Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 11, 1844, Image 3

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    ••all ul witch are considered as
a' violation of the Fresty of Amity and
Cutninerce between the two countries,
have led to a correspondence of con-idera
file length between the Minister of FOl
eign Relations and our Representative of
Mexico, but without any satisfactory re.
'suit. They remain still unadjusted ; and
many and serious inconveniences have
already resulted to our citizens in Coll9C
querice of them.
Questions growing nut of the act of dis
arming a body of Texian troops under the
command of Major Snively, by an officer
in the service of the United States, acting
under the orders - 61611r Government; and
the forcible entry into the ttis'ttn !louse
at Iltyarty's " l anding, on Red River, by
certain citizens of tlie United States, and
'taking away therefrom the goods Seitceil
Eby the Collector oh the Customs, as forfei
ted under the laws of Texas, 'have been
adjusted ; so far as the powers 'of the Exe
'utive extend. The correspondence be
'twee nthe two Governments in reference to
, both subjects, will be found amongst the
accompanying documents. It contains a
lull statement of all the l'acts and circum
stances, with the Views taken on Soth.sides,
'and the 'principles on which the questions
!have been adjusted. it remit:lls for Con
.gress to make thenecessary appropriation
to carry the arrangement into effect, which
respectfully recommend.
The greatly improved condition of the
Treasury ,affords a subject fur general con
gratulation. The Paralysis which luad
fallen on trade and commerce, and which
subjected the Government to the necessity
of resorting to loans, and the issue of
Treasury notes to a large amount, has
*passed away; and after the payment of
upwards of $7,000,000, on account of the
interest, and in redemption of more than
$5,000,000 of public debt, which 'falls due
.on the Ist of January next, and setting
•apart upwards of $2000,000 for the pay
•ment of outstanding Treasury notes, and
meetins•. an instalment of the debts of the
, corporate cities of the District of Colum
hia,—an estimated surplus of upwards of
$7,000,000, over and above the existing
appropriations will remain in the Treasury
at the close of the fiscal year, Should the
Treasury notes continue outstanding, as
11eietotore, that surplus will be considera
.bly augmented. Although all interest
has ceased upon them, and the Govern.
'mem has invited their return to the Trea
sury, yet they remain outstanding; arfiir
'ding great facilities to commerce, and
establishing the fact that under a magi I
.regulated system of finance, the Govern
ment has resources within itself, which
render it independent in time of need, not
only of private leans, but also of bank
The only remaining subject of regret
is the remaining stocks of the Govern
ment do not fall due at an earlier day ;
since their redemption would be entirely
Within its control. As it is, it may be
well worthy the consideration of Con
tress, whether the law establishing the
sinking kind—under the operation of
which the debts of the Revolution and
last war with G. Britain were to a great
extent extinguished, should not with pro
per modifications (so as to prevent an ac
cumulation of surpluses, and limited in
. amount to a specific sum,) be re-enacted.
Such provision, which would authorize
- Vie Government to go into the market
for a purchase of its own stock, On
fair terms, ivould serve to maintain
its credit at the highest point, and pre
vent, to a peat extent those finctuas
lions in the price of its securities; which
might, undte other circumstances, affect
its credit: No apprehension of this sort
is, at this moment, entertained, since the
stocks of the Government which but two
years ago were offered for sale to capital.
rats, at home or abroad, at a depreciation,
end, could find no purchasers, are now
greatly above par in the hands of the hol
ders; but a wise and prudent forecast ad
monishes us to place beyound the reach of
contingency the public credit.
It must also be a matter of uniningled
gratification, that under the existing.finan
cial system—resting upon the act of 1789,
and the resolution of 1816--the currency
oldie country has attained a state of per
fect soundness; and the rates of exchange
between different parts of the Union,
which, in 1841, denoted, by their enor
mous amount, the great depreciation, and
in fact, worthlessness of the currency in
most of the States-1-are now reduced to
- little more than the mere expense of trans.
