Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 26, 1844, Image 2
THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, ..One country, one constitution, one destiny. 7 tia Ewa flrtam.c.llco zap Wednesday morning, Sono 26, '44. al. V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street below Third, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act as Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and advertisements. cCr The Huntingdon journal has a larger circulation than any other Newspaper in Huntingdon county. We state this fact for the benefit of Advertisers. " Once more our glorious Banner out Upon the breeze we throw; Beneath its folds, with song and shout, Let's charge upon the foe!" F•OR PRESIDENT, HENRY CLAY, OF KENTUCKY. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, THEODORE FRELINGHtIYSEN, OF NEW JERSEY. Senatorial Electors. CHESTER BUTLER, of Luzerne. TOWNSEND HAINES, Cheater. Representative Electors. let District—Joseph C. Clarkson, of Philadelphia. 2d John P. Wetherill, do 3d John D. Ninesteel, do 4th John S. Litteil, Germantown. sth Elleazer T. M'Dowell, of Bucks co. 6th Benj. Frick, of Montgomery. 7th Isaac W. Vanlccr, of Chester. Bth William theater, of Lancaster. 9th John S. Hiester, of Berks. 10th John Killinger, of Lebanon. 11th Alex. E. Brown, of Northampton. 12th Jonathan J. Slocum, of Luzerne. 12th Henry Drinker, of Susquehanna. 14th - James Pollock, of Northumberland. 15th Frederick Watts, of Cumberland. 15th Daniel M. Smyser, of Adams. 17th James Mathers, of Juniata. 18th Andrew J. Ogle, of Somerset. 19th Daniel Washabaugh, of Bedford. 20th John L. Gow, of Washington. 2 tat Andrew W. Loomis, of Allegheny. 22d James M. Power, of Mercer. 21d William A. Irvin, of Warren. 24th Benjamin Hartshorn, of Clearfield. FOIL GOVERNOR, JOSEPH IYEA.RKLIS OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY. The Canal Commissioners. The unanimous opinion of the '.uprerne Court in the Quo Wtrranto case ngainst the Canal Com missioners, was delivered on Tuesday, the 18th inst., by Chief Justice Chums. It is in favor of the present Board, elected by the people. lice it in another part of this paper. New Counterfeit' The Lancaster Intelligencer cautions the public to look out for counterfeit s's of the Lancaster Bank! They bear no resemblance, in the engrav ing, to the genuine. Vignette, a woman suckling a child; on the end a statue of Washington; on the other a female. titipposed to be altered from the Globe Bank of Boston. It must not be forgotten that the Vignette on the genuine note is a fac simile of the Lancaster Court house. (Cln last week's Journal two excellent political articles were given, which should have been credit ed to the Philadelphia Forum. We allude to "Art ful Dodging on Polk's Prospects," and Locofoco Sympathy Reciprocated." The Forum is an able and spirited champion of Whig principles, and we do not wish to withhold from it any of its merited honors. Tosa►no.—We learn from the Vaterlands Wachter, that the farm of Mr. George Hain, of Lower Paxton township, Dauphin county, about four milers from Harrisburg, was visited on the 16th inst. by a tremendous tornado, accompanied by lightning and hail, which destroyed the entire prospects of the coming harvest. Besides the destruction of barns, dwellings, fences and orchards, a great number of locust trees along the lanes and roads were torn up, anb ma ny of the oaks in the woods were twisted off as if they had been but twigs, and the grass, clover, corn and wheat were cut off by the hail as if the mower had pawed by and left the place a sad scene of desolation. Loss by Fire, iry•We learn from the Carlisle Herald that the dwelling house of Richard Woods, Esq. of Dickison township was entirely consumed by firs on Tues day night (18th) The fire originated in the kitchen which was enveloped in flames before being dis covered, and so rapidly did the fire extend over the entire building that the inmates themselves with dif ficulty escaped, saving nothing but a few articles of clothing. The lose is estimated at $4OOO, on which there wan aninsurance of $lOOO. ( c f . Tax Ntras Court raa, a Whig paper just commenced in Rerrien county, Mich., by Miners. Stewart 4 Basset, says the Genesee County De- mocrat, a locofoco print, has repudiated Polk and Texas, and goes for Clay and the Tariff. This line is filled with Clay and nelinghuysen. Grand 'Whig riteetinge--Wahing up of that "Same Old Coon." The Whig meeting in the old Court Howie, on Tuesday evening of last week, was of such a char acter as to presage more enthusiasm on the part of i the people in the good cause than was manifested in the memorable campaign of '4O. Usually all is