Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 25, 1844, Image 3

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111Hillingdon, Dec. 25, 1844.
u The Huntingdon Journal has a
larger circulation than any other
Newspaper in Huntingdon county.
We state this fact for the benefit of
- •Wheat and Oats will be Caked, at the
Market price, in payment of accounts due at this
office. July 31, 1844.--tf.
A Sad Story.
The ilVirelling house and barn of Mr.
Seymour F; Benedict, at Walton, 9ela
ware colinty, N. Y„ was destroyed by
fire on Saturday night the 7th instant,
and dreadful to relate, his wire and Ave
children perished in the flames. As near
'as can be ascertained, the fire was com- •
municated from a candle that the children
took on going to bed, up stairs. Mr.
Benedict and his wife were first awaken
ed by the fire breaking through from the
chamber into the room where he and his
wife and their youngest child slept. They
immediately rushed out of the house, car
rying the child with them, The children
up stairs were crying for help, surrounded
by the flames, and Mr. Benedict urged
them to jump from the a indow—that lie
would catch them. The eldest did so,
being then already touch burned, but the
others did not, either through fear tic ina
bility. Meanwhile, it is supposed that
Mrs. B. had gone into the house with the
vain endeavour to get them out ; and the
little child, about four years old, Uncon
scious of danger, followed her; and all
A Child Killed by Beare.
A few days since a child was killed in
the northern part of Decatur, co. la., about
sixty miles North west of Cincinnati.
The Bulletin says :--" The child was
some distance from the house gathering
nuts when the bears attacked and killed
it. Shortly after this fate they met a man
in the woods and chased him home, pur
•suing him to his very door, when he took
down his gun and shot one of them with-
in a few steps of his door, and with some
of his neighbors, succeeded shortly after
in killing the other. This happened in
'the most populous part of the country.--
We did not learn the paticulars nor the
names of the persons who were concern
ed, but we have it from a good source."
Dreadful Doings In Olio.
An affray took place at Georgetown,
, (0.) on Monday (the 9th inst.,) between
some Kentucky negro hunters and a num
ber of abolitionists. some runaway ne
groes, belonging to Col. Edward Towers,
'of Mason connty, (Ky,) were concealed
In the houses of Robert Miller, and Ab
salom King, and Miller's house being
searched, two of the runaways were dls
covered in it. Miller, while aiding them
. .
to escape, was knocked down, and so
dreadfully stabbed that he survived but a
..f sfew minutes. The captors then proceed
ed, with the two slaves bound, toward
King's house, but were met on the road
by four or five men. who resisted the pro
posed endeavor to search King's dwell
ing. Both parties were well armed, and
& conflict ensued, in which Col. Tower's
son was shot dead, and King so badly
wounded that he can hardly survive.--
The Sherilland his possee at this period
stopped the riot, attested the insurgents,
and conveyed them to Georgetown.—
Shortly afterward an additional number
of Kentuckians arrived and they imme
diately hung one of the slaves for resist
ing a brother of Col. Towers, whn had
' captured him, burned Miller's and King's
houses to the ground, and beat a Mr. Al
exander Gillilland till his life was despair
ed of. The Georgetown Telegraph, from
an extra of which the above is gleaned,
adds The number of the Kentuckians
is increasing hourly, and the whole neigh
borhood is up in arms. The Sheriff is ac
tively engaged in attetnpting to quell the
Report of Secretary of War.
We have received the report of the Sec
retary of War, Which occpuies six closely
printed columns of the Washington
Globe. The following is a synopsis of
the report from the War Department.
The Secretary leads off with an eulogy
q/ on the arrangement of the different bu
reaus under his department, comptehetuk
ing the "military establishment," "pen
sions and bounties for military services,"
"improvements of rivers and harbors,"
of mineral lands and all Indian affairs."
He notes the fact that the present mili
tary organization of the United States is
U for times of peace," but still with a iiew
to the purpose of preserving among us as
a people, all " that military knowledge,
without which a nation is never prepared
to assert her own dignity, oor ever defend
her soil from invasion." He thinks that
if any untoward circumstance should drive
us to the necessity of war, our health, pop.
ulation and skill in the mechanic arts,
would enable us to cope with any nation.
The remounting of the second Regiment
of Dragoons is recommended as the very
best force for military service in the prai
He notes the real termination of the
Florida war, and the restoration of conti.
dence in that Territory.
He recommends central barracks in
healthy sites on the seaboard, and not the
least politic of his recommendations, is
the one that buildings for religious wor
ship and schools be erected as attachments
to all our public fortifications.
