\ v . ., • N s 4, r '0 ' 4 ° ry , 4 4 , _A- 71310)00:1 to Central Entettivittc, RM'orrtir.itita, otitir i,attcraturc, Itiovatitß, rto, s..,ricitcm,aarictitturc, Mitttsriitent, Szr., Scc. Nira)ac, Eta Etrat)o a3COc. PUBLISH. BY THEODORE H. CREMER, T 23 ut.zzam. The "JounNAL" will be published every Wed nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance, and if not paid within six months, $2 50. No subscription received for a shorter period than six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar rearages are paid. Advertisements not exceeding one square, will he inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac cordingly. CONGO. That Same Old Tune. AIR— Vine is Companic. Come join in a shout for the man we love best, Hurrah for the Farmer of Ashland ! The friend of the People—tho man of the West— Hurrah for the Farmer of Ashland! We'll give them a touch of that same old tune, We'll give them a sight of that same old coon ; They'll ace him again by the light of the moon ; Hurrah for the Farmer of Ashland! He's trusty as steel to his word and friend, Hurrah for the Farmer of Ashland ! Tho' they tried to subdue him, ho never would bend, Hurrah for the Farmer of Ashland! We'll give them a touch, &c. They toll me that Polk is anise little man, I tnrah for the Farmer of Ashland ! Jones give him a dressing the last time he ran—. Hurrah for the Farmer of Ashland! We'll give them a touch, &c. Here's a health to our statesman, our champion and Hurrah for the Farmer of Ashland ! He fought from the first, and he'll fight to the end Hurrah for the Farmer of Ashland! We'll give thorn a touch, &c. Come join in the chorus as loud as you eon, Hurrah for the Farmer of Ashland ! And when'er they hear it they'll tremble for Van— Hurrah for the Farmer of. Ashland! We'll give them a touch, &c. Advance Whigs. AlR—Boatman's dance, Come Whigs prepare to enter tire chase, We can bent any man of the Loco race, We beat them in forty, we can beat them more, And use up their party in forty-four. Advance Whigs advance, Your country's cause advance,' And never rest a day, 'till Henry Clay Heigh°, to the polls we'll go, And vote for the Western Statesman 0. Heigho,to the polls we'll go, And vote for the Western Statesman 0. In forty we sang them out of time, And whipt them with that same old coon, For Henry Clay the good and true, We've nought but voting now to do. Advance Whigs, &c. There's James K. Polk to freemen callous, May go along with two-faced Dallas, With - MARKLE we'll make Pennsylvany, As gold a state for Clay as any. Advance Whigs, &c. The will of the peoph? will soon he told, And Matty will remain at Lindenwold, We'll show tho Locos very soon, They cannot kill that same Old coon. Advance Whigs, &c. Another Ball of the Pope against the Bible Societies of the 'Uni ted States. Circular Letter from His Holiness the Pope— To all Patriarchs, Primates, Archbishops and Bishops. Venerable Brothers, health and greeting Apos tolical—Amongst the many attempts which the en emies of Catholicism, under whatever denomina tion they may appear, are daily making in our age, to seduce the truly faithful, and deprive them of the holy instructions of the faith (les saints etzseig 71emens de la foi) the elrorts of those Bible socie ties are conspicuous, which, originally established in England, and propagated throughout the uni verse, labor every where to disseminate the books of the Holy Scriptures, translated into the vulgar tongue ; consign them to the private interpretation of each, alike amongst Christians and amongst in fidels; continue what St. Jerome formerly com plained of—pretending to popularize the holy pa gee, and render them intelligible, without the aid of any interpreter, to persona of every condition, to the most loquacious woihan,74o the light-headed old man (viellard dilerant), to the worldly cavalier (verbeux sophiste), to all, in short, and even by an absurdity as great as unheard of, to the most hard ened infidels. You aro but too well aware, my reverned breth ren, to what the drafts of these societies tend. You know what is revealed in the Holy Scriptures, and what is the advice of St. Peter the Prince of the Apostles— After having quoted the Epistles of St. Paul— they contented, says he, many things bard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and un stable wrest, as they du also the other Scriptures, unto their own destruction. Then you know what he adds: Ye, therefore, beloved, seeing you know these things, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, full from your own steadfastness. 