quiet in the potitical arena in this county at this early stage of the campaign. The sky brightens-- the breezes rise—the waters stir—and the popular waves roll in other years, but not till the month of August. Then the county ticket is formed, and every man springs to his post, prepared for action; and the result, with but a few gloomy exceptions, is indeed glorious. This year, however, the great work is commenced in June, and the names of Clay, Frelinghuysen and Markle are already snag through our pleasant valleys till the hills and mountains echo and re-echo the popular sounds ; and as the contest is commenced earlier, so will our majority be larger in 1844. Let but good nomi nations be made in August, and popular feeling will swell and sweep over "Old Huntingdon" in the fall like a tornado, and scarcely leave a spot for Locofoeoism to rest upon. But to the meeting. A procession was formed at the upper end of this borough, which moved to the place for holding the meeting, preceded by a splendid transparency and a banner, accompanied with martial music. As the procession passed down Main street, others joined, and all marched into the Court House, where the meeting was organized by the appoint ment of a President, six Vice Presidents, and three Secretaries. Although but comparatively few per sons attended court, the meeting was highly respec table in point of numbers as well as otherwise.-- [See the proceedings on our first page.] In the absence of the committee on resolutions, A. K. COllllllll, Esq, addressed the meeting. He compared the principles of the Whigs with the few avowed principles of the Locofocos, and passed a happy eulogy upon the characters of Clay and Frelingliuyaen, after which he answered the pre tended objections urged against the termer by his opponents, and refuted the base slanders that have been heaped upon him by unprincipled Locofoco presses and shameless demagogues. The speaker also noticed some of the slanders published against Gen. Markle, and urged all to rally to his support. After the resolutions were read and adopted, A. W. BENEDICT, Esq. made a speech, in which he proved, by their own documents, that the Locofocos are opposed to the Tariff of 1842, and to all other Protective Tariffs. He read from the Washington Globe and from the Huntingdon Globe what the editors called good Tariff doctrine, and that doc trine overman To THE PUESENT Wlll . O Tlnirr. Mr. B. stated that the 13th resolution, relative to the Annexation of Texas to the United States, is in the very words of Mr. Forsythe, Van Buren's Secretary of State, and cited the document and the page in which it is contained. It was good " dem ocratic" doctrine four years ago, but is now opposed by the views of Polk, Dallas & Co. Mr. B. then contrasted the prospects of the Whig candidates with those of the .Locofocos, and challenged any Joss BLANCHARD, Esq. was then called for. le favored the meeting wills a brief address, in which he remarked upon the doings of the Whig and of the Locofoco nominating Conventions which met in Baltimore since he last addressed a public meeting in this place. Ho said that since the days of George Washington there has not been such unanimity in a National Convention as that which characterised the nomination of Henry Clay. It was emphatically a nomination by the People. Other candidates had been named now and then, here and there, but long before the assembling of the Convention, all were lost in the growing popu larity of the "Farmer of Ashland," the "Gallant Barry of the West." The People presented him to the Convention, and the Convention presented him to the People; and he is emphatically the People's Candidate. But how was it with the Locollico Convention The patent Democrats, who always preach that the majority should rule, first said that shall no longer be democratic—the minority shall now govern ; and straightway they adopted the two thirds rule. Van Buren, although he had a majority, could not be nominated. James K. Polk, a man who had never been thought of for the office—never recommended to one delegate, was finally nominated. What had the People to do with hie nomination? He is the candidate of the 266 delegates who voted for his nomination. They all expect advancement if he should ever be elected. Polk does not owe his nomination to the people-- he would care nothing for them. The delegates would give him the office, and he would reward their treachery with appointments. And thus would the "bargain and sale" be completed! These are ideas that should cause every voter to reflect, and every honest freeman will put his seat of disapprobation upon the conduct of the Locofoco Convention. Several songs were sung from the book with the "Yeller Kiver." The meeting passed off in good order, except that a few unruly stones came flying in through the closed windows. Perhaps the stones were not so much in fault as some despair. ing Locofoco loafer. The speeches and resolutions were listened to with great attention. The meeting finally adjourned by uniting in three hearty cheers for CLAY, FRELINGHUY SEN and MARKLE. Tat TRIAL or DORR.