Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 25, 1844, Image 4

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BY virtue of sundry writs Levavi
Fueitts and Venditioni .Exponas,
ssueil out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Huntingdon county, and to me direc
ted, will be exposed to public sale, ht the
Court house in the borough of Hunting.
don, on Ntonalav the 1811 day of Janua
ry, 1843, (and from day to day until sold)
the f01i0.% iiperty,
A tract in wad situate in Henderson
township, near the mouth et Mill Ceerk,
containing 130 acres and 40 perches, more
or less, about 80 acres of which are clear
ed and in good cultivation, having thereon
erected a large Blast Furnace with•neces•
sary machinery &c. for blowing the same
either by steam or water; an excellent
Grist Ntill with four run of stones, Smut
Machine, &c.; a first rate Saw Mill and
a Nll complement of dwelling lion.4ee for
manager and hands to reside, all of which
buildings are nearly new and near the Pa.
• Also, a piece or parcel of land adjoin
ing the above described tract and lying
between the same and the Juniata river,
crossing the turnpike road and the canal,
containing 16acres and 121 perches, said
land includes Mill Creek from the line of
the last mentioned tract to its junction
with the Juniata river and is good bottom
land with two dwelling houses erected on
Moo, a tract or parcel of land adjoining
the two above mentioned tracts and the .1
nista river, purchased from J. & J. Mdli•
ken containing 32 acres 120 perches upon
which are built three dwelling houses,
stables, afic. a large frame dwelling house
called the Mansion House" fronting the
turnpike and canal with commodious gar
den, yard, out houses, &c. a substantial
wharf is built and a rail way leadkg there•
from to the furnance about 200 yards on
this tract.
Also, nine tracts of unseated land sit
uate in the said township of Henderson,
convenient to the said Furnace, ,all of
which are well thre.iered, viz: a tract ol
land containing 400 acres, surveyed on a
warrant in the name of David Ott, :moth- \.
er containing 400 acres, in the name of
Andrew Binghart, another containin4 331
acres 31 perches in the name of Adam
Houck, an idler containing 412 acres in
the name of Frederick Bates, another
containing 414 acres 155 perches in the
name of Lewis Lamer, windier containing
400 acres in the name of S M. Green &
J. H. Dorsey, another an improvem , nt
right in name of William Lightner con,
taming 300 acres, and the wher a tract of
20 acres in the name of 5. M. Green, ad
joining the Furnace tract, John Goodman
and others. The above mentioned lands
comp ese the Mill Creek Furnance pro
perty and will be sold connectedly. Said
property is conveniently situate near canal
and turnpike, about 5 miles below the bo
rough of Huntingdon.
Alma, a tract at land situate in the said
township of Ilenderson containing about
t4O acres, of which about 90 acres are
cleared and to , zood cultivation, adjoining
lands ilf J icob Diller, William Buchanan
and the Juniata River— lying on the Ju•
niata below and including canal and the
turnpike, on which are erected two dwell
ing houses and a gond frame barn. Sail
tract is known by the name of "Sugar
Grove," or " Red House Farm,"
Also, a tract of land containing 156
acres and 48 perches, situate in said town.
ship about one mile east of the Furnace,
adjoinin lands of James Lane and others,
about 50 acres of which are cleared, hav
ing thereon erected a two story dwelling
house and log barn. This tract is known
by the name of the "Duncan place" and
has an apple orchard and peach orchard
thereon, a vein of good limestone easily
gaairice and stied stones of good quality
tar in walls and hearth stones for Furnaces.
Akin, a tract of land situate in said
containing 197 acres and 134
rcciies, sitii.tte about three miles north
F irmice on the waters of Mil I
Creek sdiiiiiing lands of Thomas Redd,
Michael H twnand others, having about
50 acres cleared and two small dwelling
houses and a log stable thereon. This
land is known as the Warelield Farm."
