Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, December 11, 1844, Image 1

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Dam'. to Gcurrat Entattgente, antrtians, Volitito,lLlterature, ItUnsatitp, Svto, 2scientro, Eliartrutturr, a Imminent, &r., Szr.
- Q.7,3%)11.
, c - x , (E)ZIQUZID.O9.
The “Jouns.t.r." will be published every Wed:.
rr:. lay morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid ht advance,
lad if not paid within six months, $2 50:
NO subscription received for a shorter pftiod than
;.: months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
,arages are paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be
nserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
11,a insertion 26 cents. If no definite orders aro
gi yea a.; to the time an advertisement is to be continu
,l, it will he kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
The earth hath treasures fair and bright
Deep buried in her caves,
And ocean hideth many a gem,
With his blue curling waves.
Yet not within her bosom dark,
Or 'neath the dashing foam,
Lies there a treasure equalling
A world of love at home.
True sterling happiness end joy
Are not with gold allied ;
Nor can it yield a pleasure like
A merry bright fireside.
I envy not the man who dwells
In stately hall or dome,
If 'mid his splendour he hath not
A world of love at home.
The friends whom time hath proved,sincere,
'Tis they alone can bring
A. sure relief to hearts that dwell
'Neath sorrows heavy wing,
Though care and trouble may be mine,
As down life's path I roam;
I'll heed them not while still I have
A world of love at home.
Machine Poetrii.
,to whales, and other big fish,
as well as to tomcods, flounders, scot.
pins, pouts, eels, and other small fry:
"Ye monsters of the bubbling deep,
Your Maker's praises spout ;
Up from the sands ye codlings peep,
And wag your tails about."
There is much truth, if not poetry, in
:he following :
The race is not forever got,
By him who faster runs;
Nor the bat tel to those peo-pel,
That shoot with the longest guns."
The following address to the Sun chimes
very well with the preceding, although of
:Bore modern origin :
"All hail thou glorious Sun!
Bright as a now tin pan!
Thou roundest, fairest, purest source—
Of bread and cheese to man !"
Was it Providence ?
Take, for example, a young girl, breti
delicately in town, shut up in a nursery
;n her childhood—in a boarding•-school
through her youth, never accustomed eith
.critu air or exercise, two things that the
law of God makes essential to health.—
She marries; her strength is inadequate
to the demands upon it. Her beauty
fades early. She languishes through her
hard offices of giving birth to children,
suckling and watching over them, and
dies early. What a strange Provi
dence, that a mother, should be taken, in
the midst of life, from her children I"
Was it Providence 1--No: Providence
had assigned her three-score years and
ten ; a term lung enough to rear her chi'.
'chef), and to see her children's children ;
but she has not obeyed the laws on which
life depends, and of course she has lost it.
A father, too, is cut off in the midst of
Cis days. He is a useful and distinguish.
oil citizen, and eminent in his profession.
A .general buzz rises on every side, of
What a striking Providence!" This
lnan has been in the habit of studying half
the night, of passing his days in his office
and the courts, of eating luxurious din
and drinking various wines. He
has every day violated the laws on which
health depends. Did Providence cut him
oil? The evil rarely ends here. The di
seases of the father are often transmitted;
and a feeble mother rarely leaves behind
tier vigorous children.
It has been customary in some of our
cities for young ladies to walk in thin
::has and delicate stockings in mid-win
ter. A health bloOming young girl, thus
dressed, is a violation of Heaven's laws,
pays the penalty ; a checked circulation,
fever, and death, What a sad
Orovidenee!" exclaims her friends. Was
it Providence, or her own folly
UPETaIQ 9 aa,
A beautiful young bride goes, night af•
ter night, to parties made in honor of her
marriage. She has a slightly sore throat►
perhaps, and the weather is inclement ;
but she must wear her neck and arms
bare ; for whoever saw a bride in a close
evening dress? She is consequently
seized with intimation of the lungs, and
the grave receives her before her bridal
days are over. " What a Providence?"
exclaims the world. "Cut oil in the
midst of happiness and hope!" Alas! did
she not cut the thread of life herself?
