Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 23, 1844, Image 4

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BY virtue of sundry of Leoari
Facia, and Venditioni .Exponas,
issued out of the Coat of Common Pleas
of Huntingdon county, and to me direc
ted, will he exposed to public sale, at the
Court blotto in the borough of Hunting
don, on Moeda, the I tih day of Novem
ber, 11144, the following property, viz:
A tract of land situate in Henderson
township, near the month rA Mill Ceerk,
containing 19t1 acres and 40 perches, more
or less, shoot GO acres of which are clear
-01 and in good cultivation, hating thereon
erected a large Slag Furnace with neces-
InarV machinery tic. kW blowing the WIMP
either by steam or water; an excellent
Griot Mill with four run of stones, Smut
Machine, bc.; a first rate Saw Mill and
a full complement of dwelling houses for
Manager and kande to reside, all of which
buildings are nearly stew and near the Pa.
Also, a piece er parcel of land adjoin•
lag the above described tract and lying
between the same and the Juniata river,
crossing the turnpike road and the canal
containing 16acres and lit perches, said
lend includes Mill Creek from the tine of
the last mentioned tract to its junction
with the Juniata river and is good bottom
land with two dwelling houses erected un
Also, a tractor parcel of land adjoining
the two above mentioned tracts and the J n
ode' river, purchased fione J. & J. Milli •
Iten containing 34 acres 120 perches upon
which are built three dwelling houses,
!tables, ec. a large frame dwelling hou , e
galled the " Mansion House" fronting the
turnpike and canal with commodious gar
den, yard, out houses, 3sc. a substantial
wharf is built and a rail way leading there
from to the furuance about 400 yard' on
this tract.
Also, nine tracts of unseated land sit
vote in the said township of Henderson,
convenient to the said Furnace, all of
which are well timbered, viz : a tract of
land containing 400 acres, surveyed on a
warrant in the name ot David Ott, tooth•
er containing 400 acres, in the name of
Andrew Biughart, another containing 931
acres 31 perches in the name ot Adam
Houck, another containing 4151 acres in
the name of Frederick Bates, another
containing 414 acres 155 perches in the
name of Lewis Lamer, another contsining
400 acres in the name of S M. Green
J. H. Dorsey, another an improvement
right in name of William Lightner con
taming 300 acres, and the other a tract of
RO acres in the name ot S. M. Green, ad
joining the Furnace tract, John Goodman
and others. The above mentioned lands
compose. the Mill Creek Furnsnce pro
perty and will be sold connectedly. Said
property is conveniently situate near canal
and turnpike, about 5 miles below the bos
roogh of Huntingdon.
Also, a tract of land situate in the said
township of Henderson containing about
140 acres, of which about 90 acres are
cleared and in good cultivation, adjoining
lands of Jacob Miller, William Buchanan
and the Juniata River—lying on the Ju
niata below and including canal and the
turnpike, on which are erected two dwell
ing houses and a good frame barn. Said
tract is known by the name of " Sugar
Grove," or "Red House Farm."
Also, a tract of land containing 156
acres and 48 perches, situate in said town
ship about one mile east of the Furnace,
adjoining lands of James Lane and others,
about 50 acres of which are cleared, hav
ing thereon erected a two story dwelling
house and log barn. This tract is known
by the name of the "Duncan place" and
has an apple orchard and peach orchard
thereon, a vein of good limestone easily
quarried, and sand stones of good quality
tor inwulls and hearth stones for Furnaces.
Also, a tract of land situate in said
township, containing 197 acres and 134
perches, situate about three miles north
last of the Furnace on the waters of Mill
Creek adjoining lands of Thomas Rend,
Michael Hawn and others, having about
SO acres cleared and two small dwelling
houses and a log stable thereon. TM ,
land is known as the Warefield Farm."
Also, all the right and title of Jonathan
H. Dorsey one of the defendants in and
to the following described real estate,
known by the name of Wirree Forge pro
perty, situate in Porter and West town•
ship viz: a tract of land containing about
170 acres be the same more or less, situ-
ate on the little Juniata River composed
of three adjoining surveys, two in the
name of Lazarus B. MlClain and the
other in the name of George Olinaly, hay
ing about 140 acres cleared thereon and
Barree Forge with six fires, a Grist Mill,
s Saw Mill, a large weather•boarded man
sion house, a good bank barn, awl a num
ber of buildings tor the use of forge and
farm handb thereon erected.