-porting specie from place to placle, and
the risk incidental to the operation. In a
new country like that of the United States
—where so many inducements are held
out for speculation—the depositories of
the surplus revenue, consisting of Banks
of any description, when it reaches any
• considerable amount, require the closest
vigilence on the part of the Government:
All banking institutions, under whatever
denomination they may pass, are govern
ed by an almost exclusive regard to the
.interest of the stockholders. That in
terest consists in the augmentation of
profits, in the form of dividends, and a
large surplus revenue entrusted to their
custody, is but too apt to lead to exces
sive loans and to extravagantly large issues
of paper. As a necessary consequence,
prices are nominally increased, and the
speculative mania everywhere seizes upon
the public mind. A fictitious state of
prosperity for a season exists, undo!' the
language of the day, money becomes plen
ty. Contracts are entered into by individs
r , sting on this unsubstantial state of
thirr4s, but the delusion speedily passes
\otwoy, and the country is overrun with an
~-in.le'itriltiess so weighty as to overwhelm
;zany, and to visit every department of
nlustry with great and ruinous embar
The greatest vigilance becomes neces.
sary on the part 'of the Government to
guard against thiVstate of things. The
depositories muSt be given distinctly
to understand tbat the favors of the Gov
ernment will be altogether withdrawn, or
substantially diminished, if its revenues
shall be regarded as
to their
banking capital, or as the foundation of
an enlarged circulation. The Govern•
rnent through its revenue, has, at all times,
an important part to perform in connex
ion with the currency; and it greatly de
pends upon its vigilance and care,
er the country be involved in embarrass
ments similar to those which it has had
recently to 'encounter; or aided by the
action of the Treasury shall be preserved
in a Sound and healthy condition.
The dangers to be guarded against are
greatly augmented by two large a surplus
of revenue. When that surplus greatly ex
ceeds in amount what shall be required by
a wise and prudent forecast to meet un
forseen contingencies', the legislature it
self may come to be siezed with a dispo
sition to indulge in extrvagant appropria
tions to objects, many of which may, sod
most probably would be band to conflict
with the constitution. A fancied expedi
ency is elevated above constitutional au
thority, and a reckless and wasteful ex
travagance but too certainly follows. The
important power of taxation, which when
exercised in its most restricted form, is a
burden on labour and production, is re
sorted to, under various pretexts, for
purposes having no affinity to the motives
which dictated its grant, and the extrava
gance, Government stimulates individual
extravagance, until the spirit of wild aid
ill-regulated speculation involves one and
elfin its unfortunate results. In view of
such fatal eonsequencesy it may be laid
down as an axiom, founded in moral and
political truth, that no greater taxes shobld
be linposed than are necessary for all eco
nomical administration of the Govern
ment, and that whatever exists beyond
should be redeced or modified.
This doctrine does in no Way conflict
with the exercise of a sound discrimina'
tion in the selection of the articles to be
taxed, which a due regard to public weal
would at tall times suggest to tlieLegis!a
tive mind. It leaves the range of selection
undefined; and such selection should al
ways be made with an eye to the great
interests of the country. Composed as
is the Union, of separate and independent
States, a patriotic Legislature will not
fail in consulting the interests of the parts,
to adopt such a course as will be best
calculated to advance the harmony of the
whole; and thus insure that permanency
in the policy of the Government without
which all alias to advance the public
prosperity are vain and fruitlesS. This
great and vitally important task rests
with Congress; and the Executive can do
no more than recommend the general
principles which should govern in its exe
I refer you to the report of the &dietary of War
for an exhibition of the condition of the army ; and
recommend to you, as well worthy your best con
sideratiou, many of the suggesions it contains The
Secretary in no degree exaggerates the great im
portance of rimming forward, without delay, in the
work of erecting and finishing the fortifications, to
which ho particularly alludes. Much has been done
towards placing our cities and roadsteads in a state
of security against ' the hazards of hostile attack,
within the last four years. but considering the new
elements which have been, of late years, employed
in the propelling of shipe, and the formidable im
plements of destruction which have been brought
into service, we cannot be too active or vigilant in
preparing and perfecting the means of defence. I
refer you, also, to his report for a full statement of
the condition of the Indian tribes within our juris
The Executive has abated no effort in. carrying
into effect the well-established policy of Ole bov - -
ernment. which contemplates a removal of all the
tribes residing within the limits of the several States,
beyond those limits; and it is now enabled to coo
gratulate the country at the prospect of an early con
summation of this object. Many of the tribes have al
ready made great progress in the arts of civilizedllife;
and through the operation of the schools established
among them, aided by the efforts of the pious men
of various religious denominations—who devote
themselves to the task of their improvement—we
may fondly hope that the remains of the formidable
tribes which were once the masters of this country
will in their transition from the savage state, to a
condition of refinement and cultivation, add another
bright trophy to adorn the labors of a well-directed
phi tenth ropyk
The accompanying report of the Secretary of the
Navy, will explain to you the situation of that
branch of the service. The present organization of
the Department imparts to its operations great ef
ficiency ; but I concur fully in the propriety of a
division of the Bureau of Construction, Equipment,
and Repairs, into two Bureaux. The subjects ad
now arranged, are incongruous, and require to a
certain client, information and qualifications alto
gether dissimilar.