He recommends an addition to' the
' horse er light field artillery tutee." and
totes the fact that "superiority in the
Corse artillery force in the French revo
utionary war, generally secured the vie
Ile expl•esses a high opinion of the
West Point Academy—says the appoint
ments of the cadets are impartially made,
and regrets that a portion of the people
attach to it what he apprehends to be " a
mistaked and grOundless charge of aris
tocratic tendency." The Secretary evi
dently fears that public opinion is setting
against the Academy ; and in his closing
remarks, he asks that a committeee of
Congress may be appointed to visit the
Institution, and report such amendments
or reform its management as may be deem
ed necessary.
The Secretary thinks that with a mil
itary establishment like ours, it should be
the policy of the Government to encour
age the resignation of officers after twen
ty.five years service, and recommends as
an inducement, that Congress pass a law
"entitling an officer after twenty-five
years of good and faithful service, to a
section of public land, and two years fur
lough on full pay, with the condition,
should he avail himself of this privilege,
that his commission be vacated at the
termination of his furlough."
The Secretary recommends the erec
tion of per mament fortifications on sev
eral parts of the seabbard. He urges the
policy of a system of defence by perma
nent fortifications.
A national foundry, with all the means
of trying and testing iron ores coining from
different parts of the country—also for
making model guns, and securing the
safety of cannon, is appropriately spoken
at as necessary. The Secretary giv . es
well digested and cogent reasons
,Ln the
necessity and utility of such an establish•
men t.
The Secre tart' says that he has no doubt
of our legitimate claim to the territory
west of the Rocky Mountains, and hints
the necessity of an organization of some
manner or government over the American
citizens that are every day settling it.
He recommends an appropriation of
96100,000 for erecting the military posts
from the Missouri river to •the Rocky
Report of Secretary of Navy,
From the annual report of the Secreta.
ry of the Navy, we condense the most
important portion thereof:—The Navy of
the United States at the present time con•
sists of six ships of the line, one razee,
fourteen Irigates, twenty one sloops of
war, sixteen brigs and schooners, thrett
store ships and eighteen steamers afloat.
There are on the stocks, in an unfin
ished state four ships of the line, three
frigates, one store ship, an iron steamer at
Pittsburg, and one at the Navy Yard at
Washington to be used as a water tank.
Since the last annual report, after care
ful survey and inspection, it was found
most conductive to the public interest to
sell the frigate Hudson, and the store
ships Consort and Chipola, and orders ,
have been recently given for the sale of
the Pioneer. In each case the Navy
Agent conducting the sale, was limited as
to the price, and thy sales are satisfacto
ry. The Hudson was originally built
by contract for a foreign government,
was found to be unworthy of repair, and
it was believed to be more advantageous
to sell than to break her up.
The force estimated for and proposed
to be employed during the year, com
mencing on the Ist day of July, 1845,
consists of 10 frigates, 13, sloops of war,
7 brigs, 2 schooners, 4 armed steamers,
4 store ships and 2 small vessels.
It is not so larg e as that estimated for
in the last annual report—butit is some
what larger than that first authorized by
the appropriations for the current fiscal
year: .
The Secretary states that he has com
plied with the law of June 1844, by
which it is provided that the whole num
ber of petty officers, seamen, ordinary
seamen, landsmen and boys in the Naval
service during the current fiscal year
shall not exceed at any one time, seven
thousand five hundred men. Acting un
der this law he says that the department
promptly gave orders to suspend the en
listment of men, and to discharge the
crews of the vessels as they reach our
own waters, until the required reduction
was effected.
signed, appointed to distribute the assets in
the hands of William Bell, Administrator
of Samuel Bell, late of Allegheny town
ship, dec'd., amongst the creditors of said
dec'd., hereby gives notice that he will at
tend for that purpose at the Register's Of
fice, on Friday the 17th day of January
1845, at 1 o'clock, P. M.
Hutingdon, Dec. 25, 1844.
Came to the residence of the subscriber
in Warriormark township, on the `22d day
of November, 1844, two stray Heifers, ri
sing three years old, the one is black, the
other red, with some white spots, and has a
short tail. The owner is requested to come
and prove property, pay charges, and rake
them away. HENRY FUNK.
Dec. 11, 1844.
Estate - of Esther Mouslough, late of
Allegheny township, deceased.