Also. all the right and title of Jonathan
H. Dorsey one of the defendants in and
to the following described real estate,
Ititown by the name of Barree Forge pro
perty, Nituate in Porter and West town
ship viz:
1. A tract of land containing about
170 acren be the same more or less, situ
at« on the little Juniata River composed
of three ail:uiiiing surveys, two in the
name of LaZtll4 R. Wetain and the
other in the name of George Olinsly, hav•
in; about Ito items cleared thereon and
liarree Forge with six fires, a Grist Mill,
a Saw Mtll. a large weather•boarde_d man
sion house, it Kitoil bank barn, and a num
ber of buildings for the use of forge and
firm hands thereon erected.
2. A6O, a tract of land adjoining the a
bove (or last mentioned) is name of John
Rea, containing about 303 acres having
about 30 acres cleared and in cultivation.
S. Also, a tract of land adjoining the a -
bovecontaining allow 105 acres surveyed
in name of R,obet t Wrilson having about 80
acres cleaettil and a small log house and
stable thereon.
4. Also, two tracts of unseated land, one
thereof containiz SO acres surveyed in the
n tine n`,• Greettitury D 'racy, and the other
co , ita•iin4 46 acres in the named Eleazet.
Wollister, lying tin the little juniata river.
5. The following 13 tracts of timber land
situate north east from the Forge on Tus
- -
sey's Mountain, Pine Ridge, 4.c. viz:
One containing about 438 acre* survey.
ed o n a warrant in named Aquila Green,
On , containing about 402 acres survey
e(l on a warrant in name of Nath" Green
One containing about 401 acres survey
ed on a warrant in name of Sarah Green.
One containing about 407 acres survey.
ed on a wai rant in name of E.lward Green,
Oue containin; about 403 acre, survey
in a warrant in name of Sarah Green.
o.le contaionig aOout 400 acres survey
uni on a warrant in name of Isaac Green.
One containing about 403 acres survey.
etl on a warrant In name of Chas. Green.
One containin4 about 402 acres survey
ed on a warrant in name of Robt. Irvin.
One containing about 400 acres survey
ed on a warrant in name of Thos. Green.
One containing about 406 acres survey
oil on a warrant in name ofinlin Green.
One containing about 398 acres survey.
ed on a warrant in name of Abrm. Green.
One containinq; about 400 3cres survey
ed on a warrant in name of Ruth Green.
One containing about 277 acres survey
ed on a warrant in name of Henry Green.
6. The following tracts situated between
the little Juniata River and 4VAerstreet,
viz: one tract containing 249 acres 87
-perches surveyed on a warrant in name of
Ann Brown; one containing 408 acres 8
perches surveyed an a warrant in name ot
Mary Brown ; one containing 429 acres
62 perches surveyedon a warrant in mune
of Elizabeth Brown.
7. Also, the following tracts of unseated
land situated on Tussey's Mountain, back
of John Piper's and others:
One tract containing about 485 acres
152 surveyed on a warrant in name of
Andrew Cne. containing about 446 acres 112
perches surveyed un a was rant in name in
John Capp. . . .
Or,e coutainimr.
about 416 acres 102
perches surveyed on a warrant in name
of Robert Irwin.
One containing about 70 acres 50 per
ches surveyed on a warrant in name of
E.I. Dorsey. _ .
8. Also, a'tract of land containing about
156 acres situate in Diamond Valley,abou t
50 acres of which are cleared with a lonise
and b arn ____ thereon erected. This
ma) .
tract is kt nas the Brewer place.
9. Also, a act of land containing 506
acres 35 pert les, surveyed on a wai i ant
in name of Israel Pen iii,i,lon on it itch is
the Dorsey Ore Bank situate in %V arriors
mark and Franklin townships.
10. Al-u, a tract of land containing 130
acres, situate in Franklin township, in
name of Alexander Ramsey, about 70
acres of which are improved, 4.c.