The operations of the squadron on the coast of
Africa have been conducted with all due attention
to the object which led td its organization ; and I
am happy to say that the officers and crews have
bnjoyed the best possible health, under the system
adopted by the officer in conimand. It is believe
ed the United States is the only nation which has,
by its laws, subjected to the punishment of death,
as pirates, those engaged in the slate-trade.—
A similar enactment oh the part of other nations
would not fail to be attended by beneficial results.
In consequence of the difficulties which have
existed in the way of smiting titles for the fiecees
ary pounds, operations have not yet been commen
ced toward the establishment of the Navy Yard at
Memphis. So soon as the title is perfected, no fur , -
ther delay will be permitted td intervene. It is well
worthy of your consideration whether Congress
should riot direct the establishment of a rope-walk,
in connection with the contemplated Navy Yard,
as a measure not only of economy, but as highly
mkt and necessary. The only establishment of
the sort now connected with the service is located
at Boston ; and the advantages of a similar estab
lishment, convenient to the hemp-growing region,
must be apparent to all.
The report of the Secretary presents other mat
ters to your consideration, of ari Important charac
ter in connection with the service.
In referring you to the accompanying report of
the Postmaster General, it affords me continued
cause of gratification to be able to advert to the fact'
that the affairs of tho Department, for the last tbur
yeais, have been so conducted ha, from its unaided
resourcis to meet its largo expenditures. On my
coming ifitia'office a debt of nearly $500,000 exis
ted againgt the Department, which Congress dis
charged by at'i appropriation from the Treasury.—
The Department, on the 4th of March next, will be
found, under the management of its present ef
ficient head, free 'Ofdebt or embarrassment, which
could only have been done by the observance and
practice of the greatest vigilance and econothy.—
The laws have contemplated, throughout, that the
Departmentshould be Pelf-sustained ; but it may be
come necessary, with the 'wisest regard to public in
terests, to introduce einem:milts and alterations in
the system.
There is a strong desire manifested in many quar
ters, so to alter the tariff of letter postage as to re
duce the amount of tax at presentimposed : Should
such a measure be carried into 'efibet, to the full ex
tent desired, it cannot well be doubted but that, for
the first few years of its operation, a diminished
reveue would be collected, the supply of which
would necessarily constitute a charge upon the
Treasury. Whether such a result woula be desi
rable, it will be for Congress, in its wisdom, to de
terminate. It may in general be asserted, that rad
ical alterations in any system should rather be
brought about gradually, than by sudden 'changes;
and by pursuing this prudent policy in the reduc
tion of letter postage, the Department might still
sustain itself through the revenue which would ac
true by the increase of letters. The state and
condition of the public Treasury, has, heretofore,
been such as to have precluded the recommendation
of any material change. The ditlMlties upon this
head, have, however, ceased, and a large discretion
is new left to the Government.
I cannot too strongly urge the policy of author
itiing the establishment of a line of steamships, reg
ularity to ply between this country and foreign
ports, and upon our own waters, for the transporta
tion of the Mail. The example of the British Gov
ernment is well worthy of imitation in this respect.
The belief is strongly entertained that the emolu
ments 'arising from the transportation of Mail mat
ter to foreign countries, would operate of itself as an
inducement to cause individual enterprise to under
take that branch of the task; and the renumeration
of the Government would consist in the addition
readily made to our steam navy, in case of emergen
cy, by the ships so employed.
