THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, One country, one constitution, one destiny." r .m.Laacc.l.ya Wednesday morning, San. 22, 1845, B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street below Third, Philadelphia) is authorized to act as Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and advertisements. .r.Z. We tender our thanks to Gen. J►atts Invis of Congress, and JOHN Mona taws, Hmens BREWS TOO, and R. A. WM URTRIE, Esqrs., of our State Legislature, for numerous favors. Z. An Adjourned Court will be held in and for this county—to commence on the 10th of March next, and to continue two weeks. o.i The people of Redford, Pa., are agitating the question of a Railroad from that place to Cum. land, Maryland. cry By the proceedings of the Legislature, in another column, it will be seen that DAxi EL &run e:es has been re-elected United States Senator fur six years from the 4th of March next. (0" On motion of T. P. Campbell, Esq., Col. Davin Does was last week admitted to practice in the several Courts of this county. cCr We received a letter lately from Williams port, Lycoming county, Pa., informing us that the "Hunting Jourland" addressed to is not lifted, drc..—signed ..Jos. S. Titus, ESQ., Post master." Tho body of the letter was in print. We congratulate the people of Williamsport up on the possession of so learned a postmaster as Jos. S. Titus, Esquire proves himself to be. He was appointed by Tyler's administration and will/w -hops be continued under that of Mr. Polk. The lion. DAN/EL WEBSTER has beett'unanimuusly notu:natetl for re-elec tion to the U. S. Senate, by the Whigs of tl.e Massachusetts Legislature. DELAWARE U. S. SENATOR.--We are gratified to Barn that on Tuesday of last week the Lqishture of Delaware elected that sterling and able statesin tn, JOHN M. CLArrox, a Senator of the U.S. for a:x years from the 4111 of March next. (rr The Uenerel Assembly of Mary. land elected Reverdy Johnson, Esq., or Baltimore to the Senate of the United States, for six years from the fourth of March next. O We regret to learn that the Wool len Factory in Bellefonte, owned by Mi. A. W. Thomas, and occupied by Mr. Itudson Williams, was destroyed by tire on the Bth inst., the btfliling and machi nery all lost. The loss of Mr. Thoma. is estimated at $7,000 of which $2,000 was insured. That of Mr. Williams $2,000 •••no insurance. Kr- The Harrisburg., 'Telegraph says : It is understood that the lion. Jesse Aidler. late Canal Commission, r, i. to be Secretary of State, and John K. Kane, Attorney General, under Governor Shank. THE COAL '1 MALE.— .} I t to a table in the lust Miners' Journal we learn that the amount ttratithratcite coal sent to mar ket the past year, front the Schuylkill re glut), was 839,934 tons, of which 598,- 443, tons were forwarded by the 111111 441 491 tons by the railroad. In 1835 the total amount of Schuylkill coal was 339,508 tons. In 1844 there was bent from the Lehigh ,region, in addition to the quantity above sated, 377,821 tons; from the Lackawanna 251.005; Wilkesbarre 114.906. The total amount sent from the various coal regions of Penn• Sylvania the last year, 1,631,669 tons. 'The trade is rapidly increasing, and with the present facilities for tt•anspmrtation will tio doubt soon double its present The late loco-fitce Govei nor ult- Mary land pardoned three persons convicied of illegal voting at the Governor's and Presidential elections, on tl.e day he ati dica,eil, his seat. They were all. loci, tom., of course. Thus locofocci.m con 'lives at crime. TUE GOVERNOR'S MESiAGE. An error was cotntni;ted in copying the Governor's message, which we presume sloittst every reatla has detected. In the etttence relatiye to the plyment of the interest which state* that the Treas. ury will he in ample fonds, nut only on the Ist of August next, hut ;dm) on the . tat ofFebraary, 1845," 1845 should read 840.