A girl in the country exposed to our
changeful climate, gets a new bonnet in
stead of a flannel garment. A rheuma
tism is the consequence. Should the girl
sit down tranquil ly with the idea that
Providence has sent the rheumatism upon
her, or should she charge it on her vani
ty, and avoid the folly in future?
Look, my young friends, at the mass of
diseases that are incurred by intemper
ance in eating or in drinking, or iri study,
or in business; often by neglect of e::er•
cise, cleanliness, pure air: by indiscreet
dressing, tight laciog, &c., am] all is qui
etly imputed to Providence! Is there not
impiety as well as ignorance in this ?
Were the physical law strictly observed
from generation to generation, there would
be an end to the frightful diseases that cut
life short, and of the long list of maladies
that make life a torment or a trial. It is
the opinion of those who best understand
the physical system, that this wonderful
machine, the body, this "goodly temple,"
would gradually decay, and men would
die as if falling asleep.
Mr. Geo. Golding, a noted bird fancier,
who is well known in State street, having
been over twenty years messenger of the
New England Marine Insurance office,
was much afflicted last summer by the sud
den death of his wife. For many years
he has also suffered severely from the ef
fects of rheumatism, so much so as fre
quently to be confined for months to his
chamber. But amid all his afflictions he
seemed to derive great pleasure from
rearing a large family of canaries. Fre
quently, when he has been so rocked with
pain as to be unable to stand upright, he
has scrambled out of bed on his hands and
I knees seated himself by the cages, and
whistled and talked to his 'little minstrels,'
as he calls them, fur hours; and they, in
their turn, piping their shrillest notes, or
sporting from perch to perch, or eating
out of his hand.
Every bird had its name, and so per
fectly were they trained that nearly all
of them knew when he called 'them ; and
their names, ton, had each its meaning or
association, something in the oriential
style. One would be named "Clear
Voice,! another Little Red Ritlint,
Hood," a third 1. Weeping Willow," Ste:
So perfect was the sympathy between
them, that he would open the doors o f the
cages, then stretch himself on tho floor of
his chamber, and call them to him by name,
and, in a few minutes they woo Id cluster
around him, eat out of his mouth, whistle
as he spoke to them, nestle in his bosom,
and play a great variety of other interest
ing antics, such as birds only can play.
Last Tuesday, Mr. Golding though
that the chamber was too cold for his
feathered family, and in a luckless hour,
he placed a charcoal furnace in the room
for the purpose of warming it. Half an
hour afterwards he visited the room, but
who can describe the old man's agony,
when he beheld the greater part of the
darlings in which all his affections seem
ed to centre, lying dead on the bottoms
of their cages "Oh, my God !" he ex
claimed "all my little ones gone—w;►at
have I done to deserve this?" and he sank
on the floor, burying his face in his hands.
His daughter came immediately to his as
sistance, removed the furnace, threw the
windows open, and succeeded by these
means in preserving twenty birds. lie
had fifty in all, and lost thirty of them.
Nearly an hour elapsed before the old
man could mustar courage to attend to the
wants of the living members of Ina family
and remove the dead ones. Slowly awl
sorrowfully he opened the doors of the
cages, the tears the mobile streaming down
his aged cheeks—and sad and plaintive
were the words he uttered as he separa
ted the de'att from the living.
The first dead one he pressed to his
lips and kissed. again and again, and in a
tone of deep sorrow he commenced reci
ting its history. "Thou, my sweet little
• Morning Star,' were the first to tell me
that the n , ght was,gone, and the daylight
near, but no more shall I hear thy voice—
it is hushed for ever, and my poor hear t.
is Mutest broken. And Ilion too:Ay
"Evening Star," he continued wessing
another to his lips, "why art thou gone?"
