Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, November 27, 1844, Image 2

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"One country, one constitution, one destiny."
Wednesday morning, Nov. 27, '44.
t r? V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street
below Third, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act a.?
Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and
cc)- The Huntingdon Journal has a
larger circulation than any other
Newspaper in Huntingdon county.
We state this fact for the benefit of
A Chance for Investments.
We call the attention of persons wishing to in-
vest capital in Real Estate, to the immense amount
of property offered by William Dorris, Executor of
Christiani Garber, dectd., and to a number of Or.
phans' Court Sales—advertised in this paper.
pi SIIpIFF ARMITAGE entered upon the
duties of his office last week.
Thanksgiving Days.
The acting Governor of Ohio has appointed
Thursday the 19th day of December next to be ob
served as a day of Thanksgiving throughout that
Governor Bouck has appointed Thursday, the
12th day of December next to bo observed as a day
of public thanksgiving and prayer by the people of
the State of New York.
Gov. Marmaduke of Missouri has appointed
Thursday the 28th inst. as a day of public thanks
giving and prayer throughout that State.
j The Governor of Mains has set apart
Thursday the sth of December as a day of Thanks
giving and Prayer, in tLat State.
The Presidency in 1848,
A number of Whig paper; have raised the name
of Gen. Scott as a candidate for the Presidency in
1848. We consider this step altogether premature.
The Locofocoa and their foreign allies have decided
in favor of a Southern dynasty which will domineer
over this country for four long years, and before the
expiration of that term there may be many political
" ups and downs," and the Government will be sc
prostrated that it will require the "best doctor" to
restore it. Better wait awhile for th 3 "sober second
thought" of the people, which according to Mr.
Van Buren, "is seldom wrong, and always effi
oj. At a late Locofoco rejoicing in Zanesville,
Ohio, Mr. J. Russell, of that place, was killed by
the premature diseharg of a cannon. His faray
is left in a very needy condition.
Ti!he way in which tho :Locos car
Further evidences of fraud and perjury at the
late eleection are daiiy coming to light. Even in
this county, where we had some little confidence in
the purity of the ballot box, we hear of fraudulent
and double voting.
In this district, cosmopolites and wandering
Jews voted on their mere AFFIRMATION that
they had paid a State or county tax somewhere in
Pennsylvania within two years, and considered this
borough their place of residence, although it was
known that they were pedlars who have no per
manent residence in the county—pay no taxes—
and bear none of the responsibilities of citizens.
A certain Doctor who "kills or cures" by steam
also voted by steam at the Presidential election.
He voted in Snyder township in the morning, then
rode to Antes and voted there in the evening. The
offender is a sober, cool, calculating fellow, and no
thing but deliberate villany prompted him to the
act. Legal proceedings have been instituted against
him, and nothing but an Executive pardon can save
him from justice.
In Antes township Polk tickets wore deceitfully
folded, two together, and voted. Three more tick
ets were in the box than names on the list of voters.
All these tickets wore counted, contrary to law.
The deceitfully doubled tickets should have been
thrown out, which would have made a difference of
aix against Polk.
And wo are informed that in Woodberry town
ship an unnaturalized foreigner voted. He got
his vote Into the box by swearing that he was natu
ralized in the court of this county. Since the elec
tion, search has born made and no record of his
naturalization can be found. This scoundrel will
also be prosecuted.
Deception, fraud, and subornation of perjury arc
characteristics of the leaders of the Locoforo party.
These hypocritical preachers of morality, honesty,
&c., put on long and sanctimonious faces before
elections, and caution the people against fraud, de
ception, and every species of rascality, and then
practice the same themselves.
Knowing that the Locofocos practice such bare
faced frauds in a Whig county like Huntingdon,
what may we expect from them in their own strong
holds, where they have entire and unmolested con
trol over the ballot-boxes.
