...,-. _.___. .• .. . ~ ._ ( 7 ' ' .' ' '.5 .,120.„ . i t ;‘ I -, } t. ~ •,- . ~ ....)I i , . r: „) 0-, ~,H , li N : A i j nctiotai to General )intettigeucc, MiUcrtiotug, Volitito, ?Literature, Stloratitg, tic n Elortrultit cc, Clutmentent, Se., Sim %57%117.D.Q `.ate,, a'©o 4aa. rcnrasuen ny THEODORE H. CREMER, The "Joolt7f AL " will be published every Wed nesday morning, nt 52 00 a year, if paid in advance, and if not paid within six months, $2 50. No subscription received for a shorter period than six months, nor any paper discontinued till all a, Tearages are paid. Advertisements not exceeding' one square, will be 'lnserted three times for $l 00, and for every subse quent in4ertion '25 cents. If no definite orders are given a., to the time an advertimtnent is to lie continu ed, it be kept in til! ordered out, and charged am 'cordincly. ,jl;_ q a Cr?.. SZ3 To Vie la of the 1.13311.'r 7 PAlt. 1 2:? in the United states. FELLOW CITIZENS: We have fallen upon evil times, and it behooves us to consider well the position which we occupy; to pease reflect and cast about us, to ascertain the circumstances into the midst of which we have been precipitated; and before we act, to obtain a distinct view of the effect of our ac tion, not only upon the present; but upon the re mote arid far distant future. Professing, as we do, to labor alone for the attainment of justice, and the supremacy of truth and the rights of man; it is believed with confidence that you will not disdain to listen with calmness to the admonitions of one who has at least endeavored to render some service to the cause which we all advocate. Armunent and remmn cannot be lost upon an rtsmeiation composed of the wisest men and of the best women of the United States.—l shell, there fore, add rc ,, sinc; myself solely to your reason, and your love of country, submit to you, fru:Oily, the course which in my opinion, wisdom, policy, love of country, self-respeet, regard for our principles ; sod justice to our friends, ell require us to pursue in the approaching election of a President of the United States. Assatning as a postulate, that our purposes are I honest, that our principles are pure, and that the true interest nod lasting happiness of the coun try are only to he permanently secured by our tai-' umph as a political party, as well as by our success as an association of moral reformers, let its inquire by what means, in the present posture of affairs, we shall be most likely to attain, in the end, to the good en.inence, which we base long sought, the equal liberty of all men, without distinction of race or colour, leaving to each one to pursue his own happiness, according to the dictates of his own judgment, under the restraint of wise laws, and the control of an equal constitution. To enable us to draw correct conclusions, we must first take a distinct and close view of the pre mises, whence our conclusions arc to be deduced; —and what, in the present instance, are these pre mis.l Are they not these that follow 1 Ist: The country is divided into four great political parties. 2nd : Each of these parties professes to hold some doctrines. which are not acceded to by either of the no a party. 3rd: These four parties are —lst: The I,o , otiico party ; which holds a politi cal faiiit d ire; [II: in all its features front the faith of all the others. 2oil : The Whig party. 3rd: The Antionsonie party. And 4th: The Liberty party. I presume that tile old gospel maxim—“the tree is known try its will be admitted as a safe standard by which we are to try and judge each of the three first of these parties ; saying nothing for the present of the tenets of the fourth. oVlrr til And now, ye lovers of liberty, of the freedom of thought, and of speech, of the Constitution and of the Bill of Rights, let us commune together and see what the Loeofoco party is, and who the men are who compose it. It is the fatal tree which bears the fruits of this party, whose boughs, more de rally than those of the fabled Upas, cast their malign shadows over the land, watered at its roots by the blood and the tears of men in chains in Virginia, in South Caro- ' lion; and in all the regions where the noon-day sun looks down upon a land of Flar.