wv:.~+.o•~sr..~~ o'C= u:a trim csaa. Llantingdoes, Jan. 22, I 845. IPena'a Legislature ENA I ORs. 1. Pliilaildp!ill City— ‘Villiatii A CI abb. e hal les Gibbons. 2 Philadelphia County—John Faulk , roil, Jawea Enru, jr., Oliver P. Corn man Nlinitglithery—John B. Steriaeie. 4. Chester and Drlaware—Joseph Bai• /.. 3. Bet - ka—Samuel Fegely. 6,. Bucks—Henry Chapman. 7. Lanca,ter and Lebanon—Beij. Chain!. nevi, I,!si Kline. S. Schuvlkill, Carbon, Monroe and Pike lt.slin. 9. North.impton and Lehigh— J. K. ileckmon. II." Susquehanna, Wayne and Wyo ming —W. 11. Dimock. 11. Bradford and 'Toga--Daniel L. Sherwood. \l2. Lvcoming, Clinton and Centre-- Joseph F. Quay. 13. Luzerne and Columbia- —Wm. S. 1-1. Northumbet land and Dauphin— Jesse U. 11411 UM. 15. \liBlin, Juniata and Union—Hen. ry C. Eyer. 16. Petry and Cumberland—Win. B. York—Adam Ebaugh. 18. Franklin and Adams—Th(li. Carson. t 9. Huntingdon and Bedturd—John Dlorriso.i. 20. Clearfield, Indiana Cambria and ArmArt.tig--W in. Bigl. r. 21. Westmoreland and Somerset— Pam 11111. :22. Fayette and Greene—Charles 11Inck. 23. Washington--Walter Craig. 24. Allegheny and Butler--Charles C. Sullivan, tieorge Darsie. 25. Beaier aiid Mercer—ltobt. Dar ragh. 20. Crawloitl and Venango—James P. !louver. 27. Elie.:—Elijith Babbitt. 2d. Warren, Je&ism', Clarion, Potter M'Kean—William P. Wilcox. RE PRESENTATI VES. Adm.—James Cooper. Allegheny-=C. F. Bingham, John Itid die, Alex. }titan 6, Faun Muse. Armstrong—Findley l'atterson. Bed &shop, Jull - 1; Metz Beaver—Thomas Nicholson, J. T. Cunningham. Braillord—John Elliot, Ira Wilson. Bucks—William M. Arnistrong, Michael ortnan, Rupert Jame 4. Bei lot —Henry W, Smith, Jacob ice , .lichael 11 1.!1 man, Jas. N. Hunter, (died time elect imi.). Butler—Josrph Cross. Crawford —Alex. Power, Joseph Gray. . . - . Centre and Clearfield—Lewis W. Smith, Burnside. Chemter.•-Jesse C. Dickey, Robot Parke, 11 tn. Price. Columbia —Thomas G. Ponston. Cumberland —Jacob Heck, James Ken t etly. Cambria—Michael D. Magellan. Delaware—John Larkin, jr. Dauphin—John C. Kunkel, John C. Harper. Erie —J. D. Dunlap, Mark Baldwin. Franklin—J. E. Brady, Andrew Solve. ly. Fayette—James C. Cummings, John M rga n Greene—Maxwell McCaslin. Iluntingdun—R. A. M'Murtrie, H. Brl' stets% Indiana—John M'Farland. Jefferson, Clarion and Venango—James Dowling, Robert P. Barber: Lebanon—John P. Sanderson. Lehigh out Carbon—James IL Struth. era, Jesse 5i1111111.1%. . . Imzerne— William Merrifield, James S. Campbell. Lanca , :ier-..Abraham Herr Smith, The odore U. Cochran, Benjamin Herr, Joseph Parson. Lycotnin, Clinton and Potter—A. A. Stewart, john Smythe. Milltin—James Burns. Montgomery—llenry Dotts, Benjamin llill, B. F. Mercer—Williant Porter, David San key. Northumberland—C. Y. Brigl.t. • Northampton and Monroe—James Yleet, John Jacoby, Rudol phus Smith. Perry—Thomas O'Brya a. Philadelphia City—Thomas G. Conner, Charles B. Trego, Isaac Hazleltursti James Bayard, John Gild e r, Philadelphia County—D. G. Walton, William h. Banning, Joseph 11. Amer, 11. A. S,tlter, Jacob N. !Italian Franklin L. ) ( a l es, %% illiani Hollingshead, Joseph S. Brew, er. .1 _ . gcliuylkill—James Taggart, George Boyer. Somerset—Michael Zimmerman. Susquehanna and Wyoming—Lewis Brush, Thomas Morely. 'Toga—George Knox. Washington—Daniel Rider, John Me 'Westmoreland—lsrael Painter, .1. M. fluvell, Henry M'Rride. it . au rein and M'Kean—Rasselas Brown. Wayne and Pike—Richard Eldred. Union and Juniata—Juhn Hall, Juhn Ad•ma. • tak— , Sainuel N. Bailey, Stephen M - Kinley, John Keller. Four unsuccessful attempts have been made to elect a Itivoc i n Huston, RAILROAD IRON The New Y,,,k American says, there are but two ltun Wroks int the United States that make Railroad Iron. Ihe first was made - at the Great Westero Iron \Yolks, ned in New Yot k and Roston,) on the Allegheny river, 40 miles above Pittsburg. 