4 rOA - 7 4. 1•P2 1 : 1• Cf721 , ... 4 . skfi•'—`‘ •:" • • ‘. THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. "One country, one constitution, one destiny. I..SmEa(kauacgictDca 9 Wednesday morning, Nov. 6, '44. Once more our glorious Banner out Upon the breeze we throw; Beneath its folds, with song and shout, Let's charge upon the foe!" FOR PRESIDENT, 'IENRY CLAY, 10f Kentucky.] FOR VICE PRESIDENT, THEO. FRELINGHUYSEN, [Of New Jersey.] 01-The Huntingdon Sournal has a larger circulation than any other Newspaper in Huntingdon county. I We state this fact for tho benefit of Advertisers. 2).V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street below Third, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act as Agent fur this paper, to procure subscriptions and no)certisements. To our,Campaign Subscribers. This is the last number of the Journal that will be sent to clubs and individuals under the campaign arrangement. Such as wish to continue their pa pers—agreeably to our standing terms—will please apprise us thereof through their respective postmas ters, or otherwise. Great rire:in Cassville. Ore Friday [morning, about I o'clock, the tinner shop of Mr. John Gherret, in Cassville, took fire, from which it was communicated to the store of Dr. J. M. Cover and the adjoining public house occupied by William Brothers, and the three build ings, together with a great portion of the goods in the store, and all the contents of the tavern were re duced to ashes. The buildings and store belonged to Dr. Cover. Since the above was in typo we have received a letter from a friend in Cassville, whose account cor roborates the above. Mr. Brothers is left very des titute, his family having even lost their wearing ap parel by the fire. Dr. Cover's loss is estimated at from $2500 to $3OOO. j' The Presidential election was helein Ohio and Pennsylvania on Friday the Ist. ; in the fol lowing States on Monday the 4th: Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Now York, Kentucky, Indiana, Georgia, Mississippi, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan and Arkansas. New Jersey commenced her work yesterday and will finish it to-day. Child!Burnt to Death. We are pained to state that on Thursday last, a son—about four years of age—of William Morgan, residing in the immediate neighborhood of this bo rough, came to his death by his clothes taking fire. The child approached the fire 'under a wash kettle in the yard, from which the fire was commu nicated to his clothes; and, the mother being in the house, he was burnt so severely before assistance could be rendered, that he died soon afterwards. Our Town has been greatly improved this year. Most of the side-walks on Main street have been paved with brick, and others will yet be paved. The new Academy and the building for the Com mon Schools have been completed, and are now quite prominent features of the town; two beautiful Churches, Presbyterian and Protestant Episcopal, aro now in progress of building; and several other edifices have been elected. Huntingdon is corning up to the work in more things than in politics. A Coon Bite. It seems we have alarmed and horrified the "dear innocents" of the Globe not a little, by advi sing them to "stand off" from that varmint "of twenty five," and kindly hinting to them that " that coon will bite." The tremulous creatures now fancy they see something unspeakably awful in "that coon of twenty five," who according to the Locofoco song, they would SKIN ALIVE." Now don't be scared, ye "skinners"—it is but a young coon, and not quite so ferocious as " that old grey coon," whose "federal dander you nets.." Just pet and fondle the young animal, as you do the ehavelail "mongrels," and it won't hurt you—in deed and deed it won't. There now poor dear in nocents—we did'nt intend to "sheer" you so much. But seriously: the Globe of last week contains es contemptible a piece of densagogueism as ever came from the desperate clique who scribble the Globe editorials. Our notice of the success of the new Sheriff, and the despicable means used with the object of defeating him, is seized upon, and its meaning perverted, fur the purpose of stirring up prejudice and angry feeling against us. No won. der