Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, October 23, 1844, Image 2

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"One country, one constitution, one destiny."
I:Eintinatttlnam.colcia me
Wednesday morning, Oct. 23, '44.
Once more our glorious Banner out
Upon the breeze we throw;
Beneath its folds, with song and shout,
Let's charge upon the foe!"
[Of Kentucky.)
[Of New Jersey.]
TOWNSEND RAINES. S Senatorial Electors.
Representative Electors.
1. Joseph G. Clarkson, 13. Henry Drinker,
2. John P. Wetherill, 14. Ner Middleswarth,
3. John D. Ninesteel, 15. Frederick Watts,
4. John S. Littell, 16. Daniel M. Smyser,
5. E. T. M'Dowell, 17. James Mather.,
6. Benjamin Frick, 18. Andrew J. Ogle,
7. Samuel Shafer, 19. Dan'l Washabaugh,
8. William Holster, 1120. John L. Gow,
9. John S. Heister, 21. And'w. W. Loomis,
10. John Killinger, 22. James M. Power,
11. Alex. E. Brown, 23. Willi am A. Irvin,
12. Jolethan J. Slocum, 24. Benj. Hartshorn,
Clay and"Frelinghuysen Electoral Tickets will
be ready for distribution in a day or two. We wish
our county friends to get and distribute them among
the voters.
cO•A number of Adsertisments are omitted this
week, for want of room.
The Sheriff's Sales, Trial List, Proclamations,
and Lists of Jurors for November Court will be
found on the 4th page.
17th Congressional District.
In giving the majorities, last week, an error oc
curred in that of Centro county. We now perfect
the record by giving the full official returns.
Counties. John Blanchard. Joseph Henderson.
Huntingdon, 3977 2646
Centre, 1722 2373
Mifflin, 1452 1636
Juniata, 1056 1209
Blanchard's majority, 343
ICoth Uenatolial District.
The following are the official returns of this Sen
atorial district.
Counties. John Morrison. Adolphus Patterson.
Huntingdon, 3913 2819
Bedford, 3024 2888
6997 5507
Morrison'. moj: 1430
Sheriff Armitage
And his friends have the proud satisfaction of know
ing that he passed, unharmed, through a contest
that was characterised by the bitterest opposition of
the most unprincipled party that ever disgraced any
country. He passed through the fiery ordeal with
honor, crowned with victory. His political and
personal enemies carried on the meat con ardly and
skulking warfare against him, and resorted to the
most low, base, and contemptible Lams that malig
nant slanderers, despicable cowards, and unblushing
hypocrites could invent and propagate. Not a
stone was left unturned to defeat him; and yet he
leads his competitor nearly five hundred votes.
If some of the Whigs of the country, who had
been induced to vote against him, could have heard
the savage, demoniac yells and shouts of victory
which burst from the throat of Locofocoism in this
borough when the votes of this district and of Walker
were announced, they would perhaps have regretted
that they contributed by their ballots to bring about
that jubilation. They sung through our streets,
" That Coon, that Coon of twenty five,
That coots we'll skin alive,"
or something like tide, with the most sewage feroci
ty, disturbing the slumbers of the peaceable and
well disposed portion of the community. But, . that
coon of twenty five" they now find to have a whole
hide on him; and wo advise his Locofoco and
' Mongrel" calumniators to "stand off." That
. coon" will bite.
What's the Matter.
It ie now more than two weeks since the election,
and the returns must all have been in Harrisburg
long ago; but as yet the Locofoco organs—official
and "ucond fiddles"—have not published the full
returns! "Hurrah fora majority of from 5,000 to
8,000 !" is the cry of all the Locofoco papers and
braggadocios;—but where are the official returns
Why are they withheld on the eve of an important
Presidential election/ Are their effect upon that
contest dreaded/ Are the Locofocoa scared? And
would they spoil the cry of " 5 to 8 thousand majoi
ity 1" Who can fors any other conclusion /
The Harrisburg Telegraph gives the official re
turns of ail the counties except Bradford, Elk,
Greene, Indiana, deffers.n, McKean, Pike, Potter,
Tioga, Venange, Warren, Wayne and Wyoming;
and adds the reported majorities of the 13 counties
above named, and from its statement, Shunk's major
ity over Markle appears to be only 3,865!