'rids company made QOO tons in 1845, for Madison, Intl. and continued to make it till about two months since, when the COIN/ally failed, and the winks were bought by Mr. Pray, of Bos ton, who ouw.carries them on. The next company that made Railroad Iron, was the Mount Savage iron Company, 9 miles from Cumberland in Maryland. Th ,, se works Nett into operation in 1514. It is this compaity which had contracted to supply the lron for the Fall River and Taunton Railroad—But has failed to do so, and (Its delayed the completion of dint road. It was a specimen of the Mount Sat age Iron which extorted a boast on the flour of the House the other day, from one of the Pennsylvania.; Locofocos, that as good an article could be manulactured here lot- $24 a tun. as coul d be procured from Englund ; and a res:tonse from Mr. Grinnell that he would take several thou sand tons at that price. These (the Mount Savage ) were built with capital but owed in London by S. et wariwout who is a considerable stockholder. The Great Westara, or Brady's Bend Iron Works are now completing contracts for Railroad Iron. The last account from the furtii.ce, which has just been nut in blast, was most favorable. They had made as high as SO tons a week of lively grey iron from coke.—American. Canal Commissioners' Report. We have received a copy of the Canal Cotnmissioners' Report. Pilau it, we learn the following interesting facts in re lation to the li•cal year, which ended No vember SO, 1844. Reccipts for Notice Power, and the use of Trucks on the Philadelphia and Co lumbia Ruihued, t 5233,000 13 Do. on Allegheny Portage Road, 114,580 20 Tolls on Columbia and Phil adelphia Road, 207,157 01 Do. Portage Road, 65,200 42 Old lion sold, 3,197 28 Canal tolls on Main Line, Delaware Division, Bea ver and branches, 569.709 65 'fu tdl gross receipts, 411,192,826 139 I)ratvback9. 111959 By John S. Caslt. Collector at Plila. 524,284 27 25,225 27 Annual receipts in cash, 81,167,603 42 Total Expenbel, ro.n A Net receipti over expenses, A 635,572 97 Deduct again, salaries of Canal Com missioners, Stc., and the net balance, (ex clusive of the appropriations for repotting bridges and locks ut Franklin) will be $629,658,89. TIIE DUEL •ENDED.---For several Jays there has been much anxiety to as cc, taiu the result of a (uel between Mr. Clinginan of North Carlina, and Mr. Yancey, of Alabama, members of the U. S. House of Representatives, originating in some remarks applied to the former by the latter in a speech made by hint week before last on the Texas quesion. The Baltimore American Repo)lican gives the following result of the matter. it says, two gentlemen with their seconds and other friends, were in this city sotne days adjustidg the preliminas ries ; and yesterday morning having brought their courage to the, " sticking point," started off for Beltsville, Ott the Washington railroad" the principals in hacks, and the seconds and others in a sprint railroad car, chartered at as ex pense of $5O. Arrived there, all the necessary " fixins" for a duel were made, with due and imposing ceremony, accor ding to the " code of honor"—the princi pals were assigned their stations, the se conds took theirs—and we presume also the surgeons—when the word to fire was given and immediately obeyed, fortunate ly without either being shot or at all inju red. The friends of the parties then interfered, and a reconciliation was ea,ils elircted--both thegentlemen shook hands, made friends, and left the field of battle covered all over with honor and glory. Verily, " men are but children of a larger growth." From the Baltimore American. Search for lost Treasure. A vessel belonging to a company °igen denten of this city, fully equipped with a diving bell, sub-marine armor, and effi cient hands to utak them under the su perintendence of a practical engineer, recently felt this port for the Ishvid of Margarita, near Cumana for the purpose of recovering the military chest and other treastires ai►d stores lost by the fi►under mng of the Spanish 80 gun ship "San Pe dro de Alcantaro." The San Pr.dro was one of a large fleet of ships-uf•wat and transports %%Inch sail. ed from Cadiz. early in 1615, with an army of 15,000 men to reconquer the re• vatted Provinces of the Spanish Main.— Being the Admiral's ship and the largest in the Squadron, to her was intrusted all she treasure and military stores necessary fur an exposition of such magnitude. The luss of this ship occurred in 1815, at noon day, within a league of the Island, and in 1011 fathoms of water. To this severe calamity is to lie attributed the failure of the Spanish arms under Mort!'" and the subsequent independence of the South American Republics. Since 11315 the tt rerk has qAietly %lum bered at the bottom of the sea, its wherea bouts known only to the fishermen of the coast. The hull lies in ten and a half fathoms of water, on •a hard and sandy bottom between the Island of Nlargarita anti the