-The Providence Trans cript states that on Friday night the Court adjourn ed without deciding finally in the case. Eighteen points urged in favor of a new trial had been argu ed and decided by the court against him. A mo tion was Made for postponement of sentence, but not allowed. Yesterday in arrest of judgment, ex ception was taken to the jurisdiction of the court. The question was argued by the counsel for the State, but owing to the ill health of Mr. Atwell, the court adjourned without finally deciding, and gave him until a week from to-day to hand in his argu ment in writing. Balloon Ascension--,ALIVIOST. We neglected to state, a week ago, that Mr. Wise, the celebrated reronaut, contemplated ma king a balloon ascension from this place, on Satur day last. Perhaps it was well enough that we were neglectful in this respect; for people generally are averse to disappointments. Saturday was rainy and unpleasant from morning till night, and the ascension was postponed until Monday. The crowd of anxious spectators then dispersedtelowly, and the country people returned to their homes without even a sight of the balloon. Monday morning arrived, clothed in brightness and sunlight. With it came men, women and children, all eager to witness the novelty of a balloon ascension; and before noon the town was filled with strangers, and great excitement prevailed. In due time the process of inflation was commenced. in the lot in the rear of Messrs. Cunninglia,n Eurchinelfs cabinet ware room. The hour of one was fixed on for the ascension. Towards the mid dle of the day the calm that prevailed in the morn ing was interrupted by slight gusts of wind, in which the swelling balloon tossed to and fro like a thing of life. At 1 o'clock the cords were properly adjusted, and attached to the car—the reronaut stepped into it—and cutting the rope which held him to terra firma, he rose a few feet in the air, amid the shouts of the multitude, but soon got in contact with a stable, and after considerable strug gling he got over it, but soon a house jumped up and struck him on end; but, after hard scrabbling on the roof, he also extricated himself from that, and finally reached the grave yard hill, adjoining town, where the balloon vetoed all efforts to go any _ balloon, the hill ' every a few age was :If away. ,th the laces. spectators Ippenetl them, they all saw a balloon, and a short, though somewhat perilous voyage. The subjoined statement from the pen of Mr. Wise, will explain the cause of the failure in a satisfactory manner. We are pleased to learn that he contemplates making an ascension from this place in August next. For the Journal. Ma. EDITOR In conformity with the obligation made in my address to the citizens, in Market- Square, on Monday last, as regarded the cause of my inability to fulfill my promised ascension from your borough, I will give a brief outline of the cir cumstances attending the experiment. It was ob servable to all present on that occasion, as well rs , to myself, that the balloon contained a larger quart. tity of gas, than it was customary to ascend with. And yet, after disposing of all the ballast contain ed in the car, there was not sufficient ascending power to enable me to clear the house-tops; and consequently I was lodged on the top of the hill, east of the town. This, to me, appeared mystesious [fore the limitation of the appointed time, by common acclamation. On niy return I immediately called on several scientific gentlemen to make a test of the acid which remained, to ascertain whether the rause of the want of levity in the gas existed there. •These gentlemen report that the sulphuric-acid lacked full 160 grains in the pound of its standard specific gravity; which demonstrated that I had been operating with sulphureous-acid, instead of sulphuric-acid: and consequently had in the bal loon sulphuretted hydrogen, and sulphurous-acid gas, instead of pure hydrogen gas. I shall imme diately repair to the house from which I purchased the vitriol to seek redress; and shall also, from the encouraging requests, and good feeling manifested towards me by an intelligent community, redeem my pledge early in August; after whirls I intend to retire from the field, as a public practitioner in Aero nautics. My