--/for. Argus. How TO Pit E.ERVK A GOOD NAME,-- , joneph C lag k of Rhode bland, being as• ked to he a candidate for the office of .tioverniar unbar State, replied, ilia hay. ing enjoyed a good character among his tellow-citiv.eas aIF his life, (as was pro ,en by his having been chosen Treasurer . of tie State lot inure than forty yearo) he had no a niun of Noting it now, in his old r PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATURE, 8E ATE SATURDAY, January 11, 1845. The Speaker announced the following STArro , tNO COMMITTREA. Judiciary—Messrs. Chapman, Sullivan, Black, Babbitt, Gimmick. Accounts—Messrs. Foulkrod, Kline, Anderson, Gibbons, Heckman. Pensions and Gratuities—Messrs. Black, Kline, Hill, Sullivan, Ste' igere. Militia—Messrs. Horton, Ross, Morrison, Gim mick, Ebaugh. Banks—Messrs. Ebaugh, Eyro, Crabb, Enue, Cornman. Education—Messrs. Champneys, Gibbons, Ster• igere, Quay, Chapman. Roads and Bridges—Messrs. Baily, Quay, E. bough, Craig, Anderson. Internal Improvements—Messrs. Sherwood Big ler, Darsic, Ryer, Crabb. Agriculture and Domestic Manufacturei—Messrs Rahn, Darrah, Ross, Morrison, Fegely. Compare Bills—Messrs. Anderson, Carson, Hor ton, Darrah, Rahn. Election Districts--Messrs. Heckman, Foulkrod, Cornman, Dimmick, Quay. Corporations—Messrs. Eyer, Carson, Enue, Cornman, Ross. Vico and Immorality—Mesers. Craig, Bigler, Carson, Sherwood, Black. • Estates and Eseheats—Messrs. Sterigere, Bab bitt, Rahn, Kline, Hoover. Finance—Messrs. Bigler, Chainpneys, Bernie, Sherwood, Gibbons. Private Claims—Messrs. Barak, Champneys, Baily, Babbitt, Enue. Library—Messrs. Crabb, Beily, Hoover. Public Buildings—Messrs. Fegely, Craig, Hill, Darrali, Foulkrod. Retrenchment and Reform—Messrs. Hill, Sulli van, I [nehmen, Morrison, Horton. The Speaker laid before the Senate, an order di recting the closing of the House on the Sabbath. The Secretary of the Commonwealth being in troduced, presented the returns of the election for Governor : also, a message from the Governor nom- Mating Percifer Lemmon, as Associate Judge of Wyoming county. Mr. Eyer presented a petition from citizens of Huntingdon and Bedford counties, praying far the erection of a new county out of said counties, to be called "Penn." Mr. Morrison, two mmonstrances of citizens of Huntingdon and Bedford counties, against any di vision of said counties. Mr. Rahn, a remonstrance signed by eight mem bers of the Schuylkill Bar against the confirmation of the nomination of Luther Kidder. On motion of Mr. Heckman it was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary, with instructions to inquire into the expediency of reporting a bill to repeat the law creating said district, with a provi sion adding Dauphin to the Lancaster district. Mr. Rahn, also presented petitions from the Bar of Schuylkill and Carbon counties favorable to the confirmation of said nomination. Mr. Sherwood offered a resolution instructing the Judiciary Committee to bring in a bill extending jurisdiction of Justices of the Peace; which, after being amended so as to require the Committee to inquire into the expediency of reporting such bill, was agreed to. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, SATURDAY, January 11, The question on the motion to postpone indefi nitely the resolution for removing the Serjeant-at arms from office, came up in order. Mr. Brady opposed the motion for the reason that it was due to the dignity and character of the House, as well as the individual implicated, that he should be dismissiesed, if the charge made was true, end which seemed not to be denied. Mr. Painter said he thought it due to himself, inasmuch as his name had been associated with the transaction, as well as the House, to say, that the letter alluded to had never been wen by him, and he disclaimed any knowledge of the transaction. The question being then taken oil the motion, yeas and nays were ordered, and were us follows: Yeas, 51, Nays, 42. Mr: Smith of Clearfield offered a resolution that a Committee of 5 tnc:nliers be appointed to take care of the Public Buildings And Public Grounds. The resolution was adopted. Mr. MeMurtrie: a petition for a new county to be called Blair. Mr. Brady: a remonstance against the erection of Blair county, and for a new county to be called, Penn. The resolution relating to the instructing of our Congressional delegation to protect the tariff of 1842, came up in order in committee of the whole, (Mr. Wilson in the Chair,) and woe reported to the House without amendment, and being under con sideration was read three limes and passed. The call for the Yeas and Nays having been withdrawn. Mr. Beily offered an amendment providing for the protection of Iron, Wool, Coal, Manufacturing and Agricultural interests, and to leave no effort untried to protect the great