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P 0 71 P. 7 -"To charm the languid hours of solitude, He oft invites her to the Muses lore:" For the Iluntinkdon Journal. 4 'She was a being of deep thought, of lofty pur poses, who felt and acted for Eternity." 0 yes Ido remember well The hour when first we met! Nor 'till I bid this Earth adieu That hour will I forget. Others were there, to other eyes Perhaps, as fair as she But how unlike all others there, This fair one seemed to me. She wore no gems, no diamonds bright, Which are a useless part; Yet. there wns m her det'p dark eye That won my boyish howl. That pensive shade. (I see it yet) Which o'er her features stole, Beamed hut to speak in numbers deep, The language of her soul. And faith and hope. seemed whispering there Of brighter worlds than this, Yet mourning that the heart should stray From the pure fount of bliss. Since that, we've pass'd through various scenes In this world's busy mart, Since that alas! this truth I found That she and I must part. There pass proud forms before me now, The lovely and the gny, but who can fill the place of one I Thet one now far away The token that Fite gave to me— (A tack of auburn hair) Which once adorned that matchless brow; I deemed on earth most fair. When fate decreed that we must part. Why wake that mournful strain? She pressed my hand, and only said, " Farewell, we meet again." I know that we shall meet again' This Maiden fair and I, Where God, shall wipe the burning tear From every weeping eye. I look beyond this world of woo, To that more bright and fair, And if we meet no more on earth I hope to meet her there. Far from this world of in and woe, Of sorrow, grief, and pain, Together we !hall walk in white And never part again ! When she whose fate seem'd link'd with mine O'er life's rough ocean driv'n, Shall meet me in that world above And welcome me in HEAVEN. PotyrEn TOWNSHIP, January 8, 1845. From the Metropolitan. The light of the Loving Eye, By the light of a loving eye, Oh ! 'tis sweet through this world to go: It dispels the dark shadows that lie In our path, with its magical glow: 'Tis the first light in life that we see, 'Tie the last to desert when we die; Oh! there's nothing 'neath heaven to me, Like the light of a loving eye. Tothe light of a loving eye, Ah ! what are the riches of earth? What the garland that fame can supply, Or,the roses and revels of mirth? Not a flower that in beauty I see, Not a gem in the diadem'd sky, .0h ! there's nothing in nature to me, Like the light of a loving eye. By the light of a loving eye I have gone through this world of woe, And oh may the spirit on high Still grant me its magical glow ! Till the wings of toy soul are set free, Till my heart has forgotten to sigh, May that light, that sweet light shine for me, The light of a loving eye. What is Charity. 'Tis not to pause when at my door A shivering brother stands, To ask the cause that made him poor, Or why he help demands. 'Tis not to spurn that brother's prayer For fault. he once bath known; 'Tis not to leave him in despair, And say that I have none. The voice of CIIABITY is kind— She thinketh nothing wrong, To every fault she seemeth blind, Nor vaunteth with her tongue. In Penitence she placeth Faith— Hope smileth at her door ; Believeth lirst—then softly saith,— " Go, brother, sin no more." QDD.—D. E. B. T. are the initiate of • Dun Every Body Twice;' C. R. E. D. I. T. are the initials of • Call Regularly Every Day—lll Trutt.' MCD 9 1::OC:=L:,.311"L0 °Ct. 43. Premature L'adorsement. A story is told of a Hibernian who offered his vote in a neighboring town under circumstances which induced the Locofosos to believe him a Whig. He hod the ticket firmly encased in hie brawny fist, when the inspector asked him his name. Ihitney Flaglierty, yer honors, the world over, save in Kentucky, where they call me Barnabas O'Flagerty for shortness.' I challenge his vote,' said a Loci:face, as soon as he heard the word Kentucky.' You are challenged, Mr. Flagherty. Arc you prepared to take the oath.' I'm challenged, am II Then I'm the man for his tnutton. Any weapon from a double-fist full of bones to a Donnybrook shillelah. As for the oath, I am ready to swear by St. Patrick or ould Hickory that a better Democrat' . Withdraw the challenge, Jim. He's for Polk.' As for the matter of that, thin, I voted for ould Hickory and'— .I withdraw the challenge.' And for Martin Van Buren.' Take his vote; t.tke his vote. But may the Old Boy take me if fiver caught by a Locoroco blarney'again,' added Barney, as he saw his vote deposited, and marched off shouting for 'outd Kaintuck, who never turned the back of his hand to a friend nor the back of his coat to an inimy !' The Whigs shouted and the Lecofecos hung their lips as Barney Flaglierty placed his thumb on his nose. and gave his premature endorsers the top o' the tnorning, for their swat° gintility.— Rochester Democrat. CHOOSING A Wm.