PROCLAMATION. ROVUO3I Presidential Election. PURSUAN to an act of the Gener al Assembly of the Commonwealth at Pennsylvania, entitled ''Ati act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved the second day of July, A. I)., 1839, I, JOHN SH AVER, High She' ittot the cots: 1y of Iluotingdmi, in the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby 'mike known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that an Z3EI U. 4 VEI Z;;;W' will be held ni the 'ant county of Hun tingdon, on Friday the )at day of Some #er 1944, at which time Twent -sii Electors of Prebidetil mid Vice President ON I'ME UNITED STAVES, are to be elected, In pursuance of said act I also hereby make known and give notice, that !lie places of huldii g il.e tikes:till dee- Iron in the several 'election districts Within the said county of Huntingdon, are tie follows, to wit: Ist District composed, of part of HEN DERSON township, west of the line be• ginning at the Mifflin county line on the ' oum mit of Jack's mountain, thence west is far as to include the lams owned by Michael Speck and the heirs of James Kelly to Mill Creek, thence up the said it r reek to the West township line, thence along said line to the line of Mlfilin county and also u part of PORTER. township, Ind all that part of WALKER township got in the 201 h district, at the Court House Wu the borough of Huntingdon. 2nd District, composed of DUBLIN Winship, at the house of Matthew Tay lor, Jr. in said township. 3+l District, composed of so much of WARRIORSMARK township as is not included in the 28th district, at the school. house adjoining the town ut Warritos mark. 4th District, composed of the township of A the house of Jacob Black. sth District, composed of the township of WOODBERRY and a part of MORRIS at the house of Christian limit, in Wil liam*burg. 6th District, composed of the township of HIN:ION. at the public school house number 6, near the tarn► of John Lunge• Decker. in said township. 7th Dist , ict, composed of the township of HOPEWELL, at the house of David: Simonton, in said township. . . Btl. District, composed of the township of lIAItREE, at the house of James Liv• ingston, (tormerly John Ilarper,) in the town of Salisbury, in said township. 9th District, composed of the township of SHIRLEY, at the house of David Fra• ker, in Shirltysburg. 10th District, composed of the township of ANTES, at the public school house on the land of John Bell, in said township. 11th District, composed of POR ERR and part of WALKER townships, and so Much of wEsT township as is included in the following boundaries, to wit: be• ginning at the south-west corner of Tobias Caufman's tarot on the hank of Little J u . fiats. river, at the lower end of Jackson's narrows, thence in a northeasterly direc• lion to the most southerly part of the farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence north 40° west to the trip of Tussey's mountain to intersect the line of Franklin township, thence along said line to Little Juniata river, thence down the same to the place of beginning, at the public school house in the borough of Alexandria. 12th District composed of the township of FRANKLIN, at the house or. Jacob Mattern, now occupied by George W. Menem, in said township. 13th District, compii.ed of TELL town• ship, at the house now occupied by the heirs of James McNeal, in said township. 14th District, composed of SPRING FIELD township at the school house near Hugh Madden's in said township. 15th District, composed of UNION township, at the school house at or neat Nathan Gres nland's, in said township. 16th District, composed of that part of HENDERSON township not included in the Ist district, at the public school house in the village of Roxberry. 17th District, composed of TYRONE , township, including that part of said town ship which was formerly attached to the 3rd election district, at the house of James Crawford, in Tyrone township. 18th District, composed of MORRIS township, at the house of Frederick Kuhn, io said township. 