"By the E—!" said the old Lion of the
Hermitace, ' , the peoplo NKOW HIM too well,"
when he li:ard that Jemmy O'Polk was defeated in
Yes the people cf Tennessee know Mr. Polk, and
they know Mr. Clay—am; so do the people of Ken
tucky. Mr. Clay has done what no other candi
date has ever done. Ho has carried his own State
.and that of his opponent.
Ha, ha, ha, such a nominee
As Jimmy Polk of Tennessee
The Tory Press.
" The triumph of the Loctribeo party in the late
contest, has served to developo the hidden and se
cret contempt, entertained by that party, of the
people. Previous to the election the tory press
wreathed its face in smiles, and employed honied
phrases to the sovereign people, but no sooner does
fraud and foreign influence decide in favor of the
GRAND SON OF A TORY, than the real char
acter of these presses is exposed, and that same
people whom they attempted to flatter and deceive,
are denominated as the low, vulgar, and ignorant.
"The Globe of last week is a beautiful specimen
of Tory malignity and contempt of the people;
anti is also a fair specimen of that paper's regard
for truth. Read the following extract from its
leading editorial article:
"But let us cee what counties * * * gave to
Mr. Clay then. thundering majorities ? Lancaster,
Lebanon, Dauphin, Union and Somerset, each gave
him a large majority—in all about nOOO. • • •
We have heard that in a majority of the townships
in each of these counties the people have decided
against the common school system. And we be
lieve it is univcreally conceded that the people in
these counties aro cs far back in the woods and
snore so than any ether five counties in the State,
and yet the Journal has the impudence to prate
. about intelligence, and indulge in contemptible
slang about benighted regions—Tulp:hockeno and
so on.
Thus wrote Lewis G. Mytingcr's hireling editor
in the last Glebe. Lewis never writes, but he
prints any thing that designing knaves indite for
him, no matter whether it be a libel upon a friend,
a " Roorback forgery," or an " Iron-teethed Rake,"
alias the " Independent Whig." Hence the slan
der upon the noble German counties cf Lancaster,
Lebanon, Dauphin, Union and Somerset.
The Globe hireling says—" we have heard that a
majority of the townships in each of these counties
have decided against the common school system;
and herein he pays a left handed compliment to his
friends in "Democratic Barree" township, in tLis
county. Having received sundry hard wraps over
the knuckles lately for Ys deviation from the truth,
the Globe begins to lie mit cautiously. It says
WE have HEARD," &c. And pray, sir, who told
you all this " moimshine ?" Examine the reports
of the Supenntendent of the Common Schools,and l
you will hear and see a very different story. And
in vindication of the character of those counties for .
intelligence we refer the Globe to the following ta
ble, compiled from the "Compendium of the sixth
Census" taken in 1840, showing the population of
the fivo counties mentioned, together with the num
ber of schools in them, and tho number of white
persons over 20 years of age who cannot read and
Adults WIT can-
Popl'ion. Schools. not read 4-write
Dauphin, 30,119 76 IGI4
Lancaster, 84,203 203 1116
Lebanon, 21,872 C 6 659
Somerset, 19,650 21 3515
Union, 22,787 49 6
173,0) S 3 6,370
We are sorry that 12,! - .1 cc.zrty is Ilan!: under
the last head—we shcz.,l 1.1.0 La,r,ster
against it. 7 ..`ll
Lion aZ •• a, !,,,t . .:e ,var
cae Peraearatie State of Berio county, Live th
follorir.g table of Locofoco counties, ftori. the
Adults 11.111.5 ~n
Popr ion. Schools. not mad i 'write
York, 47,010 'CO 4210
Montgomery, 47,241 72 390
_ .. .
Lehigh, 9,879 56 1909
Canne, 19,14.7 74 2229
Nct'aumland, 20,027 23 73
The a':o• - c counties we havo selected or. account
of the it col :guity to the Globe's live counties.—
There are other counties "as far back in the woods"
as these, and give larger majorities for the GRAND
SON OF A TORY, but these will suffice for our
purpose. The reader may form his own conclu
sion ; and the Globe demagogues may work these
facts into any shape they think proper.