Also, all the tight title and interest of
Jonathan 1 . 1. Dorsey and S. Miles Green,
or either of them, in and to the liillowina
described real estate, viz: a tract of wood.
land in the township of Porter, in Iluii
tingdon .county, containing aboot 402
acres, surveyed on a warruni in the name
of William Smith.
Also, a lot or piece of ground in Alex•
andria, containing about 2 acres, which
includes half the Basin, having an excel
lent wharf thereon. Said lot lots
of Robert Lytle arid Mrs. Thomp , on.
Also a small piece of grootid con tam•
ing about 5 acres, a short distance north
of Alexandria, which is under fence and
has a two story dwelling house thereon
and a well of water, 4.e., adjoining lands
of Robert Lytle and others.
Also, a lot or piece of ground purchas
ed from Charles Porter, in or adjoining
the borough of Alexandria, north of the
canal, on which is erected a frame house.
with a wharf, adjoining Michael Sister and
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of S. Miles Green,
& Co., J. 11. Dorsey, & Co., and S. Miles
Green, and Jonathan 11. Dorsey, or either
of them.
Two adjoining lot, of ground aituate in
the borough of Williamsburg and county
of HuntitiAdon, numbered 31 and 35 in
the plan of said borough, fronting each 50
feet on Front street, and extending back
at right angles to the slow 175 feet to a
13 feet alley, bounded on the east by a
lot of A. Patterson, and on the west by a
lot of Joseph Higgins.
Seized, .takeorrn execution, and to he
quid as the property of George lincenler,
dec'd., in the hands of Joseph Kntellier,
his Executor.
All the right title and interest of the
defendant Abraham V. Scamp, of and in
all that certain tract of 160 acres more or
less or land, in Antes township, Hunting
don county, adjoining lands of Jacob
Smith, John M'Calian and others, havng
about 40 acres cleared, two small houses,
one log barn, one saw and one lath mill
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Abraham V. Scawp
A tract of land situate in Barree town ,
ship, Huntingdon county, ailjoing lands
su , veyed in the names of William Will,
Robert Simpson, George Engles and oth
ers, containing 400 acres, more or leas,
surveyed in pursuance of a warrar.t in the
name of George llill, having a saw-mill,
and other buildings thereon erected.
_ .
Seized, taken — in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Mivid Miniken.
. _
All that certain lot of ,round situate on
the northerly side of htolberry street, it)
the tswn of Hollidaysburg, fronting 60
feet on said strec*, and extending kirk
;SO I . l`a to Strawberry alley, beiog Int
No. 46, in the plan of taid town, having
thereon crecten a two story plastered
dwelling house.
Al+o, 'All that lot or piece of zrountl•on
the corner or moot g ooi.” and blitir st's.
in the maid town of litolliclay.liurg, purcha
sed by the defendant from Wm. Williams,
y articles of agreement, fronting 85 feet,
sore or less, on each of said streets having
large three story brick dwelling house,
nd a two story brick dwelling house there,
in erected.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
old as the prpperty of Thos. Patterson.
All the right, title and interest of the
defendant, John Bing Lam, in and to a
tract of land situate in Dublin township,
its the county of Huntingdon,- adjoining
lands of Marshall on the east, Whittaker
on the north, M'Lains on the west, con•
taining 200 acres, more or less, about 50
acres of which are cleared, with a log
dwelling house, double log barn and an
apple orchaid thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of William Bingham
and John Bingham.
All that certain lot of ground situate on
:he north easterly corner of Juniata and
11'avne streets, in the borough of Holli
daysburg, hooting 60 feet on the north
side of Juniata street, and running back
.at right angles to same,. along Wayne
street to au alley, hounded on the east by
a lot of Martin Robbins, now of Chaun
cey, Biddle & Moore, having a two story
brick dwelling house thereon erected,
fronting on Juniata street, and a frame
stable and frame ware-house.
