Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 29, 1844, Image 3

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    QLia® dlcoszaLruaena.
hunt Indium, May 29, I S 44.
To Advertisers.
Advertisements must be handed in en Tuesday
morning before 9 o'clock to insure their insertion in
next morning's paper.
Whig Principles.
"The principal objects which, I suppose, engage
the common desire and the common exertions of
the Whig party, to bring about, in the Government
. of the United States are :
the will and authority of the nation.
2. AN ADEQUATE nstrENtle, with fair protec
an, embracing farther restrictions on the exercise
of the veto.
4. A faithful administration of the PUBLIC no..
proceeds of sales of it among all the states.
TION OP Tn. GOVERNMENT, leaving public officer.
perfect freedom of thought and of the right of suf
frage, but with imitable restraints against improper
interference in elections.
6. An amendment of the Constitution, limiting
the incumbent of the Presidential office to a BIN.
These objects attained. I think that we should
cease to be afflicted with bad administration of the
.Government."—Henry Clay.
County Committee.
Huntingdon Boro'. T. H. Crosser, Chairman
Allegheny—Jos. Higgins.
Antes—Graham M'Camant.
Barree—Robert Cummins.
Blair—James A. M'Cahan.
Birmingham Borough—James Clarke.
Cromwell—Thomas E. Orbison.
Cass—Maj. John Stever.
Dublin—Brice X. Blair.
Franklin—James Dysart.
Frankatown—Seth R. M'Cune.
Gaysport—William M. Lloyd.
Henderson—Adam H. Hall.
Hopewell—James Entrekin, Jr.
Huston—Jacob Hoover.
Hollidaysburg borough—Nicholas Hewit,
Morris—John Keller.
Porter—lsrael Grafius, Esq.
Shirley—Benjamin Leas.
Snyder--John Kratzer.
Springfield—K. L. Green.
Tell—David Hackedorn.
Tod—Mordecai Chilcote.
Tyrone—James Morrow.
Union—Eliel Smith.
Walker—Thomas M'Cahan.
WarriorsmarkWilliam Hutchison.
West—Dr. John M'Culloch.
Woodbury—Elias Hoover.
Williamsburg borough—John K. Neff.
Pameeratio Whig State Committee
of Pennsylvania.
Hon. JOHN REED, Carlisle.
JAMES HANNA, Philadelphia city.
W. M'MAHON, do.
GEO. W. HAMERSLY, Lancaster.
THOS. G. M'CULLOH, Chambcrsburg.
U. V. PENNIPACKER, Chester co.
R. S. CASSATT, Allegheny.
THOS. H. SILL, Erie.
ROBERT SMITH, Gettysburg.
HENRY PEFFER. Harrisburg.
HENRY W. SNYDER, Union county.
03• We are informed that along the northern
regions of this county vegetation sustained consid
erable injury by frost on last Wednesday morning,
and that ice had formed as thick as a dollar:
Annexation of Texas.
~ O liver Oldschool," under date of the 23rd inst.,
writes as follows :
etated in my letter last evening that I thought
it likely a joint resolution would be offered to the
Senate, in its legislative character. Mr. MeDuffie
yesterday read a resolution in the Senate in Execu
tive session, which he brought before that body in
legislative session this morning, the report of*hich
MB to declare that whenever the authorities of
Texas shall concur therein, Texas shall he incorpo-
rated into the United Staten upon the basis and
tenns agreed upon in the compact or treaty lately
eignd by the constituted authorities of the two gov
emments. Mr. Men was driven to this, it is be
lieved, by the force of Mr. Cheate argument, and
by his proving, by Mr. Calhoun's own language,
that the treaty-making power of this country had no
authority to involve the country in war. The res
olution was not offered to-day, but notice given that
it would be.
More Hon atn.---The Baltimore Argus contains
a private letter from Constantinople, dated March
27th, 1844 in which is enclosed a translation of a
letter from the Bishop of Scopia to the Greek Patri
arch at Constantinople, giving an account of the
outrages on a christian sect, on the borders of Bul
garia, by the Albanians. This letter says:
The men they have tied to columns, and have
committed upon the women and their daughters acts
the most attrocious ; after this they have hung the
men up by their feet, and forced their wives to marl
them by means of smoke from straw burned under
their heads. They have violated old women of
eighty years, and young girls of ten. They have
pierced the boys with their lances,and roasted them
like sheep." The letter records other particulars of
their diabolical acts.
pj The Lexington Inquirer says, when Col.
