Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 25, 1844, Image 1

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?...4k)otsU pvGrucrat i:ntrliUseurt, Votitico,Eitcrature, S , Zioratitp, art,,Faricntro,3 4 aristtiture,:inmrintitt, SC., Ezc.
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The “Jounzra.i." will be published every Wed•
nesl.ty morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and if not paid within six months, $2 50.
No subscription received for a shorter period than
six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
rearages are paid. .
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will he
inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
{,;oti.egls Niagazilie
1LAT)7.7"3 OOM
VOR 1845.
The best earnest a publisher can give of what he
can and will do next year is a reference to what he
has done last year, or at any time for the last fifteen
yeare. Under this view of the case it would be
quite sufficient for ordinary purposes for us to sny
that the high character of this magazine for literary
and artistical merit wilt be properly sustained. But
we are aware that the rapid and dazzling succession
of novelties which we have brought forward within
the last few years naturally excites a lively curiosity,
and every subscriber is saying to himself what will
GO , l .1 do rtes!
It is merely with n view to gratifying this curios
ity on the part of our friends that we now proceed
to enumerate some of the features of our next year's
plan, premising,' however, that the enumeration
must neeessatily be partial and incomplete, horn
our invariable practice of seizing upon every
the moment it presents itself, us well as securing the
services of all the
the moment their characters are distinctly develop
ed and pronounced. The honor of bringing lin
ward Gest-rate gcnious into public notice tind favor,
and serving as a sort of prime conductor to electric
ilashes which send their light through tire whole
Union, has become quite habitual to the Lady's
Our original idea of illustrating A merienn history
still calmly pursuing in a style that dales all com
petition. The not lees brilliant idea of illustrating
the licroism of American LacEes by a series of
Engravings and Narratives which will servo to
place in their true light the patriotism, devotion and
self-sacrifice of our female ancestors in the mein
lionary war, emphatically called
The Heroic Age of America,.
Is also original with us. Other incidents of revelu
•tionary history will also furnish subjects liar the
embellishments of the coming year. Among the
subjects already executed are
Reception of the news of Lexington fight, By Harley,
Marion's entertainment of the Brit.otlicer, By White,
Female Gallantry,
. _ By Hubert,
Stunning of Red Bank Fort, By Hamilton,
Count Donop's Monument, By Hamilton,
Tho Battle of Concord Bridge, By Frankenstein
The Germantown Battle-Ground, By Russel Smith
Trenton Battle-Ground, By Hamilton,
with a large number of others, engaged but not yet
sent in by the artists. Another new and striking
feature we now propose for the first time in public,
having had artists engaged for twelve months in
working it out. Our readers will please to note the I
date of the announcement of this feature. It will I
consist of Characteristic Slide Views, in which the
peculiarities of scenery, costume and customs of
every Mate and territory of the Union will be pres
ented in succession. This idea will of course be
claimed by others, but our readers will not forget to
mark dates.
Our proffered premium of ;200 for the best paint
ing of a subject illustrative of American Female
Patriotism has already brought a splendid array
of talent into the field. Tho award has been
postponed for another month out of courtesy to
artists who have pictures still upon their easels.
The premium of $250 for the best engraving
will of course bring forward a series of first rate steel
plates. In addition to all these advantages, the
privilege of engraving the premium pictures of the
Apollo association will serve to form a key-stone
to our splendid system of embellishments. 'l'llo
public know our literary contributors wit, for they
have long been in the habit of recognizing them as
tho Leading writers of America in Magazine Lit
erature—that literature which exacts front the ablest
pens their most piquant and brilliant contributions,
ut the same time that it condenses into a compact
and pleasing form the moral, the useful, and the sol
id in narrative, sketch and essay wiling.
It is only necessary to say that in this depart
ment we have - artain, Sadd and Warner, and
each of them has several plates in hand. We shall,
we think, have one in each number next year.
Godey's Lady's Book is the only Magazine that
can he relied upon for the real fashions.
Our translators strair nothing of merit and inter
est, which is suited to the design of the Lady's
Book, in the literature of Germany, Prance Italy,
and other nations of the European continent to
escape them.
