Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, June 19, 1844, Image 2

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~ O ns country, one constitution, one destiny.
LIEZZEL Cala fl ELI C;j3 3 da OD 12119
Wednesday morning, Juno 19, '44,
oj'''V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street
below Third, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act as
Agent /or this paper, to procure subscriptions and
a'P The Huntingdon Sournal has a
larger circulation than any other
Newspaper in Huntingdon county.
We state this fact for the benefit of
"Once more our glorious Banner out
Upon the breeze we throw;
Beneath its folds, with song and shout,
Let's charge upon the foe!"
Senatorial Electors.
it a p r eis e n t at i v e electors.
let District—Joseph C. Clarkson, of Philadelphia.
2d John P. Wetherill, do
3d John D. Nincsteel, do
4th John S. Litteil, Germantown.
6th Elleazer T. M'Dowell, of Bucks co.
6th Benj. Frick, of Montgomery.
7th Isaac W. Vanleer, of Chester.
811 t William Hiester, of Lancaster.
11th John S. Hiester, of Berks.
10th John Killinger, of Lebanon.
11th Alex. E. Brown, of Northampton.
12th Jonathan J. Slocum, of Luzern..
13th Henry Drinker, of Susquehanna.
14th James Pollock, of Northumberland.
15th Frederick Watts, of Cumberland.
16th Daniel M. Smyser, of Adams.
17th James Mathers, of Juniata.
18th Andrew .1. Ogle, of Somerset.
12th Daniel Washabaugh, of Bedford.
loth John L. Gow, of Washington.
21. t Andrew W. Loomis, of Allegheny.
22d James M. Power, of Mercer.
1111 d William A. Irvin, of Warren.
24th Benjamin Hartshorn, of Clearfield.
siTaNceisoir ea wrasarakihDp
The Canal Commissioners' Case.
This important case, involving the question of
the constitutionality of the election of the present
Board of Canal Commissioners, was argued in the
Supreme Court, at I farrisburg, on Tuesday of last
week, before Chief Justice GI esox and Justices
RODGERS, KENNEDY and Slimy:ANT. The case
was argued by FREDERICL WATT., Esq., of Car
lisle, and Attorney General Joirvsom on the part of
the Commonwealth, and by JANES M'Conrcrex,
Esq., of Harrisburg, in behalf of Messrs. Clarke
and Foster, and by Juan MILLER, Esq. who, al
though not a lawyer, " answered for himself."
The case was ably argued. We heard ono of
the speeches on each side, and still consider the cane
a very doubtful one.
The opinion of the Court has not yet been deli.
BAD Fxtuso.—Mr. McGinnis, one of the dele
gates to the Convention at Baltimore that nomina
ted Polk and Dallas, immediately after the nomina
tion, rose and said :--
"I hove sought at various time to address the
Convention for the purpose of expressing my opin
ion upon the course it has adopted—but I have
been rudely and uncivilly denied the exercise
of my rights as one of its members. I have, there
fore, no resort left, except to take this opportunity
of proclaiming that I bear no part of the responsi
bility of what it has done. It haicommitted a gross
fraud—a fraud upon the Democratic party—a fraud
upon the country. I go against it—Missouri will
go against it—l denounce it. I know that it is
useless to spend more breath upon it herr, but the
people will see it, and treat it as it deserves to be
Tan Les Tenxia.—The coarse and hlalphe•
mous languageattributed to Henry Clay—Go home
God d--m you,' &c.— was utterer by C. C. Clay,
a Loccdoeo member of Congress, and not Henry
Clay. We give this on the authority of the Cou•
rier & Enquirer.
union. Edward D. Ging, one of the Judges
of the Court of quarter Sessions of Philadelphia;
has been nominated to the Serrate as Judge of the
Supreme Court of the United States in Judge Bald-
win's place.