Seized, taken in execution, and to he
sold as the property of M.C. Garber, sur
viving partner of R. Lowry, dec'd., which
%aid M. C. Gaiber & It. Lowry, were
lately trading under the firm of Robert
Lowry & Co
A lot of ground situate on the northerly
side Of Blair street, in the town of Ilolli•
daysburg, frontino.. 60 feet on said street,
and running back 100 feet to a let of.lohn
Brotherline, Ipitig the half part of lot
No. 120 in the new town plot of said
town, having a two story plastered dwell
ing house thereon erected, fronting on
said Blair street, and now occupied by
Jab Cox.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Philip Ehrhart.
Lot No. 97, in the town plot of Holli
ilapliorg, fronting 60 feet on Juniata st.,
and running buck 170 feet to Short alley,
having thereon erected a two story frame
dwelling Itomm.
Seized, taken in execution, and to
he sold us the property of %Valiant Elder,
surviving partner of King & Elder.
fa so,'
A tract or parcel of land, situate in the
township of Barrer, in the county of Hon
tingdon, containing ;ilium 116 acres, be
the ia ot . tnore or les., Aoining land. 01
P. er Levingston, John Dior, Alexander
Bell and others, having about 40 acres of
cleared land, a sow-mill, barn and log
dwelling house thereon erected.
:seized, taken in execution, rind to be
sold as the property abines M'Crum.
. .
One tract of land in Black Log Valley,
in Cromwell to•voship in the county of
ihotingdon, cuntainini, 105 acres, be the
same inure or less, bounded by lands of
Thomas. T. Cromwell, Jo.hua Morgan,
Rees Thompson and Shade 'Mountain,
about 70 acres of which are cleared and
tinder fence, having thereon two apple
orchards, a log dwellm; , , house, a double
lag tw o and oilier out buildings.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of James Thompson.
A tract of land situate in the township
of %Valker, in Huntingdon county, con
taining 200 acres, be the same more or
less, adjoining lands of John Anderson,
Willow Heiner, James Dean and Jacob
Hefner, about 75 acress of which are
cleared, with a cabin house, a hewed log
barn, and a small apple orchard thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of NVray Maize,
A tract of land situate in the township
of West, in Huntingdon county, bounded
be lands of John Stryker, James Myton,
William Oaks, Jtheph Thompson, Wm.
R0(.11, K-,"ther lipid of Isaac Nell' and
containing 188 acres, 65 perches
and allowance, &c., be the same more or
(ihe same now in the occupancy ol
John !tenor) about 150 acres ol which
are cleared,. with a log dwelling house, a
log barn, and a ft ;line stable thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, anti to be
sold as the property of Isaac Neff.
Sheriff's 011ier, lion+mg
don, Dec. 18, 1814.
itocitUale SotinVrg.
THE subscriber would respect!ully inform
the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoin
ing counties, that lie still cootinut s to car
ry on business at the Rockdale Foundry, on
Clover Creek, two miles from Williams
burg, where he is prepared to execute all
orders in his line, of the best materials and
workmanship, and with promptness and de
He will keep constantly on hand stovesuf
every description, such as
Cooking, !'en Plate,
ti'l'OV :
LIVING/STol4iiiiiintriS, Anvils,
rianouers, Hollow Ware, and every kind of
castings necessary for forges, mills or ma
chinery of any description ; wagon boxes of
all de,criptions, &c., which can be had on
as good terms as they can be had at any
other foundry in the county or stete.
Remember the Rockdale Fe undrv.•
July 17, 1844.—tf.
3b /Printing.