Among many novel features in the literary way
whirls aro now in the course of preparation, for
well-known reasons we choose to announce but
one in this connexion, viz:
The border legends of America,
many of which have just reached us (ruin the dis
tant regions which were formerly the scenes of bor
der wars and hunting expeditions, and where the
exploits of the 141111011 A Indian killers and hunters
still furnish themes for purely national ballade,
soars a 14 vfor:es to their children and grandchil
dren, by the winter's fireside.
It is not necessary fur us to give the names of
our writers—previous numbers will show that they
are the best in America.
1 copy. 1 year, $3
2 copies, 1 year, 6
5 copies, 1 year, 10
8 copies. 1 year, 15
11 'copies, 1 year, 20
Address L. A. GODEY, Publishers' Hall, Phil's.
Gotley's and Graham's Magazine will be furnish
ed ohs year oo receipt of 55, by
J. 4 4, GI)DXY, Philadelphia.
ca.7 o U D ailo9 M(e.)o
To the VJhigs of Pennsylvania.
FELLOW Winos:—According to the 4, official
returns" of the late Presidential election in Penn
sylvania, the Whig canditates have been defeated
by a majority of six thousand three hundred and
eighty-two votes. If this were the result of a fair
election, we should feel no disposition now to make
any public expression either of dissatisfaction or
regret in relation to it, but should quietly yield to
the judgment of our fellow citizens, and await I
with patience the end of their hazardous experi
ment. Bat toe hare been cheated. The voice of
the legal voters of our Commonwealth has been
smothered in the ballot-box. And we consider it
duo to our fellow citizens, and particularly to those
who have struggled so zealously to secure the tri
umph of Whig principles and American interests,
to lay before them some evidence of the fraud,
and expose the true character of the men who direct
the mevements of the Locofoco party in Pennsyl
The excitement in the public mind during the I ratio of the increase rtf population! This of
Presidential contest of 1340, was greater perhaps , course cannot ho accounted for by gains from the
than had ever been known on a like occasion. All Whig party, the Whigs having themselves been the
the influence and power of the General Govern- I gainers in the aggregate. A little further exami
meat, administered and exerted through more than nation will show that the whole of the illegitimate
a hundred thousand Mike holders, and extending increase in the vote, is not only 011 the Locofoco
into every election district in the I.lllioo were i side, Out ie all in the ',calm; counties! The fol•
brought to 'mar in favor of the re-election of Mr. Van lowing counties gave Whig majorities in 1840 ;wo
Buren. And the downward course, which the annex their respective votes for President at both
credit, business, and honor of the Nation had taken I elections :
under his administration, made every \Vhig, and Harrison. V. B. Clay. Polk. Birney
many who had never before been Whigs, feel and 1 Allegheny 7620 4573 8083 5740 435 Adams 2453 1628 2609 1891 6
act, as if each had a personal stake in the contest.
Pennsylvania was regarded as the field on which I Bikelerrd 83914103 „ 1. 4 7 4 1 0 0 2 3 7;9 4 ' 7 2 2 ,9 17 8 2 8 570 5
the battle was to be decided, and not only the po- I Bucks 4705 4488 4867 551 27
litical power of our opponents, but a very large I Dirtier 2100 1804 2..47 2017 135
Tie I Chester 5643 4887 6070 5550 106
amount of money was staked on the issue.
two-fold excitement doubled the energy of both
I i C m u u ni , l i T i rland
3 2 1 4
2 f.6 18 95 30 , 9 5 7 3155 5
portico. No sentinel slept—no man was rib- 1 kk i wa i r t e ;031 133 7 5 3 ,0' 890 2401 1466 1 1 6 5
sent from his post at the best of the reveille. The Erie 2116 2061 36.1 2226 74
troops of our opponents were reviewed again and Franklin 3586 2527 3901 3203 0
Huntingdon 38
1953 ,
6 1 22 0 66
‘4,00806 :5
again, and cheered on by veteran leaders. The} Indiana l l4B 7 80
went regelarlily through the daily drill, and were Lancaster 9079 5.172 10795 5943 21
subjected constantly to that rigorous discipline.' Lebanon ',359 1402 2636 1791 0
which " progressive Democracy" prescribes as one I Mercer 32 ; 46 2336 2940 2869 604
S u omeiset
. ...501 7 , 65 2 060 , 1035 6
of its family regulations. In the opinion of Mr. I
Dallas, expressed a short time before the election, I Washington sn
4.i11493 3 1 6 a 1 18 1
3 .te 8 7 7 88 2
3 1 , 7 7 6 3 5
,9 18 0 .