—Young men, a word in your ear, when you choose a wife. Don't be fas cinated with a dashing creature, 'fond of society, vain, artistical, and showy in dress. You do not want a doll or a coquette for a partner. Choose rather ono of those retiring, modest, sensible girls, who have learnt to deny themselves, and possess some decided character. But above all seek for a good disposition. A popular writer well observes, No trait of character is more valuable in a female than the possession of a sweet temper. Home can never be made happy without it. It is like the flowers that spring up in the pathway, reviving and cheering us. Let a man go home at night wearied and worn by the toils of the day, how soothing is a word dictated by a good disposition! It is sun shine falling on Iris heart. He is happy, and the cares of life are forgotten, A sweet temper has a soothing influence over the minds of the whole family. Where it is found in the wife and moth er. you observe kindness and love predominating over the bad feelings of the natural heart. Smiles, kind words, and looks, characterise the children, and peace and love have their dwelling there.— Study then, to acquire and retain a sweet temper. It is more valuable than gold ; it captivates more than beauty ; and to the close of life retains all its freshness and power. A FAIR BET Emir, Wmr.—Said Bill to Rich. ard, the other day— , . Did you ever hear how rough• hided I am V 'I never did,'—replied Dick-=tougher than corn• mon folkses 'l' 4 I reckon 'tin a few--why, I'll bet you drinks, Dick, that you may take a cowhide and lay it. up on my bare skin as hard and as long as you like, am! I won't even f‘inch.' Done—l'll take that bet. If! don't make you squirm like a half-skinned eel, the first cut, I'm sadly mistaken.' . . . You take the I:et then.' 4 I tie.' Well, wait till I go up stairs and bring down my bear-skin and'-- _ . 4 0, ho! your bear-skin .2 No, no--I meant'— , I don't care what you meant—it's a fair het fairly won. My bear skin is my bear skin, and it aint nothing else.' 'l'll give in,' said Richard, looking foolish anti Clabber gasted— , let's adjourn to the Pewter Mug, and say no more about it.' A Pots MA'JOIIiTT.-A day nr two before the election in this county, says the 'Mississippi Guard,' two negroes were discussing politics, and front words they came to blows. The owner of one of the negroes hearing of the rumpus, thrashed both of them, gising the Clay negro ten lashes and the Polk negro fifteen. The latter, after walking about a hundred yards, shrugged his shoulders, and shouted, at the top of his lungs, Hurrah for Polk —five ahead yet !' cry A subscription has been started in Cincin nati, for the purpose of purchasing the marble bust of Gen. Harrison, executed in Italy by Clevenger, for the purpose of relieving the pressing wants of Mrs. Clevenger, the widow of the artist, and her children. A VAORANT'S DEFENCE:A fellow taken up at a vagrant,declared that he was not "a man with out any visible means of subsistence, as he had just opened a store." It was found on inquiry, that he had just opened it with a crow bar in the night, and unfortunately the store belonged to another man. The New York Evening Mirror says, a newsboy was overheard the other evening telling his com panion, that he had given up selling papers, and had gone into the magnetizing business, said he, " I get five dollars a week and play possum." Z.The Marine Insurance Companies of New York, have paid out for loesee, since the lot of October last, upwards of two millions of dol lars. SPEECH OF MR, CLINGMAN, OF ?MIMI CAROLINA, On the Late Prerldentiel Election. In the House of Representatives, Jan. 6. Mr. Chairman :—I shall leave it to those who desire it to discuss the constitutionality or expedi ency of the proposed annexation of Texas. It is not expected by any body that any practical rrsult, in the way of legislation, is to grow out of these proceedings. Doubtless you may be able, as was suggested the other day by the gentleman from South Carolina, to pass en abstract resolution, after the fashion ofilrour Baltimore Convention, decla ring that Texas ought to be annexed as soon as practicable. Your agitation of the matter is inten ded solely to produce capital to operate on our elec tions at the South during the ensuing year, and I shall therefore meet the question on its real and not its ostensible merits. The Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Relations, (Mr. C. J. Ingersoll)who opened the de bate, stated that there had been a very dedided manifestation of popular opinion in favor of the an nexation, and was pleased to refer to the late Presi dential election as furnishing evidence of it. The gentleman from Illinois, (Mr. Douglass) who has immediately preceded me in the debate, declared with great vehemence that the popular verdict had been recorded in favor of the measure, and that if those who are now on this floor failed to carry out the wishes of the people, they would be swept away by a torrent of public indignation, end men be sent in their places who were more faithful. If all this were true, sir, it would furnish a strong argument in favor of the measure, because in a representative Republic like ours, popular opinion is of the great est consequence. I shall endeavor to show, howev er, that these gentlemen are totally mistaken in these views; but to do so will oblige me to examine a good deal in detail the causes which contributed to produce the result exhibited in that election. I must in the first place, however, ask the in dulgence of the House for a few minutes, while I advert to a matter not directly connected with this subject. At the last scesion, when a proposition to repeal the 25th rule was under consideration. it will he remembered that the debate was prolonged for nearly twelve months, and as each speech was concludd, more than twenty chivalric gentlemen sprang to their feet and struggled for art opportunity to mcni fest their ardor in behalf of Southern rights.