FREEME‘X! FORGERIES!! PERJURIES!!! and False and Slanderous CERTIFICATES ! ! ! In their utter desperation, the Locofbco leaders are engaged in making preparations to inundate, on the very eve of the election, the whole cinuary with handbills, Papers and Pamphlets, containing all sorts of FALSE and INFAMOUS C Wl' F cAT ES-LYING A F Fl- DAvrrs—and RISE FORGERIES ! Freemen of Huntingdon county! be on your guard. Believe nothing that comes to you in so suspicious a manner, and on so late a day of the campaign. Noth ing is too despicable for some of the reckless characters associated with the enemy. PREVIOUS PARDONS are abundant among the ac tive leaders of the opposition; and many more can be procured by members of the same party, from the same source. Such creatures will conspire, forge, slander, certify, and perjure themselves at the behest of their great patrons and masters. Beware of all manner of trickery and deception. Remember the days and the deeds of by gone elections! •Bear in mind the iniquity of 1832 when JOSEPH( BITNER was defeated by means of a FORGED LETTER, And recol lect that the perpetrator of that wicked forgery has since been eleva ted and clothed in judicial robes, as a reward for his political in iquities! Be not deceived again. Look out for the circulation of false hoods, on the eve of the election, when too late for contradiction!!! Deep:laid plots and villanous schemes have been laid, and are now in progress. for the purpose of defeating the regularly nomina ted candidate of the Whig and Antiinasonic party for SHERIFF of this county. For more than a week past, a secret work has -been going on in the office of the I luntingdon Globe, where type-setting and press-work has been in active operation at the hour of midnight and with bolted doors. As too many hands were engaged in the base comma/try, some of the doings have leaked out. VILLANOUS LETTERS from disappointed aspirants after office—FALSE CEITirtaavas—PAPPIDAVITS and CORRUPT pEannums, made up of all sorts of 1W , for the cut-throat purpose of injuring the character of JOHN ARMITAGE and blasting his prospects of success, have been printed in the shape of hizndbills —extra Globes—or in some other form, and have already been, or will be, circulated throughout every section of the county. We are informed that these publications make sad havoc with the heretofore good name and reputation of several other gentlemen of this town and neighborhood ; and that measures will be taken to bring the perpe trators or publishers of them to feel the ROD OF JUSTICE. We caution the People of this county against these vile publica lions. !lave nothing to do with them; and particularly, aid not in circulating them. They are infamous 3,23m1 3 -1,3, and all who have a hand in writing, printing or circulating them, can be indicted and convicted of libel. They are a public offence and a private in jury to the persons libelled; and the consequences are fearful. To the W hilts we say, believe them not. They are FALSE and MA- LlClOUS—intended to gratify private' SPLEEN—personal DISAP POINTMENT—aIId to aid in a desperate effort to put Huntingdon coun ty under the custody and guai &unship of a LOCOFOCO SHERIFF. Be' on your guard—and cast your votes against the villanbus alliance of' the Locofocos and " Mongrel Disorganizers." IT RS TIP E,'EE EX EC TED from the malice of a few unprincipled aspirants to office in and about this town, that no dark scheming—nowear and tear of conscience—will be spared to circulate the foulest fa ls e hood s, immediately before the election, to injure the 1V hig ticket. Keit rinvv WO3 br on ite LOOK $,'UsT! and let every one treat all charges that may be circulated through suspicious channels as D:Tlitlse and cowardly. A new paper—for the country—named the "Iron Rake," or "The Independent Whig"—has been printed at the Locofoco Globe office, in this borough. It is freighted with nothing but slanderous falsehoods. es These dastardly &loos are principally aimed at Mr. Armitage, the Whig candidate for Sheriff; and are designed to aid Mr. Crown over, the Loeefbco candidate. Since writing another article on the dark subject, a friend f-om the country has informed us that the filthy publication alluded to has been sent abroad in large quantities, and suppressed her e. We have made every effort to ob tain a copy, but without success. It is indeed the avowed purpose of these midnight assassinators of character, to conceal their vile productions until the last "Journal" before the election is issued, and no opportunity is left for reply. They are silly enough to admit this covert and cowardly purpose. And in this they are likely to succeed. Up to the hour our paper goes to press, every effort we could make to obtain a sight of the sheet already issued, has been ineffectual. Now, what beater evidence could any on - - went that it is freignted with raLsr• Hoop? If these patriots speak the l'ltU why do they fear investigation and reply? I. it truth that shuns the LIGHT?