With the aid of the 130 schools in our native
county—York—the moral darkness which hangs
about the " back" townships may soon be dispelled.
In the days of "Old Hackery" there was not a
Whig in Codorus township—in 1840 Gen. Harri
son received but 2 or 3, and this year Clay has
about a dozen votes there. And we see the" school
master is abroad" in Pike county too—he will be
death to Locofocoism. The noble Whig who
stands "solitary and alone" in Lehman township,
will soon have others to share his eurd. Let him
"cry aloud and spare not," for his is a righteous
cause. Ho must be a men of the sternest virtue
as well as of intelligence, else he would long since
have been corrupted by the spoils party.
New Youx.—Silas Wright, the Locofoco can
didate, has been elected Governor by a majority of
about 10,000 over Mr. Fillmore, his distinguished
opponent. As to the the Congressmen, the Whigs
have elected 9 members, (a Whig gain of 4,) the
Native Americans 4, and the Locofocos 21, embra
cing all the Districts iu the State. Mr. Polk's plu
rality over Mr. Clay, is about 5,000.
DEATH IN THE PELPIT.-The Rev. Wilson, a
Baptist minister in Georgia, fell dead in the pulpit
on the fifth Sabbath in June last, after preaching
from these words: "Verily, verily, I say unto you,
the hour is coining, and now is, when the dead shall
hear the voice of the Son of God, and they that hear
shall live."
Beans AND HARD WINTER.—Tho Sangamm
Illinois, Journal states that Bears aro coming down
into the North parts of Illinois from Wisconsin,
and that several have been killed in Winnebago
county. This movement of Bears, south, it is
said, be tokens of coming hard winter.
New Hampshire at their recent election, rejected a
proposition submitted to them to am Nal their State
constitution so as to abolish capitol punishment.--
They also at the same time rejected propositions to
a mend the constitution in relation to the religious
and property qualification teats.
"1411 tho Decency and all the Intel-
This is the heading of an article in the last Hol
lidaysburg Standard, in reply to ours . relative
to the Pennsylvania election. Wo.seem to have
given sundry Tory presses considerable trouble.—
" Now, be airy, darlints—and if you can't be aisy,
be as aisy as you can." We are at all times ready
to defend our positions, and shall never shrink from
doing so, no matter how demagogues may pervert
our language.
After writing the sheerest nonsense about a the
petty tyrants at certain of our Iron Works"--
those in the Democratic State of Berko county,
perhaps, or those in the black "Star of the North,"
Columbia county, Mr. John Dougherty, the sapient
editor of the Standard proceeds as follows:
"It was the Agricultural counties of New York
that gave the vote of the Dmpire State to James K.
Pold and George •M. Dallas. It was the Armen
of Berke, Westmoreland, and other agricultural
counties, that decided the recent elections in Penn
sylvania ; and it was the farmers of Missouri, Illi
nois, Indiana, Michigan, Virtiinia, &c. &c., that
placed the seal of condemnation en the candidate
of thy ilfenopoEsto. It is Vase whom the editor of
the Journal supposes cannot read or write and who
live in bcniglacrirtgions. _ . .
Having riles sho;tri that the farmers of the Union
aro the clam of men who decided against the mea
sures of the Federalists and monopoliste, we may
perhaps by excused if we hurl back the foul impli
cation of ignorance upon our opponents ; we would
point them to theiestrong holds of Whiggery, Ken
tucky and North Cardlina—two States that contain
a la:ger nr.rober of voters who. can neither read or
write then any °lke?. two Stoles in the Union.