Also, a tract of land adjoining the above
(or last mentioned) in name of John Rea
containing about SO3 acres having about
SO acres cleared and in cultivation.
Also, a tract of land adjoining the above
containing about 105 acres surveyed in
name of Robert Wilson having about 80
acres cleared and a ainall log house and
•table thereon.
Also, two tracts of unseated land, one
thereof contain% 30 acres surveyed in the
name of Greenbury Dorsey, and the other
containing 46 acres in the name of Eleazer
Wullister, lying on the little Juniata river.
The following 131 tracts of timber land
situate north east from the Forge on Tus
tey's Mountain, Pine Ridge,,tc. viz:
One containing about 438 acres survey
ed on a warrant in name of Aquila Green.
One containing about 402 acres survey
ed on a warrant in name of Natit'l Green
One cnntaininz about 401 acres survey.
ed on a %via taut in tonne ni Sarah time..
One coneainitia :obout 4:t7 acres 4urvey.
ed on a warrant ni mini.• of al ward Breen ,
One containing atiout 403 arm., Surv.7
ed on a warrant in name of Sarah Green.
One containing about 400 acres survey
ed on a warrant in name of Isaac Green.
One containing about 403 acres survey
ed on n warrant in name of Chas. Green.
One cnniainirt; about 402 acres survey
el on a warrant in name of Robt. Irvin.
One containing about 400 acres survey
eti on a warrant in n,iine of Thos. Green.
One containing about 406 acres survey.
eul on a warrant in name of John Green.
One containing about 398 acres survey.
ed on a warrant in name of Abrui. Green
One containing about 400 acres survey
ed on a warrant in name of Ruth Green.
One containing about 277 acres survey
ed on a warrant in name of Henry Green.
The following tracts situated between
the little Juniata River and IVaterstreet,
viz t one tract containing 249 acres 87
perches surveyed on a warrant in name of
Ann Brown; one containing 408 acres 8
perches surveyed an a warrant in name of
Mary Brown ; one containing 429 acres
tit perches surveyetlon a warrant in name
of F.lizabeth Brown.
Also, the following tracts of unseated
laud situated on Tussey's Mountain, back
of John Piper's and others:
One tract containing about 485 acres
152 surveyed on a warrant in name of
Andrew Cone•
One containing about 446 acres 112
perches surveyed on a war rant in name of
John Capp.
Olie containing about 416 acres 102
perches surveyed on a warrant in name
of Robert Irwin.
One containing about 70 acres 50 per
ches surveyed on s warrant in name of
E. B. Dorsey.
Also, a tract of land containing about
156 acres situate in Diamond Valley,about
50 acres of which are cleared with a lonise
anti b arn thereon erected. This
tract is known as the Brewer place.
Also, a tract of land containing 506
acres 35 perches, surveyed on a warrant
in name of Israel Pennington on which is
the Dorsey Ore Ba nk situate in Warriors
mark and Franklin townships.
Also, a tract of land containing 130
acres, situate in Franklin township, in
name of Alexander Ramsey, about 70
acres of which are improved, (S•c.
Also, all the right title and interest of
Jonathan H. Dorsey and S. Miles Green,
or either of them, in and to the following
described real estate, via: a tract of wood
land in the township of Porter, in Hun
tingdon county, containing about 402
acres, surveyed on a warrant in the name
of William Smith.
Also, a lot or piece of ground in Alex
andria, containing about 2 acres, which
includes half the Basin. having an excel.
lent wharf thereon. Said lot adjoins lots
of Robert Lytle and Mrs. Thompson.
Also a smell piece of ground contain•
ing about 5 acres, a short distance north
of Alexandria, which is under fence and
has a two stop• dwelling house thereon
and a well of water, $ c., adjoinin; lands
of Robert Lytle and others.