Give ut more light—the people are anxious to
know if Mr. bunk is or is not a minority Gover
nor. M ow many cotes were east for Mr. Lemoyne?
Another Great " Ealhilashun."
Our neighbor of the veritable Globe excepts to
the sta•ement of the probable result of the Presiden
tial election which appeared in our paper week be
fore Inst. And who cares if he does He straight
way fell to work, and furnished the world with a
statement which, he say e, "will be recognized as
having some claims to candor and fairness." He
sets down 15 States as "certain for Polk and Da
llas," with 173 electors; gives Clay 5 States, with
45 electors; and sets down Connecticut, New Jer
sey, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio and Georgia as
doubtful. Unfortunately for our neighbor, this
half dozen of doubtful states have recently held
elections, and all of them have gone for the Whigs,
some of them by much greater majorities than
the Lecofocos claim in Pennsylvania, and the Globe
places Pennsylvania among the States "certain for
Polk and Dallas." In 3of the States "certain for
Polk and Dallas," to wit, Virginia, Louisiana and
Indiana, with 35 electors, elections have been held
during the present year, and they too, have gone
for the Whigs. Among the "certain for Polk and
Dallas," along with Pennsylvania we find New
York and Tennessee. The latter two are almost as
certain for Clay as any State in the Union, and
Pennsylvania can scarcely any longer be considered
doubtful. Before the late election, some of the
knowing Locofocos conceded that if Shunk's major
ity was under 10,000 the State would go for Clay.
The above "kalkilashun" is equalled by only
one other that was ever given to the world, and
that we insert below. It appeared in the Globe on
the 25th of September last—also original.
Counties. Henderson. Blanchard.
Huntingdon, 500 Inaj.
Centre, 1200 maj.
Milllin, 300 "
Juniata, 250 "
Henderson's majority, 1250. The Centre county
exponent of Hartford Conventionism may get 500
majority in Old Huntingdon, but we think no more,
and as to Centre county, what say you, brother
Shugert, how much? Shall we put down for you
1500, 1200, certainly not less. Mifflin 300,
Juniata, 250, in all 1750, leaving 1250 majority
for Captain Henderson. He ought to beat his yan
bee opponent 2000, and by hard work can."
Look at one of these "kalkilashuna" and then at
the other, and you will know how much reliance to
place in either.
As the Globe clique consider themselves great at
figures, we give them this
QUESTION.-If a fellow can come within 1600
of the result of one Congressional district, how near
can lie come to that of 223, composing the'United
AM/WM - 356,800 II I
Cipher it out, boyo.
The impaired memory of the Locos.
It is really amusing to see the Locofoco editors
„ dishing up" the returns of late elections for their
readers. They skip over a period of four years as
though it were but a span. Poor fellows, we pity
them. At the Presidential election in 1840 they
got so completely 0 licked" that their nerves wero
so severely affected that they lost their memory for
four long years. They are now just becoming con
scious of what is transpiring around them. The
ever memorable "licking" we gave them in 1840
made so indellible an impression upon their minds
as they are not likely to forget until after the worse
drubbing that awaits them at the Presidential elec
tion in 1844. When returns reach them, the first
thing they do is to compare them with the Harri
son and Van Buren vote of '4O, and if they are not
as badly heat now as they were then; they shout
victory!—if the Whig majority is not so over
whelmingly great as it was four years ago, " the
Locofocos consider the result as highly auspicious,"
and as "showing the downward tendency of the
Whig party." Even the general elections of 1840
are forgotten by the Locofocos; and in this State
they do not even recollect the Gubernatorial
election of 1841. when they had a majority of 23,000;
but, happily, they can recollect 1840, when they
were beaten; and because " Old Skunk" has a
meager plurality, when they boasted he would get
20,000 majority, they shout " glorious victory!"