Met the people remember that Polk and Dal
las are in favor cramming Texas, and of ASSUM
FOREIGN COUNTRY, known to amount to
bably to more than fifteen millions.
ir:eMr. Benton, in his unanswerable speech a
the annexation of Texas, says the Treaty now be
fore the Senate proposes to annex the United Stales
to Texas instead of uniting Texas to the United
States !
ccrt is rumored that Ex-Governor Shannon, of
Ohio, is to be nominated for the Vico Presidency
on the Tyler ticket. It is said that as the recently
unpainted Minister to Mexico, he lie already drawn
his eshrrs and outfit-418,000.
The Locopoco meeting in the Old Court House,
on Monday evening last, proved the veriest failure
that has occurred in this place for many a day.—
After ringing the bell repeatedly, some twenty or
thirty Locos and about twice as many Whigs, bent
on seeing the farce, gathered in. The meeting was
in due time organized, when George IL M'Parlane
rose and stated that as the meeting was unusually
small, it was not worthwhile to go through the for
mula of appointing a large committee; and, there
fore, he offered a preamble and resolutions, which
he hoped would be adopted by the meeting. On
reading, they proved to be a series of stereotyped
slanders of Henry Clay, Joseph Markle, and the
whole Whig party ; and the most fulsome praise
of Polk, Dallas, Muhlenberg and Texas. The pre
amble and resolutions fell still-born upon the meet
ing; and after a lung pause the vote was taken on
the adoption, when three voices were heard in the
affirmative. Tho resolutions in praise of the Lo
cofoco nominees, and the manner in which they
were received, reminded us very forcibly of a funeral
sermon we once heard a
_lunatic preach at the drag
ging out and burial of a dead dog. It was a mourn
ful scene.
Thaddeus Banks Esq. was called on and favor
ed the meeting with a small speech. The speaker
endeavored to be very severe upon Mr. Clay and
the Whigs, and talked muchabout liberty, tyranny,
talent and corruption, stink and shine, and rotton
mackerel ; amid which "shine and stink" the spea
. ker eat down to the great excitement of the risible
faculties of the Whigs present.
Our brother of the Beacon Light, the great ora
tor of his party, next took the floor and gave the
Coons," Clay, Frelinghuysen and Markle one of
his most approved ksmbaslings. We are fearful
there won't be a "Coon'; left in the county ninety
' years hence the eloquent orator havingsuch a dead
ly spite at them.
The speeches of both gentlemen were made up
of the most perfect balderdash and nonemense, and
proved to every hearer the utter hopelessness of the
cause of our opponents, and the desperation of the
leaders of the used up party.
We hope the proceedings, including all the rese
lutions, will be published.
Who is lames It. Polk?
The U. S. Gazette says :—' , Our neighbor of the
Pennsylvanian is whistling himself and his adhe
rents into courage. But it is in vain. The battle was
fought before the nomination, and every reasonable
man felt, and feels now, that Mr. Clay, if alive on
the sth of March, 1845, will be President of the
United States. We do not mean to blame the
efforts of our opponents ; on party grounds, and for
party purposes, they are very well. A sort of skel
eton of organization must be kept up for the election
of 1949, and to give up now, would be to unhinge
that skeleton and scatter its bony parts.
What hope can any patty have of success at this
time of the canvass, when, instead of a prompt re
. Lite
nominations, they listen to the name of the Presi
dential candidate, and then, with most anxious face,
inquire, Well, now, who is this Polk that is
nominated 1'
It does not mend the matter much, when the re
ply is mode, Ho is a particular favorite of General
Became, with equal desire to have all right, the
people respond, A favorite of General Jackson!
why, so was 'Van Buren.'
The nomination of Mr. Polk does not excite enthu
siasm—it does not receive from the people that re
sponse which is necessary to success. The leaders
of the parties in the great cities throw up their hats,
and cry out for Polk, and declare that they are
most enthusiastic; but they do not waken a corres
ponding feeling in voters. They may call aloud,
but them is no respose. They may cut themselves,
like the Priests of Baal, and when all these artifi
cial stimulents have been applied to themselves,
and they look around for some tokens of correspon
ding sympathy, they are met with the same cold
inquiry, Well, who is this James K. Polk that is
nominated ?'