—or is it slander, calumny. and false• hood? Nearly Two sposTits have passed since Mr. Aemilage was nominated. If these hacks, as they have intimated : had charges to make against him, personally or politically, which would bear investigation, why were they not long since made? Is their only hope the hope of the skulking coward, to stab in the dark f Have they. no charges but such as shun the light? Will no time do them, but a.time when what they circulate cannot ho related Who can come to any other conclusion? And who is there, but rust frown indig,nantly upon the baseness, malice, and cowardice of such low, skulking warfare. Mr. Crownover, the Locofoco candidate, whose feel ings rise high above all such dirty work, must blush at the conduct of his new allies; and never had a man greater reason to exclaim—. Save me from my friends!" For such AID always has been, and ever will be, dead weight on the shoulders of him it is intended to aid. The paper, we learn, is printed on one side only—without the name of the publisher, (Otte place of publication—bears (late Sept. SO. Will not the honest yeomanry, when Mr, Cresswell and other " mongrel" locofocos are distributing these pirate papers among them, ask, where and by whom is it published ?" it contains what. perporte to be the proseedings cis Glay, Frelingliuystn suit Markle meeting in Hun- tingdon, last week. These proceedings abuse the reputation of Mr. Armitage and other candidates on the same ticket. AO smelt 'meeting was ever held. The paper also contains, :innings! other things still snore contemptible, if it were possible, a communication over the signs. tore of John Whittaker, Jr., assailing Mr. Armitage in unmeasured abuse, and the Convention which had been guilty of pre ferring Mr. A. to himself; and charges Mr. A., by implication, with being an IN FIDEL. If this were true, and Mr. Armi tage really deserved to he pelted to sleuth for irreligion, some one should I e selected to throw the first stone. who cannot boast that II F. NA.A NOT BEEN INSIDE OF A CHURCH FOR FORTY YF.ARS." If this were the only point of choice between the two, we must acquit the Convention of error; fur, we have always seen Mr. Ar mitage pay an outward deference, at least, to religion, by attending church on the Sabha iii; while we have never yet seen Mr. W. inside of a house of worship.— The charg., we need not say, is FALSE AND UNFOUNDED. We learn, that Mr. Armitage is charged with having made the commis ,loner's room a gambling establishment when he was their clerk. We belie, this charge to be utterly and basely lake. NVe never before heard him charged with GAMBLING ; and the only regular ESTAB• i.i•IIIIENT for that purpose, mahich we have heard of, us some of these slanderers ought to low, was kept in another part of the town! These are the only charges we have been able to learn in so definite a way as to be able to notice them. But it is not necessary that they should be noticed further. The whole batch carry the evi dence of their falsehood with them. They can hurt nobody, except the Locoroco candidate, whom, we wish it distinctly understood, we do not charge with having any hand in the dirty business. They will diminish his vote by securing to Mr. Armitage the suffrages of many, who, re spectin•-L the man, and knowing the elec tion of the Whig candidate to be entirely certain, might otherwise have given him their votes. It will suffice to add, that these unholy hypocrites who feign to be so deeply con cerhed about these sacred tuatters—reli- OM and private reputation—are them selves utterly destitute of all principle-- religious, moral, or political. If the vile sheet is to be distributed at all through this borough, it will perhaps be carried round at midnight, and deposited where it will fill into the hands of the citizens ; but depend upon it, no one will dare to carry them round in the I ight of day. cm% (Et aDa111.133. Huntingdon, Oct. 2 > I 844. lilinieat and Oats will be taken, at the market price, in payment of accounts due at this office. July 31, 1844.