Should this suggestion meet your approval, the I
propriety of placing such ships under the command
'of experienced officers of the Navy will not escape
your observation. The application of steam to the
purpose of naval warfare, cogently recommends an
extensive steam marine as important in estimating
the defenses of the country. Fortunately, this may
be attained by us to a great extent, without incur
ring any largo amount of expenditure. Steam
vessels to be engaged in the transportation of the
mails on our principal water courses, 'ekes '
parts of our coast, could also be so constructed as to
be efficient as war vessels when needed, and would
of themselves constitute a formidable force in order
to repel attacks from abroad. We cannot be blind
to the fact, that other nations have already added
large numbers of steamships to their naval arma
ments, and that this neev and powerful agent is
destined to revolutionize the condition of the world.
It becomes the United States, therefore, looking to
their security, to adopt a similar policy; and thy
plan suggested will enable them to do so at a small
comparative cost.
I take the greatest pleasure in bearing testimony
to the zeal and untiring industry which has char
acterized the conduct oldie members of the xec-
Wive Cabinet. Each, in his appropriate sphere,
has rendered me the most efficient aid in carrying
on the Government, and it will not I trust appear
out of place for me to bear tins public testimony.—
The cardinal objects which should tV'et be held in
view by those entrusted with the administration of
public affairs, are rigidly, and without favor or
ittfection, so to interpret the national will, expressed
in the laws as that injustice should be done to none
—justice to all. This has been the rule upon which
they have acted; and thus, it is believed that few cases,
if any exist, wherein our fellow citizens, who, from
time to time, have been drawn to the Seat of Govern=
ment, for the settlement of their transactions with the
Government, have gone away dissatisfied.
Where the testimony has been perfected, and
was esteemed satisfactory, their claims have been
promptly audited; and this in the absence of all
favoritism or partiality. The Government which
is not just to its own people, can neither claim
their affection, nor the !meet of the world. At
the same time, the closest attention has been paid
to those matters which relate more immediately to
the great concerns of the country. Order and
effibiency in each branch of the public service, have
prevailed, accompanied by a system of the most
rigid responsibility on the part of the receiving and
disbursing agents. The fact, in illustration of the
truth of this remark, deserves to be noticed that the
revenues of the Government, amounting in the last
four years to upwards of $120,000,000, have been
collected and disbursed, through the numerous Gov
ernmental agents, without the loss, by default, of
any amount worthy of serious commentary.
The appropriations made by Congress for the im
provement of the rivers of the West, and of the
harbors on the lakes, are in a course of judicious ex
penditure under suitable agents,and are destined, it is
to be hoped to realize all the benefits designed to be
accomplished by Congress. I cannot, however, suffi
ciently impress upon Congress the great importance
of withholding appropriations front improvements
which are not ascertained, by previous examination
and survey, to be necessary for the shelter and pro
tection of trade from the dangers of storms and tem
pests. Without this precaution, the expenditures aro
but too apt to enure to the benefit of individnals—
with out referenee to the only consideration which
can render them constitutional—the public interests
and the general good.
I cannot too earnestly urge upon you the inter
ests of this District, over which by the constitution,
Congress has exclusive jurisdiction. It would be
deeply to be regretted should there be at any time,
ground to complain of neglect on the part of a com
munity which, detached as it is from the parental
care of the State. of Virginia.and Maryland, can
only expect aid from Congress, as its local legisla
ture. Amongst the subjects whirls claim your at
tention, is the prompt organization of an asylum
for the insane, who may be found, from time to
time, adjourning within the District. Such course
it also demanded by considerations which apply to
branches of the public service. For the necess
ities in this behalf, I invite your particular attention
to the report of the Secretary of the Navy.
I have thud, gentlemen of the two Houses of
Congress, presented you a true and faithful picture
of the condition of public affairs, both foreign and
doMestic. The wants of the public service ore
Made known to you; and matters of no ordinary
importance are urged upon yout consideration.—
Shall I not be permitted to congratulate you on the
happy auspicies under which you have assembled,
and at the important change in the condition of
things which has occurred in the last three years!