interests of American Industry. Mr. Cooper opposed the amendment on the ground, that it left the whole subject to the diem lion of our representatives; whereas the original resolution confined them to the act of 1842, which was well understood by the community. Mr. Bailey supported the amendment, said that although the general principles of the tariff of 1842 were well understood, yet there might be principles in the bill which would admit of alteration for the general interests of the country, and he thought that Seaton, end Representative in Congress ought not to he tied up to the tariff of 1842, nolens volens. Mr. Cooper replied with great force to the re. marks of Mr. Bailey, and gave a spirited exposition of the operation of the tariff of 1842, and depreca ted the idea, that any discretion should be given by the resolution to our delegation to escape any reaponsibility to the people. Mr. Burnside was in favor of the amendment.— / e said vital stubs had already been made at the tariff by those Oho claimed to be exclusivd friends of the tariff. Mr. Struthers followed Mr. Burnside in support of the resolution. He said that Pennsylvania had always been pre.eminently a thrill' State, and that would Owe:, Lontinue lv 13 iv, atAd that the ------- recent election had decided the question beyond any mistakeability. He thought the original reso- lotion did not compel the delegation to go for the support of the tariff of 1842, if they saw it beyond all doubt destructive to the great interests of the country. Mr. Smith of Barks, followed Mr. Struthers, in a general vindication of the tariff of 1842, and con tended that there was no difference of opinion in this State in relation to s that subject, although there was some minor details in tho bill which might be modified, hut the difficulty with him was that if the minor details of the bill were touched the whole bill would be destroyed. Mr. Bingham said that the tariff question, was the tariff as it is, and he was surprised that there should now be gentlemen on this floor, who should i here claim the necessity for its modification. He said that among all the districts of the State, none were more vitally interested than the one which he had the horror in put to represent. lie said that during the last canvass it was impossible to get up their political opponents to avow their determina tion to support the tariff "as it is." The operation of the tariff might be judged by the fact, that his colleague previous to its passage, had been sent to Europe to negotiate a loan upon the credit of the Government, but owing to prostration of her credit, could not procure a dollar; now the situation of the Government was improving; her credit was ood, and ho contended that unless the tariff "as it Is" was sustained the interests of Pennsylvania would be stricken down and destroyed. The House resumed the consideration of the resolutions of Mr. Bright, in relation to the tariff of 1842, Mr. Brady said that every one knew that if the tariff of 1842 was allowed to be disturbed, the ve ry existence of our government would be jeopard y!. The act was one of compromise, and was a mutual agreement of different interests for the pro tection of the whole. The whole must be protect ed or it would f all—not only the great Iron, Coal and Woollen interests of the State should be pro tected, but also all others. He denied that the tariff was in his section of the State, claimed by the Democratic party. On the contrary, it was denoun ced us the infamous Whig 7'ariff. He enquired why the name of litmar CLAY should be dragged into this debate by the gentleman from Berko, (Mr. Smith,( unless it was for the purpose of pursuing that distinguished individual to the shades of Ash land, for the purpose of persecution. Mr. Smith rose to explain. He said he never, here or elsewhere, uttered any thing derogatory to the reputation of Henry Clay. The explanation was accepted, and Mr. Brady proceeded. He hoped no resolution of instruction would be passed which would in any degree admit of a construction which would open a door for its attack. He hoped the resolution would pass, not as a Whig, or a Democratic resolution ; but as a Pennsylvania resolution. Mr. Hill hoped that this house would not trans. mit any news to Washington that the people were at issue here on the question of the tariff. Penn sylvania was becoming the great workshop.Afthe nation, and he should feel himself 4 trait.