--tf. Whig Principles, "The principal objects which, I suppose, engage the common desire and the common exertions of the Whig party, to bring about, in the Government of the United States are : 1. A oauvn NATIONAL eenitxxcr, regulated by the will and authority of the nation. 2. AN ADEILLIATE REVENUE, with fair protec tion to AMERICAN brausTar. 3. JUST RESTRAINTS ON TREENECITTIVE Pow nu, enihracingfildher restrictions on the exercise of the veto. 4. A faithful administration of the PUBLIC no MAIN, With AN tototTAncis DISTRIBUTION of the proceeds of sales of it among all the states. 5. At" own., AND ECONOMICAL ADMINTSTDA. TION OFTIIE IiOVERNMENT, leaving public officers perfect freedom of thought and of the right of suf frage, but with suitable restraints against improper interference in elections. 6. An amendment of the Constitution, limiting the incumbent of the Presidential office to a BIN. !ILE TERN. These objects attained. J think that we should cease to be afflicted with bad administration of the Government."—Henry Clay. PUBLIC SPIRIT.-We learn from a member of the Committee appointed at the Town Meeting in July, to collect money in aid of the families of the soldiers who suffered in the riots, that tho stun re ceived for the purpose amounts to ten thousand eight hundred dollars. It was all promptly sub scribed and paid over, but we believe the total has not been yet mentioned by the press. It is sulfici cient forth° purpose intended, and is en evidence of the good feelings of the citizens to their gallant de fent;ers against domestic enemies.—Phila. Museum. CoxvicTan.—Edward Sherry, who was tried in the Criminal Court last week for riot in Kensing ton, has been found guilty by the jury. Sherry was one of the Irishmen who disturbed the first Native American meeting on Friday evening the 3d of May. and he was on the Monday following one of the most active of the rioters at the Washington Market. He was seen throwing stones and brick bats, and urging the other rioters on.—lb. FARM FOR SALE.-- The subscriber will offer at public salt-, on the premises, on Friday, the I Bth day of October inst., that valuable tract of land sitate in West township, about three quarters of a mile above Mr. John Neff's Mill, on the little Juniata river, containing 155 acres, with the usual allowance, having thereon erected a • large two story log and frame house, well finished,' a bank barn, and other necessary outbuildings. There is an excellent spring of water across the road from the house, and a good well at the door. The land is ot the best quality, well water• ed and well improved, itrd is within miles of the Juniata Canal. Any person wishing to procure a desirable situation will please call on Mr. Benjamin Brubsk,r, who will show the property, maim known terms ' &c. TOBIAS KAUF FMAN. October 2, 1844.—t5, grii.-usTices. Blanks of all kinds, for sale V at this Office. PROCLAMATION, Notice of General Election. 71r.URSUANT to an act of the Gener al Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act relating to the elections of this Commonwealth," approved the second day of July, A. 1)., 1839, 1, JOHN SHAVER, High Sherifrol the county of Huntingdon, in the State of Pennsylvania, do hereby make known and give notice to the electors of the county aforesaid, that a General Election will be held to the said remoy of 'Hon ing don, nn the second Tueatlay (and Bth dv) of October, 1944, at which time Stat e and county officers, as follows, are to be t lected, to wit: One perxmi for Governor of the Commonwealth or Peitn.vlvania. One permit for Canal Cominis. %loner ut the Commonwealth of Penn- One person tor the office of Member ofeongress of the Uni ted States, to reprewnt in the House of Representative, of i the United States, the seventeenth Con gressional district in Pennsylvania, com posed of the counties of Huntingdon, Cen tre, Mifflin and Juniata. ate person to fill the office of Sena. tor, to represent in the Senate or Penn sylvania, the 19th Senatorial district, composed of the counties of Huntingdon and Bedford. -- Two persons to fill the office of llem hers ot Ike House ot Repre sentatively, to represent the county of Hutitingdon in the [louse of Represen tatives of Pennsylvania. One person to fill the office of Sheriff ut Hunnn¢don county. Otte person to fill the office of County Commtssioner or Huntingdon mu- iy One person to fill the office of County auditor . or the county of Huntingiion And by the 30th section of an act of Assembly, passed and approv e d on the 29th day of April last, the qualified voters of this Commonwealth, or as many of them as shall choose to do so, shall depos ite in the ballot boxes, at the times and places provided by law, separate ballots, endorsed " MUM Line," with the words "For the sal , • of the Main Line" upon them, or " Against the sale of the Main Line," as their opinions may be. In pursuance of said act I also hereby make known and give notice, that the places of holding the aforesaid general e lection in the several election districts within the said county ut Huntingdon, are as follows, to wit: Ist District composed, of part of HEN DEMON township, west of the line be ;inning at the Mifflin county line on the summit of Jack's mountain, thence west as far as to include the farms owned by Michael Speck and the heirs of James Kelly to Mill Creek, thence up the said cieek to the %Vest township line, thence along said line to the line of Willin county and also a part of PORTER township, and all that part of WALKER township not in the 20111 district, at the Court House in the borough of Huntingdon. 2nd District, composed of DUBLIN township, at the house of Matthew Toy- lor, Jr. in said township. 34 District, composed of so much of WARRIORSMARK township as is not included iu the 28th district, at the school house ad; , iining the town of Warrims mark. 4th District, composed of the township of ALLEGHENY, ut the house of Jacob Black. sth District, composed of the township of WOODBERRY and a part of MORRIS at the house of Christian Hewit, in Wil liamsburg,. 6th District, composed of the township of HUSTON, at the public school house !limber 6, near the farm of John Lunge. necker, hi said township. 7th Dist , ict, composed of the township of HOPEWELL, at the house of David Simonton, in said township. Belt District, composed of the township of BARREE, at the house of James Liv• ingston, (formerly John Harper,) in the town of Salisbury, in said township. 9th District, composed of the township of SHIRLEY, at the house of David Fra. ker, in Shirleysburg. 10th District, composed of the township of ANTES, at the public school house on the land of John Bell, in said township. 11th District, composed of PORTER and part of WALKER town hips, and so touch of WES . I' township as is included in the following boundaries, to wit: be ginning at the south-west corner of Tobias Caufman's farm on the bank of Little Ju• data river, at the lower end of Jackson's narrows, titmice in it northeasterly direc tion to the most southerly part of the farm owned by Michael Maguire, thence north 40° west to the top of l'ussey's mountain to intersect the line of Franklin township, thence along said line to Little Juniata river, thence down the same to the place of beginning, at the public school house in the borough of Alexandria. 12th District composed of the township of FRANKLIN, at the house of Jacob Mattern, now occupied by George W. Mattern, in said township. I Sth District, composed of TELL town. ship, at the house now occupied by the heirs or James McNeal, in said township. 14th District, composed of SPRING• FIELD township at the school house near Hugh Madden's in said township. 15th District, composed of UNION township, at the school house at or near Nathan Greenland's, in said township, 16th District, composed of,that part of HENDERSON township not included in the Ist district, at the puWic school house in the village of Roxherry, 17th District, composed of TYRONE township, including that part of said town ship which was formerly attached to the Srd election district, at the house utJatnes Crawford, in Tyrone township. 18th District, composed of MORRIS township, at the house of Frederick Kuhn, in said township. . . . . 19th District * composed of that part of NEST township not included in the 11th district at the public school house on the farm formerly owned by James Ennis, in said township. 20th District, composed of those parts of the townships of HOPEWELL and WALKER within the following bounda ries, to wit: beginning at Hartsock's Gap, in Tussey's mountain, thence down Gard ner's run, s,► as to include the house of Matthew Garner, Isaac Bowers and Geo. Brumbaugh: thence in a straight line through Forshey's Gap to the Union town ship line, thence down the same to a point opposite David Corbin's, thence down on a straight line, including the house of Da vid Corbin, to the corner of Porter town ship, on the Huntingdon and Woodcock Valley road, thence along the said summit to the place of beginning, at the house uc• copied by Jacob hlagally, in the village of McConnelsburg, • 21st District, composed of that part of the township of Uidoo, now composing the township of TOD, beginning on the line of Bedford county where the line of Springfield and Union townships meet, thence by the line between the townships to a point on said line, nearly opposite John Cautman's, so as to include his lam, thence by a straight line to Hopewell township line at Forshey's Gap on Ter race mountain, thence by the line of Hopewell and Union townships to Bed. ford county line, thence to said place of beginning, at the house now occupied by J. Henderson in said district. 22nd district, composed of that part of W ES I' township on the south-east side of Warrior ridge, beginning at the line of West and Henderson township, at foot of said ridge to the line of Barree township, thence by the division line .of Barree and West townships to the summit of Stone mountain, to intersect the line of Render son and West townships, thence by saint line to the place of beginning, at the house now occupied by Benjamin Corbin, on Murry's Run. 23rd District, composed of CRUM- W ELL township, at the house now occu pied by David Etnire, in Orbisonia. 24th District, composed of the township of FRAKSTOWN, at the public school house in the borough of Frankstown. 25th District, composed of the township of BLAIR, at the school house, number three, in the town of Newry, in said town ship. . . - 26th District, composed of the borough of HOLLIDAYSBURG, at the brick school house in said borough. 27th District, composed of the town of GAYSPORT, at the school house in said town where the borough elections are held. 28th District, composed of the borough of BIRMINGHAM, with the several tracts of land near to and attached to the same, now owned or occupied by Thomas M. Owens, John K. McCahan, Andrew Robeson, John Guisemer, and William Guisemer, situate in the township of War riorsmark. at the public school house in said borough. 29 , k District, composed of the township of SN DER, at the Bald Eagle school house in said township. 30th District, composed of the township ot CASS, at the public school house in cas,iville, in said township. I also make known and give notice, as in arid by the 13th section of the aforesaid act I Mil directed " that every person ex cepting justices Of the peace, who shall hold any 'Ace or appointment of profit or trust under the government of the United States, or of this State, or ot any city or incorporated district, whether,a commis ioned officer, or otherwise, a subordinate officer, or agent who is or shall be, em• ?toyed under the legislative, executive or judiciary department ot this State or of the Unitrtl States, or ol any city or incorpora ted district, and also, that every member of Congress, and of the state Legislature. and ot the select or common council of ally city, commissioners of any incorpora ted district, is by law incapable of hold-. ' ing or exercising at the same time, the office or appointment of judge, inspector or clerk of any election of this Common wealth, and that no inspector judge, or other officer of anv such election, shall be eligible to any office to be then voted fur." Also, that in the 4th section of the act of Assembly, entitled " An act relating to executions, and for other purposes," ap proved April 16th 1840, it is enacted that the aforesaid 13:It section "shall not be so construed, as to prevent any militia offi cer or borough officer, trots serving as judge, inspector, or clerk, at any general or special election to this commonwealth." Pursuant to the provisions contained in the 76th section of the act aforesaid, the Judges of the aforesaid district shall re spectively take charge of the certificate or return of the electron of their respective districts, and produce them at a meeting of one .1 udge from each tlastrict, at the Court House to the borough of Honing don, on the third clay after the day of election, being for the present year on Friday, the 11th of October mat, then and there to do and perform the du ties required by law of said Judges.— Also, that where a Judge by sickness or unavoidable accident, is unable to attend said meeting of Judges, then the certificate or return aforesaid shall be taken charge of by one of the Inspectors or Clerks of the election of said distrct, and shall do and perform the duties required of said Judge unable to attend. Also, that in the 61st section of said act it is enacted that " every general and special election shall he opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, and shall continue without interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock in the evening, when the polls shall be closed." Given under my hand at Huntingdon, the 4th day of September, 1844, and of the Independence of the United States the sixty-eighth JOHN SHAVER, Sh'ff. [God save the Commonwealth.] VALUABLE real estate FOR SALE. The subscribers will offer at public sale, on the premises, on Saturday, the 2d of November next, a farm containing about 200 acres, situated in West township, Huntingdon county, about 2 miles from the Canal Basin at Pe tersburg, having thereon erected a Grist Mill, a Saw Mill, two dwelling houses—the one frame and the other log,twu bank barns, and other necessary outbuildings, and also an excellent apple orchard thereon. The above is of the best . quality of lime stone land—inferior to none in the country, and has several first rate springs of never failing water thereon. P nuns desiring to purchase can see the property at any time previous to the sale by calling upon the subs cribers, when the terms of sale and all other information rela tive to the property can also be ascertained. WILLIAM BEYER, JOHN BEYEII. Sept. 25, 1844.—t5. STRAYS.—Came to the residence of the subscriber, residing in Tyrone township. Hum ingdon county, about the 10th of Au gust last, two red and white heifers, sup posed tube two yeats old past—one with part of the tail off The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of according to law. JAMES CRAWFORD. Sept. 25, 1844. erpitauo' eourt Sate. pursuance of an order of the Orphans' via Court of Huntingdon county, there will be exposed to public sale, on the premises, Satttr•day the 12th day of October next, at 1 o'clock P. M., all that certain tract nr parcel of land situate in Shirley township, in the county of Huntingdon ad joining lands of the heirs of Maj. inn Shavgr d,d'd., Samuel Shaver, Andrew Pollock's heirs and others, containing 176 .ILORIIII, more or less, about 140 acres of which ar s . cleared. about twenty of are meadow —thereon erected a large log dwelling house. a log barn, and a spring 8 . house, and two Apple Orchards thereon, late s thereon, the real estate of Col. Wduam Postl ,thwait, dec'd. TERMS OF SALE.—One half of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue in one year thereafter with interest, to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court. JOHN REED, Clerk. Attendance will be given at the time and place of sale, by JOHN POS FLETHWA IT, THOMAS POSTLETH WAIT. Executors. August 21, 1844.—t5. LAND FOR SALE. e subscriber, desirous of removing to the West, will offer fur sale on the premises, in Walker township, on Saturday the 12th day of October next, a tract of land contain ing 50 CD CCP IMP MI 0 70 of which are cleared, an•l in a good state of cultivation, under good fences, good tim othy ground, &c., situate tNO miles from the town of McCormellsbm g, and about five miles from the borough of Huntingdon, whereon Benjamin Oswalt now resides There are 70 good Apt - le, besides Plumb and Peach trees thereon. Also, a good spring of water, and spring-house on the same, a good stream of water running thro' the land, sufficient for a saw-mill; also a good seat for the same—plenty of the bsst white pine, and all sorts of the best quality of other timber—thereon erected a dwell ing house 22 by 18 feet, with a small kitch en, and a barn 42 by 25 Terms of sale made know nn day ofqsalo by • WRAY MAIZE. Aug. 21, 1844. Cheap Carpet Store (On the CASH plan,) Al No. 41 Strawberry street, Philadel'a. oo -.s9ssscasoo The Rent of the subscribers in their pre sent situation being very low, and their terms cam, they are enabled to sell at such Law prices that customers cannot fail to be satisfied, and they invite the people of 'dun tinge on county to call and examine their stock, as they offer an excellent assortment. Comprising : Beautiful Imperial, 3 ply, Superfine Ingrain, r Henry Venilian, F ine En g li s h Horded, do. j Plain Striped, do. rj With a large stock of well seasoned floor Oil Cloths, of all widths, for Rooms, Halls. Doorpieces, &c. Also, Furniture Oil Cloths. beautiful Hearth Rugs, Table Covers, Floor Baize Rag Carpets, Matting, &c.. &c.. together with a large stock of low priced Ingrain, Entry, and Stair Carpets, WHOLE ! SALE OR RETAIL, at the lowest prices in the city. ELDRIDGE & BROTHER. No 41 Strawberry Street, one door above Chesnut and 2nd street. Entrance also at No. 50 South second street. Philadelphia, Sept. 18, 1844. —MC PORTRAITS CLAY 4 riustiNceinnrszpr, For sale at this Wee. Qz. Com do'f'f all mire at owe.