If it is answered, that in the Congress of the na
tion, he was an active member, and in his own State,
he was three times a candidate for Governor, and
was once elected, somebody, with an ugly habit of
recollection, will say that, in Congress, lie was an
active opponent of the Tariff; that in Tennessee,
he was elected Governor upon General Jackson's
popularity, but lost his election after his first term,
and was a second time defeated, with an increased
majority against him, when canvassing the State as
a free-trade man.
Answers of this kind to the question of Who is
Mr. Polk V—and these are the answers that must
be given—will not promote his election.
licking from the Polk Traces,
I The Mercury of the 11th gives the proceedings
of a large and repsectable meeting of the Democrat
ic citizens of the district of Kensington, held at the
house of Widow Binghart, on Monday evening,
June 10th, 1844. The meeting was organized by
calling John R. Sharp, Esq, to the Chair, and Jo.
aeph Cooke and H. Brady, Vico Preeidents--Thom
as Peters and Edward Taylor, Seeretaties.' The
odore Phillips reported a series of resolutions, from
which we quote the following
Whereas Col. Polk, we have recently understood
is opposed to the great interests of Pennsylvania,
which is a proper tariff for the manufacturers,
mechanics and laboring classes of our country.
Resolved, That this meeting being Democrats,
who supported Martin Van Buren in the year of
1836 and 1840, first elected, and in the latter de
feated, by the largest vote ever polled by the Amer
ican people, deem it their duty to say to their dem
ocratic friends thronghout the State of Pennsylva
nia, that they cannot support James K. Polk at the
approaching Presidential election to be held in this
State on the first day of November, 1844.
Resolved, That in the opinion of this meeting, , 1
Col. Polk cannot carry the eiectoral vote of the State
of Pennsylvania, and that his friend. be iramdiately
requested to withdraw his name from the present
Presidential campaign, unless they prefer defeat to
that of victory.
Tho Duty of Pennsylvanians.
Let not the voters of Pennsylvania be deceived
wills the issue that the Locofoco press is now try
ing to make, before them. The question of men is
Clay and Polk—Henry Clay, of Kentucky, identi
fied wills all the great conservative and truly patri
' otic measures of the nation for thirty years past, re
spected wherever known, and known wherever the
name of American and the principles of republicans
are understood—and James K. Polk, of Tennessee,
so much the cringing flatterer ants political depen
dent of General Jackson as to be called, in derision,
"Young Hickory," „ The Green Sapling," that,
instead of entering into the composition of any
thing in itself considerable or useful, can only be
bent about as a hoop to a decayingeask—James K.
Polk, that swung into power in his own state upon
the all-conquering fame and influsnce of Gen. Jack
son, but when left to Isis own aiilities and Isis na
ked principles of free trade and no protection, was
promptly rejected ; and when ho ventured again to
ask for power on those claims, waS with a stronger '
emphasis refused. Between these two men the
people of tho nation are to choose. The people of
Pennsylvania, however, have a smog and direct
interest in the selection. Henry Clay, whose qual
ities as a statesman have been te4d, and whose
talents and patriotism reflect upon the nation—not
merely on a party, but on the nation, and therefore
he is the pride of a party—is the founder and the
able advocate of that great system of protection
which, in his love for the country, he allowed to be
called tho American System rather than to repre
sent it by Isis own name. That system is peculiar
ly Pennsylvanian ; it is the cause of the prosperity
which wo had some years since. Is injury produ
ced the sufferings which afflicted oar state only a
few years ago, and its resuscitation has caused that
revival of business and that restoration of prosperi
ty which is blessing the commercial, manufacturing,
and mechanic portions of the state, and through
them is extending itself to the agricuituriats.—
Henry Clay and the protection of home industry
I are words so intimately connected that they seem
synonimaus. Pennsylvanians will understand their
James K. Polk has distinguished himself by his
constant opposition to all protection, by his open
hostility to the tariff that looks to protection of
American industry, and especially and directly to
the tariff of 1842, by which we are now beginning
to prosper. The election of Mr. Polk—the event
we regard se not within the pale of probability, per
haps, indeed, of possibility—yet the election of Mr.