inain land. The .nei g hborie g sea is ordinarily smooth, and seldom agitaed, Authentic accounts state that site remain,: to the same position in which she 1% ent down. Her decks are partially fallen in, owing, it is supposed, to the weight of her armament, and the action of the worms on her wood, work. The present expedition has a permit from the Venezuelan Government to re cover all the loot treasure and store?, uith the sole condition of paying into the Trea sury of the Republic five per cent. on all ecti vet ed. TORS IG.V XE IF% The packet ship Rochester, Capt. Bur. too, a pi% ed at New York from Liverpool, with dateH to die 6th ult. There have been fresh outbreaks in In. dia. It does nut look as if all was tran quil in those possessions. The fort of Samangbur was stormed on the I 811 i October with success. Every thing appears tranquil in Ireland. Mr. O'Connell has got into a quarrel with the French Government. The French papers are hard upon the Irish Repeaters. The British Parliament is to meet on the 4th of February. POLAND. According to an article from Pesen, in the Breslau Gazette, a spirit of revolt of rather serious extent has manifested itself in Russian Lithuania, on the part of the peasants agaiii.t the nubility who are landowners. The peasants loudly de• wand the abolition of the servitude tmpo• sed upon them, and have in seine instan ces ream ted to open acts of rebellion fur their emancipation. TURKEY. The accounts received from the Leban• on describe the country as being the prey of civil war. The mountaineers have laid siege to Jerusalem, and the Governor of the place has intimated to the foreign Con suls that he cannot answer any longer for their safety, Mexico—Overthrow of Santa Anna---A New Governmemt Established. By the arrival at New Orleans of the schooner Ventura, from Vera Cruz, Intel• ligence has been received of the complete success of the Revolutionary• Party in Mexico, without the shedding of blood. AM,v,ith , "iii gel/Nati' A'ltYcthnieTt. Jose Joaquin de Het Vera. So great was the public ft Ming against Santa Anna, that his portraits which hung on the walls of the town house were taken down and dragged through the streets--they also threw down his statue, and proceeding to the Pantheon of St. Fernando, where the leg which Santa Anna lost in the battle with the French, was buried, they des troyed the monument which contained it, and the leg was dragged forth and kicked through the town. At the last accounts Santa Anna was at Queretaro, at the head olabout 3000 troops--but they were deser ting him daily, and it was thought that he could nut possibly escape. CONSCIENCE RETURNING. --We find the following card in the Boston Atlas, wl'ich records the fact that one Locofoco politician in the country at least, has felt qualms of conscience : A Liej Retractrd.—l desire publicly to express my sleep regret in vice of the great injustice done to the Eton. Ileney Clay, by the assertion, male '.)3 , myself, of having seen him bet at a horse race on Sunday, and employ this method (Amin. teracting, as for as I am able, the injustice done to him, and the Whig cause. D. IeKINIBALL, Easthampton, Dec. SI, 1844, Fatal Steaniboat Accident. OR Saturday night, the 28th ult., about eleven o'clock, the steamboat Capitol, bound from Pittsburg to St. Louis, was destroyed by fire at St. Mary's Landing, about seventy miles below St. Louis.— • The fire originated about midway of the boilers, probably from some defect in the furnaces, and spread with astonishing rapidity. The alarm was instantly given, and the passengers, most of whom were asleep, %,ith the exception of three, succeeded in making their escape. The flames spread upwards and through the cabin, so swiftly that several of those in the cabin effected their escape by letting themselves down on the after guards. The wind was blow ing a strono ' breeze from the buW to the stern, which drove the flames aft. A DALRYMPLE, his wile, a son (Master Joseph 1).) a daughter, a young lady, were passengers on board. The hither and his son occupied a state room in the gentlematis' cabin-•-the mother and daughter a room in the ladies' cabin. From the best accounts we can gather, it is must probable Mr. DALRYMPLE and his son, perished in the state room. They loot been awakened by the Captain, and this iti the fast that is Certainly known of them. Mrs. D. and her daughter reached the cabin, when the toothier fainted and , fell; the flames rushing in, the daughter ' had barely time "to save herlife, by letting herself down on the after guard. Thus, the lather, mother and son, it is believed, perished in the flumes. 