Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 18, 1844, Image 1
. 3 A .1 ";`i, - .1 1 ." •t; ""t 4 4 4„. • ! t • s'; ~ e „„ ‹, „ • c 4. 13cbotcV to Goma Kittclittgotrc, 3VVcrtiotitz, Votitito, iiitcrattlxr, Sgoratitg, artrs, sarienrco,arricttittive„ C4trAtormettt, kr., kr. I ,zraDad to®v 41a). PUBLISHED BY THEODORE H. CR EMER. qa'as•Lnumias. The ~J ounx/a." will be published every Wed nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, 'and if not paid within six months, $2 50. No subscription received for a shorter period than six months, nor any paper discontintted till all ar -tearages are paid. Advertisements not exceeding ono square, will be Inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse `quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac cordingly. Goticy's Magazine AND ILABT'M 1130011 C. FOR 1845. The bed earnest a publisher can give of what he 'an and will ',lO next year is a reference to what he has done last year, or at any time for the last fifteen years. Under this view of the case it would be quite sufficient for ordinary purposes for us to say that the high character of this magazine fur literary and artiatical merit will be properly sustained. But we arc aware that the rapid and dazzling succession of novelties which we have brought forward within the last few years naturally excites a lively curiosity, and every subscriber is saying to himself what will Godey do next ? It is merely with a view to gratifying this curios ity on the part of our friends that we now proceed to enumerate seine of the features of our next year's plan, premising, however, that the enumeration must necessarily be partial and incomplete, fiom our invariable practice of seizing upon every REW ANII BItILLIANT Conn OF EMBELLISHMENT the moment it presents itself, as well as securing the services of all the POPULAR, LIVELY AND PIQUANT WRITERS the moment their characters aro distinctly develop ed and pronounced. The honor of bringing for ward first-rate gcnious into public notice and favor, end serving as a sort of prime conductor to electric flashes which send their light through the whole Union, has become quite habitual to the Lady's Book. Our original idea of illustrating American history by VIEWS OF BATTLE GROUNDS we are still calmly pursuing in a style that defies all com petition. The not less brilliant idea of illustrating the Heroism of American Ladies by a series of Engravings and Narratives whirls will serve to place in their true light the patriotism, devotion and self-sacrifice of our female ancestors in tho revolu tionary war, emphatically called Wife ii3oroic Age of Amorica, is also original with us. Other incidents of revolu tionary history will also furnish subjects for the embellishments of the coming year. Among the subjects already executed arc '. Reception of the news of Lexington fight, By Harley, Marion's entertainment of the B rit.otlicer, By White, Female Gallantry, By Hubert, , Storming of Red Bank Fort, By Hamilton, Count Donop's Monument, By Hamilton, The Battle of Concord Bridge, By Frankenstein The Germantown Battle-Ground, By Russel Smith Trenton Battle-Ground, By Hamilton, whh a large number of others, engaged but not yet sent in by the artists. Another new and striking feature we now propose for the first time in public, having had artists engaged for twelve months in working it out. Our readers will please to note the date of the announcement of this feature. It will , consist of Characteristic Slate Views, in Which the peculiarities of scenery, costume and customs of every state and territory of the Union will be pres ented in succession. This idea will of course be claimed by others, but our readers will not forget to mark dates. Our proffered premium of SOO for the best paint ing of a subject illustrative of American Female Patriotism has already brought a splendid array The award has been of talent into the field. postponed for another month out of courtesy to stains who have pictures still upon their easels. The premium of $250 for the best engraving will of course bring forward a series of first rate steel plates. In addition to all these advantages, the privilege of engraving the premium pictures of the Apollo association will serve to form a key-stone to our splendid system of embellishments. The public know our literary contributors well, for they have long been in the habit of recognizing them as the Leading writers of Ameiica in Magazine Lit orature—that literature which exacts from the ablest pens their most piquant and brilliant contributions, at the same tine that it condenses into a compact and pleasing form the moral, the useful, and the sol id in