friends will accept this as a brief explanation, substantiated by the scientific skill in their own midst, until the pledge can be redeemed by their obedient biOrvant. JOHN WISE. Huntingdon, June 24, 1844. Chester County. A great Whig Convention was recently held in Westchester, at which every township in Chescer county was strongly represented. One township sent every Whig voter within its limits; several sent more Wltig delegates than there were voters in 1840 ; and one had a delegation outnumbering its Whig vote of 1840, by more than two hundred. The United States Gazette says, when events, like these are taking place in our state, we feel au thorized to say that all is wall, and all will be well, so long as the spirit which insures such meetings is active. There must be no diminution of exertion, no flagging of spirits, no stumbling on small ob stacles. The great work is before us, and we must all put our shoulders to the weel, and accomplish the task, remove the difficulty, and act the station ageing again. Let the °zombie of Chester county stimulate all. The Forum don't think the glorious cld military boots of Gen. JACKSON will prove a good tit for Mr. Pout. Calling the latter " Young Hickory" is a biting satire—how can the fragile, rotten polk ' stalk be like the stout and lasting hickory ? This trying to play Gen. Jackson, has been attempted by John Tyler; and Benton has thus exposed it—the fit is as good for Polk as Tyler : He wants to play Jackson ; but let him have a care. From the sublime to the ridiculous there is but a step; and in heroic imitations, there is no middle ground. The hero missed, the harlequin appears ; and hisses salute the ears which were itching for applause. cCAn exchange paper says, that on the receipt of the news of Polk'e nomination in a neighboring town, a locofoco was asked what he thought of James King Polk, of Tennessee. He immediately replied that there was uo such man among the Democracy—he must be a Fetherel if he's any body.' An hour after he got his cue, when he de clared that he was the second beat dernoceat and t he smartest man in the United States A three Sp-penny-bit Concern. " He would steal the pennies of a dead nigger's' eyes" is a saying often used to denote the height of sordid meanness. But a fellow might be guilty of this, and yet be esteemed decent when compared with a liquor seller who has proved himself nig gardly enough to take three fip-penny-bits from a temperance lecturer as a compensation for listening to him an hour while addressing a meeting. We blush to own that we have one man in our town who acted thus! He walked up, last week, to Gen. G. W. Riley, at M'Connell's corner, demand ed the cash, saying "I em a retailer by the drink ; Pll take my three fips"—took and pocketted the money. We need not give his name, for the fin ger of scorn will point out the fellow, and he will be despised as long as lie lives. The three fips, like the Devil's ducat, in the drama, will haunt and curse ha victim forever, and he cannot escape from it. Even his boon companions, and the penniless and the besotted spurn the money from them.— None will pollute their hand with the liquor seller's "PRICE." Mr. Wright and the Presidency. There was, recently, a large meeting of Locos in New York, at which B. F. Butler, presided, and to which a great number of members of Con gress, from various parts of the Union, made speeches. Apart of the speech of the Hon. Silas Wright, seems to us to hit, with great severity, the present candidates of the party for the Presi dency. We copy from the New York Evening Post: ' , ln reference to the idea that my name was ever to be presented to the American people as a candidate for the highest office in this Govern ment, I beg you to be assured that never, for one moment, have I been vain enough to aspire to that lofty trust; and while it is true that I did place in the hand of the delegate to the Baltiinore Convention from my own, district, a letter une quivocally prohibiting the use of my name for that office, it was done because I was assured— kindly assured by friends, that there was a dispo sition on the part of some delegation in that Con vention, in case of the failure to nominate Mr. Van Buren, ro attempt to use my name. Did I Ido right, fellow citizens? (Cheers and cries of 'Yes.') I did. And I myself most heartily re spond to your affirmative answer. (Cheers.)