Go it now, Locos, for after the election you'll feel
sick and sore.
Beep it before the People,
That on the passage of the bill, March 13, 1828,
for the relief of surviving officer. of the revolution
ary war, Mr. Polk voted IN THE NEGATIVE.
Cong. Deb., vol. 4, part 2, page 2,060.
That March 18, 1830, he voted AGAINST the
revolutionary pension bill.--Same, vol. 5, part 1,
page 620.
That, March 19, ~ Mr. Polk spoke come time
against the bill," and voted against it.—Same, page
_ .
That, Febuary 7, 1831, he voted against the bill
for the relief of revolutionary soldiers.—Same, vol.
7, page 740.
That, May 2, 1832, he voted against the revolu
tionary pension bill.---Same, vol. 8, part 2, page
The evidence we have of the above facts, so un
pleasant to Locofoco editors and orators, is contain
ed in the Journals of the Lower House of Congress,
above referred to. They may be seen in this bo
rough. They belonged to the late Robert Allison,
Esq. Let all who have doubts, examine the re
cords and see for themselves. We make no assertions
without backing them up with proof.
Q:" John Dougherty, in endeavoring to make out
that Polk will carry Ohio, says— , it is said Mr.
Todd, the Democratic candidate for Governor, is a
DEIST!" So it seem. the plow and moral Lo
cofocos of Ohio, who oppose Mr. Clay for his " irre.
ligion" and "immorality," took up a Deist as the
leader of their hosts! Their hypocrisy "sticks out
a feet."
Globe aua
On the 2nd inst. the " Huntik;doi. w
ged us with having published •• an article purpor
ting to be from Roorbach's travels in the United
States, stating that Co! Polk sold slaves, burnt
them with his brand, &c." It was roundly asser
ted that we had given wings to the story (then) two
weeks since, and that although the contradiction
was almost as early as its publication, we withheld
the contradiction from the public.
This charge came at such a time and in such a
shape that it left no room to suspect mistake or in
advertence on the part of the Globe; and, in view
of this, Wb stated on the 12th that we never pub
lished the article referred to, nor any thing like it;
and as we were fully convinced that the charge was
made against us wilfully, maliciously and for poli
tical effect, we denounced it as a falsehood and its
publisher as an infamous liar and an unmitigated
scoundrel—terms which, although harsh and un
pleasant, wore richly merited by his conduct to
wards us.
In our paper of the 12th we also published an
exposition of the "Roorbach Imposition," taken
from the Ithaca Chronicle extra, in which the " For
gery" was charged upon " WILLIAM LIMP, Esq.
of that village, a LOCOFOCO OFFICE OL
DER, the candidate of that party for justice of the
peace, to which office he was elected, and which he
now holds; and also examiner in chancery, appoin
ted by a Locoloco Senate, on the recommendation
of Governor Bouck."
Well, we arena to have "raised the dander" of
the Globe clique; and brought about two columns
of its wrath upon us. The Globe of last week
does not plead mistake, nor does it tell its readers
that we did not publish the Roorbach Imposition ;
but it makes a vain, silly, and ridiculous effort to
pull us down to its own degraded level, by attempt
ing to prove that said imposition or forgery was not
perpetrated try a Locofoco, as we stated on the au
thority of the Ithaca Chronicle, the paper ha which
both the " forgery" and its denial first appeared.—
Our veracious neighbor says he will not brand us
es an infamous liar and an unmitigated scoundrel"
—(how kind!) but that two affidavits, one from
" George G. Freer" and the otherfrom "E. Labar,"
would justify him in doing so.