' During that period questions with foreign power*
of vital importance to the peace of our country,
have been settled and adjusted. A desolating and
wasting war with savage tribes has been brought to
a close. The internal tranquility of the country,
threatened by agitating questions, has been preser
ved. The credit of the Government, which had
experienced a temporary embarressment, has been
r thoroughly restored. Its coffers, which, for a sea
-1 eon were empty, have bees replenished. A cur.
rency nearly uniform in its value, has •eken the
place of one depreciated and almost worthless.
Commerce and manufactures, which had suffer
ed in common with every other interest, have once
more revived; and the whole country exhibits an
aspect of prosperity and happiness. Trade and
barter, no longer governed by a wild and speculative
mama, rests upon a solid and substantial footing;
and the rapid grcivah of our cities, in every direc
tion, bespeaks most strongly the favorable circum
stances by which we are Surrounded. My hap
piness, in the retirement which shortly awaits me,
is the ardent hope which T experience, that this
state of prosperity is:neither deceptive nor destined
to be short-lived, and that measures which have
not yet received its sanction, 'but, which I cannot
but regard as closely connected With the honour,
the glory, and still more enlarged . m'osierity of the
country, are destined,'at an early day, to receive the
approval of Congress.
Crider these circurndtaties, and with„these an
ticipations, I shall most gladly leave to others, More
able than myself, the noble and pleasing task of
susteiningthe public prosperity. I shall carry with
me into retirement the gratifying reflection that, as
my sale object throughout has been to advance the
public good, I may not entirely hive failed in ac
complishing it; and this gratification is brightener',
in no small degree, by the fact that when, under a
deep and abiding sense of duty, I have found my
self constrained to resort to the qualified veto, it has
neither been followed by disapproval on the part
of the people, nor weakened, in any degree, their at
tachment to that great conservative feature of our
WASHINGTON, December, 1844.
"One country, one constitution, one destiny."
UtialUallSM 0 3 d1C0 Da 9
Wednesday morning, Dec. 11, '44.
(Cr V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street
below Third, Philadelphia) is authorized to act as
Agent forthis paper, to procure subscriptions and
CI" We ttre indebted to Gem. hurt for a copy
of the President's message.
c The " Rules and Regulations for the Govern
ment of the Huntingdon Public SchrOs" &c., are
omitted this week for want of room. They Shift
appear in our next.
The same mail that brought us the Presi
dent's message, on Thursday night, direct from
Washington, also brought the same document in
the Harrisburg Telegraph.
Qj The meeting of the Electoral College of
Pennsylvania, met in the Senate Chamber at Har
risburg, on Wednesday last; and, of course, cast
their twenty-six votes for Polk and Dallas.
c 0". John Dougherty, in his fruitless attempts to
show that the Polkats possess all the intelligence,"
carefully avoids the Berks., the Pikes, the Mon
roes, and other regions in Pennsylvania, vioing
with the Tulpehockons !
at? The Cumberland Valley Railroad Bridge
across the Susquehanna river, at Harrisburg, was
consumed by fire, on Wednesday last; and several
persons were killed, and several others wounded,
by the unexpected falling of a span, upon which
fifty or sixty persons were standing, with the hose.
It is supposed the fire originated from a spark
from the locomotive. Further particulars next
n's The political guillotine, we perceive, is in
active operation since the Presidential election, and
many an honest Clay man is made feel its keen
edge; and even some who shouted themselves
hoarse for " Polk and Dallas," are suspected of
having been Clay Whigs at heart, and share the
same fate, as numerous Postmasters can testify.
Jour( Wrtusisses, Esq., formerly of this bo
rough, appointed Recorder of the Land Office by
President Harrison, has received notice that his
services are no longer wanted. Reuben M. Whit
ney has been appointed in his place.
Both Houses of Congress met at 12 o'clock on
Monday of last week—there being 27 Senators
present and 175 Representatives. This being the
second session, the old organization continues. In
the Senate, Hon. W. P. Mangum of N. C., Presi
dent pro tern., and Asbury Dickins, Esq., Secretary.
In the House, lion. J. W. Jones, of Virginia,
Speaker, and C. J. McNulty, Esq., Clerk.
On Tuesday, the 3rd, J. Q. Adams, in pursu
ance of notice given by him the previous day, sub
mitted a resolution to rescind the 25th (old 21st)
rule, on the subject of Abolition petitions. Mr.
