HUNTINGDON JOURNAL ze country, one constitution, one destiny. IMltinznatitnoalcipai 3dnesday morning, Dec. 18, '44. 7.1 , . B. PALMER, Esq. (No. b 9, Pine street Third, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act as dfor this paper, to procure subscriptions and rtisentents. --_)- WOOD ! WOOD! ! WOOD 1 ! !.!() s it is now decidedly COOL WEATHER, and wo n want of heat in our office, we would like to v which of our near country subscribers will us a load—don't all come at once! Come in though, or perhaps we may Re-treat. GOOD NEWS FROM OHIO. We are glad to learn that the Hon. THOMAS mons (Ex-Governor,) has been elected by the do Legislature to the United States Senate, in ice of the Hon. BENJ. TAPPAN, whose term of •vice expires on the 4th March next. He recciv -60 votes. The Locofocoa cast their votes for tin T. DISNEY, Esq. who received 46 votee. CC? FOURTH PAOH.-See Sheriff Sales, Procla tions, List of Jurors, and Trial List for January rm 1845, on 4th page of this paper. ojs.lf any of our delinquent patrons intend to us have fattened Tuartsrs for Christmas and .w Year, we would like to see them forthcoming almost no time. Q Two men in the city of New York, who ,ted for Polk and Dallas, were tried week before it, convicted of illegal voting and perjury, and , ntenced to the Penitentiary; one for two years, Id the other for six months. STATE TEMPERANCE CONVENTION. By a call of the State Temperance Committee, e see that a State Temperance Conventiin is to held in Harrisburg, on Wednesday, the twenty cond day of January next. Moan Susen Ml:mi.—Silver in the proper n of sixteen pounds to the ton of ore, is said to • abundant in the copper mine district of Lake 'polio, Taos Onz.—Discoveries of valuable iron ore we been made in the lower Anthracite region of ennsylvania, a little North East of Harrisburg. Congress, Nothing has transpired at Washington, since our last, to excite very general interest. Mr. Atcheson, of Mo., Senator elected for the unexpired term of Dr. Linn, and the Senators from New York, Messrs. Dickenson and Foster, appointed by the Governor, in the places of Messrs. Tallmadge and Wright, resigned, appeared in the Senate, and were sworn in. In the Senate, Mr. McDuffle, of South Carolina, submitted a joint resolution to annex Texas to the United States, or the United Slates to Texas—it is not certain which. The resolution goes on to recite the Treaty which was rejected by the Senate, and declares that upon its being adopted by Texas, it shall be the fundamental law of the land. This, is in effect, taking the question out of the treaty ma king power of the United States,created by the con stitution, and submitting the question to Texas, and asking her to say whether she will agree that the United States Government shall assume the debts of the " Lone Star," and exercise jurisdiction over her. Such is the elasticity of our constitution, in the opinion of Lacofocoism. Mr. Benton also in troduced a bill to annex Texas, which was referred to the committee on Foreign Relations. This bill requires, among other fair and equitable provisions, the consent of the government of Mexico to the treaty to be negotiated. In the House, Mr. C. 3. Ingersoll reported a project for the annexation of Texas. The Senate adopted a bill'requiring the Presiden tial elections to be held on the same day (2nd Tues day in November) in all the States. It remains to he seen whether the Locofoco House will adopt this wholesome law. The bill should, in our opinion, be so amended as to require the Congressional elm fions to be held on the same day throughout Ihts Union. This would, in a measure, preserve the purity of the ballot-box; but Locofocoism, which likes to send hordes of voters from city to city to vote in every ward, would probably oppose such a law; or if passed, would nullify it, as they did the single district law in many of the Locofoco States. The Magazines. GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE for January 1845, has been received. It is a most superb number, begin ning a new volume. The embellishments are rich and rare. It would be a Christmas or New Year's gift characterized by good taste, cheapness and beauty. Tan LADIES' NATIONAL MAGAZINE for January has also come to haul, and is well filled with choice contributions, and displays beautiful pictorial em bellishments. This too, would prove an appropri ate Holyday Present. The Magazines for is nuary are certainly the best that ever came up the pike." .Gasessr" for the present month has not yet arrived—it . is the only number that has missed us, and we do not know who is at fault. We dis like Irving the volume spoiled by the loss. Will the publisher have the kindness to forward us the o,—ember number. For Me Journal. Whig Policy. MR. EDITOR:- The city Whig presses as well as others in the interion of this State, are now buisily engaged in pointing out the course or policy which ought to be pursued by the Whigs of the Union.