111 x. IL was from Lynn, Aliihs. and was to u Gn in in the ,icittity of Cal Ili, lie had on hoard a large amount of properly, all ul which was lo,t, A Mr. SPLAriz and his lady had barely time to escape in the cloth, s in which they were sleeping. Mr. M'.. hail up wards of $5 50 , i in gold in Ins trunk, which at us 'Oat. There were but few person; in tke ca• bin :) if it had been otherwise, a number must have been lost. as there was not time to have awakened them. Tht•re were u number of families on deck, all of whom were saved, although most of them lust their baggage and clothing. The hooks, looney and papers of the boat were all lost. She had on Inlaid a lull cargo, chiefly non, much of which will probably be recovered. Collections were taken upin the church. es at St. Louis on the 29 , 11 ult., for the relief of the sufferers, to be placed in the hands of the Ma) ur fur distribution. Tim Onvouix QuesTrox.--The Wash ington correspondent of the New York commercial says Oka there is nut the leatt doubt that Congress will pass an act extending the jurisdiction of the United States Over the Oregon territory, giving it a territorial government, and establishing a military post for the protection of set tlers. Two or three NVliiAs in the Senate will go fur the measure; and nearly all the Locurocos in both houses---no matter how the pending negotiatort may end, or whether it end or not. The British Go' - eminent after tile late vote 'mid debate in the Senate, will see that we are in earnest, aid that there must tither be a camprom• ise o r a collision. There is no reason why it should not be the former." The writer adds-- , Cleat Britain will not fight about Oregon, though she may be willing to keep it. When she determines to take Cuba, she will be prepared for a ten years' war, to the mean time she is preparing her steam navy." Prom the Pittsburg Gazette of Monday. Glorious VAIL:Wry! Whig Stinger Elected in both Cities! INe have the pleasure of announcing that 11'ir.6a.tm J. lloweno, the regular Antimasonic and Whig candidate fur Mayor of Pittsburg, has been dated in spite of the combined opposition against llis nuijority over NinottAw, the Locofoco candidate, is 29. The Whigs have also carried 3 out of 5 of the Select Council, and IS out of 25 ut the Common Council. 'flds, considering the strenti..' ous efforts of the Loctifucos, Liberty men, the factions among the Natives, and the " Hay men," is a must brilliant things and •we heartily ctuattetr: 'The following • afew - r e ttsburg : MAYOR Wards. Ist. W. 3d. 4th. sth. Total. Howard, (Whig,) 280 250 339 264 233 1366 Magraw, (Loco,) 231 182 403 179 342 1337 Rinehart, (Native,) 58 66 36 35 37 232 Hay, (Citizens', 35 96 56 34 69 219 Gilleland, (Liberty,) 17 12 22 13 16 80 Allegheny City. We found it impossible to obtain full returns of the election in Allegheny in time for this day's paper. As far as heard from, the Regular It hig Ticket has car• vied every Ilard and for every elec.-- El EZEKIAII NIXON, E-q., the regularly muninatrd Whig candidate is elected May or by a m.,jority of me, having a majority in every Ward, as follows: Ist Ward, 143 majority. 2tl " 53 " 85 " 4th " 101 " Mr. Nixon was also nominated and sup ported by the Native Americans. THE ANTI-RENTEas.—The New York• ers have hope that Gov. IVright will ex hibit a Rule more energy and tact in the inanail,einent of the anti-rent question than his predecessor. As one of them re marks,—,' fur a chief magistrate, posses sing the means to enforce his authority, to descend to parley (as Gov. Bouck has done) with the violators of the law, with arms in their hands, shows u lainentable lack of decision or common sense. \Vito PAYS FORUM POWDER?—is the pertinent inquiry put by the Providence Journal in reference to the powder pur chased for salutes to be fired on the an• nouncement of ihe successful termination of Mr. Treadwell's recent mission to Washington in behalf of 'l'. NV. Darr.— The Supreme, Court having disappointed the expectations of the party, it has been suggested by some of the legal minds" that the expense, should properly fall upon the judges of that body. The Journal continues;— The matter should be brought before Congress at an early day or Mr. Tread well might carry it up by writ of error be• fore the Female Dorr Liberation Society. Alter all, this is but another illustration of the evils of departure from first princi ples. The purchase of powder for any Durrite use was against the well settled usages of the party. It should have been stolen, and then there would have been no difficulty abbot the payment." A SENATOR IN TROUBLE,• -The Hon. Jacob C. I).aviii, an Illinois Senator, was arrested by the Sheriff of Hancock coun ty, on an indictment chargim• him with the murder of Joseph and Hiram Smith. He claimed the protection of the Senate and they issued an order for his discharge. O The following are the remarks of the National Intelligence r, in relation to the public,itioi/ of the testimony elicited, at the recent ecclesiastical 16.11. 11 hat earthly gbo.l the publication of this testi mony can possibly do to the cause of V ligioti, of morality, or any other good cause, we are utterly unable to imagine. A Christian Bishop, as our readers know, been arraigned unit tried by his peers in New Yin k. on chat ges, it is stated, or in ebriety and groms Improprieties of beha viour towards certain ladies. The tfal has ► cry properly Leen conducted in private, and tins resulted in the conviction. and, of consequence, In the stiveLsion of the accused from his high office. Thi se occasional instances of guilt and wi ak 'toss on the part of Nlinisters of the Gos pel are unfortunate fur the cause of glint and morals, in on far as, by scandal izing the professors, they give a handle to the dissolute and the infidel for assault ingFfeti iuit itself . . Much, therefin e, :is such examples are to be deplored, (lie bi,el effects of the present case, it seems, ale nut to stop with the conviction of the of fender t for, according. to the New York press, the House of Bishops have decided to let all the testimony on the trial, witli its revolting particulars, and all the ar• gonfents of counsel, be printed and go to the public, tot the gratification of the li centious and the prurient, and the edifi cation of the young and pure into st hose hands the book may chance to fall cry At this season rf the when the chill winds end cold rains of Autumn succeed the warm days of Summer, it is incumbent on ull to look well to their health. A little negligence may now reduce the system to that state that months of the best medical treatment will fail in the restoration of former health. Cold, dangerous colds, which this bleak season begets, will always claim, of the wise and prudent immediate attention! For the cure of coughs, colds, asthma, and all disease connected with the respiratory organs, many valuable remedies are for sale and stand high in public estimation; but first and foremost in the rank is the widely known and everywere esteemed Wislar's Balsam of Wild Cherry: By careful computation by those conversant with the history and progress of this most remarkable medicine, (called by many "Natures own remedy) ait is confidently asserted that more than 10,000 cures of obstinate cases have been effected during the past year. The true and genuine Wistars Balsam can al ways be had (wholesale and retain) of Sanford and Park, corner of Fourth and Walnut eta., Phila. Tho genuine, for sale by Thomas Read, Hunt ingdon, and Mrs. Mary Orr, Hollidaysburg. remedies of themetr • POPULAR REMEDIES•_zru.s. watch cleanse and purif, h • ualities. Such remedies as An innocent t heir q . • ury, Zinc, and the having recent se to Mud which aro known to be ii iin ke 'i d n i v e ' S M in er l set " ses. ore now, it ;! 11° P ed ., gge in io n g of fashion, ant.l.Scge nk bitißrandreth's Vegeta- Me Universal Pills will be used and appreciated.— They aro known to act beneficially on every part of the body; being taken up by the chyle they pass into the blood, which they purify ; and it should be remembered that they only remove those partsfrom the blood which were the cause of inflammation or /ham of any kind. Nothing is equal to ridding the vitiated humors with a vegetable medicine of this kind, which eighty-four years have proved ne ver to do injury, but always good. Purchase the genuine medicine of %Vol. Stewart, Huntingdon, Pa., and other agents published in another part of this paper. nizn, On Wednesday the 15th ult., at Thompsons town, Juniata county, CHARLES WESLY, son of Thomas W., and Margaretta J. Kinsloe, aged 2 years 8 months and 13 days. On the 10th inst., JNO. B. FOWLER, of Hol lidaysburg, aged 5 years and 6 months. WASHINGTONIANS r Tho Society will meet nt the usual place, the Old Court House, on Saturday evening next. rho fourth Lecture of the course, will be delivered by A. K. Cornyn, Esq. Subject.—Tho tendency of the times. The citizens generally, and the ladies especially are invited to attend. There will be singing, and music by the Band. Jan. 22, 1845. H. W. MILLER, Scc'y. Orphans' Court Sale. I N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, the under igned ustees appointed to make sale of the real estate of Jacob Keller, late of Morris town. • ship, in, said county, dec'd., will expose to sale by public vendue, on Monday the 3rd day of March next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, the plantation and tract of lane on which said deceased in his lifetime resided, situate in the said township and county, adjoining lands of Hugh Fergus on the west, John & William Walters and a small lot sold to the • :idle.' Directors, on the south, of George, Henry & David Keller on the east, and of Henry S. Spans; on the north, containing C1)0 ~cts)rvaticso and 72 perches, or thereabouts, of which about 150 are cleared upland and 10 of mea dow, haVing a two story log house, frame bank barn, a small frante house, and an ap ple orchard thereon. The said tract is of the best quality of land, pleasantly situated, being but a short distance from Waterstreet, on the Turnpike road. TERMS of SALE.—One third of the pur chase money to paid on the confirmation of the sale, and the residue at and immedi ately after the death of Catharine Keller, widow of said deceased, the interest of this third to be paid to the said widow annually clueing her life ;—the whole e e secured by the bonds and mortv ace of the purchaser. JOHN KELLER, (of Jacob.) PETER SHAFFER. Jan. 22, 1845. Trustees. Estate qf Lawrence Swoupe, Late of Cass township, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons having claims or demands against the same are requested to snake them.known.withaut delay, and all persons indebted to make int.: mediate payment to CALEB SWOOPE, driner. J.tn, '22, 1813.—Gt, CaSs tp, To Tina ZADZINi W() yeyoungmete af this borough, not de; UM ficient iu peasonal.appearance, pees/tit :try cirtumstaacts good. and this sitte be mg desirems of entering ihtee the inUtrime”; ;nal state, take this method of making it known to the lacticr. Young ladies of re spectability', of amiable disp.mitions. and with u rtaatnable knowledge of tufo.' if affieirs, wfite are in search of buslumels, confer a feienr ry addressing t' 11. 11.." through the 'pat office, stating at what tittle and place; an lir erview can be ,tat'. Ail ctinitimniention's sti ictly ct7ntit s feni Letters tri in ii tliaithee must be postpaid. Huntingdon, Jan. 1:2, 1645. .2i. paid. PROSPEOTCS FOE. THE SECOND YEAH, ce 4e) 0 GREAT NATIONAL MAGAZINE, Agents wanted.—Heading fur 1;11.:-71:;17e . r7a7ling Public.—The best and cheapest fiindly Maga zine in America. SEA RS' NEW MONICIrLIi VilrellVE" 2VIAGAZINr , Establishedfor Me Djftsaion A Monthly Miscellany of Moral and Useful In struction, Embellished with numerous vings. Published on the first of every month, in Parts of liity large octavo pages each, (doubio colunuts,) TWO DOLLARS per annum. two copies sent to one address for THREE DOL LARS, invariably itt advance. In offering such a miscellany as the above peri odical to the public, we wish to make it clearly understootbwhat is the object proposed to be cc• complished by its publication, and what will inva riably be the character of its contents ; and by mi species of disguise, or form of deception, attirupt to make un impression or gain a favor, without pos sessing a legitimate claim to their enjoyment.— 'Sears' Furnify. Magazine' is a periodical whose ob ject in to collect, condense and systematize the great mass of standing general knowledg e , contained hi works so nuni'etous and voluminous as to he alto gether beyond the reach of mankind ifl general and thus collected and prepared, to place it, by its cheapne.m and comprehensiveness, within the ac quisition of ALL. %A . s3 , shall aim to give the Magazine a character ' decidedly American, and to make it to this country what the Penny Magazine is to 'Great Britaitt.— Hence we shall introduce, as far as practicable, des criptions of American History, Manners, Scenery, and Natural Productions. In furtherance of this object, we invite our friends abroad to aid us, by communications and sketches of any thing remark ü ble, rare, orsiniqua that may come under their ob servation ; and we trust they will find ample remu neration for their labor, in the consciousness of having added a quota to. the sum total of intelligence) . which is so widely disseminated through the medi um of Sears' Family Magazine. From this brief outline of the -a.cuaivs. • Monthly Magazine, it'd pabulum for schools, and a treasury of knowledge for families. the leading object of the Family Magaime is utility. It in intended that its morale shall be pure, its information authentic, and its arrangements in good taste. And while it is the sincere desire of all Who are ...aed in its publics , lion, that it may carry the elmht:liens of ktivdedge and the light of truth wherever it is received, they. indulge the hope, that the countenance of the com munity will look favorably upon them, and that its arm of support will be extended in their behalf. RO.I3.ERI' SEARS, Editor and Publisher. No. 111 Fulton street, N. I'. City Elegant Premiums for Subscribers. A VERY LIBERAL OFFER. An easy method to procure a copy of Seam' Bibi Biography,' Wonders of the the World,' or 'Guide to Knmoledgk,' which sell for two, dollars utd, fifty cents pr. vol. c[jt• Any person either subscribing himself, or procuring a new subscriber fri • Sears' Family Ma gazine,' fur tho year, and remitting $3 current funds, free of expense, to the publisher, shall receive a copy of that periodical for one year, and a volume of either of the aboVe Works, to be kept subject to his order. And $3.50 will entitle the subscriber to a copy of &ars llible Histofy (r). Any person procuring 5 subscribers to the above work, for ono year, and remitting the money, ($10) free of expense to the publisher, shall receive two copies of Bible. Biography,, or two of the. Wonders of the World,' or one of each, or IMO copy of Sears' New and Complete History of the Bible,' (2 vols. in one,) which sells for three dollars. Any person procuring 3 subscribers, and remitting $B, (free of expense) shall be entitled to two copies of • Bible Biography,' Wonders of the World,' or • Guide to Knowledge.' AGENTS WANTED. To Clergymen, Students, Agent. of NOvipapers and Periodicals throughout *lto Mined States. The subscriber is prepared to, treat with such per sons as po'ssess the necessary qualifications for sus•. cessful. Agents, (either for a atiptfiated salary or commission ou subscribers obtained) to circulate his' 'Nevf Monthly Family Magazine,' for the year 1845. Good references required. Terms libeial. . - . ROBERT SEARS, No. 114 Fulton street, New-York City. All letters and communications from Agents must be post paid, or they will not be taken from . tire Post Office. Da *cm Tax us wpm' POSTAGE.—Agents and Subscribers may learn, from the following notice of the Postmaster General, how they may send money . to the publisher of the Magazine, without the ex pense of postage to either. Read carefully : " A postmaster may enclose the money in a let ter to the publisher of a newspaper, to pay the sub scription. of a third person, and frank the letter, if written by himself; but if the letter be written by another person the postmaster cannot frank it."— Amos KENDAL. FARIII FOR SALE.—An old and weli improved farm containing with allowance, a Liege quintity of which is cleared and muter good fence. The improve. meets are a large and convenient dwelling house, ix° story spring house, barn and other nut buildings, with a never failing spring of water convenient,' and au orchard of choice fruit. There is also a good lime kiln with abundance of lime stone and fuel. This property is handsomely located on the buil of kugh wick creek, Shirley township, Huntingdon county, and possesses many ad vantages in point of locality. Being distant Irons the borough of Shirlershurg cnly two miles from the canal three miles and a hallo and immediately on the road from Shirleys- , burg, to Drake's ferry. There is also a first-rate merchant mill tai the property adjoining. it. ALSO, 53 actes of woodland handsomely located on Chesnut ridge, Shirley ttikvnslill'io Huntingdon county. Apply suoi to the subscriber on the pre , tui,es. LEWIS 13ERKSTRESSER. J:uikury 15, 1845.