UTTERS of administration on the said
4.11-gt estate have been granted to the under
signed. All persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against it will pre
sent them properly authenticated forsettle
ment without delay, to
Nov. 20, 1844. Huntingdon
a 2 E 3 41 et)
I g "IT
. ET, Eti, W g
JANUARY,, 1 2 3 4
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2345 0 7 8
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BY virtue of sundry writi of Levari
Acias and Venditioni .Exponas,
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Huntingdon county, and to me direc
ted, will be exposed to public sale, at the
Court house in the borough of Hunting
don, on Monday the 13th day of Janua
ry, 1845, (and from day to day until sold).
the following property, viz:
All that certain lot of ground Situate
on the south side of Allegheny street in
the town of Hollidaysburg, fronting 60
feet on said street and running bac at
right angles tnsame 180 feet to strawberry
alley. Said lot being No. 69 in the te
corded plan of said town, having thereon
erected a large two story frame dwelling
house and frame back building and a frame
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Albert J. Garber
--- •
All that certain vacant lot of ground
situate on the north side of Walnut street
in the town of Hollidaysburg, fronting
60 feet on said street and running back
180 feet to an alley. Said lot being No.
89 in the recorded plan of said town.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Michael C. Gar
ber & Albert J. Garber.
Sheriff's Office, Hunting
don, Dec. 18, 1844.
Watches, Silver Ware 4. Jewelry
•-•.191900.... -
James Peters & Co.,
No. 105 N. 2d St.. corner of Elfreth's
Alley, Philadelphia.
Ir. . J. I'. & Co. continue to
E manufacture at their old
-' 4- ..—,,----1 , ..," stand, Silver Spoons,
' , ''''';'''.a, Spectacles, Thimbles &c
c ; ) '?„ '• PIC, on as low terms as any
• .. •-•
.-. other manufactory in the
e , ,4 6 - , ..- city. They have o n
hand and keep constant
ly for sale, beside their own manufactures,
Watches of all kinds and prices ; Sillier
Ware, Jewelry and Fancy Goods, in their
variety, which will be sold low. Spectacle
Glasses fitted to all ages and sights, in Gold,
Silver, German Silver and Steel Frames,
with convex, concave, periscopic, blue,
grey and green glasses.
V"' Watchmakers supplied with all ne
cessary articles in their line, such as Tools,
Materials, Glasses &c.
"07' Watches repaired at short, notice
and warranted to perform.
tUo Cash or exchange given for old Gold
and Silver.
Phira., Dec. 11, 1844.--2 m:
S. ~Ce~
, arsley Henderson,
Huntingdon, Pa.
Office on Main street, one door West of William
Dorris' Store.
Huntingdon, June 12, 1844.
MLANK BONDS—Judgment• and corn.
4164mon—for sale at this office.
NOTICE is hereby gtVen to all persons
concerned, that the following named per
sons have settled their accounts In the Re
gister's Office at Huntingdon, rind that the
said accounts will be presented for confirma
tion and allowance at an Orphans' Court to
be held at Huntingdon, in Ithd for the coun
ty pf Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 75th
day of January next, viz :
1. Jeremiah Cunningham, Guardian of
George Mattern, a minor son of David Mat
tern, late of Franklin township, dec'd.
2. JaMes.Entrekin, Esq., administratorof
the estate of Thomas Wilson, late of Hope
well township, deceased.
S. John Witlierogr, administratorde bonis
non, with the will anntied, of the estate of
John Ramsey,late of Dublin township,dec'd.
4. John 13 j a;r, acting executor of 'tile last
will and testament of Thomas Holmes, late
of the borough of Gaysport, deceased.,_
5. John M. Gibboney and Daniel e,pib-
honey, administrators cf the estate of Willis
Gibboney. late of Allegheny tp. deceased.
6. Michael Bassler, Guardian of David,
Elizabeth, Susan, and Sarah Bassler, minor
children of Jacob Bassler, late of Woodber
ry township, deceased.
7. Thompson Metlin, administrator of the
estate of Thomas Mediu, late of the boro'
of Birmingham,. deceased.
8. John Etnire, surviving.executor of the
last will and testament of Martin Etmre,
late of Shirley township, deceased.
V. Hugh Allen. executor of the last will
and testament of John Nichol, late of Frank
lin township. deceased.
10. Jacob Miller, administrator of the es
tate of Margaret Mehaffey.late of the bor
ough of Huntingdon, deceased.
11. Peter C. Swoope and John S. Patton,
administrators of the estate of John Swoope,
late of Walker township, deceased.
12. Joshua Roller, surviving executor of
the last will and testament of Philip Roller,
late of Morris township, deceased.