I! , revitamation
WIIEREAS by precept to me direc- ,
ted dated at Huntingdon, the 9.3 d
day of Nov., A. D. one thousand eight
hundred and forty-lour, under the hands
and seals of the lion; Abraham S. Wil
son, President of the Court of Common
Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general
jail delivery of the 520th judicial district of
Pennsylvania, composed of the counties
of Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union, and
the Hon. Joseph Adams and James Gwin,
his associates, Judges of the county of
Huntingdon,justices assigned, appointed,
to hear, try, and determine all and every
indictments, and presentments, made or
taken for or concerning all crimes, which
by the laws of the state are made capital
or felonies of death and other offences,
crimes and misdemeanors, which have
been or shall be committed or perpetrated
within said county, or all persons who are
or shall hereafter be committed or be per
petrated for crimes aforesaid-1 am com
manded to make
Public Proclamation,
throughout my whole bailiwick that a
Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common
Pleas and Quarter Sessions, will be held
at the Court House, in the Borough of
Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and
13th day) of January next,.and those who
will prosecute the said prisoners, be then
and there to prosecute them as it shall be
just, and that all Justices of the Peace,
Coroner and Constables within the said
county, be then and there in their proper
persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day,
with their records, inquisitions, examina
tions and remembrances, to do those
things which to their offices respectively
Dated at Huntingdon the 23d day of
Novemb'r,in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and forty
four, and the 68th year of American
Sheriff's office Hunting
don, Dec. 18, 1844.
Ft EREIS by precept to me direc
ted by the Judges of the Common
Pleas of the county of Huntingdon, bear
ing test the 2311 day of Nov., A. 1). 1844,
1 am commanded to make Public Pro
clamation throughout my whole bailiwick
that a court of Common Pleas will be
held at the court house, in the borough of
Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon,
on the third Monday (and 20th day) of
January, A. D. 1845, fur the trial of all
issues in said court which remain undeter
mined before the said Judges when and
where all Jurors, Witnesses and suitors
in the trial of all said issues are required
to attend.
Dated at Huntingdon the 25d day of
November, A. D. one thousand eight hun
dred and forty•four, and the 68th year of
American Indvpendenee.
Joll . l‘l ARMITAGE shy.
Sheriff's office Hunting
don, Dec. 18, 1844.
Barree—Moses Robeson. Wm. M. Mur-
ray, Demi, Coil
Blair—Nl ichael Ii lly.
0183—George Smith.
Franklin—Joseph Dysart.
Fraohstown—Heory Clapper.
Henderson—James McCabe, Samurai
Morris—John Davis.
Porler—George B. Young, Conrad Buch
er, David Enyeart.
Shirley—Randol Alexander.
S»yder—Joseph Burley-
Springfield—John Starr, George B. Hud
son, Jonathan M ler.
Tyrone—Abraham Weight.
Warriorsmark—Lewis Palmer, Samuel
VV. Stonebraker.
11 est— John Stryker.
ll'oodberry—JiNeph R. Meloy.
.Mlc4he»y—John Fu nk, John Waltrrs.
Antes—Josiah Clo4sin.
Ilfirrte—John Jack.on, James Stewart,
(‘latior.) David Miller.
Biuir--William Barr, Daniel Ulerv, Mi
chael U Bow,lough, John Lowe, Samuel
Cabs—Peter Curlinan, Samuel Pheasant
Mil) Jetreris.
Franklin—John - li:i;11
Frusikatown—John lineman, James Con
ikon, Jo-epli Smith, Jesse Moore, Jr.,
Philip lineman.
Henderaon--William L. Snyder, Jacob
Fuckler, Jacob Africa.
Hopewell—Jacob Fitik, John Norris,
John Anderson.
Huston--John Brumbaugh.
Porter--James Yocum, Thomas Whit•
taker, William Moore, Lewis Knode,
Alexander Stitt, Andrew McClure.
Shirley—John Long, John Clarke, Wil.
ham Shafer, Nicholas Shaver.
Springfield-3 acnb Gehrett, J oseph Shore.
To I—Georg , Keith,
2yrone—Eh Thomas Crissman.
Union —William Smith, John Myerly,
Wea—iieivnin Brubaker, John Bey
WoodLerc:--Sam uel Dean, Johnston
Moore, Laq.
