person. If, therefore, one of them found its only to a region for which it had not been intended, its parentage was stiffly denied, and it was affirmed and certified to be a Whig forgery. For some weeks before the election these handbills were scat tered far and wide. I wondered at their numbers, for they covered the land like the locusts of Egypt. I have since been informed that several and perhaps all of the departments of the Government were constantly employed to aid the party in their distri bution. One of the Heads of Department, lam credibly informed, franked them in packages weigh ing in some instances an much as a thousand pounds. As far as I know, however, the circulation of these things produced little impression in my own State, or in the Southern country generally. Ii is the cue. torn there for men of opposite parties to debate po• litical questions face to face before the people, and the voters thus have a better chance to ascertain the views of parties and of their candidates. It is true that our adversaries sometimes attempted to deny Mr. Polk's views as to the Sub-treasury and other questions, but these denials were seldom successful. Sir, I never yet have tact a man that I could not, in a day or two's debate, by continued question, cross examination, and denunciation, compel to admit the truth, when I Ind documentary or miter plain evi dence to establish it. Providence seems to have denied to man the power to persist in falsehood with the same steadiness of eye and comaeu rice wi which truth can be maintained. I doubt if Talley rand himself, who used to say that language was given to men to enable them to conceal the.. thoughts, could persevere successfully in fe'•ehood during the whole of one of our Southern campaigns. . . . At the North. the mode of conducting a canvass is different. The speakers on opposite sides sel dom if ever meet each other in debate. The mee,- Ings being composed of one party only, the matter thrown out goes uncontradicted alike, whether it be truth or falsehood, and the membt is of either party adopt the views of their own speakers. To e uniformed, however honest they may be, the best authenticated document carriers no more evidence of its truth than the libel representing, both by pictures and writing, Mr. Clay hanging three Dutchmen, which was so extensively circulated in Pennsylvania. If this state of things continues, our constitution of Government is virtually at an end. Oar tepub lican system is based upon the principle that those who exercise power here represent and - arry tt, under the Constitution, the views of the h •o g le.-. Dot if the matter be so managed that the great ntr of the voters do not and cannot ascertain the views of the candidates before them, the consequence fol lows that those elected do not in fact i a gent the people, and our republican form of Government is virtually abolished. As a means of aver'ing, to some extent at least this great evil, let the practice of requiring the speakers on both sides to cor.front each other in debate be generally adopted. 'Co ef fect this, les there be a union of all those who de sire truth to prevail, who wish to see our free Con 'anonou preserved in substance as well as in form, and who desire that the blessings of liberty should be transmitted to those who are to come after us. At any rate. I call upon every Whig to adopt this mode, publish your appointments, and challenge your opponents ro meet you. If they fail to meet you, denounce them as being afraid of such an in vestigation, because they know that the facts are against them. Persevere in this course, and they will be compelled by public opinion, yes, by their own followers, to meet you; for there is in the hearts of our countrymen of all parties a desire to know the truth, and a generous love of fair play. I am now brought, Mr. Speaker, to the conside ration of another most important matter in connex ion with the late Presidential canvass. After the nominations in the spring, the Whig party held many large political meetings, at which there was much able and eloquent discussion. Our orators went through many parts of the country, and de bated most successfully the principles of the two parties. All this was well, fur it secured to our standard a vast majority of the intelligent and re flecting portion of the Union. But this alone, as the event has shown, was not sufficient. Resting on the got dress of our cause, the soundness of the principles advocated by us, and the belief that the wisdom of our measures would bring a majority of the voters to the support of our candidate, we ne glected that complete organization in detail which was necessary to prevent undue influence and im position on the voters at the election. Since the beginning of the world, regularly train ed soldiers have always been able to beat raw mili tia. Hence, when arty one notion keeps op a well disciplined standing army, the neighboring States must adopt a similar system or he overpowered.