Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 22, 1844, Image 1

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    11 - 01 1 I)G O'N JOIJIO L.
Debota to General *lttelttgence, Rtlitierttotitg, Votittco,iLiteratitre, SiStoratttg, f: WO, s:tritium, agriculture, aintmentestt, scr., scc.
, I:!tQD. a2GE).
1,1111,111/ , 0 BY
The “..1017ItNAL" will be published every Wed
•nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if paid in advance,
and if not paid within six months, $2 50.
No subscription received for a shorter period than
six months, nor any paper discontinued till all ar
rearages are paid.
Advertisements not exceeding one square, will be
inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse
quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are
given as to the time an advertisement is to be continu
ed, it will be kept in till ordered out, and charged ac
From the Westmoreland Intelligencer,
An article published lately in the Bedford Ga
zette, and copied into the Westmoreland Republi
can, and Pennsylvania Argus, demand from Gen.
Markle, a prompt and explicit reply ; in order, as
wall, to disabuse the public mind, as to repel a false
and heartless statement concocted in malignity, and
published under tho hypocritical garb of truth and
However reluctant any one may be, to submit
his private dealings and past transactions to the
criticism and inspection of the public, yet when an
individual is placed before his fellow citizens, as a
candidate for high public honors, it is but fair and
reisonable that his character for honesty, capability
and patriotism, should be made the subject of pub
lic investigation.
To this ordeal, General Markle opposes no oh.
stacle ; he rather feels pleased that the smouldering
fires of Locofoco malignity and defamation, have
blazed forth at this early period of the campaign, giv.
ing him an opportunity of extinguishing their lurid
light, by a plain and simple developement of the
truth in regard to the statement of the Bedford
Gazette. And here, by the way, it may be remar
ked that, the object of the individual who prepared
the article and despatched it to a distant county for
publication, is worthy of due appreciation. By
, adopting this course, the garbled and , fplse statement
has got three weeks ahead of the troth, acdompa
i; stied with the Urgent request of the veritable author,
that the "Brethren of the Democratic Press will
not fail to lay it, (the precious morceau,) before
their readers in every county in the State. " But,"
says he, " in doing so, however, let us refrain from
all personal abuse, let us merely give the facts."—
The sequel will show how far the author has been
governed by the rule prescribed.
'rho following paragraph, from the article copied
into the Republican, and Argus, contain the git of
the charge, which the writer avers "is a plain, un
varnished statement of facts the recital of which
gives him great pain !! ! " And ho proceeds under
the agony of this pain to admonish the Pennsylva
nia Intelligencer " that such fulsOrne stuff as he has
given his readers in reference to Gen. Markle's pe
culiar ?smut!, cannot be swallowed by those who
have it in their power to obtain the facts."
Nor for the facts as set forth by those who "had
et in their power to obtain them." And here they
"In 1821 and 1823; Gen. Markle threw two
notes into the Westmoreland Bank to the amount
AND FIFTY DOLLARS. These notes remained
unpaid when the Bank failed about the close of the
year 1829. When the Bank failed, it was presum
ed, of course, its outstanding debts would be spee
dily collected in order that its concerns should be
closed• On the 22d of December, 1829, and on
tho Ist January 1830, about the time of the failure
of the Bank, Gen. Markle executed three deeds to
his two sons, Shepard Markle, and Cyrus Markle,
conveying his Real Estate to them for the conside
ration alleged in the deeds of Thirteen thousand
figaundred and sixty-eight dollars. On the 25th
o arch, 1831, suit was brought by the Trustees
of the bank against Gen. Markle to recover tho
principal and interest of the two notes before men
tioned. The suit was referred by the defendant,
and arbitrators were chosen, and Mr. Coulter ap
ponied for defendant, and entered the following
1. That ha did not assume to pay.
2. That ho did not assume to pay within six
On the 19th of October, 1831, the Report of the
arbitrators was filed, finding and awarding in the
following words;
In fervor of the defendant on the last plea, to
wit:—that he did not assume to pay within eix
years before the bringing of the suit."