Mut it is absurd and ridiculous in the extreme
to Akvpose that Democracy is incompatible with
leat fling and intelligence. We have shown, that
the more virtuous portion of this country, the agri
culturalists, are on our side, and will now point to
the 8.77,0/r.,s,l'o,ts, ilistona7:l, and Novelists, of
this Republic. 0!)3C,3 the school to which they
belong—they are, without t exception, Democrats;
witness Washington Irvine, N. P. Willis, Joseph
C. Neal, Paulding, Bryant, Cooper,Banoraft, and a
host of others who form the bright galaxy of Amer
can litensture. Yet these are the men whom our
WE;; neighbors deem ignorant! And why? be
cause three men advocate the elevation of the MOSSCS,
and the giving to the many the povir which tha
few had wrested from them. But thrre is anether
portion of our citizens who have come in far more
than n full shore of Federal censure. We allude
to the sturdy and warmhearted Irish, who, having
taste:l 4 th° Litter fruits that flow from a property
government at home, have attached themselves to
the Democratic party and who are always found
battling on the sale of the people. These have
been selected as the peculiar objects of Federal
vengeance, and already all the artillery of the Uni
versal Whig party has opened upon their devoted
Every person who reads Mr. Dougherty's 8 by
10 knows that the " Great Agitator" has great
powers of invention. 11c can inv..t facts to suit
his purpose just e::actly, no matter whether it bs
" North Carolina cicazon ?Warns complete," :low-
ing the triumphant cleeioo of Mr. Hoke, the Loco.
'foe° candidate, who never Aectod, or w:lethor
it be Marble Quarries-113:4 - fion, Law, or Physic.
0 And where in PENNSTIVANIA," said we, "is
there a dark and benighted recion, where mar. can
not read and write their names, that does not p for
Polk and Democaacy'l" John D01:41 . 10rk7
♦ soya applied to " the z...nmak:s of 1i.115,,z),;,
noi3, Indiana, iliichigan, &a. &c.," and
then he sagely denies the truth of our assertion.—
He wanders far feoin the true issue, and there we
feel disposed to leave him, hoping that ho will in
form us whether he calls the lordly nabobs and plan
ters of Missouri, Virginia, furr:zers, or whether
he applies that honorable appellation to their 81aves.
These farmers of the South and West, who veto
once for themselves and :4ree times for every fit's
slaves they own, aro the polite fellows who " placed
the seal of condemnation on the candidate of the
Monepofists." So says John Dougherty, and it is
truth, but not the whole truth—for the voters of
the North and East helped therm We don't like
to see these Tory editors ehift the responsibility so
soon after the election. The North and East must
bear their part of the sit•. and the disgrice.
But let us examine another of Mr. Dougherty's
inventions: "Kentucky and North Carolina,"
says he, "contain a larger number of voters who
can neither read nor write than any other two
states in the Union." Now let us see what the
last Census says on this subject.
liVo. of white persons over 20
years of age who cannot read
and write.
North Carolina,
New York,
Deduct truth from falsehood and it -
leaves against Dougherty 6,554
Certain Tory editors would do well to learn that
"figures won't lie," and that " facts are stubborn
things." Mod bye, Mr. Dougherty.
"In the midst of life we are in death."
It is our painful duty to recortithe fact that at'
tho Locofoco rejoicing at Manor Hill, in this coun
ty, on Monday last, the cannon used to give tone
to the occasion, exploded, killing a young man-na
med M'Malum, and injuring a young German stran
ger so severely that one of his legs has since been am
putated; and also wounding Capt. John Stewart, of
11 rive township, though not very seriously.
P. B.—A gentleman from Dorm township hoe
informed us since the above was in type, that Mr. M.
was still living yesterday evening, but that no hope
of his recovery is entertained, and that the case of
the German is considered very doubtful by his phys
Was the inscription on one of the banners in the
Locofoco procession from tho 6th Ward in the city
of Now 'fork, u few evenings previous to the late
election. The fact is established by the corrobera-
tivo testimony of a number cl the most respectable
citizens of that city.
a Can such things be,
And overcome Itz like a summer cloud,
Without our special wonder I"
a Americans shan't rule over us !" Ponder
upon it.
Dore "Executive Clemency."