2d Peter, c. iii. v. 18, 17. You see what was even in the earliest times of the Church, the appropriate artifices of heretics; and how discarding divine tradition and Catholic enlightenment, they already strove to either mate rially interpolate the sacred text or to corrupt inter pretation. You are also aware with what caution and wisdom tho words of the Lind ought to be translated into another tongue, and yet nothing is more common than to see these versions multiplied, to admit, either through imprudence or malice, the grave errors of so many interpreters—errors which dissemble too frequently, by their multiplicity and variety, to the misery of souls. So fax as these societies are concerned, it matters little whether those who read the holy books, translated into vul gar language, fall into this nr that error.—They only care audaciously to stimulate all to a private interpretation of the divine oracles to inspire con tempt for divine traditions, which the Catholic Church preserves upon the authority of the holy fathers—in a word, to cause them to reject even the authority of the Church herself. This is the rea son why the Bible societies care not to calumniate her (the Church) and the august 'throne of St. Peter, as if she had wished fur ages to deprive the faithful of the knowledge of the holy books, When the most forcible evidence will prove the immemo rial and particular care which the Sovereign Pon tiffs even down to the mos: :nodern times, and in conjunction with their Catholic pastors, have taken to ground the people in the Word of God, whether written or delivered by tradition. In the first.place it is known that by the decrees of the Holy Council of Trent, bishops are enjoined to see that the Holy Scriptures and Divine Laws be more frequently taught in their dioceses. It is known that, even exceeding the proscriptions of the Council of Trent (1215), the Council of Trent recommends that there should be in the se veral Cathedral Churches and collegintes of the towns and cantons a stipend provided for a Doctor of Divinity, and none should be appointed to that office, but a man fully competent to teach and ex pound the Holy Scripture, It is known how fre quently, in the provincial counciliwhich followed this prebendary, founded upon the decree of the Council of Trent, was mentioned, and how often the instructions which the canon entrusted with this office should deliver to the clergy and people, were taken into consideration. The BUM disposition (to instruct in the Word of God) was especially observable in the Council of Rome in the year 1725, to which our predecessor,l Benedict. XIII., of happy memory, summoned not only all the Prelates of the Romish Church, but even a great number of Archbishops, Bishops, and other ordinaries immediately subject to the Holy See. The same desire animated th 6 Roman Pon tiff of whom we have been speaking, in the various edicts which he issued and addreseed to all the Bishops of Italy and the neighboring islands. In short, you yourselves my venerable brethren, who are in the habit of forwarding to the Holy See, at stated intervals, everything calculated to interest re ligion--you know, by the repeated answers which our Congregational Council has returned hitherto yourselves or your predecessors, how much the Holy Romish Church rejoices, in concert with the Bishops, when they have in their dioceses theologi ans who acquit themselves with honor of their duly in expounding the Holy Books, and that she ne glects no opportunity of encouraging and support ing them. But, to return to Bibles translated into the vul gar tongue; it is long sineelpastors found them selves necessitated to turn their attention particu larly to the versions current at secret conventieles, and which heretics labored, at great expense, to dis seminate. Hence the warning and decrees of our predeces sor Innocent 111., of happy memory, on the sub ject of lay societies and meetings of women who had assembled themselves in the diocese of Metz for objects of piety and the study of the Holy Scriptures. Hence the prohibitions which subse quently appeared in France and Spain, during the sixteenth century, with respect to the vulgar Bible (relalivemea aux Bibles vulguires.) It became necessary• subsequently to take even greater precau tions, when the pretended Reformers, Luther and Calvin, daring, by a multiplicity and incredible va riety of , errors, to attack the immutable doctrine of the Faith, omitted nothing in order to seduce the faithful by their false interpretations and transla tions into the vernacular tongue, which the then novel invention of printing contributed more rapid ly to propagate and multiply. Whence it was ge nerally laid down in the regulations dictated by the Fathers, adopted by the Council of Trent, and op proved by our predecessor Pius VII., of happy memory, and which (regulations) are prefixed to the list of prohibited books, that the reading of the Holy Bible translated into the•vulgar tongue, should not be permitted except to those ro whom it might he deemed necessary to confirm in the faith, and piety.