* e - j l and his constituents did he not stand , firm in the advocacy of the interests which he was sworn to support. Mr. Sanderson moved to amend the resolution by striking out all after the word resolved, and insert ing the following: Resolved, By the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, That wo view with se rious apprehension any attempt to lessen the re strictions upon the importation of any articles of foreign manufacture or production which may corn ' pet° with articles of similar growth, production or manufacture in the United States. Resolved, That if a reduction of the revenue be comes necessary, we would prefer a prohibition of the introduction of articles of foreign fabric and production, the like of which we are successfully manufacturing and producing, to any reduction upon protected articles which we can produce and manu facture as cheaply and as good amongst ourselves. Resolved, That the people of Pennsylvania can not consent to an abandonment of the protective system. Resolved, That our Senators in Congress be in structed and our Representatives requested to op pose any bill which has for its object any change or modification of the present Tariff low. Resolved, That the Governor of this Common wealth be requested to forward a copy of these res olutions wills the yeas and nays attached, to our Senators and Representatives in Congress, with a request to lay the same before the respective bcdies of which they are members. Mr. Sanderson accompanied his resolutions with a few remarks. Ho said he had embodied in them the doctrines which were adopted by the democra cy of the State in 1831-32. He wished to repeat those doctrines. One of the great objections to the present tariff was, that it would produce a surplus revenue. This he was understood to deny, and would go back and stand uptin the old Pennsylva nia platform. Mr. Mageehan eaid that in the Senate of the U. States we had one slippery eel to deal with, and he was opposed to sending any resolution there which would admit of any latitudinarian construction.— He warned members against passing any amend moot that would give James Buchanah a discretion to settle the details of the Turin; which he had on a certain occasion said he wished was either modi fied or repealed. He was opposed to the amend ment of the gentleman of Lebanon, (Mr. Sander- Kim) on the ground that it seemed to hurl defiance at the powers that be. He was not disposed to take any such course, but hoped the original resolutions would pass without amendment. If we insisted win the protection of our interests at the expense or the exclusion of those other States, her influence would be lost, and the great interests of the Key stone State would be crushed beneath the feet of Southern democracy. Mr. Baily rose in support of his amendment.— He said he would not boast of his friendship,for the Tariff He would refer to his acts. He 'Con tended that the " slippery eel" alluded to by the gentleman from Cambria, had received instructions one year ago, precisely similar to those contempla ted by his amendment, for which the unanimous votevvoteof the fait Ligi:lattitc was obtained; had not availed himself of any ril lit of construction ho might find in his instructions, but uniformly since on all occasions supported tho principles of tho Tariff act of 1842. Pending the discussion the House adjourned, SENATE. MoN.r, Jan. 13. The bill for the resumption of the Beaver Divis ion of the Pennsylvania canal by the state, coming up in order, Mr. Babbitt moved its postponement for one week, and advocated his motion at some length.