Also, a lot or piece of ground purchas
ed from Charles Porter, in or adjoining
the borough of Alexandria, north of the
canal, on which is elected a frame house.
with a wharf, adjoining Michael Sister and
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of S. Miles Green,
and Johnathan 11. Dorsey, acting and tra.
ding under the firm of S. Miles Green, &
A tract of land situate in the Town-1
ship of Walker in Huntingdon county
containing 200 acres be the same more or
or less, adjoining lands of John Anderson,
Willow Heffner, Lines Dean, and Jacob
Heffner, about 75 acres of which are clear
ed, with a cabin house a hewed log barn
and a small apple orchard thereon.
heized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of Wray Maize.
All the right title and interest of the
Defendant David Yingling, in and to
tract, piece or parcel of land in Alleghe
ny 'township Huntingdon county, coo •
taming 50 acres, be the same more or less,
about 40 of which are cleared. Said land
itdjoitis John hough, James It. Johnston
and others, and has a two story log d wet.
ling house and a barn and a small Orchard
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold ea the property or [Vivid Yingling.
A lot (aground in the borough of Plot•
lidaysburg, limbered 208 in the town
plot of said borough fronting 60 feet on
the North side of J uniata street and ex
tending back 160 leet to BAIA Alley,
having thereon erected a one story frame
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
snit as the property of Martin Robbins,
with notice to Geo. W. Robbins and
S. F. Henry. his assiunees.
A lot of ground situateon the northerly
side of Blair street in the town of Holh•
daysburg, fronting 60 feet on said street,
and running back 100 fret to a lot of John
Brotherline, being the hall part of Lot
No. 120 in the new town plot of snid
Town, having a two story plastered dwel•
ling house thereon erected , fronting on
said Blair street, and now occupied by
IJohn Cox.
Seized, taken in execution, and to he
sold as the property of Philip Ehrhart.
Let No. Min the plait of the town of
l'imktio2 80 feet on th ,
nnh •rl v •i,le of 1044 so ..e1 and Kt..nd
k 164 ''sot 1., air alley, hounded oil
the &to %Vest by of of Joon James,
havi.l : , doer- on erected a small plastered
dwrllirr tort,e one and a half stories
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property or James Lockwood.
All that lot of ground situ ate in the the
town of Manor Hill, in the township of
Barree in the County of Huntingdon,
fronting about 60 feet on the Nardi side
of the great road leading through said
town and running back about Feet
more or less alimg the road leading from
said town to Waggoner's mill, bounded
on the North and west by John Love's
land, and on the East by the said last
mentioned road, having a large two story
plastered dwelling house thereon erected.
Seized. taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of David Hummel
A tract piece or parcel of land in Alle
gheny township Huntingdon county, ad
joining lands ot Elias Baker 4 , Co., Jacob
Crissman et al containing 70 acres, be the
same inure or less, about thirty of which
are cleared with a log dwelling house, a
log barn and sumo fruit trees thereon.
Seized, taken an execution, and to be
sold ad the property of Henry Glass.
All the right tit le and interest of the de
fendant Jacob Drake, in and to a tract
piece or parcel ol land now in the tenure
or occupancy of Asher Drake, in Spring
field township Huntingdon county, con•
tabling about '2OO acres, adjoining lands
of John Long, Caleb Green and others
having about 40 acres of cleared land a
cabin - house, and a log barn thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Jacob Drake.
A tract, piece or parcel of land in Hen
derson township Huntingdon county,
containing 47 acres, be the same more or
less adjoining lands of John Cornelius,
John Brown's heirs and James Porter,
having about eight acres cleared and a
small log dwelling house.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of James Kenyon.
A small lot of ground in Barree town
ship, containing about one quarter of on
acre, Adjoining lands of Josiah Cunning
ham, John White and others, (said lot
being put chased by defendant from John
White) having a smell log dwelling house
thereon erected.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of John Holier.
A lot, piece, or parcel of land in [toffee
township Huntingdon county, containing
about one acre be the !lame mote or less,
having a frame dwelling house thereon
erected. Said laud adjoins Nilliam
Hays, William Porter, & William M osaer.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of William Riddle.