— Some are for adhering to a strict party organiza tion—others, for withdrawing the party from the field of action, and suffering the Latter-day De mocracy to pursue the even tenor of its way. We agree in part with the latter—so far, however, as respects the immediate annexation of Texas, and a repeal of the Tariff of 1842, we would advise the whigs in Congress, (and we have just as good a right to give advice as any other clod-hopper,") to resist those measures recommended by Presi dent Tyler, in his late speech during the present Session, and let Mr. Polk and his friends have the responsibility of adopting them at the next In Pennsylvania, during the last canvass, the friends of Mr. Polk advocated his election on the grounds that he was more of a Tariff man than Mr. Clay. The Whigs denied the assertion, and endeavored to convince the rank and file of the party, that their leaders were deceiving them. '!Mr. Polk is elected, and how is the question of veracity to be settled, if the advice of the Whig press, as respects the "Policy of the Whigs," is adopted!— We are aware that individual interest must suffer by the experiment; it will be for the permanent interest of the country, to let the Free Trade Doc trine be introduced and carried out to its greatest extent. Among other references to the election of a Uni ted States Senator, in this State, the Telegraph of Harrisburg, has introduced the name of the present Governor, D. R. Porter, as a Candidate in rather an unfavorable point of view. We view this at- 1 tack of the Telegraph, however, as savouring more of personal hoatlity, than any other grourrd. We know D. R. Porter—he is a well-tried politician, and in the exercise of that character, has done things that have given offence to his opponents, bet, he is in principle, a Tariff man, and a Pennsylvanian in feeling, and I would prefer him a thousand times before a Snowden—a Penniman—or any other " Barn-burner" in the State. The Whigs ought to place none of their friends in nomination, "to the victors belong the spoils"—let the Democracy of the country nominate their candidates, and the Whigs can decide among evils, in favor of the least. AN OLD WIIIG. December 16, 1844. The Twenty-fifth Rule. The vote in the House of Representatives on Mr. ADAMS ' resolution to rescind the twenty-fifth rule stood 109 to 80. The resolution was in these words , Resolved, That the Twenty-Fifth standing rule for conducting the business of the House in the words following: No petition, memorial, resolu tion, or other paper praying the abolition of sla very in the District of Columbia, or any State or Territory, or the sl me trade between the States or Territories of the United States in which it now exists, shall be received by this House, or enter tained in any way whatever;' be and the same is hereby rescinded. The vote was not strictly in accordance with the territorial distinctions of free and slave-holding States. Three members from New Hampshire, two from New York, two from Pennsylvania, two from Indiana, four from Illinois and three from Ohio, vo ted against the resolution to rescind. On the other hand three members from Maryland, ono from N. Carolina, and one from Kentucky, voted in favor of the rescinding resolution. The three from Mary land who voted to rescind the rule are Messrs. KENNEDY, WET... and Num)s. The two other members from the South who voted the same way, are CrarromAie of N. Carolina, and WHITE of Kentucky. WI, can see no good reason why the resolution of Mr. ADAMS should involve a test question on the subject of abolition. The right of petition was the real thing at issue. In the Senate of the U. States there has been no difficulty in respect to ab olition petitions, and for the simple reason that no question has been raised there respecting the recep tion of them. They have been received and laid upon the table. The same course could be pursued in the House. Or the petitions might have, for the occasion, a special reference to a Committee of which Mr. Adams should be Chairman, so that a Report from him on the subject might be produced. The following is an analysis of the vote in the House of Representatives on Tuesday, by which the motion of Mr. Adams, to rescind the rule ex cluding Abolition petitions, was adopted YEAS. NAYS. Loco. Whig. Loco. Whig. Maine 4 2 0 0 N. Hampshire 1 0 3 0 Massachusetts 2 8 0 0 Connecticut 3 0 0 0 Vermont 1 3 0 0 Rhode Island 0 2 0 0 New York 19 7 2 0 New Jersey 3 1 0 0 Pennsylvania 6 13 2 0 Delaware 0 I) 0 1 Maryland. 