— This truth. so universally admitted with respect to military affairs, has not been generally understood in its bearing on elections in a country like ours. In every part of the Union there are some individ uals whose opinions are not so firmly fixed but what they may be changed at or about the time of the election. This may be brought about in va rious ways. A man naturally irresolute or unsta ble in his purposes may lie pursuatled ; one not in formed as to the principles and conduct of the can dietes may be deceived by artful misrepresentation; the dishonest are liable to be biased by improper in fluence... These closes constitute what is some times denominated the floating vote—that in, a vote which is liable to he easily changed from one party to another. It is doubtless largest in the great cities, and varies consider. lily in different sections. But every where there are those who, by persuasion, tnierepresentation, fraud, or other meane, may he induced to vote differently from what they intend ed a short time previous to the election. The num her of these individuals is sufficiently large to de ride the result in all closely contested election•s.— Take as an example the great State of New York in the late Presidential election. There were cilia in all about four hundred and eighty thousand votes, and the majority fur Mr. Polk was some five thou sand three hundred. If twenty seven hundred of those who voted for Mr. Polk had changed to Mr. Clay, the electoral vote of the State would have I been given to the latter gentleman, and he would have been elected President. Or, upon the suppo• aition that one voter forevery hundred and seventy five that actually voted had cast a different ballot, it would have varied the result of the election.— Taking the whole State over, it will not be ques tioned by any one that there is a much larger pro portion than the one hundred and seventy-fifth part of the voters there whose view) on political matters were not so fixed as to prevent their being influen ced at the time of the election. Though of course not unaware of this condition of things to some extent in all the States, yet the Whig party has in the main relied on the justness of its cause and the voluntary exertions of its individual members to counteract improper influences. Our adversaries, however, have been practising on a very different system. They have acquired a skill and discipline in party tactics unknown to any other faction that his existed in this country. Whether this system was perfected in the State of New York, and brought into the administration of the Fedetal Gov erns's-at by Mr. Van Buren, as some suppose, I shall not now stop to enquire. As at present or ganized. the so-called Democratic party, though it allows the Individuals composing it to profess such opinions on all meaeures of legislative policy us they may think it most advuntageous to adopt, yet o requires; the utmost fidelity in all party mans-utte r., especially in elections. To stimulate this feel isle the °flies.e are promised to those who may have r...1.ru1l the patty most efficient service. Each member to reqiried to stand by his party at all haz anis, !e. teals in se &nag he /1410Uld Fitt in oppoeitien to the beet interests of the country. In turn, the party will stand by him, and protect him from the consequences of any crime he may commit, provi ded it be done for the benefit of the party. A thou sand instances might be given to establish the truth of this conclusion. I will refer, however, only to a single one, of recent occurrence, in my own State. When our Legisl lure, now in se sion, assembled, there was a tie between the parties in the Senate. Each party was of course desirous of electing a Speaker and other officers. According to the old and well-settled law of the State, each member elect was bound to produce. before his qualific 'lion, the certificate of the Sher: : ofbis having been elected. But one, who ela•med to be a Democratic Senator, was not provided w'th such certificate, and the fact became known through the indiscretion of friends that he consulted in his dilemma. When the time came for the opening of the first day's session, this individual, much to the surprise of his political ad ; versaries at least, presented a forged certificate in ' the usual form, was qualified as a Senator, and took his seat. It was five days before the body was or ganized by the election of a Speaker, &c. A com mittee was raised to investigate the affair. They, upon evidence of the most conclusive character, re ; ported that