— Never had you—never had the Democracy of the i State indicated a disposition to bestow such a trust upon me; .d until they had done so, I should have been assuming what, in my judgment, no man has a right to assume—that I was per mitted to place myself before a Convention of the Dttnocracy of the Union, and attempt to gain a nomination (Cheers.) That was enough. But, fellow citizens, I was stopped try a stronger reason. Yovi had, your Democratic brethren throughout the Stale had with peculiar unanimity, and none more heartily than myself, designated another one of our distinguished Democrats as their first choice for the first office in the country.—(A voice, , Three cheers for old Matty.' Laughter.") Now Mr. Wright declares that he placed in the hands of a friend, a letter positively declining a nomination to the Presidency, on the grounds that he had not been designated for such a nomination by the Democracy. Surely, if such an argument could apply with any force in Mr. Wright'. case, it must be doubly effective in the case of Mr. Polk, itTetien Ire wen ns little thought of for the Presi dency, as was Governor Haines, of New Jemey.— If such a man as Silas Wright declines a nomi nation, because he had not been " talked of," then by how much greater reason should James K. Polk ! ! Tho rebuke which Mr. Wright administers is se" vere, and ought to be felt.—U. S. Gaulle. From the Forum, FIIELINGIWYSEN ON Cr.sir.—When thenews of the murder of Cilley, through the instigation of Mr. Clay, reached Newark, New Jersey, a meet ing was held in the Presbyterian Church, in which Mr. Prelinghuysen denounced the conduct of Mr. Clay, and charged him an accessory to the murder. Dayton Empire. The above is worthy of the arch-liar of locofo coism, Amos KENDALL, and shows that when we charged on locofocoism an effort to lie their can didates into office, we did no more than justce to their debased designs. The Hon. T. M. T., when THEODORE FRELINOHUYSEN was nominated at Baltimore, congratulated the Convention that his character was so irreproach able, that not oven KENDALL could defame him. But as the Newark Advertiser truly remarks, that distinguished political slanderer has determined to do what he can to falisfy the remark. In a recent number of his paper ho proposes what he calls A Design to illustrate Me character of the Whig party, in which he suggest. that Mr. Frelinghuy , nen should be represented in various attitudes: With a Bible in his hand; 2d. Praying for sinners; 3d. At the communion table partaking of the sacrament ; 4th. Amid his pious sisters in a prayer meeting; sth. Walking arm in arm with a black dandy ; 6th. With angels' wings, escorted by a grand procession of Whig clergymen. An explosion took place at the Blackly!' Pits, near Richmond lately. There were 12 hands in the pit, of these, four were Englishmen and eight colored men. The agent of the compa ny (Mr. GilTard) first descended the pit, having gone down as soon as the accident was announced. He was accompanied by "one of the underground agents—Joseph Hall. They proceeded in compa ny, about ten yards from the bottom of the shaft, when they found Jonathan Jewitt, an Englishman, alive, but insensible. In consequence of the nu merous obstructions in the shape of fallen timbers, &c., the place where the accident occurred had not been reached when the Richmond Whig heard last from the pits above 5 o'clock, and of course noth ing was known as to the condition of the remain ing eleven. DIALOGUJI. Whig. Neighbor, are you an Aristocrat or a Democrat? Loko-Polko. Neither; I am a straight out Polkat Doings of the D. 111. Senate. Tho nominations of Chancellor INALwowra, and Judge Kt NU, to the Supreme Bench, have been laid on the table. JAMES S. GREEN was unDnimoualy rejected, and GEOM. M. Bins, of Kentucky. confirmed as Sec retary of the Treasury. Senator N, P. 'PALLmsnoe, of New York, was unanimously confirmed as Governor of Wisconsin, and Gov. Jonx BRANCH, as Governor of Florida. 0 - - The Pennsylvanian of yesterday contained the following choice bit—an attempt to raise a laugh, with its face exhibiting the wan and cadav erous impress of despair! TRUTH Asa Wm—The Democracy of Pitts burgh held an immense meeting in that city to re spond to the nomination by the Baltimore Con vention. The speech of Mr. M'Candless was pe culiarily happy. In the course of his remarks he said : "The Whigs say Mr. Clay is a fried friend; and so he is. Ho has been tried twice and con demned, and ho will be executed in November, 1844." The " will be" of Mr. M'Candless' prophecy is nothing to the" has been" of the fate of Mr. VAN Benny. The Pennsylvanian, in the paragraph immediately preceding the above rich morceau, says of Mr. Van Buren: "We regard him as one of the ablest and purest statesmen of the age. We believe also that his merits are not yet fully appreciated by his coun trymen, though the time is not distant when they will be duly honoured ; and we did most earnestly desire that he should