narrative, sketch and essay wtting. M EZZOTI NTS, MEZzOTltets, M EMT. Tq... It is only necessary to say that In this depart ment we have Sartain, Sadd and Warner, and each of them has several plates in hand. We shall, we think, have one in each number next year. AUTHENTIC FASHION PLATES, Godey's Lady's Book is the only Magazine that can he relied upon for the real fashions. Our translators sutler nothing of merit and inter est, which is suited to the design of the Lady's Book, in the literature of Germany, France Italy, and other nations of the European continent to escape them. Among many novel features in the literary way which are now in the course of preparation, for well-known reasons we choose to announce but one in this connexion, viz: The border legends of America, many of which have just reached us from the die tent regions which were formerly the scenes of bor der wars and hunting expeditions, and where the exploits of the famous Indian killers and hunters still furnish themes for purely national ballade, songs and stories to their children and grandchil dren, by the winter's fireside. It is not necessary for us to give the names of our writers—previous numbers will show that they see the best in America. TERMS OF GODEY'S MAGAZINE. 1 copy, 1 year, 1;3 2 copies, 1 year, 5 5 copies, 1 year, 10 8 copies. 1 year, 15 11 copies, 1 year, 20 Address L. A. GODEY, Publishers' Hall, Phil's. Godey's and Graham's Magazine will be furnish ed one year on receipt of $5, by 1,. A. CODEY, Philadelphia. La_CU7l% — L:l 4- I.I:.Z3•UDCCE:t O UDen., uz.l2:a EE3.C.4 Graham's Magazine', 1.g 4 ©Z=l3 E - . 3 4Qt ‘tit• Graham's American Monthly Magazine. for 1845, will commence a new volume, December 10th, 1844. with the January number. Its long and universally successful career, from its com mencement unit the present time, when it has a circulation exceeding by thoucands any other mag azine in the country, is perhaps as good an evi dence of its great and increasing merit as the pub lisher has it in his power to offer. To his old sub scribers, he trusts no assurances are necessary of his determination to maintain its present ascendency over all rival periodicals of the country. The en gagement, permanently, during tho past year, of such men as Bryant, Cooper,, Paulding, Dana, Longfellow, Iftffman, Neal, Mancur, etc., of high reputation in the literary world, as regulai contributors, In addition to a previous list embra cing the first names In the nation, is a sufficient guarantee that the work will continue to be the prin cipal medium of communication between the best authors and the public. Graham's Magazine has been, from its establtsh= meat, more than any other, the favorite periodical of the people of the United States. Though its plan does not entirely exclude articles of the most important character such as have raised Blackwood and some other foreign journals to their high influ ence and reputation, its pages are principally devo ted to what is usually termed light literature. It is distinguished from other publications of simrlar aims by the literary and artistic merit of its contents. While those of other works are unknown or an nonymous, the contributors to this aro the most em inent authors of our age and country, the very creators, founders, of our national literature. Es pecially it is celebrated as containing the choicest productions of the finest female writers of the time. Every number contains ems which may be appeal ed to with pride by the sex; as vindicating their intellectual eminence. It may satiny be asserted, that Graham's Magazine has regularlily engaged a better corps of writers than any other magazine; that since its establishment it has been the pioneer in magazine literature; and that the contributors of (Irish' am" have, by their able contributions, given a higher national character to periodical literattne in the United States than it ever before possessed. With such a list of writers as our pages exhibit, we may challenge the criticism of Europe. While the most able writers of the country are engaged as permanent contributors to Graham's Magazine, the arts are not overlooked. The most accomplished AMERICAN ARTITS employ their genius for our subscribers. The most elegant engravings that have ever appeared in America, have beeh given to the public in Graham's Magazine. We aro now prepared to give the right direction to the talents of oar artists, and are renal yeti that a national tono snail be strictly preserved in "Graham." Hereafter we shall place in the engravers' hands none but American pictures.