Why didst thou leave the old man; he
was kind to thee, he used to kiss tbee
and feet! thee from I.i4iouth, and listen
with delight to' thy calm sweet notes, as
they sang the sun beneath the sea. My
Morning and Evening Star are both set,
and I will soon follow them.
fie,could proceed no farther, but again
sank on the floor, and cried as if his heart
would break. Although the birds, to hit)
were a great pecuniary loss, say one hun
dred and fifty dollars, yet he not once al
luded to them in that sense, and we are
satisfied that if he had ten times that
amount he would freely have given it all
if by doing so he could have restored them
to life. So warmly is he attached to them
still, that he contemplates having them
stalled, that he may gaze on them while
he lives.—Boston Tranocript.
Politic :A Statistics,
Washigton was unmdmously chosen the fret
President, and was inducted into eilica on the 30th
of April, 178 9. Ifo was in office eight years. For
the third Presidential term, the Electoral votee
were as follows :
For President. For Mt Presiden::.
John Adams re ceived 71 T. PieTuley received rE
Thomas Jefferson, 68 Aaron Burr 50
Thomas Jefferson, 73 Aaron Burr, 73
John Adams, 64 T. Pickney, 58
Thomas Jefferson, 162 Georgo Clinton, 133
Chas. C. Pickney, 14 Rufus Kim! 41
James Madison, .22 George Clinton, IS
Chas. C. Pickney, 45 Rufus King, 47
James Madison, 129 Elbrzdge Gerry, .28
De Wit Clinton, 89 Ingersoll, 59
1 81 6.
James Monroe D.D. Tompkins, 113
Rufus King, 34 Opposition scattering.
James Monroe, 218 D. D. Tompkins, 212
No opp. but 1 vote. Opposition divided.
Andrew Jackson, 89 J. C. Calhoun, 182
John Q. Adams, 34 rive others, 78
Wm. H. Crawfore, 41
Henry Cloy 37
No choice having been effected by the electors,
John Quincy Adatns was chosen President by the
House of Representatives.
Andrew Jackson, 178 J. C. Calhoun 171
John Q. Adams 83 Richard Rush, 83
Wm. Sroth, 7
Andrew Jackson ni9 IL Van Buren 189
Henry Clay, 49 John Sergeant, 49
John Floyd, 11 Woo. Wilkins, 30
William Wirt 7 Lee, 11, A Elmaker, 7
M. 'Fen Buren, 170 R. 11. Johnson, 147
Win. H. Harrison 73 Francis Granger, 64
Ihigh L. White, 26 Scattering, 34
Willie P. Mangum, 11
Daniel Webster 14
Wm. H. Harrison, 234 John Tyler, 291
Martin Van Buren, 60 It. M. Johnson, 43
L. W. Tazewell 11
James K. Polk, I
James K. Polk, 170 George M. Dallas, 170
Homy Clay, ,05 T. Frelingbuyson, 105
Political statistics.
The following interesting table gives a
view of the votes pulled for Governor in
this State from the first election to the
present time :