•es. What aro the principles professed by this party? and what are the doctrines which its members teach? Do they not hold that the condition of master and slave is the natural condition of human society ; and that whosoever attempts to disturb this order of things, is an enemy of his country and of mankind? Has not this party condemned to the cells of the peni tentiary, the ministers of the gospel of peace, for no other crime, than fur preaching, in the language of their great master, that the oppression of the crea ture, was sin against the creator? Have not the members of this party, every where, and in all the States where they hold dominion and power, sensi ble of their inability to confront us in argument, threatened with the whipping post and the gallows any and every freeman who should presume to en ter their country and speak of their enormities? Was it not this party that esta'ilished the 21st Rule of the House of Representatives of the United States, and insolently declared in the face of the world, that the petitions of freemen of the United States, to their own representatives, should not ho reo , ! is the hall of the nation, before the Represen tatives of the nation I Was it not this same party that expelled a member of Congress front his seat for uttering the sentiments and opinions, which you had instructed him to utter in his place? Did not this same party threaten and endeavor to drive from the hall of the House of Representatives one of the Heprtsentatives of the people, venerable for his UDesa. 9 -M . • 441. age, beloved for his virtues, honored for his une qualled learning, covered with the renown of hav ing filled the first (ace of the Republic with ability surpassed only by Washington, and with integrity never surpassed; and only because he dared to use the' language of a freeman, in the pre sence of those who were accustomed alone to the accents of slaves 1 And was not this representa tive of the people saved from the ostracism of the self-styled modern Athenians, who like the persecu tors of old, could not bear to hear him called just, only by an argument which has never been surpas sed for eloquence in any legislative body ; nor tram ' scended for learning before any judicial tribunal; sustained by courage which would have added dig nity to the defence of Socratei or of Raleigh This party regards you as the Canaanites regard ed the children of Israel, when they saw them en camped upon the plains beyound Jordan ; knowing that they were commissioned by Heaven, to purge the land of „ those who burnt incense to Moloch, and sacrificed young children upon the altars of their idols." From them you have nothing to hope, and the master whom they propose we shall be compelled to serve, is like unto themselves; and carries a grea ter burthen of sins against the country, perpetrated and intended to be perpetrated, if he shall be elect ed President, than ever hung upon the back of John Bun) an's Pilgrim. Let us examine and see what is to come to pass in case Mr. Polk shall be elected President of, the United States; and shall continue there for eight years, as he probably will, if once elected. His election, which may heaven forbid, and against it forefentl us. would be but the beginning of the end —the end of the Union of these States; and the end of the Republic. with its present boundaries; and the end of the peace of this continent. Will not all this come to pass if Mr. Polk shall be elected ; and shall he able to procure a majority of the Con gress of the United States to act with him ? Most certainly they will ; as surely as effect follows the cause which produces it. Mr. Polk is before the nation as the Texas annexation candidate; and if he shall be elected, Texas will certainly become a part of the United States; and we shall in the end be obliged to pay a sum of money, variously esti mated at from fifteen to fifty millions of dollars, to satisfy the demands of certain persons who say that Texas is indebted to them. For this sum of money which the nation must pay, the nation will receive nothing; for it is admitted, I believe, by all, that all the land of Tex., that is worth possessing has already been granted away. A Senator of the United States, of great name, and lately high in the confidence of the Locofoco party has told us, „ the President's house at Vt ash ington has become," to use his own strong and sig nificant language, " a Boman] Roost;" that is, as we must understand him, it has become a rendez vous of base and corrupt men. of the filthiest possi ble moral and political condition; and Ire tells us further that these "Buzzards" are assembled in the President's house, to prey upon the people of the United States; and to satiate their appetites with the money that shall be drawn front the national treasury under pretence of paying the national debt of Texas. In order of rank, John Tyler is at pres ent the king of the vultures. It may perhaps be hoped that Mr. Polk might not he able to get a Majority of Congress to act with him; but let it be remembered that human nature is weak; and the foreign missions, the cus tom houses, the judicial dignities of the country, the army, the navy, the public contracts, the post office, a share of the Texian plunder, said not to be less than fifty millions of all sorts of claims; and finally the treasury itself may