the certificate had been forged either by the Senator or by his p.ocorement, and knowingly used by him to impose on the Senate, and r,..2om mended his expu",m. The vote of the Senate ; was unani.nous on the first resolution declaring the certificate a fork,ery ; but upon the second, declar lag that ho ought to be expelled, every member of his party voted in the negative, thereby saying that, though he had committed forgery, he was not in their opinion unworthy to sit tvilh them. After his expulsion by the casting vote of the 1\ hig Zpeaker, his party, taking advantage of Vie acci dental absence of two or theca W hies, within a few days moved and carried a proposition to strike from the journals the report, proceedings, &c., that had taken pLee, with a view of inserting in their stead the speech of his courrel made in his defence atthe i bar of the Senate. A stranger would perhaps be surprised to learn that ma iy of these individuals, in the relations of private life are es 'erred honest and honorable men. Notting could show more conclusively their devo tion to their party than that they should thus he able to overcome their na ma! aversion to crime, and thus endeavor to countenance and protect the criminal, beccuse that crime had been committed fiug the benefit of the party. Sir, it gives me no pleasure to refer to this oceurrence. We formerly flattered ourselves that, however trischievous Loco focoistu tnit,ht become in other sections. there was in North Carolina arid other parts of the South a regard for public opinion, and a feeling of personal honor among its leading members, which would keep it somewhat within the bounds of decency.— But it is a tree whidi bears the same fruit in eve-y climate. Its late exhibitions will arouse the indig nation of the virtuous yeomanry of the Old North State. But, slr, lam digressing. I wished simply to call your attention to the nature of the bond which connects this so-called Democratic party.-- To show the extent to which its organization has been carried I refer you to the secret " Circular from the Executive Committee of the Democratic Asso ciation of Washington city," issued last Septem ber. I would read the whole of it if I did not know that its contents were well understood by most if not all on this floor. Its first four sections, as you know, provide for the organization of a Democratic Association, by whatever name they choose to call it, in "every county, city, ward, town and village throughout the Union," the appointment of Exe cutive commlt . ei.s, captains, lieutenants, and demo cratic minute men—that is, " men who are willing to serve the Democracy at a minute's warning."--- Their first class of duties is prescribed in sections five and six, in the following words: " 5. That the captain and lieutenants, with such minute men as may be detailed for the service, pro ceed forthwith to make out two lists—one of all vo s in the company bounds, designating the Dem ocrats, W pigs, and the Abolitionists. putting into a separate column, headed "doubtful," the namesof all whose opinions are unknown, and all of every party who are easily managed in their opinions or conduct: the other list to embrace all minors ap proaching maturity and all men not entitled to vote." " 6. That a copy of these lists be furnished to the Executive Committee of each Democratic As sociation within the election precinct." Section seven directs these officers and minute men to circulate all papers that may influence the doubtful men. Section eight makes it the duty of the minute-men to get all the doubtful men to their meetings. Sections nine, ten, eleven, and twelve, are .fiillows : 9. That the captain of the Democratic minute men appoint a time and place of rendezvous, early on the first morning of election, and detail minute men to wait upon, and if possible bring with them every doubtful voter within the company bounds." 10. That, if practicable, some suitable refresh ments be provided for the company at the place of rendezvous, and their ardor kindled by patriotic conversation ; that each man be furnished with a ticket with the names of the Democratic electors ; that it be impressed upon them that the first greet bwriness of the day is to g ive their votes ; that they are expected and required to march to the polls in a body, and in perfect silence: to avail themselves of the first opportunity to vote, and never separate until every member of the company has voted. 11. That if any Democrat be absent from the rendezvous, the captain despatch a minute-man forthwith to bring him to the polls. r 12. That the captains and lieutenants provide beforehand means for conveyance for such Demo crats as cannot otherwise get to the polls." [coxcLustos NEXT WEEK.] INnrxx MOVEMENTS IN LANCASTEn.