Polk would at onto destroy the tariff, if Congress
should yield; or not yielding, indeed, it would un
settle the policy of the nation by keeping before the
manufacturers causes for doubta,and apprehensions
of the withdrawal of protection.
And this last consideration is, limn. opinion, one
most worthy of note.
It has been the settled policy of the southern Lo
cos, and the obedient action of their northern fol
lowers, to destroy the protective system; but failing
in that, failing in their atnpts to rexella
stantly agitated in Congress, constantly under dis
cussion, so as to prevent, as far as they can, the lib
eral capitalists from investing his funds in manufac
tures, lest the protection of the government should
Ibe withdrawn. This has been, and this is now their
policy, and by this policy they think to weaken op
position, because they diminish thereby the amount
of interest invested in, and consequently the amount
of interest felt for, manufactures.
Let our friends, then—let all—let every true
Pennsylvanian bear in mind that the election of
Henry Clay secures the permanency of protection
so far as protection is required, and gives security to
the capitalist to invest his funds where they will
give employment to the greatest number of hands,
and create a demand for the greatest quantity of the
agricultural and mineral productions of the State.
Let every friend of the nation—let every true
Pennsylvanian, then, vote for Clay and Frelinghuy
sen, and secure the prosperity of the nation and
redeem our own commonwealth.
Artful Dodging on Polk's Prospects
One of the richest of the very rich efforts of Le
cofocoism to get out of a scrape, forms to us in the
shape of" • emu" copied from the Globe into the
Pennsylvanian of the 11th inst. Mr. Peyton of
Tenn., having stated in debate that he had recently
heard a conversation between a Democratic mem
ber of the House, from the State of New York, and
the Hon. Mr. Black of South Carolina, in which
the former said, in substance, that the Democratic
nomination of President, at Baltimore, ought to
meet with no respect from the country ; and that
James K. Polk could not get one electoral college,
unless that of South Carolina, and that would de
pend on the mere whim and caprice of Mr. Cal
houn; nineteen out of twenty-three locofoco mem
bers of Congress from New York, in this card
♦aeanr each for himself, and with the most un
doubting confidence in the statements of each
other, that neither he nor they have, at any time or
place, had any such conversation, or made any
such remark, as was described by Mr. Peyton; and
they pronounce those remarks of Mr. Peyton, so
far as they were meant to have any reference to the
undersigned, as utterly destitute of truth.'
This Card' is signed by Messrs. Joseph H. An
derson, L. Stetson, Preston King, Orville Robinson,
Horace Wheaton, Moses G. Leonard, G. Rathbun,
Z. Pratt, Wm. B. Maclay, Smith M. Purdy, Byrom
Green, James G. Clinton, Jeremiah Russell, S. B.
Strong, 0. Hungerford, Henry C. Murphy, Charles
S. Benton, Amass Dana, and Wm. S. Hubbell.—
Now all our readers remember the fellow who was
indicted for stealing a pair of boots from a store
door. The prosecuting attorney brought two wit
nesses to swear that they actually saw the prisoner
take the boots, while the ingenious attorney for the
defence brought six friends of the prisoner who
swore they did not see him take them! So with
the loco members from New York—neneteen assert
that they did not hear the conversation, and believe
just the reverse; but where are those five members
—or rather the four, for the seat of Mr. Beardsley
is still vacant? Where is the name of Richard D.
Davis, of Dutchess county, who, it is well known,
was the man who held the conversation with Mr.