A lot of ground situate on the North
westerly side of the great road in the
town of Davidshurg, in Antes township,
fronting 5 riots on said road and running
hack 8 rods,adjoining lota of Robert Camp.
bell, and John 'Trout, containing about
one quarter of an acre being lot No. it in
said town, having a new two story frame
house thereoo erected.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of John Sharp.
All that certain tract of land situate,ly
ing and being in Henderson township and
County of Huntingdon adjoining lands of
John Fee, James [lampoon and others,
containing. 415 acres, be the same more
or less, being the same tract of land which
James Sia. try indenture dated 11th De
cember 1832 granted and conveyed to the
said George Lane together with the her
editaments and appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution and to be
sold as the property of George Line.
Sheriff's Office, Hun
ingdon, Oct. 23, 1844. 5
Otr As much difficulty has arisen in
tusking. Sheriff's sales by reason of per.
son; bidding. who are unuble, or WhO fail
to pay the amount or their respective pur,
chases, therefore
IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in all cases, when
the purchase monvy does not exceed
$5O 00, the whole amount of the purchase
must be paid immediately into the hands •
of the Sheriff; and it the purchase exceed; •
that sum, then the amount (viz :$3O 00,)
must be paid into the hands of the Sheriff'
immediately niter the property is stricken
lows and the payment of the balance ar
ranged with the Shard and fully secured
to be paid, to his satisfaction ; or else the
property will be again put up and sold.
Tnis rule wilt positively to• sttietiv ad.
tiered to, and purchasers, whether able to
pay, or not, will do well to observe it, it
they wish to hold the property strirk,i)
down to them at their r....pective bids.
Huntingdon, Oct. 23, 1844.
Lute of If est tosons'p, Huntingdon coun-
ty, diceaaerl.
VVOTICE is hereby given, that letters
Ai testamentary upon the said estate have
been granted to the undersigned. Ail per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
m 'l‘.• immediate payment, and those having
cl-orns or demands against the same are re
quested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement, to
September 4,,1844,
',tar 111.:14.EAS be precept to itit &ree
1, tell dated at Huntingdon, the 23d
Jay of August A. D. one thousand eight
hundred and fort y four, under the hands
and seals of the Hon. Abraham S. Wil-
Con, President of the Court of Common
Pleas, Oyer and Terminer, and general
jail delivery of the 20th judicial district of
Pennsylvania, composed of the counties
01 Huntingdon, Mifflin and Union, and
the Hon. Joseph Adams and James °win,
his associates, Judges of the county of
Huntingtlon,justices assigned, appointed,
to hear, try, and determine all and every
indictment - 4, and presentments, made or
taken for or concerning all crimes, which
by the laws of the state are made capital
or felonies of death and other offences,
crimes and misdemeanors, which have
been or shall be committed or perpetrated
within said county, or all persons who are
or shall hereafter be committed or be per.
petrated for crimes aforesaid—l am com
manded to make
Public Proclamation,
throughout my whole bailiwick that a
Court of Oyer and Terminer, of Common
Pleas anti Quarter Sessions, will be held
at the Court house, in the Borough of
Huntingdon, on the second Monday (and
'lnn day) of November next,and those who
will prosecute the said prisoners, be then
and there to prosecute them as it shall be
just, and that all Justices of the Peace,
Coronor and Constables within the said
county, be then and there in their proper
persons, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said (lay,
with their records, inquisitions, examina-
lions and remembrances, to do those
things which to their offices respectively
bated at Huntingdon the 23d day of
August, in the year of our Lord one
thousand eight hundred and forty
four, and the 68th year of American
Indepen,!e nee.
Sheriff's office Hunting
don Oct. 9.3, 1844. S
WHEREAS by precept to me direc
ted by the Judges of the Common
Pleas the county of Huntingdon, bear
ing test the 23i1 day of Aug., A. 1). 1844,
I am commanded to make Public Pro
clamation ihrouioout my whole bailiwick
that a court of t!ommon Pleas will be
held at the court house, in the borough of
Huntingdon, in the county of Huntingdon,
on the third Monday (and 18th day) of
November, A. D. 1844, for the trial of all
issues in said court which remain undeter
mined before the said Judges when and
where all Janus, ‘Vitnesses anti suitors
in the trial of all said issues are required
to attend.