be alaughtered and dragged into the roost, to swell the host of the feast of the unclean birds, may not hungry members of Cons gress, scenting the prey from the cast end of Penn sylvania avenue, as it floats on the west wind, come and join the carnival of the "Buzzards." Texas, attached to the United States, would be• come the terrestrial paradise of slave-holders; and towards it they would bend their course, as the Arabs poured into Egypt under the Caliph Omar, as the Saracens of the middle ages rushed from the sands of Africa to dwell under the walls of Granada; or as the faithful marched, sword in hand, to possess themselves of the plains of Summand. We have been told that one half of Texas only is fit for the culture of cotton ; and that the other half must of necessity be inhabited by farmers and gra ziers, who it it supposed will not permit slavery to exist amongst them. Ignorant persons may believe this; but the whole of Texas, with the exception of a mere corner lies south of the latitude 33. and the finest cotton and sugar regions of the United States lie between 30 and 33. Annex Texas to the United States, and it will ' become exclusively the abode of slave holders. Her present constitution forbids the abolition of Slavery within her limits, and are we to suppose that if the friends of the " peculiar institution" shall become strong enough in Congress, to introduce their bent ling into the Union, that they will compel tree to part with her first and indeed her only love, Only give to Penis and slavery the protective power of the constitution and laws of the United States; and the world will look in vain for the ter mination of American bondage. Texas forming a pert of the United States, will become a region of i slaves; and under the three-fifth provision of the 1 second section of the first article of the constitution of the United States, we and our posterity will, in all time to come, so long as we live under the eon- stitution of the United States, be and remain the bond-men and bond-women of the slave-holding States. Under this article of the constitution there have been ever since its formation, about thirty members of Congress, who hold their seats not as the representatives of freemen, but of slavery ; and it is to these thirty slave representatives, who have been a greater curse to the country, than the thirty tyrants were to ancient Athens, that we owe moat if not all of the bad legislation of Congress. By I the votes of these thirty, slavery was permitted to pas. the Mississippi river, and to occupy Missouri and Arkansas. The same thirty votes have always opposed the agricultural and manufacturing industry try of the middle and northern States, and have uni formly sustained the Free Trade doctrines of Vir ginia and South Carolina. Mr. Polk is the candidate of these thirty slave representatives. Ho is the candidate of the Texas annexationists. He is the candidate of the authors of the 21st rule. He is a slave-holder himself, and the candidate of the advocates of perpetual slavery. lie is the candidate of those who avow their deter mination to extend the system of American slavery to a vast region of country, so far removed from the free population of the middle States, as to be effect ually shut out from that controlling moral power which liberty always did, and always must, and al ways will exercise and maintain over slavery where ever the two forms of government come into juxta position. How will the oppressor be reached in the far off regions of Texas I Is it sufficient for us to refuse to give our votes to such a man as this, when it is proposed to make him President of the United States;—would not his election be the greatest evil that could befall not only this Country, but the cause of Freedom throughout the world?--we have undertaken to put in practice a system of government, unique in its form; unlike all others, that have ever teen known among men ; and the eyes of all civilized nations are constantly upon us, watching our pro gress, in our new and untroddcn path. Conscious that we have truth and justice on our side; and that much of the loftiest talent, and pro foundest learning of the country are with us; let us not become vainglorious; nor persuade ourselves that those who differ from us,may not also believe that they are in the right way—above all things, let us not refuse to learn wisdom from the experience of the times in which we live. Our object is, not to destroy our adversaries, but to convert and reform them. When the first apostles of Christianity went forth to reclaim the world, they appeared amongst sinners, not as their enemies, but as their friends; and wherever they found those who were willing to listen to their doctrines, they abode with, and taught them; but shook off the