Thompson of Misstppi moved to lay the resolution
on the table, upon which motion the yeas stood 81,
nays 104. The yeas and hays were then taken on
the adoption of the resolution, and stood as follows'
—yeas 108, nays 80. Bo the rule is at last abol
ished. But what has become of the opposition of
the "Chivalrous South" and the "dough faced"
Locos of the North? What change has come
lover the spirit of their dream? Was this vote
given in payment of a debt of gratitude they owed
I to the "Liberty Party" for aiding in the election of
l a Slavery candidate to the Presidency? Thus we
once see tho Locofocos grateful in favoring the
Ablitionists for the efficient aid they receited from
them at the last election.
On the same day the President's message was
sent in and read. Ten thousand extra copies, with
the accompanying documents, were ordered to be
printed. The message we give into-day's paper.
The Senate, on Wednesday, appointed the Rev.
Mr. Tustin, (Presbyterian,) Chaplain; and the
House, on the same day, appointed the Rev. Mr.
Daley, (Methodist,) Chaplain for the House.
The Washingtonians will meet at
I 'ttr_u_le, the Old Court House on Saturday
evening nest. The ladies particularly
are invited to attend, the committee
will have the new pledge book ready for them to
sign. Addresses, and music by the Independent
Band may be expected.
Dec. It, 1844. C. A. MILLER, See,.
• • • "But, masters, remember, that I am an
ass; though it be not written down, yet forget not
that I am an am. • • 0, that 1 had been writ
down—an ass."
This was the lamentation of that very suspeeta-1
ble Judge, - Dogberry, when his prisoner hinted at
IN consanguinity with the long-eared animal:—
Ltickily, our up -street, neighbor has no ground for
such lanientation; for his numerous irresponsible
scribblers have time and again "writ um down an
ass" and he has as often printed himself an ass !--
A little more respectful towards our humble self,
the Globe's hireling fast week wrote us down "as
rabid as a March Hare"—against which we had no
objections, but then limas., who fathers the editori
al, printed us as rabid as a March lien—against
which we do object, for we always like to see
slang served up according to Gunter. When lie
gets his bosom friend, Sharetail, who possesses
"every MASC LILA R accomplishment," to abuse us,
'he ought to let the vile thing also read the proof.
For Me Journal.
For the benefit 'of the author of the communi•
catkin in the Huntingdon Globe of 27th Nov.
.1844, signed, " A Deserter."
0 Heavenly muse! inspire my hate,
To sing of this vile reprobate ;
Upon chose tongue can nothing dwell,
Ebt what comes up from shades of hell:
Whoie heart's Its black, as Pluto's Walls,
Whose portrait's pictlied in the halls
Of „ deep datimatiOn's dark domain,
• Complaisant, smiling On the pain ;
Which thousands feel, wile left their Lord,
Inheriting their just reward.
The hypocrite will always find,
That justice does not lag behind;
- .
But will most surely overtake,
With vengeance, written in its track,
The wicked man, the would be friend,
Who .4 smiles and smiles," and still would send,
Without the least compunctious start,
The bloody dagger to the heart.
He need not think to play the whelp,
And no one know it but himself;
For neighbors know their neighbors well,
And always can make out to tell,
When any dirty trick is done,
The very man, to stick it on.
He must not think, to travel dovrn,
T 6 certain dogg'ry's in the town ;
Theta, get m drunk as any fool;
Then lay his carcass out to cool,
Beneath the roof of one, whose smile
Is always sure to lead to guile
Ile must not lie, like any thief;
And still eitpect, to be the chief,
Of that regeierate host on earth,
Who's trying, by superior worth,
To mount the starry realms Of God,
To rest their souls beneath His hod.
He must not do all kinds of wrong ;,
(Which could extend our little song;)
And think he sticks on Heaven's gate
As tight, as any son of fate.
The gospel ministers of love,
Who hold commissions from above,
To preach salvation's splendid plan,
To wicked, vile, degen'rato man ;
Should never feel the vengeful spite,
Of this ungodly blather-skte.