Allegheny—jacub Uurkhar 1, James Hutch.
HOD, Archibald tialbraith.
Antes—Augustine Hagerty,Peter Emfieltt
Barree—Samuel E. Barr, Thomas Hus
ton, William Couch, Jr.
Blair—Carleton McKee, Daniel Young,
Joseph Reed, Robert A. Hamilton, A.
L. Holliday.
D übltn —Brice Blair.
Fran/atrium—Daniel Stewart, Jr., Sam
uel R. Adams, John Harnish, David
llenderson• —John Decker,Jr., A. 11. Bum •
baugh, Samuel R. Boggs, Joseph Sum
Morris--Samuel P. Wallace.
Shirley--Samuel Bachus.
Snyder—Joseph C. Crocker. '
Springfield— Daniel Staines,
Tell—William S. Lvons, William Orr.
11 alkir--Peter
West-- Harnabas Dearmit, Jacob tl.
Knode, Isaac Anderson, Abraham
froodberry—John G. Flood, Geor,e W.
Hewitt, Thomas Bender.
Trial List for January Term
Walter's heirs v Stoner & Stoner
Batton's Assinee v Batton et al
%Vslter's heirs v Stoner et al
Trustees G. R. C. v J. 1). Rea
Reel v Hudson
Lombard for use v Seeds & Day is
Leonard v Lytle & Patterson
Parsons v Waggoner
Hoover v M'Namara et al
Patterson vlduff
Patterson v Caldwell
Reynolds v Long
Culbertson v Kemp et al
Hollidays' heirs v James Alexander
NPNutt's adm'r v Stewart
Cuin'th. Pennsyl'a. v Alex. Ennis et al
Reliance 'lran's Cu. v O'Friei's ex'rs
Shell for Reeves v P. &D. Hilt man
Buelilers & Smith v Campbell & Stewart
Rogers v Hewit et al
John Hartley v J. W. M'Cord
Williams v Crane
P Kurfman's Ex'rs. v E. Corbins' Ex'r.
Campbell et at v Frederick Sheoff
A. Johnston v Brubaker & Stiffier
Andrew H. Hirst v Benjamin Johnston
1). W. Hidings v J. [lodgers & Co.
Thomas, fur Dysart v George S. Hoover
Mary Cuthbert v Daugherty & Devine
Eldridge & Conrad v John Barr
Martin Gates v Wheeland's adm'r
Same v Smile •
S , ,me v Smne
Same • v Same
Same v Same
Same v Same
Com'th for use v B. O'Friel's ex'rs
Martin Gates v T,Burdge's ex'rs
Same v Sam, -
Dennis Haylin v B. O'FriePs ex'rs
James McGuire v Same
Hugh Dempsey v Same
James Cleary v Same
James Dooley v Same
Bernard King v Same
John Skelly • Same
James Dooling v Same
Taylor & Lyttle v %tune
Loftus et al v Same
Mary Kelly for use v Same
Patrick Rodgers v Same
John M'Kilpin v Same
Jacob Weight v Eli Walls
M'Bride et al &c. v Z. G. Brown
Weight for use v T. M. Owens
Wilson & Co. v David Robeson
Commonwealth v Johnston Moore
H. Crownover v 'Pollock
Dr A. Johnston v Dr. C. O'Friel
H. Neff's Adm'rs v John G. Fleck
J. A. Hamilton's ex. v A. Patterson
Barney Stroup v Adam Brach
M. C. Garber v John F. Lowry
John Leonard v Win M. Lyon - & Co.