Thus the matter ended, and the Bank had to pay
the coats, and that money has never yet been paid
by Gen. Markle, and never will be, and yet the peo
ple are eolemnly told that he is so very honest and
tonscicncious that ho would not even avail himself
of a 'technical defence, to avoid the payment of a
'surety obligation.' Most unfortunate. expres
To meet the above garbled tissue of falsehoods,
Gen, Markle submits the following simple statement
of facts ; for the verity of which, ho appeals to the
records of the Common Pleas of Westmoreland
county, the books of the Westmoreland Bank of
Pennsylvania, and the testimony of certain individ
uals cognizant of the facts. And, in submitting this
statement in vindication of his character, he has on
ly to regret, and he does deeply regret that he is
compelled to introduce the names and private trans
actions of individuals, who are not before the beople
nor seeking public favor.—Let the responsibility
and the blame rest upon those who have wantonly
moved the troubled waters.
Shortly after the Westmoreland Bank of Penn
sylvania went into operation, Gen. Markle became
the endorser of a note drawn by Simon Drum, for
the sum of $2,500, and also lent said Drum his
own note for the sum of $2,000, both of which
were discounted by said bank, and the proceeds
paid to Mr. Drum.
The latter note at the period of Mr. Drum's fail
ure, had been reduced to $1,450, and has since
been paid by Sheppard and Cyrus Markle, with the
exception of s24o—which, it is believed will be
liquidated by a dividend of bank stock. (General
Markle's stock in the bank was $1,250.) The
former note upon which Gen. Markle was endorser,
was renewed front limo to time until the 7th of
May 1923, at which period, by divers enlargements,
it had increased in amount to $9,650.
In regard to the note for the suer of $BOO, dated
10th January 1821, and referred to in the copy of
the record given below, General Markle disavows all
knowledge; but supposes it may have beers drawn
on a blank endorsement furnished Mr. Drum.
Of the proceeds of the aforementioned notes,
Gen. Markle never received one dollar; they were
drawn exclusively for the accommodation and bene
fit of Mr. Drum.
And of the dishonor and protest of said notes,
Gen. Markle never received any notice; and, on
the trial of the action brought against him as the
endorser of Mr. Drum, there was not a scintilla of
evidence of notice indeed, the counsel for the bank
did not pretend to say that he ever had received
On the oth of February 1824, the Bank made
a final settlement with Mr. Drum, and took his
judgment bond, upon which judgment was entered
same day for the sum of $17,181 10,in which set
tlement was included the note dated 10th January
1821, for sBoo—and the note dated 7th May 1823,
for the sum of $9,650, as Mr. Drum's own proper
debt, as will appear by the records hereto appended.
From these doctmentiit distinctly and unequiv
ocally appears, lat. That Gen. Markle was not
the debtor but that Simon Drum was the real
-2nd. That Gen. Markle was only the endorser on
Simon Drum's notes, and that he was sued as en
dorier of Simon Drum. Thisfset must have been
Ititown to the person who drew up the charges for
the Bedford Gazette; as he refers to certain things
oil the record, and must have inspected it.
3rd. That no notice of the protest of the note
was given to Gen. Markle, and therefore not averred
or stated in the declaration or statement. In con
sequence whereof, a judgment against Gen. Markle,
would have been erroneous, and would have been
reversed by the Supreme Court; inasmuch, as, no=
tice of protest, is the very foundation of the claim
against the endorser.
4th. It appears that in 1824, the bank took a
judgment against Simon Drum alone, (who was
then the most influential director in the Bank) for
the amount of these notes, from which it is to be
inferred that, they looked to him alone for the re
covery of the amount; especially as they gave no
notice to the endorser.
sth. That no claim or demand was made, or suit
brought against Gen. Markle, until seven years af
terwards, when Mr. Drum had become insolvent
and unable to pay.
We ask then, any reasonable. man, whether jus
tice to himself, and justice to his fancily, did not
imperiously demand of him, to pursue the course
adopted by him. We ask any reasonable man to
make the case Iris own, and say whether he in like
circumstances would not have pursued the same
Amongst the Records of the Court of Common
Pleas of the county of Westmoreland, in the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania, of the Term of No
vember, 1823, No. 172, the following is contained:
The Westmoreland Bank Action in debt without
of Pennsylvania, writ. The Defendant
172, vs. Simon Drum, by John
Simon Drum. B. A lexander, Esq., his
Attorney, by warrant,
constituted, comes and confesses judgment to the,
Plaintiff the Westmoreland Bank of Pennsylvania,
for the sum of seventeen thousand one hundred and
eighty-one dollars and ten cents, the amount of
Plaintiff's claim with interest thereon from this
time, and costs of suit with a release of all errors in
entering this judgment. Acknowledged this ninth
day of February, A. D. eighteen hundred and
twenty-four before me,
D. MARCIIAND, Proth'y.
Corr or Nino, D. S. D.