— He said it was a bill in which his constituents were deeply interested, and wished time to examine it. He had important evidence to lay before the Senate, and he hoped the motion would prevail. Mr. Darsie opposed the postponement. The company had been apprized that the bill would be introduced at an early period of the session, and they had had ample time to prepare any evidence they wished upon the subject. Mr. D. spoke with much earnestness, showing that the terms of the act chartering the Erie Canal Company, had not been complied with, and the interests of the Com- monwealth required immediate resumption. Mr. Sullivan thought the bill ought to be referred to an appropriate Committee; that a provision might be introduced which would prevent the Com• pany being placed entirely at the mercy of the Canal Commissioners. He argued that the re sumption would be of no benefit to the State, and exhibited figures to show that the expenditures ex ceeded the receipts upon the work. Messrs. Bigler, Sterigere and Gibbons followed in opposition to the postponement, and dwelt for some time upon the merits of the bill. Mr. G. re ferred to the bungling manner in which the work had been constructed; also to the provision of the act chartering the Company, and contended that the Governor had exercised unwarrantable authority in surrendering the Beaver Division, before the whole work to Erie had been completed. The conduct of the Governor was commented on with considerable severity, and a hope was expressed that the affairs of Government would be more honestly administer ed by his successor. Mr. Babbitt withdrew his motion to postpone, and at the suggestion of Mr. Sullivan, moved that the bill, together with all communications upon the subject, be referred to the Committee on Internal Improvements; which was agreed to. The Speaker laid before the Senate, a communi cation from the Canal Commissioners. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. MONDAY, January 13. The Speaker announced the following STANDING COMMITTEES. Ways and Means—Messrs. M'Coalin, Burrell, Cooper, Merrifield, Burnside, Gray and Trego. Judiciary—Messrs. Smith of Clearfield, Smith of Berko, Brown, Struthers, Dunlap, Hazlehurst, Bighaut, Kunkel and Hill. Claims—Messrs. Cummings, Painter, Dowling, Larkin, Dickey, Hall and Smith of Monroe. Agriculture—Messrs. O'Bryan, Sankey, Heck, Dons, Bishop, Cross and Baldwin. Pensions, &c.—Messrs. Porter,Smith of Clinton, 'Smith of Lancaster, Rider, Kennedy, Funston and • Humestic Manufactures—Messra.Wilson, Camp bell, Riddle, Salter, Taggart, Brewster of Hunting don, and Armstrong. Accounts—Messrs. M'Kinley, Price, Knox, Con ner, James, Parke and Stewart. Education—Messrs. Trego, Dowling, Porter, Brush, Nicholson, Hoffman of Philadelphia, and Vice and Immorality —Messrs. Morgan,llolTman of Berke, Boyer, Cochran, Zimmerman, Jacoby and Pll.Oll. Militia System—Messrs. Baily, Smith of Clin ton, M'Caslin, Hilands, Shuman, Cummings and Metzger. Election Districts—Messrs. Dolts, Worman, Walton, Snively, Samuels, M'Brideand Rider. Bunks—Messrs. Smith of Berko, Barber, Struth ers, Borten, Brewster of Philadelphia n Hilands and M'Caslin. Estates and Escheats--Messrs. Brady, Bayard, Smith of Lancaster, Amer, Mageehan, Morely and Sanderson. Roads and Bridges—Messrs. Knox, Keller, M'. Farland, Stewart, Vleet, Sheets and Meloy. Local Appropriations--Messrs. Brush, Hallowell, Smith of Monroe, Harper Banning, Gilder and Elliott. Corporations—Messrs. Merrifield, Tice, Hill, Armstrong, Harper, Herr and Muse. Lands—Messrs. Elliott, Cunningham, Larkin, Burns, Bright, Campbell and Nicholson. Compare bills—N;lesara. Bright, Herr, Sankey, Brown and Painter. Printing—Messrs. Barber, Bally and Hoffman of Philadelphia. Library--Messrs. Burrell, Burnsides and Smith of Clinton. Mr. Snively presented a remonstrance against a new county to be called Blair; also a petition for a new county to be called Penn. Mr. M'Murtrie: three for a new county to be called Blair. Mr. Brewster: a remonatranee against a new county to be called Blair ; also, for a new county to (walled Penn. Mr. Dowling: one for a new county to be called Forest. Mr. Burns: one for a change of place of bold mgelections ; also, one for a new county to be cal led Blair. Mr. Conner: one for a now office in each c.,an ty h the State, to be called Public Counsellot— whom duty it shall be to make out title deeds, &c. 14 r. Hoffman : one from volunteer companies of Philidelphia, for compensation for services during the lite riots. I\4. offered a resolution that the Committee on tie Militia he instructed to enquire into the ex pedieley of abolishing militia training and itnposing a tax to be applied to the support of volunteer compnies. Agreed to. Alt Kunkel offered a resolution that the Corn mittetof Ways and Means report a bill appropria ting el much money as is now in the Treasury as will met the interest on the State debt falling duo in Febuary next. Passed. On potion of Mr. M'Murtrie