—Subsequently, when heretics stiqiersistd in their- frauds, it becarnomecessary for Benedict XIV. to superadd the injunction that no versions whatever• should be suffered to be read but those which should be approved of by the Holy See, ac companied by notes derived front the writing of the Holy Fathers, or other learned and Catholic au thors. Notwithstanding this, name new sectarians of the school of Janscnius, after the example of the Lutherans and Calvanists, feared not to blame these justifiable precautions of the Apostolical See, as if the reading of the Holy books had been at all times, and for all the faithful, useful, and so indis pensible that no authority could assail it. But we find this audacious assertion of the sect L.- 3 =Q Q 22E23-1:1.C!,. of Jansenius withered by the most rigorous cen sures in the solemn sentence which was pronoun- . 1 cod against their doctrine, with the assent of the whole Catholic universe, by two sovereign pontiffs of modern times, Clement XI., in his uningenitus constitution of the year 1713, and Pius VI., in his constitution auclorent /Nei, of the year 1704. Consequently, even before the establishment of Bible societies was thought of the decrees•of the Church, which we have quoted, were intended to guard the faithful against the frauds of heretics, who cloak themselves under the specious Mutest that it is necessary to propagate and render com mon the study of the Holy books. Since then our predecessor, Pius VII., of glorious memory, obser ving the machinations of these societies to incr.se under his pontificate, did not cease to oppose their efforts, at one time through the medium of the epos tolical nuncios, at another by letters and decrees, emanating from the several congregations of car dinals of the Holy Church, and at another by the two pontifidal letters addressed to the Bishop of Gnesen end the Archbishop of Mohilif. After him, another of our holy predecessors, Leo XII., reproved the operations of the Bible societies, by his circulars addressed to all the Catholic pastors in the universe, under (ISt° May 5, 1824. Shortly afterwards, our immediate predecessor, Pius VIII., of happy memory, confirmed their condemnation by his circular letter of May 24, 1829. We, in short, who succeed them, notwithstanding our great unwortkiness, have not ceased to be solicitous on this subject, and have especially studied to bring to the recollection of the faithful the seve ral rules which have been successively laid down with regard to the vulgar versions of the holy books. We have a good cause, however, to rejoice, ven erable brethren, inasmuch as supported by your pie ty, and confirmed by the letters of our several pre decessors, which we have referred to, you have never neglected to caution the flock, which has been en trusted to you against the insiduous manceuvres of the Bible societies. '1 his solicitude of the Bish ops, seconding with on much zeal the solicitude of our Holy See, has been blessed by the Lord. Al ready several imprudent Catholics who had gone over to these societies, enlightened at last as to their objects, have separated themselves from them foiever, and the remainder of the faithful, i tilt :cry few exceptions, have escaped from the contagion by which they were threatened. The partisans of the Bible societies little doubt ed in their pride but that they could at least bring over the unfaithful to the profession of Christianity by means of the sacred hooks translated into the vernacular tongue—moreover they took care to dis seminate them by innumerable copies, and to dig tribute them everywhere, even amongst those who wanted them not, at the hands of their missiona ries, or, rather, their emissaries. But the men tvho Strove to propagate the Christian faith, independ ently of the rules established by Jesus Christ him. self, have only succeeded in increasing the difficul ties of the Catholic priest, who, clothed with the mission of the Italy See, goes amongst the unfaith ful and spares no fatigue in order to conquer new children for the Church, either by prqaching the di vine word or by administering the sacraments—al ways prepared, at all events, to shed his blond for the salvation of souls end the testimony of the faith. Amongst the sectarians of whom we sire speaking deceived in their hopes, and in despair at the immense sums which the publication of their Bibles costs them, without producing any fruit, some have been found, who, givingemother (Ewe ' lion to their manccuvres, have betaken themselves to the corruption of Minds, not only in