Mr. Freer swears that the said William Linn
voted the Harrison electoral ticket in 1840, and
within 30 days last he has said in the hearing
of the deponent that he hoped Cloy would be elec
ted. E. Leber swears that since the nomination of
Clay "deponent has had frequent conversation with
William Linn on political topics, and that Linn has
always argued in favor of Henry Clay and Whig
It is remarkable that neither of these deponents
deny that William Linn is a Locofoco office holder,
elected justice of the peace by that party, and ap
pointed examiner in chancery on the recommend,.
twn of the present Locofoco Governor of New
York, by and with the adviceand consent of the
Locofoco Senate. Upon these facts the assertion
is founded, and they ate not denied. As to Prete,
he proves too much I How can he sweet: that
Linn voted the Harrison electoral ticket ashen the
law requires the tickets to be folded so that the
names of the candidates cannot be seen. But sup
pose it to be true, and what Locofoco paper has not
boasted of the changes since 1840. Perhaps Linn
is among them. Labor swears to conversations end
assertions. An unprincipled character, such as
Linn must be, would readily hold political cancer
' sations and make such assertions—without a spark
of sincerity—for the very purpose of getting some
other genuine Locofoco affidavit maker to swear to
them. It is e very shallow attempt at backing out
, Such is the Globe's " plain tale" to " fasten false
hood on the Journal." Try it again, Lewis, but
keep in good humor—don't get mad when the truth
is told about you.
The Harrisburg Union, if we remember rightly,
predicted a very short time before the State election,
that Shunk'a ma;ority would be 25,000. It is less
than 5000
It now predicts that Polk and Dallas will carry
the State by 15,000. Allow 20,000 for error, as in
its former estimate, and the State is ours by 5000.
Well, we will be satisfied with that if we cannot
get more.—U. S. Gazette.
The Cincinnati Atlas publishes the following re
markable instances of the importance of a single
One vote in the city of New York returned a
republican member to the Assembly, which made
a majority in the Legislature of that State for Thom
as Jefferson, and gave him the vote of New York,
without which he could riot have been elected.—
The whole policy of the United States during the
Jefferson and Madison administration, a period of
16 years, hung on that one vote.
One vote elected Marcus Morton Governor of
Massachusetts, in an aggregate popular vote of
nearly one hundred thousand.
Onevote elected William Allen in the Chilteothe
district to Congress, in 1834, and one vote subse
quently made him United States Senator for six
years afterwards.
One vote elected Mr. White to Congress from
Vermont, in 1822, and a member was also chosen
in 1824 by a single vote, in a canvass where about
6000 were polled.
The following elute of the kind is still more re
In 1830, Dan Stone, of thin city, was a candi
date for the State Legislature. Walking up Main
street on the morning of the election, lie overtook
an acquaintance going to the polls, who intended
to vote the opposite ticket. Stone solicited his vote.
"• We are old friends," said he, "and I know you
will show a friend that mark of kindness." Party
spirit was then comparative' , quiet. The voter re
plied, " Well, Dan, you're a pretty clever fellow, I
don't care if I do." That vote elected Stone, and gave
a majority of one in the Legislature, which made
Thomas Ewing United States Senator. Mr. Ewing's
vote on the question of confirming the appointment
of Martin Van Duren as Minister Plenipotentiary
to Great Britian, enabled the Vice President to
give the casting vote against it, and recalled Mr.
Van Duren home. That recall ii.ade Mr. Van
Buren first Vice President. and then President • and
determined the general policy of the country for
four years.
One vale accomplished all this.
ring from the Batavia Spirit of
7, 1843. It clearly shows that
1,11 . R ti„ .1 g: •,f Wild Cherry has attained a
high reputation in Batavia, as well as in thin city.