the petitions re lating ti the creation of the new county of Blair, were reerred to a select committee of five although opposeik his colleague Mr. Brewster. The ouunittee on rules reported that the rules of t he laA 10114 C be continued and adopted as the rules of this llouse, the resolution was adopted and committee discharged. _ The resolution relating to instructing our Sera tors, &c., came up in order pending the amend ment offered by Mr. Sanderson. Mr. Ho'Hogshead said that he believed the tariff law, although it might be imperfect in some of its details, was more conducive to the prosperity of the country, if it could be permitted to remain undis turbed, than a perfect tariff, which was subject to innovation and change. The tariff of 1842 was beneficial to the people of the whole land, andes pecially Pennsylvania ; and every avenue of attack should be faithfully guarded, and no doubtful in struction should go forth fivin this body which leaves any discretion to the instructed. Ho hoped Pennsylvania would he emphatic in her instructions, and go for the whole tariff, and r.othing but the tariff. Mr. Sanderson's amendment was rejected. The question then recurring on Mr. Bailey's amend ment, Mr. Burrell addressed the House. He said by the amendment of the gentleman from York, cer tain grounds and principles were pointed out to which our delegation was to be confined, while all the other details of the bill were to be left open to their descrotion. lie did not wish any descretion to be given on this subject, because by so doing all the beneficial effects of the bill may be lost. He would, however, suggest, that when experience had furnished evidence that the alteration of any por tion of the act was needed, it would be Bins to give the proper instruction. He was understood, how ever, to deny the right of this Legislature to pass any kind of instructing resolutions. It was only wasting the time and the money of the people.— He moved an amendment instructing our delegation to resist the establishment of a National Bank in any form. Mr. Mageehan was opposed to the amendment. He was too well acquainted with the political char acter of ono of the delegation in the Senate, to give him any loop hole by which he might escape from responsibility, and he was opposed to the amend ment, or any other, which should in any degree vary the original resolution. Mr. Burrell followed in support of his amend ment, in a speech of considerable length. Mr. Cooper replied to Mr. Burrell, in relation to that portion of his amendment which contemplates opposition to the establishment of a National Bank. He said he was gratified at the humility of the gen tleman from Westmoreland, by expressing himself willing to grade his judgment on this subject by his per diem allowance. He deprecated the introduc tion of any extraneous matter, which would pro duce discussion and embarrassment among our delegation in Congress, especially on a subject not now before Congress, nor likely to come before it. tut the claim, that the tariff of 1912 was a Demo cratic measure, reminded hint of the case of wag oner and the Jackass. The wagoner was stalled with six horses, and every exertion was made to get extricated from his dilemma; he harnessed in the Jack, by whose aid he was able to pursue his jour ney. The Jack claimed all the praise of extrica ting the low! _oo ogy7th oho totifF-00 voica.) for it, and 19 democrats, and that made it a demo cratic measure, and the whigs were denied any par ticipation in the praise of passing the measure, which they had so long toiled to accomplish. The 19 claimed all the praise—all the glory and honor. Mr. Brady followed Mr. Cooper in reply to Mr. Burrell, regretting that any other subject than the ono legitimately connected with the original resolu tion should be brought up; and he hoped the house would give an undivided vote on the subject under discussion. He gave a general exposition of the grounds taken by both parties during the lute can vass, and showed that in many parts of the coon , try, the tariff of 1942 was denounced as the black Whig tariff, as the abominable tariff, as the oppres sor of the poor, and as the instrument of wealth to i the rich. The question being on Mr. Burrell's resolution, the yeas , and nays were, Yeas 44, Nays 53. So the amendment was