Johnson heard of the nomination of Mr.Frolinghuy
fen, as the Candidate for Vice President, by the
Whig Convention, he threw up his hands and ex
claimed, " Mercy on me ! I would rather run
against any other man in the United States!"--
His moral character is without a blemish.
POPULAR RRILORI.-It his mistake to suppose
that the clothes worn by kings are made of solid gold
and that the queen lives on diamons dissolved in
It is a mistake to suppose that newspapers are
printed for amusement, and that printers deem it a
compliment when a friend begs half admen to give
It is an error to think that a long face is essential
to good morals, or that laughing is an unpardonable
It is a mistake to suppose that big heeds always
contain the most intellect. Some of them are like
large turnips, rather cerkey.
No IND TO Put it out a little further."
said a doctor who was examining the tongue of a
female patient; she complied " A little further still,
if you please"—she obeyed again. " Put it out as
far as possible, madam."
“Mercy, doctor says she, ” you must think there
is no end to a I o roan's tongue.
Agreeable to a call of several of the citizens of
Shirleyeburg, a respectable number convened in the
Presbyterian Church on the evening of the 17th
of May. When on motion, the Rev. B. E. COL.
LINS, was appointed President.
DANIEL Tzaauz, Esq.
'Vice Presidents.
Benjamin Leas, ?
J. G. Lightner. ~.Secretarica.
Wm. Boggs, 3
The meeting woe opened with prayer by the
Rev. D. Williams.
The object of the meeting being stated, and the
proceedings of a meeting lately held in Harrisburg,
with regard to calling a State Convention "of
friends of the Christian Sabbath," being read, an
appropriate address was delivered by the Rev. Mr.
Williams. After a free and friendly interchange of
sentiment on the subject by the meeting, the follow
ing persons were duly appointed as delegates to
attend the General State Convention, to take place
in Harrisburg on the 30th inst.:
Rev. D. Wi Mame, Rev. Thos. Askins, S. S. Bar-
ton, George Lea., W. B. Leas, John Morrison, John
Brewster, David Teague, David Fraker, G. W.
Resolved, That a copy of the above proceedings
be handed over for publication in the papers printed
in this county.
Signed by the Officers.
A meeting of the citizens of Alexandria, conve
ned in the German Reformed Church on Monday
evening, 20th May, for the purpose of appointing
Delegates to the Convention to be held in Harris
burg on the 30th inet., to promote the sanctification
of the Sabbath.
JOHN PORTER, Eaq., was called to the chair,
and Joas SCOTT, Jr., appointed Secretary. The
object of the meeting having been briefly stated by
the Chairman, the meeting was opened with prayer
by the Rev. Dr. T. W. Nevin.
A motion to appoint delegates elicited some well
timed remarks on the general importance of the
subject from Rev. B. S. Sehneek and Rev. Dr.
Nevin. The motion being agreed to, the following
persons were appointed delegates to said Convention:
John Porter, Eaq., Dr. J. M. Gemmill, Henry
Knode, J. A. Price, Henry Grafius, John P. Dean,
Rev. J. M'Kinney, Rev. S. H. Reid. Benjamin
Nett Wm. D. Shaw, Robert Carmen, John Har
nish, Samuel Hatfield, Dr. D. Houtz, Charles Por
ter, Esq., George Wilson, Henry Neff, I. Griffins,
Esq., Alexander Stitt, Andrew M Clure, Henry
Fockler, Rev. T. C. Porter and Conrad Bucher.
On motion, resolved, that the proceedings of this
meeting be published in all the papers in the county.
Resolved, That the Chairman of the delegation be
empowered to supply all vacancies that may oc
cur. Adjourned sine die.
JOHN PORTER, Chairman,
JOHN SCOTT, Jr., Secretary.
aetu Callortiii
ÜBstaa eill2o II o.o3nUMa—Clliouatk
E)aiTaa) Wci
AXESYMCTFULLY informs the inhabi
tants of Slaking Valley, and his old
cui,tomers in general, that he has commen
ced the above business in all its branches
within a few rock of the Stone Church, and
strait one qu.irter of a mile below the Mills
of Samuel !sett. He feels thankful to his
old friends, for their liberal patronage for
merly bestowed upon him, and flatters him
self by strict attention to business, and by
pledging himself to turn nut us satisfactory
and as good woi kas any other establishment
in Huntingdon county to receive a liberal
share of patronage.
