Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 23, 1844, Image 3

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    -- v'aUac:s. Vz)zaa...molll.
Huntingdon, Oct. 23, 1844.
Whig Principles.
"The principal objects which, I suppose, engage
the common desire and the common exertions of
the Whig party, to bring about, in the Government
'ef the United States are :
1 I. A aouau NATIONAL et:answer, regulated by
!the will and authority of the nation.
2. AN ADEItUATE nEvssozovith fair protec
3. Jcs.r ass-rll AIN, ON TUE E XECUTIVE Pow
kint, embracing further restrictions on the exercise
of the veto.
4. A faithful administration of the mimic no
proceeds of sales of it among all the states.
NON OF Tile tiOVERNMENT, leaving public officers
perfect freedom of thought and of the right of suf
frage, but with suitable restraints against improper
interference in elections.
6. An amendment of the Constitution, limiting
if incumbent of the Presidential otlice to a BIN.
.27, TE It 31.
These objects attained. I think that we should
ease to he afflicted with bad administration of the
Government."—Henry Clay.
By divine permission the Rev. C. F. FREY,
a cowderted Jew, will preach in the Methodist
Episcopal Church in this Boroughon Tuesday the
128th inst., at 1 o'clock P. M.
c ' ‘ t,
° We'll give them a touch of that same old tune,
fe'll give them a sight of that same old Coon,
ey'll seo him again by the light of the moon ;
Hurrah for the Farmer of Ashland!"
t., Maryland, ( 44 1 • act
The Vote for Governor.
1841. 1844.
W. L. F. W. L.F.
Johnston. Thomaa. Pratt. Carroll.
29,320 29,939 32,962 32,424
639 32,424
'homes' maj,
r ATT'S majority,
The new Legislature will compare u follows
hills that of last year:
1844. 1843.
W. L. F. W. L.F.
enate, 15 6 13 8
rouse of Dolegates, 61 21 47 35
NVWhig majority on joint ballot, 9 votes
a nett Whig gain of 2 Whig Senators and
members of the Boone of Delegates.
7ounties. Whig. Loco.
!w Castle, 110 maj.
,nt, 187 4.
297 210
Whig majority,
wo years since the Whigs had but 4 majority
Newcastle county, and the Locos carried Kent
he same majority.
Stwefox county may be Whig whenever the
Vhigs choose to exert themselves. Two tickets were
lin by our friends in several of the Hundreds which
'll account for the apparent large Locofoco major-
GualD Redeemed !
rICTORIi ! !! ! V ICTORY !!! ! !
Sufficient returns have been received to render
rtuin the election of
11nd of course
Whig majority in the Senate will be 4 certain,
probably 6. --Whig majority in the House will
from 10 to 15.
y the members of Congress elected EIGHT
whigs and THIRTEEN Locos.
1842 1844
W. L. F. W. L. P.
Corwin. Shannon. Bartley. Todd.
15,604 19,009 19,807 17,671
15,604 17,671
Nhannoris maj. 3,405
3ARTLEY'S majority, 2.130
l'he above totals are just the majorities in the
inties for the different candidates, added up.
Nine counties to hear from, which will not vary
ich either way.
feverous cheers for the Buekey Boys.
Xew Jersey ER/:CT I !
Below is the tnumphant result of the election in
Now Jersey. The whigs have done their duty no.
bly. Notwithstanding Captain Stockton's extra
ordinary exertions, and the profuse use of Ins
money, they have carried the State for Governor by
almost as large a majority as Gen. Harrison receiv
ed in 1840, and about two thirds of each branch of
the Legislature. All honor to the gallant Jersey
Stratton's maj. 1420
Connecticut, TOP UP !
Hurrah for the Land of Steady Habits !! !"
Connecticut held her town elections week before
last, and the whigs have swept all before them.—
"The land of steady habits" is whig all over!
Since the last fall election the whigs have gained
17 towns leaving hardly grease spot of locofoco
ism in the State. There is a sure guarantee in
these elections that the state will go for Clay by at
least four thousand. This will do.
We have the latest returns from Georgia by the
Washington Standard. The Standard says.
The returns indicate the election office Whigs
and three Locofocos—though the delegation may
stand four and four, in which case the Whigs
make a gain of two members, as the delegation in
the present Congress stands two Whigs and six
The two traitors Black add Chappel, are elected
to slay at home.