Westmoreland county, ss.
November Term 1823.
The Westmoreland Bank of Pennsylvania by
John B. Alexander, Esq. the Attorney thereof, corM.
plains against Simon Drum, for that on the ninth
day of February, in the year of our Lord, one thou
sand eight hundred and twenty-four, nt said county,
the said Simon by his certain writing obligatory
sealed with his seal, and dated the same dny and
year here shown in Court, acknowledged, himself
held and firmly bound to said Bank in the suns of
sixteen thousand three hundred dollars lawful mon
ey to be paid to the said Bank, when he should be
required together with the lawful interest thereon
and costs of protest in the following manner, to wit:
Interest on eight thousand six hundred and fifty
dollars, from the ninth day of July, eighteen hun
dred and twenty-three, interest on eight hundred
dollars thereof from the fourteenth of March, eigh
teen hundred and twenty-one, interest on the sum
of six thousand six hundred dollars thereof, from
the eleventh dny of December, eighteen hundred
and twenty-two, and interest on two hundred and
fifty dollars thereof, from the sixth day of Novem
ber, eighteen hundred and twenty-two. 'rho whole
amount whereof now amounting to the suns of sev
enteen thousand ono hundred and eighteen dollars
and ten cents, the said Shnon, although often requi
red halls refused and still refuses to pay the said
Batik. To the damage of the ••aid Bank twenty
s ,
thousand dollars and therefore the said Bank by her
said Attorney brings suit &c.
Attorney for Paintiff.
By virtue of a power of Attorney to me directed,
I appear for Simon Drum, the defendant and con
fess judgment to the Plaintiff for the sum of seven
teen thousand one hundred and eighty-one dollars
and test cents, the amount of Plaintiff's claim with
interest thereon front this time and costa of suit, and
with a release of all errors in entering this judgment.
Attorney for Defendant.
Note due 9th July, 1823 $8,650 00
Interest and costs, protest 304 121 1
Note due 14th Match, 1821 800 00
Interest and costs, protest 93 37i
Note duo 11th Dec. 1822 6600 00
Interest and coats, protest 463 37i
Note due tith Nov. 1822 250 00
Interest and costs, protest 20 12}
The Westmoreland Dank Scire Facies to revive
of Pennsylvania, judgment No. 17 2 ,
45, vs Nov. Term 1823, post
Simon Drum. annum et diem, issued
24th October, served
on Defendant by reading and giving copy, continued
1828 February term continued, May continued,
August continued, November continued, 1829,
February term, April 14, 1829 on motion of Mr.
Alexander, Judgment.
Debt $17,181 10
Interest from 9th Feb. 1824, to
14th April 1829, 5,2, 5,
Docket Entery of Ft Fa.
The Westmorelandßankl
of Penunsylvania, Pi Fa on judgment 45
74 vs. November 1827.
Simon Drum.
Debt $22,521 55
Interest from 14th April 1829.
I have seized and taken in execution all the right,
title, interest and claim, of Simon Drum, of, in, and
to a certain tract of land situate in North Hunting
don township in said county, containing 191 acres
more or less, bounded by lands of Andrew Biggs,
Joseph Copeland, Christian Funk and others, hav
ing about 100 acres cleared, 5 of which are in men.,
dow, with two shingle roefed log houses and stable
thereon, in possession of Andrew Biggs and John
M'Leary. Inquisition held and condemned.—
Vend. Ex. 83, February 1932.
The Westmoreland Boni Vend. Exponas from
of Pennsylvania, 74, Nov. 1931, o n
88 vs. judgment 45. Nevem-
Simon Drum. ber 1827.
Debt $22,521 55
Interest from 14th April 1829.
The interest and claim of the defendant in the
tract of land described in this writ, sold on the 20th
day of February, A. D. 1832, to John Y. Barclay,
Esq., of the borough of Greensburg, for the sum of
ten dollars, he being the highest and best bidder, &c
Westmoreland county, as. • •
, I David Fullwood, Prothonotary of
the Court of Common Pleas of the
county of Westmoreland Do hereby
4 , certify the foregoingep w a true copy
,* of the record in the MA of the West
moreland Bank of Pennsylvania. against Simon
Drum. as the same remains on file and of record in
my office.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my
hand and affixed the saal of the said Court at
Greensburg, the fourth day of May A. D. eighteen
hundred and forty-four.