0 3 0 1 Virginia 0 0 9 3 N. Carolina' 0 1 5 2 S. Carolina 0 0 6 0 Georgia 0 0 5 1 Alabama 0 0 6 1 Mississippi 0 0 1 0 Louisiana 0 0 4 0 Arkansas 0 0 0 0 Missouri 0 0 4 0 Illinois 1 1 4 0 Indiana 6 2 2 0 Ohio 7 8 3 0 Kentucky 0 1 5 3 Tennessee 0 0 5 3 Michigan 3 0 0 0 56 52 65 15 co- ft seems that emigration from this country to Texas daring the present year has been quite as active as in previous years. The number of emi grant. that passed through the frontier town of Van Buren, in Arkansas, is stated, is aliout five thousand Dols, and the emigration by other routes is said to e.-eay. as crest. ' "'. Mara• The Popular Vote, We annex a statement of the popular vote in the several States at the late Presidential Election. The full official vote isgiven in eighteen states, and the reported and estimated majorities in the others. Clay. Polk. Btrney. Maine; 34,346 45,719 4,837 N. Hampshire 17,866 27,160 4,161 Massachusetts 67,768 63,262 10,027 Connecticut 32,832 29,841 1,943 Rhode Island 7,322 4.867 5 Vermont 26,770 18,041 3,984 New York 232,454 237,555 15,740 New Jersey 38,318 37,495. 131 Pennsylvania 161,203 167,535' 3,136 Delaware 6,267 5,965' Maryland 35,984 32,676 Virginia 6,000 Ohio 155,057 149,115 8,050 Kentucky 10,000 N. Carolina 43,232 39,287 S. Carolina [Chosen by the Legislature.] Georgia 42,106 44,155 Alabama 12,000 Ind'ana 67,867 70,181 2,106 Illinois 10,000 Michigan 24,237 27,703 3,632 Mississippi 17,920 23,162 Tennessee 60,030 59,917 Louisiana 687 Missouri 8,000 A rkansas 3,000 1,081,579 1,113,323 Mr. Polk's majority over Mr. Cloy, exclusive of South Carolina, is 31,744. If to this be addded 20,000 as the majority for Mr. Polk in South Car olina, whose vote is not included in the above, the Legislature of that State choosing her electors, Mr. Polk's majority over Mr. Clay is 51,744. The Abolition vote, as stated above, is 57,754, Add to this, 2,500, the probable vote for Mr. Bir ney in Illinois, and the total Abolition vote is 60,- 254. The Abolition vote, therefore exceeds Mr . Polk's majority over Mr. Clay by 8,510 votes; and Mr. Polk has consequently been elected President of the United States by a minority of the popular vote. Harrison's majority in 1840 was 145,900, leav ing out of the count S. Carolina. Inzluding it, his majority was probably, in round numbers, 130,000. Van Duren's majority in 1836 over Harrison was 25,876. Deduct from this the probable vote for C oth n, and Van B uran's majority was between 10,000 and 15,000. HIGH-HANDED PROCEEDINGS. The State of Massachusetts appointed agents to reside at Charleston, S. C., and at New Orleans, to protect the rights of "free persons of color," citi zens of Massachusetts, who may happen to go into those States. The Hon. SAMVEL HOAR, a gentle man of high standing, was the agent sent to Charleston. The Legislature of South Carolina have passed resolutions instructing the Governorto EXPEL Mr. Hoar, immediately from the borders of the State. There was but one vote against them in the House; and when sent to the Senate, prompt ly concurred in. Such high-handed and insulting conduct is disgraceful, and presents the chivalry of S. Carolina in a tattered and defiled uliform4 [Telegraph. co — Y It seems to be impossible to get a jury to try the case of Polly Bodine, charged with the murder of Mrs. Houseman. The Sheriff has ransacked the county, but cannot procure more than six unpreju diced persons, all the rest having made up their minds as to her guilt or innocence. It is a singular and we believe an unparalleled case of difficulty in a jury• trial. A diseased potatoewasmagnified 9000 times at Oxford, Massachusetts, and found to contain an imacula, with bodies like the soldier ant, and legs like the hairy garden spider. c - Senator Benton is said to be as decidedly adverse as ever to the Annexation of Texas. 