The Whigs have been very remiss in Georgia in
staying away from the polls at this election, whilst
their ever active opponents, the Loeofocos, have
turned out in their full strength. This state of
things will be most gloriously remedied the 4th of
November, when the great issue between CLAY and
POLK will be decided in that State. Mark our pre
diction! Clay will triumphantly carry Georgia.
Pennsylvania Legislature.
1843. 1844.
Loco. Whig. Loco. Whig.
22 10 21 11
Philadelphia co., Native American, 1
1843. 1844
Loco. Whig. Loco. Whig.
59 41 52 40
Philadelphia co., Native Americana, 8
Members of Congress—Elected.
1. L. C. Levin, (Native American) Whig.
2. Jos. R. Ingersoll, Whig—No change.
3. J. H. Campbell, (Native American) Whig.
4. Charles J. Ingersoll, Loco—No change.
5. Jacob S. Yost, Loco—No change.
6. Jacob Erdman, Loco—Loco gain.
7. A. R. M'llvaine, Whig—No change.
8. John Strohm, 4 ,
9. John Ritter, Loco If
10. R. Broadhead, jr., Loco, • 4,
11. Owen D. Leib, Loco,
12. David Wilmot, Loco, it
13. James Pollock, Whig,
14. Alex. Ramsey, 44
15. Moses M Lean, Loco—Loco gain.
16. James Black, Loco, No change.
17. John Blanchard, Whig,
18. Andrew Stewart, Whig, 4 ,
19. H. D. Foster, Loco,
20. John H. Ewing, Whig, 4 4
21. Cornelius Darrah, Whig, 4,
22. William S. Garvin, Loco. 44
23. James Thompson, Loco—Loco gain.
24. Joseph Buffiington, Whig—No change.
Total—Whigs 12.—Locofocos 12.
Friends of tit, Tariff of l 542,
James K Polk's views on the
Tariff, in his own words.
We again insert the following
clear and forcible illustration of
Mr. Polk's letter to Mr. Kane.—
In these days, when the Locofo
cos are attempting to steal the
credit of the Tariff of 1842 from
the Whigs, and palm Mr. Polk
upon the People of Pennsylvania
for as good a Tariff man as Mr.
Clay the "acts and discussions"
of Mr. Volk cannot be kept be
fore the people too much. Again
we say, READ and REFLECT!
COLUMBIA. Tennessee,
June 19, 1844. S
DEAR have received recently
several letters in reference to my opinions
on the subject of the tariff, and among
others yours of the SOth ult. My opin
ions on this subject have been often given
to the public. They are to be found in
my public acts, ani in the public discus
sions in which I have participated... The
diference between the course of the ft hig
party and myself is, that whilst they arc
the advocates of distribution and a pro
tective Tariff measures whit h 1 CONSI
DER RUINOUS to the country and es
pecially to the interests of the planting
states I have steadily OPPOSED BOTH.
All who have observed my course,know
thee !have at all l miss been OPPOSED
ipposed to the Protective Tariff of 1828,
and voted ap,ainst voted for the act
of 1832 ezil,tuse et REDUCED THE
TARIFF of 1828, to lower rates. That
AS MUCH as I desired."
I am in favor of a Tariff for revenue,
such a one as will yield a sufficient amount
to the "freasury to defray the expenses of
the Government economically administer
ed. " /am opposed to the act of 1842,
not regarding it to be a revenue tariff, but
in many of its provisions highly protective
and oppressive o► its character. I am in
favor of the restoration of the ccmproni
ise act of 1833." In adjusting the detail's
ot' a revenue tariff, I have heretofore sanc-
tinned such moderate discriminating du
ties, as would produce the amount of rev
enue needed, and at the some time anril
reasonable incidental protection to our
home industry. lam opposed to a tariff
for protection merely, and not tar revenue.
1 voted for the act of 1832 BECAUSE
it reduced the tariff f 1828 to lower rates.l
I voted tor the Oct if 2,1 lharen 1833, (the
compromise act) which REDUCED the
rates of the act or 1832 to STILL LOW
down to a point at which no article was
after the 30th June, 1842 to be subject to a
duly higher than 20 PER CENT. This
was the law when the Is• hig Congress came
into power. My own opinion is that wool
should be duty free."
