Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 25, 1844, Image 1

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    A -1 ,1 - 1 J .1-:..- . ''-'-,
nctiotal to General iEntelligenct, abiierttotniv, Volttico, !Literature, gioratitg, allo t *delimi t 3griettlture, nintiorincnt, ,Sl*., kr.
vQ7coll. tor®v mu.
The '•Jouares" will be published every Wed
nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and if not paid within six months, $2 50.
No subscription received fora shorter period than
six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
roarages are paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be
inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
(V-7:1 - 3 , 2-: 1 ". - -
The undersigned approving of the plan re
commended by the Philadelphia Sabbath Associa
Lion, to hold County Sabbath Conventions through
out the State, in order that systematic measures
may be adopted to have the obligations to aoctify
the Sabbath enforced from the sacred desk, and by
the distribution of tracts on that subject, and believ
ing that a meeting for that purpose should ho held
in this County at no distant period, do invite their
fellow citizens to attend in Convention at Wonting.
don on Wednesday the 25th day of September
next, at I o'clock, P. M. And they invite all reli
gions societies throughout the county to send dele-
to all the friends of the
and adjacent country to
Jacob Miller,
Joseph Feay,
Henry Reigart,
Cleo. W. Smith,
W. C. M'Cormick,
j C. H. Miller,
— gallons. And also invil
cause within the county
meet with them on that
John Peebles,
Henry Furlong,
shamuel Sharer,
Samuel Royer,
John Brewster,
Geo. Schmucker,
John Reed,
James Gwin
Joseph Adams
Samuel S. Barton,
Robert Cmmings.
John Penn Jones,
Henry G. Dill,
Jonathan 111 Williams,
NOTICE.—At a meeting of the Trustees of
"Iox," held on the 19th ult., the following resolu
tion, of which all persons interested are desired
to take notice, was adopted:
Resolved, That the subscribers for the erection of
the new church building, who have not already
made full payment, be and they are hereby required
to pep the remaining portion of their respective
aubscriptions,on or before the 16th of October next.
Sept. 11, 1844
ING OF VESSELS, B(C.—W right's Indian Ve
getable Pills are certain to prevent the at
hove dreadful consequences, because they
purge from the body those morbid humors
which, when floating in the general circu
lation, are the cause of a determination or
rush of blood to the head, a pressure upon
the brain, and other dreadful results.—
From two to six of said Indian Vegetable
Pills, taken every night, on going to bed,
will in a short time so completely cleanse
the body from every thing that is opposed •
to health that sudden death, apoplexy,
bursting of blood vessels, or indeed any mal
ady, will be in a manner impossible.
Wright's Vegetable' Indian Pills also aid
and improve digeston, and purify the blood
and therefore give health and vigor to the
whole frame, RS well as drive disease of
every name from the body.
Beware of Counterfeits.—The public are
cautioned against the many spurious medi
cures which in order to deceive are made
in outward appearance, closely to resem
ble the above wonderful Pills.
OBSERVE.—Purchase only of the adver
tised agents, or at the office of the Gener
al Depot, No. 169 Race street, Philadel
phia, awl be particular to ask fur WRIGHT'
Indian Vegetable Pills.
The genuine medicines can be obtained
at the store of Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon.
William P. Erhardt's
No. 42 North Second street, Philadelphia,
The suhsctiber respectfully informs his
patrons and dealers generally, that he has
removed his Cap Manufactory, to the upper
part of the building, No. 42 N. Second
street, below Arch, (entrance through the
store,) where he manufactures Caps of
every description and pattern, of the best
materials and workmanship. Having a
large assortment of C aps always en hand,
orders can be supplied at short notice.
August 21,1844.-2 mo.
ASSESSORS' NancE.--The Asses
sors of the several townships in Huntingdon
county will take notice that, oil
Moiiday, the 30th day of September,
they are required by law, to return to the
County Commissioners, one duly certified
and signed copy of the list of names and
surnames of the white freemen and qualifi
ed voters, residing in their respective town
ships and election districts ' • a duplicate of
such list they shall hold and hand over with
out alteration or addition, to one of the In
spectors of the election of their proper elec
tion district, on or before eiglito'clock in the
morning of the second Tuesday of October.
Where any township has been divided in
forming an election district, or part of an
election district, said assessors shall make
nut, certify, sign, and deliver, duplicate lists
as aforesaid, of ;he white freemen and qual
ified voters residing within each part of such
divided township.
The assessors are requested to make re
3urn •of their respective lists, either person
ally or by some of their imme diate neighbors,
so that the necessary election papers can be
forwarded by them to the proper election
officers of the several districts.
BY order of the Commissioners,
Sept. 11, 1844
zp 1-Wl-:-) LiEraa. Sliteb„ aE:34142.
signed, auditor appointed by the Court of
i;ainmon Pleas of Huntingdon county, to
apporpriate the money arising from the
Sheriff's Sale of the real estate ofJno. Span
ogle, Jr., hereby gives notice to all persons
interested that lie will attend for that pur
pose at his office, in Huntingdon, on Friday
the 25th October next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.
Sept. 18, 1844
signed, appointed auditor by the Court of
Common Pleas of Huntingdon county, to ap
prnpri ite the moneys arising from the Sher
iff's sale t!if the real estate of Robert Lowry,
deceased, hereby gives notice to all persons
interested, that he will attend fur that pur
pose at his office in Huntingdon, on Friday
the 25th October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
Sept. 18, 1844.
signed, auditor appointed by the court of
common pleas of Huntingdon county, to ap
propriate the moneys arising from the Sher
-Iff 's sale of the real estate of Samuel S. Bar
ton, hereby gives notice to all persons inter
vsred. that he will attend for that purpose at
his office, in Huntingdon, on Friday the 25th
day of October next at 1 o'clock, P. M.
Sept. 19,1844. auditor.
signed, auditor appointed by the court of
common pleas cf Huntingdon comity, to ap
propriate the moneys arising from the Sher
iff 's sale of the real estate ct - Kneedler,
hereby gives notice to all persons interested,
that he will attend for that purpose at his
office in Huntingdon, on Friday the 25th of
October next, at 1 o'clock, P. M.
Sept. 18, 1844.
signed, auditor appointed by the court of
common pleas of Huntingdon minty, to
make distribution of the assets in the hands
of Randal Alexander, Fsq. and Nathan
Rickets, assignees of David W. Rickets,
hereby gives notice to creditors and all in
terested in said distribution, that he will at•
tend for Ow t purpose at his office in Hunt
ingdon, on Friday the 25th October next, at
1 o'clock, P. M.
Sept. 18, 1844. auditor.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.---Take notice,
that the undersigned auditor appointed by the
Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, to
distribute the assets of the estate of John
Cloy& late of Cromwell township, det'd.,
in the hands of David Burket, his adminis
trator, will for that put pose attend at his
office in Huntingdon on Friday, the 4th of
October next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., when
and where all persons having claims against
said estate will present them, or be forever
debarred from coming in upon said fund.
GEO. I'AYLOR, Auditor.
September 11, 1844.
AUDITOR'S NOTICE.--Take notice,
that the undersigned auditor, appointed by
the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county,
to distribute the assets of the estate of Levi
Westbrook, late of Walker township, dec'd.
In the hands of his Executor, will for that
purpose attend at his office in Huntingdon,
on Friday the 4th day of October next, at
10 o'clock, A. M., when and where all per
sons having claims against said estate wil I
present them, or be forever debarred from
coming in upon said fund.
Sept. 11, 1844. Auditor.
AUDITORS' NOTlCE.—Notice is here
by given to all persons, that the subscribers
have been appointed by the Orphans' Court
of Huntingdon county, Auditors to a ppor
tinn nod distribute the real and personal es•
tate of Peter Swoope, late of the borough
of Huntingdon, in the county uf Hunting
don, dec'd. ,to and among his heirs, lega
tees, &c., agreeably to his last will and tes
tament ; and that they, the said auditors,
will, on the 11th day of October next, meet
at the office of George Taylor, Esq., in the
borough of Huntingdon, to perform the du
ties assigned to them, when and where all
persons interested may attend if they think
Aug. 28, 1844. Auditors.
notice that the members of the lot
Presbyterian Church of the borough of
Hollidaysburg, by petition at August Term,
last, of the Court of Common Pleas of Hun
tingdon county, have made application for
a Charter of Incorporation for said church ;
and if no sufficient cause is shown to the
contrary, the said court will. on the second
Monday of November next. decree a charter
of Incorporation to the said church.
JAMES STEEL, Proth'y .
Proth'ys. Office, Hunt
Sept. 11, 1844. 5
Pamphlet Laws.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Pamphlet
Laws of the late Session of the Legislature
have com 2 to hand and ate ready for distri•
bution to and among those entitled to re
ceive them. J AMES STEEL, Proty.
August 14, 1844.—5 t.
, 9 5- J EGS to inform the inhabitants of Hun
tingdon and its vicinity, that he has
commenced the business of light and heavy
wagon making, and every kind at vehicle re
pairing. Having learnt his trade in England,
he is prepared to furnish either the English
or American style of wagons, and hopes by.
diligence and attention to merit a share of
public patronage.
N. B. Shop near to Mr. J. Houck's black
,smith shop.
Huntihgdon, April 19,1843.-1 y.
a One country, one constitution, one destiny.
I=S Stu nt aria oda cri) me
Wednesday morning, Sept. 25, '44.
"Once more our glorious Banner out
Upon the breeze we throw;
Beneath its folds, with song and shout,
Let's charge upon the foe!"
HENRY CLAY , [Of Kentucky.)
[Of New Jersey.]
Senatorial Electors.
!ice Electors.
13. Henry Drinker,
14. Ncr Middleswarth,
15. Frederick Watts,
16. Daniel M. Smyser,
117. James Mothers,
18. Andrew J. Ogle,
19. Dan'l Washabaugh,
120. John L. Gow,
21. And'w. W. Loomis,
22. James M. Power,
23. William A. Irvin,
24. Benj. Hartshorn,
Joseph G. Clarkson,
John P. Wetherill,
John D. Ninesteel,
John S. Litton,
E. T. M'Dowell,
Benjamin Frick,
Samuel Shafer,
William Heister,
John S. Mister,
John Ki'linger,
Alex. E. Brown,
Joh' than J. Slocum,
General 30S1111
Westmoreland County.]
[Of Lebanon County.]
Sohn Blanchard, of Centre County.
John Morrison, of Huntingdon County.
Henry Brewster, of Shirley,
R. a. BVBffurtrie, of Hollidaysburg.
Cohn Armitage, of Huntingdon,
Sohn I'. Dinner, of Huntingdon.
William Caldwell, of Tyrone.
The "Young Hickory," published at the office
of the Spectator, Washington, of the 24th Aug.
copies an article from the New York Plebian, which
Whet more do the Tariff democrats Want to
convince them of the hostility of the Locofocos to
the Protective system?
Movement in Madison Co.
John G. Curtis, Ralph .1. Gates, and One Then
deed and three other life-long suppoiters of the
Democratic" party, (so calling itself,) have issued
a manifesto in which they are compelled, since the
defeat of Van Buren at Baltimore and the adoption
of Polk and Texas, to abandon their party or their
principles, and they choose the latter.
Mr. Polk is NOT for Protection
The United States Gazette of the 17th says :
We think that we must, yesterday, have received a
copy of that edition of the Globe intended for the
south, as the leading editorial is one of the coarsest
and harshest assaults upon the tariff that we have
seen for some days. The Globe is getting ram
bunctious, and raves like a real eoaplock against
Mr. Clay, and the protective system. It would be
well if our friends in Pennsylvania could procure
copies of this edition, of the Globe, and circulate
them among that class of people who aro deceived
with the cry, "Polk is as much a protective tariff
man as Henry Clay."
We copy a part of the Globe article, for the ben
efit of those of our readers as have been led away
by that wicked deception :
" Upon this principle Mr. Clay now again plants
himself. Such overgrown capitalists as Abbot
Lawrence, Appleton, and others, must be protected
by a high tariff in adding immense accumulations
to the large fortunes made under a low tariff. Poor
men! they must be protected, by increasing the tax
on every thread in the garments of every laborer
who sweats in the fields or workshops of the coun
try. For them, Sir Robert Peel's maxim is revers
ed. They must buy in the cheapest, and sell in
dearest market.—The vast agricultural products of
the continent must find a home market in the glut
ted vicinage of the New England factories. By
limiting foreign imports, our exports to the foreign
and wider markets of the world are limited in pro
portion ; and while the American farmer is com
pelled by the impost to pey a higher price for the
manufactures he consumes, his confined home mar
ket compels him to sell his products at lower
rates. The protective tariff thus gives the capitalist,
for whose benefit it is imposed, a double monopoly
monopoly in selling his own wares, and a mo
nopoly in purchasing the agricultural product be
Let honest men look at ouch assertions from the
Globe, and then say whether Mr. Polk, or his lead
ing friends, aro for a protective twill:
cO-Would'nt Jake Shavetail make a pure and
incorruptible Legislator !
The Madisonian is amusing itself with some re
markable prophecies touching the Presidential Elec
tion. It gives Massachusetts to Mr. Clay, and the
rest of the States to Mr. Polk. A more learned ed
itor of a more accredited paper, viz: Mr. Ritchie,
in the Richmond Enquirer, made a very similar
prophecy in September, 1840, with reference to
General Ilarrison and Van Buren. The latter na
med gentleman was to receive nearly all the electo
ral votes. The prophecy had hardly reached the
different States, before history took cognizance of
the matter, and showed the difference between vatic
ination and facts.
The Madisonian thus concludes its article
"But finally, Mr. Tyler's withdrawal having uni
ted on Polk and Dallas each and every element of
the party, the Whigs have nothing to do but to
hang their harps on the willows."
The elements have not combined, and though
they had, they could not compose a party to beat
Henry Clay. But how could the elements com
bine l In the south, and in some of the middle
States, Mr. Polk is sustained on the grounds of his
strong attachments to "immediate annexation."
That is the one thing needful in the slave States,
and that is what they go for. In New York, and
in the eastern States, a majority of the Locofoco
party are opposed to immediate annexation, and
hold opinions with Mr. Van Buren.—This does not
look much like uniting elements. In the south, and
in the city of New York, the Locos go for Mr. Polk,
because he is for very low duties on importation:.
a "free trade man;" yet the Locos of the middle
and New England States, a majority of them, are
for a protective tariff. And while the former are
denouncing all union with theprotectivee, the latter
are denouncing the "free traders.' Does this leak
like a union of elemental Perhaps the Madisonian
means that the party, having agreed to have no
principles, to be reckless and unprincipled, have
determined to unite their elements on Mr. Polk, as
a suitable head of such a party. We can only say,'
that any honest man would rather have the elements
of the thunder cloud poured out upon his head than
such a union. The union of the elements may
have taken place, but it does not include the ele
ments of success; and thus formed, cannot include
the principal portion of the Locofeco party. They
are too honest, too patriotic, to unite on the election
of • , .. 1 1 vilest: principles are adapted to every en
treat° or parry mews; who saTexas ono
protective and anti-protective, and whatever else
may delude a confiding people into a false vote.
Mr. Tyler's treason has done its worst—nay, it
had already, before finally exhibited. His dinner
table comsummation served as a beacon light (a
phosphorescent lumination from putrid decay,) to
warn off every voter.—U. S. Gazette.
Crow, Chapman, Crow:
In 1840, our readers will recollect, the locofocos
bragged loudly and constantly, previous to the elec
tions, by what immense majorities they should carry
the various States—New York by 25,000 (if we
remember rightly) and Pennsylvania by the same.
Wo will nut be satisfied with 15,000 majority in
this State, said Mr. Dallas—we will carry the Shea
by 25,000. But the State went for Harrison, and
so did New York.
And now the same game of brag is being played
by the same party. They crow every where and
claim every State, even Kentucky !—But instead of
this bragging being evidence of confidence, it is the
reverse; it shows that they are alarmed, and are en
deavoring to keep up thu courage of their party, and
frighten back to their ranks those who have loft
them, and are leaving them in disgust. Whigs, be
not alarmed by this bluster and gasconade—it is all
a rave. It is reported that a certain Captain was
at the Astor House, a day or two ago, and it wee
given out that he was ready to bet $100,000; but,
when several Whigs went to the Hotel where he
and his money had been heard of, he was not there.
We presume the order has been given to Chapman
to crow, and accordingly we hear a great deal of
chanticleering; but roosters sometimes mnko a
small mistake, and proclaim the approach of day,
even in a the very noon of night." We have not
observed that these Chapmans have showed confi
dence enough in their own rnedictions to take a
certain bet that some one has offered them, namely,
$250 that Mr. Cloy will get the vote of the State he
lives in; $250 that he will got the vote of the State
he was born in; $250 that Mr. Polk will not get
the vote of the State he lives in, and $260 that he
will not get the vote of the State he woo born in.
The Locos are bragging lustily that Polk will get
the vt3teri of Now York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania,
Delaware, Maryland, Virginia and Ohio! But not
one of these States will cast her electoral vote for
hiss—NOT ONE.—/b.
Gen. Markle at Pittsburg.
General Markle left Pittsburg on Wednesday, 1110
11th, on hie return homeward. The Daily Amer
ican, in noticing his departure says:
His visit to this city afforded the highest grati
fication to his friends. His fine soldierly appear
mace won all hearts, and his urbanity and dige; 1 8
of deportment, the respect of all political part/.::
Mr. Shunt( with other gentlemen of his pai„: 0 ),
waited upon him at his lodgings, and received fr.,,1 11 '
him a kind and friendly return to their greeting.
Gen. Markle's appearance among its has added
greatly to the enthusiasm in his favor. The Gen
eral is one of tho finest horsemen of his day, and
his appearance, as he passed through the stieets
on Monday evening, at the head of his delegation
of horsemen, excited a most lively and gratifying
From the Philadelphia Forum,
The Sub-Treasury System....
When, in May, 1843, Mr. Polk was asked by
several citizens of Tennessee, whether he was in
favor of the Sub-Treasury System, passed by Con
gress in 1840, and repealed in 1841, he replied:
"1 AM." This scheme was urged upon the at
tention of Congress by Mr. Van Buren, and one
of his arguments in its favor was that a similar
policy had been adopted by 22 despotic govern
ments! The following are the wages of labor in
eight of the despotisms referred to by Mr. Van
Buren :
France 20 cents per day.
Italy, 22 ..
Sweden, 15 .4
Bavaria, 15 4.
Germany, 12} . 1
Saxony, 10 41
South Holland, 7i
West Flanders, 2 ..
Mr. Buchanan, in his speech on the Sub-Treasu
ry bill, after stating that the foreign manufacturer
would not take our bank notes in payment, and
would take nothing but gold and silver, or bills of
exchange, which are equivalent, said:
"Sir, I solemnly believe that if we could but re
duce this inflated paper bubble to anything like
reasonable dimensions, New England would be
come the most prosperous manufacturing country
that the sun ever shone on. Why can not We
manufacture goods, and especially cotton goods,
which will go into successful competition with
British inanutactures in foreign markets? Have
we not the necessary capital? Have we not the in
dustry? Have we not the machinery I And,
above all, are not our skill, energy and enterprise,
proverbial throughout the wotld I Land is also
cheaper here than in any other country on the face
of the earth. We possess every advantage which
Providence can bestow on us for the manufacture
of cotton ; but they are all counteracted by the fol
ly of man. Tho raw material costs us lees than it
does the English, because this is an article, the
price of which depends upon foreign markets, and
is trot regulated by our own inflated currency.—
We, therefore, save the freight of the cotton across
the Atlantic, and that of the manufactured article
on its return here. What is the reason, that with
all these advantages. and with the protective duties
which our laws afford to the domestic manufac
turer of cotton, we cannot obtain exclusive posses
sion of the home market, and successfully contend
f,i3; " ricarrur s attreatainrchhinal
inflated currency, and are compelled to sell at the
prices of other nations. I:..lteduce our nominal
to the real standard of prices throughout the
world, and you cover our country with blessings
and benefits I wish to heaven I could speak in a
voice loud enough to be heard throughout New
England ; because if the attention of the manuftic
turers could once he directed to the subject. their
own intelligence and native sagacity would teach
theirs how injuriously they are affected by our
bloated banking and credit system, and would en
1 1
them to apply the proper corrective."
Do our workingmen desire their wager, reduced
to the standard of the countries quoted above ? If
so, they will support Polk, who is in favor of the
Sub-Treasury scheme, and opposed to protection.
Their wages once reduced, they may toil and
sweat for years before they can get back to a living
standard. And understanding this, they will
scarcely be found pursuing such a suicidal course.
The Locofoco papers inform us that Mr. Buchan
an is about to " take the stump" in this State for
Polk,•Dullas and Shunk. Will Ire in his speeches
repeat the extract above quoted ? He cannot con
scientiously say that it is not a correct copy, for it
is on record. Will he, then, when he comes before
the people of Pennsylvania, honeatly acknowledge
that it is his policy to reduce the wages of our
laborers? This effect would most assuredly he
produced by the establishment of the Sub-Treasury
System and the repeal of the Tariff, and for this
reason the capitalists of England have sent their
money here for the purpose of publishing Free
Trade Tracts, and thus promoting the election of
James K. Polk! Both the Free Trade and Sub-
Treasury schemes are calculated to advance the in
terests of the Btitish Manufacturers! They care
nothing about our institutions, the welfare of our
people, or the prosperity of our country; and they
know that the reduction : of wages here, and
the repeal of the Tariff, depend upon the success
of the Locofoco party. They would rejoice to see
our honest and enterprising workingmen placed on
a level with their pauper laborers, because such an
event would secure to them a market on our shores
for their fabrics I
Polk and his party are Well aware that they can
not succeed upon the merits of their measures, for
when understood, they are as obnoxious to the
people, as they are ruinous to the country; and
therefore, they are very willing to receive the aid
of their foreign allies. Which then, we would ask ,
Can any one who is acquainted with the facts,
doubt that this movement on the part of the free
trade Imes and their British allies, is fraught with
(langu r , to our country and our people? What!
1„„1 , i . workingmen of this country submit to be
lilt Dist tY a few deinagoguea who have at their
ship, Ht Wards of HALF A MILLION OF 'JOLLA.
. . . - .
te w nsl ii GOLD We think not. Let them
t 4. Aiyi‘ uely upon this subject. Tho result of
e....ection is of vital importance to them;—
it will decide their fete for weal or for woe ! Let
them reflect upon it, we say; and if they world
secure a continuance of their present prosperity,
they will vote for the champion of Protection, and
1 the opponent of the Sub-Treasury—Ha:my CLAY.
'IID, CID D. CID: 'cttiv 41 3v
Great Mass Meeting in Pittsburg---
G•cn. arkle's Speech.
We copy the following from the Pittsburg
American of the 11th inst:
This exciting event came off yesterday sad well
may our Whig friends be proud of this display of
their zeal on this occasion, and of the cause which
brought them together. It is useless to attempt Any
estimate of the numbers in such a gathering of
people. The streets were everywhere i immed with
peoplb and formed a living nines of moving matter.
On Monday, about 5 o'clock, the central delega
tion from Westmoreland reached the city in car
riages and on horseback. At the head of this dele
gation, was proudly placed their distinguished fellow
citizen and neighbor, GENERAL MAnio.c.—He
arrived at East Liberty in a carriage, having been
escorted from Turtle creek by Capt. Sahl with his
company of dragoons. At East Liberty he wzri
met by an interesting band—those who remained
of his fellow soldiers at Mississinewa and Fort
Wigs, commanded on the occasion by Maj. John
Willock., on horseback, by whom he was addressed
as follows:
In the name and in behalf . of the sur
viving soldiers of the last war present, and assem
bled in Pittsburg, I am here, by appointment, to
meet you and escort you to our city.
I am accompanied on this occasion, by some of
our citizen soldiers, who belong to that arm of the
service, in which you were yourself distinguished
in the field, and who feel that you are entitled to
this mark of respect from them, without reference
to party.
Allow, me, General, in the name of your fellow
soldiers to give you hearty welcome, and to accom
pany you to where a vast assemblage of your
friends are mustering to greet your arrival, in a
manner due to a true patriot and gallant soldier,
who risked his life and fortune for Ilia country."
To which General Markle replied in the following
feeling and touching manner:
I am truly happy to be met, in
this friendly way, by my old fellow soldiers.
I feel much flavored by the kind expressions
with which you have been pleased to welcome mo
—coming as they do, from those who served with
me with so much credit to themselves and honor to
I recognise in you, gentlemen, a remnant of that
bro.' hand, the Pittsburg Blues, who thirty-two
years ago, on this very road, near this spot, met and
escorted my company to your city, on our march
to the enemy.
scene of tuiget Army . ' 'TtiliglfirEatde.ila inny
last Butler.
Some of sty own company are again here. The
sons 'of those members of it, who were slaM in battle
accompany me an this occasion.
Permit me to thank the citizen soldiers, who have
turned out to meet and escort me. And I assure
you, Major Willock, that I inn glad to meet you
and so many of my old acquaintances in good health
and spirits. '
The General then mounted an horseback, and
amidst his old comrades rode into the city attended
by a number of citizens on horse-back preceding the
long lino of Westmoreland Whigs, with their va
rious banners. These made a tine and noble ap
pearance, as they moved along in wagon., pleasure
carriages and on horseback with their splendid flap
and banners. One delegation bore a well executed
portrait of Gen. Markle. The South Huntingdon
delegation bore a transparency inscribed Markle'.
neighbors,' and numbered 300 strong. The Se
wieldy delegation carried a banner with the inscrip
tion "The Sewickly Whigs—the Gibraltar of
Westmoreland, always right." On the reverse was
a design indicating Polk's opposition to a Tariff on
wool. Another township had a white transparency,
Markle routed the Delawares in 1912, and will
, route the Kickapoos in 1814." Various other ban
ners were borne by this noble delegation. They
set out with a determination to deserve the banner,
and they won it, and perhaps no price was ever won
to the more general—we may say universal satis
faction of all the competitors.
Do the Whigs know
That the election of President is to ha decided on
the 2nd Tuesday of October
Do they know that the election of Gen. Markle
is necessary to secure the election of Mr. Clay I
Do they know that all the efforts of the Loco
feces are bent to secure the election of Mr. Shunk
Do they know that the Locofocos are endeavor
ing to secure the election of their candidate for
Governor by bargaining for votes—by promising to
vote for Mr. Clay at the Presidential election, pro
vided the friends of Clay will vote for Shank
Do they know that this scheme is extensively
put into operation, and unless properly met and
exposed, may do much harm I
Do they see the importance of bringing the lo
cal and state questions before the people, !to fully
arouse them for tho Slate Contest on the 2nd
Tuesday of October? _ _
We hope that every Witig, and every friend of
Mr. Clay will see the importance of his own vote
and of carrying the State by a decided majority on
the 2nd Tuesday of October.
We hope they will hear it in mind that they are
a majority of the citizens of Pennsylvania, and
that they can, if they will, carry the State for Gov
ernor and Legislature by a triumphant election;
end that if they do not, in all probability their et;
forts aftertimes wilt be in vain.
`j Hon. John Quincy Adams has been unani
mously re-nominated as a candidate tot Congrese,
by the Whip of the Eighth Dietrict, Massschu
eetts. •