JO H N REED, Regiala.
Register's Office, Hunting
don, Dec. 14, A. D. 1844. 5
iz:..aac , cii..
In the Court of Common Pleas of Hunting-
don County
Maria M. Kancher,
by her nest friend, Planes Subccona for
S. F. Henry, L Divorce.
vs. No. 155, Janua-
Martin Kancher. 1 ry Term,lB44.
J On the Petition or
Libel of the above named plaintiff, presen
ted to the said court, the defendant, Martin
Kancher, is commanded, that, for the causes
therein set forth, he be. and appear in his
proper person before our Judges at Hunting
don at a court of common.pleas there to be
held in and for said county, on the 2d Mon
day of January next, to answer the said
petition or libel, and to show cause, if any
he has, why the said Maria M. Kancher,
his wire, should not be divorced from the
bonds of matrimony, according to the laws
of this Commonwealth in such case made
and provided.
Dec. 18, 1844. Sheriff
Notice to Creditors.
The account of Henry Reigart and Jere
miah C. Betts Trustees under a voluntary
assignment of the property and effects of
John B. Reigart late of Gaysport in the
county of Huntingdon has been filed in the
office of the Prothonotary of said county,
and will be presented to the Judges of said
court on the 2d Monday of January next,
for confirmation and allowance, of which all
persOns interested will take notice.
Dec. 18, 1844,
signed appointed auditor by the court of
common pleas of Huntingdon county, to ap
propriate and make distribution of the pro
ceeds of the Sheriff's Sale of the real estate
of John Burket, to wit of a Tan Yark and
about three acres of land situate in War
riorsmark township, sold to John Spanogle,
Jr., in the hands of Joseph Shannon, late
Sheriff of said county, hereby gives notice
that he will attend for that purpose at the
Prothonotary's Office, in Huntingdon, on
Thursday the 9th of January next, at two
o'clock, 1' . M., when and where all persons
interested may attend, if they think proper.
Dec. 18, 1844,
Estatp=ofac Vandevapilpy, En.
(Late of flialker tp. dec'd.)
IFMOTICE is hereby given that lettersof
AA administration upon the said estate
have been granted to the undersigned. AU
pet sons having claims or demands against
the same are requested to make them known
without delay, and all persons indebted to
make immediate payment to
Walker tp., Nov. 6, 1844.
Late of Barree township, Huntingdon
county, deceased.
VrOTIC E is hereby given, that letters
Al testamentary upon the said estate have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the same are re
quested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement, to
JOHN OAKS, • SExr's.
November 20, 1844. Barree tp.
Office in Main street, three doors west
of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry establishment.
February 14,1843.--tl.
In the Common
Pleas of Hunting-
Henry Haines, Benja- I don county. Writ
min Elliott, John Elili- I de partitione Pa
ott, Calvin Bythe, Jno. Defendants
Blythe, and Calvin will take notice
Blythe, Jr., William I that in pursuance
Yeager and Patience of said writ, inquest
Yeager. will be held on Sat
urday, the llth day
of January, 1845, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on
a Lot of ground situate in the borough of
Huntingdon, adjoining a Lot of the heirsof
David McMurtrie, dec'd , on the east, and
a Lot of H. P. Dorsey's heir's on the west,
numbered 7 in the plan of said town, to
part and divide the same.
Dec.' 1, 1844.
Thomas Fisher,
TtUSTICES'IBIanks of all kinds, for sale
;,1, at this Office.
auditors' .7 °flees
The undersigned having Veen appointed
an auditor by the coutt; to !take distribu
tion of the proceeds of the real estate of
Robert Hazlett, of Allegheny township, in
the hands of John Shaver,Esq.,,lateSherilf,
hereby gives notice that he will attend fur
that purpose at the Prothodotary's office in
Huntingdon, on Saturday the 4th day of Jan
uary next, between the hours a two and
four P. M., when and where all pei•sons in-
:rested may attend if they think proper.
Nov. 27, 1844. Auditor.
The undersigned auditor appointed by the
court, to make distribution of the proceeds
of Milo H. Ferry's house and lot 01 go and
in Hopewell township, in the hands of John
Shaver,.Esq., late Sheriff, hereby gives no
tice that he will attend for that purpose, a
the Prothonotary's office in Huntingdon, on
Srturday, the 4th day of January next, be
tween the hour of two and four P. M., when
and where all persons interested may attend
if they think proper.
Nov. 27, 1844. Auditor.