_ _
On Wednc, day of week before last a parchment
or paper was presented in the Court of Quarter
Sessions of this county, with the great seal of the
Commonwealth, and the signature of the Governor
attached, in the words following:
fel In the name and by the authority
.244 OF THE
Governor of the said Commonwealth. -
Wherea9, at a Court of Quarter Sessions of
the Peace, held in and for the county of Hunting
don, on the tenth'ilay of April, one thousand eight
hundred and forty-four, James Jones, John Jones,
James Evans Jones, ncs Thompson, Washing
ton Jaelam Briggs, and John Briggs, Jr., were
Indicted for a conspiracy and malicious mischief,
and found guilty on the first, second and third counts
in said Indictment, and were thereupon sentenced
by the Court to pay a fine of ten dollars each and
the costs of prosecution, and stand committed, &e.
And whereto, :t has been represented to me that
the raid defendants aro lit and proper persons for
the exercise of the Executive Clemency.
Ido therefcr,, in consideration of the premises,
hereby remit the fines of ten dollars each imposed
upon the said defendants by the sentence of the
Court as aforesaid, and the same are hereby fully
remitted accordingly.
Given under my hand and the GREAT SEAL
of the State, at Harrisburg,this fourteenth day
of September, in the year of our Lord, ono
thousand eight hundred and forty-four, and of
the Commonwealth, the sixty-ninth.
By the Governor:
Secretary of the Comm. mean,
The above was filed among the records of the
county, as a "perpetual memorial;" and in order
to make the mercifulness of our Governor the bet
ter known wo have deemed it proper to publish this
further evidence thereof. We Lava before furnish.
niched our readers with specimens cf pardons—
"pre:e'er:o" and ;;rope.', and with a supersedcas
.which the Supreme Court said no supereedoas
at all: mid vie now give this specimen of a remis
sion erforgieeaess.
We wil! add that these "fit and proper persons
for the exercise of the Executive Clemency" were
indicted for a ccnspiracj and malicious mischief—
s/tittle/big the School D7rector,3 of Tell town,hip
in the performance of ih:Er olficialduties—nunn-
Iwo acrv, TOO SC/I.L HOUSE, &c. Some people
prefer moral and political darkness rather than light
and knowledge, end it so happens that those people
aro always the " fit and proper persons for the ex
ercise of the Executive clemency." In this ease
the Pardon is of no other earthly use or effect thin
to clear these "fit and proper percent" front the
fines imposed upcn them by the Court.
The Pardon was given on the 14th September,
shortly before the election.
Since the elections in Pennsylvania we have seen
in a number of our Locofeco exchange paiers,
long article credited to the "Pittsburg Weekly,'
against the Distribution of the Proceeds of tho
soles of the Public Lands and against the Protec
tive Tariff. We make the following extracts:
" Now as a measure of mere finance, this propo
sition to distribute tho proceeds of the public lands,
is most ridiculous."
" A protective tariff is laid to prevent the impor
tation of fomign goods, Yet it is by the very duties
on these goods, whose importation is designated to
be prevented by a protective Una that the public
treasury is to be supplied with funds after exhaust
ing itself by the distribution of the land proceeds.
This is arrant nonsense. The proposition on its
face is to give away the resources of the Govern
ment and still replenish the Government by the du
ties on imports, and at the same time pass a law to
prevent these very importations,"
The reasoning in the above extract is most falla
cious, for it is an indisputable fact that under the pres
ent Protective Tann; passed by the Whig Congress'
of 1842, the Treasury has a large surplus revenue.—
The question is, shall the Tariff be reduced, or
shall the surplus, or the proceeds of the public
lands, be distributed? But our object in making
the above extracts was, to show how the Locofocos
have MIN.. Pennsylvania out of her Electoral
votes. Before the election the cry was, "hurrah
for Polk, Drillas, and the Democratic Tariff of 1842."
Now, since the election is over and Pennsylvania
secured, this measure is denounced as "arrant non
sense." Lind' is the dishonesty of Locofocoisin.
~4Zr._ ~.T.~~,
On Thursday morning the 21st inst., by the
Rev. William Gwynn, Mr. JEREAIIAH K.