— And it was only, sir, by resorting to the previous question that we were able to terminate the debate before the close of the session. On the fast day of the present session, the gen tleman from Massachusetts (Mr. Adams) gave notice that he would on to-morrow introduce a pro position to abolish the rule. Therepon the gen tleman from Virginia (Mr. Dromgoole) likewise gave notice that ho would object to the recep tion of the resolution, because it would be out of order. On the succeeding day, the gentleman from Massachusetts, in accordance with his prom ise, ofrered his resolution to recind the rule, but the gentleman from Virginia, though in his place, great ly to the surprise of every body, made no objection to its introduction. If that gentleman, or any other member had objected to its reception, it could only have been gotten in by a suspension of the rules, and it was well known that a vote of two-thirds could not have been obtained for that purpose.— The proposition came in without a word of objec tion from any quarter. Thereupon the gentleman front Mississippi, acting under the old dispensation of democracy, not having, I presume from his loca tion in the far Southwest, seen the new revelation of light in the Northeast, moved to lay the resolu tion on the tcble. A vote was taken by yeas and nays, and his motion was lost by a decided majority, making it evident that the rule would be repealed. The Speaker stated the question to be on the adop tion of the resolution to rescind the rule. The pre vious question had not been ordered, and the matter was therefore open for debate. I looked around to see what hold champion of the South would first sound the tocsin of alarm. There was a full array of the chivalry around. There in his seat on my right was the gentlemanfroin South Carolina, (Mr. Rhett) who at the last session declared, with so much eloquence and zeal, that a repeal of the rule would be a virtual dissolution of the Union. There sat my colleague, (Mr. Saunders) who went off on this matter with a force that sent him during the past summer over the entire State of North Carolina, declaiming against the reception of abolition petitions. There. too, were the gentle men from Georgia and other States, who vied with each other in their denunciation of all those who did not sustain the rule. There all of these gentlemen sat, quiet and mute, as though nothing unusual was taking place, and saw with much seeming un concern their favorite rule killed oil by a largo ma. jority. There was no burst of indignation; no exclamation to the South, 'Samson, the Philistines ho upon thee !' Not even the note of a goose, to give warning of the irruption of the Gauls.— Were they asleep, like the Roman sentinels of the old time No, no, sir, they were awake, but they were false watchmen of the South—traitor senti nels! I have a right so to call them; for, in de nouncing me at the last session, some of them decla red that any man who did not sustain the rule by all proper means, was a renegade and traitor to the Southern States. According to the form of the logicians, the proposition would be as follows : Any Southern man who does not use his efforts to preserve the rule is a renegade traitor. They were Southern inn, and might have preserved the rule by objection et the proper time, but would not do it. Therefore, they are renegade traitors. Quad eral demonatrandum, as the sophomores say. How are we, Mr. Speaker, to account for the ex traordinary change in the conduct of gentlemen since the Presidential election? and I may also ask, why is it that Leavitt, the abolition editor, who was refused at the last session a seat among the reporters of the House, is now the occupant of one of the best positions in the Hall?* I told you all at the last session that this 25th rule was a hum bug, getting to be so well understood that it would deceive nobody much longer, and must soon be abandoned by its authors. Will gentlemen come out frankly and admit that all their parade at the last session was a mere humbug—one of the most barefaced political frauds ever attempted to be play ed off tor party purposes? If they will not admit this—if they still insist that the rule is of any value, why slid they give it up without a struggle? Was it done as compensation to their abolition shies in the North, by whose aid they carried the great States of New York and Pennsylvania, and thereby elected Mr. Polk? It: set wish gentlemen to evade this matter by their silence. If the rule was worthless, why the sound and fury' of last session ? If val uable, for what considerations did they surrender it, except that just stated ? They must take one born of the dilemma. They cannot escape from it. ft.h ! I beg pardon, Mr. Speaker, there is still a a third mode by whirls a part of these gentlemen may get out of this difficulty. Some of them may perhaps excuse themselves by saying, if they had grumbled about this matter they might have been expelled from the Democratic party, and thus lost all share of the spoils to be distributed