-- Our own country abounds with the finest scenery in the world. It is full of historical associations, of thrilling interest, and on every band subjects start up, fit for the painter's pencil and the engraver's burin. Every patriotic sentiment urges the selec tion of national subjects for the pen and pencil, and we feel assured that the American public will sue, lain the enterprise. _ _ Variely qf magnificent Engravings. No magazine in the world has presented so great a variety of elegant engravings to its subscribers as Graham's. Every branch of art is brought into requisition, and every novelty in the Scenery, or in cident in American History, that can interest or instruct the reader, is seized upon by the artists in our employ. Among the styles to be put forth in our new volume for 1845, we will enumerate the following: AMERICAN BATTLE-GROUNDS. Giving correct pictures, taken on the spot, of the places in which the most remarkable battles have been fought. These engravings will be of the high est order of art ; end we may mention, that in order to insure a permanency in the elegance for which these designs have already become celebrated, wo have engaged Mr. Smiley for three years on A med. can Scenes and incidents. In addition to this, we have emoted into a per manent engagement with the house of Hewdon, Wright & Hatch, of New York, for a supply of most exqhisite pictures, among which we mention a series of elegant Indian and Prarie Scents, got up in the must magnificent style, and representing, from sketches taken from nature, the most beautiful scenery of our western country. Our Southern views, by the same house, which have become so I widely popular, will also he Continued. The ex quisite female heads engraved by this firm--among which we may instance that of Mrs. Stephens, which has never been equalled in this country— will be farther supplied by Messrs. R. W. & H., whose facilities and talents, in their line of art, are unrivaled in the world. We may safely say that we have all the pert artists emplayedon !Graham.' OUR PORTRAIT GALLERY, Occupies the time of several accomplished artists, among whom are Welch and Walter, G. Parker and others. PORTRAITS OF AUTHORS, Is a feature originated by the proprietor of Gra ham, and successfully carried out. We defy any competition in this branch. SARTAIN'S ELEGANT MEZZOTINTS. Mr. Sartain will furnish us, for the New Volume, a series of his magnificent mezzotints. One will appear in January. We need not soy to the readers of Graham, that these brilliant pictures excel any mezzotints ever issued in America, and his finest efforts have apposred in this work. FLOWERS COLORED FROM NATURE, Truthfully drawn by on able artist to take a place in a department, got up expressly for the ladies, for the Now Volume, embracing, the latest fashions, new styles of needle work, and ornamental work, etc., with letters on topics connected with female interests, will also form a feature in the Note Comic and Humorous Sketches. Mr. J. C. Neal, E. A. Poe, 11. H. Weld, and others, will furnish a series of amusing sketches, which will be handsomely illustrated by Croome, or Barley. We shall also have hits at Fashionable LTe in Letters from abroad, Written by F. J. Grand, Eeg.„Consul to Ant werp, who will also furnish us,with the earliest lit erary intelligence, and short notices of new works, prior to their appearance here in the shape of re prints. This will give " Graham" a position to adjust the value of foreign works, before the pia -1 chaser here has been duped by puffs paid for by in terested publishers. Editorial and Critical Department. The Editorial Department will continue to em brace notes on current literature, and reviews of all new American or foreign works of general in terest or value. The criticisms of Graham's Maga ure acknowledged in all parts of the country to be su perior in acumen, honesty and independence to those of any cotemporariee. Greater scope will he given to this department of the work and topics on all subjects likely to attract attention wili be tear lessly discussed, In this department we shall give a chapter on fashionable gossip each month, hitting off the follies of the fashionable world for the a musement of our lady readers; and for the gentle men, Frank Forrester has promised us hints on sports and pastimes, a feature which we have no doubt will be of interest to many thousand of our reader. We have also made arrangement for a large supply of Original Music, with eminent com posers, so that wo shall present next volume, ✓l most ample Musical Department, Suited to the wants of a very large number of ladies, and of value, in itself, equal to the sabsciip don to Graham." TERMS. Single copies, $3 per annum in advance. Clubs of 2 $5 Si 5 10 " 11 20 Any postmaster, or Other