dust of their feet, against the inhabitants of that city, who re viled and cast stones at them. Will it not be well for us to go and imitate the Apostles? Let us see how we are to do this. It is not many years since Anti-Masonry took its rise as a political party; and yet the Anti-Masons have elected ono President, several Governors, nu. merous members of Congress and State Legislators; and have found their creeds and opinions of gov ernment, finally adopted by the whole of the great party, which under the name of Whigs, are seek ing to maintain the cause of free government and national Independence at this day, against the ty ranny of Southern slavery. How have the Anti- Masons accomplished all this? Simply by seeking and accepting alliances, wherever and whenever they were to be found—by opposing those who op posed their own doctrines and by acting in concert with those who held like principles with themselves. With regret and humility, that the world is so blinded by ignorance and selfishness, we must con cede, that as a political party we ore, when compar ed with the nation at large, a feeble minority, in ' numbers. It behooves us, maintaining the purity of our tenets, to seek the aid of numbers; to add weight to the justice of our cause. To whom shall we look for this aid? Shall wo seek it amongst those who hate and revile us; or will we not rather expect it amongst those who have treated us with the kindness of friends? How has it happened that the Whigs and Antimasons, have become uni ted as one party? Most certainly, because it was found that their principles were the same. Let us examine who have been our warmest friends, and who have been our constant enemies. And first as to the great constitutional question of the right of petition. In support of this vital principle, both the Whigs and Antimasons, have marched at our head with our petitions in their hands; up to the very ramparts of the Constitu tion, and beyond those ramparts, neither we nor they should wish or attempt to pass. Whilst that party, of which Mr. Polk is the temporary head has assailed us at every step of our progress with all the weapons of savage warfare, mixed pro. fusely with the poisoned arrows of slander. Shall we turn away from those friends .d allies, who have fought side by side with us—nay, who have led us in many a well contested field, and virtually give our votes to those who have long sought and who yet seek our destruction. In the coming Pre , aidentiol election to withhold our votes from the is in effect to give them to the Loco Focos. This is proved by the issue of the late Governor's election in Pennsylvania—where it is almost m ini') that the Liberty men defeated the Whig candi date by supporting a candidate of their own. No traveller who sets out to visit the summit of a lefty mountain ever takes the steepest way, be- cause it is the shortest and most direct—he winds his footsteps along the sides of the eminence, gain ing continually upon his object, although at times he may seem to he moving quite away in a differ ent direction. It now becomes necessary to ascertain what posi tion we shall occupy in the event of the election of Henry Clay to the Presidency of the U. States. With regard to the man himself we cannot be under any misapprehension—ho is a stern uncom promising Whig bold, daring. resolute and frank in his character; but a relentless slaveholder; and apparently not less strongly wedded to the system of human bondage than Mr. Polk himself. But in every particular, except the principle and practice of slavery, there aci•ms to be a wide difference be tween thecharacters of the men. Henry Clay has led the Legislative councils of his country for near ly forty years; and during ell that period, he has been the eloquent advocate of the rights of hie country. In all the great party divisions. for twen ty-five years past, whit the single exception of the Missouri case, wherever Congress has been divided between the supposed interests of the north and south, he has token part with the former. Indeed i so long has he been distinguished in Congress for I his defence of the interest and claims of the Free States; that we have lo.iked upon him almost as , the property of the non-slave holding States; and since the unhappy vote on the Missouri question ; has he ever deserted us in a single instaace or turned his hack upon us, even in the worst of times; or I failed to exec this all commanding eloquence in de fence of the Northern people, whenever their rights have been in jeopardy—and shell we now, after he has served the people of the Free States, for forty years, faithfully, with a single exception, adhering to us and to our interests, through good and through evil report, abandon hint in the evening of his days —and for