Acting upon these general principles,
it is well known that I gave my support to
the policy of Gen. Jackson's administra
tion on this subject. I voted cgainst the
tariff act of 1828. I voted for the act of
1832, which contained modifications of
none of the objectional provisions rut the
act of 1828. As a member of the Com
mittee of Ways and Means of the House
of Representatives, I gave my assent to a
bill reported by that Committee in Decem•
ber, 1832, making further modifications of
the act of 1828, and making also discrim
inations in the imposition of the duties
which it proposed. That bill did not pass,
but was superseded by the bill commonly
called the Compromise bill, for which I
Whig. Loco.
Stratton. Thompson.
In my judgment, it is the duty of the
government, to extend, as far as it may be
practicable to do so, by its revenue laws
and all other means within its power, fair
and just protection to all the great inter
ests of the whole Union, embracing agri,
culture, manufactures, the mechanic ails,
commerce, and navigation. "lam op •
posed to a tariff for - Protection. 1 hate
at all times oppoed the protective policy.—
l am in favor of a tariff for revenue and
opposed to a tariff for protection. In the
present [late] canvassfor Governor I had
avowed my opposition to the tariff act of
the late Whig Congress as being highly
protective in its character and not design
ed as a revenue measure. I had avowed
my opinion in my public speeches that the
interests of the country and especially of
tile producing and exporting slates requir
ed its repeal and the restoration of the
principlai of the Compromisellarifrart of
1833. lam not in favor of the tariff , . act
now in force passed by the last Congress,
[of 1842.]: I heartily approve the resolu
tions upon this subject,passed by the Dem
ocratic National Convention, lately as
sembled at Baltimore. "It is the duly
of every branch of the Government to en
courage and practice the most rigid economy
' in conducting our public eiffaies and that
no more revenue ought to be raised than is
required to defray the necessary expenses
61 Government."
I am, with great respect,
Dear sir, your ob't. servant.
John K. Kane, E,q., Philadelphia.
T A. x. 2. P. x. 9 P. N.
OLT. 15 49 62 • 60
16 49 62 44
17 - 44 50
18 - - - - 52 - 61
19 - - - - 48 - 61
20 - - - - 35 - 49
21 - 32 52
Denial SurgeOn,
RESPECTFULLY announces to the citizens
of Hantingdon and its vicinity, that he can
be protessionally consulted at the Hotel of
Mrs. Clarke, for two weeks Boni the 2nd
of November, and hopes that persons de
siring his service will call early as his en
gagements will not permit him to extend his
stay beyond the st..ted time.
N. 13. Dr. B. is in Hollidaysburg. and will
remain there until the 2nd of November.
Oct. 23, 1844.
Package Salta of Bouts and Shoes,
_ .
(Evtry fuestlay morning, at 10 o'clock,)
CARD.—A combination having been
formed by a portion of the Dealers in Boots
and Shoes of this city, with the avowed ob
ject of suppressing the sale of those goods
by auction, it set ins proper far the subscri
ber, (who has held these sales for the past
eighteen months) to state that notwithstand
ing this combination, the sales will not be
stopped, but on the contrary, as he will now
rely more than ever on thepatronage of the
country Merchants, the sales will be held
every Tuesday morning,at the auction store,
208 Market Street, and his arrangements
with the Manufacturers, both of this city
and all New England. are such as to insure
him a constant and full supply of every de
scription of goods.
The mere tact of so great an effort being
made to put down these sales, is the best
evidence the country Merchants can have,
that it is for his interest to sustain them.
Philadelphia, March 27, 1844.-6 m.
—Take notice that the members of the Ist
Presbyterian Church of the borough of
Hollidaysburg, by petition at August 1
last, of the Court ofCommon Pleas of Hun
tingdon county, have made application for
a Charter of Incorporation for said church ;
and if no sufficient cause is shown to the
contrary, the said court will. on the second
Monday of November next, decree a charter
of Incorporation to the said church.
Proth'ys. Office, Hunt
ingdon, Sept. 11, 1844.
Office in Main street, three doors west
of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry establiobntent.
February 14, 1843,--tf.
(in this Borough.)
11 ,O tL",' 'I 0 M
Presidential Election.