rejected. Adjourned. SENATE. Tozsner, Jan. 14. Mr. Morrison, presented two memorials from citizens of Huntingdon and Bedford counties, against the formation of the new county of Blair, and praying for the erection of a new county out of said counties, to be called Penn. Mr. Carson, one of similar tenor. Mr. Darsie, a petition from citizens of Hunting don and Bedford counties, praying for the erection of the county of Blair. A message was received from the Governor, nom inating several Associate Judges. This being the day fixed for the election of U. States Senator, at 12 o'clock, M., the Senate pro ceeded to the hall of the House of Remisentatives, for the purpose of going into said election. The members of the Senate having returned to the hall, Mr. Black gave notice that the .tellers would report proceedings to-morrow. Adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. 'rummer, Jan. 14. Mr. M'Murtrie: presented two petitions from citizens of Huntingdon county fur a now county to be called Blair. Mr. Brewster of Huntingdon Two remonstran ces against a new comity to be called Blair, and for a now county to be called Penn. Mr. Dickey road in place, an act to incorporate the American Baptist Publication Society. The next business in order was the tariff resolu tion, which came up pending the amendment offer ed by Mr. Bailey. On this the yeas and nays wero ordered, and were as follows Yeas-43, Nays-52. Mr. Merrifield offered an amendment to the ran olution by adding a clause expressing full confidence in the integrity of our Senators to protect our in terests. This was negatived by a decided vote. Mr. Smith of Clearfield, offered an amendment providing that a tariff ibr revenue with proper dis crimination was sufficient protection. This was also negatived. Mr:Burnside offered to'omend by providing that the inatruetions should not extend to the minor de tails of the bill. This sinendment Ito followed up by a strong political speech, claiming that the heath, of Senators should not be tied so that they could not act except in a particular way, whenever it was attacked by either Democrat or Whig. He claimed that the tariff of former days was emphatically democratic, and the ofilipring of democratic princ i i - - plea. Mr. Cooper replied to Mr. Burnside, and said that the remarks were calculated to mislead the pub lic, and proceeded to show that the Tariff of 1842 was passed by the Whigs of the nation. That on the final passage of the bill there were 116 vote. itt the affirmative, and only one Democratic vote. In the Senate none, every democrat being opposed to it. And this was vetoed by the contemptible indi-. vidual, who by chance held the Executive chair of the nation. He proceeded to give a full history of the bill which followed it, and showed front refer ence to the proceedings of Congress, that the bill of 1842 was the production of Whig effort slid perseverance. lie placed the gentleman from Cen tie in an unenviable position, by referring to the facts which had transpired in relation to the Tariff, and claimed to have shown that he was ignorant of the facts he undertook to state. lie honed that this House would send &unanimous vote ti Washington on this subject. declaring their confidence in the ope rations of the Tariff of 1842. Mr. Burnside in rqply, said that the glory or thg... shame of devoting John Tyler to the office he now holds, could not bo laid at the door of the party to which he belonged, but to the party who had sung Tippecanoe and Tyler too, during the campaign. of 1940. He then proceeded to give his reasons why the democracy noted against the Tariff of 1842. The question being taken on Mr. Burnsides amendment, the yeas and nays were called, and wore as follows: ITeas-37, Nays-61. The question being on the original resolution the Yeas and Nays were called and it was passed with out a dissenting roicc. Mr. Smith of Berk., offered an additional reso lution amendatory of the one already passed, that our Senators, &c., be instructed to vote against ally law establishing a United States Bank, and also 0111.1 expressing entire confidence in the integrity and ability of our present Senators. Mr. Cooper objected to its reception as being a violation of the rules of the House. The Speaker decided it to be in order, and Mr. Cooper appealed,ftom the decision but before tho question was taken, both