Samuel Wigton v Curry & Roseheri y
Thornton Barnes v George W. Geer
Yingling for use v William Nelson
A. B. Long v Dr. A. M'Plierran
Overseers of Morris v Overseers of Tyrone
Irvin for Jones v Shipley's Ex. 2 suits
C. H. Lease & Co. v Jacob Drake
Commonwealth v Wm Price & sureties
John Miller v D. Goodfellow's adm
John Calderwood v Hugh McNeal
David Branstetter v Nowlin & Robeson
L. Lingafelter v X. Leff or Luff.
ING OF VP:SSP:LS, &c.—Wright's Indian Ve
getable Pills are certain to prevent the at
hove dreadful consequences, because they
purge from the body those morbid humors
which, when fl,,atiog in the general cn•cu
latiun, are the cause of a determination or
rush of blood to the head, a pressure upon
the brain, and other dreadful results.—
From two to six of said Indian Vegetable
Pills, taken every night, on going to bed,
will in a short time so completely cleanse
the boll from every thing that is opposed
to health that sudden death, apoplexy,
bursting of blood vessels, or indeed any mal
ady, will be in a manner impossible.
Wright's Vegetable Indian Pills also aid
and improve digeston, and purify the blood
and therefore give health and vigor to the
whole frame, as well as drive disease of
every name from the body.
Beware of Counterfeits.—The public are
cautioned against the many spurious medi
ewes which in order to deceive are made
in outward appearance, closely to resem
ble the above wonderful Pills.
OBSERVE.—Purchase only if the adver•
tised agents, or at the office of the Gener
al Depot, No. 169 Race street, Philadel
phia, and he particular to ark for WRIGHT'
Indian Vegetable Pills.
The genuine medicines can be obtained
at the store of Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon.
LIST OF LET IRS remaining in the
Post Office at Huntingdon, Oct. Ist, 1844,
which if not called for previous to January
next wi .1 be sent to the General P. Office as
dead letters.
Alter Miles Lee John S.
Ayrs David Miles Nathan
Crane Aaron Murphy Thos.
Calderw iod John McCoy Wm.
easy Win. Nixon'Geo;ie T.
Dee John Philips John
Dillon Thomas E. Pitman John
Deittord Peter Sinkey Wm.
Entminger Samuel Stitt Oliver
Melts John A. Stiehly John of Geo
Houston James Shneneereer G. R.
Harnish John, Esq. Slmrow Dr.
Johnston Jacob Wilson James of C.
Kimberlin George Watts Frederick,Esq.
1 Kaufman John
Huntingdon, Oct. 9, 1844.
Cunningham & Burchinell
lIDESPECTFULLY inform the citizens
*l4 of the borough and county of Hunting.
don, the public generally, and their old
friends and customers in particular, that
they continue to carry on busines in tl.t ir
new establisment, one duos east of the
north eastern corner of the Diamond in said
borough, where they are prepeared to sell,
wholesale and retail, all articlts in their
line of business; such as
Sideboards, Seeretaies, So.
fas, Settees, Bureaus,
workstands, card, pier, cent,*
dining and breakfast tables;
High, Field, French, - and Low Poi
ALSO—Every variety of
such as Rush seat, Cane se«i Balb,Bent,,
Baltimore, Straight tack, Boston pattern
4. Common Rocking Chairs, together with
of all colors, qualities and sizes; ni:d Paper
Hanging of various patterns and qualities
N. B. Coffins made and funerals attend
ed either in town or country, at the ;•linritat
notice. They keep a splendid HEARSE,
far the accommodation of their custemets.
Nov. 29, 1843.
Indian Vtgetable Pills.