be the democratic candidate for the Presidency." His merits have not been "duly honoured," they were protested at Baltimore after three days sight. Ho was repudiated by his own party for demerit, not on the score of expediency. We heard the whole proceedings of that Convention, but the word expediency was not hinted at and "availa bility" was scouted at as a IVhip; word ! It is be cause Van Buren was wrong in the issues of 1840, that Its was dropped and an unknown candidate substituted ! If then there is truth in the " wit" of the Pittsburgh speechmaker, how much more point would there be if it were applied to Van Buren l He is the Pennsylvanian's tried friend . Van has been tried twice, once by his political op ponents and condemned, the second time by his political friends and again condensned, and du ring the " three days" of caucus rioting at Balti more, he was executed Forum of the f:Oth June. THAT SOME OLD COON,' is destined to be im mortalized; he will never say die,' but remain true blue like Barnaby's Grip.' One of the 4 hairbreath esc-_ - Ps' of the venerable old coon is thus poetical ly g'=en by a contemporary : All seemed to love the patriarch Oak, because he liv'd so long, And because lied given shelter free to many a bird of song, But ne'ertheless, the woodman came, and would not spare that tree,' lie drew his coat, and with keen axe, straightway When the oak tree fell, About the hour of noon, It split at the top, And out did pop, THAT year SAME OLD COON. A BAD Fi x.—The Buffalo Courier has charged that ' all the Senators and all the Representatives, who voted for the re-charter of the U. S. Bank in 1832, were • bribed and purchased by British Ban kers and Brokers.' George M. Dallas, the Couri er's candidate for the Vice Presidency, was one of the Senators who voted for the Bank. Under these circumstances the Rochester Democrat is anxious to know how the Courier can consistently support a bribed and purchased' candidate for office. The Courier, as yet, declines giving any explanation. OVERFLOW OF THE MIBSISSIPPL--The Louis villa Journal learns that great damage has bJen done on the Missisippi. About fifteen miles above Princeton, near Shirttail Bend, the levee has given I way, and cotton has been destroyed to the amount of at least three thousand bales. Another breach about five miles below Princeton has caused a loss of cotton amounting to twelve or fifteen hundred bales. From a breach a little below Lake Provi dence, the amount of loss cannot be less than a thousand bales. CROPS, TARIFF AND ANNIXATION.-The editor of the Fredericksburg (Va.) Arena, after spending several days in the counties of Hanover, Caroline and Spottsylvania, returns to his post and reports that the farmers were cutting wheat in all; the harvest is promising. No man appeared shedding tears for the failure of his crop. All seemed to be doing well. Not one word against the Tariff.— The home market is considered the best. Imme diate annexation troubled only' the young unmar ried folks, and here and there a widow might be seen in favor of immediate re-annexation. Tyler won't withdraw. The Madisonian of Saturday evening has the following paragraph in reference to the rumored con templated withdrawal of President Tyler; For the information of our readers, and to coun teract the rumors put in circulation by the enemies of the President, and by some of hie pretended good friends' that ho intended to withdraw from the contest, we are enabled to say that no such in- tention is entertained. C''. Ethan Waite, Esq., a highly respectable citizen, and a magistrate of Orange county, Ohio, visited Cleveland on the 7th inst., and receive• ed about $3OOO for wool which he sohl. Since the receipt of the money, nothing has been heard of him ; and his family and friends are under great apprehension as to the cause of his mysterious disappearance. Wife! why in the name of goodness did'int you make the washerwoman put starch in my shirt col• ler! . Why, my dear, I thought it a useless waste of the article, for I can get your choler up so easy without it.' Juditoes siblice. The undersigned, appointed by the court of common pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the moneys in the hands of the Sheriff, arising from the sale of the real es tate of Daniel K, Reamy, hereby gives no tice that he will attend, for that purpose, at the Prothonotary's office, in Huntingdon, on Friday the :30th day of July next, at 1 o'clock P. M. GEO. TAYLOR, June 26, 1844. Auditor Auditor's Xolice. The undersigned, appointed by the court of common pleas of Huntingdon ccuuty, to distribute the moneys in the hands of the Sheriff, arising from the sale of the real es tate of John