in a letter written to some of his pollitical friends in ---.-- -- —--
the South, twenty thousand would not cover the I Total, 73883 51280 77176 59553 2119
majority which Mr. Van Buren was to have in I 73889 77176
Pennsylvania! The day of trial came, and both ! Vote in 1840 125169
parties were inn the field in their full strength. It I Vote in 1844 138848
was conceded on all hands, that the full vote of the
State was polled at that election.
The increase of the popular vote, can never ex
ceed the ratio of the increase of the population. It
is more likely to be less, than greater, on account
of the fact, that a large number of emigrants settle
among us every year, who are never naturalized,
and consequently are never admitted to the right of
suffrage. The ratio of the increase of the popula
tion of our State has varied but little since the year
1810. It dimini , hes about one half per cent. every
10 years. Front 1820 t 1840, the increase was 56.39
per cent.: and at the same rate the increase for four
years from 1940 to 1944 would be 11.27 per cer.t.
We take 11.27 per cent. to be the full increase. As-
miming, what all parties have heretofore admitted to
be true, that the full vote of the State was polled in
1840, it follows that the vote of 1844 should not
exceed that of 1840, by more than 11.27 per cent.
The official returns of the two elections, however,
furnish us with a dilierent result. They are as
Votes polled in 1840. Votes polled in 1844.
Harrison, 144.019 Clay, 161,203
Van Buren, 143,676 Polk, 167,535
343 Birney,
288,038 Total, 331,971
Increase in four years, 43,833
which is equal to 15.21 per cent; being within a
'fraction of 4 per cent. beyond the ratio of the in
crease of the population.
This startling fact !cads to tho inquiry, where is
the illigitimato increase to be found? Either
party may increase its vote to any extent, by acces
sions from the other; but so long as one keeps up
fairly to the natural increase of 11.27 per cent. the
other cannot honestly go beyond it. The Whigs
have increased their vote 17.184, or 11.93 per cent.,
about two-thirds of one per cent. beyond the proper
ratio: the whole of which surplus of two-thirds of
one per cent. is fully accounted for by the large
Democratic Native American vote given to Mr.
Clay in the city and county of Philadelphia. This
is susceptible of the clearest proof. rho population
of the city and county increases in a much greater
ratio than that of any other county is the state,—
The increase horn 1820 to 1840 was 85.64 per
cent., at which rate the increase for font years, from
1840 to 1844, would be 17.12 per cont. This fur
nishes, according to our theory, the legitimate ratio
of the increase of the vote in Philadelphia. The
vole was as follows:
Harrison, 17,844 Clay, 23,2,89
Van Buren, 18,077 Polk, 16,951
Total, 35,921 42,365
The increase in the Whig vote is 5445
The natural increase at 17.12 per cent,
would he 3054
Increase beyond the natural ratio, 2391
The natural increase in the Locofoco vote at
17.12 per cent would be 3093
The actual increase is 773
Loss in the Leedom vote,
Gain in the Whig voto beyond the
natural ratio,
Aggregate Whig gain since 1840, 4711
Loco Moo majority in 1840, 233
Whig majority by this rule,
Actual Whig majority,
Excess, 40
Thus in the city and county of Philadelphia the
actual loss on the Locofoco side makes up, within
71 Votes, the entire Whig gain—and the sum of
the Whig gain and the Locofoce loss, comes within
forty votes of the Whig majority! A remarkable
confirmation of the accuracy of our premises.