N. B. rie has engaged an experienced
and practical dater and first rate wim &man
to conduct the shop.
17 Grain of all kinds, at market price,
delivered at the Mill of Samuel !sett, will
be received in payment for work.
Sinking Valley, May 29, 1844.-54
Estate of Ueorge Miller, late of
(harree tp. dee'd.)
OTICE is hereby given that lettersof
OA administration upon the said estate
have been granted to the undersigned. All
persons having claims or demands against
the same are requested to make them known
without delay, and all persons indebted to
make immediate pay meat to
Barree tp.
May 29, 1844.
To the Electors of Huntingdon
FELLOW CITIZENS:--I take the - liberty of
offering myself to your consideration as a
candidate for the office of
subject to the decision of the Whig County
Convention. If successful. I pledge myself
to discharge its duties impartially to the best
of my ability.
Huntingdon, 15tli May 1844.
solicitation of a nember of friends, in differ
ent parts of the county, I offer myself 83 a
candidate for the office of
at the general election in 1844, subject to the
decision of the Whig County Convention.—
In the event of my success, my hest efforts
shall be exerted to discharge the duties of
the office with ficl..lity.
Tyrone tp•, April 17, 1849. tac.
BLANK DEEDS, of an improved
form, for sale at this office.
Philadelphia, May 24.
WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $4 25
RYE MEAL, do. - - - 312
CORN do. do.
WHEAT, ptimePenna. per bush. - - 1 00
RYE do. - - - 64
CORN, yellow, do. - - - 46
do. white, do. • . . 43
oAts, do. - - - 30
WHISKEY. in bis. - - - - - - 22
Baltimore, May a
WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - e 4 37
WHEAT, per bush. - - - 100
CORN, yellow, do. - - - - 45
do. white, do.
RYE, do.
(SATs. do.
WHISKEY, in bbls.
Pittsburgh, May 24.
FLOUR, per bbl. - - - 113 62 a 3 75
WHEAT, per bush. - - - - 50 a 62
RYE, do.
OATS, do. - - - . 18 a2O
CORN, do. • - - - 33 a 37
WHISKEY, in bls.
✓ouditor's Aerie&
The undersigned, auditor appointed by
the Court of Common Pleas of Huntink
don county, to distribute the 'honeys in
the hands of the Sherift, arising, tram the
sale of the property of Christian Oyer,
and of Love (St Oyer, hereby gives notice
to all persons interested that he will at
tend, tor that purpose, at the Prothonota
ry's Office, on Saturday the 15th June
next, at 1 o'clock P. M.
GEO. TAYLOR, Auditor.
May 22, 1844.
airy PERSONS are hereby cautioned
4 , 4 , against meddling with, selling,
disturbing or removing the following pro
perty which we purchased at Constable's
Sale, as the property of James M'C rum,
and lett in his possession until we see proper
to remove it, viz :
1 bay horse, 1 black horse,l sorrel mare,
3 setts of horse gears, 1 whip, I bridle,
martingale and lines 1 wagon, 3 log chains
and spreads, 1 pair wagon ladders, 2 pair
doubletrees, 3 harrows, 1 log wagon, 1 wind
mill. 2 planes, 1 cutting box, 3 cows, 1 calf,
3 hogs, 1 iron kettle. 1 wheelbarrow, 2
grubbing hoes, 1 shovel, 1 clock and case,
1 mantel do., 1 r.fl! gin, 1 bureau, 1 sled,
1 stme and pipe, nineteen thousand feet of
boards, 1 cros cut saw, 2 fields of wheat and
rye on the premises of defendant, of 5
acres on Cunningham's p"ace, of 1 field of
wheat at Saulsburg, 3.5 acres of wheat and
rye on the farm of George M'Crum. Sen,
May 15, 1844
Estate of Sohn Isenberg, late of
Porter township. dec d,
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
minstration upon the said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known without
delay, and all persons Indebted to make im
mediate payment to
April 17, 1844.
Late of Henderrm township, Huntingdon
county, deceased.