170- At a meeting of tho Washingtonian Tem perance Society, of the Borough of Huntingdon, held at the Old Court House, on Saturday evening the 7th inst., the following persons named, were elected to serve as officers for the ensuing year. MAT'T'HEW CROWNOVER, Pres'th. A. W. 131:NcnieT, JAM. HEMPHILL, JACOB 11OFFMAN, WAI. SNlsetl. Vice Presidents. Richardson Read, Rec. Secretary. J. M. Cunningham, Assistantdo. J. Sewell Stewart, Corresponding Sec. Richardson Read, Treasurer. Mathew M'Connell, Andrew Harrison, William It. King, .Ex. Committee. John S. I'atton, David Snyder, I Mhr ^ .s`tilEi7, On Thursday, the 12th inst., by the Rev. H. G. Dill, Mr. JOHN L. WALKER, to Miss MARGA. RET FOSTER, both of Huntingdon county. DI^D, On Monday, the 2d inst., Mrs. MARY ANN STE WART, consort of Maj. J. W. Stewart, of Canoe Creek, aged about 36 years. WASHINGTONIANS ! The Society will meet at the usual place, the OW Court House, on Saturday evening next. The members will please bring along their books, with mouths" &c. prepared for use—tho Ladies in particular, will take notice. The first lecture of the course to be given this winter will he delivered by A. W. Benedict, Esq. Dec. 18, 1844. R. READ, Sec'y. Bridge .Proposals. PROPOSALi will be received at the Com missioners' Office in Huntingdon, till Janu ary Coutt next for the building of a Bridge across Stone Creek, at Couch's Mill, in Bar ree township. The plan and specifications can he seen at any time in the Commission ers' Office. ALEX. KNOX, Jr. MORD. CHILi.;()TE, JOHN F. MILLER, Commiasioners. Dec. 18, 1894. Premuim COOKING-STOVE, medium size, with all the necessary furoi tore—used for some time—for sale—cheap —for cash, approved credit, or in exchange for couutry produce. Apply at this office. The Pennsylvania I'ELZIGRAPEC . FOR THE SESSION OF 1846. The People of Pennsylvagia have a deep inter est in the proceedings of the Legislature and will feel anxious to see the policy pursued and measures recommended by the new administration which takes the reins et Government in January next.— The Whigs are in a minority, but representing a large majority of the intelligence and taxpaying in terests of the country, they will hold a srrongclieck upon the movements of radical Locofocoism and party zeal. We presume that the Whigs of Penn sylvan;a will feel a strong desire to scan the pro ceedings of the Legislature; and we intend giving them an opportunity to do so, through the medium of the Telegraph. For many years it has been ad mitted by all parties, to contain the most faithful and impartial reports of Legislative proceedings; and we pledge ourself that in this respect it shall fully maintain its reputation, besides giving Congres sional Proceedings and the General News of the day. In doing so our expenses will be heavy and we confidentially look to the Whigs of the State to cheer us with a liberal support. TERMS OF THE SESSION PAPER: The Telegraph will be published semi-weekly during the session, on a double super-royal sheet at $2. Six copies of the paper will be sent upon the receipt of $lO in advance. Money may be transmitted by mail, and Post Masters are authorized to frank letters containing money for newspapers. 57,734 REGISTER'S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons concerned, that the following named per sons have settled their accounts in the Re gister's Office at Huntingdon, and that the said accounts will be presented for confirma tion and allowance at an Orphans' Court to be held at Huntingdon, in and for the coun ty of Huntingdon, on ‘Vednesday the 15th day of January next, viz r, 1. Jeremiah Cunningham, Guardian of George Mattern, a minor son of David Mat tern, late of Franklin township, dec'd. 2. James Entrekin, Esq, administrator of the estate of Thomas Wilson, late of Hope well township, deceased. fr. John Withzrow, administralorde bonis non, with the will annexed, of the estate of John Ramsey,late of Dublin tnwnship,dec'd. 4 John Barr, acting executor of the last will and testament of Thomas Holmes, late of the borough of Gaysport, deceased. 5. John M. Gibboney and Daniel C. Gib honey, administrators of the estate of Willis Gibboney, late of Allegheny tp. deceased. 6. Michael Bossier, Guardian of David, Elizob!th, Susan, and Sarah Bossier, minor children of Jacob Bossier, late of Woodher- E3' t wnship, deceased. 7. Thompson Metlin, administrator of the estate of Thomas Metlin, late of the bor.' of Birmingham, deceased. 8. John Etnire, surviving executor of the lost will and testament of Martin Etmre, ' late of Shirley township, deceased. 9. Hugh Allen, executor of the last will and testament of John Nichol, late of Frank lin township. deceased. 10. Jacob Miller, administrator of the es tate of Margaret Mehaffey, late of the bor ough of Huntingdon, deceased. 11. Peter C. Swoope and John S. Patton, administrathrs of the estate of John Swoope, late of Walker township, deceased. 