Black? Where aro the names of David L. Sey
mour, of the Twelfth, Cheselden Ellis, of the Six
teenth, and Jeremiah E. Cary, of the Twenty-first
District, locofocos, whe voted for the preservation
of the Tariff of 1842? Where aro their names
in support of the nomination of James K Polk, the
free trade anti-Tariff candidate of the Texas specu
lators? We opine they could not be brought to
the scratch ! We know that Richard D. Davis
could not be induced to sign this " Card," or any
thing like it, and that neither he nor any friend of
the Tariff of 1842, will vote for Polk and Dallas.
Is it not this "Card" the richest specimen of po
litical humbug which the humbug nomination of
the Young Hickory sapling has yet developed?
The New York Tribune thud figures out the
election in November:
For Henry Clay.
States. Electors. Pop. Maj.
Massachusetts, 12 20,000
Rhode Island, 4 2,000
Kentucky, 12 10,000
Delaware, 3 1,500
Connecticut, 6 8,000
Vermont, 6 10,000
Maryland, 8 3,000
North Carolina, 11 10,000
Ohio, 23 20,000
New York, 36 20,000
Pennsylvania, 26 10,000
Now Jersey, 7 2,000
Indiana, 12 3,000
Georgia, 10 3,000
Tennessee, 13 3,000
Total, 189
For Jame. K. Polk.
States. Electors. Pop. Maj.
New Hampshire, 9 6,000
South Carolina, 9 10,000
Missouri, 7 5,000
Alabama, 9 7,000
Mississippi, 6 3,000
Louisiana, 6 2,000
Arkansas, 3 1,000
Very Doubtful.
Virginia 17
Illinois, 9
Michigan, 5
Maine, 9
We confidently expect that some of the States
we have sot down as doubtful will go for Clay, while
we shall not entirely give up the last three in the
Polk list, unless the Summer Elections at the South
result badly. But for the Texas question, we
should stand an even chance for them all.
p 3" A Lscopolko ratification meeting was at
tempted at Harrisburg, on the 7th, at which rather
more than the usual amount of strife and bitterness
was exhibited. Polk was swallowed quietly, though
evidently a bitter dose; but when a resolution was
proposed favorable to Parson Muhlenburg a portion
of the meeting broke out in open rebellion. The
Intelligencer states that from hot words the bellige
rents proceeded to blows, and dragging each other
; q t. th., • •
after the most approved fashion. Many of the must
prominent and influential of the party in that quar
ter resist most determinedly the Parson's preten
sions, not willing to tolerate the fraudulent means by
which his nomination was effected, and believing
that the interest and honor of the Commonwealth
demands his defeat. The Parson will find that
though ho could buy his nomination at the hands of
corrupt partizans, he cannot purchase an election
from the People.
ALLEGn Ye...011r political, friends of Allegheny
are already in the field with a strong ticket. On
the 6th their county Convention made the follow
ing nominations, the first of which was made unan
imOusly :
Congress—Conarzurs Demuth
Senate—Owner DANSIE.
Assembly—T. J. 812(6.31,
PAlL:wrier Muse.
Commissioner—Wm. MAGILL.
Auditor—War. SIMMONS,
The ticket gives satisfaction to all the Whigs and
Antimasons of the county, and gives strength and
unity to the party. Old Allegheny will show her
self right in October and November.
llanhlenberg's Unpopularity.
The Locofocos say that Gen. Manias is unpop
ular with his neighbors, and by way of proving this
assertion state that when he run for Congress in
Westmoreland he fell behind the ticket of Governor.
Now this is very readily accounted for. In the Lo
cofoco county of Westmoreland of course no chance
for the Whig Congressional Candidate, and the
only inducement for running one at all, was to have
a full Whig ticket in opposition to that presented
by the Locos. Of course with no prospect of suc
cess there was no exertion. But the Gubernatorial
contest was quite another matter. Then every vote
would tell and consequently every exertion was
used. But in order that our opponents may see
how this kind or argument will answer when ap
plied to their own candidate, we append the follow
ing extract from the last number of the Berks and
Schuylkill Journal, to show how very popular
Muhlenberg was, and needs must be, where he is
best known. Our Loco friends should recollect
that it is a poor rule that want work both ways.'—
The Journal says :
~ Mr. Muhlenberg was elected to Congress in
1528, being at that time Pastor of the Lutheran
Church of Reading, the district then being Berke,
Schuylkill and Lehigh, which sent two members.