the Globe writer thought of the Marats and the Robespiers of the French Revolution, for he was imitating those blood thirsty leaders of the " rabble" when he was penning his appeal to the evil passions of a defeated faction against the "Hyena of the Journal" and the "leaders of the Clay party." We said—" His personal and political enemies carried on the most COWARDLY and SKULK ING warfare against him, and resorted to the most low, base, and contemptible means that malignant slanderers, despicable cowards, and unblushing hyp ocrites could invent and propagate." The Globe tags we applied this language to " the Democratic party," and "to the Whittakers, the Deans, the Dumbaughs, and numerous other prominent Whigs of the county." The lying writer, as well as the ::lack-baked editor of the Globe, knew very well that this is not nue; and no honest Iran, having regard tar what he utters, could put such a construction upon our words; and we doubt not that the Whit takers, the Deans, and the Burnbaughe will not i thank the Globe for thus falsely construing our re marks, and dragging their names into an unneces sary and uncalled for controversy. These fatuities will no doubt think "soap" CHEAP at the Globe of fice, and spurn the demagogue's "soft sawder" from them with indignation and scorn. The Globe clique know, as did every one else, that we had al lusion to the persons who figured in the Locofoco "Independent Whig," printed at the °lnce of the said Lewis G. Mytinger ; and all who had a hand in that, either openly or "in the dark," are entitled to our remarks—they are the fellows meant by the "political and personal enemies" and by the " ma lignant slanderers, despicable cowards, and unblush ing hypocrites ;" and we included no one in our remarks, whose hands were clean of that dirty busi ness of the " Shayetail" handbills or "Independent Whigs." But this is not all. The Globe perverts the truth in asserting that we stated "that the BOYS had sung" they would " SKIN ALIVE" " that coon of twenty five." The Globe does this in or der to create the impression that mere boys let out those "savage, demoniac yells and shouts of victo ry" on the night' of the election. In almost all such cases a great portion of the Globe's BOYS are of the los and stun of MEN! And as to that awful ward BITE. "Stand oil," said we, "that coon will bite." We tell you again, ye tremulous cowards, and you valiant knight of the dirk, that you need not be so mightily alarmed, we only meant to tell you "that coon will bite" if you go to "SKIN HIM ALIVE!" that's all. Only don't touch his hide and ho won't bite—he won't hurt you. There now, Lewis dear, and . sweet Alick—don't be alarmed. A Ease and Culpable Fraud, For a week or two before the election, every Lo cofocu paper we saw contained some ~ d artling disclosure" of fraudulent Polk tickets having been circulated by the Whigs. But none of those tickets came to light in this region. We have seen none, and can find no man who has seen any of them; so that from recent developementa, we ere inclined to the belief that the " stuffing" article was but the "stop thief" cry of villians, and the spurious Polk ticket paraded in Locofoco papers but the cloak to conceal their own rascality. On the morning of the other parts of the county v Clay tickets, believed to Locofoco office in Holli have been left with Locof e election, this town and were flooded with spurious have been printed at a lidaysburg, and known to focos in this borough. noun ticket,lotter for fetter, big ticket. We have one procured at the tavern of Below we give the spill and also the genuine \V of the frauds, which was C. Cods. SPURIOUS. GENUINE. ELECTORS Chester Butler, Electors Chester Puttler Townsend Haynes Joseph C Clarkson John Frice Witherel John D Nineatel John R Little Benjamin Driek, Eleazer R M'Dowel, Samuel Shofor William Hester John R Hector Alexander T Brown Townsend Haines, Joseph G. Clarkson, John Price 174 ethorill, John D. Ninesteel, John S. Littell, Benjamin Prick, Bleazer T. ht'Dowell, t.amuel Shafer, • illiarn Mester, John S. Hiester, Alexander E. Drown. Jonathan J. Slocum, Henry Drinker, Jonathan I Slocum Henry Drincker Nor kidillesworth John I Killing. Daniel N Smyser Frederick Waits James