PURSUANT to an act of the Gener
al Assembly of the Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating
to the elections -of this Commonwealth,"
approved the second day of July, A. I).,
1859, I, JOHN SHAVER, High Sheriff ol
the county of Huntingdon, in the State of
Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and
give notice to the electors of the county
aforesaid, that an
will he held in the mild county of Hun
tingdon, on Friday the let day of Neve:a
bet. 1944, at which time
l'wenty-six Electors of
President and Vice President
are to be elected,
In puraliance of said act I also hereby
make known anal give notice, that the
places of holding the aforesaid elec
tion in the several election districts
within the said county of Huntingdon, are
as follows, to wit:
Ist District composed, of part of HEN
DERSON township, west of the line be.-
ginning at the Mifflin county line on the
summit of Jack's mountain, thence west
as far as to include the farms• owned by
Michael Speck and the heirs of James
Kelly to Mill Creek, thence up the said
creek to the West township line, thence
along said line to the line of Mifflin county
and also a part of PORTER township,
and all that part of WALKER township
not in the 20th district, at the Court House
in the borough of Huntingdon.
2nd District, composed of DUBLIN
township, at the house of Matthew Tay
lor, Jr. in said township.
District, composed of so much of
WARRIORSMARK township as is not
included in the 28th district, at the school
house adjoining the town of Warriots
4th District, composed of the township
of ALLEGHENY, at the house of Jacob
sth District composed of that part of
the township of WOODBERRY not in
cluded in the 6th district, and a part of
MORRIS, at the house of Christian Hew.
it, in tVilliamsburg.
6th District composed of all that part
of WOODBERRY township, laying south
of a line to commence at the line of said
township on the summit of Tussey's
mountahlekeence to run westwardly sues
to include the house of Joseph Everhart,'
and South of the house of Aaron Burns,
John Ditch and Peter Sorrick, so :a to in•
elude the power mill on l'iney creek,
and thence to the litre of said township on
the summit of Canoe mountain at the
public school house number 6, near the
farm ()Holm Longenecker, in said to•vn.
7th District, composed of the township
of HOPEWttILL, at the house of David
Simonton, in said township.
Oil. District, composed of the township
of BARREE, at the house of James Liv•
ingston, (formerly John Harper,) in the
town of Salisbury, in said township.
9th District, composed of the township
of SHIRLEY, at the house of David Frit
ker, in Slorleysburg.
10th District, composed of the township
of ANTES, at the politic school house on
the land of John Bell, in said township.
11di District, composed of POR
and part of ‘VALKER townships, -ind su
much of WEST township as is included
in the following boundaries, to wit: be
ginning at the south-west corner of Tobias
Caufinan's farm on the bank of Little Ju
niata river, at the lower end cf Jackson's
narrows, thence in a northeasterly direc
tion to the most southerly part of the farm
owned by Michael Maguire, thence north
40' west to the tr.p ol Tussey's mountsin
to intersect the line of Franklin township,
thence along said line to Little Juniata
river, thence down the same to the place
of beginning, at the public school house in
the borough of Alexandria.
12th District composed of the township
ol FRANKLIN, at the house of Jacob
Mattern, now 0 copied by George W.
Mattern, in said township.
19th District, composed of TELL town•
ship, at the house now occupied by the
heirs of James McNeal, in said too uship.
14th District, composed of SPRING
FIELD township at the schoid house near
Hugh Madden's in said to“ nship.
15th District, composed of UNION
township, at the school house at or neat
Nathan Greenland's, in said township.
16th District, composed of that part of
HENDERSON township not included in
the Ist district, at the public school house
in the village of Roxberry.
17th District, composed of TYRONE
township, including that part of said town
ship which was formerly attached to the
3rd election district, at the house of James
Crawford, in Tyrone township.
18th District, composed of MORRIS
township, at the house of Frederick Kuhn,
in said township.
19th District composed of that part of
WEST township not included in the 11th
district at the public school house on the
farm formerly owned by James Ennis, in
said township.
20th District, composed of those parts
of the townships of HOPEWELL and
WALKER within the following bounda-1
. 1,111 • p
io l'ussey's mountain, thence down Gard
ner's run, so as to include the house of
Matthew Garner, Isaac Bowers and Geo.