If, during the continuance of atm ma and
floods. the channels of
become so obstructed as to off ,rd en itinfli
cient Outlet for the suptrabumiaot atilt vs,
we can expect nothing less than thht the
urrounding country will be
Overwhelmed with the Floc d
In like manner with the human in
the skin, kidneys and bowels be n. mural
outlets fur useless and cm rule 1.1111,1
come so obstructed as to faii in atf.a thug is
full discharge of those impurities which are
all cases
we surely can exprct ro other la suits than
that the whole frame will soon:, ~r later b
As in the first place, it we would prevurt
an inundation we must remove all t bstt uc
thins, in order that there may he no hind
rance to the flee discharge of the supera
bundant waters. So, in the w cord place, if
we would prevent and cure dist:lse, we must
open and keep open, all natural drains of the
body. -
{f'right's Indian Vegetable Pills if
.Nartlt Anzei.;can C.liege of L'ealth.
will In found one of the best it not the vi ry
fur carrying out this beautiful ano simple
theory, because they complratls dettlat the
stomach and bowels from all Moue bun. on.,
and other inipui ny, and at toe same: 110,0
promote a healthy discharge fr“rn the 'mugs,
skin and kidneys; coast quently as all thc
natural drains are opened,
•17 - Caution.—As the great popularity and
colts, fluent gre it di maid for Wright's Indi
an Vtgotable Pills has rai.ed up a h st
enamel felt,. rS, country stet ek et pi rs and
agents will he on their guard agniest the
many impostors who are travelling ash. ut the
country selling to the unsuspecting a !purl
ous article for the genuine.
It should be rem, inhered that all ne i ther..
ized agents are pt tided with aet t , fic. to of
agency, signed by 'Si ILLIAM WRIGHT, Vice
Prraident of the North American t. oil. ge I f
Health. Consi gut ntly, those who I ffer In
dian Vegetable Pills, and canny' stif.w a cer
tificate as above. described will be ki.own as
the following highly respectable store_
keepers have been appointed agents for the
sale of
Wright's 'radian Vegetable Pills.
and of whom it is confidently believed the
gentnne medicines car be obtained;
William Stewart, Huntingdten.
Henry Learner Hollidaysburg.
B. F. Bell, Antes township.
Robert McNamara, Newry.
Samuel S. lsett, 'I y rune township:
Millikens & Kessler, Mill Clerk
A. & N. Cre swell, Petersburg.
Gemmel & Porter, Alexandria.
Mead, & Steiner. ‘Water Street.
Joseph Patte.n, Jr. Duncansvil!e.
B. H. McCormick, Cellinsville.
Wolf & Willt t, Frankstown.
Henry Brewster. Soirleysburg.
Walter Graham, Yellow Springs.
Office devoted exclusively to the sale of
the medicine, wholesale and retail, N 0.169
Race street, Philadelphia.
Beware of counterfeits.—The
. public are
r. rrectlully Wormed that mrelicieee pen per
ling to be Indian Pills made by one V. 0.
Flack, are not the genuine
Tright's Indian I:triable Firs
The only security against impnsiiii n is to
purchase from the regularly sake' tisi a
gents, and in all cases he particular to ask
for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill.
Dec. 27, 1843.—1 y.
Cheap Carpet More
(On the CASH plan,)
It No. 41 .Strawbeiey street, Ptiladtra.
The Rest of the subset ibers hi the it pre
sent situation being vary low, and their
terms CASH, they are enabled to sell at such
,w prices that caste me es cannot fail to be
satisfied, and they invite the people f Iltai
tingeon county to call and examine th it
stock, as they offer an excellent assortment,
Comprising :
Beautilul Imperial, S
,Supeiji,,t, ingrain, I r
Heavy Twilled Venitian. '
Fine English 11 orated, do. I e•
Plain Steiptd, do. J
With a large stock of well smsom n floe r
Oil Cloths, of all widths, for %sines Halls,
Doorpieres, &c. Also, Furniture Oil CI , this,
beautiful Hearth Rugs, Table C, vi la, FloGr
Baize, Rag Carpets, Matting, &c. &c.,
together with a la: ge stock of Isw priced,
Ingrain, Entry, it Stair Carpets, wHOLE4
SALE Oil RETAIL, ia the lowest wires iu th 9
No 41 Strawberry Street, one door above
Chesnut and 2nd street. Entrance also ate
No. 50 South second street.
Philadelphia, %to. 1,1144,..1110,