Mathews Andrew I Ogle Daniel Washbeugh John N Gow Andrew W Loomes James N Power William B Irvine Benjamin llartshorn We believe none of the spurious tickets : we voted in this county, es the fraud was detected w soon as the voting commenced. At this poll tit, discovery of the trick caused considerable excite ment and animated discussion ; but after coining to an understanding of each other, both parties con demned the fraud and the perpetrator of it. Cer tainly, none but the most black-hearted villians would be guilty of such base deception. Net. kiddleavrarth, John Kiflinger, Daniel M. Sniper, Frederick V\ alts, James Maulers, Andrew J. Ogle, Daniel Washabough, John L. Gow, Andrew W. Loomis, James M. Power, illiam A. Irvine, Benjamin Hartshorn, LOOK OUT FOR PIPE-LAYING. We find the ft:Hewing in the Baltimore Patriot of Wednesday evetdng. "We would remind our friends in Philadelphia that a large number of Locofocos left in the cars this morning, for that city. They have gone on professedly to see that the Whigs do not lay pipe, and in all probability for the benevolent object of preserving the purity of the hallo: box at the elec tion in Pennsylvania, on Friday next. "It would be well for our friends in Philadelphia to keep a look-out for these very peculiar Loco foco sentinels, and sea that they do not, through absence of mind, or by the merest accident in the world try to swell the Locofoco vote in the city of brotherly love." There wore one or two of these migratory Loco voters that hailed from Philadelphia. As they voted in Baltimore, it would seem right tbut they should not be allowed to vote here.---U. S. Gazelle. Jerking up Illegal Voters. The Baltimore correspondent, of the U. S. Gazette, under date of the Ist inst. says: David Miller, the notorious Loenfoco COOPMANt was convicted yesterday in the Criminal Court, of conspiracy to vote some 14 to 18 persons in several different wards of this city, on the duy of the Gov ernors election. His guilt was conclusively estab lished. He is now in jail awaiting sentence. There were some mare arrests yesterday of locofoces who voted illegally at our secant j elections. SLAVES LIBERATED. A gentleman by the name of Hone, of King George county, Virginia, lately deceased, liberated, by hie will, two or tbeee hundred slaves, and left ample proviaions for conveying them to Liberia.— They are to be removed by the colonization so ciety. renedicali During the heat of the political contest which has just terminated, (in favor of Mr. Clay and Whig principles, wo hope,) wo in a great measure neglected these welcome monthly visiters. We received and turned them over regularly to our better half," who would not be deprived of the pleasure of their perusal for double the sum they cost. The numbers for November are on our table, and we see them thus noticed by our brother Chandler, of the Philadelphia U. S. Gazette, a man of ac knowledged literary taste, competent to slt in judg ment over them. LADIES' NATrox.tr. MAGAZINE.-The tales in this number are various and excellently written, briefly told and well, too. There is no lack of mer it in the embellishments, and both reading matter and embellishments snake up a number that cannot fail to be acceptable ill an eminent degree to the extended circle of readers, who monthly look to Mr Peterson for pleasant and profitable reading. And they aro never disappointed, we may truly add, for his exertions, far from being relaxed, are always on the ascending order, and with a liberal hand he provides new attractions for his Magazine. There are fourteen original contributors in this number, among whom are Mrs. Osgood, Mrs. Ste phens, Wm. P. Harris, M. D.; Mrs. Orne, Mr. E. J. Porter, Mrs. Macdonald, and Dr. R. E. Little.— We cannot name them all, but , the reader will search out for him or herself, and read and admire. The story by Dr. Harris, ,4 Was Sidney Right to be. Jealous ?" is written with spirit and effect, and the vigor of the language and thought give promise of much better things in future. ‘Ve dismiss the number with hearty commenda tions, as adding another to the numerous and sub stantial claims Mr. Peterson has upon the atten tion of the public. GRAHAM ' S MAGAZINE.