Dated at Iluntingtion the 25,1 day 61
Auuit, A. D. one thousand eight hun
dred anti forty-four, and the 68th year of
Atneriemi Independence.
Shet iff 'a office Hunting- i
Jun, Sept.l7, 1844.
Trial .List for Aov 9 ber Term,
....... • ....._
F 1.11 S T — WEEK.
Walter's heirs v Stoner & Stoner
Batton'S Assinee v Hatton et al
Walter's heirs v Stoner et al
Hewit v Seeds
O'HAre far Melo)? v Royer et al
Trustees G. R. C. v J. 1). Rea
Waters for Isett v Shoup
Same v Same
M'Nite v Stains & Pennock
Lumbard for use v Davis & Seeds
Leonard v Lytle & Patterson
Hoover v M'lsTanvira et al
Patterson v M'llduff
Patterson v Caldwell
Rey no! ds v Long
Culbertson v Kemp et al
Luken's Adm'r. v Dutton Lane et al
Com'th of Penn'a v Elder
Hellidays' heirs v James Alexander
M'Nutt's miner v Stewart
Com'th. Pennsyl'a. v Alex. Ennis et al
Reamy v Krines adm'r
Elias Baker &Co v J•Lcoh Benner
Shell for Reves v Hileman et al
Pollock v Logan
Bueblers & Smith v Campbell & Stewart
Rogers v Hewit et al
M'Dowell v Dougherty
Shoemaker v Gwin
Jackson v Forrest
Julio Hartley v J. W. M'Cord
John Brewster v Robert Kyle
P Eurfman's Ex'rs. v E. Corhins' Ex'r.
Campbell et at v Frederick Sherff
A. lhaston v Brubaker & Stiller
Todd & Lemmon v G. W. Patterson
Andrew H. Hirst v Benjamin Johnston
Wm. Steel's heirs v A. & John Steel
1). W. Hulings v J. Rodgers & Co.
William M'Garvey v M'Namara & Royer
Thomas, for Dysart v George S. Hoover
Adams & Creiner v Robert Lytle, Jr.
Mary Cuthbert v Dougherty &Devine
Eldridge & Conrad v John Barr
Martin Gates v Wheeland's adm'r
Same v Same
S , ine v Same
Same v Same
v Same
Same v Same
C.neth f o r use v B. O'Friel's ex'rs
Martin Gates v I'. Burdge's ex'rs
Dr. A. Ithnston v Dr. C. O'Friel
Haylin v B. O'Friel's ex'rs
James McGuire v Same
Hugh Dempsey v Same
James Cleary v Same
Lines Diptley v Same
Berm- ill King v Same
John Skelly v Same
Jam -s Df , oling v Same
Taylor k Lyttle v Same
L , ftus et al v Same
Mary Kelly for use v Same
Patrick Ri.dgers v Same
John IVllCilpie v Surfs
Antes— William P. Oysai t,
Barree—Ruber t Johnston, Jas. Cannata,
John Oaks.
Blair—Jeremiah C. Betts.
Dublin—William G. Harper.
Franklin—James Dysart, Samuel Wigton.
Henderson—Jacob Africa, David Black,
'Thomas Burchinell.
Iluston—Jacob Hoover, George Brum
Morris —John Keller, (of John)
Porter—Collins Hamer.
Shirley—John Lutz, Samuel M'Kiastry .
Snyder—Christian Beck.
Sprinzfleld—Jacob Brown.
Tod—John Stapleton, Andrew Lias.
Union—Samuel Miller.
Wurrioremark-- William flutckisoo.'
Nest—Charles Duff
TRAVERSE JURORS.-311187 1 / 3 11r.
Allegheny—Robert Gardner, David Cuon,
John Funk, Joseph Higgins.
Antes—John Campbell.
Barret— Robert Logan, Stephen Miller,
William Moore, Josiah Cunningham.
Blair--George Purt, Elijah Ferree, David
Cass--John Gehrett.
Cromwell—David Burket, Thomas T
Dublin--Jonathan Cm, Jr., John A
Franklin—John McPherran.
Henderson—Jamvs Wray, John Cole
stock, Adam Ilall, J. K. Metz, Evan•
Hampson, Samuel Fridley, John Camp
huston—Jacob Snowberger.
Morris--Jacob Shellenberger.
Porter—Timothy Nolan, Francis McCoy,
Frederick C. Bucket,
Shirley—John Price,
Tell—Jacob Hegie, George Gooshorn.
Tyrone—John Orr, Edward Conrad, Pe
ter Bucket.
Union—Allen Edwards
Wartiorsmark —John P. M'Cahan.
it est- —William blyton, Joseph Kemp,
John newt.
ffoodberry--Michael Hetrick, Alexander
MtKainey, John K. Neff, Matthew
Dean, Thomas Patterson, Robert Alex
ander, Adolphus Patterson.
Antes—John NA', Robert Campbell,
Oliver Hagerty, Evan Crain.
Barree —George Bell Jr., Philip Kemp,
David Barriek.
Blair—Alexander Buchanan, John Davis,
11. L. Patterson.
Dub/i , t—James Hudson.
Franklin—Benjamin Crain.
llopewell—Jacub Summers, Jacob ,leff•
Henderson-- Jackson Fee. John Simpson.
Huston —George W ike.
Porter—William Moore, Henry Fockler,
Henry Connelly.
Shirley--OliverEtnier, Abraham Long, Jr.
David Frsker, John Morrison, James
W. Galbraith.
Springfield—Thomas DAY, John Baker.
Tell --Abraham Hegie.
Union—John Vandevander.
Walker—William B. Lincoln, Moses
heat—Samuel Myton.
If arriorsmark—Thomas Weston, Jacob
Woodberrp—Johnston Moore, John Ake.
The best medicine known to man for incipien
Consumption, Asthma of every stage, Bleeding o
the Lungs, ouchs, olds, Liver nomplaint, and
all diseases of the Pulmonary Orga s, may be had
of Agents named below.
(}All published statements of cures performed
by this medicine are, in every reaped, TRUE. Be
careful and get the genuine " Dr. Wistar's Balsam
of Wild Cherry," as spurious imitations are abroad.
Orders from any part of the country should be
addressed to Isaac Butts, No. 125 Fulton street,
New York.
For sale by Thomas Read, Huntingdon,
and James Orr, I-I.lliclayMmrg.
Price one dollar per bottle.
December 6, 1843.
V" Read the following from 1)1.. Jacob
Hoffman, a physician of extensive practice in
Huntingdon count) :
Dear Sir:-1 procured one bottle of Dr.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from
Thomas Read, Esq. of this place, and tried
it in a case of obstinate Asthma on a ehildof
Paul Schweble, in which many other reme
dies had been tried without any relief. The
Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my opin
ion the child is effectually cared by its use.
Yours, &c.
Dec. 23, 1841.
r - m• • "
-1,1 OULD most reaps ctfully inform the
( 4 : citizens of Huntingdon, and the
public in general, that he has commenced
the saddle and harness making business in
all its various branches, in the shop former
ly occupied by Alex. M'Allister, dec'd.,
one door east of the "Pioneer Stage Stable"
and directly opposite Houck's blacksmith
shop, where he is prepared to accommodate
all who may favor him with their patronage.
He will constantly keep on hand
Harness, Sa dales, Bridles,
Collars, &c. _
Repairing done on the shortest notice and
most reasonable terms.
By a strict attention to business he hopes
to receive a liberal share of work.
Huntingdon, May
3. Hearsley Henderson,
Huntingdon, Pa.
Office on Main street, one door West of William
Dorris' Store.
Hllnlinedon, Tune 1x,184+
Cunningham dt Burchinell
CFULLY m citizen''
4.1.4 of the borough and county ~f
don, the public genorally, and tlicir (al
friends [lnc! customers in par, icuhr, that e \
they continue to carry on busines in their
new establisment, one door oast of the
north eastern corner of the Diamond to said
borou g h, where they art• pr. pr , u •ed to sun,
wholesale and retail, all articles in their
line of business; such as
Sideboards, Secretaies, Se
fits, Settees. Bureaus,
workstands, card, pier, centre
dining and breakfast tables; 1 .
Hi g h, Field, French, an.! L w Post . :
B DST I - a', AD S .
ALSO—Every variety of e
itch as Rush seat, Cane , eat Bulb.
Baltimore, Straight back. R.toa pow
Common Racking Chairs. t"....tlit.r w;th
W5:572`0310,3.1 CilllrkE)o 9
of all colors, qualities and slz, s; f.i.d P .per
Hanging of various pattern, arts
N. B. Coffins made and filareak tleil- I
ed either in town or couotre.7,t 0} • -t
notice. They keep a splendid HEARSE
for the accommodation of their customer,.
Nov. 29, 1843.
Carriage Maittifacto.
li - trOS I' respecttully informs the citizens
of the borough and ccuoty ut Huhtit:g
don, the public generally, and his o ct friehdc
and customers in particular. that he stir',
continues the
Coach Malang if nsirleOP
in all its various brat chi s,at his oid
Main street in the bort ugh of nt.,
nearly opposite the 'Journal' printing
where he has constantly on hand every
description ~ f
ena c es. Ca rr ages,
€ 1 4,1=1, Baggies, Sleighs
which he will sell low for cash or can reasonr
able terms.
AU kinds of wolk in his line made to or ,
kr, on the slim test notice, in a
WORKMAN MK 'l'4; 111 t 1 I!'
Ind all kinds of repairing done %ith I
less and despatch.
Country produce will be taken in exchange
for work.
Any persons wishing to purchase are re
spectfully invited to call vied examine and
udge for themselves.
Huntingdon N0v.29, 1893,
110 T.C,Z.
No. 200 111.4 Al R
(Ahnve 6th stre.
P h ila
Bo AttlliNG $l,OO PER DAY. .
fir HE subscriber, thank tul for the liberal
support of his friends and the public
generally, respect! ully informs tin to - ant he
still continues at the ~ 1 ,1 establisi.ed use,
where he will be pleased to accenomodot
allthose whoinvor him with thei r
Dec. 14,1842.—tf.
XISAAC :rum=
lIAS removed to Huntingdon, with tlip
inten.inn of making it the place• M his fin ur
residence, and will attend t such legal bu:
lICSS as may he entrusted to him.
Dm. 90, 18411.
PROPERTY for sale in PET E R,
The subscriber will , xp;s t,, 1 ,0,4
nn Saturday, the d r x
a lot of ground siitro, d in the bor , ity h
Petersburg', having a leg 11 , use, a lug staid.
and an excellent well 14 water there, n. •
Pet sons wishing purchase may t xamin;
the property and ascertain terms of sale
calling on the subscriber.
Sept. 25, 1844.—t5.
unK tonlerhiglied would r•
04* opt ettully ham m the poly
-\\. that he h s commenced/ .
's Saddles 3.fda9'pesis
nmking 1)118114SM in :di its Vii i us be. nches
in Market street, Hui:tin:2Am, 3 doors wt,
of Buoy's Jewelry Establishnirot, wh,r, lo
is prepared to :ill who ma!
favor him with them rush:. Ile will k• cj
conehmtiv not bawl S OF/LES. BRIDI.X. - '
By strict attenti
receive a liberal share of pu pcr m..
47 - All kinds of groin. pock, and hide
taken in exchange for woik.
N. B. An apprentice wanted --applicatio
should be made soon.
riuntingdon, July 24, 1844,
4111701R11111r AT !LAT/
Office in Main Street. two ri,ors East
Mrs. McConnell's 7'emp , rance Howe.i
Attends to practice iii the Orphans' e, inf
Stating Adininistrition accffli .ts,Scr . ,ri
&c.—Office in Hill street, 3 duois 11:„st ,
l'. Read's Drug Store
Feb. 28, 1844
SIX CHM S RE V 1 ARD.--Run •
from the subscriber, living i., Pet,•rs','
Huntingdon county, Pa., on the 18th hl)..'
1844, all indent:d appre,tice, named
aged about 14 years. The stbme reward
will be given to acy person who will return'
said apprentice to the subscribek but no
further chi+, ges.
Sept. 2s, 1844.
°~G .