13A1.f:A31 or Wits Cirsitnr.—This is one o'fthe
very few patent medicines of the day which we can
recommend with confidence to all who are affected
with Coughs, Colds,or Consumption—or who are
predisposed to the latter complaint. It has been
used with considerable advantage by many families
in town, and in a few stubborn cases has produced
highly beneficial effects.—Rochesetr Daily Adv.
Editors, lawyers, clergymen, and almost every
class have at last found out that Wistar's Balsam of
Wild Cherry is what ttit is cracked up to bo," the
very best medicine to be found. It cures all affec
tions of the Lungs when nothing else will.
The genuine, for sale by Thomas Read, Hunt
ingdon, and James Orr, Hollidaysburg.
Miss W , a young lady residing in Hubert et.,
had a severe pain in her kneo, from which she suf
fered excruciating pains for upwards of three years,
which confined her to bed almost all the time.
Dr Mott and several others of the faculty had bled,
leeched, and blistered to no effect. By taking a few
boxes of Brandreth's pills, she has perfectly recovered
the use of her knee. Observations on the above
would he superfluous.
Purchase the genuine medicine of Wm. Stewart,
Huntingdon, Pa., and other agents published in
another part of this paper.
On Thursday the 17th inst.. by the Rev. H. G.
Dill, Mr. THOMAS COY, to Miss MARY MN
KENS, both of Huntingdon county.
On Sunday the 15th ult.,by the Rev. Thompso n
Mitchell, Mr. JACOB SW YERS, to MissELIZA
BETH MYERS, both of Huntingdon county.
On Thursday the 17th inst., by John Porter Esq.,
Mr. JOSEPH METEER, of Barree township, to
Miss ELLEN CORBIN of West township, Hun
tingdon county.
On Saturday the 19th inst., in Hollidaysburg,
Mr. WILLIAM CAMPBELL, aged about 30
On the 9th inst., at Union Furnace, REBECCA
SIMPSON, consort, of Mr. Matthew Simpson.
NOTIC E is hereby given to all persons
concerned, that the following named per
sons have settled their accounts in the Re
gister's Office at Huntingdon, and that the
said accounts will lie presented for confirma
don and allowance at an Orphans' Court to
be held at Huntingdon, in and for the coun
ty of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the 13th
day of November next, viz :
1. Jacob Zook and David Yoder, admin
istrators if the estate of Daniel Yoder, late
of Henderson township, deceased.
2. John S. Isett, Trustee appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to
make sale, &c. of the real estate of Samuel
Wigton, late of Franklin township, dec'd.
3. James Perry, Esq., administrator of
the estate of William Baum, late of Tyrone
township, deceased
4. Thomas B. Moore, Jesse Moore, and
James M. Bell. Esq., Guardians of Char
lotte H. Moore, now Irvin. a minor daugh
ter of Silas Moore, late of the Borough of
Ho'.lidaysburg, deceased.
5. John Kerr, executor of the last will
and testament of Levi Westbrook, late of
Walker township, deceased.
6. John Lowe, administrator of the estate
of Hobert Young. late of the borough of
Gaysport, deceased.
7. Georiy,i. B. Young, Esq., administrator
of the &state of Mary Fisher, late of the
bori,utth of Ala xandrta. deceased.
8: Fleury Learner, surviving executor of
the last will and testament of Henry Lea
mer, late of Frailistown township, dec'd.
JOHN REED, Register.
Register's Office, Hunting
don, Oct. 12, A. D. 1844. S
The undersigned, administrators of john
Swoope, late of Walker township, Hunting
don county, dec'd, will sell, at pub.ic outcry,
on the premises, on
Thursday. the 7th day of November
next, the unexpired term of eleven years of
a Lease of that valuable F ARM and Mill
property, known as the
“Swoope Jilin Property,”
situated in Woodcock Valley, five miles
tram Huntingdon.
'The farm contains about 230 acres of first
rite rim, stone land, in a high state of culti
v.dion, with good buildings and all other
necessary improvements.