The undersigned auditor appointed by the
court, to make distribatiomot the proceeds
of the Sheriff sale of S. P. Henry's house
and lot hi Hollidaysburg, retimining in the
Sheriff's hands, hereby gived notice that he
will attend for that purpose at the Prothono
tary's office in Huntingdon, on Saturday,
the 4th day of January next, between the
hours of two and four P. M„ of which all
persons interested will take notice.
Nov. 27, 1844. Auditor.
- .
The undersigned auditor appointed by the
court, to make distribution of the proceeds
of the sale of the real estate of John L.
Moyer,. of Frankstown borough, remaining
in the Sheriff's hands, hereby gives notice,
that he will attend for that purpose at his
office in liantingdon, on Saturday the 4th of
January nekt, when and where all persons
interested in such distribution may attend if
they think proper.
Nov. 27, 1844. Auditor.
The undersigned auditor appointed by the
court, to make distributionlot the proceeds
of the sale of the real estate of Ezra Hart,
of Allegheny township, remaining in the
hands of the Sheriff, hereby gives notice,
that be will attend for that purpose at the
Prothonotary's office in Huntingdon, on
Saturday the 4th January next, at 2 o'clock
1'.111., when and where all persons intetes
ed may attend it thee think proper.
Nov. 27* 1944. Auditoi.
f --- 1 • • • •
UL.I3 most respectfully inform the %
citizens of Huntingdon, and the
public in general, that he has commenced
the saddle anu harness making business in
all its various Inanches, in the shop former
ly occupied by Alex. M'Allister, dec'd.,
one door east of the ..Pioneer Stage Stable"
and directly opposite Houck's blacksmith
shop, where he is prepared to accommodate
all who may favor him with their patronage.
He will constantly keep on hand
Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Collars, &c.
Repairing done on the shortest notice and
most reasonable terms.
By a strict attention to business he hopes
:o receive a liberal share of work.
Huntingdon, May 8, 1844.
—...0e e 4.--
IpThE'SPECTFULLY informs the citizens
l, of Hntingdon and its vicinity, that he
has commenced the
Tailoring Rnsinesa
in Main street, in the borough of Hun
tingdon, one door west of the store of Thos.
Read & Son, where he is ready to accom
modate all who may favor him with a call.
He receives regularly the
and is determined to employ none bui the
best and most experienced workmen.
He will execute all orders in his line in
the most workmanlike manner, and on the
shortest notice. By strict attention to busi
ness and endeavoring to please, he hopes to
merit and receiire a share of the public
Country produce will be taken in pay
ment for work.
March 20, 1844.—tf.
Drugs, Chemicals, Medicines, 44:
Wholesale Druggist. Chemist and Phar
macian, No. 212 Market Street, a Jew
doors above the Red Lion Hotel,
Thomas P. James would inform Druggists.
Country Merchants! and others, that he has
taken the Chemical Ware House, forinerly
occupied by the late firm of Meredith, Hen
derson. & (,0., and that he has laid in a care
fully selected stock of fresh Drugs, Chemi
cals and Medicines ; also, Paints,Varnishes,
Oils,. Dye Stuffs, (lass Ware &c., which
he will dispose of on accommodating terms.
Physicians supplied with all the recent
chemicals; vegetable alkalies, extracts and
other matetia medica. The fullest confi
dence may be placed in the purity of all the
medicinal preparations from his establish
ment, as much care is taken in their prepa
ration and selection.
Philadelphia, Oct. 30, 1844.-3 m,
Emzo Eau -- unemlams.
attorney at Law,
Will practice in the several courts of Hun.
tingdon, Bedford, and Cambria coun-
ties. All business entrusted to las care,
will be faithfully attended to.
EAS removed to Huntingdon, with the
intention of making it the place of hisfuture
residence, and will attend to such legal bust
ness as may he entrusted to him.
Dec. 20, 1843.
CJIMIXET mid . Cll.l
Old static% opposite Gco. J; F, Hitt;;
Tsoividis apaivis,
• .
AS now on hand and still cuntifibeS td
44444 - I,manufacture the most splendid assort
ment of elegant Furniture Mid Chairs, t,cc.
ever offered 101 sale in the borough of Hum;
tirigdon,.eMbracing almost every article in
the above line ; which in point at durability;
workmanship, fashionable style of pattern,.
and fine finish, will compare with similar
articles manufactured in any portion of the
county; all of which lie is deterinined tri
sell at very reduced prices for cash or ap
proved country produce, or on a thne to punc
tual dealers. . .