-We need not attempt to particularize according to the order of merit, for we have not room when the contributions to be spoken of come from such writers as Wm. Cullen Bryant, Robert Baird, D. D., Mr. A. B. Street, Mr. J. 1.. Motley, Mr. T. M'Kellar, Mrs. Ann S. Ste phens, Mrs. Osgood; and others of like calibre. A portrait of that excellent and eminent writer, Mrs. Ann S. Stephens, is given in this number, and also the second of the original series of prairie ceenes— , The Elk-horn Pyramid on the Upper Missouri"—a beautifully drawn and finished en graving. The third engraving represents two dark eyed maidens of Spain, on o of wh om is playing on the guitar—a picture better to be looked et, than to ha the object of on attempt at description. We will break our promise not to particularize (on further consideration) briefly to soy dot the Rev. Dr. Baird contributes an excellent article mien the life and'eharacter of the late Kin: , of Sweden, and that Mr. M'Kellar has the following mournful poem, which we cull for our readers: LIZITS VIIITZT.M, Tuos. ELLA u My strength is failing, like one growiv old: My friends are dropping one by one away ; Some live in far-oR' lands—some in the clay Rest quietly, their mortal motorists told. • My sire departed ere his locks we' e gray ; My mother wept, and soon beside him lay ; My elder kin long since have gone—and I Am left—a lent upon an autumn tree, Among whose branches chilling breezes steal, Thema° precursors of the winter nigh. And when mine offspring et our altar kneel To worship God, and sing our morning psalm, Their r ising stature whispers unto me My life is waning to its evening -calm. GODEY'S LADY'S Boon.—There aro the eviden cos of improvement all over the " Colley" for this month—an achievement we did not think very pos sible—but when energy is bucked by right good will, and a bold ambition to be the best among com petitor., it is always hard to say what can be done, as we find by looking over this number. A very pleasing engraving, although not altogether sugges tive of very pleasing thoughts, entitled " The 'reacher, ' leads off, and is fronted by a full length , and very accurate likeness of Mr. T. S. Arthur, a well-known writer and a very general favorite. Mr. Godey has at last made the fashion plate endurable • and even pleasing, as any one who books at the Fancy Dresses 'Journeyed, will believe. " The Lady and the Arrows." is an illustration which comtnenees a series of remembrances of the heroic Women of America, and as on original etching it possesses much merit. Among the contributors we notice the names of Mrs. S. C. Hall, Mr. Wm. E. Burton, Mrs. L. H. Sigourney, Mrs. Ellett, Mr. Edgar A. Poe, Mr. Park Benjamin, Mrs. Maury, Mr. 11. J. Tucker man, Wm. Gilmore Simile, L. L. D., Mrs. Hale, Mr. T. L. Cuyler, and many others of known merit. Those who get this number will get the right to enjoy a deal of good reading for a slight considera tion, comparatively. Enclosed in this number we have received im pressions of three very beautiful engraving intended to embellish the January number. ViTisconsin Whig. The members of the Legislature of this Terri_ tory stand 15 Whig to 12 Locofoco, at the Into election. The returns indicate a decided vote against forming a State Government. TROUBLE IN OHIO, An artist of strong party attachments in Ohio got out a likeness of the Loco candidate fur Gov ernor, seine weeks in advance of the election, and designated his picture "Governor Tod."--But the people did net come up to the work, and Bartley, the V , hig candidate, was elected Governor. Tho question now is, what can be done with " the Gov ernor?' They talked of sending it down to Jersey, but that failed theta. Maryland was then spoken of, but the %Nike carried the day there ;and, as a last resort, Arkansas, that has never failed the Locos was to father the figure, and supply an original for the copy. But oh, the times or the votes. Ar kansas itself, that never failed theta before, throws itself upon the great current, and elect,i a VS, big Governor.—W hat shall be done with the Governor's picturrs?