Italy, but even in our own capital. Indeed, inanysprecise , vices and documents teach us that avast nusiber of members of sects in New York, in America, at one of their meetings, held on the 4th of June last I year, have formed a new association, which will I take the name of the Christian League (Foederis Christkuti,) a lessee composed of individuals of every nation, end which is to lie further increased in numbers by other auxiliary societies, sit having I the same object, viz: to propagate amongst Bal i inns, and especially Romans, the principles of Christian liberty," or, rather. an insane indifference Ito all religion. These, indeed, confess that the Ro- man institutions, as well as Italian, had in by-gone i Finally, as it is the part of a good Shepherd not times so much influence that nothing great was only to protect and feed the sheep which follow done in the world but had its origin in our August him, but also to seek and bring home to the fold city. Not that they ascribe the fact to the Pontill- those which wander front it, it becomes an undivi cal See, which was then founded by the disposition ded obligation on your part and on ours to use all of God himself, but verily to some remains of the our' endeavors to the ends that whoever may have Roman poWer, subsequently usurped, as they say, allowed himself 'to be seduced by sectarians and to our predecessors who succeed to that powet. I propagators of evil books, may admit under the in- This is why, determined to afford to all people dunce of Divine Grace, the heinousness of his liberty of conscienee" (or rather, it should be fault, and striverto expiate it by the atoning works - said liberty to err,) from which according to their of a salutary repentance. theory, must flow as from an inexhaustible source, We are hound_not to exclude from oar sacerclu public prosperity and political liberty, they think tat solicitude the Seducers of our erring brethren, they should before all things win over thl inhabi- nor even the chief - masters of impiety, whose sal tants of Rome and Italy, in order to avail them- ration wo should seek by every possible means, al selves after of their example and aid in regard to though their iniquity be far greater. other countries. Moreover, venerable brothers, we recommend the They hope to obtain this result easily by favor of utmosnvatcliftifitels over the insidious measures the Italians scattered over the world. They flatter and attempts of the Christian League, to those who, themselves that on returning in large numbers to I raised to the dignity of your order, are called to their country, and bearing with them, whether the govern the Italian churches, or the countries which exultation of novelty, corruption of manners, of I Italians frequent most commonly, especially the the excitement of want, they would hardly heal- frontiers and ports whence travellersenter Italy. As tate to alliliate themselves to the League, and at I these are the points on which the sectarians have least second it through venality. This society fixed to commence the realization of their projects, strains every nerve to introduce amongst them, by I it is highly necessary that the Bishops of those means of individuals collected from all parts, cor- places sheutd mutually assist each other, zealously rapt and vulgar Bibles, and to scatter them secretly amongst the faithful. At the same time their in tention is to disseminate worse books still, or tracts designed to withdraw from the minds of their rea ders all respect for the Church and thely Sec. These books and tracts have been composed its Italian front other languages, with the aid of Bal kan] themselves, and amongst these books should be particularly cited "The History of the Morino lion," by Merle d'Aubigne, end 'Calendar of the Reformatitn in Italy," ("Poste. do la Reforme en Italie") by Jean Cric: As for the character of these works, it is sufficient to know that, according to the records of the society of which we are Speak ing, the commission entrusted with the choice of books foe publication cannot count upon more than one indivlclual belonging to one and the same reli gious belief. Scared . , were we made aware of these facts. but we were profoundly grieved on reflecting upon the danger which threatened not only remote countries, but the very centre of unity itself, and we have been anxious to defend religion against the like ma incuvree. Although there be no reason to appre hend the destruction of St. Peter's See at any time, in which the Lord our God has placed the immo vable foundation of his Church, yet we aro bound to maintain its authority. The holy duties of our apostolic ministry reminds us of the awful account which the Sovereign Prince of Shepherds