BELLEMAN, formerly of Harrisburg, Pa., , to Miss
CAROLINE E. Z., daughter of Mr. Chri,tian
Peightel, dec'd of this borough.
On Thursday evening the 21st inst., by the Rev.
William Gwynn, Mr. CHARLES S. BLACK,
to Miss lIARRIETTA McCABE. all of this
On Monday the 18th inst.. in this place, by the
Ren. John Peebles, Mr. WILLIAM BLACK, to
Miss MARY JANE ROBESON, both of Newton
Hamilton Mifflin county.
On Monday the 18th inst., in Hollidaysburg,
M.. ELIZA L. M'KINNEY, consort of the Rev.
David 11EKinney, in the nth year of her ago.
_ _
On Friday the 22nd inst., OMISSA MARTIN,
daughter of John D. and Mary Martin,—aged 3
years, 3 months, mull:: days.
A meeting of the Washingtonian
Temperance Society will be hold in
.„'r; the Old Court House, on Saturday
evening next, at 6 o'clock. Arrange
' • ments have been made, to have the
house warm and comfortable. All
. persons, both male and female, friendly
and unfriendly, are respectfully
ted to attend.
If there is not a tolerably respectable turn out of
the friends of Temperanso, the active members will
consider themselves notified to abandon the cause.
N. B. Several addresses by members, anti music
by the "Independent Band" may be expected.
Huntingdon, Nor. 27, 1814.
orlotano , eourt
In pursuance of an order of the Orphans'
Court of Huntingdon county, will be expos
ed to sale, on the premises, by public ven
due or outcry, on
Tuesday, the 94th of December next,
(1844,) all the following real estate, late of
James Taylor, of Antes township. in said
county, deed., viz : a tract or parcel of
land containing
atucE• acres,
be the same more or less, about 50 acres of
which are cleared, wi th a two story log
dwelling house, a ( alibi house, a cabin barn,
a saw mill, and an apple orchard thereon :
said tract being pattated, and being late the
residence of said deceased.,
One other tract of patented land, unim
proved, adjoining the above, and containing
50 acres, be the same more or less. And
One other tract or parcel of land, contain
ing 155 acres. be the same more or less,
bounded on the South by lands of James
Mulhollen, on the North by the first above
described tract, and on the East by lands
of Israel Cr yder and others; being part of
a certain tract or parcel of land lately divi
ded between the said James Mulhollen, and
the said James Taylor, dec'd.
TERMS OF SALE :—One half of the
purchase money to be paid on the confirma
tion of the sale, end the residue in one year
thereafter, with interest, to be secured by
the bonds and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court.
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock P. M. when
due attendance will be given by
Nov. 27. 1344. Adm'r.
ConVaa-VS, ' 'W)7ici.7
pursualice of an order of the Orphans' Court
Hof Huntingdon county, will he exposed to sale,
by public vendor, on the premises, on
Ftiday, the 20th December next,
as the property of Martin Entire, deceased, the fol•
lowing deseribe,l
or tracts of land, situate in Shirley township, Hun
tingdon county, to wit,
One thereof adjoining lands of J. M. and S. H.
Bell on the north-east, of William Shdfer on the
east and south, lands of the heirs of Elizabeth Et
nire, deceased, and other lands of Martin Etnire, de
ceased, containing
136 acres,
more or less, nearly all of which is cleared and in
culivation, having a two story
and other bltildings thereon.
dallg* ono other thereof, adjoining the above
on the north, land of Jacob Lutz on the west, and
land of William Shaffer on the soath and east, con
S 5 acres,
more or less, the principal part of which is cleared,
having thereon erected a LOG HOUSE, a FRAME
BARN, and other buildings.
And arztu the other thereof, adjoining the
last above described on the north, land of William
Shaffer on the east, land of John Long on the south,
land o: Jacob Lutz and Joseph Miller on the west,
containing Ics acres, more or less, nearly the
whole of which is cleared, having a two story
and other buildings thereon, and on which Benj.