person, wishing to see a copy, as a specimen, will bo furnished by addres sing tho publisher, post paid. GEORGE R. GRAHAM, No. 98 Chesnut alrtet, Philadelphia: TIM LADIES' t Ilaonat Vanagne. MAGNIFICENT VOLUME FOR / S 4 6. EDITED BY ANN S. STEPUENS, The Ladies' National Magazine," is now so well established and no favorably known, that, by general consent of the newspaper press, it hr placed at the head of the LADIES' Books. Its literary contents, like those of the three dollar magazines, are all original, and from the most celebrated . Amer- Man writers of both sexes. The contributioits to this periodical are a constantproof of the taste, and ability of our beloved countrywomen. No other meg- azine is so exclusively a mirror of their minds, or is so generally supported by them. Thc contents aro of every variety, and while usually of the light er kind, do not preclude the insertion of papers of more value. Fitted alike for the boudoir and the fire-side, the "Ladies' National" presents monthly an agreeable variety of domestic sketches, tales of fashionably life, romances of history,imerns, critical notices of living authors, new receipts fOr the house. keeper, directions for fashionable styles of embroid ery, descriptions of the fashions, gossip of our eastern metropolis, musical Intelligence, die. Ste. These contents, instead of being, like those of the other two dollar magazines, made up chiefly by selections from old newspapers and other second hand sources, are written expressly for us; so that our contents are ALL bRICIINAL. As a guarantee of the style in which the literary department is conducted, the publisher hoe placed the editorial charge of the magazine in the hands of Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, ac knowledged by all critics, to he the best magazine writer in the world. Those who have read her thrilling stories of ° Alice Cop ley," "Molina Gray," ° Anna Taylor," and ° Clara," need no proo.' of her exalted genius. She will be assisted by the strongest corps of CONTRIBUTOR over yet arrayed in the constant support of any ladies' magazine. At the head of this list is Mrs. Lydia H. Sigourney, who will, herca ter, ho a reg ular contributor, both in poetry• and prose. She will be assisted by Mrs. E. F. Ellett, Mrs. A. Bt. F. Annan, Mrs. F. S. Osgood, Mrs. L. J. Peirson, Mrs. M. St. Leon Loud, Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, Mrs, P. W. B. Carothers, Mrs. Amelia W. Welby, Mrs. C. Lee Hent, "F. E. F." Author of " Mar riage of Convenience " Mrs. Seba Smith, Miss M. L. Lawson, Mrs. Caroline Orne, Mise Mary Devan ant, Miss Ellen Ashton, &c. &c. During the ensuing year, a new feature will be introduced, in the publication of a series of TALES OP AMERICAN HISTORY, illustrative of the manners and stirring incidents of different periods in our country's history, The first of these, a story of the revolution, from the pen of tThe author of Cruizing in the Lust War," will appear in January, and ho followed up by arti cles, of equal interest, from H. W. Herbert, and others of our best writers ! The critical portraits of female poets will still be continued, and stories of a domestic character, from the well known pens of Mrs. Annan, F. E. F., and Ellen Ashton, will continually appear. GREAT PRIZE PICTURES. to order that the pictorial department may stand first to the country, the publisher intends publish ing, in January and February, two superb premi um pictures, far superior to any yet issued in the magazines. The first, A Mezzotint by Sartain, will appear in January, anti has confessedly never been equalled by that inimitable artist. The second, to appear in February, is the first of a series of great historical pictures, which—to maintain the national character of his work—the publisher has projected. These are intended to illustnee great events in American annals, especially those in which woman figured. The first is a Mezzotint of Washington at Eighteen ! Engraved from a picture never before made public. This feature will make the book unequalled, and those Who wish 'to secure the Whole series must send their money early. We here state, what is undeniable, that during 1844, Iva published MEZZOTINTS orrEsEn mew ANY RIVAL, and shall continue to do so for 1845. Those who subscribe to the " National" will get these une qualled engravings oftener than in any other book. For November, December, January and Febuary, we already have issued, or intend to issue, an un broken series of these plates. Who else has done, or can sloths same? The other illustrations shall be executed by the first American Artists, and be in every variety and style, viz t Line and Stipple Engravings, Colored