Thomas 2i,725
Arthur St. Clair, 2,802
Mifflin's majority -24,923
Thomas Mifflin 18,596
F. A. Muhlenberg, 10,700
Mifflin's majority - 7,890
Thomas Mifflin, 30,026
F. A. Mulilenbeis, 1,011
Mifflin's majority - 29,009
Thomas M'Kean, 37,244
James Ross, 82,642
Witeatt's majority 4,602
- -
Thoinng M'Keati, 47,879
'bones Rues, 17,034
Ic.ean's Majority ---- 30,845
Thomas M'Kean,
Simon Snyder, 38,485
111'Kean's majority - 5,062
Simon Snyder,
PJames 11W4,
John Spayd, 4,006
Snyder's majority - 29,402
Simon Snyder, 53,319
W. Tiighain, 4,009
Snydet's majority -40,710
Simon Snyder,
Snyder's majority
W. Findley, 66,53!
Oosenli Heister, 59,2.72
Findley's majority - 7,059
Joseph liiester, 07,80:1
W. Findley, C 0,200
Wester's majority - I,GCS
3. A. Shultz,
Andrew Orem 6.1,211
Shu les MAjurity - 23,717
J. A. Shultz
John Servant,
Shult's majority
George Wolf,
Joseph Ritner,
Wulf majority
Georg l Wolf, 91,355
!roseph 'tither, 38,165
Wolf's majority - 3,170
Jesip aitner, 34,023
George \Voir, 65.804
;',l uhleoberg, 40,580
"littler's majority
D. R. Porter, 127,821
:osepli Ititner, 122,35
Porter's majority - .7,403
D. IL Porter, 136.504
John Banks, 113,501
Julius Lemoyne, 7,6Z1
Porter's majority £5,031
Francis R. Slunk, 160,403
Joseph Markle, 156,114
Julius Lemoyne, '2,675
Skunk's majority - 4,239
FARMS FOR SA L E..—Four very sum
nor contiguous tracts of land, adjoining
Penn's Manor in Gre...n township, Indiana
county, Pennsylvania, comprising 1290 or
more acres.
The neighborhood is one of the best in the
county—the land is very fine—well adapted
to growing wheat ; there is lime•stone and
coal in abundance on it. The proportion of
land now under cultivation is about one
third ; the remainder in woodland—timber
excellent—White oak, Hickory, &c. They
are distant about 12 mites front the canal, 8
miles from the county town of Indiana, and
1 mile from the village of Greenville, and
very convenient to mills, meeting-houses,
schools, &c.
There Is a flourishing German Settlement
in the immediate neighborhood. These
Lands will be divided into Parma to suit
purchasers. The title is perfect and the
terms will be accommodating. Such an op
portunity of obtaining a fine farm—on as
reasonable terms as the above will be offer
ed—seldom occurs in Pennsylvania.
67'. Apply to
Ebensburg, Cambria co., Pa:
October 2,1844.---3 t.
.Vottec to Co:lectors.
The Collectors of the several townships in Hun
tingdon county preview to and for the year 1842,
who have not yet settled their duplicates, aro re
quested to pay into the County Treasury the bal
ances remaining due and thipaid oh their several
duplicates on or before January Court next. Unless
the said balances are settled they will be certified
into the Prothonotary's office and collected by exe
cution immediately after said court.
Persons knowing themselves to be indebted to
the county, by note or otherwise, aro also desired to
make payment of the
Commissioner's Mice,
Huntingdon, Nov. 20, 1844.
Estateof Isaac Vandevandor, Esq.,
(1,7/ e 7 Teed.)
r,vrOTICE is hereby given that lettersof
administration upon the said estate
have been granted to the undersigned. All
pet sons having claims or demands against
the same are requested to make them known
without delay, and all persons indebted to
make immediate payment to
Walker tp., Nov. 6, 1844.
t ,k4
VPutatbatial• 8
Al! the real and personal property belonging to
CHRISTIAN GARBER, Esq., late of Hollidays
burg, deed., will be sold at Public Sale iu Kalil
daysburg, on
' , Wednesday, the 18th Decm'br nest.
_ _ _ _
Salo to commence at 10 o'clock, A. AL, and to
continuo from day to day until the whole is dispos
ed of; at which time and place will be sold sundry
articles of household and race furniture, viz: bed
steads, beauteous, secretaries, decks and paper
cases, tables, eha:rs, carpeting, a number of stoves,
a number of volumes of Religious, Law, and
Aliso lluneous Books. Boards, flaxseed oil, spanish
cigars, lead pipe, nails and various other articles of
his personal Estate
The fallowing real estate Situate in the borough
of Hollidaysburg, and known on the old town plot
by the numbers.
A Lot No. 61, hounded by Allegheny and
Wayne strecti and Cherry Alley, being 60 feet front
by 180 feet back, on which is erected a handsome
°dice with back mom, and a briek fireproof buil
ding adjoining: also, a frame dwelling house, shop
end barn thereon.
Also, Lot No. G 2, adjoining the above, on which
are erected three one story houses.
Also, The one-half of Lot No. 35, fronting on
Allegheny street, on which is erected a two story
frame house and frame stable.
Also, Lot No. 79, on which are erected two
dwelling houses and a stcble.
Also, Lot No. 82, on which M a small frame
Also, Lot N 0.76, on which is a two story house
and faun° stable.