Long now resides.
TERMS OP SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale;
the residue in two equal annual payments, with in
terest from the confirmation ; to eo secured by the
bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court,
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P.M., and atten
dance will be given by the undersigned.
A dm'rs &c.
Nov. 27, 1844.--to
N 'pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale
by public vendee, on the premises, on
Friday, the 20th day of December next,
as the property of Elizabeth Entire, deceased, the
following described
situate in Shirley township, to wit,
One thereof adjoining lands of James M. and
Samuel li. Bell, Smalley's heirs, James M. Bell,
and tho heirs of Martin Etnire, dec'd., containing
35 acres and allowance.
And the other thereof adjoining lands of James
M. Bell, Peter Long, and the heirs of Martin Etnirc,
deceased, containing 30 ACAS and 135 perches
and allowance, on which land an iron oro bank is
situate and opened.
. -- -
TERMS OP SALE.—One third of the pur
chase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale;
the residue in two equal annual payments, with in
terest from the confirmation; to be secured by tho
bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
By the Court
Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., and atten
dance will be given by the undersigned.
Nov. 27, 1844.—t5.
Orphans' Court Sa l e.
QN pursuance of an order of tho Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale
by public vendue, on the premises, on
Saturday, the 2 1st day of December next,
one and a half lots of ground in the village of
Smithfield, Walker township, bounded on the west
by lots'of Catharine Eckelberger, on the south by the
turnpike road, on the cast by vacant lot, being lot
N 0.3, and half of lot N 0.2 in the plan of said town,
having thereon erected a largo two story
formerly kept as a tavern, a FRAME
and other improvements—late the estate ••
of Christian Port, deceased.
TERMS OF SALE.—One third part of the pur
chase money to be paid on the confirmation of the
sale; ono third in ono year thereafter, with interest;
and the residue at and immediately after the death
of Eliza Flenner, (late Eliza Port) widow of the
said deceased, the interest of the said third payment
to be paid to the said wido,v annually and regularly
during her natural life; the whole to be secured by
the bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
lly the Court,
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., and at
tendance will be given by
Nov. 27, 1814.—ts.
11111:". talHO,
11l • B
LPnutbllticta teilllctia a
All the real and personal property belonging to
CHRISTIAN GARBER, Esq., late of Holliday.
burg, dcc'd., will be sold at Public Sale in Holli
daysburg, on
iltrednOzday, tho 18th Ilecm'br nest
Salo to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M., and to.
continue from day to day until the whole is dispos
ed of; at which timo and place will bo sold sundry
articles of household and office furniture, viz: bed
steads, beaureaus, secretaries, desks and paper
cases, tables, chairs, carpeting, a number of stoves,
a number of volumes of Religious, Law, and
Miscellaneous Books. Boards, flaxseed oil, spanish
cigars, lead pipe, nails and various other articles of
his personal Estate,
The following real estate situate in the borough
of Hollidaysburg, and known on the old town plot
by the numbers.
A Lot No. 61, bounded by Allegheny and
Wayne streetq and Cherry Alley, being 60 feet front
by 180 feet back, on which is erected a handsome
Oleo with back loom, and a brick fireproof buil
ding adjoining: also, a frame dwelling house, shop
and barn thereon.
Also, Lot No. 62, adjoining the above, on which
are erected three one story houses.
Also, The one-half of Lot No. 35, fronting on
Allegheny street, on which is erected a two story
frame house and frame stable.
Also, Lot No. 79, on which are erected two
dwelling houses and a stable.
Also, Lot No. 82, on which is a small frame
Also, Lot N 0.76, on which is a two story house
and frame stable.
Also, the following real estate in the new town
plot of Hollidaysburg, known as Lot No. 197, cor
ner of Walnut and Union streets, with a two story
house thereon erected.
Also, one-half of lot No. 196, fronting on Wal
nut street, with ono doublo two story brick house
Also, Two Lots Nos. 192 and 194, fronting on
Walnut street.