Bouslough, hereby gives notice to all persons interested, that lie will attend, for that purpose, at the Prothonotary's of fice on Friday the 30th July next, at 10 o'- cluck A. M. GEO. TAYLOR, June 26th 1844. Auditor, auditor's J olice. The undersigned, appointed by the court of common pleas of Huntingdon county, to disribute the moneys in the hands of the sheriff, arising from the sale of the real es tate of Jonathan Stouffer, hereby gives no tice to all persons interested in said distri bution, that he will attend Inc that purpose, rat the Prothouotary's office, in Huntingdon, on Friday the 30th July next, at 1 o'clock I'. M. GEO. L'AY LOH, June 26, 1844. Auditor. .luditorls otice. The undersigned, appointed by the court of common pleas of said county, to distri bute the mone) s arising from the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of 11. Snyder Hether ington, gives notice to all persons interested in said distributicn, that he will attend for that purpose, at the Prothonotary's office, on Saturday the 30th July next, at 1 o'clock P. M. GEO. TAYLOR, June 26, 1844. Auditor. dludilorls .71olice. The undersigned, appointed by the cruet of common pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the moneys in the hands of the Sheriff, arising from the sale of the real es tate of Samuel Royer, hereby gives notice that he will attend, for thatpurpose, at the Prothonotary's office, in Huntingdon, on Saturday the 31st July next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. GEO. TAYLOR, June 26, 1844. Auditor. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned auditor, appointed by the court of common pleas of Huntingdon county, to distribute the moneys arising front the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of Peter Hew it, hereby gives notice to all per sons interested in said distribution, that he will atteml for that purpose, at the Prothon toarv's office, in Huntingdon, on Saturday the 31st July next, GLO. TAYLOR, June 26, 1844. Auditor . Whigs and Antimasons of Huntinfzdon county. To you I offer tnyitlf a Candidate for the Shcry's Office. Being whipt into the party in the year 'l2 and since, by the same rod sundry times for being there, therefore 1 appeal to you as friends for redress. Delegates, when in County Convention met, stretch your Anti ' masonic lines to a foundation, that the build ers may t vise to me en office, on the second nmsneu Muni 'respect:llsre Patiai (71 . 1117(;T! ty,) my pledge is, to decorate the castle with the following furniture: Impartiality, Faithfulness, and as much Humanity and good-will toward Imy fellow man, as can be tolerated in th^ unction of my duty. • -.VII) . CA MPFIED. • Frfinkstown tp., June 26, 1844.—pd: TO THE ELECTORS OP RUN TINGDON COUNTY. FRIENDS &C : Having spent my whole life in your county, and the greater part of that time at the business of Farming, I now take the liberty of offering myself, subject to the decision of a Whig County Convention, as a candidate for the office of If successful, I pledge myself that my best efforts shall be to discharge its duties im partially, to the best of my ability. JOHN HFAVIT, IVeat townshifi. June 5, 1844.—tae To the Electors of Huntingdon County. FELLOW CITIZENS:--.I take the liberty of offering myself to your consideration as a candidate fur the office of SZEII,IFF, subject to the decision of the Whig County Convention. If successful, I pledge myself to discharge its duties impartially to the best of my ability. ROBERT sTrrr. Huntingdon, 15th May 1844. Abiteriffattn. FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS :—At th solicitation of a nember of friends, in differ ent parts of the county, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of S JE le IF F at the general election in 1844, subject to the decision of the Whig County Convention.— In the event of my success, my best efforts shall be exerted to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity. JACOB STRAIC;IIT1100F. Tyrone tp•, April 17, 1844. tac. DR. Z. YOUN inESPECTFULLY Infoi ms the citizens of Huntingdon county, that he has re turned to Alexandria, where he will remain until October next. Dr. Young is prepared to perform all the various operations on the Teeth in his profession, in the most skilful manner and approved style. Nerves of Teeth destroyed and permanently filled with' Parisian Cement without /lain. also Teeth Extracted by the recent discoveries with great ease and satisfaction to the pa tient. N. B. Prices moderate to suit the times. Alexandria, June 19, 1844, J. Hearsley Henderson, ATTORNEY AT LAW, lluntingdon, Pa. Office on Main street, one door West of William Dorris' Store. Huntingdon, Juue 12,1844,