will exact of us for the growing tares which an enemy's hand may have sown in the Lord's field during our sleep, and. fur the sheep which are entrusted to Its, if any perish through our fault. Wherefore, having consulted seine of the Cardi nal Holy Homish Church, after having duly exam ined with them everything, and listened to their ad vice, we have decided, venerable brothers, on ad dressing yen this letter, by which we again con demn the Bible societies, reproved long ago by our predecessors, and by virtue of the supreme author ity of our apostleship, wo reprove Ivy Canoe, and condemn the aforesaid society called the Christian League, formed laid year at New York , it togeth er wills swery other society associated with it, or which niay become so. Let all know then the enormity of the sin against God and his Church which they ore guilty of who dare to associate themselves with any of these so cieties, or .;bei them in any way. Moreover, we confirm and renew the decrees recited above, deliv ered in former times by apostolic authority against the publication, distribution, reading, and possesion of books of the Holy Scriptures translated into the vulgar tongue. With reference to the works of whatsoever writer, we call to mind the observance of the general rules and decrees of our predeces sors, to ho found prefixed to the index of prohibi ted books; and wo invite the fiiithful to be upon their guard, not only against the books named in the index, but also against those proscribed in the general proscriptions, As for yourselves, my venerable brethren, called as you 000, to divide our solicitude, we recommend you earnestly in the Lord, to announce and pro , claim, in convenient time end place, to the people I confided in your care, these Apostolic orders, and to labor carefully to seperate the faithful sheep from the contagion of the Christian League; front those who have become its auxiliaries no less than those who belong to other Bible Societies, and from all I who have any communication with then. You are consequently, enjoined to remove from the hands of the faithful alike the Bibles in vulgar tongue, which may have been printed contrary to Ike decrees above mentioned Of the Sovereign . Pontiffs, and every hook proscribed and condemn ed, and to see that they leans, through your minion nition and authority, what pasturages stre salutary and what prenicious and mortal. Be more careful every day to see, my venerable that the Divine Word be preached not. only by yourselves, but also by the various other pastors and competent ecclesiastics in each diocese. Watch attentively over those who are appointed to expound the Holy Scriptures, to see that they ac quit themselves faithfully, according to the capacity of their hearers, and that, they dare not, under any pretest whatever, interpret or explain the holy pa ges contrary to the tradition of the Holy Fathers, and to the service of the Catholic Church. and faithfully, in order, with the aid of God, to discover and prevent their machinations. Let us not doubt but your exertions, added to our own, will be secended by the civil authorities, and especially by the most influential sovereigns of Italy, no less by reason of their favcnable regard for the Catholic religion than that they plainly perceive how much it comers them to frustrate these secta rian combinations. Indeed, it is most evident from past experience, that there are no means more cer tain of rendering people disobedient to their princes than rendering them indifferent to religion, under the mask of religious liberty. The members of the Chri4tian League do not conceal this fact from themselves, although they declare that they ere far from wishing to excite disorder; but they, notwith standing, avow that, once liberty of interpretation obtained, and with it what they term liberty of con science amongst Italians, these last will naturally soon acquire political liberty. But, above all, venerable brothers, let us elevate our hands to heaven, and commit to God with all humility and the fervor of which we are suscepti ble, our cause, the cause of the whole flock of Jesus Christ and of his Church. Let us,nt the same time, recur to the intercession of St. Peter, the Prince of Apostles, as also to that of the other Saints, espe cially to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to whom it has been given to destroy all the heresies of the uni verse. We conclude with giving you with our whole heart, and as a pledge of our most ardent charity, the Apostolic blessing; to you all, our venerable brethren, and to the faithful, alike ecclesiastic and lay, committed to your jurisdiction. Given at Rome from the Basilic of St. Peter, on the Bth of Mny, in the year 1844, and the