Also, Lot No. 185, fronting on Allegheny street,
a two story house and frame stable thereon.
Also, Lot No. 181, on Allegheny street, with
two frame houses thereon.
Also, Lots No. 246, 247 and 248, on Blair et.,
with one two story house, frame stable and slaugh
ter house thereon.
Also, Two Lots No. 159 and 160, fronting on
Blair street, wills one double two story and ono
small frame house and stable thereon.
Also, Ono-half of Lot No. 165 on Blair street.
with a three story brick house and frame stable
Also, Lot No. - fronting on Blair street, with
two frame houses and three frame stables, (usually
called the Black Bear Inn.")
Also, Lot No. 173, fronting on Mulberry street,
with a frame house and stable thereon.
Also, The undivided one-half part of Canal
Basin Lot No. 9, fronting on the Rail Road eighty
seven feet, and extending back to the Canal.
Also, The undivided half part of Lot No. 121,
bounded by Wayr.o and Blair street, near the
Market house.
The following real estate in the borough of
Gayeport, adjoining Hollidaysburg.
The undivided one-third part of a Lot on the
Canal basin with a largo Warehouse thereon, need
as a storing and forwarding house, with slips for
boats &c., &c.
Also, Lot No. 86, a point lot, with a frame dwel
ling house thereon.
Also, The undivided half part of one two story
house, with as much ground as is Oct apart for the
use of said house on Lot 85.
Also, Lots Nos. 61 and 62, each with a frame . 4
Also, Lots Nos. 63 and 64 each under fence.
Also, The undivided one-third pond the (Som.
mervillo farm) adjoining said borough and lots, con
taining about 110 acres more or lam, a draught of
which will be exhibited at the time of the sale.
Tho following real estate, situate in the Northern
Liberties of Hollidaysbug.
Lot No. 2, fronting on Juniata street, fenced in.
Also, Two Lots Nos. 19 arid 20, with ono two
story house and frame stable.
Also, One-half of Lot No. 26, on the hill.
Also, Two Lots Nos. 24 and 31, on tho hill,
Also, Lot No. 35 fronting on Garber street.
Also, Lot No. - fronting on Montgomery at.
Also, One piece of land lying between Divine
street and Sassafras alley, supposed ono and a half
Also, Ono picco of land lying back of the Lu
theran Church, 2 acres '
reserving the sight to open
a road from the Church down to Divine street, say
one and three-forth acres.
Also, Two out Lots under fence and in good
order, containing 2 acres each.
Also, A tract of land adjoining lands of Thos.
Biddlo and Michael Hilemon, in Frankatown tp.,
containing 39 acres, more or less.
Also, A tract of land in Cambria county, lying
on the west side of the Allegheny, and through
which the Rail Road passes; containing 130 scree
more or less.
A small piece of land near the Juniata River and
Williamsburg; boundariesand quantity not now
known so as to be described.
The above will be sold in pursuance of the will of
Christian Gerber, Esq., deceased.
TERMS—For the Real estate, one-third of the
purchase money to be paid in hand ; the remain
ing two-thirds to be paid in from ono to five
years, with interest. The payments to be secur
ed by Bonds and Mortgages, as is usual.
of C. Garber, Esq., dcc'd.
Huntingdon, Nov. 13, 1944.
Orphans ) Court Sale.
ITN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, will be exposed to sale,
by venduo or public outcry, on the promises,
On Thursday the 12th of December next,
at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day, " All that certain
situate in Tyrone township, Huntingdon county,
adjoining lands of John Orr, Conrad Fleck and
others, with a
and other buildings thereon erected,
ma m ..cti)l2..z) as
and one hundred and four perches—late the estate
of John Templeton, dec'd.
TERMS OF SALE.—One half of the purchase
money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and
the residue in ono year thereafter, with interest, to
be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purcha.
By the Court,
Attendance will be given by
WM. TEMPLE roN, Eer.
Nov. 20, 1944.—t0.