whom, fora better or a greater man De sert Henry Clay of Kentucky, for James K. Polk I of Tennessee! ! Mr. Polk is like Milton's forbid den tree; the eating of whose fruit will firing death into the world with all our woe; will we by our I votes at the coining election, bring into this Union a country whose inhabitants have declared by their fundamental constitution that elavery shall he per petual; and so scatter the apples of this tree of moral, political and netionel death far and wide, from east to west over the land. If by the misdi rection of out votes Mr. Polk should be elected, tee slran Ming all these evils tr,..on our coui.ny. upon ourselves, and upon posterity ; and give an I immedicable wound to the came of hunum lit , eriy. If Henry Clay Mall be elected President. the country will certainly he safe for the next four y en , He stands pledged nut to give hie assent to the ad mission of 'rex. unless the monstire shall be called for by the people of the Free States; and he is too proud to follow the low example of Mr. Tyler.— We can at least feel assured that Henry Clay will not desert his friends ; the tenor of the man's whole life, places him infinitely above all suapicion of meanness; and as he must know that his election will depend on our votes, we niay feel confident that he will never throw our petitions under his table. For twenty-five yenta Henry Clay hos been con- sidered by the great mass of the slave-holders them selves, rather as a northern than a southern man.— His votes and hie speeches prove that they understood his character. He will he elected by the people of the Free States, (un'ess we defeat ;tin election by refusing to vote for him) and when he conies to the Chief Magistracy of the country, lie must of ne cessity bring with hint a lartf,e share of northern feeling. In addition to all this he will be surroun ded by northern men, and must listen to northern advice and counsel; for he will be obliged to rely upon the Representatives of the Free States to sustain the measures of his administration, and bear him through in his efforts to ameliorate the condi tion of the country and to advance the hsppiness of the people. Under the administration of Henry Clay, if our cause makes no progress, it will re ceive no check ; but under that of his antagonist it must inevitably be retarded for centuries, if it is not ruined forever; and between the two we must choose,—there is no other alternative—and can we hesitate or hilt between the two opinions for a moment? Behold and 10, my friends upon what a proud eminence wo stand this day. But yesterday we w; re hated, ( lespised we coal not be) and perse cuted even among our fellow citizens of the Free States, and to day we are invoked by our country, as a great power, haling in our handy the election of her Chief Magistrate, and controlling and gui ding her destiny in all thne to come—and shall pos terity say that the first act of our political power was to rivet endless slavery upon our fellow man in the land of our fathers, the land of our birth, and the land of our posterity. We profess to he actuated by principles of the broadest and most univertial charity ; and shall we permit the world to say that we possess less of this first element of a great moral reformation, than others do. The Antimasons are a powerful politi cal party as their achievements have shown—at least as numerous as we aro ; and certainly Henry Clay has offended us much against them, us he ever offended against us; and we see that they, sacrifi cing all personal and minor considerations upon the Altar of their country; and in view of his lofty at tainments, his lung services, his tried fidelity, and his patriotism, which like pure gold, has but shone the brighter by passing through the fire in which hie enemies had hoped to consume him, stand forth as one man every where in support of the great Statesman—the friend of Protection to the free la bor of the country. It was necessary for us to make a demonstration of our power, that the country and the world should know the extent of it; but it is not necessary, nor is it expedient that in the exhibition of that power, we should inflict an irreparable injury upon our country, ourselves, and upon the cause of freedom and justice throughout the world. It is now shown, that if we are not a majority of the nation, we are at least so powerful, that no po litical party dare to disregard, or treat us with injus , tice in future. Let us in the approachingsmighty contest, a contest which may justly be likened to the war between the good and evil principles of the I Hindus Mythology, take that side which our con ( sciences tell us hos the right ; and as no man ever repented of having done a good action, we shall be sure of our reward, for we shall carry it in our own bosoms. acing immolated our predilections at the shrine of the public safety, and done our duty at the pre sent, we shall he able to say in the year 1848, to those who will then find our votes as necessary as they find them now : Gentlemen and fellow-freemen, we were not consulted by ycu, in the arrangements of the cam paign of 1844, but we came to your rescue and fought as volunteers, in the great battle between freedom end slavery, which terminated that contest. We now demand to be heard and advised with in the choice of a candidate for the Chief Magistracy of these United States." Your fellow citizen, ISAAC FISHER. Huntingdon, Pa., Oct. 21, 1844. .AUDI? OR'S No Tlue.