19th District composed of that part of WEST township not included in the 11th district at the public school house on the farm formerly owned by James Ennis, in osid township, 90th District, composed of those parts of the townships of HOPE WELL and WALKER within the following bounds riot, to wit : beginning at Ilartsock's Gap, in 'Curse?s mountain, thence down Gard ner's run, to as to include the house of Matthew Garner, Isaac Bowers and Urn. Brumbaugh: thence in a straight line through Forshey's tiap to the Union town ship lino, thence down the smite to El point flignl9l4e Ottril Corbin!A, thence down on a straight line, including the house nI Da• v,d C.(rbin, to the corner of Porter mutt on the Dunting(!on and Woodrock• VAley road, thence ((long the said sumini! to the place of beginning,'at the house tic copied by J ,cob Magahy, in the village of Nl:Ctin to , lsbu rg, 21st District, composed of that part of the township of Union, now composing the township of TOD, beginning on the line of Bedford county where die line of Springfield and Union townships meet, thence by the line between the townships to a point on said line, nearly opposite John Cautman's, so as to include his farm, thence by a straight line to Hopewell township line at Forshey's Gap on Ter race mountain, thence by the line of Hopewell and Union townships to B-41. ford county line, thence to said place of beginning, at the house now occupied by J. Henderson in said 22nd II Sttict, composed of that part of W ES l' township on the south-east side of arrior ridge, beginning at the line of %1 est and Henderson township, at foot of said ridge 10 the line of Barree township, thence by the division line of Barree and West townships to the summit of Stone mountain, to intersect ;he line of Hentler sull and West townships, thence by said line to the place of beginning, at the house now occupied by Beojantin Corbin, on Slurry's Run. 23rd District, composed of CROM %1 ELL township, at the house now occu pied by David Et nire, in Orbisonia. 24111 District, c posed of the townsl4 of FRAKSTOWN, lit the public school house in the borough of Fran kstown. 25th District, composed of the too nship of BLA ER, at the school house, number thtee, in the town of Newry, in said town ship. 26th District, composed of the borough of HOLLIDAYSBURG, at the brick school house in said borough. 27th District, composed of the town of GAYSPOR,T, at the school house in said town where the borough elections are held. 28th District, composed of the bmough of HIItdINGHAM, with the several tracts of hind near to and attached to the same, now owned or occupied by Thomas M. Owens, John K. McCahan, Andrew Robeson, John Guisemer, and William Gaisemer, situate in the township of War riorsmark. at the public school house in said borough. 29.1 District, composed of the township of SN V DER, at the Bald Eagle school house in said township. 80th District, composed of the township of CASS, at the public school house in Cassville, in said township. 1 also make known and give notice, as in and by the 13th section of the aforesaid act 1 am directed " that every person ex cepting justices of the peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or of this State, or of any city or incorporated distil/A, whether a moons tone/I officer, or otherwise, a subordinate officer, or agent who is or shall be, em Oiled under the legislative, executive or judiciary department of this State or of the United States, or of any city or incorpora ted district, and also, that every member of Congress, and of the state Legislature, and of the select Or cominon council of any city, commissioners of any incorpora ted disntcl, is by law incapable of hold ing or exercising; at the same time, 41,e office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this Cooonon wealth, and that no inspector judge, ur other officer of any such election, shall by eligible to any (Alice to be then voted Also, that in the 4th section of the act of Assembly, entitled An act relating to execution's, and fur other purpo,o--," ap proved April 1011' 1840, it is enacted that the afore•aul 13 It section " shall not be so construed, as to prevent any militia offi cer or borough (officer, trout setving its judge, inspector, or clerk, at any general or special election in this commonwealth." Firsuatit to the provisions contained nt the 70111sectioon of the act aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid district shall re. spectively take charge of the cet title ite or return oh the election to their respective ilistrict4, anti prntiore them at a mertinu done Judge• from each district, at the Giurt House in the borough ot• Hunting don, oh the third da) alter the day of el rlin e , bring fir Ihr n ecpn vem • on Monday, the 4th of November neat, then and there to do and pet [tiro' the nu ties required by law of said Judges.