—r.4 S. Gazelle. [From the Louisville Courier of the 24th ult.] TariMUD= STEAMBOAT DISASTER • Explosion of the Lucy Walker-60 to SO killed and wonnded! It is with feelings the moat acute and painful tha t we record the following fearful disaster, and the loss of so many valuable lives. The steamboat Lucy Welker, Capt. Vann, left this place for New Orleans yesterday, crowded with passengers. When about four or five miles below New Albany, and just be fore sunset, some part of the machinery got out of order, and the engine was stoppcd in order to re pair it. While engaged in making the necessary repairs, the water in the boilers got too low; and about five minutes after the engine had ceased work ing, her three boilers exploded with tremenduous violence, and horrible and terrific effect. The explosion was upwards, and that part of the boat above the boilers was blown into thousands of pieces. The U. S. snag boat Gopher, Capt. Dun ham, was about two hundred yards distant at the time of the explosion. Capt. Dunham was imme diately on the spot, rescuing those in the water, and with his crew rendering all the aid in his power.— To him we are indebted for most of our particulars. He informs us that the Lucy Walker was in the middle of the river, and such was the force of the explosion, the air was filled with human beings and fragments of human beings. One man was blown up fifty yards, and full with such force as to go en tirely through the deck of the boat. Another was cut entirely in two pieces by a piece of the boiler.— We have heard of many such heart rending and sickening incidents. Before Capt. Dunham had reached the place where the Lucy Walker was, he saw a number of persons who had been thrown into the river, drown. He however saved the lives of a large number of persons by throwing theta boards and ropes, and pulling them on his boat with hooks. Immediately after the explosion, the ladies' cabin took fire, and before it had been consumed she sunk in twelve or fifteen feet water. Thus is presented the remark able circumstance of a boat exploding, burning and sinking all in the apace of a few minutes. The screams and exclamations of the females, and those who were not killed, is represented as having been 'distressing and awful. We believe none of the fe males on board were injured—some however may have been drowned. The books of tho boat were destroyed, and of course it will be impossible ever to ascertain the names of or the number of those killed. There were at least fifty or sixty persons killed and missing, and fifteen or twenty wounded—same seriously. Capt. Dunham left the wounded at New Albany, all of whom were kindly and well eared for by the hospit able and humane citizens of that town. Captain Dunham deserves the thanks of the community for his humane and vigorous exertions to save the lives of; and his kindness and attention to the sufferers. lie stripped his boat of every blanket, street, and everything else necessary for their corn fiat. Mr. John Hixon and Mr. Henry Beebae, pas sengers on the Lucy Walker, deserve notice for their coolness and their efficient exertions in sa ving the lives of drowning persons. The follow ing are the news of the dead, missing andwounded, so far as we have been able to learn them. KILLED AND MISSING. Gen. J. XV. Pegram, of Richmond Va. Samuel M. Brown, post office agent, of Lexing ton, Ky. J. R. Cormick, of Virginia. Charles Donne; of Louisville. Philip Wallis, formerly of Baltimore, Rebecca, daughter of A. J. Foster, of Greens ville, Va. James Vanderburg, of Louisville. Mr. Hughes, formerly of Lexington Ky. Mr. Matlock, of New Albany, engineer of the steamboat Mazeppa. Nickolas Ford, formerly of this city. David Vann, the captain. Moses Kelly, pilot. Second mate, second clerk, second engineer, bar keeper, and three deck hands, names unknown. Four negro firemen. WOUNDED. \V. H. ?eobles—very badly hurt. Mr. Raines, of Va. do. First Engineer do. Capt. Thompson, pilot—.arms fractured. Mr. Roberts, of Phila. slightly hurt. It is supposed that John N. Johnson and Richard Philips were on board--if so, they are lost. The boat was owned by Captain Vann, of Arkansas, and was insured.. ONLY SEVEN TIMER —The Baltimore Patriot states that one of the loco foco illegal voters now in jail in that city, charged with voting illegally at the lute election, Ws acknowledged, since his im prisonment, that ho voted in seven different wards on the sar•.me day.