—The under signed. auditor appointed by the Court of ,4nrno , i Pleas of Hontin4don county, to app,rpriate the (Mom y arising from the Slut Ill's Sale of the real t state of Jon.Span egle, Jr., hereby tves Make to ali persons intt restill that lie will :.ttend for that pim p., at his office, in litiatingdon, on Friday the 25th Octobe; next, at 1 o'clock, P. M. GEORGE TAYLOR, Sept. 18, 1944. ataitor. AIiI)ITOR'S NO I'ICE.-- rhe under app. inted attiliti.r by the Court of C. , ,nicont. h leas of Huntingdon county, to tip prol,ri :to the moneys a thung front the Sher itr's s:.le cf the real estate of R.ibert Lowry, a. eras: d, hereby gists notice to all persons aitort still, that he will attend for that pur pose at his office in Huntiuktl u, on Friday the 23th October in xt , at 10 k, A. M. GEORGE TAYLOR. St pt. 180844. auditor. AUDITOR'S NOTICE.---The under gout, audit , r appointed by the Court of commonpk a ct ItontinKd .0 county, to ap propriate the ni,neys arising front the Sher iff's sale of the real estate of Sarneel S. Bar ton, hereby gives notice to all persons inter sted, that he will attend for that purpose at his office. in Iluntingelco, on Friday the 25th d,iy of October next at 1 o'clock, P. M. GEORGE . 1 MUM. Sept. 18, 1844. siuditor. AUbITOR'S NO under sighed, auditor apriat,d by t h e court of enree.wie plea of lluntinedon county, to ap propriate the to it ,rising from t Shcr al.'s sale of the real estate ct -Kneedler, by gives notice to all persons interested, tl,,t lie will attend for that purpose at his in Huntingdon, on Friday the 25th of Ocaoher next. at 1 o'cl-cit. P. M. GEORGE TAYLOR, Sept. 18, 1844. Auditor. AUDI FOB'S NOTIOE.-a-The under • slot d, inuditor appointed by the court of e..tirtion pleas t CI. tufty, to to ,ke distribution of the as,ets in the hands ititidal Al,.xande r, e sq. and Nathan Rickets, assignees David W. Rickets, her, by gives notice to c,cct itvrs and all in terested in said distributiiiii, lit I t will at . told fix tht t purpose :it (tic:. in Hunt • ingdon, nn Friday the 2Sth October nt xt, at 1 o'clock, P. M. GEORGE TAYLOR, Sept. 18,1844. auditor. AUDITORS' NOTICE.—The under signed auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon ctainty, to audit and at just the administration account of John Amandt and William Hileman, administra tors with the will allll,xed of the estate of Johnleman, late cl Morris township, died., to which exceptions have been tiled, will atutal for the put pose of hearing said t•xceptions •ind •idittstitte said account at the , 8 cc of liteid Blair, Esq.. in I Intaingdon, t.O S,,turday the 9th day t November next, It 1 o'clock in the aft, yowl, of said day, when and where all pers s interested may attend. JACOI MILLER, Oct. 16, 1844. Auditor. AUDITOR'S NO 11CF..---Take notice, that the undrt•signid auditor:il, lilted by the Orphans' C 'la of Huntin,,don county, to audit and acjust tae athninist %%aim' account • -1 Geetge May, administrator of Jacob Bo linger, late tit Tell township, deceased, to which exceptions have bell filed, will fin• hat pui pose attend at the office of David ' Blair, Esq., in liuntingdAt on Friday, the thh day It Novenilier next, at 3 o'clock, I'. M., when and w here all persons interested may atte••d. JACOB MILLER, Oct. 16, 1844-4 t. Auditor. st . RAv.—Carne to the premises of the ,uliscriber, in Sinking Valley, about the 10th mst., a red and white Steil., supposed to be about two years old. The owner is reques ted to come forward, prove properly, pay charges and take din away—otherwise he will be disposed of as the law direct;. ARMSTRONG CRAWfORD- September 4, 1844. ...711acoacrA PICTURE OF HEALTH.