Brumbaugh: thence in a straight line
through Forshey's Gap to the Union town
-11 ship line, thence down the same to a point
opposite David Corbin's, thence down on
a straight line, including the house of Da
rid Corbin, to the corner of Porter town-
I ship, on the Huntingdon and Woodcock
Valley road, thence along the said summit
to the place of beginning, at the house tic
' copied by Jacob Magahy, in the village of
21st District, composed of that part of
the township of Union, now composing
the township of 'IOU, beginning on the
line of Bedford county where the line of
Springfield and. Union townships meet,
thence by the line between the townships
to a point on said line, nearly opposite
John Caufman's, so as to include his farm,
thence by a straight line to Hopewell
township line at Forshey's Gap on Ter
race mountain, thence by the line of
Hopewell and Union townships to Bed.
ford county line, thence to said place of
beginning, at the house now occupied by
J. Henderson in said district.
22nd district, composed of that part of
11 , ES 1' township on the south-east side of
Warrior ridge, beginning at the tine of
West and Henderson township, at foot of
said ridge to the line of Barree township,
thence by the division line of Barree and
West townships to the summit of Stone
mountain, to intersect the line of Hender
son and West townships, thence by said
line to the place of beginuing, at the house
now occupied by Benjamin Corbin, on
Murry's Run.
23rd District, composed of CROM-
W ELL township, at the house now occu
pied by David Etnire, in Orbisonia.
24th District, composed of the township
of FRAKSTOWN, at the public school
house in the borough of Frankstown.
25th District, composed or the township
of BLAIR, at the school house, number
three, in the town of Newry, in said town
26th District, composed of the borough
of HOLLIDAYSBURG, at the brick
school house in said borough.
27th 4)istrict, composed of the town of
GAYSPORT, at the school house in said
town where the borough elections are held.
28th District, composed of the borough
of BIRMINGHAM, with the several
tracts of land near to and attached to the
same, now owned or occupied by Thomas
M. Owens, John K. McCahan, Andrew
Robeson, John Guisemer, and William
Guisemer, situate in the township of War
riorsmark, at the public school house in
said borough.
29111 District, composed of the township
of SNYDER, at the Bald Eagle school
house in said township.
30th District, composed of the township
of CASS, at the public school house in
Casoville, in said township.
I also make known and give notice, as
in and by the 13th section of the aforesaid .
act am directed "that every person ex
cepting justices of the peace, who shall
hold any office or appointment of profit or
trust under the government of the United
States, or of this State, or of any city or
ncorporated district, whether a commis
toned officer, or otherwise, a subordinate
officer, or agent who is or shall be, em•
ployed under the legislative, executive or
judiciary department of this State or of the
United States, or of any city or incorpora
ted district, and also, that every member
of Congress, and of the state Legislature,
and of the select or common council of
any city, commissioners of any incorpora
te(' district, is by law incapable of hold
ing or exercising at the same time, the
office or appointment of judge, inspector
or clerk of any election of this Common
wealth, and that no inspector judge, or
other officer of any such election, shall be
eligible to any (lice to be then voted
Also, that in the 4th section of the act
of Assembly, entitled " An act relating to
executions, and for other purposes," ap
proved April 10th 1840, it is enacted that
the aforesaid 13th section " shall not be so
; construed, as to prevent any militia offi
cer or borough officer, from serving as
judge, inspector, or clerk, at any general
or special election in this commonwealth."
Pursuant to the provisions contained in
the 76th section ot the act aforesaid, the
Judges of the aforesaid district shall re
spectively take charge of the certificate or
return of the election of their respective
districts, and produce them at a meeting
of one Judge from each district, at the
Court llnuse in the borough of Hunting
don, or, the third day after the day of
election, being for the present year on
Monday, the 4th of November next,
then and there to do and perform the du
ties required by law of said Judges.—
Also, that where a Judge by sickness or
unavoidable accident, is unable to attend
said meeting of Judges, then the certificate
or return aforesaid shall be taken charge
of by one of the Inspectors or Clerks of
the election of said district, and shall do
and perform the duties required of said
Judge unable to attend.
Also, that in the 61st section of said
act it is enacted that " every general and
special election shall he opened between
the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon,
and shall continue without interruption or
adjournment until seven o'clock in the
evening, when the polls shall be closed."
Given under my hand at Huntingdon, the
nth day of October, 1844, and of
the Independence of the United States
the sixty-eighth
' [God save the Commonwealth.]
"QtiLnril 017 WEE WEST"
(XICIL) VS—t La f:e CID SYNE, a
For sale by I. ORM , ' US & SUN, Alex
andria, Huntingdon county, Pa.,
cheap fur cash or country
produce at the
market price.