from and after the fourth of March next. Taking this view of the case, sir, I frankly admit that' these gentle. men deserve the sympathy of this house and of tho country. Their fate, in being compelled to nuke such a submission, is peculiarly hard, when it is remembered from what quart,: the principle of this rule was originally derived. Mr. Senator Benton did great injustice to :ohn C. Calhoun, when he said, if common rumor be true, that the some John C. Calhoun, so far from being a statc,man, had , never invented even a humans' The fact cannot be disputed that John C. Calhoun was the first to take the very highest ground for the South ;' the prime originator of the policy of objecting to the rc,:ition of petitions, of which the 25th rule is par cal. Hard then is the necessity Which compels the peculiar followers of that gentleman to make a burnt offering of the first and only offbpring of their idcl. Considering, however, the object for which the sacrifice was made, it is to be hoped that they will derive as much consolation as did Capt. Dalgetty, who when mourning the loss of his old war horse one battle fickhremembered that he could convert the hide of the dead animal into a pair of breeches. John C. Calhoun'. only humbug converted Into breech's) for his followers! t Judging from the vetion of the House on this subject, what is to become of the repeal of the tariff? I can tell you, sir. If James K. Polk will give to a few individuals that I could name such offices as they desire, he will thereby effect such a modifica tion of the tariff as to render it acceptable in the main to the chivalric majority of the State of South Carolina. Should these persons, however, fail to get such portion of the spoils as they consider their due, viz the lion's Aare, then the tariff will be found so oppressive that human nature cannot beer it, and must be nullified. Be not deceived, sir, by all the declamation which we hear Gum time to time; fcr all this is merely thrown out to frighten Mr. Polk and his northern friends into a good com- promise wills respect to the distribution of the offi ces. Can this be accomplished without beggering the other sections of the party? There are not places enough in the gift of the Executive to satisfy the countless thousands of greedy office seekers.— This consideration forces upon my mind the great danger which awaits your party, and, as a frank, benevolent Whig, I warn you of it. Sir, it is a common remark that the members of this so-called Democratic party, however they may It is due to the Speaker to state that he decla red subsequently that he had not assigned to Mr. Leavitt, the Abolition Reporter, any seat in the Hail, but inasmuch as there were a great number of applicants for reporter's seats, he had not yet com pleted the arrangements and allotted the seats among them; and. until his assignment had been compleated, Ins orders had teen not to prevent any reporter from entering the Hall, and occupying tem porarily one of the seats. The rule of the House, No. 19, is in the following words: No person shall be allowed the privilege of the Hall under the character of stenographer, without a written per mission from the Speaker, specifying the part of the Hall assigned to him, and no reporter or stenogra pher shall be admitted under the rules of the House, unless such reporter or stenographer shall state in writing for what paper or papers ho is employed to report.' As this rule can only be changed by the House itself, and as the reporter in question occupi ed the sent for sonic weeks, I presume in common with other members who remarked on the transac tion, that he remained by express permission of the Speaker, and not that there had been a suspension of a standing rule of the House by the Speaker for so long a period. t A story is told by Paulding, I think, of an indi vidual who applied to Mr. Van Buren for the °Rico of Secretary of State, but was told that it had al ready been promised to another. He then continu ed asking for various offices, in a descending scale, until ho came to the lowest, and was told that the office in each instance hod already been promised to some one else. Then, air,' said he to the Presi dent, ' as i am in a very needy condition, could you : not give mo a pair of old ttreeehes.' take opposite sides on measures of policy, never split their votes, but always make a common strug gle on the election clay. This is owing to the fact which I had occasion to state at the last session, that this party is held together solely by the co hesive power of plunder ;' and, therefore, whenever they ere melting a struggle to get into power, it is a part of their general system of tactics that each segment of the party should adopt that aide of any question that is strongest at home, end thereby in crease their chance of carrying the election. Though not yet generally known throughout the country, yet the matter is so well understood hero that it seldom excites a remark, though every week fur nishes conclusive evidence on the point. For ex ample: A gentleman from Pennsylvania some time eines charged the Whigs with being less friendly to a protective tariff than the Democrats.— Immediately after him rose a gentleman from Ala bama, who declared furiou.,'y against the oppression of the tariff of 1842, tatting no notice of the gentle man who was up just before him, but assailing fu riously some unlucky Whig who may have token the part in the debate. Says the gentleman from Pennsylvania : 'Mr. Clay and the Whigs are fur reducing the present duties on iron and coal, and prostrating the great interests of Pennsylvania.'— The gentleman room Alabama shouts aloud The duties on iron end coal, imposed by the present Whig Ma; are co oppressive that they cannot be borne, but shall be resisted.' So far, however, ere these gentlemen from .'•.riding fault with each other, that each of them, by his manner at least, seems to say to the other: 'God speed you brother; you are working bravely for Democracy.' As the speech of each of them is intended for home consumption. it contains no allusion to the remarks of the other; and; by consequence, the constituent at the North sees from the speech of his representative that the %%'hig party arc opposed to the protection of home industry, and to the exiling tariff; whilerthe planter of the South is driven to madness by learning in a similar man ner, how much he is oppressed by the present Whig tariff. However, therefore, the members of this party may differ about =endures, they do not split in their enter or. the election day, and of course they act together as long as they are out of power• But, sir, very different IS their condition when in pow er. I have already indicated that they are held together solely by the desire of office, and as there are not in the Government places enough for all, there will even be a real querrel, and the disappoin ted will vote against you. The cnly connecting tie being dissolved, the party will go to pieces. 'This, sir, is the rock nn which you are destined to split.— Though a political adversary, I warn you of the danger; but I 11 - tinkly admit, sir, that I do not be lieve that you will be able to profit by my advice. When the Sub-Treasury bill was under consitle 'anion sometime since, it will he remembered that in the very chart debate which was allowed on it, a very wide range was taken by some of the speak ers,. As I was not on that occasion permitted to occupy the floor, I rosy, I trust without impropriety, advert to some things that were said then. Ido not prop., however, to discuss the merits of that measure. It was brought in by the committee at the last session, end laid upon our tables, and, though I in common with other Whigs called upon the majority to take it up at once, and charged them with holding it back till after the Presidential elec tion in order to deceive the country as to their real intentions, yet it all trailing nothing, end it was permitted to sleep quietly on our tables till the close of (list session. And when, during the past sum mer, we charged the party with designing to pass this measure again as soon as they had the power to effect it, yet it was, as if by common consent, stoutly denied by their partisans all over the coun try. They talirmed that this measure, having been condemnedie American people in 1840, had been abandoned, end, as a proof of it, referred to the fact that, with an immense majority in lids Moue, the party refused to pa. it. Now, however, the election being over, just as I had occasion to predict perhaps fifty times in the political debates of the past year, this very bill is Miceli up before any other matter of importance, and in a few hours for ced through the House and passed under the gag of the previous question. It is proclaimed that the people have decided in its favor at the late election ; and we are told, with that insolence which the large majority here has inspired, that we Whigs ought to sit mute and make no objection to its passage.— So far is it from being true that the people, by their late vote, have decided in its fawn, I venture to af firm, that if the party had dared to pass it last epring, and thus directly made an issue on it, the re sult of the election would have been different. The country understands this matter too well. It is known to be a measure which will place in the hands of the President the money power of the country, and which would, under the operation of a few years, convert the Government into a practical despotism. I propose now Mr. Speaker, to follow the exam ple of some of' the debate's who have discussed the issues involved in the late election, and the ef fect of the popular verdict. At the termination of the late session of Congress, when I left this city, though I was sanguine as to the general result, I knew that we were to be hardly pressed at the South. James K. Polk, the nominee of our op. ponents, was understood to be, and had always been, opposed to any other than a mere revenue tariff and was avowedly in favor of the immediate annex ' • salon of Texas. Though I knew that the position of the Whig.porry was right 'en both these quer- \.. , ›../rlaczpacc. dtava. lions, yet, inasmuch as it had formerly been the custom of Southern politicians in the main to de nounce all tariffs, and the policy even of incidental protection land rarely been advocated, I feared that the time intervening before the election was toe short to enable usfally to enlighten the pullie mind with respect to the character of the act of 1842 and our position in relation to its policy. There was also, in many quarters of the Southern part of the Union, a strong feeling in favor of the annexation of Texas, and I also apprehended that there would hardly be tiuto enough for the people to become fully acquainted with the terms of the propose] .n mat on, an I to ulder I and clearly the position of the Presidential candidates with respect to the question. Though we Whigs of the South knew that it bad fallen to our lot to defend the point of greatest pressure, yet we went into the contest with a determination and a spirit worthy of the noble cause in which we were engaged, which, but for causes that we had no reason to anticipate. would have afforded a success fully equal to all our hopes. At the North this state of things was reversed.-- Our candidate occupied the aide of these questions that was most popular with both parties in that re gion, and we had a right to anticipate a gain in that quarter, equal at least to any loss that might he sustained with us. Nor did I feel any serious doubts as to the result until we saw the devclopemonts of the month of September. Then it was that the ex traordinary spectacle was presented to the world of a convention of the so called Democratic party in the State of New York, which openly, and with a degree of impudence till then unseen, in solemn form repudiated the leading principles avowed its their National Convention, and at the same time declared their determination to support its Presiden tial nominee. It likewise nominated for the office of Governor of that State Silas Wright, whose views were, on both of these great questions, di rectly opposite to those of James K. Polk. Mr. Polk declared himself utterly opposed to the tariff of 1842, and in favor of the immediate annexation of Texas, while Silas Wright had voted for the tariff of 1842, end had likewise voted against the annexation of Texas; and these two individuals were voted for on the same ticket, in order that no man might he so silly in future as to doubt but that the said Democratic party was held together solely by the love of office, or, in language now become classical, q the cohesive power of public plunder," A similar state of things was exhibited in Penn sylvania ; and I have heard Democratic members of this House speak laughingly of seeing in that State numberless banners with the inscription borne on them of <, Polk, Dallas, and the Democratic Tariff of 1842." Yes, air, and when the Whigs attemp. ted to set this matter right, they were told by the honest but ignorant yeomanry of that State that they could not beleive that Mr. Polk was opposed to the tariff, because they had been assured by their leaders, the men in whom they had been accustom ed to confide, that he was much morn favorable to a protective tariff than was Mr. Clay. The politi cal leaders of the party in these two States, as well as elsewhere at the North, humiliated themselves so far as to come into the support of a man who had been forced upon them by a small and till then contemned tninority of their own party, and whose opinions were directly the reverse of those which they themselves had publicly professed. But they did not stop here. Lest their prostitution should go unrewarded, and to secure as many accomplices in political crime as possible, they seem to have de.. liberately entered into a scheme of misrepresents. lion and fraud. To bring to the support of a man whose principles, if he hail any, were hostile to the views of the great mass of their followers, they de liberately resolved to misstate the principles of that man, as if they could thus turn wrong into right, end make that true which was false. By false de clarations, steadily persevered in, they deluded the ignorant, who trusted to their truth. To further their conspiracy, their candidate, worthy of his par. ty, wrote its phrases indefinite, unmeaning, vague, ambiguous, doulde-faced as the responses of the old Delphic oracle. When inquiries from any quarter whatever were put to him which would have dd. ted a definite answer, he remained mute and per. milted the truth to be trampled under foot. Mr. Speaker, there are recorded many instances of indi vidual misrepresentation, dishonor, and breaches of faith by those who previously enjoyed the public confidence; but, sir, the history of the world affords no other instance of a total destitution of a moral sense exhibited by so large a number of individu als, no example of fraud and falsehood on a scale so extensive. To furnish materials to the active agents, there was established in this city a mint managed by, it is not necessary forint° here to say whom, for it is too well known by all around. That establishment worked with amazing rapidity, and threw off enry variety of falsehoods. To the North, for example, it sent infamous libels on the Whig candidates, such as were supposed best cal culated to array against then, all the profligate fac tions there, especially the unprincipled abolitionists; while to the South were directed handbills, warn ing the people of that section that imminent danger was impending, and that, if the Whigs came into power, slavery would be abolished and all the inter ests of the South utterly prostrated. These publications were thrown out purposely on the eve of the election, in order that they might 'net be contradicted. They were signed by no name, or the name of an unknown and irresponSible