Some faithful minittzr of Christ,
Has, doubtless, pour'd upon thisfiatel
The flood, baptismal, froth the fount;
And shown him to that holy Mount,
Beyond the sphere of mortal sight,
W here seraphs dwell in heavenly light;
And sing, adore, and even shine;
Around the great eternal shrine.
The mighty Anglo Saxon race,
Has not made words, for me to trace;
How far beneath contempt I hold
The man, who can be bought and sold.
Lord! pass his little follies round ;
Don't knock the big; fat baby down:
Perhaps, he may in after years,
While, in this sorrowing vale of tears;
Retrace his steps with tearful eyes,
And gain admission to the skies:
Jar, if ho goes to hell, Pin sure,
The " devil " of him, will make manure;
To scatter o'er damnation's field,
That it may bring a greater yield.
If peisecution is the game,
hich Locofocos use, to tame,
The freeman, who dares break the string,
That ties him in a party ring;
Then raise your arm and slash away ;
Cut right and left, but show fair play ;
And if you want to catch the devil
Come on and fire your little swivel.
kintingdon, December 7, 1844.
M gr,Rl~~~
in Thursday the sth inst., by the fey. William
Gwynn, Mr. GILBERT HORNING, to Miss
ELIZABETH PEIGIITEL, all of Barren town
ship, Huntingdon county.
Came to the rtsidence of the subscriber
in Warriormark township, on the 12(1 day
of November, 1844, two stray Heifers, ri
sing three years old, the one is black, the
other red, with scime white spots, and has a
short tall. The oWner is requested to come
and prove property, pay charees, and take
them away. HENRY FUNK.
Dec. 11, 1844.
4N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale
bypublic vendue, on the premises, on
Friday, the 20th day of December next,
as the property of Elizabeth Etnire, deceased, the
following' described
situate in Shirley township, to wit,
One thereof adjoining lands of James M. and
Samuel H. Bell, Smalley's heirs, James M. Bell,
and the heirs Of Martiti Etnire, dee'd., containing
35 acres and tilloiVance.
And the other thereof adjoining lands of James
M. Bell, Peter Long, and the heirs of Martin Etnire,
deceased, containing 30 ACRES and 135 perches
and allowance, on which land an iron ore bank is
I situate end opened.
TERMS bF SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale • *
the residue in two equal annual payments, with in
terest from the confirmation; to be secured by the
bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court
Sale to commence at I o'clock, P. M., and atten
dance will be given by the undersigned.
27, 1844.—t5.
Watches, Silver Ware 4• Jewelrli
James Peters dc
No. 105 N. 2d corner of EllOM's
Allty, POit.delphia.
J. I,', &Co. continue tp
mantilitittuvr at Unit old
stand, Silver Spoon
Spcctacivs, Tkiinbles &c on as low . . t'etnis as au
other 111hr.urxict.ry in tli9
city. They have nti
nand and keep.constant
lv tot a he, beside their own niabulacttires„
IVatcheß of ;1,11 kinds and priers; Silver
Ware, Jetvelry and Fancy Griode, in their
variety, which will be sold low. Spectacle
Glasses Ma toll ages and sights, in Gold
Silver, Gerrnah Silver and Steel Frames.
with convex, concave, periscopic, blot,
grey and green glasses.
t p- supplied with all ac
cessary articles. in their line, such as Tool,
Materials, Glassestcr.
t r-p Watches rOt a irecl at notice
and warranted to pelSorai.
r t . Cash or exchange given for old Gold
air/ Silver.
Phil'a., Dec. 11. 1844.-2 m.•
Thomas 'Fisher, 1
_ln the . Comma?
• Pleas of Hunting=
Henry, Haine . S, 13enja- (hill county. Writ
min, Elliott. John Elsli- ale partitinne Fst
att, Caivits Bythe, Jun. .ciendst, Defendants
Blythe, a n al., Colvin ; will take notice
Blythe, 'Jr . ., Vt'illiain that ins. pursuancp
Yeager and Patienc'e 1 of said writ, inquest
Yeager- j will be held no Sat-.
urday, the I4thday
of.Tanuary, 1845, at 10 o'clock, A. M.. on
L A of ground situate in the borough of
Huntingdon, ad joining a Lot of the hrirsof
David McMurtne, drc'el., on the east, t u tu
Lot ; of H. P. Dorsey's heir's • on the west,
numbered .7 in the plan of said town, to
part and divide the same. • •
Dec. I, 1844.