12. Joshua Roll er, at viola executor of the last will and testament of Philip Roller, late of Morris township, deceased. JOHN REED, Register. Register's (Mice, Hunting don, Dec. 14, A. D. 1844. u~OL't~®®o In the Court of Common Pleas of Hunting don County : Maria M. Kancher, by her next friend, I Plories Subpcena for S. F. Henry, l l Divorce. Martin Katcher. I No. 155, Janua ry Term,lB44. J On the Petition or Libel of the above named plaintiff, presen ted to the said court, the defendant, Martin Karcher,' is commanded, that, for the causes therein set forth, he be and appear in his proper person before our Judges at Hunting don at a court of cDmmon pleas there to be held in and for said county, on the 2d Mon day of January next, to answer the said petition or libel, and to show cause, if any he has, why the said Maria M. Kancher, his wife, shoull not be divorced from the bonds of matrimony, according to the laws of this Commonwealth in such case made and provided. JOHN ARMITAGE, Dec. 18, 1844. Sheriff. Notice to Creditors. The account of Henry Reigart and Jere miah C'. Betts Trustees under a voluntary assignment of the property and effects of John B. Reigaft late of Gaysport in the court} , of Huntingdon has been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of said county, and will ue presented to the Judges of said court on the 2d Monday of January next, for confirmation and allowance, of which all persons interested will take notice. JAMES STEEL, Dec. 18, 1844. Pro'ty, AUDITOR'S NOTICE.--The under• signed appointed auditor by the court of common pleas of Huntingdon county, to ap propriate and make distribution of the pro ceeds of the Sheriff's Sale of the real estate of John Burket, to wit of a Tan Turk and about three acres of land situate in tVar riorsmark township, sold to John Spanogle, Jr., in the hands of Joseph Shannon, late Sheriff of said county, hereby gives notice that he will attend for that purpose at the Prothonotary's Office, in Huntingdon, on Thursday the 9th of January next, at two o'clock, P . M., when and where all persons interested may attend if they thinkproper. JACOB MILLER, Dec. 18, 1844. Auditor. Estate of Isaac Vandevander, Esq., ( Late qf II alker Ip. dec'd.) vcro I'ICE is hereby given that lettersof AA administration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons having claims or demands against the same are requested to make them known without delay, and all persons indebted to make immediate payment to WM. V ANDEVAN DER, JOHN HOUSHOLDER, Jr. Adm'rs. Walker tp., Nov. 6, 1894. UV.123.1 t3mvars3mlasls.2, attorney at Law, HOLLIDAYSBURG, PA 14 7 i1l practice, in the several courts o/ Hun lingdon, Bedford, and Combrsa. coup• All ltustness entrusted to his care, will be faitlqully ottended to. OFFlCE.—Diamond. ORPHANS' 0017 RV SALE. Z_N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale, by public vendue, on the premises, on Friday, the 20th December next as the property of Martin Etnire, deceased, the fol. lowing described TII itE Fll FARMS, or tracts of land, situate in Shirley township, Hun tingdon county, to wit, One thereof adjoining lands of J. M. and S. 11. Dell on the north-east, of William Shaffer on the east and south, lands of the heirs of Elizabeth Et sire, deceased, and other lends of Martin Etnire, de ceased, containing 136 acres, more or less, nearly all of which is cleared and in cultivation, having a two story LOG HOUSE, LOG BARN, and other buildings thereon. ALSO one other thereof, adjoining the above on the north, land of Jacob Lutz on the west, and land of William Shaffer on the south and cast, con taining _ _ more or less, the principal part of which is cleared, having thereon erected a LOG HOUSE, a FRAME BARN, and other buildings. And ALSO the other thereof, adjoining the last above de -cribed on the north, land of William Shaffer on the east, land of John Long on the south, land of Jacob Lutz and Joseph Miller on the west, containing 105 acres, more or less, nearly the whole of which is cleared, having a two story LOG LOUSE, a LOG BARN, and other buildings thereon, and on which Benj. Long now resides. THEO : FENN. TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur chase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale; the residue in two equal annual payments, with in terest from the confirmation ; to oe secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court, JOHN REED, Clerk.. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P.M., and atten dance will be given by the undersigned. JOHN MORRISON, GEORGE EBY, Nov. 27, I 844.