Hotels, private dwellings, ice. furnished
to order at the shortest possible notice.
House, sign, and fancy painting dune on
the most reasonable terms.
N. B.—Colfins made for the citizens of
the borough, at the shortest notice.
Huntingdon, Oct. 16, 1844.—tf.
csa. ac.:v•
Tar: undersigned would re.:
spectiully inform the public
that he has commenced th.i
Saddle& Names
making buSineF!s in all its various branches,
in Market street, Huntingdon, 3 doors west
of Buoy's Jewelry Establishment, where he
is prepared to accommodate all who may
favor him with their custom. He will keep
cnneiantly on hand SADDLES. BRIDLES,
By strict attention to bUsiness, he hopes to
receive a liberal share of public patronage.
(Ur* All kinds of grain, potk, and hides
t.iken in exchange for wink.
N. B. An apprentice wanted---4plication
should be made anon.
Ciuntingdon, July 21, 1344.
NOTICE.-All persons intlebted to th
estate of Christian Garber, Efq., late of th
Borough of Hollidaysburg, deceased, wil
please make immediate payment, and those
having claims against said estate will present
the same properly athenticated for settle
ment. Persons desiring to make payments
at Hollidaysburg on any debts due by them
to the estate, may deposit the money in the
Exchange Bank, which shall be credited
from the date of the deposit.
Claims against the estate if not given to
me, mny be lett with John Walker, Esq.,
in Hollidaysburg.
Executor of the W ill; &c. of
C. Garber, Esq., dec'd
Huntingdon, Oct 30, 1844.
~~~~~~~.~ S~,o
THE subscribers bave removed their
Watch and Jevielry Store from No. 92
Market street, to
above Third, opposite Sanderson's Franklin
House, Philadelphia, Where they have
opened an asiorthrient of rich goods, consis
ting of Fine I'atent Lever, and other W itch
es, of their own importation, Slyer Spoons,
Forks, &c., of their own make, Fine Brace
lets, Breast Pins, Rings, Guard and Fob
Chains, Miniature Cases, Gold Pencils,
Diamond pointed Pens, Fine Pen Knives,
Silver Suspender Buckles and Chains, Pla
ted Castors, Cake Baskets, Candle Sticks;
Tea Sets, &c., Ltc.. . .
7 Watches and Clocks repaired.
3. 8c W. L. WARD,
106 Chesnut street, opposite Sanderson's
Franklin House.
Philadelphia, Aug. 21, 1844.-2 mo.
William P. Erhardes
No. 42 North Second street, Philadelph fd
-..... 6 ~,....
The subsctiber respectfully informs his
patrons and dealers generally; that he has
removed his Cap Manufactory, to the upper
part of the building, No. 42 N. Second
street, below Arch, (entrance throtigh the
store,) where he manufactures Caps of
every description and pattern, ot the best
Materials and workmanship. Having it
large assortment of C aps always on hand;
orders can be supplied at short - notice.
August 21,1844.-2 mo.
Spanish Hides
2000 Dry Laplata Hides---first quality.
3500 Dry La Guira dn. do.
0000 Dry Salted La Guira, do.
1000 Dry Salted Brazil Hides, do.
40 Bales Green Salted Patua . Kips
30 Bales dry Patna Kips.
120 Barrens Tanner's Oil.
Tanner's and Currier's Tools.
For salse to the country Tanners at thi
lowest prices and upon the best terms.
N. 13. MI kinds of Leather wanted tor
which the highest paices will be paid in
Cash or in exchange for Hides,
Rips (AL
No. 21 South Sd Street,
Oct. 9, 1844.
(Above 6th Street)
Off HE subscriber, thankful for the libetA
4‘l, support of his triends and the public
generally, respectfully informs them that he
still continues at the old established house,
where he will be pleased to accortitiiodate
allthose who favor him with iheirpatrimage.
Dec. 14, 1842.—tf.
Temperance House.
' I T HE subscriber occupying the
llarge three story brick dwell
. house at the south east corner
of Allegheny and Smith streets, in
the borough of Huntingdon, the third story of
whiCh during the last summer has been fitted
for sleeping towns ' • liaYing a large stable on
the premises, and having employed a care
ful person to attend to it and take care of
horses, &c., informs the public that she is
' prepared to accommodate such of her friends
and such strangers and travellers as may de
sire accommodation. She respectfully soli
cits a share of public patronage, and hope:,
the friends of Temperance will give her
Huntingdon March 1, 1843.