—A few such acknowledgments would easily account for the recent astounding lot: foco increased vote in Baltimore. TEIMULE STORM AT BUFFALO--GUZAT LOBS Or Lies.—One of the most severe and dectructivo storms ever witnessed at Buffalo occurred there on Friday night the 15th of October last. The steam boats Bunker Hill, Colu mime; U. S. Steamers Abert and G. Bale were driven ashore at Buffalo and the Robert Fulton about 14 miles above. The Brig Ashland was thrown over the North Pier and is a wreck. A great number of canal boats (30 or 40) are ashore. The water was driven over the flats, where great lees of life and property was experienced. At 0 o'clock Sunday morning 33 bodies had been recovered, of men women and children. Two set.- , vent girls were drowned in the basement of Huff's Hotel..—Buildings and Churches were damaged and destroyed in various parts of the city. The damage to goods in basements, cellars, and lower stories, has been great. All who aro engaged in business on the dock, have suffered more or less. We donut hear that shipping up the Lake hassuff ered.—[Sunnit Beacon. The Hon. Samuel S. Philips, has been re-elected to the United State. Senate, by the Vermont Leg islature. He is a Whig, A Rezesss.—The Lexington Observer of th e IGth inst., say s "Mr. Clay, yielding to his feelings excited in behalf of the eon of a Revolutionary pa triot, who was captured at Mier, a citizen of Ala bama, addressed a letter to President Santa Anna, requesting his liberation. We understand that he has just received a polite letter from President San ta Anna, informing him of the prompt discharge of the captive, according to his request." Hurricane at Rochester.—The hurricane which did so much mischief at Buffalo, was also felt at Rochester. Trees were torn up, roofs of houses and stores swept away, and ash poles knocked over. The roof of the Dutch church, on B tilson street, was entirely carried oft Tho gable end of Mr. Howses' brick building was blown down and fell with a tremendous crash, almost annihilating Brewster's store, adjoining, going through the roof and both floors into the cellar. • No lives were lest. Letter from Rev. T. Flannagan, to Gen. Joseph Markle, postmarked " Ebensburg, April 5," and directed to " Robstown, Westmoreland county, Penna." ":Ebensburg, April 4, 1844, GENETIAL MANGLE, Esq—Dear Sir: Per mit me to intrude upon you under my emergent circumstances. I presume you have already noti ced tho case of the Flannagans, now, upon the ex ' piration of two years, confined at Ebensburg, char ged with murder. But, Sir, after an industrious course of perseverence during the two recent sessions of the Legislature, we have succeeded in having a new trial, which will take place immediately ; length of Limo with heavy expenses, has reduced my cir cumstances so much that I am now necessitated to call on my Political Friends. Then, Sir, I wish to instruct you that my politics have been the cause of all. You can, if you doubt my veracity, ask Gen. James Irvin, now member of Congress, also Mr. John Linton, of the H. R cpresentatives, what my influence is ;it was by my enstrumentality the above named gentlemen were elected; if you will assist me now I WILL WARRANT YOUR ELECTION. lAM A CATHOLIC CLER GYMAN AND IT IS IN MY POWER TO OBTAIN FOR YOU A MAJORITY OF THE PENNSYLVANIA IRISH ; the Governor would not do any thing for me because I differed with him in politics. I will return to you whatever you will forward me if you, arc not elected; there is noth ing in my power but I will do—money I want. "Excuse my intrusion being a stranger to you. " Very respectfully, &c. "REV. T. FLANNAGAN. ""If you write, direct to Ebensburg, for the Rev. T.Plannagan. I also pledge myself that no person will know any thing about it; it is of course presum ptions on my part to address a gentleman with whom I have not the pleasure of a personal ac quaintance. Please to answer me upon receipt of this, with sentiments of great respect for your welfare. "I am your Friend truly, Rev. T. FLANNAGAN." The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church, lately assembled in Philadelphia, have accepted the resignation of Bishop ONDEUDONKSO that he is no longer Bishop of Pennsylvania. The brig Saratoga, of New York, for Apilachi. cola, was wrecked off Orange Key on the 3d inst., and sunk immediately. The captain, crow, and passengers, in all 23 persons, were drowned. The New York Sun says; 44 Brandreth's Pills have been used among many of our friends, and in our family we have used them nearly' four years, when we required medicine. In that period, no doctor save Dr. Brandreth has crossed our threshold, and no medicine besides the Doctor's pills used.