— Also, that where a Judge by sickness or unavoidable accident, is unable to attend said meeting of Judges, then the earl ificate or return aforesaid shall he taken (limpe of by one of the Inspectors or Mt ks of the election or said district, and shall do and perform the duties required of said Judge unable to at tend. Also, that in the 61st section of said act it is enacted that every generAl and cperial election shrill he opened betweeti the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption to' adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed." Given under my hand at Huntingdon, the 1 lth day of October, 1844, and of the independence of the United States the sixty-eighth - JOON SRAVER, [God nave the Commonwealth.] BLANK DEEDS, of an improved fortn, for sale at this °thee. Siro BLANK PETiTIONS FOR. N4TUBALIZATION. I'D LANK BON DS to Constublt a for Stay iaj c)f Execution, under the new law, just, and for sale, a elits office: LIST OF LE:ETERS remaining in the P , st Office at Al, x th, I,t 44..hich if n,.t t. k n nut within three ni..nths will be sent to the De partmcnt as Ot.:,(1 levers. Gitirad Nnwlan S mute! Fiemiag Simple P.trter John Edmiston David Piper D ;old Grier Samuel N. Justice of the Peace Hutchison Martha Run Jane Holt Samuel Stewart John Herrencane Jacob Shell S 'rah Hirt John Snydi r 11. W. 2 lot nherg J.,cob Shell Margaret Isenberg Enoch Spi k r Samuel Lute Mary Vanrandt (?teurt,:e K-rr Alt xamler S. Young G, o . B. More & Maguire Wilso.l Ellen ff John A. JOHI% GEMMELL, P. M, Alexandria, Oct. 9, 1844 Orphan's' Court *Mc. IT N purmuutce of tin order of the Orpfume 4a Court of Huntingdon county, tht re will be exposed to public sale, ou the premises, Sa , lirday the 12th day of October next, at 1 o'clock P. M., all that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Shirley township, in the ceunty of Huntingdon ad j doing holds of the heirs of Mj. Jon Shavtr d S imuel Shaver, Andrew Pollock's heirs and others, contaioin 178 ACRES, more nr less, about 140 acres of which are cleared. about twenty of which are meadow —thereon erected a hArge log dwelling house. a log barn, and a spring ' house, and two Apple ,!4Nr ;7 , ;''r z Orchards th-reon, late :lie real estate 84 Col. VVILi.iIII P. .t 1 •thwait, dec'd. TERMS OF SALE.—One half of the putchase money to be paid on confirmation 8,1 the sale, and the residue in one yeti thereafter with interest, to be secured by the bond anti mortgage of the purchaser. ' By the Court. JOHN REED, Cleik. Attendance will be given at the time and place of sale, by JOHN PUS METHWAIT, THOMAS POSTLETHWAIT, Executors. August 21, 1844.—t5. I.:l\U FOR SALE. The subscriber, desirous of removing to the West, will fir for Sale on the premises, in Walker .ttiniship, on S iturday the 12th day of October next, a tract of land contain ing moo Al.asounaDalt a 70 of w liich are cleared, an in a good state of cultivation, imder Ao,id fences, good tim othy groan!, &c., situate two miles from the town of McConnellsburg, and shout five miles from the Ma (nigh of Huntimloo, whereon Benjemin Oswalt now reVle,.— Thvre are 70 good Api l besides Plumb and Peach trees thereon. Also, a good spring of water • and spring-house on the same, a good sir dam Of water running thro' the land, sufficient for a saw-mil:; also a good seat-for the same—plenty of the b,st white pine, and all sorts of the best qu liv of caher timber—thereon erected it ml we l ing house 22 by 18 f•et, with a small kitch en, and a barn 42 by 25 f , et. Terms of sale made k ow on day of sale by WRAY MAIZE. Aug. 21, 1844. Cheap Carpet Store (On the cetsit plan,) At No. 41 Strumbe , rli street, PleiludePa. 00 .riXaWle 00 The Rent of the subscribers in their pre sent situation being very low, and their terms CASH, they are enabled to sell at such ,w prices tint customers cannot fail to be satisfied, aid they invite the people of Rou ting, on vanity to call and examine their stock, as they offer an excellent assortment, Comprising : Beau/qui Imperial, 3 ply, Supe,,,c Ingrain. 1 Heavy Twilled Venitian. line - Eael , sh ll orated, rlo. 5 ; Plain St, iprd. do. J Q With a large stock of well seasoned floor Oil Cloths, of all width., for Ho .nts, HUM, 1)001 . 1)lertS, i&c. Also, Furniture (hi Cloths. twautiful Hearth ltue,s, Fable Corers, Floor B.cize, It ig Carpets, Matting, Bcc.. Bcc., tngethet• with a tar gr stock of low priced ligroin, Entry, and Stair Carpets. WHOI.K.- SALE Olt RETAIL, sit the I , •wi at pric , a in the cite. ELDRIDGE & BROTHER. No 41 Str when y Sweet, one (1111. i. abi re Chesnut and 2nd street. Entrance also at No. 50 South second stt•er'. Philml,lphia, Svpt. 18, 1844.-2 m. ESTR AY.—Came to the premises of the subscriber in Canoe Valley, about the Bth f September, a red and white steer suppo sed to be about three years €.ld. rile own er is requested to come fnrward• prov, property, pay ch,rges and take him away, the mist he will be dist), sed of accoreling to law. JOHN HYLE. Octol , er 9, 1844. MIME AND LOT FOR S LE —The ste)scriher will ffer far sale, at public yen due, on the premise..., on Saturday. the 26th October nPxl, a lot of ground containing five acres, more or less, situated in Antes township, Hunt ingdon county, adj lands; of Abraham Beyer and the villige ut Sharlottevide, with a two story frame house and a frame stable thereon erected. Th•+ above property is well situated for a public house lir for mechanical business. Attendance will be liven and terms made known on the day of sale, or previously, upon inquiry. ESTHER BEYER. Sept. 23, 1844.—ft. I . IIE tindeNgned would re ;F spa ctiully infoi m the public that he his commenced Oa Saddle & Ilarnems all its various branches, in Market street, linotiogdom 3 doors west of Buoy's Jewelry le.stablishment, where he is prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with their custom. He will k -ep coneirintiv nit hand S NDDLES. BRIDLM, HARNESS, TRUNKS, V MACES. &c. By strict •ittention to business, he hopes to receive a liberal share of public patromare. i rr. All ki n d s o f g ra in, pink, and hides t .ken in exclviiige for %yolk.. N. B. An apprentice wanted—application shouid be made soon. JOHN BUMBAUGH, Jr, Huntingdon, July 1844. FIRVi FOR S.ILE, iffitHE stib , crih ,, r will offer for sate, a nn the ont Saturday the 19th day of October next, „ spit'litlid Llllll sou ito in the tow,i,hip, o r Porter in Hit itingdon county ; containing ®fie ca• Eric& as of limestone Inid, about 200 acres id which, is de •red, with a large two storied stone house, with a basement story, awl a stone kitchen; a stone b.tru 70 by 42 legit; and oth er necessary at. buildings thereon erected; als two excell,nt apple ot•chards. The ab•we describ,tl fat m is abeat half way betweot the horoagh of Petersbtvg man A leX:fillinN. and is bowed, d n the one sid • by the 1 oniata ltiver, and in sigotof the P •ansylvania Canal. Persons wishing further information may address letters to the subscriber,postage paid and they will be attended to. ISRAEL CRIDER. Aug. 21, 1844.—t0. EST VIT 'IF F. Mill MATO T. Late of II e 4 toions'p. Huntingdon coun ty. decease!. SOT ICE is hereby given, that letters testamentary upon the said estate h.tre been granted to the undersigned. All per sons ind,•bted to said estate are requerted to m k • immediate payment, and those flaying cl urns or demands against the same are re quested to present them July authenticated tut* settlement, to _____ % . ItI,ES GREEN. HENRY iVI'CRACKEN, 5 Ext's. September 4, 1844. PROPER nr for sale in PETERsBURO The subscriber will exp aie to public sale on *atueday, the 2nd d y of November next, a lot of ground situated in the borongh of Petersburg, having a log house, a log stable and an excellent well of water thereon. Per sons wishing D. purchase may examine the property and ascertain terms of sale by calling on the subscriber. JACOB RENNER. 5: pt. 25, 1844 —ts. SIX . CENTS REWARD.--Run away front the subscriber, hying in Petershurg, Hohtingdon comity, Pa., on the 18th Sept. 1844, an itubmt 'd aupreutice, timed NANCY JANE WALLS, _ . aged about 14 years. The alune reward will be given to ithy pm.n who will return said apprentice to the subscriber, but no further charges. JOHN M'CULLOCH, Sept. 25, 1844. U2.!11`Q,',1a.. THE subscribers have removed their Watch and Jewelry Store from No. 92 Market street, to No. 106 ellE STNUT STREET, above Third, opposite Sanderson's Frat, flute, Poil nleiphi•t, where they hay, pent d n assortm ot of rich goods, consis nag t Fine Patent Lever, and other % atch es, of th , h own importation, Slyer Spoons, Folks, &e. , of their own make, Fine Brace lets, lir,act Pins, Rings, Guard and Fob Chair's, Miniature Cases, Gold Pencils, Diamond pointed Pens, Fine• Pin Knives, Sliver Suspender Buckles and Chains. PI .- t e a Castors, Cake Baskets, Candle Sticks, Tea Sets, Bcc. Q 7 Watches and Clocks repaired. J. & W. L. WARD, 106 Chesnut stre , -.1, opposite Sanderson'. Franklin H , use. Philadelphia, Aug. 21, 1844 —2mn. William P. Erhardt's FANCY CLOTH AND FUR TRIMMED CAP MANUN'ACTORY, Aro. 42 Noah Scrod street, rhaodel Ala The sulisctiher resper,•fully informs his patrons and dealers generally, that 1;:e has rem.:ved his Cap Manor .curry, to the app. r part nt the !minting No. 42 N. Sec..tul street, bel-w Arch, (.•meaner through the store,) where he manufactures Caps of curry description HMI pattern, of the best materials and woi kinanship. H large assortment of C aps always n hand, orders can besnliplied.:!t kM P. ERHARDT August 21,11144.-2 mo. FARM FOR SALE.-- The subscriber will offer at public sale, on the premise.., on Friday, the IBA d of October inst., that va tract ,4 land snate in West township, abut threi , qn triers of a mile above Mr. Jahn Nelrs Mill, on the little Juniata river. containing 155 "cres, with the usual allowance, having thereon erected large two story log and frame house, well finished, a bank barb, slid other necessary outhuildhigs. There is an ..xckllent spring f water across the road from the house, mi! a good wall at the doer. The land is of the hest gotif ty, Weil water. e d slut! well impismed i attl it within 1 miles of the Juniata Canal. Any p..rson wisidog to procure a desirable situ al will please call on Mr. Benj unit Brub.,k r, who will show the property, tuAke known terns. &c. TOBIAS KAUFFMAN. October• 2, 1844 —ts, .7e . .a . aficzs , cs.. F ARMS FOlt SALE.—Four very supe iior contiguous tracts 1.1 land, ailiiiaing Penn's M..iitir in Gre n township, county, Pennsylvania, comprising 1290 or more antes. The neighborhcod is one of' the best in the county—the land is very fine—well adapted to growing wheat - there is lime-stone and coal in anundance on it. The proportion of land now under cultivation is about one third ; the remainder in woodland—timber excellent—White oak, Hn k ,ry, &c. They 'id, (nit int ab. ut 12 miles from the canal, 8 mites front the county town of Indount, and 1 mile from the village of Greenville, mid very convenient to mills, meeting-houses, schools, &c. There is a flourishing German Settlement in the imtnediate neighborhood. These Lands will be divided into Farms to suit purchasers. The title is perfect and the terms will be accommodating. Such an op portunity of obt..ining a fine farm—on as reastannle terms as the above will be offer ed—seldom rears in Pennsylvania. Apply to EDW IRD SHOEMAKER. Eb , nsbuN, Cambria co., Pa. October 2. 1844 —3l. 'll% Viralititaft .lITTONAZ I el T FrUI , VI/I.7GDON, TA, BANK NOTE LIST Rtes of Discormt in Phikulelphia, auks in ; PlCadelphia Batik of N•alit Am e rica- B ink of the Northerni;iberties - )ar 0 ink of Penn TiAriihliip - - par Cornmorcial Rank of l'elin'a. . . p. i r & Mechanics' bank. • - pal* K...tisington bank ' - - - par richuyikill bank - - - - pal' Mechanics' bank • . . . par Phil .tlelphia hank - - - par Southwark bank - - - pal' klivsti.rii bal.k - . - • par M , 5 ion,nsinK hank - - - par M indict arm,' ;iitd Mechanics' bank par B ink of Poonsylvania - - - par Giraf (I hank - - 10 Bank of the [Jutted States - 22 Country Danko. Wink of Chester co. st chester par B mit of Delaware co. Chest( r par BwkofGermantown Germantown par Bank of Montery co. Norristown par ll .ylestown bank. Do) lestown pal Easton Bank_ iston par _ F u•mrrs' bk id Rucks co. Bristtil • jiar Wo l k itf Northumberl'd Nituthumberland par I - 1 liesdale bank Honesdale 11 Farmers' bk of Lanc. Lanc.ister 11 Lancaster• bank Lmcaster .4 Lancaster county bank Lancaster i Rank .•f Pittsburg Pittsburg 4 M.•rch'ts' & Nlanuf. bk. Pittsbut g .4 Exchange bank Pittsburg ll.i. do. branch of H.illidaysbnrg Col'. bk & bridge co. Columbia I Franklin batik Washington 11 M,,nongaliela bk of B. Brownsville 14 Farmers' bk of Reading Reading .4 Lebanon bank Lebanon 1 Bank of Middletown Middletown 1 Carlisle bank Carlisle 1 Erie hank Erie Hulk of Chatubersburg Chambersburg 1 Wolk of Gettysburg Gettysburg 1 York book York 1 . ilarrisburg bank Harrisburg 1 Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville I B u.k of SitsquOutiont cn. Montrose 35 Farmers' & Drovers' bk Waynesborough 3 H tiik of Lewistown Lewistown 2 Wyoming bank Wilk,sbarre 2 Northampton bank Allentown no sale Berks county bank Reading no sale West Branch bank Williamsport 7 rowanda bank T. aranda noscle Rates of Relief Notes. North - rn Liberties. Dcla wart Cmmty, mess' B.u,k of Bucks, Germantown par AU others MESEIMciIaCER.U . V . c. " • r --- 1 A. N. BUIVCSAUGIC, out.D mo,t ri sit( ctially infirm the citizens tif Huntingdon, and the public in gemral, th:it he has commenced the saddle and harness in king business in all its various branches, in the shop former ly occupied by Alex. M'Allister, one door east of the "Pioneer Stage Stable" and directly opposite Houck's blacksmith shop, where he 'sins pared to accomnualate all who may Nemr hint with the ir patronage. lie will constantly kei p nit !mod Harness, Sa thHI s. Bridles, &c. . . Repairing done on the shortest notice and mast reasonable terms. By a strict attention to hnsiness he hopes to roceive a liberal share of work. 1-Intitingdon , M ,y 8. 1844. HOTLIL. No. 200 A/ R KEY' STREET, ( 6th St r. Philadelphia. BOARDING $l,OO PER D IY. i - IE stihse.vilier, thankful fnr the liberal sapp,,rt of hii friends and the public gearrallv. reTectially ms th. m that he still conti,,u, at the ~h 1 established house, where he will he pleased to accommalate a llthase who favar him with their p manage. CHRISTIAN BROW LK. Dec. 14, 1842. —tl. COME THIS WAY! EX:MIMIVM Carrtage Manufactory ZIEIVRY SMITH Tj 05F resp. ttully int , ,rins the citizens 444..1 of the I) , ,rough and ci unty 4,t don, the public gen , ra'l,alid his 00l frionds and ctist ,, m -I s in particutar. that he still continues the Coach Making Business in all its various lira..clic %,at his old stitud,in M iin street in the Inimugh of Huntingdon. nearly (ipp...ite the 'Journal' printing office, where lie has constantly on hand every description Coaches, Carrloges, i maßuggies, Sleighs • Dearborns, which he will sell low fur cash or on reason able terms. All kinds of wink in his line made to or• t% no tht shortest notice, in a WORKMAIN LIKE MINN FIR %nil all kinds of repairing done a ith neat ,esa and despatch. Country produce will betaken in exchange for work. Any persms wishing to purchase are re spectfully invited to call rod examine and udge ffir themselves. liuntingclon N0v.29, 1843, FOR. SALE. A first rate Buggy, nearly new ; also a 'large, seven or eight years old, well cal culated far saddle or harness; also a com• plate set of H.trness. The Buvgy and• ness will be sold separate, or with the H. roe, to suit the purchaser or purchasers. The whole will be sold law far cash, or on credit, with approved security. Apply at this office. ISAAC ATTORNEY AT LAW 1 3 AS removed to Huntingdon, with the inten.i:m of 'baking it the place of his future residence, and will attend to such legal busi ness Ramey be entrusted .to hire. Dee. • Pal 1,44). To Porfhaxtre-6.trarotitee. 1 ex undersigned tweet of the Pattentee g of the Stove, The .Quern of the West.' unJerstanding that the owns re, or th o se concerned for them, of other and different patent Co( king S,oves, have threatened to bring suit against sill who purchase and use any I•• tiumuii PATENT COACINC STOVE —The Queen 'of the West." Nuu his i s ur intotin i.ll and ev. ry person wh purehasv and use said Stove that he s. 11 in/ demnify them from all costsor damage rote any and all suits, brought by lies F Ca— tees, or their agents. fur any infringme of their patents. He gives this notice so .at persons need sot be under any Iwo because they have, while consulting their own inter ests and convenience, secured the super for oov:images of this .• Queen" not only of the tVeat, but of the East. ISRAEL GRATFIETS. July 24, 1844. "QUEEN or TIM WEST" ZD azivrczb e For hale by I. tilt Fl US St SUN. Alett audrin, II uotioadma county, cheap lor cit,h or country produce at the • market pike. The "Queen of the Went" is an Im provement on Hathaway's celebrated lint Air Stove. There lots never yet op , rpeued any plan of a Cooking Stove that pohaes4es the advantages that this tin A much lean quantity of fuel in re cplired fur airy amount of cooking or be. , king by this cove than by any other. Personn are requested to call and see before they roirchase elsewhere. July 3, 1844. 3 ./11••••• .1.1LEX.1.1 Drum U' W' Ic3 T:::) 133 TS" -*"....,... I. GRAFIUS & SON, IT)EiPIirrITULLY infiirtn the citisens (.1 Huntingdon county, and the public generally, that they continue to catty on the Coppr, Tin and Sheet tron Business in all it's branches, in Ale xatedria. where [hey manufacture and constai tly keep on nand every desct iption of ware in their line; mch as New and Splendid Wood Stoves, 22, 24. 26, 28 and 30 inches long R.9/)IA%'011 STOVES, Neu) Cooking Stoves of all kinds. and Also four sizes of Coal Stoves ALSO STOVE-PIPE, AND sTovits ?MUM 411 kinds en castings done, fin• Fore es, Saw,. :111(1 ThrrSiling-machines. Abu. WAG ON BOXES, MILL GUDGEONS, AND HOLLOW WARE; of whicu is done in a workman. like manner. &k Copper, Dye, Wash, Fidler. Fr serving, and lea Kyles, ,for sale, wholoiale find rernii. Persons favoring this establishment with their cost' m may depend on having their mvi••rs t xecuted with fidelity and despatch. Old metal, copper, bras. and pewter to• ken in exchange. Ala a wheat, rye, core and oats taken at market price. Alexandria, July 3 1844. NOTICE.—The subscriber reapectrallk requests all persons indebted to him for work done at the old establishment, pre• vii us to the lot of November last, to call an d* settle their accounts without delay. liil4‘EL GRAFILTS. July 3. 1844. itoritbrate Sounbrg. Tux , u'tscrib r would respecthtllv inform the cittz •its 01 Huntingdon and the adj ito; counties, that he stil I coati nu. s to ear' ry on business at the Rot kdale Foundry, on l! lover Creek, two miles from Williams. buig, where hr is prepared to execute all orders in his line, of the best materials and wtokinanship, and with promptness and di. sp item. He will keep constantly on hand stovesof • every description, such as Cooking, Ten Plate, PARLOR, COAL, IinTARY, and Woos s'1 : 0VF,•;: LIVINGSTON PLOUGHS, Anvill, mums, rs, 1..110w V% are, and VVrly kind of castings necessary for forges, mills or ma clunery of any description ; wagon boxes of all dr•criptions, &e., which can be had on as Good terms as they Can be had at any oth , r foundry in the county nr state. Remember the Rock , htle F .tindry. WILLIAM KENNEDY. July 17, 1844.—ti. Estate of Chas. M'Martrie, [Late of Franklin towns/sip, decented.] Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. MI persona• having claims or demands against the same are regnested to make them known without delay, and all persons indebted to make mediate payment to JOHN M'CULLOCH, Aug. 14. 1844 —6t. Peterhlumt Bo r. J. SE%%EI,I,SiEW ART, ATTIVIrefII7 41/11' ILEA -s IIUN'I INGDUN, PA. Office in Main street, three doors weld , of Mr. llooy's Jewelry eatablishinent. February 14, 1843.-11. VALUABLE real Ware FOR SALE. The subscribers will offer at public saki an the premises, on _ _ Saturday, the 2d of rovember next;. a farm containing about 200 acres, situated in West tiiwnship, Huntingdon county, about 2 wiles lions the Canal Basin at Pe tersburg, havin.; thereon erected a Grist Mill, a Saw Mill, two dwelling houses--the one ft awe and the other log ,two bank barns,,. and other necessary outbuiloings, and ulna. an excellent apple orchard then on. The above is of the best quality of stone land—inferior to none in the countryi and has several first rate springs of never , filing water thereon. Pi rows desiring t i purchase can see the operty at any tune previous to the sale by calling upon the subscribers, when the terms of sale and all other information rela tive to the property can also be ascertained, • WILLIAM SEYEIt, JOHN BEYEW• Sept. 2:5, 1044,44