Orphan's Court Sale.
In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, the undersigned Trustees
appointed to make sale of the real estate of Jacob
Keller, late of Morris township. in Said county
deed., will expose to sale by public ',endue, on
Friday the 27th dav r f Deeeint!er, inst.,
O'cl4k. F. M., on the premises, the plantation
and tract of land on which said deceased in his life
time resided, situate in the,said township and coun
ty, adjoining lands of Hugh Fergus on the west,
John & William Walters and a small lot sold to
the School Directors, on the south, of George, Hen-
& David Keller on, the east, and of Henry S.
Spang on the north, bAtittining
M en lei C 3 5, lIQCID GO
or thereabouts, of which about 150 ore cleared up-
Japd and 10 of meadow, having a two story LOG
FRAME HOUSE end an apple orchard thereon.
The said tract is of the best quality of land, plea
santly situated, being but a short distatce from
Waterstreet, on the Turnpike road.
Terms of Sole.—Ono third of the purchase money
to be paid on the confirmation of the sale, one third
in one year thereafter with interest, and the residue at
and immediately after the death of Catharine Kel•
ler, widow of said deceased, the interest of this third
to he paid to the said widow annually during her
lire;—the whole to he secured by the bonds end
Mortgage &the purchaser..
.161 IN KELLER. (of Jacob.)
bee'. 4, 1844. trustees.
Orphans , 61,11 **tie.
grpN ppnwance of on order of the Orphan.' Court
4hiof Huntingdon county, will bo exponeci to eel°
by public vendue, on the premiere, on
_ •
Saturday, use 21st d 0 7 .!! of Decethber next,
one and a half lota of ground jh the village of
Smithfield, Walker township, bounded on the west
by lots of Catharine Eckellierger, on the south by the
turnpike road, on the east by vacant lot, bein g lot
No. 3, and half oflot P 10.2 in the plan of said town,
having thereOtt erected a large two story
FRAME. h0t. , 81 , 1,
' formed) , ltept,as a .tavern, a FRAME
and other iniprovernents—late the estate
of Christian Port, deceased. .
TERMS OF SALE.—One third part tif the Nil ,
chase money to be paid on the rontittnation of the
sale; one third in one year thereafter, kith interest;
and the residue at and IMMediately 'atter the death
of Eliza Flenner, (late Eliia Pcirt), widow of tha
bald deceased, the interest of the bbd third payment
to be paid to the said widow annually and regularly
during her natural life; the whole to Ire secured by
the bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., end at.
tendance will be given by
Nov. 27, 12 , 14.-Is. Ex'at
erptionto Court Ante.
In pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon county, will be expos.
ed tossale, on the premises, by public yen
due or outcry, on
Tuesday, the 24th of DeeenzVer next.
J 16444 all the following real , estate, late ot
ames Taylor. of Antes township. in said
county, dec'd., viz : a tract or parcel of
land containing
iIVCD JfEre t,
be the same more or less; about SO acres of
which are cleared, with a two story log
dwelling house, a iabin house, a cabin barn,
a saw mill; and
,an apple orchard thereon :
said tract being patented, nod being late the
residence of said deceased.
.aiI.U2CE) g ,
One other tract of patentetrland,
proved, adjoining tl,e above, and clnitainlng
50 acres, be the 'Same more or leis. And
A LSO. •
One oth'.r tract or parCel of land, contain
ing 135 acres, be the same more or less
b , :led on he •Soilth by „lands of James,
Mulhollen, on the North by the first aboy4
described tract, and on the East by fonds
of Israel Ci yder and others ; beingpart n#
a certain tract or parcel of land Itttel div;-
ded LietWeen the said James MUlliollen, and
the said James Taylor
TERMS OF SAI:E :—One half of the
purchase Money to be paid on the confirma
non of the sale, and the residue in cue year
thereafter, with interest, to be secured by
the bonds and mortgage ct the purchaser.'
By the Court.
JOHN REF.!). Clerk.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. when
due attendance will he sliven by ..
I Nov. 27. Mi.