— Our belief ic, keep your bowels and blood pure, and every kind of disease will be prevented or cured.— The Brandreth Pills are eminently calculated to do this, and thereby much lessen the sum of human misery. They are a certain cure for fevers, colds from damp or changeable weather, putrid exhalta tions of any kind, or contagious maladies. None of these causes for sickness can effect us except through the organs or the stomach and bowels ; and common sense tells us there can he no safer method than the removal of unhealthy accumulations in those important organs. It mutters not whether those accumulations proceed from the impure state of the blood, the state of the air, changes of the i weather, or from unwholesome food." Purchase the genuine medicine of Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon, Pa., and other agents published in another part of this paper. INFLUENZA AND CONSUMPTION.-4t iS indeed a melancholy truth that thousands fall victims to Con sumption every year, from no other rause than ne glected Colds ; yet we find hundreds, nay thousands, who treat such complaints with the greatest indiffer ence, turd let them run on for weeks and even months, without thinking of the danger. At first you have what you considered a slight cough or cold; you allow business, pleasure, or carelessness to prevent you from giving it any attention; it then settles upon your breast—you become hoarse, have pains in the side or chest, expectorate large quanti ties of matter, perhaps mixed with blood ; a difficul ty of breathing ensues, and then you find your own foolish neglect has brought on this complaint. If, theneou value life or health, be warned in time, and don't trifle with your Cold, or trust to any quack nostrum to cure you; but immediately pro- cure a bottle or two of that famous remedy, Dr. Wiatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, which is well known to be the moat speedy cure ever known, as thousands will testify whose lives have been saved by it. For Influenza it is the very best medicine it the world as hundreds will testify. The genuine, for sale by Thomas Read, Hunt ingdon, and Jam, Orr, Hollidaysburg. nzmn, At Chilcoatstown, Huntingdon county, on the 11th of October Mr. THOMAS S. CORNETT, a respected citizen of Wayne township, Mifflin county, in his 25th year. On the 23d of October ult., after a protracted illness, Mrs. SARAH BRYAN, wife of Mr Charles Bryan, of Birmingham, lluntingdou county, in tho 77th year of of her age. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church of said place and for many years a resident. TrUSTICES' Blanks of all kinds, for sale at this Office. Job Printing. NEATLY EXECUTED .IT TAUS OFFICE. LEASE FOR SALE. The undersigned, admmistra tops of Ji hn Swoope, late of Walker township, Hunting don county, dec'd, 'will sell, at public outcry, on the premises, on Thursday. the 7th day of November next, the unexpired term of eleven years of a Lease of that valuable FARM and Mill property, known as the "Swoope Jlltll Property,” situated in Woodcock Valley, five miles from Huntingdon. The farm contains about 230 acres of first rate limestone land, in a high state of culti vation, with good buildings and all other necessary improvements. The mill is a frame, 50 by 55 feet, aid four stories high. The building, together with the machine!) , being all entirely new, built by Mr. Straugh, one of the best mill wrights in the country, and finished on the latest and most approved plan, with eleva ters, smut-machine &c., &c,, with two pair of burrs and one pair of country stones, and all the necessary fixtures for making merchant work, with an abundant supply of overhead water. This property offers rare inducements to persons wishing to engage iii that business, situated as it is, in one of the best grain growing valleys in the county, and only five miles from the Pennsylvania Canal. It is thought unnecessary to describe the many advantages this property posesses, as persons wishing to purchase will doubtless view the premises. I conditions of thA sale will be made known on the day of sale ; and will be moderate, to suit the times. J. S. PAVFON, P. C. SWOOPI?., Woodcock Valley Adm'rs. October 16, 1844. 