Also, the following real estate in the new town
plot of Hullidaysbura. known as Lot No. 197, cor
ner of Wulnut and Union streets, with a two story
house thereon erected.
Also, one•hnlf of Lot No. 196, fronting on Wal
nut street, with ono double two story brick house
Also, Two Lot. Nos. 192 and 194, fronting on
Walnut street.
Also, Lot No. 185, fronting on Allegheny street,
a two story house and frame stable thereon.
Also, Lot No. 181, on Allegheny street, with
two frame houses thereon.
Also, Lots No. 246, 247 and 248, on Blair at.,
with one two story house, framo stablo and slough•
ter house thereon.
Also, Two lota No. 159 and 160, fronting on
Blair street, with one double two story and one
small frame house and stable thereon.
Also, One-half of Lot No. 165 on Blair street,
with a three story brick house and frame stable
„Also, Lot No. - fronting on Blair street, with
two frame houses and three frame stables, (usually
called the Black Bear Inn.”)
I Also, Lot No. 173, fronting on Mulberry street,
with a frame house and stable thereon.
Also, The undivided ouc•hotf part of Canal
Basin Lot No. 9, fronting on the Rail Road eighty.
seven feet, and extending back to the Canal.
All3O, 7110 undivided half part of Lot No. 121,
bounded by Wayto and Blair street, near the
Market house.
Tho following real esta t e in the borough of
Gayeport, adjoining Hollidaysburg.
The undivided one-third part of a Lot on the
Canal basin with a largo Warehouse thereon, used
as a storing and forwarding house, with slips for
boats &c., FL.
A lan, Lot No. 86, a point lot, with a from dwel
ling howl thereon.
Also, The undivided half part of one two story
house. with as much ground as iv set apart for the
use of said house on Lot 85.
Alco, Lots Nos. 61 and 62, each with a frame
Also, Lots Nos. 63 and 64 each under fence.
Also, The undivided one-third partof the (Som
merville farm) adjoining said borough and lota, con
taining about 110 acres more or less, a draught of
which will be exhibited at the time of the Gale.
The following real estate, Situate in the Northern
Liberties of Ifollidaysbug.
Lot No. 2, fronting on Juniata street, fenced in.
Aleo, Two Lots Nos. 19 and 20, with one two
story house and frame stable.
Also, One-half of Lot No. 26, on the hill.
Also, Two Lots Nos. 24 and 31, on the hill.
Also, Lot No. 35 fronting On Garber street.
Also, Lot No. - fronting on Montgoineryst.
Also, One piece of laud lying between Divine
street and Sassafras alley, supposed one and a half
One piece of land lying back of the Lu
theran Church, 2 acres, reserving the right to open
a road from the Church down to Divine street, say
one oral three-forth acres.
Moo, Two out Lots under fence and in good
order, containing 2 acres each.
Also, A tract of land adjoining lands of Thos.
Biddlo and Michael Hileman, in Frankstown tp.,
containing 39 acres, more or less.
Also, A tract of land in Cambria county, lying
on the west side of the Allegheny, and through
which the Rail Road passes ; containing 130 acres
more or less.
A small pieta of land near tho Juniata River and
Williamsburg; boundaries and quantity not now
known so as to be described.
Tho above will he sold in pursuance of the will of
Christian Garber, Esq., deceased.
TERMS—For the Real estate, one-third of the
purchnee money to be paid in hand ; the remain
ing two-thirds to be paid in from ono to live
years, with interest. The payments to be secur
ed by Bonds and Mortgagee, as is usual.
of C. Garber, Esq., deed.
Huntingdon, Nov. 13, 1844.
Estate of .sthor Bouslongh, late of
Allegheny township, deceased.
• ErIERS of administration on the said
• estate have been granted to the under
signed. All personsindebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claims against it will pre
sent them properly authenticated forsettle
client without del_ay, to
Nov. :10, 1804. Ituutiugden
\Si.s , Ma:Dllcip SIT= dadi3d3
Late of Barree toienship, Huntingdon
county, deceased.
nOTICE is hereby given, that lett.PS
testamentary upon the said estate have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
mile immediate pa} tura, amid those having
clams or demands against the same are re
quested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement, to
JOHN OAKS, 5 Exes.