The mill is a frame, 50 by 55 feet, and
four stories high.buildtng, together
. .
with the machlnety being all entirely new,
built by Mr. Straugh, one of the, best mill
wrights in the country, and finished on the
1., est and most approved plan, with eleva
tern, smut-machine &c., &c., with two pair
of burrs and one pair of . country stones,
and all the necessary fixtures for making
merchant work, with'an'abundant supply of
"verhead water. This property offers rare
inducements to persons wishing to engage in
that business, situated as it is, in one of the
best grain growing valleys in the county,
and only five miles from the Pennsylvania
It is thought unnecessary to describe the
many advantages this property posesses, as
persons wishing to purchase will doubtless
view the premises. The conditions of the
sale will be made known on the day of sale ;
and will be miderate, to suit the times.
Woodcock Valley Adm'rs.
October 16, 1844. f
Old stand, pposite Geo. Jackson's Hotel,
i o i r AS now on hand and still continues to
manufacture the most splendid assort
ment of elegant Furniture and Chairs, &c.
ever offered for sale in the borough of Hun
tingdon, embracing almost every article in
the above line ' • which in point of durability,
workmanship, fashionable style of pattern,
and fine finish, will compare with similar
articles manufactured in any portion of the
county; all of which he is determined to
sell at very reduced prices for cash or ap•
proved country produce, or on time to punc
tual dealers.
Hotels, private dwellings. &c. furnished
order at the shortest possible notice.
House, sign, and fancy painting done on
the most reasonable terms.
N. B.—Coffins made for the citizens of
the borough, at the shortest notice,
nutitinidOn. Oct. 16. 1844,...ii:
Spanish Hides
2000 Dry Laplata Hides—first quality.
0500 Dry La Guira do. do.
3000 Dry Salted La Guira, do.
1000 Dry Salted Brazil Hides, do.
40 Bales Creen Salted Patna Kips
30 Bales dry Patna Kips.
120 Barrel Is Tanner's Oil.
Tanner's and Currier's Tools.
For salse to the country Tanners at the
lowest prices and upon the best terms.
N. B. All kinds of Leather wanted for
which the highest prices will he paid in
Cash or in exchange fi n • Hides, Kips & Oil.
No. 21 South 3d Street,
Oct. 9, 1844.-Iy.
$4 R EINAR D.---Straved or stolen from
the subscriber living in Huntingdon, about
the first of August last, a• large red and
white cow, with small crumpled horns, a
good deal of white along the back, red sides
and neck, spotted legs, and 5 years old ; sup
posed to haye calved some time in the be
ginning of August. The above reward will
be given if said cow and calf are brought to
the subscriber, or for the cow only.
Huntingdon, Oct. 2, 1844.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE ---Take notice,
that the undersigned auditor, appointed by
the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county,
to audit and adjust the administration ac
count of Eliza Flenner, late Eliza Port, sur
viving administratrix of the estate,of Chris
tian Port, late of Walker township, dec'd.,
to which exceptions have been filed, will for
that purpose attend at the office of David
Blair, E-q., in Huntingdon, on Friday, the
Bth day of November next, at 1 o'clock, P.
M., when and where all ersons interested
may attend. JACOB MILLER,
Oct. 16, 1844-4 t. Auditor.
ESTRAY.—Came to the premises of the
subscriber in Canoe Valley, about the Bth
of September, a red and white steer suppo
sed to be about three years old. The own
er is requested to come forward prove
property, pay charges and take him away,
otherwise he will be disposed of according
to law
October 9, 1844.
Cheap Carpet Store
(On the CASH plan,)
At No. 41 Strawberry street,
The R ent of the subscribers in their pre
sent situation being very low, and their
terms CASH, they are enabled to sell at such
low prices that customers cannot fail to be
satisfied, and they invite the people of Hun
tingdon county to call and examine their
stock, as they oiler an excellent assortment,
Comprising :
Beautilul Imperial, 3 ply, •
(Superfine Ingrain,
Heavy Twilled Venitian,
Fine Engllalt H orated, do. I a.