--By the I following paragraps front the Lancaster American Republican, it appears that the ground rent tenants of the Hamilton estate, in Lancaster, are disposed to follow the example of the Livingston tenants in New York, and repudiate the further payment of rent.. A disposition of this kind has for many years been navtifested by the occupants of these grounds in and around that city. ANTI-0 ROUND RENT PROCESSION.—There seems to be no end to Anti proceedings—such would seem to be the order of the day--a feeling of apparent universality, both at home and abroad.— The procession in question was got up' pursuant to notice given of the arrival of a certain Mr. John P. Newman in this city, as agent for the Hamilton Estate to collect Ground Rent. The procession being formed, proceedod to Mrs. Hubley's Hotel, an d enqu i re d f or Mr. Newtons. but was unable to procure an interview. Thence it proceeded pea ceably, to the store of Messrs. Long, local agent for the same; paid them their compliments, and re turned to the hotel. Here they were confronted by James Cameron, Esq., who addressed the assem blage, and °tiered a resolution for the appointment of a committee to confer with Mr. Newman, which was vociferously voted down, and a substitute by the mass, to the effect that they would not pay any more ground rent, was passed by acclamation, and the crowd immediately dispersed. We know not where these things will end—time only will show. c::y. Dwell, Knauss, of Harrisburg, has been nominated by the Governor, President Judge of the diwtrict composed of the counties of Bucks end M ..mtgomvr 474 1 ,, - ;V r t. THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. , g One country, one constitution, one destiny." LT_Sza ma a Wednesday morning, San. 29,1845, cCr A protracted meeting has been held in the Baptist church iu this place, and on Sunday last thirteen individuals were baptised, in the river. We have received the February number Of the LADY'S BOOK and also the LADIES' NATIONAL MAGAZINE. The embellishments are splendid, and the literary matter, as usual, is from the pens of the best authors in the Union. Qj In to-day's paper will be found the Inaugur al Address of Governor Shunk. It is a document which, while it may not call forth much censure, will meet with as nide just praise. SALE OF THE MAIN LINE. Saturday was the last day for offering for sale, at auction. the Main Line of the Public Works of Pennsylvania. Up to Friday night there had been but few bids. CZ:T ALBERT C. GREENE, (whig) was elected U. S. Senator from Rhode Island on the 16th inst. CLIMING TOE HALL.—A resolution passed the ouse of Representatives of this State, 52 to 93, for closing tha Hall of the House during the Sab bath; and another prohibiting the officers from delivering letters and newspapers to the members during the Sabbath. ( - . C. Mr. Sanderson, of Lebanon, offered in the House of Representatives an amendment to the Constitution of the State to restrict the Goveror in the granting of pardons, and granting that preroga tive to the Senate in connextion with the Governor. It was referred to the Judiciary committee. JEFFERSON COLLEGE.—The Board of Trustees of the Jefferson College et Cannonsburg, Pa., at their meeting on the 2d inst. unanimously elected the Rev. Dr. BRECKENRIDO E, of Baltimore, Presi dent of that Institution, in the room of Dr. Brown, who retires on account of ill health. It is not known yet, whether Dr. Breckenridge will accept the situation. (1:7. On the 16th inst. the returns of the late elec tion for Governor were cast up, in the presence of both Houses of the Legislature. It appeared that Francis R. Skunk received Joseph Markle. F. J. Lemoyne, " PRENTICE ' S LOST.—The Louisville Journal says that some wag tired of the capers of ChiMry, purposes that a big ditch should be cut a , ound the Palmetto State (South Carolina) and she be prized off end floated to Texas. The benevolent projector says the whigs may jump over to Georgia or North Carolina. cj' Gov. Porter continued MERCIFUL to thelast• We learn from the Philadelphia papers that, before leaving the Executive Chair, he pardoned the fol lowing persons: Sarah Ann Davis, who was convicted, and sen tenced to be hung, for the murder of Julia Ann Jordan, which took place in Philadelphia in July, 1840. Mrs. Davis has been under sentence of death since January 1841—the Executive had never sign ed the warrant for her execution. Millen J. Alexander convicted of manslaughter, 11184 Fined convicted of murder in the second degree, and IGehuel Dugan convicted of robbery. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. A communication in the last Globe. signed "Many Citizens," recommends DAVID SNARE, Esq., for Justice of the Peace for this borough.-- We doubt not but Mr. Snaro would discharge the duties of this important office with the utmost fidel ity, if elected. CONGRESS, has now been in session nearly two months, and done little or nothing except deba ting the different plans for the Annexation of the United States to Texas and it is not expected that much will be done in the five weeks yet allotted to them No one seems to murmur at the course of Locofocoism in Congress—all appear to take it for granted that the less such a Congress does the bet ter it is for the country. At our latest advices the Texas question was still the subject of debate. TEMPERANCE CONVENTION The State Temperance Convention met at Har risburg on last Thursday afternoon in the Hall of the House of Representatives. The Governor, Heads of Department, end members of the Legis lature were present by invitation, and also a large number of ladies and gentlemen. A resolution to petition the Legislature for a law submitting the question to the voters in each ward, borough, town ship or district to decide whether intoxicating li quors shall be sold in their respective limits or not was discussed and passed. MELANCHOLY AccinzNy.—We find the follow ing painful item in the Bellefonte Whig of the 18th instant. ACCIDENT. -We regret to learn that Mr. ions M'Cor, of Barre township, Huntingdon county, was yesterday, in company with his daughter, thrown from a sleigh by the running off of his horse and instantly killed. His daughter was considera bly injured. He was a highly respectable citizen. (c). Tho election of Mayor in the city of Banton, has proved a feller. the fifth time. HEAVY DEFALCATION, Our readers have, no doubt, all heard, at some time or other of CALEB J. M'Nuvrr —the same brawling Locofoco who, some years ago, while a , member of the Ohio Legislature—when a mob in Cincinnati sacked the Banks, and destroyed their contents—said " that was the true Bank reform ; that he would have gloried in being at the head of any body of citizens who would do such a deed of public benefit—he wanted no better light to guide him along the pathway of duty than the flames as cending from every burning banking edifide in the State." —The same C. J. M'Nulty who was a can didate for Congress in Ohio last fall, and being de feated, wrote a friend a very short though not par ticularly sweet letter, stating that " he was defeated and the party might go to hell." When the Loco locos cams into power they elected this same Caleb J. M Nulty Clerk of the House of Representatives, at Washington, as a reward for his services to the party. To this officer is entrusted the disbursing of the contingent fund of the House. On the 17th inst. the Committee on Accounts reported that they had given notice to the Clerk to attend the Committee with his account and vouchers, prepared to show how much he had expended, and the balance on hand. The Clerk, although twice notified, refused to attend the committee, and they were left to make such investigation as they were able without him. By the report it appears that Mr. M'Nulty drew from the Treasury the sum of $232,000, that he had disbursed in the year end ing Dec. 1, 1844, the sum of $172,000, which would leave a balance at that time unexpended of $60,000. At the Patriotic Bank there is a balance of $13,000 to the credit of the Clerk, which the Cashier has been notified to retain. The committee estimate the payments made by the Clerk since the commencement of the session at $2,500 ; so that the actual deficiency, as nearly as can be ascertain ed, amounts to $44,500, of which only $20,000 is secured by the official bond of the Clerk. For the balance of $24,500 the Government has no security except the personal responsibility of the Clerk. By the direction of the House Mr. M'Nulty was arrested ; and being brought to the bar, addressed the House. Had his speech been true,there would be no defalcation, and he an honest man. After some discussion the metter was postponed till the next day. The Committee, among other resolutions, recom. mended the dismissal of Mr. M'Nulty, from the office of Clerk of the House. On the 18th he was dismissed by a unanimous vote. Benj. B. French war afterwards chosen Clerk. GOV. PORTER'S ADMINISTRATION, The Gubernatorial career of David R. Porter ter minated on Tuesday of last week, when Francis 12. Shunk, the new Governor, was inaugurated and entered upon the exercise of the duties of his office. In reviewing the administration of Gov. Porter we find little or nothingto call forth admiration and praise: but on the contrary, much to censure and condemn. From his first official act of calling around him advisers, down to his last appointments, there was nothing but the rewarding of political vassalage, and the execution of vengeance upon political and personal adversaries. The six years of his administration have been one continued jubilee for the violaters and contem ners of the law. In the name of „ Executive Clemency" the Governor has walked into our jails and penitentiaries and knocked the irons off the bloodstained hands of convicts: he interpolated new powers Into the Constitution, and stepped be tween the Courts and the culprits, and shielded the guilty from trial and punishment : in short, mur derers, rebels, robbers, thieves, and felons of all degrees, have been the recipients of his merciful liberation; and criminals have been taken to the bo som of the Executive, and raised to once honorable and yet profitable stations ; the arm of the law has been lopped off—and the State has become rife with the spirit of in subordination and disorder, and its terrible fruits have been riots, mobs, violence, and outrages of every name and grade. 160.332 156,040 2,566 The highest office in the State has been prosti tuted to the base purposes of gain. The "Lumber Speculations," by which the banks were swindled, and the " Indians" enriched, and the conduct of the Governor and the Attorney General with refer ence to the Legislative Investigation, will stand forth in bold and black relief in the history of the late administration ; and all the waters of all the rivers in Pennsylvania commingled would be insuf ficient to wash from her history the dark spots which those transactions have caused. Notwithstanding the onerous taxation to which the people have been subjected, the State debt has, according to the Governor's own showing, been doubled during his administration. These retlectiona cause us no pleasure. We write more in sorrow than in anger; and thus we bid adieu to Governor Porter, hoping the new ad ministration may be less corrupt, and more advan tageous to the community. MR. CLINGMAN'S SPEECH. We commence to-day, on the first page, the pub lication of the speech of Mr. CLINUMAN, of North Carolina. We hope its length will deter no one from reading it. This speech told with wonderful effect upon the Locofoco members of Congress, es pecially upon the " Chivalry ;" and on account of an old grudge, and this renewed castigation, the "Chivalry" hit upon Mr. Yancy, of Alabama, to reply to Mr. C., and by gross, palpable, and direct insult, force him, according to the "code of honor," to challenge Mr. Yancy. This was done, end the parties met and exchanged shots; after which a re conciliation was affected, as slated in our last. If any unprejudiced mind has any doubt yet as to the fact, this speech must convince that mind that Henry Clay is President de jure—having re ceived a majority of the legal votes polled at the late election. Mr. Clingman has taken a general review of the battle-geld, in which the frauds, corruption and duplicity of the successful party are clearly ex poacd ; and no wonder that Locofocoism grew re stiff and pugnacious under such an expose of un paralleled political 'Many. THE SPRING ELECTIONS, In addition to the election of Borough and Township Officers, and Judges and Inspectors of Election'', the people will this year be called on to elect Justices of the Peace to serve for five years. We hope that the election of the latter officers will not be made a party matter. They are an important branch of our Judiciary system—acting as J udges and Jurors—and of all abominations,that of political Courts are the most abominable. We take it for granted that the Judges and Inspectors of Elections will be chosen with reference to their political pre dilections, and perhaps also the Borough and Town ship officers properly so called; but we hope that in every township and borough where leaders of any party make party nominations either openly or secretly, or take any other steps that will place the election of Justices of the Peace on party grounds, the people will rise up against it and elect the moat competent men without respect to party. The evils of political Justices is 100 obvious to require any exposition; and we throw out this timely cau tion merely with a hope to make the people watch ful when the election day approaches, and ready to set to their seal of decided disapprobation upon all party movements with reference to the choice of Justices of the Peace. We have thus spoken to the voters of Hunting don county; but we cannot close our remarks with out a word of admonition to the candidates them selves. We hope they will not so far loose sight of propriety as to attack men in the streets, alleys and highways, or beg from house to house for the suf frages of an intelligent community, on personal or political ground. Electioneering for the office of Justice of the Peace should meet with the contempt of every freeman. Let every voter think and act for himself, and exercise his judgment