On the same ticket with Mr. Muhlenberg, Mr.
Frey, of Lehigh. Tho vote of the district was,
For Muhlenberg 4221
Frey 4612
showing that Frey ran ahead of Mr. Muhlenberg in
the district 397 votes.
But further: in Berk. county Mr. Muhlcnberg
received 2429 votes end Mr. Frey 2887. MUH.
The returns ahow that Muhlenberg was then
Daniel A. Bertolett, for senate was ahead of him
42,8 VOTES.
FIVE of the canditatee fop miserably were ahead
of him—viz: Paul Geiger, Thomas J. Reber, O.
Kline, John Stauffer and John Kercher. John
Stauffer beating him by nearly TWO HUNDRED
VOTES! Kercher was a resident of Schuylkill
county, (which then elected with Berke) was ahead
of Wittenberg in Berke county, which shows, that
in 1828, Muhlenberg was not only behind the can•
didates on his ticked front Bcrks, but fell short of
men from Seliuylcill and Lehigh.
' It appears further that although Mr. Muhlenberg
was ahead of the Auditor, he was beaten both by
the Commissioner and Director of the Poor, falling
generally from ONE TO FOUR HUNDRED
These are the plain facts,--the inference we leave
to those who are so much concerned about General
Markle.—Clay Bugle.
Undressed Sailed,
The following from the Philadelphia Times, des
cribing the way in which the announcement of Mr.
DALLAS' nomination was made to him, by the Las
tern delegation returning from the Convention, has
in our view something excessively ludicrous. Mr.
Dallas, standing barefooted, in hilt shirt or drawers,
(we presume he had drawers on,) in the midst of a
company of individuals overloaded with champaign,
yelling and shouting like savages in his parlor,
beats even our conception of Monsieur Tonson's
woeful figure, when plagued by that wicked wight
Tom King. But to the scene:
Accompanied by Senator Walker, of Mississip
pi, a personal friend of Mr. Dallas, the delegates,
sixty in number, arrived in Philadelphia on Friday
morning about 5i o'clock. Of course almost every
body was yet asleep. The party soon reached Mr.
D's houso in Walnut below Tenth street, and Mr.
Walker, ascending the steps, rang the bell. Atter a
pause, Mrs. D. put her head out of the window, and
seeing Mr. Walker, conjectured that some misfor
tune had happened her daughter, reident in Wash
ington. Mr. Walker's, I want to see Mr. Dallas
immediately,' confirmed her suspicions, and she
hastily awakened her husband, communicated the
sad conjectures. He ran down stairs half dressed
and barefooted--opened the door—when to his
utter amazement, in walked sixty or more gentle.
men, two by two, with the tread of soldiers, passing
him by, entering his front parlor as though to make
him a captive. Not having the slightest concep
tion of their object, ho stood thunder-struck at the
scene. Mr. Walker led him into the back parlor.
My dear Walker,' said he in amazement, what is
the matter?' Wait one moment, if you please,
Dallas—wait ono moment, if you please.' Fhe
folding doors were then thrown open,•and the whole
stepping forward, gave three cheers for POLK and
DALLAS !' Mr. D. stood paralyzed. Mr. Walker
enjoyed his discomfiture. Gov. Fairfield, of Maine,
then stepped forward, and in the name of the dole
gaion, solved the mystery in a brief speech. Mr.
Dallas having by this time collected himself, made a
very short reply. Mr. Walker and several of the
delegation then spoke. after which they gave twen
ty-six cheers for Polk, Dallas, Multlenburg and
Tea SECRET or IT.—The Nashville Union of
the 23d of last month, after premising that it can do
more than guess at the probable result of the Balti
more Convention, and adding that Mr. Van Buren'a
name will probably be withdrawn, says:
"We guess the claims of Mr. Pout and others
will be urged privately or publicly, and, after, two
or three ballotingt2tere , cr e d n i i aA y lkaAri v il i
be tie; ;andidtl a te ' of the groat Democratic
party with enthusiasm and unanimity."
This is the first, last, and only intimation which
we remember to have seen from any quarter, prior
to the Baltimore Convention, of the probability, or
possibility of Mr. Polk's being a candidate for the
Presidency. Tho inference is irresistable that the
arrangement for withdrawing Mr. Van Buren, and
bringing forward Mr. Potx, was made at Nash
or in the neighborhood of that city.—N. Intel.
the Ist of February, 1931, Mr. Washington, of the
House of Representatives, presented a statement
from the Mayor of Georgetown, D. C., relative to
the suffering condition of the poor of that city.—
The winter was ono of unusual and extraordinary
severity, while the supply of wood was insufficient
in the city, to meet the wants of the suffering pop
ulation. It so happened that there was at that pe
riod collected within the yard of the Capitol more
wood, much more than would be needed for the
wants of Congress. Mr. Washington accordingly
moved that of this superfluity thirty cords bo placed
at the disposal of the Mayor of Georgetown to be
appropriated for the relief of the suffering poor of
that city. Was there any ono present so unfeeling,
so insensible to the dictates of humanity—so deaf
to the cry of distress and suffering that went up to
the Capitol from around its very walls, as to object
to this charitable proposition? Yes, there was one.
He rose and opposed the motion. It was a bad ex
ample. It was, he said, undignified for the legisla
tors to become overseers of the poor, to hoard up
wood to deal it out to the paupers of the district.--
And when the House, containing a large majority
of the political friends of that gentleman, voted, by
a decisive majority, to extend a helping hand to
their feeling fellow creatures in Georgetown, the
name of that member was recorded in the negative!
His name was
Old files are ugly things to bite against
whether they be of iron or paper! The York Re.
publican gives some curious extracts from the past.
In 1835 the friend's of Gov. Wolf's re-election cel
ebrated the Fourth of July in Lancaster; and
among others tho following toast was given by a
gentleman long a Locofoco editor—a man of ac
knowledged abilities, and still, we believe, a mem
ber of that party :
"By HUGH MAXWELL—The Muhlies now, as
since the creation, an odd product neither horse nor
ass but something between, wilful, stubborn, intrac
table, and incapable of increase."
These arc certainly by no means commendable
qualities; but they aro no doubt characteristic of
the hyorid creature to which they are attributed by
Mr. Ataxwsct ; and 'as "Muhly" only received
40,000 out of the 200,000 votes polled for Gover
nor in 1835, and is "incapable of increasing" them,
ho must be soundly beaten next October. Indeed
another toast given at the same celebration seems
to presage the parson's fate as aptly now as then
"By JACOB RINEHART—The race over Me
Pennsylvania Course in October next —lf the old
saying of " Nick take the hindmost" be true, he will
surely have (he Parson."
Iltrmnro—We wish it to be distinctly LIT..i.: , 1
stood, the certificates end other proofs of the ex,
lence of Dr. Whiter'. Balsam of Wild Cherry ep.
pear in this paper occasionally are fully and strit
true. None other will be given. The following
from a well known builder :
New Yonx ' March 10, 1843.
I was fact fall attacked wills a pain and severe
soreness of the cheat, which continued for a number
of weeks. I had previously, for several years, becr. i o
subject to a permanent weakness, caused by a atm:in.' ,
This last attack gave me much apprehension, es I
feared it was the commencement of n fatal disease.
About the middle of December I began to take Dr
Wiatar's Balsam of Wild Cherry—a single bottler",
of which soon removed all soreness from the chest, ,
added strength and vigor to the lungs—and now I '
regard myself as perfectly sound and well,
JOHN BROWN, 61 Ann street.
For sale by Thomas Read, Hun tingdon and
James Orr, Hollidaysburg.
a=m a,
At the residence of Kenzie L. Greene, in Spring-
field township, Huntingdon county, on Tuesday,
the llth ult., after a severe and painful illness of
eleven days, Mrs. MARGARET LOVELL, con.
sort of William Lovell, dec'd., aged 68 years.
The deceased was truly pious and exemplary a,
a Christian and friend—she died lamented by all
who enjoyed the pleasure of her acquaintence.--
Her departure will create avoid that time itself will
hardly replace.
(in this Borough.)
2. r. sr. fl r.
- • 72
- • 64
7 •. u.
• - 57 •
Jvxi 11 -
13 -
14 -
15 - -
- 60 - -
- 59 • -
- 65 • -
• 64 - -
80 . .
80 - -
85 ..
A meeting of the Washingtonian Temperance
Society will be hold in the Old Court House, on
Wednesday evening next at half past 7 o'clock.
A lecture will be delivered by James E. Fenton.
Huntingdon, Juno 19,1944.
1 it ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens
of Huntingdon county, that he has re
turned to Alexandria, where he will remain
until October next. Dr. Young is prepared
to perform all the various operations on the
Teeth in his profession, in the most bkiliut
manner and approved style. Nerves of
Teeth destroyed and permanently filled
with Parisian Cement without hiain, also
Teeth Extracted by the recent discoveries
with great ease and satisfaction to the pa
N. B. Prices moderate to suit the times,
Alexandria, June 19, 1814,
:3mnalala eo UallmcEa
For cleaning Wheat and other kinds of Grain
'1 HE subscriber having purchased from
E;va►v.o K. Katie, of York, Pa., sole
MACHINE, the right of selling said Ma
chines in Huntingdon county, takes this me
thod of recommending afresh said Machines
to the citizens of Huntingdon county.
Grimes' Patent Smut Machine
was patented in March, in the year 1839,
since when it has been introduced into gen
eral use; and the subscriber feels warranad
in saying that it has proved itselt as t,erfect
as human ingenuity can make it—far sur
passing in durability, and all the necessary
requisites of a Smut IMachinelntl others yet
offered in the United States. He has been
engaged for sonic time past in selling
Grimes' Smut Machines and where they
have had to compete with the best rival Ma
chines; and are at this time decidedly the
most popular amongst Millers, every day
demonstrating their superiority. Nor does
he speak unadvisedly. In confirmation of
his assertions he begs leave to refer to the
following gentlemen of integrity who have
tried Grunses' Smut Machine, and can speak
from experience. Matthew Crownover,
Huntingdon • Neff & Co., Williamsburg,
John Nichodemus, Morrison's Cove, John
Brumbaugh, Morrison's Cove. Many oth
ers could be obtained, but it was not thought
Huntingdon, June 19, 1844.
To Proprietors of Grist Mills.
Heretofore millers have been greatly
posed upon by patenteesand vendors of other
Smut Machines In various parts of the coun
try, which Machines hare been proved by
experience, the best and the only evidence
in such cases, to be altogether Northless, an
account of their failing to cleanse grain ft ens
smut, the loss of grain, and the want of du
rability: All other Smut Machines are fast
being put out of use and their places suppli
ed by Grimes' Patent Smut Machine.
Globe, Register, Beacon Light and Stan
dard copy and publish to the amount of $3
and charge the advertiszr.
atrag Moyne.
Came to the residence of the subscriber,
in Henderson township, on Monday the 3rd
inst„ a SORREL HORSE, with a bald face
and lame in the left hind leg. The owner is
requested to come forward, prove property,
pay charges and take him away, otherwise
he will be disposed of according to law.
June 19, 1844.
71 -p UST received and for sale, a few of Mr. Wise's
gif) very ependid Mezzotints, full length portraits
of Henry Clay.
At Moore's Cash and Exchange Store.
Huntingdon, Juno 12, 1844.
3. Hearsley Henderson,
Iluntingdon, Pa.
Office on Main street, one door Weet of William
Dorrie' Store.
Huntingdon, Juno 12,1844.
111. canaziam
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