Plain Striped, do.
With a large stock of well seasoned floor
Oil Cloths, of all widths, for Rooms, Halls,
Doorpieres, &c. Also, Furniture Oil Cloths,
beautiful Hearth Rugs, Table Covers, Floor
Baize, Rag Carpets, Matting, &c.. &c.,
together with a large stock of low priced
Ingrain. Entry, and Stair Carpets, WHOLE
SALE OR RETAIL, at the lowest prices in the
No 41 Strawberry Street, one door above
Chesnut and :Ind street. Entrance also at
No. 50 South second street.
Philadelphia, Sept. 18, 1844.--2 m.
William P. Erhardt's
No. 42 North Second street, Philadelphia
The subset iber respentfully informs his
patrons and dealers generally, that he has
removed his Cap Manufactory, to the upper
part of the building, No. 42 N. Second
street, below Arch, (entrance through the
store,) where he manufactures Caps of
. description and pattern, of the best
materials and workmanship. Having a
large assortment of Caps always en hand,
orders can be supplied at short notice.
August 21, 1844.-2 mo.
THE subscribers have removed their
Watch and Jewelry Store from No. 92
Market street, to
above Third, opposite Sanderson's Franklin
House, Philadelphia, where they have
opened an assortment of rich goods, consis
ting of Fine Patent Lever, and other W atch
es, of their own importation, Siver Spoons,
Forks, &c., of their own make, Fine Brace
lets, Breast Pins, Rings, Guard and Fob
Chains, Miniature Cases, Gold Pencils,
Diamond pointed Pens, Fine 'Pen Knives,
Silver Suspender Buckles and 'Chains, Pla
te:l Castors, Cake Baskets, Candle Sticks,
Tea Sets, &c., &c.
7' Watches and Clocks repaired.
J. & W. L. WARD,
106 Chesnut street, opposite Sanderson's
Franklin House.
Philadelphia, Aug. 21, 1844.-2 mo.
subscriber will offer for sale, at public yen
due, on the premises, on
Saturday, the 26th October next,
a lot of ground containing five acres, more
or less, situated in Antes township, Hunt
ingdon county, adjoining lands of Abraham
Beyer and the village of Sharlotteville, with
a two story frame house and a frame stable
thereon erected.
Th.! above property is well situated for a
public house or for mechanical business.
Attendance will be iveti and terms made
known on the day of sale, or previously,
upon inquiry.
Sept. 25, 1844.—t5.
Estate of Chas. M'Murtrie,
[Late of Franklin township, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known without
delay, and all persons indebted to make im
mediate payment to
JOHN 11, 1'CULLOCH, Adner.
Aug. 14, 1844,—.6t, Petersburg Bor.
itockWile goitnUrg.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform
the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoin
ing counties, that he still coutinut s to car
ry on business at the Rockoale Foundry, on
Clover Creek, two miles from Williams
burg, where he is prepared to execute all
orders in his line, of - the best materials and
workmanship, and with promptness and de
He will keep constantly on hand stoves of
every description, such as
Cooking, Ten Plate,
nammers, 110110 w Ware, and every kind of
castings necessary for forges, mills or ma
chinery of any description ; wagon boxes is
all descriptions, &c., which can he had on
as good terms as they can be had at any
other foundry in the county nr state.
Remember the Rockdale Foundry.
July 17, 1844.—tf.
The subscribers will O'er at public stile,
on the premises, on
Saturday, the 2d of lrovember next,
a farm containing about 200 acres, situated
in West township, Huntingdon county,
about 2 miles from the Canal Basin at Pe
tersburg, having thereon erected a Gri,t
Mill, a Saw Mill, two dwelling houses—the
one frame and the other log,two bank barns,
and other necessary outbuildings, and also
an excellent apple orchard then on.