—HeaIth is characterised in an individual by the ab sence of all pain, suffering or affection in any part of his body by the free and regu lar exercise of all his functions without any exception. They consist in having a good appetite at meal times, an easy digestion, free evacuations, without looseness or cos tiveness at least once in every twenty four heurs, and without heat, dryness, nr burning at the passage ; the free issue of water with out acrimi ely or burning, and without a red dish sediment which is always a sign of a present or an approaching pain ; quiet sleep without agitation or troublesome dreams; no taste of bile or other bad taste in the mouth upon rising in the morning ; no sour ness or disagreeable rising of the stomach ; a clean tongue ; a sweet breath ; no itching. pimples or spots on the skin ; no piles ; uu horning heat upon any part of the body ; no excessive thirst when unexposed to later or ether known cause ; no interruption to any natural evacuation, nor pain at their period ical return. Where the state of the system does not harmonize with the above picture of health. it is of the greatest importance that no time be lest in sending for a doctor, or in the use o f fo,,lish remedies too often the result of speculation ; instead of thin course lota dose of Erandreth's Pills be taken, which will not deceive, but will at once restore health to the organ or part that requires it. All who wish to preserve their hea7th, oil who are determined to defend their life against the encroachments of disease which might send thernprematurely to the grave, will, without hesitation, hove recourse to the Brandreth Pills, when the state of the sys tem does not harmonize with the above pic ture of he: lth. Those who live in a country where conta gious or other diseases prevail, should often think of this true picture of health, and ob serve himself with particular attention, in order to act accordingly. The wise and rightly dii.ected will follow this advice—the unwise are left to their own destruction. Dr. Brandreth's Pills are for sale by the allowing Agents in this county. Win. Stewart, Huntingdon. M'Farlane, Garberaeco., Hollidaysburg. A. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg. Moore & Swoope, Alexmidria„ Hartman & Smith, Manor Hill. Thomas M. Owens, Birmingham. A. Patterson, Williamsburg. rp The above aro the only authorized agvnts in Huntingdnn county. Sept. 11, 1844.-6 m. 1117" SUDDEN DEATH, APOPLEXY, BURST ING OF VESSELS, &c.—Wright's Indian 'Ve getable Pills are cemain to prevent the at Note dreadful consequences, because they purge from the body those morbid humois which, when floating in the general circu lation, are the cause of a determination or rush of blood to the head, a pressure upon the brain, and other dreadful results.— From two to six of said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every night, on going to bed, will in a short time so completely cleanse the bed 3 from every thing that is opposed to health that sudden death, apoplexy, bursting of blood vessels, or indeed any mal ady, will be in a manner impossible. Wright's Vegetable 'lndian Pills also aid and improve digeston, and purity the blood and therefore give health and vigor to the whole frame, as well as drive disease of every name from the body. Beware of Counterfeits.—The public are cautioned against the many spurious medi cores which in order to deceive are made in outward appearance, closely to resem ble the above wonderful Pills. OBSERVE.—Purchase only of the mho*. tised agents, or at the office of the Geller ' al Depot, No. 169 Race street, Philadel phia, and be particular to atk for IVRIGIII`' Indian Vegetable Pills. 'l'he genuine medicineecan be obtained lat the store of Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in th e Post Orlee at Alexrindrui, en the Ist Oct.. 1E44, which if not to ken out within three months will be scot to the Department as dead letters. Diet) , Conrad Nowlan Samueli Fleming Sample Porter John Edmiston David Piper Daniel "1 Grier Samuel N. Justice of the Peace Hutchison Martha Ross Jane Holt Samuel • Stewart John Herrenenne Jacob Shell Sarah Hart John Snyder H. W. hanberg Jacob Shell Margaret Isenberg Enoch Spy ker Samuel • Lee Mary Vanrandt George Kerr Alexander S. Young Geo. B. Moore & Maguire Wilson Ellen Neff John A. JOHN GEIIMELL,T. M. Alexandria, Oct. 9, 1844.. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in the Post Office at Huntingdon, Oct. lot, 1844, which if not called for previous to January next wit be sent to the General P. Office as dead letters. Alter Miles Lye John S. Ayes David Miles Nathan Crane Aaron Murphy Thos. Calderw loci John McCoy Win. easy Wm. Nixon George T. I), John Philips John Dillon Thomas E. Pitman John Deittord Peter Sin key IVm. Entminger Samuel Stitt Oliver Fields John A. Stiehly John of Geo. Houston James Shoeneerger G. R. Harnish John, Esti, Sharuw Dr. Johnston Jacob Wilson James of C. Kimberlin Genre Watts Zrederick,Esq, Kaufman John DAVID SNARE, P. M, Huntingdon, Oct. 9, 1544. lUSTICES' Blanks of all kinds, for sale at this Office. 'Wanted--at this office--an Apprentice. A boy from 12 to 16 years of age will find a good situation if application be made soon. - tf.