—ts. Adm'rs &c. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. 44N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to , sale ypublic vendee, on the premises, on Friday, the 20th day of December next, is the property of Elizabeth Etnire, deemed, the Ollowing described TWO PIECES OF LAND, situate in Shirley township, to wit, One thereof adjoining lands of James M. and Samuel H. Bell, Smalley's heirs, James M. Bell, and the heirs of Martin Etnire, deed., containing 35 acres and allowance. And' the other thereof adjoining lands of James M. Bell, Peter Long, and the heirs of Martin Etnire, deceased, containing 30 ACRES and 135 perches and allowance, on which land an iron ore bank is situate and opened. TERMS OF SALE.—One third of the pur chase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale; the residue in two equal annual payments, with in terest from the confirmation; to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court JOHN REED, Clerk. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., and atten dance will be given by the undersigned. _ JOHN ifORRISON, GEORGE EBY, Nov. 27, 1844.—t5. Executors. A LL persons interested will take notice 404 that the account of Henry Snyder, Committee of the person and estate of Con rad Snyder, an Idiot, has been filed in the office of the Prothonotary of the Court of Common Pleas of Huntingd on connty, and will be presented t the Court on the second Monday cf January next!,lB4s) for confirm ation and allowance, and will he then con firmed unless cause be shewn to the contra. ry. JAMES STEEL, Nov. 26, 1844.—5 t. Prot'v. STRAY HEIFER, Came to the residence of the subscriber, in Sinking Valley, Tyrone township, some time last June, a dark brindle heifer, some white on its belly, supposed to be a year old last spring. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay char ges and take it away. FREDERICK REAMY. Dec. 4, 1844. STRAY HEIFERS. Came to the residence of the subscriber in Warriormark township, on the '22d day of November, 1894, two stray Heifers, ri sing three years old, the one is black, the other red,-with some white spots, and has a short tail. The owner is requested to come and prove property, pay charges, and take them away. HENRY FUNK. Dec. 11, 1849. Estate of Esther Bonslough, late of Allegheny township, deceased. LETERS of administration on the said T tr estate hare been granted to the under signed. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims against it will pre sent them properly authenticated forsettle ment without delay, to WILLIAM. DORRIS, Jr. Adm'r. Nov. 20, 1844. Huntingdon ESTATE OF JAMES 'PULLEY, Late of Barree township, Huntingdon county, deceased. wOTICE is hereby given, that letters 4.L4 testamentary upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same are re quested to present them duly authenticated for settlement, to JANE TULLEY, JOHN OAKS, 5 Exr's. November 20, 1844. Barree tp. J. SEWELL STEWART, ATTO/11117 AT ILAW*O lIUN7 INGD ON, P.R. Office in Main street, three doors west of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry establishment. February 14,1843.--tl. S. Hearsley Henderson, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Iluntingtion, Fa. Office on Main street, one door West of William Dorris' Store. Huntingdon, June 12,1844. Watches, Siker Ware 4• Jewelry WisaNsieWi w " .— hand and kt:'ep constantl. Iv for sale, beside their own manufactures, Watches of all kinds and prices; Silver Ware, Jewelry and Fancy Goods, in their variety, which will be sold low. Spectacle Glasses fitted to all ages and sights, in Gold, Silver, Germar. Silver and Steel Frames, with convex, concave, periscopic, blue, grey and green glasses. ir' Watchmakers supplied with all nt cessary articles in their line, such as Tools, Materials, Glasses &c, 7 Watches- repaired at short notice and warranted to perform. 7 Cash or exchange Oven for old Gold and Silver. S 5 acres, Thomas Fisher,.ln the Common vs. Pleas of Hunting- Henry Haines, Benja- I don county. Writ min Elliott. John Elili- de partitione Fa, Calvin Bythe, Jon. >.cienda, Defendant, Blythe, and Calvin will take notice Blythe, Jr., William that in pursuance Yeager and Patience of said writ, inquest Yeager• will be held on Sat- urday, the 11th day of January, 1845, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on a Lnt of ground situate in the borough of Huntingdon, adjoining a Lot of the heirsof David MeMurtrie, dec'd., on the east, and a Lot of H. P. Dorsey's heir's on the west, numbered 7 in the plan of said town, to part and divide the same. JOHN ARMITAGE, Sh'ff. Dec.'l, 1844. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, the undersigned Trustees appointed to make sale of the real estate of Jacob Keller, late of Morris township, in said county dec'd., will expose to sale by public vendue, on Friday the 27th day 12f December, inst., at 1 o'clock, P. M., on the premises, the plantation and tract of land on which said deceased in his time resided, situate in the said township and coun ty, adjoining lands of Hugh Fergus on the west, John & William Walters and a small lot sold to the School Directors, on the south, of George, Hen ry & David Keller on the east, and of Henry 8. Spang on the north, containing M C) Ja. cri• re. clo as s or thereabouts, of which about 150 are cleared, up land and 10 of meadow, having a two story LOG HOUSE, FRAME BANK BARN, A SMALL FRAME HOUSE and an apple orchard thereon. The said tract is of the best quality of land, plea. rattly situated, being bet a short distance from Waterstrect, on the Turnpike road. Terms of A ile.--One third of the purchase money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, one third in one year thereafter with interest, and the residue it and immediately after the death of Catharine Kel ler, widow of said deceased, the interest of this third to be paid to the said widow annually during heti ' life;—the whole to be scented by the Vaud* a ••• mortgage of the purchaser. A'OTICE. Orphans' Court sale. ITN pursoance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, wEI be exposed to sale by public voodoo, on the premises, on Saturday, the 21st day of December next, one and a half lots of ground in the village of Smithfield, Walker township, bounded on the went by lots of Catharine Eckelberger, on the south by the turnpike rood, on the east by vacant lot, being lot N 0.3, and half of lot N 0.2 in the plan of said town, having thereon erected a large two story FRAME ROUSE, formerly kept as a tavern, a FRAME [lt STABLE, a WAGONMAKER SHOP, and other improvements --late the estate of Chestian Port, deceased. TERMS OF SALE—One third part of the pur chase money to be paid on the confirmation of the sale; ono third in one year thereafter, with interest; and the residue at and immediately after the death of Eliza Flenner, (late Eliza Port) widow of the. said deceased, the interest of the said third payment to be paid to the said widow annually and regularly during her natural life; the whole to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court, JOHN REED, Cleik. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., and at. tendance will be given by ELIZA FLENNER, Ex'x. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be expos ed to sale, on the premises, by public yen due or outcry, on ff.— James Peters & Co., No. JOS N. 2d St.. corner oflfr , tlett Alley, Philadelphia. J. P. & Co. continue to manufacture at their old stand, Silver Spoons, Spectacles, Thimbles &c oil as low tel ms as any" other manufactory in the city. 'filey have on• Phil'a., Dec. 11, 1'844.-2m. Orphan's Court Sale. .JOHN KELLER. (oflocob.) PETER SHAFFER, Dec. 4, 1844. Trustees. Nov. 27, 1844.—te. Orollaute Court 5: ale. Tuesday, Ike 24111 of December next, (1844,) all the following real estate, latent James Taylor, of Antes township. in said county, dec'd., viz : a tract or parcel of land containing URICID acres, be the same more or less, about $0 acres of which are cleared, with a two story log dwelling house, a cabin house, a cabin barn, a saw mill, and an apple orchard thereon 2 sal(' tract being patented, and being late th e residence of said deceased. Ja.U^M CD O One other tract of patented land, unim• proved, adjoining the above, and containing 50 acres, be the same more or less. And A LSO, One other tracOrpMcel of land, contain ing 155 acres, be the same more or less, bounded on he South by lands of James Mulhollen, on the North by the first above de.cribed tract, and on the East by lands of Israel CI yder and others ; being part of a certain tract or parcel of land lately divi ded between the said James Mulhollen, and the said James Ta ,, lor, deed. TERMS OF SALE :—One half of the purchase money to be paid on the confirma tion of thesale, and the residue in one year thereafter, with interest, to he secured by the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser. 15y the Court, JOHNFihED, Clerk. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. when due attendance will lie Riven by ROBEIVI Nov. 27. 1844,
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