The above is of the best quality of lime
stone land—inferior to none in the country,
and has several first rate springs of never
failing water thereon.
rsons desiring to purchase can see. the
property at any time previous to the sale
by calling upon the subs cribers, when the
terms of sale and all other information rela
tive to the property can also be ascertained.
Sept. 25, 1844.—t5.
RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens
of Hntingdon and its vicinity, that he
has commenced the
Tailoring Business
in Main street, in the borough of Hun
tingdon, one door w st of the store of Thos.
Read & Son, where he is ready to accom
modate all who may favor him with a call.
He receives regularly the
and is determined to employ none but the
best and most experienced workmen.
He will execute all orders in his line in
the most workmanlike manner, and en the
shortest notice. By strict attention to busi
ness and endeavoring to please, he hopes to
merit and receive a share of the public
Country produce will be taken in pay
ment for work.
March 20,1844.—tf.
Jewelry! Jewelry ! ! Jewelry!!
TrUST received, a stock
ier= gj of the most magnifi
,, .11111 dent Jewelry (17"" ever
, 4 came up the Pikc.".a
,?(-, Consisting of GotaiI'AT
VERS, full jewelled,
SILVER PATENT LEVERS, rouble and single
cased,SlLvEß ANCHOR LlivEasfull jeweled,
double and single cased ENGLISH VV.ATCHES,
Imitation Levers, QUARTIER and FRENCH
WATCHES, &C. &c. Also
Gold Fob Chains, and Seals,
of the most fashionable patterns. Gold
Pencils, Spectacles, Guard Chains, Key's,
Breacelets sett with topaz, Medalions, Fin
ger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pius, sett with
topaz, amethist, &c. &c. Mineuture Cases,
Silk Purees, Coral Beads, Pocket Bui ks,
Musical Boxes, Mathematical Instruments,
Silver Spectacles, Tabi, Spoons, Tea and
Salt Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Lowilicls patient
Silver Pencils, Razors of the finest quality,
HENRY CLAY pen knives, a superior arti •
ck, Steel Pens, Spy Classes, Hair Brushes.
Tooth Brushes, Patina Points, &c. &c. All
I the above articles will be sold cheaper than
ever heretofore.
Clock and Watch repairing done as usual,
very cheap for cash.
A large assortment of eight day and thir
ty hour Clocks will be sold very cheap.
All watches sold will be warranted for one
year, and a written guarrantee given, that
it not found equal to warranty it will (during
that period) be put in order without expense,
or it injured, may be exchanucti for any
other watch of equal value. The warranty
is considered void, should the watch, With
which it is given. be put into ti..• halals of
another watch maker,
Huntingdon, April 10, 1844.
FARMS FOR SALE.—Four very sup e
nor contiguous tracts of land, adjoining
Penn's Manor in Green township, Indiana
county, Pennsylvania, comprising 1290 or
more acres.
The neighborhood is one of the best in the
county—the land is very fine—well adapted
to growing wheat ; there is lime-atone and
coal in abundance on it. The proportion of
land now under cultivation is about one
third ; the remainder in woodland—timber
excellent—White oak, Hickory, &c They
are distant ab ,, ut 12 miles from the canal, 8
miles from the county town of Indiana, and
1 mile from the village of Greenville, and
very convenient to mills, meeting-houses,
schools, &c.
There is a flourishing German Settlement
in the immediate neighborhood. These
Lands will be divided into Farms to suit
purchasers. The title is perfect and the
terms will be accommodating. Such an op
portunity of obtaining a fine farm—on as
reasonable terms as the above will be offer
ed---seldom occurs in Pennsylvania.
V' Apply to
Ebensburg, Cambria co., Pa.
October 2,1844.---3 t.
'IN 11. eV ' ZlEllko
irpLANK BONDS—Judgment and c,om
sllo- asou—for sale at this office.