four teenth of our Pontificate. (Signed) GREGORY XVI., S. P. Mr• Polk and National Past Days, We make the following extract from the Jour nal of Congress in 1932, for the especial benefit of those Democrats, who seem all at once to have been seized with a "holy horror" at the alleged impi ous and and irreligous character of Hxsar CLAY, and whoare daily engaged in concocting and promul gating the darkest and most malignant libels upon his moral reputation. We do not intend to attempt any serious refutation of these hypocritical slanders, made in the bitterness of reckless political animos ity, and originating in most instances with persons of abandoued profligacy and open licentious infi delity. The abuse of Mr. CLAY is the result of a studied and systematic effort at wilful detraction and defamation of character, which recognises nei ther honor or truth as its guide, and looks to partisan SUCCCss as its only Mtn. For this purpose no calum ny is so groan or vindictive, no charge so false and ungrounded, but that it meets with a welcorne re ception in the columns of the Locofoco presses: and any effort made to meet them would only bring ridicule upon the attempt. Irony CLAr is as infinitely the superior of Mr. POLK in all that contributes to the character of an honorable and h igh-minded man, as he is de rated in nobleness of soul above the most malig nant of his writers. And further, it can be said of the former, what cannot be affirmed by the friends of the latter, thnt Mr. Cray has always, its all his acts as a public functionary, evinced a deep-seated regard for the Institutions of religion and the feel iegs of its friends. As n case in point, and by a sin gular coincidence exhibiting the joint action of both our candidates in opposition to that of Air. Amu, we present the following extracts front the journals of our National /legislature—cello...ging the action of the two Houses upon the afflicting dispensation of Providence then resting upon the country, in the prevalence of that awful scourge, known as the Asiatic Cholera: U. S. SENATE-JUNE 23,1832. OAT OF IItrXILTATION, The following resolution, offered by 01r. CLAY, was taken up for consideration : Resolved, By the Senate and House of Repre sentatives of the United States of America, in Con gress assembled, That a joint committee of both Houses wait on tho President of the United States, and request that ho recommend a day, to be desig nated by him, of public humiliation, prayer and fasting, to be observed by the people of the United States, with religious solemnity, and with fervent supplications to Almighty God, that He will be graciously pleased to continue His blessings upon our Country, nod that he will avert from it the Asiatic scourge which has reached our borders—or if, in the dispensations of His Providence, we are not to be exempted from (lie calamity, that, through His bountiful ;mercy, its severity may be mitigated, and its dUralibn shortened. Mr. Tazewell, of Virginia, having called for the years and nays. Mr. CLAY rose and supported the resolution in a speech of &Mirk beauty and unaffee. ted eloquence, which ought even now to cause a tinge of liuTtllng shigEo to reach the face of the most utifeelirienf hitt calumniators. We give the closing paravaptiasfersonal to himself: "A single wmd,_Mr. President, (said Mr. Clay) as to myself. I Ins not a protestor of religion. I regret that] am not. I wish that I was, and I trust I shall be. Hut I have, and always have had, a profound respect for Christianity, the religion of my fathers, and for its rites, its usuages, and its ob servances. Among these, that which is proposed in the resolution before you, has always commended the respect of the good and devout. And I hope it will obtain the concurrence of the Sanate." Mr. CLAY was followed by THEODORE FRE LINGHUYBEN, who having referred to a prece- N.Zi , ..7 * DaCEDaCIS. , 5, •. -7s '3(7l)Q 41d2,23. dent in the adoption of a similar resolution during the last war, remarked: "If in time of war, it was the duty of the peo ple to ark the special protection of God, and to sup plicate the interposition of Lis mercy, how much more incumbent was it in reference to a scourge which had in its progress swept many millions of human beings into eternity, which went abroad on the earth ns the agent and minister of God, to do his errand, and to come and go at his bidding, and over which human power had no influence. No occasion could be so fit and appropriate for humilia tion at this. lie hoped that no constitutional ob jection would be interposed to check this resolution,. which was nothing more than a recommendation. It was our duty, devoutly, and in the conviction of our entire dependence on God, to ask for the inter ference of his mercy; and he hoped that the present resolution would pass, us did the resolution of 1814." The yeas and nays were then taken as follows : YEAS.