The "Queen of the West" is an im
provement on Hathaway's celebrated
Hot Air Stove. There has never yet ap
rpeaed any plan of a Cooking Stove that
possesses the advantages that this one
has. A much less quantity of fuel is re.
quired Ihr any amount of cooking or ba
king by this sieve than by any other.
Persons are requested to call and see
before they purchase elsewhere.
July 3, 1844.
up w• z;) ua .a. 8
ESP EC TFULLY inform the citizen&
of Huntingdon county, and the public
generally, that they continue to carry on
Copper, Tin and Sheet•tron Business
in all its branches, in Alexandria, where
they manufacture and constantly keep on
hand every description of ware in their I►ne;
such as
New and Splendid Wood Stoves,
22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches long
New Cooking Stoves of all kinds, and
Also four sizes of Coal Stoves
All kinds of castings done, for Forges, Saw
mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG
WARE ; all of which is done in a workman
like manner.
Alm), Copper, Dye, Wash, Fulls r, Jr
serving, and 'lea Kettles, for sale,
wholesale and retail.
Persons favoring this establishment with
their cistern may depend on having their
orders executed with fidelity and despatch.
Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta
ken in exchange. Also wheat, rye, corn
and oats taken at market price.
Alexandria, July 3. 1844.
NOTICE.—The subscriber respectfully
requests all persons indebted to him for
work done at the old establishment, pre
vious to the Ist of November last, to call and
settle their accounts without delay.
July 3, 1844.
Indian Vegetable Pills.
If, during the continuance of storms and
floods. the channels of
become so obstructed as to afford an insuffi
cient outlet for the superabundant waters,
we can expect nothing less than that the
urrounding country will be
Overwhelmed with the Flood
In like manner with the human body—if
the skin, kidneys and bowels (the natural
outlets for useless and corrupt humors) be
come an obstructed as to fail in affording a
full discharge of those impurities which are
in all cases
we surely can expect no other results than
that the whole frame will sooner or later b e
As in the first place, if we would prevent
an inundation we must remove all obstruc
tions, in order that there may be no hind
rance to the free discharge of the supera
bundant waters. So, in the second place, if
we would prevent and cure disease, we must
open and keep open, all natural drains of the
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills o
North Amei 4 ean College of Health,
will be found one of the beat it not the very
for carrying out this beautiful and simple
theory, because they compleatly cleanse the
stomach and bowels from all bilous humors,
and other impurity, and at the same time
promote a healthy discharge front the lungs,
skin and kidneys; consequently as all the
natural drains are opened,
U"'Caution.—As the great popularity and
consequent great demand for Wright's Indi
an Vegetable Pills has raised up a hcst of
counterfeiters, country storekeepers and
agants will be on their guard agninst the
many impostors who are travelling about the
country selling to the unsuspecting a spuri
ous article for the genuine.
It should be rem e mbered that all author
ized agents are provided with a certificate of
agency, signed by NVILLIAM WRIGHT, Vice
President of the North American College of
Health. Consequently, those who offer In
dian Vegetable Pills, and cannot show a cer
tificate as above described will be known as
m posters.
rite following highly respectable store
keepers have been appointed agents for the
ale of
Wright's Indian Vegetasle Pills,
and at whom it is confidently believed the
genuine medicines can be obtained:
William Stewart, Huntingdon.
Henry Learner Hollidaysburg,
B. F. Bell, Antes township.
Robert McNamara, Newry.
Samuel S. Isett, '1 yrone township.
Millikens & Kessler, Mill Creek .
A. & N. Crewmen, Petersburg.
Gemmel & Porter, Alexandria.
Moore &Steiner, Water Street.
Joseph Patton, Jr. Duncansville.
R. H. McCormick, Collinsville.
Wolf &Willet, Frankstown.
Henry Brewster, Suirleysbu;g.
Walter Graham, Yellow Sprfngs.
Office devoted exclusively to the sale of
t he medicine, wholesale and retail, No. 169
Race street, Philadelphia.
Beware of counterfeits.—'The
. public are
rem lectfully informed that medicine purpor
ting to be Indian Pills made by one V. 0.
Flack, are not the genuine
'fright's Indian Vegetable Pills,
The only security agaiiist imposition is to
purchase from the regularly advertised a
gents, and in all cases be particular to ask
for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill.