fr - 1 , 11 it 'ti. I; \ :' 1 ; .".. . , illii e ,i" t , 11 . , * , , , i i ~: 64 C i,t T i ..? -, vsk 0 , U N 1 k Eitt otcu to Gotcrat Kittrltincurc, 37ibertioinu, 3,otitico,Rao:atter'', gioratit», art % .Iricitcro,aartcttitttre,aiticituinctit, t., c. 4Qo.abn. MCt)' PUELTSIIED THEODORE H. CREMER, , U; , cipaawags. The , 10171INAL" will be published every Wed stiliday morning, at $2 . 00 a year, if paid in advance, and if hot paid within six months, $2 50. No subscripim.received for a shorter period than six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar rears:vs are paid. Advertisements not exceeding one square, will he Inserted three times for $1 00,1snd for every subse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as to the time an advertkeinent is to be continu id, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac opidingly. THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, ..One country, one constitution, one destiny." 242mma 4 1m...3a:/ e ocroBER 12, 1844, "Once more our glOous Banner out Upon the breeze we throw; beneath its folds, with song and shout, Let's charge upon the foe!" FOR PRESIDENT; HENRY CLAY, [Of licntucky.) FOR VICE PRESIDENT, TACO. FRELIA(i 1-1 UYSEN, [Of New Jersey.] IILECTORAL TICKET : CHESTER BUTLER, TOWNSEND HAINES, 5 Senatorial &edam Representative Electors. 1. Joseph G. Clarkson, , 13. Henry Drinker, I. John P. Wetherill, 14. Ner Middleswarth, 5. John D. Ninesteel, 15. Frederick Watts,. 4: John S. Littell. 16. Daniel M. Sinyser, 0. t•:. T. M'Dowell, 17. James Maliters, tr. Benjamin Frick, 18. Andrew J. Ord% 7. Samuel Shafer, 19. Hopi Washabaugh, 5. William Heister, 1129. John L. Gow, 9. John S. Roister, - 1 21. And'w. W. Loomis, 10. John Killinger, 1 22. James M. Power, n. Alex.E. Brown, 23. William A. Irvin, 1. Joh'than J. Slocum, :24. Eenj. Hartshorn, (c .v. B. PAL . MEE, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street ieloto Third, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act as Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and advertisements. tC• This week we issue hut half a sheet, and we have delayed it a fow days in order to give election return's. This is the only matter that seems to carry any interest with it at present. Mar. Volk's Zailttor to Mr. Stade. James K. Polk's Letter to John K. Kane, illus. giated by the "acts and discussions" of' the writer, u published in the "Journal" and "Register," seems to he a very sore thorii in the side of the "Huntingdon Globe." That paper cries out week after week, forgery I forgery ! ! forgery ! !! but even it hal not the hMdihOod to say that any word or unable of it is not the language of James K. Polk, or endorsed by him. The Globe clique may al well bear it patiently, till after the Presidential election, for, until then we intend to "KEEP IT BEFORE THE PEOPLE." . . (ns. The Huntingdon Globe fur a few weeks past hears all the marks of the genius ! and veracity!! of certain ex-editors of certain defunct Locofoco papers 4 , lute of this borough." And that paper is fast following in the footstep. of its illustrious pre decessors ' 1 " I We advise it to beware of the fate of Ananias and Sapphire. ONE OF T. E LIES OF THE "GLOBE" NAILED AND CLINCHED. We extract the following from the " Huntingdon' Grote of Wednesday, the 2nd of October. " I u fit untiniui Fortier "The Journal' and Register' have been pub lishing an article purporting to be from Krim.hark s travels in the United States, stating that Col. Polk had sold slaves, bunt them with his brand, &c, No suelt book as Koorback s travels was ever pub lished, and the whole is a villanous Whig forgery. The Journal gave wings to this some story two weeks since, and although. the contradiction was almost as early as its publication, that contradiction has not been given to the public. Our readers know (as the Journal of the date re ferred to, Nth Sept. will show,) that we did not publish the article abOve designated, nor any thing like it, at that or any other time. And the Globe editor knew that he was publishing a fabehood when he made the charge against us. It was done wilfully, maliciously, rind for political effect. We therefore brand him as an infamous liar at al an un mitigated scoundrel; and it is time that the peoPle should know it. We do not believe that the editor penned the falsehoOd, but ha is equally blameable for permitting it to appear in his columns. What must a moral, reflecting community, after mash an infamous course, think of the Huntingdon Olobe.• Must the public not come to the conclu tarn that its editor prefers a lie to the truth, and aaM acZ-3, that the contents of his filthy sheet are undeserving the public attention. And what else can be expect ed than that his sheet will be filled with a continu ation of these infamous calumnies. The Globe editor applied the above language to us, and he should not murmur when we apply it to him with all the force of truth. We repeat that we did not publish the Roorbach Imposition. Some other yVhigpapers did; but they promptly contradicted it when discovered to be an imposition. This •Infamous Forgery," is however a great matter for l.oeofocoe to make a fuss about. The "Villanous Whig Forgery" was perpetrated by full blooded LOCOFOCO. See an account of it in another column, from the Ithaca Chronicle extra. 6: . 4 4 PENN'A. ELECTION 1 l'O;i! G 0 1 7 1;, ..1 ()R. Counties, 31,1 kle, Shuhk. Ail.ii,, 7-5 Allegheny. 22.:0 Ai nisi rung, 580 Bed lord, 150 Bucks, 300 Bei k 5,4150 . , Braver, 600 Butler, 200 Climb' ia, 167 Centre,s9 o , eliester, 655 Clem field, 350 Clinton 100 Cu nibeiland,. 15 Carbon, 3 . 20 Columbia, 1710 Dauphin, 864 Delaware, 587 Franklin, 625 (Greene, 800 Iluniingdwi, 139.9 Indiana. 656 .1-ire. sun, 600 Joniatu, 103 Lanc•ister, 3997 I.4.lkanon, 750 246 Lycoming, 4.50 ‘lercrr, 5(.0 78 MontgomPry, , 1095 No; tliumberland, 703 Northampton, 875. Perry, 670 Philadelphia city, 4r(84 courtly, 3000 847 Somerset, 1542 Union, 955 ‘Vashingtnn, 200 Al r, simoreland, 1925 York, 850 21023 18.;09 18309 kle's ninj. 4714 Mr. Pollock is eleved in the 15th Con• gressiuntil district. Pollock Petrik pn Nortltumbei land, 703 I.yeonting 227 li ',ion, • 1096 Clinton, 5 . 1101 Pollock's ►naj'u•ity, 171 _ . I n th e eily or Philadelphia the entire Whig ticket has beau elected. in the county the Native ‘inericati ticket is elected by a :at :!e inijnrity. OLD 11UN1INCHN O. IC o:t Not withsiatiding the efforts of the Mt ntp•clii" and Locos united, the Whigs Anti-niastnis have sustained them• bvlvvs The %%hole county ticket is, elected by 3 ll:noisome maj,;rity„ A 'deF•perate rflorl was made to addle upon us a Lueoloco Sheriff; and the 'motet's united upon the " itiongrtil" can. dilates fin• the Legislature anti County Commissioner. All su:te of bargaining and swapping and chizzling was resort ed to, but without success. II union and harmony hail existed in imr ranks . the majority would probable have been from 10()0 in 2000. •I he coon ty is sale for Clay by 2000 majority. B I nv we an:iex the vote for Governor and Congress. Districts. Governor. Congrese. g in .4(I) U a g A iel C.) 44 '4 C 4 .4 Z all = 44 al I i-Z A = Huntingdon, 209 256 199 270 Dublin, • 96 37 94 39 Warriorsmark, 119 74 116 79 Allegheny, 128 maj. 134 maj. Woodberry. 103 . 104 a Huston, 83 " 85 a Hopewell, 88 44 88 44 13 u rree, maj. 00 maj. 100 iShirley, 151 140 145 141 Antes, 183 145 182 142 Porter, 163 118 160 116 Franklin, 156 76 146 86 Tell, 35 84 36 73 Springfield, 156 33 153 32 Union, 75 24 75 25 Roxberry, 60 43 56 47 Tyrone, 142 40 142 41 Morris, 193 75 191 77 \Vest, niaj. 54 mnj. 52 Walker, 36 mnj. 18 maj. Toil, 96 49 95 49 Frankstown, 180 maj. 134 mnj. Cromwell, 94 maj: 95 maj. Murray's Run, 35 20 34 20 Blair, 16 maj. 16 mnj. Hollidaysburg, 19 maj. 25 11111 j. Gayaport, 31 maj. Birmingham, 33 19 32 19 Snyder, 151 26 153 24 Cass, 116 33 116 33 i - . 4 9 The totals are as follows Governor. Markle 4022, Shunk 2630, Maj. 1392 C. Coin. Guilford 4024, Hartshorn 2549 " 1475 Sale of Main 1.. For 3726, Against 2368 " 1356 Cong. Blanchard 3977, Henderson 2646 " 1331 Senator. Morrison 3913, Patterson 2619 " 1294 Assembly. Brewster 4016, MeMurtrie 3949 Cresswell 2111 Brewster's majority, M'Mortrio s 1738 Sheriff. Armitage 3499, rownover 3005 " 498 Comm. Miller 3743, Hoffman 2024 " 1719 Auditor, Caldwell 3959 No opposition. We will give the official returns in full next week. 17th Congressional Didtrict. It i., with pleasure that we announc. , the triumphant election of that Old Grey Coon," Jony BLANCHARD, to re;ire sent this Collet e4s. The ma• jorities are reported as lollnws Counties. Huntingdon, Centre, Mifflin, Juniata, Blanchard's majority, 397 11 e u iit give the official returns as soon as we ascerlain CONGRESSIONAL.—The Difference. Counties. Henderson. Blanchard. Centre, 1200 300 Juniata, 250 Huntingdon, 500 Henderson'. majority, NVliat SA) you brother Shugert, how muchT " * lie (11 , nderson) ought t o beat hiK yaokee oppoorot 2000, and by hard work can.—Globe of the 2.5 th Sept. MARYLAND 0. K. Col. rratt elected, and an increased Whig majority in both branches of the Legislature. And a united States Senator secured. NVe hasten to lay before our read ers the returns of the M•ityland election, held on tare 2nd inst., and have the satis iction of announcing a complete triumph in, that State. For the first time under the amended conintittition a Whig Guv ruor in elected, and iticrersed 11'hig uta jocities are carried in both branches of di Legislature, thus securing a U S. Sen:.tor. The Americon sop, ;hat we have CAR RIEO EVERY COUNTY IN THE TAE except TIIREE! The 11'hi_nmjmiiy in the house ul Delegates is FORTY and in the Sentoe NINE Ihe American ulcer announcing the above result says: Thus have the whip of Maryland ichieve,l u gltoriou: II win ph n o t W I thsilin dintt thk. • wvnnK l .lll by our oppuents to r.:,t no overv‘.helturn:: of Itiliitoore. THE VOTE OF THE STATE IS CERTAIN FOR HENRY CLAY. Our adversities can no inure rntiy iheiL s, Iv. s lur the rop iest alter piostration of their utr;ngth consequen. upon their late desperate and COllVUislve sli u4le. Let our friends all user the Union jut with us in congratula • ion. Niaiyland has taken her stand; •he will maintain tt beyond all peradvens tore. It the than:ler 01 her broadside has not heeti so loud 114 some expected the ..xecution cahich it has done is as effect ive as though the report had shaken the heavens. Let PENNSYLVANIA march for Ward and with all 'he oug-ot, of tier Whig sti 2 rowh, to ntrike , emouli.lll o l lilntv for n n . I AY AND THE I AR IFF. A, the contest waxes warmer and wormer, SO will the stiooLt oisorance and firm cool age or the Wougs grow more ,troug and ilecerinioeil. The harbinger.. of victory are around us; the aulomou, omens gladden the sight on every halal ; ,he word, of the utilhot oh! 11.1 01 ' lip Iwo e new ardor—. ale fire mare, 1)4 v, and the day is 'burs " VOTE FOR GOVERNOR. 1841. 1844 . _. . . .. . —... Counties. Johnston. Thomas. Pratt. Carroll. Allegheny, 1035 1089 maj. 83 Anne Arundel, 1287 1476 1601 1524 Baltimore city, 6386 7435 7995 9190 Baltimore co. 1404 2318 maj. 779. Calvert, 436 353 62 mai. Caroline, 605 551 659 639 Carroll, 1444 1618 1831 1730 Cecil, 1188 1295 1524 1585 Charles, 613 430 761 560 Dorchester, 1142 816 1328 976 Frederick, 2583 2789 3133 3104 Hartford, 1114 1160 1490 1411 Kent, 597 486 701 544 Montgomery, 909 730 1083 903 Prince George's, 835 625 1027 750 Queen Anne's, 702 716 760 745 Somerset, 1134 802 304 mai. St. Mary's, 743 450 Talbot, 683 776 778 751 Washington, 2196 2346 2633 2579 Worcestia, 1284 698 440 mai. 28,320 28.959 28,110 27,853 Locofoco maj. 639 Whig maj. 257 The strong Whip county of St. Mary 'a is yet to' hear from, which in 1841 gave a \\ hig majority of 293, fir 1840 the same county gave Harrison a majority of 480. The Stale Central Committee have is• sued au able address announcing the re milt. In reference to the palpable frauds in the city, the Committee says This statement speaks for itself. We have no hesitation in expressing our belief that ol these 1.892 rules, full 1,500 were talsek awl surreptitiou s ly introduced to the oat ; I•it box; Ono they have Lean the product of a skits! and diligently perpetrated Rand upon the rights of the real voters ..f lialuumre. Cli%filig these aside the ma jority would have been for the 1,11,1 a can didates, in accordance with the best esti-. .nate• nhich had previously' been abh. u in,ke the election.'' Blanchard. Henderson 1331 627 207 100 1331 9,34 934 The Legislature stands ns follows : Whig. Locofoco. Senate, 13 6 House of Delegates, 61 21 76 Whig majority on joint ballot, 40 votes. roul Flay in tho City, We ;live bellitt the tilt, h. 01 the elec tion held in Nlarylaild on the 2(1, as lar receivt d. The (-xtratn tlinary Increase 0. the Lovefoco vote in the city over that ul any previous eli•ction to unaccountable.— Carroll's majority in the city is 1195. 10 1841 the Lorofoco nrij,ility for Governor oas 1049. Iu the County of ailtitome to Ib4l the Locof oco majority was 914. 1750 500 500 Nlr. Thomas was electcif Co 1841 by a iniijority of 639. So far as !lentil from we have gaiiii•il upon this vote in ‘Wii•liingion counts 2UO, and about 160 in Priiici• George's, which 11101 e than balances Locoloco gain io the city, and tlic .proh.. bility is that Mr. Pratt, the NiVllig candi date. is electcd. Mr. Carroll resides in tl.e city, and is line of the most popular men in tie Stale. From Me Baltimore American of Me 3d inst. BALTIMORE CITY. G OVERIVOR. Wank Platt, (W.) Carroll, (L. F.) 1 506 605 2 441 591 3599 • 777 4 695 559 5 555 • 625 6 282 596 7 409 595 8 1097 588 9 464 873 10 583 459 11 769 587 12 520 742 13 . 616 716 14 459 • 877 The whole number of voles cast at the present election. is 1 7.16 5 . At the elec tion for ftlayor in Oct. 1843, the whole number or votes cast was 14,898 . —0 l whlCilihe 11' 11g. gave 7,600 31111 the Lo vit., 7,298. This was the largest vole ever before cast in this city, exceeding as it did, the Pi vole of 1840 by 277 totes. The incrcase of the vat yesteida,) over hit ol ()Gimbel', 18-13 is 2287 voles. of which increase the Whigs have 393, and tin:Amens, 1892. Toe Patriot, in accounting for the huge Locoloco majority in the city and county, The great demonstration or our oppo nents was made %you B iltimore city and county. Voters have been poured in up on us by husulretis— money wds Ireelt 11s , 11, and lur the List two month; we hay.• waded knee clop through the mite of 1,- eofoco sl.inder tklatuation and nrai:ging alio:v.lller unparalleled in The inteulion ha- been to earn, liallinnire, and through bee the Stale, s o as to lead nil to tit ah air or triumph, to ctperate on the election in Pennsylvania. tke. "Oat of the city of Baltimore the tri, amid' 111 the %% Trigs has been moat silmal. We hive gained Carlton, Calvert, Talbot, Itaifio:l and Anne Arundel co of which have Leen against us for years, and C. mill always before Locoloco. Wherever the voice of the ro ple 'could be fairly expreseil it has been ;host loud in favor of the At no time was the Whig party stronger to thy counties of Maryland than it has shown itself at thi4 tiine—and in Ni,vember sex she will tatoe lo.e position in the Whig ranks with 5000 MAJORITY FOR lIEN- ItY CLAY." DELAWARE, - t , 0, • , q. t;dii • . The Inspector's or prelimina. y election in Ili:law:ire has resulted as follows: Nrw Castle county, 91 •Whig maj. Krnt, 0 159 Sussex, . 1 20(i Loco maj. Total in the State 24 S IVliig, maj, That will do for n beginning. At the regular election when the full vote is out, Clay will have IMO OO5" Look out for I'rn'os.llvenia, Who Roorbach Zmposition. Alt article was published in some of the papers not long since, purporting to be an extract from the work of a foreign traveller in this country, slanted Roorbach, and affirming that the said Roorbach bad met, in one of the south western states, a gang of slaves, having J. K. P. tranded on their shoulders; and that those slaves belonged to James K. Polk. It turned out that the whole thing was a forgery, and the Locofoco papers denounced the Whigs its the strongest manner, as the audio's of the fraud. It appears however, that the forgery originated with a Locoloco, as will be seen by the following: From the Itham Chrtm ele.—Ertra, "ROORBACII'S TOUR." An article appeared in this paper on the 21st of August last.publirdred AS A GOMM UN lOATIO.N , headed „ Joe the Chroncle," addressed to Mr. .S'ertneer,' signed "An Abolitionist," purporting to giye on extract from " Roos birch s 'Pour through the Western and Southern States in 1836." The extract cloSed with a releronce to forty-three slaves, purchased by James K. Polly, distinguished by the brand of his initials upon their shoulders. The article was brought to us in manuscript, by DANIEL ISI'KINNET, Esq., a young gentleman of this village, of unimpeachable character and veraci ty, and was published without the least suspicion that it was other than what it purported to be, a genuine extract from a book of travel.. It turns out to he nn extract from FE ATII EasToNti A Vries Tour through the slave States, with the statement in relation to James K. Polk's slaves appended. From the affidavit of Mr. MICINNar, which follows, it appears that the pretended extract was furnished to him. in manuscript, by Wm. Lisa, Eoq., of thin village. a LOCO FOCO OFFICE HOLDER, the candidate of that party for justice of the mace, to which office he was elected, and which he now holds; rand alsoextuniner in Chance ry. appointed by a LocoFoco Senate, on the recom mendation of Gov. 13onex. Mr. Mit NNNT was as unsuspecting of its real character as we were. This "forgery" and "fraud so bitterly denoun ced by the Albany Argus and the Loco Foco prints, is then f,slened upon the shoulders of a Loeofi,eo office holder, with what object en his part we leave the public to judge. The " forgery" and "fraud" is placed where it belongs, and consequences, if un pleasant, must recoil upon the Loco Foco party.— Neither Mr. McKinney nor ourselves have any part of this responsibility. Both were imposed upon by a vile hoax, or something worse. Our agency in its circulation was wholly unsuspicious of its real character. The affidavit of Mr. McKinney, showing the ori. gin of this "Roortstali's Tour," folloies: • "This is to certify that on or about the tOth day of August, 1944, Wm. Linn, Esq., called on the with an article purporting to be an extract from. Roorlatek's tour through th, Western and ,otithern States, requesting me to copy the rune and hand it to the editor of the Chronicle for publicatiimAta.- ting . es it reason forthis request that there wait s' Loco Foco printer in that office who was acquainted with his chirography. I complied with hi' mimes* 40,M)a0• . . without the slightest suspicion that it well not genuine extract from a veritable book. DANIEL M'KINNEY. Subscribed and sworn the 27th day of i.• September, 1844 4 before me, C. G. Hgaiii, J. P." Mr. Linn, then, bears the disgrace of the trick. His object could only be to betray Whig journal, into the adoption of a falsehood, for the sake of damaging them by its subsequent ,x - pdita ; but the worst damage falls on himself, and t, some ex tent his party. A very foolish truck of Mr. Linn, for he must have known, if he has wit enou,ll to known anything, that his agency in the tm-nese could not escape detection. But let us huge what he may have to say in the matter. , Presidential Election. 184 4. A friend at a distance who has great opponiy% nines for acquiring accurate information on the subject of the Presidential election, and the prob . - able votes of the Statei, has furnished us with thir following statement, which he considers as being ae favorable for Mr. Polk as can be made, having is gard to the well known state of public feeling. Certain fur Clay. Certain for Polk. 1 Massachusetts, 13 New Hampshire 0 Rhode Island, 4 Illinois, P Vermont, 6 Missouri, 7 Connecticut, 6 Alabama, 0 New York, 36 Arkansas, 11 New Jersey, 7 ~., Delaware, 3 114 . Maryland, 6 Ohio, 23 _ . Doubtful. Indiana, 12 Maine, Kentucky, 12 Michigan, North fisraline, 11 Pennsylvania, 26 Tennessee, 13 Virginia, 17 10 Mississippi, 6 Georgia, Louioiana, Clay, - Polk. - Doubtful, - South Carolina, Total, - Necessary to a choice, If tile election of Polk should depend upon nine votes then South Carolina will vote for Polk, but not otherwise. In no event will she cast her We fur Mr. Clay. The probability is that all of the States set down doubtful will go for Mr. Clay—and we feel confi dent of this result. But give them all to Polk and lie stands no chance of an election. Mr. Clay is certain of being the next President of these United States, if he is living on the 4th of MarehrlB4s. ~?::.=.Yr~~ On the 3d inst.,hy the Rev. S. H. Rend, Mr. WILLIAM HARMEN, to Miss MARY M. FOREMAN, of Huntingdon county. . • On Thursday evening the 26th ulki by the Rev. Mr. WCollin, Mr. JACOB SELLS, of Frankstown township, to Miss AMANDA M. PIERCE, of Hollidaysburg. On Tuesday the 17th ult., Mr. ELIAS IL MeCLELLAND, of Hollidaysburg, to Min SARAH C.—daughter of Henry Spang, of Etna Iron Works. On Tuesday the 17th ult., Mr. JAMES C. L1".11,E, to Mks MARY McNAMARA, all of Springfield Furnace, Huntingdon county. • 2D " " On the 4th inst., after an illness of only a few days, WILLIAM EASTEP, in the 79th year of his age. The deceased was born in Frederick county Md., and emigrated to this State in 179.1, and continued to reside in this county until the time of his death. He raised a large family. His father and two brothers served in the Revolutionary War.—Cqm munica led. . . - ....... At Duneansville. on Sunday evening the 22nti ult., Mine RACHEL P. HIGGINS, aged. about IS years. Spani , h Hides -CVO ir ANN i, It'S OILS. 5000 Dry llides---first quality. 3500 Dr) 1.. t Gait, do. d,: 1000 Dry 3 lull La Guira. • • do. 2600 Dr, Salted Brazil Hides, do. 40 It sles Creel] S Patna Kips 30 li des dry Patna Kips. 120 Bareells Tannei's Oil. T. el.'s and Currier's Tools. Far sake to the country 'l'itniters at the lowest prices stud upon the best terms. N. B. All kinds of Leather wanted for which the highest priers will be paiii in Cash, or in I Ncluinge f r Hides, Kips 4 Oil. D. KIIiKIJA I K , NS, No. 21 Sutch Sti Strret, Philadelphia. Oct. 9, 1844.-. ly. LIST OF LETTERS remaining in „the Post Office at h untingd••n, Oct. ht. which if to t called tor previous to linuary •xt wi I be holm, the General P. Office at ileac: letters. Alter Mies Miles Nathan Ayrs Murphy 'Fhos. • Crane Aaron McCoy Wm. Calderw kod John Nixon George T. C•isy Wm. Milli. John Gi , ucli William Pitman John Der John Sin , ey Wm. Dillon Thomas E. Stitt Oliver Deittord Petre Stickily John of Gen t Entminger Samuel Strong Andrew Fields John A. ski,wiwerger G. R. H.•nston James Shavon Dr. Harnish John, Esq. Sankt) , Win. • - • Johnston Jacob Sheederliseph Kimbk rl in George Theiimmiti It.bert. ; , K.infokan John NVi.l s oki limes of C. • Li e John S. . Watts Fredeiirk.E4 DAVIT) SA ARE, P. M. RantinTclov, 0;t.9, LSd 4. • 169 • 34 • 63. .9 • 275 138
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers