Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, September 18, 1844, Image 4

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Mumma sxzesicrouaaaacipe
Fir cleaning Wheat and other kinds of Grain.
RUHR subscriber having purchased from
441, Willian C. Grimes, of York, Pa., sole
MACHINE, the exclusive right of said Ma
chines in Huntingdon county, takes this me
thod of recommenclingafresh said Machines
to the citizens of Huntingdon county.
The following CERTIFICATES have
been furnished to the subscriber by well
known millers, and are now laid before the
Mr. Grimes' Smut Machine.
Tuts is to certify that I have been using
one of Mr. Grimes' patent Smut Machines
for a few weeks past, and consider it ;judg
ing only from what 1 have seen of it during
laid few weeks) the best Smut Machine in
the country, as it cleans the grain without
any I iss or waste of it. The above machine
was put in operation in the mill by Mr: Geo.
Huntingdon Mill, July 10, 1844.
Huntingdon County, Pa.
July 2. 1844. Canoe Creek Mills.
Hartau in air mill one of Grimes' Pat
ent Smut Machines, and having used the
same for five months past, we certify that it
Is decidedly superior to any other kind of
machines intended for the same purpose of
which we have any knowledge, without the
use of a fan. It thoroughly cleanses the
wheat of all Smut, white caps, dust, &c.,
without waste a grain. We recommend
It to millers as a machine well worthy their
attention, and one which will moat fully
answer their most favorable expectations.
Bawd miller for a number of years I
have had the opportunity of trying several
kind of Smut Machines but have never found
any that would cleanse wheat so well with
as little waste as Grimes' Patent Smut Ma
thole. I have used it for a year or more
and have not discovered that it is wearing
any and runs very easy.
aeon's, Furnace Mill, June 28, 1844.
Morrison" Cove, July 6, 1844.
all'ats is to certify, that we have been using
Grimes' Patent Smut Machine for sometime
and find it to be far superior to Young's M
a-chine as it thoroughly cleanses the wisest of
smut wheat, not only of smut, but also all
other dirt and impureties, without any waste
of wheat whatever. We had Young's Ma
chine in use three years and had ample time
to try it fairly, and we unhesitatingly de
Blare it as our opinion that its construction
Is not on the principle of cleaning smut
wheat as it loses too much wheat and won't
clean smutty wheat; but in some cases
when any quantity run through appeared to
make it worse. We cheerfully reccommend
Grimes' Machine to millers as a perfect
Smut Machine.
(John Nichodemus' Mill.)
All orders addressed to the subscriber a
Gettysburg, Adams county, Pa., will be
punctually attended to.
July 24, 1844.—1m0. id.-
trall E subscriber will offer for sale, at
sla pdblic vendue, on the premises, on
Saturday she 19th day of October next, a
splendid farm situate in the township' of
Totter in Huntingdon county, containing
8133241) ata. cog. cs,
of limestone laud, about 200 acres of which
is cleared, with a large two storied stone
house, with a basement story, and a stone
kitchen; a stone barn 70 by 42 teet; and oth
tr necessary out bnildings thereon erected;
also two excellent apple orchards.
The above described farm is about half
way betweon the borough of Petersburg aid
Alexandria, and is bounded on the one side
by the Juniata River, and in sight of the
Pecnsylvania Canal.
Persons wishing further information may
address letters to the subscriber, postage paid
and they will be attended to.
Aug. 21, 1844.—t5.
STRAY.—Came to the premises of the
subscriber, in Sinking Valley, about the 10th
inst., a red and white steer, supposed to be
about two years old. The owner is reques
ted to come forward, prove property, pay
charges and take him away—otherwise he
will be disposed of as the law directs.
September 4, 1844.
Lcite of eat townep, Huntingdon coun
ty, deceased.
ire OTIC E is hereby given, that letters
ws testamentary upon the said estate have
been granted to the undersigned. AU per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the same are re
quested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement, to
September 4, 1844.
COURT MARTIAL.—A general Court
Martial will be held at the house of Wm.
Brothers, in Cassville, on Saturday the 28th
day of September, for the trial of Captain
Samuel Kriger, of the Bth company, 2nd
Batalion, 149th Regiment, P. M., and such
others as may be brought before it.
The Court will consist of Maj. Thomas
Reese, 151st Regm't.; Lieut. Col. Nicholas
Clrbia, Maj. Simon P. Mel'y, Maj. Joshua
Greenland, 149th Regiment ; L. Col, Jim.
G. Stewart, 624 Reg't ; Col. Adam Keith,
FrederickC. Burket, 29th Regiment.
Col. R. A. M'Murtne, .131st Regimen'
Judge Advocate.
"'By order of S. Miles Green,
Brig. Gen. 2nd Brigade.lOth D. P. M,
September 4, 1844. Aid-de-Camp.
FARM FOR SALE-- The subscriber
will stll by private contract that valuable
tract of land, containing 155 acres, with the
usual allowance, situate in West township,
about three quarters of a mile above Mr.
John Neff 's Mill, on the I ittse Juniata river.
This land is of the best quality, well water •
ed and well improved, ai:d id within miles
of the Juniata Can•tl. _
Any person wisiinig to procure a desirab le
situation will please call on Mr. Benjamin
Brubaker, who will show the property,
make known terms, &c.
Augast 23, 1844.-31.
UZI.IM S - - e.`'W'sAl..
THE subscribers have removed their
Watch and Jewelry Store from No. 92
Market street, to
above Third, opposite Sanderson's Franklin
House, Philadelphia, where they have
opened an assortment of rich goods_ consis-
ting of Fine Patent Lever, and other W atch
es. of their own importation, Siver Spoons,
Fmk., &c., of their own make, Fine Brace
lets, Breast Pins, Rings, Guard and Fob
Chains, Miniature Cases, Gold Pencils,
Diamond pointed Pens, Fine Pen Knives,
Silver Suspender Buckles and Chains, Pia
te:l Castors, Cake Baskets, Candle Sticks,
Tea Seta, &c., &c.
&WaiCliesTrd Clocks repaired.
J. & W. L. WARD,
106 Chesnut street, opposite Sanderson's
Franklin House.
Philadelphia, Aug. 21, 1844.-2 mo.
Cunningham di Burchinell
ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens
4.24 of the borough and county of Hunting
don, the public generally, and their old
friends and customers in particular, that
they continue to carry on busines in their
new establisment, one dons east of the
north eastern corner of the DiamOnd in said
borough, where they are repeat* to sell,
wholesale and retail, all articles in their
line of business; such as
Sideboards, Seeretaies, So
(as, Settees, Bureaus,
workstands, card, pier, afihv
dining and breakfast tables;
High, Field, French, amt Low root
ALSO—Every variety of
Z1":1 Un al ft Er 4,50 a
uch as Rush • seat, Cane•seat, Balb, Ben,
Baltimore, Struight•back, Boston patter n
4. Common Rocking Chairs, together with
77M1.0att2 &Ea MIIIME)00
of all colors, qualities and sizes; and Paper
Hanging of various patterns and qualities
N. B. Coffins made and funerals attend
ed either in town or country, at the shortest
notice. They keep a splendid HEARSE
for the accommodation of their customers.
Nov. 29, 1843.
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.
vOuLD most respectfully inform the
citizens of this county, the public
generally, and his old friends and customers
in particular, that he has leased for a term
of years, that large and commodious building
on the %Vest end of the Diamond, in the bo
iough of Huntingdon, formerly kept by An
drew H. Hirst, which he has opened and
furnished as a Public House, where every
attention that will minister to the comfort
and convbnience of guests will always be
laL3ti23 Klbelll2o aMis
will at all times be abundantly supplied with
the best tube had in the country.
Zilass csaLv.
will be furnished with the best of Liquors,
is the very best in the borough, and will
always be attended by the most trusty, at
tentive and experienced ostlers.
Mr. Couts pledges himself to make every
exertion to render the Franklin House" a
home to all who may favor him with a call.
Thankful to his old customers forpast favors,
he respectfully solicits a continuanceof their
Boarders, by the year, month, or week,
will be taken on reasonable terms.
Huntingdon, Nov. 8. 1843.
S. Hearsley Henderson,
Hu►ntiugdon, Pa.
Office on Main street, one door West of William
Dorris' Store.
Huntingdon, June 12, 1844
Office in Main &reel, two doors East
Mrs. McConnell's Temperance House.
J. S
4111170 I!, AT vx ,
Office in Main street, three doors west
of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry establishment.
February 14, 1848.--tl.
THE undersigned would re
1141W, specttully inform the public
that he has commenced tha
Saddle & Harness
making business in all its various branches,
in Market street, Huntingdon, 3 doors west
of Buoy's Jewelry Establishment, where he
is prepared to accommodate all who may
favor him with their custom. He will keep
coneiantly on hand SADDLES. BRIDLES,
By strict attention to business, he hopes to
receive a liberal share of public patronage.
J' All kinds of grain, pork, and hides
taken in exchange fog wou k.
Huntingdon, July 24, 1844.
Attends to practice in the Orphans' Court
Stating Administration accounts,Scriveniog.
&c..—Office in Hill street, 3 doors East of
T. Read's Drug Store.
Feb. 28, 1844.'
LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay
IMO of Execution, under the new law, just
printed, and for sale, at this office.
IlilAS removed to liuntingdon, with the
intension of making it the place of his future
residence, and will attend to such legal busi
ness as may be entrusted to bin'.
Dec. 20, 1843,
Rates of Discount in Philadelphia.
Banks in Philadelphia.
Bank of North America - p a r
Wink of the Northern Liberties - par
Bank of Penn Township - p a r
Commercial Bank of Penn'a. par
Farmers' & Mechanics' bank - - par
Kensington bank - - - par
Schuylkill bank - - - - par
Mechanics' bank • - - - par
Philadelphia bank - - par
Southwark bank - - • par
Western bank - - - par
Moyamensing hank - - - par
Manufacturers' and Mechanics' bank pan•
Bank of Pennsylvania - - - par
Girard bank - - 10
Bank of the United States - 22
Country ranks.
Bank of Chester co. Westchester par
Bank of Delaware co. Chester par
Bank of Germantown Germantown par
Bank of Montg'ry co. Norristown par
Doylestown bank Doylestown par
Easton Bank Eaton
_ s par
Farmers' bk of Bucks co. Bristol par
Bank of Northumberrd Northumberland par
Honesdale bank Honesdale I+
Farmers' bk of Lanc. Lancaster li
Lancaster bank Lancaster 4
Lancaster county bank. Lancaster i
Bank of Pittsburg Pittsburg i
Merch'ts' & Manuf. bk. Pittsburg i
Exchange bank Pittsburg i
Do. do. branch of Hollidaysburg i
Col'a bk & bridge co. Columbia i
Franklin bank Washington 1i
Monongahela bk of B. Brownsville if
Farmers' bk ut Reading Reading i
Lebanon bank Lebanon 1
Bank of Middletown Middletown 1
Carlisle bank Carlisle 1
Erie bank Erie 3
Bank of Chambersburg Chambersburg 1
Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 1
York bank York 1
Harrisburg bank Harrisburg 1
Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville
Bank of Susquehanna co. Montrose 35
Farmers' & Drovers' bk Waynesborougli 3
Bat.k of Lewistown Lewistown 2
Wyoming bank Wilkesbarre 2
Northampton bank Allentown no sale
Berks county bank Reading no sale
West Branch bark Williamsport 7
Towanda bank Towanda no sale
Rates of Relief Notes.
Northern Liberties, Delaware County,Far
mers' Bat.k of Bucks, Germantown par
All others - - - - - 2
•• • •
A. 31711211A1701t,
f It OULD most respectfully inform the
4 - citizens of Huntingdon, and the
public in general, that he has commenced
the saddle and harness making business in
all its various branches, in the shop former
ly occupied by Alex. M'Allister, dec'd.,
one door east of the "Pioneer Stage Stable"
and directly opposite Houck's blacksmith
shop, where he is prepared to accommodate
all who may favor him with their patronage.
He will constantly keep on hand
Harness, Saddles, Bridles,
Collars. &c. _ _ .
_..... ... .. ---.
Repairing done on the shortest notice and
most reasonable terms. . . . .
By a strict attention to business he hopes
to receive a liberal share of work.
Huntingdon,May 8, 1844.
wzo uauca) .
(Above 6th Street)
SrHE subscriber, thankful for the liberal
support of his friends and the public
generally, respectfully informs them that he
still continues at the old established house,
where he will be pleased to accommodate
allthose who favor him with thei r patronage.
Dec. 14, 1842.—tf.
Carriage Manufactory
typUS t. respectfully informs!the citizens
411.1 of the borough and county of Hunting
don, the public generally, and his old friends
and customers in particuiar. that he still
continues the
Coach Making Business
in all its various branches at his old stand,in
Main street in the borough of Huntingdon,
nearly opposite the 'Journal' printing office,
where he has constantly on hand every
description of •
Coaches, Carriages,
zr,r.,04 ems. u
Bu.ies Sleighs
which he will sell low for cash or on reason
able terms.
All kinds of woi k in his line made to or
der, on the shortest notice, in a
And all kinds of repairing done with neat
less and despatch.
Country produce will be taken in exchange
for work.
Any persons wishing to purchase are re
spectfully invited to call end examine and
udge fur themselves.
Huntingdon Nov. 29, 1843,
A first rate Buggy, nearly new ; also a
Horse, seven or eight years old, well cal
culated for saddle or harness; also a com
plete set of Harness. The Buggy and Har
ness will be sold separate, or with the Horse,
to suit the purchaser or purchasers. The
whole will be sold low for cash, or on credit,
with approved security.
Apply at this office.
We are requested by JACOB WEIGHT,
of Morris township, to announce him as a
candidate for the office of
of Huntingdon county. He promises to
discharge the duties of the office with fidel
ity, if cli cted.
Aug. 21, 1844.—tf.
To Purchasers—Gsearea.ten
THE undersigned agent of the Pattentee,
of the Stove, " The Queen of the Mat,"
unJerstanding that the owners, or those
concerned fur them, of other and different
patent Cooking Stoves, have threatened to
bring suit against all who purchase and use
—The Queen of the West." Now this is
to inform all and every person who sisal
purchase and use said Stove that he will inl
demnify them from all costs or damage, from
any and all suits, brought by c titer Paten
tees, or their agents, for any infrmgment of
their patents. He gives this notice so that
persons need not be under any fears because
they have, while consulting their own inter
ests and convenience, secured the superior
advantages of this " Queen" not only of the
West, but of the East.
July 24, 1844,
Cal al) cm. ata Ea 0 , 7 %lct) WCtiop
For sale by 1. GItAI?IUS & SUN, Alex
andria, Huntingdon county, Pa.,
cheap for cash or country
produce at the
market price.
The " Queen or the West" is an im
provement on Hathaway's celebrated
Hot Air Stove. There has never yet ap
rpeaed any plan of a Cooking Stove that
possesses the advantages that this one
has. A touch less quantity of fuel is re
quired for any amount of cooking or ba
king by this stove than by any other.
Persons are requested to call and see
before they purchase elsewhere.
July 3, 1894.
JUL E 1.1.1 1)
L. 7 4 CE) urz -, ...T z - D Ls.?.. "..e 8
iffaESPECTFULLY inform the citizens
414 of Huntingdon county, and the public
generally, that they continue to cony on
Copper, Tin and Sheet•uron Buainees
in all its branches, in Alexandria, where
they manufacture and constai•tly keep on
hand every desci iption of ware in their line;
such as
New and Splendid Wood Stoves,
22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches long.
New Cooking Stoves of all kinds, and
Also four sizes of Coal Stoves
AI l kinds of castings done, for Forges, Saw
mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG
WARE ; all of which is done in a workman
like manner.
Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller, Pr
serving, and Ma Kettles,
.for sale,
. _
wholesale and retail.
Persons favoring this establishment with
their custcm may depend on having their
orders executed with fidelity and despatch.
Old metal. copper, brass and pewter ta
ken in exchange. Also wheat, rye, corn
and oats taken at market price.
Alexandria, July 3. 1844.
NOTICE.—The subscriber respectfully
requests all persons indebted to him for
work done at the old establishment, pre
vious to the Ist of November last, to call and
settle their accounts without delay.
July 3, 1844.
itodttialle ffounbrv.
THE subscriber would respectfully inform
the citizens of Huntingdon and the adjoin•
ing counties, that he still continues to car
ry on business at the Rockdale Foundry, on
Clover Creek, two miles from Williams
burg, where he is prepared to execute all
orders in his line, of the best materials and
workmanship, and with promptness and de
He will keep constantly on hand stoves of
every description, such us
Cooking, Ten Plate,
s . eovEi4 -
LIVINGSTON iikiirCUlS, Anvils,
nammt rs, Hollow Ware, and every kind of
castings necessary for forges, mills or ma
chinery of any description ; wagon boxes of
all descriptions, &e., which can be had un
as good terms as they can be had at any
other foundry in the county or state.
Remember the Rockiale Foundry.
July 17, 1844.-ti.
lor 7 s .Notice.
The undersigned Auditor appointed by
the Orphans' Court of Huntingoon county,
to marshal the assets in the hands of Eliza
beth M'Lain and William M'Lain, Jr.,Ad
ministrators of Eli M'Lain, late of üblin
township, dec'd., wij attend for that pur
pose at his office in Lublin township, on
Saturday the 21st doy of September next.—
All persons having claims against the estate
of the Eli M'Lain, dec'd., are required
to present them to me on said day, or be
debarred thereafter from coming in fur any
share of such assets.
Aug. 21, 1844.
Estate of Chas. 111'Murtrie,
[Late of Franklin township, deceased.]
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the said estate •Nive been
granted to the undersigned. All I)ersons
having claims or demands against the same
are regoested to make them known
& lay, and all persons indebted to make im
mediate payment to
Aug. 14, 1844.-6 t. Petersburg Bar.
(Estate of William Fahs. dec'd.)
ALL persons indebted to the estate of
William Fiala, dec'd., late of the borough
of Huntingdon, are hereby notified that pay
ment must be made, to the subscribe], before
the 15th day of September next. All claims
unsatisfied at that time will be placed into
the hands a the proper officer, for collec
tion. THEO. H. CREMER.
August 14, 1844.—td. .9dm'r.
Job Printing.
Dr. Me'al's Life Pills
The perfectly safe, unerring and suc
cessful treatment of almost every speices
of disease by the use of Dr MOFFAT'S
LIFE MEDICINES, IS 110 longer an experi
ment ; as a reference to the experience of
many thousand patients will satisfactorily
prove. During the present month alone,
nearly onehundreil cases have come to the
knowledge of Dr. MOFFAT, where the pa
tient has to all appearance, effected a per.
matient cure by the exclusive and judicious
use of the Life Medicines—solve eight
or ten of these had been considered hope.
less by their physicians. Such happy re•
siiltsare a source of great pleasure to Dr.
M., and inspire him with anew confidence
to reccommend the use of his medicines to
his fellow citizens.
The LIFE MEDICINES are a purely VE,
GETABLE preparation. They are mild and
pleasant in their operation, and at the
same time thorough--acting rapidly upon
the secretions of the system—cat rying oft
all acrimonious humours, and assimilating
and purifying the blood. For this reason,
in aggravated cases of Dyspepsia, the
Life Al edicineB will give relief in a shorter
space of time than any other prescription
In Fever and Ague, Inflammatory Rheu
matism, Fevers of every description, Sick
Headaches, Heartburn, azziness in the
Head, Pains in the Chest, Flatulency, Im
paired Appetite, and in every disease ari
sing front impurity of the blood, or a dis
ordered state of the stomach, the use of
these medicines has always proved to be
beyond doubt, greatly superior to any
other mode of treatment.
All that Dr. Moffat asks of his patients
is to be particular in taking them according
to the directions. It is not by a newspaper
notice, or by any thing that he may say in
heir favour, that he hopes to gain credit.
It is alone by the result ofa fair trial. Is
the reader an invalid and does he wish to
know whether the Life Medicines will
suit his ov n case 'I if so, let him call at
the office of the agent, and procure a copy
of the Good Samaritan, published gratui
tously. He will there find enumerated
very many extraordinary cases of cure;
perhaps some exactly similar to his own
Sold by JACOB Muzzle, Huntingdon.
August 30 1843. ly.
Jewelry! Jewelry ! ! Jewelry!!!
IrrUST received, astock
9.# of the most mogul&
cif ♦ c c i a e m nt e up
Jewed ,e ry
c; . ; Consisting of GOLD PAT
ie TTENT Lxvans, Ladies
VERS, full jewelled,
,SILVER PATENT LEVERS, double arid single
cased,SlLvEß Axolotl LEvEas full jeweled,
double and single cooed ENGLISH WATCHES,
Im'tation Levera, QUARTIER and FRENCH
WATCHES, &C. &C. Also
Gold Fob Chains, and Seals,
of the most fashionable patterns. Gold
Pencils, Spectacles, Guard Chains, Key's,
Breacelets sett with topaz. Medalions, Fin
ger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, sett with
topaz, amethist, &c. &c. Mineature Cases,
Silk Purees, Coral Beads, Pocket Boas,
Musical Boxes, Mathematical Instruments,
Silver Spectacles, Table Spoons, Tea and
Salt Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Lowends pattent
Silver Pencils, Razors of the fittest quality,
HENRY CLAY pen knives, a superior arti •
de, Steel Pens, Spy ('lasses, Hair Brushes.
Tooth Brushes, Patina Points, &c. &c. All
the above articles will be sold cheaper than
ever heretofore.
Clock and Watch repairing done as usual,
very cheap for cash. _ _ _
tl large . assortment of eight day and thir
ty hour Clocks will be sold very cheap.
All watches sold will be warranted for one
year, and a written guarrantee given. that
it not found equal to warranty it will (during
that period) be put in order without expense,
or it tnjured, may be exchanged for any
other watch of equal value. The warranty
is considered void, should the watch, with
which it is given, be put into the hands of
another watch maker.
Huntingdon, April 10, 1844.
Temperance House.
subscriber occupying the
''' large three story brick dwell
s!'" ing house at the south east corner
of Allegheny and Smith streets, in
the borough of Huntingdon, the third story of
which during the last summer has been fitted
for sleeping rooms;
having a large stable on
the premises, and having employed a care
ful person to attend to it and take care of
horses, &c., informs the public that she is
prepared to accommodate such of her friends
and such strangers and travellers as may de
sire accommodation. She respectfully soli
cits a share of public patronage, and hopes
the friends of Temperance will give her a
Huntingdon March 1, 1843.
mESPECTFULLY informs the citizens
414 of lintingdon and its vicinity, that he
has commenced the
Tailoring Business
in Main street, in the borough of Hun
tingdon, one door wi st of the store of Thos.
Read & Son, where he is ready to acoom•
modate all who may favor him with a call.
He receives regularly the
and is determined to employ none but the
best and most experienced workmen.
He will execute all orders in his line in
the most workmanlike manner, and on the
shortest notice, By strict attention to busi
ness and endeavoring to please. he hopes to
merit and receive a share of the public
Country produce will be taken in pay
mrnt for work.
March 20, 1844.—tf.
grebUSTIC.F.S' Blanks of all kinds, for sale
If at this Office.
Indian Vegetable Pills.
If, during the continuance of storms and
floods. the channels of
become so obstructed as to afford an insuffi
cient outlet for the superabundant waters,
we can expect nothing less than that the
urrounding country will be •
Overwhelmed with the Flood
In like manner with the human body—if
the skin, kidneys and bowels (the natural
outlets for useless and corrupt humors) be
come so obstructed as to fait in affording a
full discharge of those impurities which are
in all cases
we surely can expect no other results than
that the whole frame will sooner or later bo
As in the first place, if we would prevent
an inundation we must remove all obstruc
tions, in order that there may be no hind
rance to the free discharge of the supera
bundant waters. So, in the second place, if
we would prevent and cure disease, we must
open and keep ppen, all natural drains of the
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills
North Amer:can Colfege of Health,
will be found one of the best it not the very
for carrying out this beautiful and simple
theory, because they compleatly cleanse the,
stomach and bowels from all bilous humors,
and other impurity, and at the same time
promote a healthy discharge from the lungs.
skin and kidneys; consequently as all the
natural drains are opened,
reCaution. —As the great popularity and
consequent great demand for 'Wright's Indi
an Vegetable Pills has raised up a ltcst of
counterfeiters, country storekeepers and
agants will be on their guard agninst the
many impostors who are travelling about the
country selling to the unsuspecting a spuri
ous article for the genuine.
It should be remembered that all author
ized agents are provided with a certificate of
agency, signed by WILLIAM WRIGHT, Vice
Prrsident of the North American College of
Health. Consequently, those who offer In
dian Vegetable Pills, and cannot show a cer
tificate as above described will be known as
l'he following highly respectable store
keepers have been appointed agents fur the
ale of
Wright's Indian Vegeta3le Pills,
and of whom it is confidently . believed the
genuine medicines can be obtameds
William Stewart, Huntingdon.
Henry Learner Hollidaysburg,
B. F. Bell, Antes township.
Robert McNamara, Newry.
Samuel S. Isett, 1 yrone township,
Millikens & Kessler,
Mill Creek
A. & N. Cr swell, Petersburg.
Gemmel & Porter, Alexandria.
Moore & Steiner, Water Street.
Joseph Patton, Jr. Duncansville.
R. H. McCormick,
Wolf & Willet, Frankstown,
Henry Brewster, Snirleysburg.
Walter Graham, Yellow Springs.
Office devoted exclusively to the sale of
the medicine, wholesale and retail, No. 169
Race street, Philadelphia.
Beware of counteritits.—The public are
respectfully informed that medicine purpor
ting to be Indian Pills made by one V. 0.
Flack, are not the genuine
FYright's Indian Vegetable Pills.
The only security against imposition is to
purchase from the regularly advertised a
gents, and in all cases be particular to ask
for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill.
Dec. 27, 1843. ly.
The best medicine known to man for incipient
Consumption, Asthma of every stage, Bleeding o f
the Lungs, oughs, olds, Liver tioznplaint, and
all diseases of the Pulmonary Orga is, may be had
of Agent:. named below.
gjAll published statements of cures performed
by this medicine are, in every respect, TRUE. Be
careful and get the genuine " Dr. Wistar's Balsam
of Wild Cherry," as spurious imitations are abroad.
Orders from any part of the country should be
addressed to Isaac Butte, No. 125 Fulton street,
New York.
For sale by Thomas Read, Huntingdon,.
and James Orr, Hollidaysburg.
Price one dollar per bottle.
December 6, 1843.
V" Read the following from Dr. Jacob
Hoffman, a physician of extensive practice in
Huntingdon count) :
Dear Sir:—l procured one bottle of Dr.
Wistur's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from
Thomas Read, Esq. of .this place, and tried
it in a case of obstinate Asthma on u childof
Paul Schweble, in which many other reme
dies had been tried without any relief. The
Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my opin
ion the child is effectuelly cured by its use.
Yours, &c. •
Dec. 25, 1841.
Package Sales of Boole and Skoes,
(Every Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock.)
CARD.—A combination having been
formed by a portion of the Dealers in Boots
and Shoes of this city, with the avowed ob
ject of suppressing Ehe sale of those goods
by auction, it see ma proper fir the subscri
ber, (who has held these sales for the past
eighteen months) to state that notwithstand
ing this combination, the sales will not be
stopped, but on the contrary, as he will now
rely more than ever on the patronage of the
country Merchants, the sales will be held
every Tuesday mornmg,at the auction store,
208 Market Street, and Isis arrangements
with the Manufacturers, both of this city
and all New England. are such as to insure
him a constant and full supply of every de
scription of goods.
The mere tact of so great an effort being
made to put down these sales, is the best
evidence the country Merchants can have,
that it is for his interest to sustain them.
I Philadelphia, March 27, 1844.-6 m.
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