ITOTIC E is hereby given, that letters
testamentary upon the said estate have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those naving
claims or demands against the same are re
quested to present Meat duly authenticated
for settlement, to
March 13, 1844, Hendersontp,
-....• 1mp...-.
TnESPEC (FULLY informs the citizens
-4,11, of Hntingdon and its vicinity, that he
has commenced the
Tailoring Business
in Main street, in the borough of Hun
tingdon, one door w st of the store of Thus.
Read & Son, where he is ready to accom
modate all who may favcr him with a call
He receives regularly the
and is determined to employ none but the
best and most experienced workmen.
He will execute all orders in his line in
the most workmanlike manner, and on the
shortest notice. By strict attention to busi
ness and endeavoring to please, hi- hopes to
merit and receive a share of the public
Country produce will be taken in pay
ment for work.
March 20, 1844. —tf.
List of Letters
ReMaining in the Post Offi .e at Hunting
don April Ist, 1844. II not called tor previ •
Sus to the Ist of July next, will be sent to
the General Post Office as dead letters.
Alexander Henry M'Clenehen
Barnes Mortimer Mussleman Martin
Buchanan Ms m. Mussleman David
Cohn Madam • Rouse Barbary
Carbaugh Abraham Reichard John
Gnabh Sam'l Sr Rothrock J A
Hazlewood John • Strong David
Jackson Henry Shoemeker Perry
Lum Philip Rev Semple Francis
M'Cnmb John Tyhutst Samuel
M Donald Abner E Thompson William
Taylor John.
•From Europe.
April 3, 1844.
Job Printing.
avroain:zz Ali° I:LATTo
Office in Main &reel, two doors East of
Mrs. McConnell's Temperance House.
- -
TULANIL BONDS—Judg ment and corn
vile at this office.
lip it virtue of an order of the Orphans'
inf Ceuurt of Huntingdon county, the un
dersigned as Truitee, appointed by said
Court for the purpose, will expose to sale,
and sell by public vendue or outcry, on the
premises on Tuesday the 4th day of June
A tract of land (being part of a larger
tract) satiate in Dublin township, in said
county, surveyed in pursuance of a warrant
granted to James Berry and William Ad
ams, dated the 4th December, 1787, con
taining _ _
and 96 perches and allowance, or therea
bouts, bounded by lands of Michael Trax
ler, Robert C luggage, late of Geo M'Gee
and others, having about 90 acres thereof
cleared, with a
Log. House,
and Cabin barn thereon. Late the property
of Robert Thompson, dec'd., and to be sold
as the property of his heirs.
TERMS OF SALE : One third of the
purchase money to be paid on confirmation
of the sale by the court, and the residue in
two equal annual payments thereafter with
interest ; to he secured by the Bond and
Mortgage of the purchaser.
By order of said court. Attendance by
May 13, 1844.—t5, Trustee
All persons indebted on the Rocks of Robt
Matsui., for fulling and carding. at Lane's,
Fulling Mill, are hereby notified that said
rilatson has quit the business, and that the
ks are lett with the subscriber, residing
at Mill Creek, to whom payment must be of the unpaid accounts on said books.
All persons indebted are requested to make
payment on or before the 20th June next,
as no futther indulgence can be given after
that date,
Mill Creek, May 15, 1844-3 t. pd.
auditor's .Notice,
ARHE undersigned auditor appointed by
the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon co.
to audit the exceptions to the account of
John Shaffer, Guardian of Daniel, Mary
an:l .1% Inaham Weight, minor children of
John Weight, late of Tyrone township, de
ceased, will meet for that purpose at the
Register's Office in Huntingdon, nn Satur
day the 15th day of Rine next at 1 o'clock
in the afternoon, when and where all per
sons interested may attend.
JOHN REED, Auditor,
May, 15, 1844 —4t.
LL persons are hereby cautioned against
aka meddling with, selling, disturbing, or
removing the following property, which I
purchased at Constable's Sale, on the Bth
of May, 1844, as the property of Joseph
Walls, of West to enship, and left in his
possession until' I see proper to remove the
same, viz :--1 bay mare, 1 sorrel mare. 1
windmill, 1 mantel clock, 1 Lancaster
Plough and double trees, 5 acres, more or
less, of Oats, 3 acres, more or less, of Corn.
May 15, 1844.-3 t. pd.
03 w.ciLdallcs•Enzr.
_ r --- "‘" • • r--)
. .
OULD most resin ctfully mfe.rm the
4 ( 4 - citizens of Huntingdon, and the
public in general, that he has commenced
the saddle and harness making business in
all its various branches, in the shop former
ly occupied by Alex. M'Allister, dec'd.,
one door east , if the "Pioneer Stage Stable"
and directly opposite Houck's blacksmith
shop, where he is prepared to accommodate
all who may favor him with their patronage.
lie will constantly ke, p on hand
Harness, Saddles, Bridles.
collars, sco. _
Repairing done on the shortest notice and
most reasonable terms.
By a strict attention to business he hopes,
to receive a liberal share of work.
Huntingdon, M iy 8, 1844,
Eg i!Z , U CD3 2
All persons who km , w themselves indebted
to the firm of HILEM.A I'USSEY, &
CO., arc respectfully requested to make
arrangements to pay thee• accounts soon.
Especially those who km w their acc,•uuts
to be unsettled, are requested to call and
have them closed either by cads or note, for
it is the intention of the firm to leav, all tin•
settled accounts with a proper officer her
collection in a few weeks. The hooks of
the above firm are left with John Harnish,
fot settlement.
May 8, 1844.—Stpd.
Estate of Barton Be Forrest, late of
Tad township. deceased.
saigErIERS of administration on the said
estate have been . granted to the tinder.
signed. All persons indebted to said estate
are requested to make immediate payment,
and those having claiMs against it will pre
sent them properly authenticated for settle
ment without di lay, to
May 8, 1844. Tod tp.
Estate of Andrew Zimmerman,
(late of TOD township, dec 4 d.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration Upon the said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known without
delay. and all persons indebted to make im
mediate payment to
JAMES EN'I'REKIN, Jr. ..ddht'r.
May 8, 1844 .-6t . Coffee Run.
Dissolution of Par tnership.
The partnership heretofore existing be
tween Anderson Harvey and S. E. Slwpard,
trading under the firm of Harvey & bluep•
turd, was, on the 30th day of April last, by
mu al consent disselved. The accoUntsof
saiTfirm will be settled by A Harvey.
The Foundry will hereafter be carried on
by Anderson Hat vey.
Franklin tp., May 8, 1844. —3t.
TO LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay
IMO of Execution, under the new law, just
printed, and for tale, at this office.
INb or VEssELS, &c.—W right's Italian Ve
getable Pills are certain !invent the at
hose dreadful consequences, because they
purge from the body those morbid hufnots
which, when ft 'Ming in the gent rat circu
lation, are the cause of a determination or
rush of blood to the head, a pressure upon
the brain, and other dtendful results.—
From two to six of said Indian Vegetable
Pills, taken every night, on going to bed,
will in a short time so completely cleanse
the body from every thing that is opposed
to health that sudden death, apoplexy,
bursting of blood vessels, or indeed any mal
ady, will be io .t manner impossible.
Wright's Vegetable Indian Pills also aid
and improve digeston, and purify the blood
and therefore give health and vigor to the
whole frame,
as well as drive disease of
every name from the body.
Beware of Counterfeits.—The public are
cautioned against the many spurious medi
cines which in order to deceive are made
in outward appearance, closely to resem
ble the above wonderful Pills.
OBSERVE.—Purchase only if the adver
tised agents, or at the office of the Gener
al llepot, No. 169 Race street, Philadel
phia, and be particular to ask for WRIGHT'
Indian Vegetable Pills.
The ge;uine medicines can be obtained
at the store of Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon.
Wagon Making.
IDESPECTFULLY informs his friends
4,A4 and the public in general, that he car
ries on the above business in the shop for
merly occupied by William Wooster, situ
ate in Main street, in the borough of Alex
andrit., Huntingdon county, Pa., where he
is prepared to do all kinds of work in his
line of business in a durable and workman
like manlier. A stock constantly on hand—
and work made to order.
By strict attention to business he expects
to merit and receive a liberal share of pat
ronage. _ _ _
Alexandria, May 1, 1844.
tPikl S S t
o a r e p
u h r eg a b s y e n r
meddle in any way with the following de
scribed property ; purchased by the subscri•
bee at Constables Sale, as the property of
James Kennedy, of Porter tp, Huntingdon co.
1 brown horse, 1 sorrel do., 2 set of horse
gears, 1 plough and 1 set of harrow pins, 4
hogs and 1 heifer, 1 eight day clock, 2 lots
of grain in the ground.
Which property 1 have left with said
Kennedy until such a time as 1 may choose
to remove it.
April 29, 1844.
A Wit asss•irtment of the latest, and
cheapest publications of the day—viz Ro•
mances, blow's, Tales, &c. &c. by tht
most distinguished authors. All of which
will be sold from 12i to 25 cents per copy.
the publishers price. Call at D. Buoy's
Jewelry Establishment.
Huntingdon, April 10, 1844.
Jacob Snyder,
Tp.) ES PECTFULLY informs the citizens
sta.) of Huntingdon,and the public, in gen
eral, that he has removed Isis tailoring es
tablishment to the shop lately °cesspit d by
John Humbaugh, as a saddler shop, in Main
street in the borough of Huntingdon, two
doors east of Thomas Read & Son's Drug
and Drygnsal store, where he will contin
ue the
Tailorin g
in all its Talons branches, and is ready to
accomtnodate all who may fayor him with
a call.
He rec •fives, regularly, from New York,
Suoteti New York, Paris and London
and he is determined to employ none but the
best and most expel ieticed workmen ; and
he guarantees to execute all orders in his
line in the most fashionable and wm kman.
like manner, or according to the wishes and
orders of customers.
COUNTRY PRODUCE will be taken at the
market price, in payment for Work,
By strict attention to business, he hopes to
obtain a share of public ow:lmage.
N. B. He has ju,t rec., lard from New
York Scott's reports of New York, Part*
and LondonF*shions for spring and summer
of 1844. can now accommodate his cus
rmers with th. latest styles:
April 3,
5Z:7(1".) CMS 2-W
The public are notified that on the lgth
day of March, t. D. 1844, I purchased at
Constable Sale, as the property of James
Shot•thill, of (the tithe) Henderson town
ship, in the county of Huntingdon, the fol
lowing described (amongst other) property,
goods and chattels—which I have left in his
care during my pleasth•e—to wit :
12 acres of wheat in the ground; 5 do rye;
2 mares, 1 gray and / strawberry roan ; 11
head of sheep; 4 hogs ; 1 eight day clock , 1
plough ; 1 Harrow ; 2 set of horse gears ;
1 wind mill ; 1 log chain ;
2 hay fork.; ; 1
shovel ; 1 cutting box ; 1 sled ; 1 large metal
kettle; 1 small grindstone.
All Persons are cautioned against remov
ing, levying upon, or in any wise intermed
ling with the said property, or any part
thereof. .
Mill Creek, March 27, 1844.-3 t.
VOULII respectfully inform their cus
tomers and merchants generally, that
they are now receiving direct from manu
facturers, their spring stock of
adapted expressly for the western trade.—
These goods have been selected with care,
and comprise one of the largest and beat
stock of SHOES, &c., in the country.
Having been bought entirely for CASH, we
are enabled to offer them on as good terms as
as they can be purchased either in the Phil
adelphia or New litirk mai kets.
MERCHANTS dealing in our line would
find it to their advantage to call and exam
ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Pittsburg, April 3, 1844.
Jewelry! Jewelry ! I Jewelry !!!
1 - pUST received, etsic c
4,0 of the most inagnill •
cient Jewelry pp""_uver
4 \l ' c,anie op the . 1 , att. " r e
( “1.47 c, Consisting o f GOLD I AT
TENT LEVEIIs, l. adccs
G 0 L D Ancnort
VF.RS, 011 jrtaelled.
SILVER PATENT LEVERS, tiouble and Single
cased,StLvEtt Al4cHolt LxvEas,fulijoivetcd,
double and singlet-aced ENGLISH V 1 ATCHES,
Inglation Levert, QUARTIER and FRENCH
WATCHES. &C. &C. Also
Vold Pah Chains, and Seals,
of the most fashionable patterns. Gold
Pencils, Spectacles, Guard Chains, Key's,
Breacelets Sett with topat, Medalions, Fin
ger Rings, Ear Rings, Breast Pins, sett with
topaz, amethist, &c. &c. Mineature Cases,
Silk Purees, Coral Beads, Packet Buckse
Musical Boxes, Mathematical Instruments )
Silver Spectacles, Table Spoons,. Tea :mil
Salt Spoons, Sugar Tone, Lo*ends patient
Silver Pencils, Razors of the finest
HENRY CLAY penknives, a superior arti
ale, Steel Pens, Spy ('lasses, Hair Brushes.
Tooth Brushes, Matins Points, &c. &c. All
the above articles will be sold cheaper than
ever heretofore.
Clock and Watch repairing done as usual;
very cheap for cash.
A large assortment of eight day and thir
ty hour Clocks will be sold very cheat•.
All watches sold will be warranted for one
year, and a written guarrantee girt n. that
it not found equal to warranty it will (during
that period) be put in order without expense.
or if injured, may be exchanged for any
other watch of equal value. The warranty
is considered void, should the watch, with
which it is given. be put into the hands of
another watch maker.
Huntingdon, April 10, 1844.
List of Leiters
Remaining in the Post Office at Alex
andria, Buntingtlon county, Pa., on the
10th April, 1844, which it not taken out
within three mnnths will be sent to the
General Post office as dead letters.
Anderson John S M'Pherran Samuel
Bicking Samuel Mensh Aabrhain
Burk William Montgomery Mai iult
Baker Jno 2 Maguire James
Cunningham John Nen' Daniel
Carman — David Porter John
Davis Owen Porter Charles
Fisher Elizabeth Piper Daniel
Fuckler Henry Price Thompson
Flemming Jno Roderick William
Geminill & Porter 2 Stoutcnberger Ellen
Gardner James Stevens & Patton
Horrell Christopher Snyder Lewis
Herrencane Jacob Stouffer Jonathan
Hutchison Edward Sisler Michael
Houtz Daniel Welshans Jacob
Kauffman Tobias White William
Kelly Catharine Woolheater Reno ,
Alexandria April 17, 1844.
MESPECTFULLY inform the citizen
, 4114 of Huntingdon county, and the public
generally, that they have formed a partner
ship to carry on the
Copper, Tin and Sheet iron Busineea
in all its branches, in Alexandria, where
they manufacture and constantly keep cm
hand every Jest► iption of ware in their line;
such as
New and Splendid Wood Stoves,
22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches lung. .
R. 9 / 1 19 7'01? STOVES,
Arw Cookang Stoves of all kinds, and
Also four sizes of Coal Stoves
All kinds , 1 castings done, for Forges, Saw
mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG
WARE ; all of which is done in a workman
like manner.
Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, Fuller, Pre
serving, and Tea Kettles, for sale.
_ _
wholesale and retail
Persons favoring thiSestabTatnent with
their custcm may depend on having their
orders executed with fidelity and despatch.
Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta
ken in otchange. Also wheat, rye, cons
and oats taken tit market price.
Alexandria, Nov. 1, 1843.
NOTICE.--The subscriber respectfully
requests all persons indebted to him fin`
work clone at the old establishment, prr
ejects to this date, to call and settle Oleic ac
counts without delay.
Nov. 1. 1843.
Illardteare Jr Cutlery
The subscriber having Just received (per
late arrivals from England) direct from the
Manufacturers, a large invoice of Hard
ware and Cutlery, which makes complete
one of the best assorted stocks of
Ufa eta •!scr avicit,
to be found in the city of Philadelphia. re
spectfully invites country Merchants to call
and examine for themselves, as it is his fix
ed determination to sustain the reputation it
has acquired of being the cheapest store in
the city. Those who buy for case in pre
ference to paying 15 or 20 per cent. for the
sake of 6 months credit will please call be
fore purchasing and get a list of my priceF.
which will satisfy them betterthatt anything
I can say in an advertisement, that a store
established on the exclusive
Cash System,
can sell cheaper than those who buy and
sell on 6, 9 or 12 months credit.
I have just received a large Invoice of
Newton Darling, Wilson's Griffin's, Wal
dron's. Innian's, Carr's andi Hitypees Hay
and Manure Folks, Brads, Sad Irons, Amer
ican Plane Irons and Saws, Rowland's and
Ames' Shovels and Spades, together with a
general assortment of Domestic Hardware,
which will be sold very cheap fur net cash
and CASH only,
493 Market St. bet ween 13th
and Broad, ff mill. side.
Philadelphia, March 27, 1844.—•
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