without soli citation, fear, or prejudice : and the choice will thus fall upon the honest and the capable, and those worthy of public favors; and such a choice will re dound to the honor of the voters and be a benefit to the community. In connexion with this subject we deem it proper to state that in all the Townships and Boroughs in this county, except Hollidaysburg, the Justices aro required to give bond in the sum of $9OOO each when freeholders, and bond and bail in $2OOO each when not freeholders—and in Hollidaysburg bond and bail to the sum of $2500 each, and when free holders bond in $4OOO. SEARS' PICTORIAL MAGAZINE. The February number of this elegant monthly periodical has appeared, and fully meets our ex pectation. The Editor says:— 4 . We do not pretend to send forth a work repi.te with originality of ideas, or style, or as a vehicle for conveying to the people the rich and beautiful spe cimens, in detail, of modern belles-letters ; but our prime object is, to disseminate useful information, fitted alike to the capacity of the child and the adult. It is intended rather as a magazine of valu able stores, gathered and garnered up from sources which, from their magnitude, rarity, and costliness, are as sealed fountains of living water, to the great mass of the reading community. In it the choisest contents of books are presented in a condensed yet a conspicuous form, illustrative of History, Geogra phy, the Fine Arts, Natural History, Agriculture and Rural Economy, Useful Arts, the Natural Bei cures, Biography, Travels, Botany, &c. &c., agree ably spiced with Poetry and Miscellaneous Reading; all of which, during the course of a volume, are illustrated by engravings, several hundred in num ber, many of which are from original drawings, made expressly for the work." Mr. W.F. Sellers, of Waterstreet, in this county, is Agent for the above work, and for Sears' publica tions generally. The Inauguration. The Harrisburg Telegraph of Wednesday last, says The inauguration of Gov. Sucxx. took place yesterday, agreeably to the programme that will be found in the Legislative proceedings. The town was filled with people, and the military dis play was beautiful and imposing --the finest we have seen on such an occasion. The weather was mild, but there was a constant fall of snow during the parade and ceremonies of the inauguration. Mr. Shank was accompanied in the escort by Gov. Porter from the dwelling of the latter. The State House was crowded to excecs in every part, and a vast number could not obtain entrance. The hall of the House of Representatives presented an imposing array of beauty and fashion, but the crowd was so great that little comfort was experienced; and the noise such, that although Gov. Shunk read his inaugural in a clear and distinct voice, those who were not near him could not hear a cord.— At the conclusion of it, a clapping of approbation was given, and then, for two or three times, cheers were given for Gov. Porter. The military com prised about one thousand men under arms, beauti fully uniformed, and under admirable discipline.-- They were under the command of Gen. Roumfort, and a more imposing display, of the same number could not be imagined. All were admired, and al/ deserved the encomiums of praise thatiwere bestow ed upon them by the crowd of 'lookers on'--but none more so than the Lebanon Washington Rifle men, commanded by Capt. Embich. The following are the names of the Companies, and the commanding officers: Ist State Troop, Capt. Benton. Phila. Light Guards, " Bennett. Jackson Artillery, Hubeli. Fran kford Artillery, " Pechill. Germantown Blues, " J. D. Miles. City Guards, " Hill. Monroe Guards, Small, Union Grays, Martin. Germantown Light Infantry " Binder. Montgomery Rifle Guards, Lieut. Timmons. Lancaster Fencibles, Capt. Findlay. Jackson Riflemen, u ambright. Chambersburg Artillery, " Gilmore. Lebanon Washington Rifles, " Embich. Dauphin Guards, Roberts. Harrisburg Rifles, " Seiler. Carlisle Artillery, • Corn LOCOFOC OIBM IN INDIANA.—Thte Ohio' State Journalof the 13th init., ways:—.'The Sen ate of Indiana have consummated the outrage so shamefully begun. Resolutions providing for ail election of Senator were intlfinifely postponed on Thursday last, in the Senate of that State, by the costing vote of Jesse D. Bright, Lieutenant Govern or of the State, and president of the Senate. The Constitution of the State has thus been set at naught, and the will of the people trampled in this dust, at the behest of a reckless partizan spirit.