—Messrs. Dell, Chambers, CLAY,Clay ton, Dallas, Dickerson, Dudley, Ewing, Poet, FRE JAMMED:4EN, Grundy, Hendricks, Holmes, Johnston, Kane, Knight, Marcy, Nandian, Pren tiss, Robbins, Robinson, Ruggles, Seymour, Silsbee, Sprague, Tipton, Tomlinson, Waggaman, Webster iiIAYS.--Messrs. Benton, Drown, Ellis, Rayne, Hill, King, Mangum, Miller, Smith, Tazewell, Troup, Tyler, White.-13. The same Resolution subsequently came up for consideration in the House of Representatives, and after some debate was adopted by a vote of 99 to 62— JAMES K. POLK, of Tennessee, voting in the NEGATIVE! (See National Intelligencer, July 7, 1832.) These proceedings require no further comment at our hands. Vut, reader, when you hear JAMES K. POLK held up as the paragon of moral excell ence, and iitTfitY CLAY defamed as possessing the darkest character of the age, be pleased to rement• ber this. Sentinel: From the Boston Mercantile Journal PROM AFRICA.' The following is an interesting extract from a letter received in this city, dated on board U. S. ship Saratoga, Island of St. Thomas, coast of Af rica, May 21 At Accra, we took on board a missionary, the Rev. Mr. Bushnell, late of Lane Seminary, in Cin cinnati. He is bound for the mouth office Cahoon, it large river near the mouth of the equinoctial line . He is an excellent man, but his life has already been jeoparded by nn attack of fever, yet he has been dealt with more mercifully than two of his co adjutors and friends in the same holy work, whose bodies are now interred at Cape Palmas. For ten days and more we were beset by such calms and squalls, such rains and awful lightning and thunder, that the captain had almost resolved to turn back. But at last wo are here, anchored some three miles of the shore, and about twenty-five miles only from the fatuous line, the Equator—and yet, fur from being burned up under a continua l sun, and exhausted by droughts, we are enjoying better than usual health for the coast, The loveli est island that lever saw lies before us—'tis the Very picture that I have imagined of the happy land, where Paul and Virginia once loved to stroll hand in hand. Indeed, the description is almost identical. Here are the large cocoa-nut groves, which, as one of us said tke other day, if exhibited at home, would draw thousands of daily visitorseven if they hod a dollar ticket to buy. Here are prairies of rich grass, six or eight feet high. Here aro woods of the coffee plant, and forests green throughout the year—beautiful little hillocks, where you wish you could put a cottage, end from its windows see the whole ocean; and there are high mountains away back whose tops are grey with clouds, and Fides look black with the immensity of vegetation.— When I at last got ashore, I wandered along the beaches for miles, and loaded myself with shells, which in variety and beauty exceeded all the places I have been in. r I have now a very sad, a horrible thing to relate— on accident which happened about two hours ago. 'rho captain's gig was just rounding to by our quar ter, when the coxswain, by straining upon the til ler too hard, broke it, and fell overboard. At the cry of man overboard,' I jumped on deck, and saw him rise and swim toward the ship. In a few seconds more ho suddenly disapp eared under water—the fins and tail of a huge shark were then raised above, and splashing for a few moments only , left the surface again clear! I saw nothing but a crimson stain of blood, and a hat tloating at a short distance. riot a cry was uttered, it was so sudden. Again the splashing of the shark occurred, another was seen to seize his bat, two boats reached the spot, but too late.—scores offish were leaping about for the torn pieces of the pow. sailor: The captain and natty others were all spectators of the whole dreadful scene, and yet we could render no assiii lance." FRET, Tn...s itt von Pout.--It should constantly be_hore in mind that all the Nullifiers. Disunionists and Anti-Tariff men, are in favor of Polk and Dallas. "Straws show which way the wind blows." If these fellows get into power once, friends of protection,youvriLlid good bye to your true honored and.revererr inciplee. Texas will be tacked to the Union, bringing with her eight or ten Anti-Tariff Senators. and with a Locofoco majority in the House, the Tariff will not stand an, hour. Remember these thing.. The locofocos say the lower the price of any commodity, the better it is for the country. Well we have reduced locofocoisin down three-fifths be low par, and now their ugly mouths are open from ear to ear propo,ing the rrir th. rant CIS,/ Banat,