branches of the Legisla ture met in Convention in the hall of the House of Representatives, and proceeded to ballot for a person to fill the office of Senator in the Senate of the U. States for six years from the 4th of March next. Mr. Bightun moved that the Convention adjourn till 12 o'clock to-morrow. This motion wail nogg lived by the following vote, Yeas-55, Nays-744 Mr. burble withdrew the name of Walter For ward ; and several other names were withdrawn by their respective nominators. There were 13 t votes cart—necessary to a choico 66. The vote appeared as follows: Daniel Sturgeon, received 72 votes. James Cooper 49 4. J. W. Ashman!, 5 4 , E. 14". Keyscr 2 John Sergeant It Jacob Bloom 1 4! E. C. Beigart 1 4, The Hon. DANIIL STURGEON received seventy. two votes =the first ballot, and was declared duly elected. On motion of Mr. Cooper the House resumed the consideration of the app.) taken by him to the de rision of the Speaker, admitting the resolution of the gentleman from Serke, (Mr. Smith) to be in order; and on the question ; Shall the decision of rho fripankor atom' as the judgment of the House? The Yeas and Nays were called and were as fol lows:--Yeas--57, Nays---39. A party vote. Mr. Sanderson then offered to amend the amend ment by inserting an instruction to our delegation to oppose the passage of the law now before Con gress called the Sub-Treasury. Before any action was taken thereon the House Adjourned. SENATE. Wzayaanay, Jan. 15, 1845, Mr Bigler. a remonstrance from citizens of Green field township, Bedford county for the erection of tim county of Blair. Mr. BlUck, petition from citizens of Huntingdon county for the New county of Penn. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. JANUAIIT. 15th, 1845. Mr. Mageehan, forwarded to the Chair a state-' meet which appeared in the American Advocate' of Philadalphis, calling him a Catholic, and a vul gar fellow ; and denominating him as the fit expoun der of the slang of the fish market of Billingsgate, He pronounced the allegations false, as fat as ha was concerned, and said that .1. Huron Nier wee the author of the letter, and said he would Rive the matter in the hands of the Speaker. The Speeder sold that as there was no question before the House, he had no jurisdiction over tho matter. Mr. Cooper said, that the Speaker had the con trol of the hall, and, should, feel it his duty to pro tect the member. from Moult and indignity. He said he hoped no reporter had been the author of this vile communication, but that it was the pro duction of some worthless out-door scribbler. The Speaker said he would investigate the mat ter, and deliver his opinion to morrow. Mr. 111'Murtrio (Select) reported a bill for the creation of a new county to be called Blair, and against the petitions to create anew county to bo called Penn. SENATE. THWISDA Ir, January 16. On motion of Air. Fegely, the Senate took up the resolution providing for the final adjournment on the 3d of March, when Mr. Black moved to amend by striking out 3d and inserting Ist of March. Mr. Darsie moved its indefinite postponement, which was not agreed to, and the resolution sr amended was adopted. Mr. Hill, offered a resolution instructing the Committee on Retrenchment and Reform to in quire into the expediency of reducing the number of the Judges of the Supremo Court to three by providing by law that no appointment he made to fill either of the vacancies which may occur by the expiration of the commissions of any of the present Judges of said Court or otherwi.e. Agreed to. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Tuuttsysx, January lath'. The Speaker stated that he had taken into con. sideration tho case of Messrs. Mageehan and Fos. ter, and having received a communication from Mr. Pewter regretting the writing of the letter alluded to, mid that he had no intention to misrepresent Mr. Mageehan, and acknowledged he did not ittk. tend to commit him in any way with the escape the Flanegans, wherefore, he should decline inter. fering in the matter without the direction of the House. Mr. Mageehan expressed himeelf satisfied, so fag as he was pereonally concerned, but took the ac.• canton to state, that the representation that he wan/ antagonistical to the Natives, was also incorrect, in.. usinuch us it um, time for that expression whet% the no occurred.