Amongst the records of the Court of Common
Pleas of the county of Westmoreland in the Com
monwealth of Pennsylvania of the ;Term of May
1831, No. 28 the following is contained.
Westmoreland County, ss.
The Westmoreland Bank) glue Summons Case
of Pennsylvania, I retble Mny Term, 1831.
vs. )( A. W. Foster, Attorney
Joseph Markle, Indorserfor Plaintiff.
of Simon Drum.
R. M'LAUGHLI Prorry.
Issued 25th March.
Statement of Plaintiff's claim with plea an/ rep
Filed October 19, 1831.
The Westmoreland Bank In the Court of Com
of Pennsylvania, mon Pleas of West
... moreland county o f
Joseph Markle, Indorser May term 1831 No 28
of Simon Drum.
The following is the plaintiff's claim in the
above action.
Ist. A note drown by Simon Drum, payable to
the defendant at the Westmoreland Bank of Penn•
sylvania. at sixty days for $OOO 00 dated January
10th 1821, end endorsed by the defendant, to the
Westmoreland Dank of Pennsylvania, and protes
ted in due form of law.
2nd. A note dated 7th May, 1829, atsixty days
drawn by Simon Drum, payable to defendant at
Westmoreland Bank of Pennsylvania for $B,BBO,
and endorsed by defendant to said Bunk and pro•
tested in due form of law.
With interest on said notes from the times they
respectively become due.
Y, Barclay, Plff 's Attorney.
October 19, 1831.
And now to wit: October 19, the defen
dant pleads non ussumpsit, a msit infra
sex arises. Plaintiff replies, assumed
witbin six years and issue.
Copy of Def'ts determin nto Refer.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Westmoreland
county.of May term 1831, No 28.
The Westmoreland Bank Case.
of Pennsylvania. And now to wit: the
vs. 4th day of August, A.
Joseph Markle, Indorser D. 1891, the defendant
of Simon Drum. by John Armstrong,
I.l . kin. one of his atter
torney's states his determination to have arbitrators
chosen fit the Prothonotary's Office, on Saturday,
the 20th day of August, inst., for the trial of all
matters in variance in this tau,. between Ihe per.
tics, agreeably to the acts of Assembly in such case
made and provided. A true copy.
Attest li. M'LAUGHLIN, Prorry.
Served by leaving a copy of the within rule in
the office of Mr. Barclay, on Thursday the 4th of
August, 1931.
Auguat 20, 1831, we agree that the the number
of arbitrators be three, and nominate Wm. Mc-
Kinney, Charles IN!tweed and Anthony Roof, to
meet at the Court House in the borough of Greens
burg, on Wednesday of the adjourned court week.
J. Y. BAIIOLAY, PAC's Attor'y.
J. ARMSTRONG, Def'a Attor'y.
And row to wit: October 19, 1831. We the
arbitrators mentioned in the above rule, having met
at the time and place therein specified, after being
all duly sworn, and having heard the parties, their
proofs and allegations, we do award and find for in
favor of the defendant on the last plea to wit: that
ho did not assume to pay within six years before
the bringing of this suit, together with full costs,
witness our hands.
$17,181 10
Filed, October 19, 1931.
Joseph Markle, &c. No. 28, May 1831,
ads. Issue fi fa for costs.
The Westmoreland Rank J. 13. Alexander,
of Pennsylvania. Attorney.
Docket Entry of RI Fa.
Joseph Markle, Indorser Fi Fa for rests on
of Simon Drum, judgment for dam
ads. dant in suit 28th May
The Westmoreland Dank. 1831, issued 27th May
of Pennsylvania.
5,340 45
$22,521 55
Money made, having received payment from Mr.
Underwood, agent of the Bank.
Received August 28, 1833, of Sheriff Carpenter,
one dollar my fees in full in this case.
Received by .1. Klingensmith Jr. _ .
Received Of late Sheriff' Carpenter, our fees in
fell as arbitrators in this case.
Received of same Sheriff $3 931 my fees.