5 C. EL BRESSLER, M. D. Dental Surgeon, RESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens of Huntingdon and its vicinity, that he can be professionally consulted at the Hotel of Mrs. Clarke, for two weeks from the 2nd of November, and hopes that persons de siring his service will call early as his en gagements will not permit him to extend his stay beyond the svaed time. P. B. Dr. B. is in Hollidaysburg. and will remain there until the 2nd of November. Oct. 23, 1844. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.—Take notice, that the undersigned auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to audit and adjust the administration account of George May, administrator of Leib Bo linger, late of Tell township, deceased, to which exceptions have been filed, will for that purpose attend at the office of David Blair, Esq., in Huntingdon on Friday, the Bth day of November next, at 3 o'clock, P. 11., when and where all persons interested limy attend. JACOB MILLER, Oct. 16, 1844-4 t. Auditor. AUDITORS' NOTICE.—The under signed auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to audit and adjust the administration account of John Aurandt and William Hileman, administra tors with the will annexed of the estate of John Hileman, late of Morris township, dec'd., to which exceptions have been filed, will attend for the purpose of hearing said exceptions and adjustine said account at the office of David Blair, Esq.. in Huntingdon., on Saturday the 9th clay of November next, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, when and where all persons interested may attend. JACOB MILLER, Oct. 16, 1844. Auditor. William P. Erhardl's FANCY CLOTH AND FUR TRIMMED CAP MANUFACTORY, No. 42 North Second 81 reet, Philadelph The suhsctiber respectfully informs his patrons and dealers generally, that he has removed his Cap Manufactory, to the upper part of the building, No. 42 N. Second street, below Arch, (entrance through the store,) where he manufactures Caps of every description and pattern, at the best materials and workmanship. Having a large assortment of C aps always in hand, orders can be supplied at short notice. WILLIAM P. ERH ARDT. _August 21,1844.-2 mo. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Alexandria, on the Ist Oct., 1844, which if not taken out within three mouths will be sent to the Department as dead letters. Diety Conrad Nowlan Samuel Fleming Sample PorteriJohn Edmiston David Piper Daniel Grier Samuel N. Justice of the Peace Hutchison Martha Ross Jane Holt Samuel Stewart John Herrencane Jacob Shell Sarah Hart John Snyder H. W. 2 Isenberg Jacob Shell Margaret Isenberg Enoch §pyker Lee Mary Vanrandt George Kerr Alexander S. Young Geo. 13. Moore & Maguire Wilson Elle:: Neff John& JOHN GEMMELL, P. M. Alexandria, Oct. 9, 1844. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in th Post Office at Huntingdon, Oct. Ist, 1844, which if not called for previous to January next will be sent to the General P. Office as dead letters. Alter Miles Lee John S. Ayrs David Miles Nathan Crane Aaron Murphy Thos. Calderwood John McCoy Wm. Casy Wm. Nixon George T. Der John Philips John Dillon Thomas E. Pitman John Deittord Peter Sinkey Wm. Entminger Samuel Stitt Oliver Fields John A. Stiehly John of Geo Houston James Shoeneerger G. R. Harnish John, Esq. Sharow Dr. Johnston Jacob Wilson James of C. Kimberlin George Watts Frederick,Esq. Kaufman John DAVID SNARE, P. M, Huntingdon, Oct. 9, 1844. Estate of Chas. M'Murtrie, [Late of Franklin townahip, deceased.] Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons having claims or demands against .the same are requested to make them known without delay, and all persons indebted to make im mediate payment to JOHN M'CULLOCH, 4dm'r. Aug, 14; fstamburg Hot