November 20, 1844. Barree tp.
Estate of Chas. 111'Martrie,
;Late of Franklin township, deceased.]
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the said estate have been
grarted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands against the same
are reqnested to make them known without
delay, and all persons indebted to make im
mediate payment to
Aug. 14, 1844.-6 t. Petersburg Bor.
auditors ) .111 otices
The undersigned having been apiminteg
an auditor by the coutt, to make distribu
tion of the proceeds of the real estate of
Robert Hazlett, of Allegheny township, in
the hands of John Shaver, Esq., late Sheriff,
hereby gives notice that he will attend for
that purpose at the Prothonotary's t ffice in
Huntingdon, on Saturday the 4th day of Jan
uary next, between the hours of two and
four P. M., when and where all persons in
terested may attend if they think proper.
Nov. 27, 1844.
The undersigned auditor appointed by the
court, to make distribution of the proceeds
of Milo H. Ferry's house and lot of ground
in Hopewell township, in the hands of John
Shaver, Esq., late Sheriff, hereby gives no
tice that he will attend for that purpose, a
the Prothonotary's office in Huntingdon, on
Srturday, the 4th day of January next, be
tween the hour of two and four P. M., when
and where all persons interested may attend
if they think proper.
Nov. 27, 1844.
The undersigned auditor appointed by the
court, to make distribution of the proceeds
of the Sheriff sale of S. F. Henry's house
and lot in Hollidaysburg, remaining ift the
Sheriff's hands. hereby gives notice that he
will attend for that purpose at the Prothono
tary's office in Huntingdon, on Saturday,
the 4th day of Januaty next, between the
hours of two and four P. M„ of which all
persons interested will take notice.
IsToy. 27, 1844,
The undersigned auditor appointed by the
carat, to make distribution of the proceeds
of the sale of the real estate of John L.
Moyer, of Frankstown borough, remaining
in the Sheriff's hands, hereby gives notice,
that he will attend for that purpose at his
office in Huntingdon, on Saturday the 4th of
January next, when and where all persons•
interested in such distribution may attend if
they think proper.
Nov. 27, 1844. Auditor.
The undersigned auditor appointed by the
court, to make distribution of the proceeds
of the sale of the real estate of Ezra Hart,
of Allegheny township, remaining in the
hands of the Sheriff, hereby gives notice,
that he will attend for that purpose at the
Prothonotary's office in Huntingdon, on
Saturday the 4th January next, at 2 o'clock
P. M., when and where all persons interes
ed may attend it thee think proper.
Nov. 27. 1844. Auditor.
Orphans) Court Sale.
44N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale,
by vendee or public outcry, on the premises,
On Thursday the I of December next,
at 1 o'clock P. M. of arid day, "All that certain
situate in Tyrone townehip, Huntingdon county;
adjoining lands of John Orr, Conrad Fleck and
others, with a
t ggli and other bUildinga thereon erected,
d€ 3. UCE) dQ.cci)zincio as
and one hundred and four perches—late the estate
of John Templeton, deed.
TERMS OF SALE.—One half of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and
the residue in one year thereafter, with interest, to
be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purcha
the Court,
AttendanCO will bo given by
WM. TEMPLE roN, Eer.
Nov. 20, 1844.--in.
$lO Reward for the Goods—s2s
for Goods and Thieves.
The above reward will be given to any person
Or persons who will apprehend one or two individ
uals supposed to have been engaged in the robbery
of the store of the undersigned on the night of the
11th instant. One of the above named persons
was a man about 6 feet 10 inchee in height, full
face, dark hair and dark whiskers. The other was
a tall spare man, rather slender. light hair, had on
a black fur hat half worn; and altogether were both
suspicious looking' persona—the property stolen
was 3 or 4 webs wool dyed cloth, and other ardcloi
not known.
perrille, Nov. 12, 1944.