But while the Vl higs have maintained their full
strength throughout the State, the Locofacos have
managed to increase their vote 23,859, being equal
to 16.60 per cent., or 5.33 per cent. beyond the
Increase 13679
The natural increase in this nob at 11.27 per
cent, would be, 14,103
The actual increase is 13,679
The increase in the Locafoco vote is
The natural increase at 11.27 per cent.
would be
Increase beyond the natural ratio,
The natural increase in the Whig vote
at 11:::7 per cent. would be
The actual increase is
Loss in Whig vote
Gain in the Locoroco vote be.
yond the natural ratio, 2,494
Abolition vote, (taken from
the Whigs,) 2,119
The above counties are all that gave Whig majori
ties, either in 18.10 or at the late election. And
they furnish another striking proof of the truth of
our position in regard to the increase of the vote.—
They poll one hundred end thirty-eight thousand
votes, and the increase since 1840 falls only four
hundred and twenty-B,on short of the ratio of the
increase of the population. These counties, to
gether with Philadelphia, in which wo have seen
that the rule holds good, comprise considerably
more than one half of the entire vote of the State.
Let us now cross tho line, and enter the region
of Locofocoism. The following are the counties
which nourish
"The poisonous, black, insinuating worm."
liar. V. B. Clay. Palk. Abo.
Armstrong 1260 1744 1453 1983 38
Berks 3582 7425 4000 8674 3
Bradford 2631 2844 3235 3568 63
Cambria 811 920 996 1123 2
Carbon 531 905 0
Centre 1447 2242 1860 2425 7 1
Clarion 648 1566 814 1683 7
Clearfield ..:99 912 544 874 0
Clinton 617 649 788 875 0
Columbia 1315 2829 1738 3370 1
Crawford 2112 2908 2636 3334 1391
Elk, [no .v co., part Nch n.) 101 128 9
Fayette 275 3035 2904 3429 35
Green 135 2010 1418 2354 1
Jefferson 476 592 591 731
Juniata 966 1043 1089 1260
Lehigh 2405 2451 2553 2811
Luzerne 2776 4119 2699 3950 2
Lycoming 1504 2181 2012 2629 1
M'Kean 263 276 340 419
Nlittlin 1226 1269 1518 1519
Monroe 345 1477 414 1806 1
Montgomery 4068 4869 4491 5596 49
Nothampton 2846 3838 2776 3870 0
Northumberland 1351 2187 1547 2446 7
Perry 1072 1970 1370 2321 0
Pike 135 524 151 769 0
180 363 240 554 BO
Schuylkill 1881 2184 2571 3404 3
Sumquehanns 1660 2023 1802 9897 93
Tioga 895 1721 1169 2193 23
Yenango 850 1275 966 1377 65
Warren 827 929 399 1149 17
Wayne 675 1188 899 1657 15
Weannondend 2778 4704 2672 4978 71
Wyoming, [now county] 814 899 13
York 8792 4382 4237 5071 1
Total, 52,286 74,299 60,738 89,131 792
52,280 00,738
Vote in 1840,
do. 1844,
The first fact which arrests the attention here fit
that ese counties in 1840 polled only 1400 votes
moat= the Whig counties. And while the vote
in the Whig counties has been increased thirteen
thousand six hundred and seventy-nine, that of the
counties now given has been increased twenty-four
thotaand and seventy-six !
Actual increase of vote,
The natural increase at 11.27 pet cent.
would he
Excess of increase,
Vide!' is equal to 7.75 per cent. !
Thettual increase in the Whig vote is 8,453
The nntural increase 0011.27 per cent.
would he • 5,892
Increase beyond the natural ratio,
The actual increase in the Locofoco
vote is 14,832
The natural increase at 11.27 per cent.
would be 8,373
Increase beyond the natural ratio,
Here we are, in the very midst of the fraud! in the
Whig counties, every thing is right. There is no
excessive increase in the vote, and where the Loco
feces gain beyond the legitimate ratio, the 11754
rote is rtinunisberl to the full extent of such gain.
These facts prove, that where Whig Judges and
Inspectors presided at the late Election, the purity
of the ballot-box was preserved. Hut the moment
we enter the Locofoco counties, we have in the first
place a fraudulent excess of near ten thousand votes!
We find the Whigs, increasing their vote 2,560
I beyond the natural ratio, and in the same counties
the Locofocos increasing their vote 6,459, beyond
the ratio! Who is chargeable with the fiend—for
freed Id apparent! •If you will examine carefully
the vote of tho counties in which the Whigs have
mode their largest gains, you will fend that the Lo
colones there possess and exercise absolute power.
A party so completely buried in Locofocoism as the
Whigs in that region, could have no chance at fraud,
if they were disposed to resort to it.—All they can
do, is to poll their hottest vote, and that is some
times done in the midst of hisses and groans from
their opponents. The surplus increase in their vote
is reasonably accounted for, by changes and gains
from the other party, which are known to have oc
curred in large numbers. The fair increase in the
Locofoco vote then, according to the rule which did
not fail in the Whig counties, would be thus:—
Increase at 11.27 per cent.
Deduct Whig gain beyond natural
Deduct Abolition, do. do,
Legitimate net increase by the rule 5,021
Increase according to the returns 1.1,832
Fraudulent excess
4,613 4,613
We pronounce this excess of near ten thousand
votes to be fraudulent, because it can be accounted
for in no other way. The rule that holds good
when applied to considerably more than one half of
the entire vote of the State, ought not to fail when
applied to the rest. There can be no reason for it.
It may be alleged, by way of explanation and argu
ment, that among the Locofoco counties are va
rious and extensive coal mines, iron mines and
furnaces, and that the increased vote comes front
them; but we answer that the mines and most of
the furnaces were there and in operation, in 1840.
If this answer be in sufficient, then we may set off
against such counties, the Whig counties of Alle
gheny, Huntingdon, Franklin, Chester, Lancaster,
Union, Dauphin and Delaware, with their mines
and furnaces, forges and factories of almost every
kind, aftbrding as good cause for a largely increased
vote as can be furnished by Schuylkill, Northamp
ton, Carbon, Llama! and Columbia. There can
be no reason why some of the very poorest coun
-1 ties in the State, should increase their vote in twice
or thrice the ratio of the most flourishing, the most
favored in natural resources and most attractive to
the immigrant. And yet, Pike, with its thin and
stoney soil, covered with scrub oaks and briars, and
Potter, an itupenetroole wilderness, no much so that
its geological and mineral resources are to this day
unknown, have each increased their vote in moie
titan double the ratio of Philadelphia or Allegheny,
wait all their manufactories and their new enter
prizes daily springing up, and keeping up a constant
demand for mechanics and laborers of every de
Is it by accident that the illegitimate increase in
the vote of the State is all in the Locofoco counties,
and all on the Locofoco side? Is it by accident
that the increase in the Whig vote is the exact ratio
of the increase of population, and that the Locofoco
vote exceeds that ratio by almost ten thousand? Is
it by accident that the Locofoco gain in the Whig
counties is met by a corresponding loss in the Whig
vote, and that a Whig gain in the Locofoco coun
ties is answered by a still larger gain for the Loco•
focos I The following circular which was issued
at Harrisburg last winter, contains a few hints, :I ‘At
may aid our fellow citizens in the solution of the
problem :
Of a Committee appointed by the Democratic
Menibers of the Legislature.
We address you on behalf of the democratic
members of the Senate and Routs, of Representa
tives ; and we address you on a subject of vital
interest to the mimeos of the demdcratic party in a
content which is about to commence, of unexam
pled importance. The Presidential and Guberna
torial election takes place next fall: to rally our
friends at the polls with spirit, energy and success
requires time, labor skill and activity. Organiza
tion, therefore, is the only guarantee against a signal
defeat: organization, too, which shall reach every
township in the Commonwealth, and enlist ilie
hearty co-operation of every democrat. The prin
ciples which are identified with the democratic
party are surely worth preserving„ but it is for every
friend of the party to decide for himself, whether
the faith of his fathers shall be maintained in its
purity, or be struck down forever by the triumph of
Federalism in two consecutive elections. In the
contest which is approaching, all the ingenuity
which federal whiggery can put in motion will be
resorted to; all the plans which a bed cause never
fails to bring into the field, will be marshalled, drill
ed, and armed with falsehoods for the occasion.—
The democratic members, therefore, anxious to
arouse their brethren throughout the .State to a
sense of the danger which threatens their cause and
their principlee, have determined to make nn effirrt
to nave the party from defeat, secure its principles
and rescue this good old Commonwealth from the
inglorious position she took in the campaign of
1840. As a preliminary measure to the great con
test in the fall, the Whigs have determined, if pos
sible, to secure a large number of the Judges and
Inspectors at the Spring 'election; if they are sue-1
cessful in this, you will. readily perceive the power '
which the opposition will Wield. It is distinctly
understood that tho Whig party intend to senile an
advantage in the manner we have indicated. It,
therefore, become. the duty of every democrat to
exert himself raid arouse his friends, and warn them
of the danger which threatens his ward, borough
or township, and thus secure a large turnout at the
election for Judges nnd Inspectors. This done, we
shall have the vantage ground, and an easy victo
ry will be the result. The democratic members
desire that you would communicate these facts to
such of our political friends in your ward, borough
or township, as will take an interest in adopting
such measures as will uphold and sustain the party.
It is not necessary to make an appeal to your pa
triotism or love - of country to enter heartily into this
measure : the bleeding condition of your country
appeals with sufficient force toyour sympathies, and
the prostrate condition of the democratic party in
1840, it is hoped, is a sufficient inducement to
arouse every friend to exertion and action.
The contents of thts letter should be made known
only to such of our friends as will keep their own
counsel, and assist in organizing the party; and it is
very desirable that itshould not appear in any
newspaper, or be communicated to our political
opponents. The most efficient organization can
be made without noise or confusion.
Wu desire to open a correspondence, with the
active men in your county, and for that purpose
you will please forward the names of such persons
and their Post Mikes to the committee as you think
will take a part in organizing the State.
3,352 3,352
EDWARD A. PENNIMAN, Philadelphia.
A. 1.. RO UM FORT,
HENRY. W. SMITH, Reading, Berks county.
fatopton County.
JOHN B. STERIGERE, Norristown, Mururoa'.
[cry county.
JOSEPH BAILEY, Parkersville, Chester co.
ASA DIMOCK, Montrose, Susquehanna co.
OBED EDSON. Busse!burg, Warr., co.
W. MERHYPIELD. Hyde Park, Luzerne co.
DANIEL L. SHER W(SOD. Minimal Id Tioga co.
ALEX. BRACKENRIDGE, Pittsburg, Allglieny
JAMES R. SNOWDEN, Franklin, Venango co.
WILLIAM P. SILArPECK, Meadville, Craw
[ford county.
JOHN HILL, Ligonier, Weatmoreland co.
JAMES MACMAN Bellefunt, Contract,.
SOLOMON SIIINDEL, Gratz, Dauphin co.
WILLIAM BIGLER, Clearfield, Clearfield co,
SAMUEL N. BAlLY,Dillaburg, York co.
Harrisburg, January 1844.
P. 8. During the session of the Legislature the
Committee will of course be addressed at Harris-
Yes! Keep your own counsel—don't let a
Whig see our Circular—secure your Judges and
Inspectors oorn WE SHALL HATE THE TANTA.
AULT !" The Harrisbug mandate was obeyed.—
The plot was successful. Votes were made to
order, the State is made safe for Mr. Polk, and the
farce is called the solemn verdict of the people!
Prior to the gubernatorial election, it wee a com
mon remark among the leading members of the
Imcofoco party, that Mr. Clay was stronger in
Pennsylvania, by ten thousand vote., than the
Whig candidate for Governor. They resolved to
make their great effort, therefore, at the October
election, and carry their candidate by not less than
ten thousand majority. On that majority, the
"knowing ones" of their party, bet their money in
large amounts, and with the utmost confidence.—
But at this time no one anticipated a majority for
Gen. Markle in the city and county of Philadelphia.
co as. 1:5 CD'
The Locoforom expected to maintain their aseen ,
theory there, and it was conceded to them by the
Whigs, until within a few days of the election.—
If we deduct from the Whig candidate the unlooked
for majority of 5,955, which he received in the
city and county of Philadelphia, Mr. Skunk's ma
jority in the State would he ten thousand two hun
dred andfour ; just enough to win the UM, and
discourage the Whigs Inas any f art/ter efforts
to carry the State fin. Mr. Clay! Mr. Shuttles
actual majority, or rather, the majority given to
Mtn by the "official returns," was 4,282. A.m.
ming Mr. Clay to be ten thousand stronger than
the Whig candidate for Governor, it became nec
cessary, in order to make the State entirely safe for
Mr. Polk, to increase the Locoforo vote some six
or seven thousand. It teas accord.ney increasi
ed seven thousand, one hundred and thirty two!
Lucky—lucky accident !
That fraud has been practised to the extent that
was necesaary, in the language of the Harrisburg
Circular, to redeem Pennulvania from the in
glorious position tuhtch she look in 1840," can
scarcely de doubted by en intelligent citizen who
will take the pains to examine the facts which are
now furnished. Mr. CLAT has received Seventeen
thousand one hundred and eighty-lbw. bola, more
than were given to General 11.rrisort in 1840
andeight hundred more than Mr. Shawl receive
ed in October last ; and yet, according to the of
ficial returns, Mr. Polk has beaten him. by a ine ,
jority of Six thousand three hundred and thirty
three ! We declare it as our firm belief, that such
is not the true and honest result. Whatever the
official returns may show to the contrary, it is our
settl d conviction, that Joseph. Markle was f . 01.-ly ,
elected to the Gulernotorialchair in October. and
that Henry Clay received a majority of the legal
voles of this Commonwealth at the late election.
In every stage of the contest, our opponents have
acted meanly and dishonourably. 'Hwy have ac
commodated the political prineitles of their can .
didates to the prejudices of every .1.11• mile of
territory in which voters are to be found. They have
baptised M. Polk in the faith of every church in the
Commonwealth, and Where churches are unpop
ular. he is stiil an unregenerate sinner. While the
sovreign State of South Carolina prepares for him
a Free-trade Diploma, the "Democracy of Penn
sylvania ' proclaim him a 'Para min. anal stand
ready to commit their iron, their coal. tlieir agricul
ture and their industry to his protection! They
have alsailed the private character of Mr. Clay,
with a malignant ferocity that has no parallel in
political warfare. The noble Champion of Ameri
can rights, whose name is written ih brilliant and
'living characters on every page o bur history for
the poet forty years--the Orator and linesman of
the ego, whose publlc life to without reproach— the
honest, fearless old Whig of the school of Wash
ington—they have charged with almost every crime
registered in the Newgate Callender—they have
applied to him, without ceasing, the vilest ep;thete
that could be distilled from the fish markets of
Billingsgate, and bare hung his effigy on their
hickory poles; while 7'homt.a IV. Dorr,n convicted
felon in the Penitentiary of Rhode-Island, has been
held up by them as n staining Loam,' Cc
has been formally invited to their festivals and con
ventions, and has lately received a vela:vote nomi
nation for the Presidency from the Hon. George
M. Dallas ! They have won an election by dex
terous swindling, but they hare tout their honor.
Whigs of Pennsylvania! A few years ago, our
party was twenty : live thousand votes in the mi
nority ; now, we constitute a clear majority of the .
qualified electors of the State. We are an army of
one hundred and sixty-one thousand strong, and
our opponents dare not meet us, ill a fair, manly
struggle in an open field! We bare the tame name
that was borne by Washington and the brave men
whom he led through the battles of the Revolution;
we represent the same principles, and are fighting in
the same causes While we emulate their virtues,
let tut imitate their example. Let us he firm, uni
ted and resolved to fight on under the ample folds
of the Whig banner, that has never yet been dis
honored, and beneath which American interests
have always found substantial and safe protection.
The purity of the ballot-box must he restored—
the wrong inflicted upon Henry Cloy, must be
avenged !
Committco on Organization of the Nation! Clay
Philadelphia, Dec. 9th, 1854.
"Cuffee, what do you think de mese useful of
de plunets--de sun or de ninon ?'• Well, Sam
bo, 1 link de moon orter take de lust rank in dui
ar' tic•kler." " Wha, who, who. whit, why do you
tink so, Cuffed'!" "Well, I tell you , boo. the
shines by night when we want light, and do suci
shines by day when we do not!' Well, Cute
you is the greatest nigger 1 knose on—dot's a real
How is your husband this morning. Mrs.
&pins 1"
Why, the doctor says as how if he lives till
mornin,' he shall have some hopes of him; but if
he don't live till mornM' he won't have no hopes
of him !'"
Dow, Jr. after demonstrating that wraith
does not proem, itappine,P, soya : "A n.s
a small house, a small farm. a small wile, u Mg dog,
a farrow cow, two or three fat pigs, and nine el il.
am, aught to be eatiefie4. If ke isle* be wet ean bee