Flowers and Birds, Lace Work and Embroidery, Pictures Executed in 'riots, Quarre's Superb Designs, &c. In short every variety of embellishment, execu- ted by the beet artists, shall continue to grace ow book. We shall be the 6rst to seize on the novel , ties of the day ! Paris Pcgdone in Advance. As elegance and economy in dress are equally desirable, we offer great inducements to country readers, in our monthly descriptions of the fash ions, accompanied by our colored plate, which we give, at least, two months in advance of every co temporary, bring enabled to do this from correspon dents in Paris and London. So eorapl3toly have we outstripped all rivalry in this point, that the other magazine 3 now only occasionally furnish the fashion. But as lons.. test, in dress is desirable, patterns o; the 'gest costumes will be indispenort hie to the ac•:, in order to keep the tun of the changes in dress. But in order that other illustra tions may net have to give place for thorn, ma shall publish our FASHION PLAT: , :•I.3 that in we shall give as many embellishments as any other two dollar book and the fashion plate besides! And, in order that our lady subsaiberp may lie acquainted with the novelties of the day, we shall publish, as soon as they come out, in our “Home Depart,ent." New Receipts in Cookery, New Styles of Embroidery, Now Patterns for Lace Wok, .'re. THE TERMS. The Cash system, adopted and maintained by thd Publisher, enables him to Word a Magoaine, iri every respect equal to the old three dollar maga; at one-third less cost. The price of "Peter son's Magazine" is, therefore, only two dollari per annum, cash, in advance. TO CLUBS. In order to facilitate remittances from post-towns where there is no local agent, the publisher oars the following terms to persons dimposed to club. viz: 1 copy, $2,00 per annum. 3 copies, 5,00 .4 tl GI 10,00 10 . 4 20,00 44 This money must be current,funcle, cnd sent, post paid, in advance. CtUVSa S-- , - Z3. To every Postmaster, or other person gelling up a Club, we will send our Annual for 1845. 01 for every Club of 18, or for two Clubs of 8, or for three . Clubs of 3, we will send a copy of tag Ma gazine, gratis, for one year. Address, CHAS. J. PETERSON, No. 93 Chesnut St., Philadelphia. _ _ N. B.—Lose no time in sending on your money, so as to get the proof impressions of the great Mezzotint for :anuary. I:Dm°ol)D.Scti , Eit3eaLlcis. AU the real and personal property belonging to CHRISTIAN GARBER, Req., late of Hollidays burg, deed., will be sold a Public Sak in Ilulli dayVltrsin VirScinesday, the . l6oDecm'ar teat. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., and to continue from day to day until the whole if, dispos ed of; at which time and place will he sold sundry articles of household and office furniture, vit : bed- steads, beaureaus, secretaries, desks end paper cases, fables, chairs, carpeting, a number of stoves, a number of volumes of Religious, Law, and Miscellaneous Books. Boards, flaxseed oil, Spanish cigars, lead pipe, nails and various other article. of his personal Estate. ALSO, The following real estate Situate in the borough of Hollidaysburg, and known on the old town plot by the numbers. A Lot No. 61, bounded by Allegheny and Wayne streets and Cherry Alley, being 60 feet front by 180 feet back, on which is erected a handsome office with back loom, and a briek fireproof buil ding adjoining: also, a frame dwelling house, shop and barn thereon. Also, Lot No. 82, adjoining the above, on which are erected three one story houses. Also, The one-half of Lot No. 35, fronting on Allegheny street, on which is erected a two story frame house and frame stable. Also, Lot No. 79, on which are erected two dwelling houses and a stable. Also, Lot No. 82, on which is a small frame house. Also, Lot N 0.78, on which is a two story house and frame stable. Also, the following real estate in the new town plot of Hollidaysburg, known as Lot No. 197, cor ner of Walnut and Union streets, with a two story house thereon erected. A Igo, one-half of Lot No. 106, fronting on Wal nut street, with one double two story brick house thereon. Also, Two Lots Nos. 192 and 194, fronting on Walnut street. Also, Lot No. 185, fronting on Allegheny street, a two story house and frame stable thereon. Also, Lot No. 181, on Allegheny street, with two frame houses thereon. Also, Lots No. 246, 247 and 248, on Blair at., with one two story house, frame stable and slaugh ter house thereon. Also, Two Lott No. 169 and 160, fronting on Blair street, With one double two story and one small frame house and amble thereon. Also, One-half of Lot No. 165 on Blair street; with a three story brick house and frame stable thereon. Also, Lot No.