— The Whig majority on joint ballot in the Legisla ture of Indiana, is 8 or 10. Upon this Legislature devolved the duty of electing a Senator; but the' factious Senate determining to prevent the election' of a Whig Senator, has resisted every appeal, lad made a mockery of the solemnity of an oath. The Harmonious Democracy. There is anything but union and harmony' in' the ranks of the Locofocos at the present time, says the Harrisburg Telegraph. The Multlhnbere men' as they are designated, are decidedly out of favor with the new powers that be'—Gov. Shunk not showing them the least countenance. In all attempts thus far to place their friends around the Executive or in office, they have signally failed.—. The Governor cuts their acquaintance' from the start and they look upon themselves as proscribed ita decidedly as the Whigs. There are murmur, of course, and not a few. Smo SING STATE PRISON, Feb. 4, 1843. Dn. BRANDIIETH Dear Sir :—A bout four years since, I had a very severe attack of the piles. L tried almost every remedy, but without any good effect upon my painful disease. I thought I would try one box of your Vegetable Universal Pills. I done so ; and before I had taken all the pills it con tained, I began to feel the good effects of them ; and by the time I had taken four boxes of the pills. was entirely cured, and have never since beet. troubled with the painful and truly unpleasant di sease. I entirely attribute my cure to your valua ble and inestimable pills. Very truly yours, _ R. LENT, Architect, Sing Sing State Prism Purchase the genuine medicine of Win. Stewart. Huntingdon, Pa., and other agents published in another part of this paper. NEW Yonx January 25, 1843. I have been afflicted withispasmodic asthma for twenty-four years—sometimes so severely as to be confined to my room for weeks; and although at tended by various medical advisers, of the highest reputation and skill in the country, the relief was but partial and temporary—twice the diseue prov ed nearly fatal to my life. Some few weeks ago, I commenced taking Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which gave mo instant relief, and a single bottle procured in a few days what I believe to he a radical and perfect cure. A. WILLIAMS, Attorney at Law. No. 58 William street, N. Y. The genuine, for sale by Thomas Read, Hunt ingdon, and Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg. 1vt.7.":--%ZEID, On Wednesday the 22d inst., at Shippensburg, Cumberland co, by the Rev. Alexander Sharp, THOMAS E. ORBISON, Esq., of Orbisonia, Hun tingdon county, to Miss ELIZABETH, daughter of Mr. William Hamill, of the former place. On the 16th inst., by the Rev. S. H. Read, Mr. BENJAMIN BUCK WALTER to Miss REBEC. CA BAILEY, both of Walker township, Hunting— don county. Orphans' Court Sale. IN pursuance of an order ot the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, there will he exposed to sale, by public vendee or outcry. on the premises, on Tuesday, the 2.5111 of February next, as the property of John Scullin, dec'd.. that large and commodious TAVERN ROUSE, two stories high, part log and weatherboard ed and part frame, situate in the borough of Petersburg, in said county, now occupied as a public house by Mrs. Mary Scullin, and also parts of two other lots in said boron di, on which are erected a large frame sta . )le and a small log stable, appurtenant to the tavern stand. PERMS OFSALE.—One half pr re of the purchase money to be paid on the e, sir mathon of the sale, and the residue in tit) equal annual payments thereafter, with in terest, to be secured by the bonds and mort gage of the purchaser. By the Court, JOHN REED, Cl'k. saidale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M. of day. Attendance will be given by JOHN M'CULLOCH, January 1844. Adm'r. Valuable Farm for Sale, [IN BEDFORD COUNTY.i The subscriber offers for sale at private sale one of the best farms in Bedford county. Said farm Is situated on Bobs creek, half a, mile from St, Clairville, 10 miles from Bed ford, and 22 miles from Hollidaysburg. The farm contains ED4f?:) ..csoamapas a all bottom land, 75 acres are cleared and under fence. The improvements art a two story frame DWELLING HOUSE, and stable. There is on the prem orchard of excellent fruit. If application he made immediately the above valu4l3l, farm may De had for $3OOO. JOHN BOWSER. Jan. 29, 1845.—5 t. Cal C.E:I(22IUM 3 - n.A.,-, smi CH ' S WHoLEsALL ....„,. CLOCK ESTABLISH- -1,-- MENT, No. 82, North - :114 Third Street, near /.. ' t. Cherry,Pliiiadelphia, i it. ~ ,„„. where may be found . ~ ,,,' 4‘ , the largest assortment 4L . : -. ~ .- ) Cli. of Brass Clocks hi the ' "'- United States, among which are year,nionth e eight day, thirty hour and alarm CLuczs.--. Also, Wood Clocks. Qj Dealers will find k to their ailvantaz to give a call before purchasing elsewhere.. Looking.glasses manufactured. JAMES S. SMITH, No. 82, 'Fhird Street near Cherry, Philadtlphies, January 29, 1845.-3 m. 4 - 7USTICES' Blanks of all kinds,-ter Wit V at this Office; - • _."