics, which
may more properly be reserved for other
communications. There is, however, one
subject of such vital interest to the honor
and well-being of the Commonwealth, as
to challenge the very earliest expression
of my views respecting it. 1 allude, of
course, to the condition of our public debt.
It their is one distinguishing trait of
character in our citizens, it is that of liv
ing within their means, and honestly pay.
ing their debts; and if there is one certain
result in the working of our representa
tive system, it is, that the character of the
Government is identical with that of the
people. By the application of t h is truth,
which is equally simple and certain, our
duty under existing circumstances, is
rendered as plain as it is obligatory.--
The credit of the State must be redeemed.
We ale urged to the !performance of this
duty, not only by our fidelity as reFfresen
tativPs, but alio by i the principles of;sound
morality, by honest pride as Pentolva
nians, and by our obligations to the Union.
to inAintaiti and elevate the National
I shalt of course not be understood ht
these remarks As expressing any opinion
on the question of the immediate ability of
the State Treasury to resume its payments
of interest. 'lie question is an extreme
ly grave one in its consequences, not to
the creditor, only, but to the future char
acter of the State ; and it requires for its
safe decision a careful examination of our
fiscal condition, including our prospective
income and liabilities, which I have not
had the means of making. The con%itt
eration of this whole subject will be among
the earliest and most interesting uf my
official duties, and I shall hasten to sub
mit to the Legislature the views to which
it may conduct me. Meanwhile, gentle
men, I pledge myself to you, to the good
people of the State, and to all its credi
tors, that on my part nothing shall be
left undone, within the constitutional
competency of the Exectitiite to ensure,
the prompt, exact and : full payment of alt
the dues of P.rinsylvania.
I congratulate you, gentlemen. on the
general prosperity of our constituents.—
It is impossible to look out upon our
Commonwealth without recognizing our
indispensable obliga.ions to the Author of
Good. A genial and healthful climate—
s soil fertile of agricultural productions,
yet pre-eminently abounding in mineral
wealth—a hard y and intelligent pop-
ulation- -a government of the peop:e
themselves, that secures to industry, en
terptise and skill, their appropriate re
wards:—these, by His benignant care,
have bore up under concentrated trials,
which might have crushed an older but
less favored community. Let us be true
to ourselves that His blessing may abide
with us. FRS. R. bHUNK.
Philadelphia, Jan. .9.4.
WHEKTFLouit, per bbl. - - - .$4 25
RYE MEAL, do. - - - - sto
C.RN do. do.
WHEAT,ptimePenna.per bush. - - 90
RYE do. - - - 64
CORR, yetloW, do. - - - 42
do. white, do. - - - 41
OATS, do. - - - 27
WHISKEY, in bla. - - - - - - 22
Baltimore, Jan. 23.
WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - e 4 12
WHEAT, per bush. - - 88
CORN, yellow, do. - - - - 44
do. white, do.
RYE, do.
OATS. do.
Wnistar, in bbls.
CAUTION.--All petsotia are hereby
cautioned and forewarned not to ICsty on,
Sill, or in any way meddle with the follow
ing property, which I purchased at Consta
ble's Sale, on Saturday the 18th of January
inst., as the property of Abraham Kurts t of
Walker township, and left in the possession
of said Karts till convenient to remove the
same, in wit
One horse, one cow, two ploughs, one
harrow, to sets of horse gears. one grail
cradle, one mowing scythe and sned.
Jan.l9, 1845.-31. pd
ri,WO young men of this borough, not de
ficient in personal appearance, pecuni
ary circumstances good, and this bide of 25,
being desirotis of entering into the matrimo
nial state, tike this method of making it
known to the ladi s. Young ladies of re
sdectability, of amiable dispositions, and
With a reasonable knowledge of culinary
affairs, who are in search of husbands, will
comer a .airor by addressing AI. R.,"
through the post office, stating at what time,
and place an interview can be had.
All communications strictly confidential.
Letters from a distance must be postpaid.
Huntingdon, Jan. 22, 1845. 3t. paid.
Orphans' Court Sale.
IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans
Court of Huntingdon county, the underigned
Trustees appointed to make sale of the real
estate of Jacob Keller, late of Morns town
ship, in said county, dec'd., will expose to
sale by public veudue, on
Monday the 3rd day of March next,
at 1 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, the
plantation and tract of land do which said'
deceased in his lifetime resided; situate
the said township and county, ad} ining
lands of Hugh Fergus on the west, John &
Willi m Walters and a small lot sold to the
ahool Directors,
on the south, of Georg
Henry & David Keller on the east, and u'
Henry S. Spang on the north, costa' • g
and 72 perches, or thereabouts, of whic.
about 150 are cleared a pland and 10 of mi.,
dow, having a two story log house, fray ,
h Ink barn, a small frame house, e Al an at
ple orchard thereon. The said tract is
the best quality of land, pleasantly situate,
being but a short distance from WaterStre,:,
on ti e Turnpike road.
TERNS OF SALE.—One third of the pe
chase money to be paid on the confirma , iu.:
c: the sale, end the residue at and immedi
ately after the death of Catharine Ke!ier,
widow of said deceased, the interest r!
third to be paid to the sa d widow atm, • • •ly
during her ; he whole to be secure: ::y
the bonds and mortertee of the purelr. , r.
JOHN KELLER, (of Jac., )
Jan. 32,1845
1411701111137 AT
Office Main street, three doors WO
of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry establishment.
February 14, 11343.--tl.