- fronting on Blalr street, with two frame houses and three frame stables, (usually called the Black Bear Inn.") Also, Lot No. 173, fronting on Mulberry street, with a frame house and stable thereon. Also, The undivided one-half part of Canal Basin Lot No. 9, fronting on the Rail Road eighty seven feet, and extending bock to the Canal. Also, The undivided half part of Lot No. 121, bounded by Wayne and Blair street, near the Market house. ALSO, The following real estate in the borough of Gaysport, adjoining Hollidaysburg. The undivided one.third part of a Lot on the Canal basin with a large Warehouse thereon, used as a storing and forwarding house, with slips for boats &e., &c. Also, Lot No. 80, a point lot, with a frame dwel. ling house thereon. Also, The undivided half part of ono two story house, with as much ground as is sot apart for the Use of said houso on Lot Sb. Also, Lots Nos. 61 and 62, each with a frame house. Also, Lots Nos. 69 and 64 each under fence, Also, The undivided one-third part of the (Som merville farm) adjoining mid borough and lots, con taining about 110 acres more or less, a draught of which will be exhibited at the time of Ito elt:e. ALeo, The following, real estate, Attlee in the Northarn Liberties of Hollidayebug. Lot No. 2, fronting on Juniata street, fenced in. Also, Two Tots Nos. 19 and 20, with one two ctory Louse and from, stable. Also, One-half of Lot No. 23, on the hill. Also, Ttvo Lots Non. 24 and 31, on the hill. Also, Lot No. 25 fronting on Garber street. Alec, Lot No. -- fronting on Montgomery it. Also, Ore piece of land lying between Divine street and Swarms alley, supposed one and a half acres. Alpo, 0.7,e p:cce of land lyin; back of the Lu ther& Church, scree, reserving the right to open a road from the Church down to Divine etrect, say one end three-fo:th scree. Also, Two out Lots undo? rence iin good crder, containing 2 UMW each. Also, A tmct of hind enjoining of Thos. Biddle end Michael liilenum, in Frankstown tp; containing 39 acres, more or less. Also, A tract of !and in Cambria.county, lying on the west side of the Allegheny, and through which the Rea Road passes; containing 120 acree mom or less. ALSO, Small piece of land near the Juniata River alai Williamsburg ; boundaricsand quantity not now known, so as to he described. The'abovt; will be bold in purauance rf the will of Chtiatiatt Garber, Esq., deceased. TE !MS—For the Real Cesium, one-third of the purchase money to be paid in hand ; the remain ing' two-thirds to be paid in from one to live yeirs, with interest. The payments to be secur ed bsalonds and Mortgages, no to usual. WILLIAM DORRIe, Executor of C. Garber, Eq., dee'd. Huntingdon, Nor. 13, 1844. Z 1 T . Franc the Republitan THE PRZEIDENTIAL CONTEST: "Now the hurly-burly's done, Now the battle's lost and vvoti."—SAdropear, Aye, lost ! and burning shame should tinge Each laggard in the cause Of Order, Union, Harmony, Of Justice and the Laws. stye ! shame on those who calmly viewed The battle from afar, Jr like Idolaters have bowed To Tetras and her Star. 41 The Old Dominion," may not boast , Of York Town'a olden fame ; She wito could thou reproach a son, Should blush to speak his name. And such a son ;—who foremost aye In every breach has stood ; raac "Ste &piper Tyrannis," And write Ingratitude. The Keystone State, New Hampshire, Maine, Dull sluggards in the fight, Their scarfs ore all unstained,l wan, Their shields unhooked and bright. Trail, trail your banners in the dust Whip oldie Empire State ! Your recreant brother's hands have set The seal upon our fate. Vermont and Massachusetts claim The highest mccd of praise, Rhode Island and Connecticut Victorious signals raise. To Maryland and Delaware, Are lasting honors duo; Cb-workers with that gallant State New Jersey, tried and true." Ohio and Kentucky bore Their banners gallantly, And free trade humbug, could not chock Their Cars of Victory. Old North, and Tennessee ;--all hail ! The mothers who upon The altars of their country's good, Could sacrifice a son. While Georgia--the Palmetto State— And all the Southern clan With Indiana, Illinois, And Lake-hound Alichignn-- Have coldly stood, and calmly viewed The conflict from afar; They like Idolaters have bowed To Texas and her Star. u:oz:aLLAmOro. A Bad nail-aim The following occurred in one of the towns of Massachusetts not far from Rhode Island. It is a compound of rum and benevolence, appetite and cunning, high and low depravity, such as seldom comes to light. Husband, what do you think I have done to day?" said M rs. C. to the keeper of a country store, where the drunkard's 0 be joylul" was still sold, upon his re turn home to dinner. " I cannot possibly tell, my dear; I dare say something clever. " Well, I never did such a thing befote, but the man looked so pitiful, I thought I would encroach upon your wardrobe a little, for once, as I knew you could well supply the poor creature's wants without any inconvenience to yourself." " You have given away one dilly coals, I suppose ; hope you didn't make a mistake and give my go , to-meeting one, did you 1" " Oh, no, I gave away one of your shirts. He said he'd none, and had called to beg one--so I gave him one, aad he went oil as happy as if Ihad given him a cow, I don't 'know when have seen such a smile of joy at so small a gift.° " Given. a shirt ! I should like to know who there is 90 poor as to be without a shirt. Old Tont Jones is the poorest crea ture I know of, and I don't believe but he has gut *shirt, RS poor a &unionise ha is." \1. , -/an®fl®i ca). 4:lob4ad " Tom Jones t—there, I don't believe but it easJones I have heard yttu des cribe him, and it was him I know. He loo:;ed cunning, and that sthilb tif hit seemed to be half joy, half fon, and it I was Irish, I should bay the whet. half afro• age. Very likely it was Joliet, fbr hte hat be. , .11 in the state to day." Has he ? and huil he a short jacket on, and holes in his }Lints, and miserable shoeq without stockings?" "Jost so." " Ile is the very man. Had he a bun dle or had he put his shirt on ?" " He had a bottle, us usual, but I saw no bundle, and I did not notice whether he had a collar or not." '• His bottle ! well, I hope you did not fill it for him, fur that would seem like the story in the paper lately, where the wife told the husband she would supply the drunkard's family out of house, as long so he supplied the rum from the store. Did you let him have any ?" " Any what, my dear, molasses or vine gar?— you have no objections to my sell ing him any thing he will pay for?" Yes, I have, you know I have, I would not self him ruin for pay, and you may trust him for anythii.g else. I wish you would let him have molasses. His wife would be glad of that. But did you let him have any rum?" " Yes, my dear, I did. He seemed so feeble and wished that I would let him have a little. I " Dow much " Half a pint!" Half a pint ! enough to make him get drunk, and he will 10 , :e his shirt before he gets home, and I might as well have tar: tied hint oil' without it. Well now, band let me know, du you trust Jones fur rum?" "No." " Did lie pay for it !" .. Yes." How much 1" Six cents." " In money," " No." I low then " In rags." "In rags OH bet a dollar you . hai bought your own shirt back again and I'll go this minute and see." " No, you sit still and finish yotir din; ner." Nd,no, you shatOt go, Lll g ? mysel f: - . It will be such a good one. — l'll make you ashamed or selling rum this time, at any rate. There I there! Here it is tort to pieces, and you have bought it fur rags.'; I ifould.—lf I possessed the Most val. , uable things in the world, and was about to will them away, the folloWing Would be my plan or dislribution: I would will to the world truth and rriend,hip, which are very scarce. I would give an additional ppetton of truth to lawyers, traders and mere• 1 who'd give to physicians skill and [earnintt: I would give to printers their pay. '1:43 gossipping women short tongues. To - young . women, good sens — e, large waieta•aud natural teeth. To young sprouts or dandies, cotnmott sense, little cad', hard work. To old maids, good tempers. smooth faces, little talk, and good husbands. To o'd bichelors, love for virtue, chili drew and wives. Pnreoctous.—A youth in a back counJ try town had arrived at the age of nine yea' s when his father sent him to school for the first tithe. lie stood beside the teacher to repeat the letters of the alpha 3 bet. " What's that?" itiqUired the muter. " timer ?" vociferated the urchins "No, that's A." " Well, what's the next?" Oa-yoke." "No, that's b." "Taint B neither, it'a oz.yoke Ctotch all hemlock. think I don't know i" Pete, I wants to az you a Cdlothbrous Succeed Nigger Well, why is a Quilt, like a nail Road ? Does you guve it up ? Yes I does. Cause there's sleepers under it. Yak Yah 1 Wat an ighorant colored indi widual you is. Purity of heart, is of all virtues the most elevated. A Greek maid being as ked that fortune she could bring her hue band, answered, I will bring him what is more valuable ihan any treasure—d heart unspotted, and virtue without a stain, which is all that descended to nib fruin my parents." Post Script from a boy in Indiana to his father in New Orleans: DEAR DADDY.—Corn is dull and brother John is dead liketvise. Excuse haste,' din a bad pain) Tear Anniv.tent 3. J. E.