Received of late Sheriff Carpenter, the Attorney
fee, $3 00 January 5, 1844, Joseph H. Kuhns,
Executor of J. B. Alexander.
Weulmoreland County, ss.
I David Fulhvood, Prothonotary of
: the Court of Coifon Pleas of. the
vat . „ county of Weatmo nd : Do hereby
MUJI • certify the foregoin to be a true copy
, • of the Record in the case of the West
moreland Dank of Pennsylvania, against Joseph
Markle, Indorser of Simon Drum, as the same re
mains on file and of record in my office.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto set my
hand and affixed the seal of the said court at
Greensburg, the fourth day of May, A. x r . eighteen
hundred and forty-four.
In order to meet the foul insinuation that Gen.
Markle had gionveyed Ids real estate to his sons,
Sheppard and Cyrus, for fraudulent purposes, we
bTblish below the Article of agreement entered into
tween• the parties for the purchase and sale of the
lands rd M in the article in the Gazette,
Artie!" a .flement made the 28th day of May
eighteen hu • nd twenty-nine, between Joseph
Markle of untingdon township, Westmore
land cow state of Pennsylvania, of the one
part, and , bard B. Markle and Cyrus P. Mar
kle of Noritelfuntingdon township, and county
aforesaid, ("he other part, witnessed', that the said
Joseph Markle Rath in consideration of ihe sum of
$6,240 paid by the said Shepherd and Cyrus, for
and on account of the said Joseph Markle, as well
as of the covenants and agreements, herein after men
tioned, hash granted, bargained and sold unto the
said Shepherd B. Markle and Cyrus P. Markle,
their heirs and assigns the following described tracts
or parcels of land, to wit: One piece or parcel of
land situate in North 1 luntingdon township, con
taining 96 acres and 47 perches—one piece or par
cel of land situate in North and South Huntingdon
township, containing 225 acres—and one piece or
parcel of land situate in South Huntingdon town
ship, containing 281 acres, in consideration of
which the said Shepherd B. Markle and Cyrus P.
Markle covenant and agree to pay to the said Joseph
Markle, the sum of thirteen thousand live hundred
and sixty-eight dollars, in the manner following,
to wit :
To the Heirs of Robert Campbell, deed., $3OO 00
To the Heirs of Henry Brenneman, dec'd. 60 00
Bernard Thomas, 290 00
John Manner, 100 00
Lloyd and Smyth, 205 00
.13ilioyd ad tn''' rOf Horatio Lloyd, deed., 100 00
J Lloyd &c on Private account, 140 00
Margaret Patterson, 75 00
Joseph and Samuel Tallman,
Pe oadarmel, 100 00
NN Miller, 300 00
D arkle's Estate, 310 00
Jo a mptdell , [Uniontown] 120 00
Geo s eSwab, 30 00
James Pinkerton 100 00
Due the Bank of Pittsburg., 480 00
H. Sweetzer & Co., [Brownsville,] 95 00
Balance of Note endorsed by J. Brady, 2,300 00
- Painter's Estate by Judgment, 445 00
Balance to pay for Levi Feay, 320 00
Cash paid sundry persons, by S. B. &
6,240 00
C. P. Markle, since February 1,1828,
12,440 00
And one thousand one hundred and twenty-eight
dollars, the balance of said considerated money, to
be paid to the said Joseph Markle, on the first day
of Januaiy, 1830, on which day the said Joseph
Markle covenants, and agrees to make the said Shep-
herd 13. Markle, and Cyrus P. Markle, deeds of
conveyance in fee simple, for the premises aforesaid.
In testimony whereof, the parties have hereto set
their hands and scale, the day and year first above
written. [Signed Sce.]
CO^ Tho Chairman of the Democratic Whig
State Central Committee announces that a meeting
of the Con mince will take place at Harriaburg on the
3d day ofJ tine, at which the members are respectfully
invited to attend.
Ratification Meeting - in New York.
"The New York papers of the 7th instant, give
owing accounts of the great meeting in the Park
Monday afternoon. The presiding officer was Gen.
ANTRONR LAMB, and the meeting was addressed
by Morris Franklin, Millard Fillmore, Horace Gree-
ley, and John A. Collier, of New York, Robert A.
Toombs of Georgia, Mr. Sparks of Louisiana, Gov.
Pennington of New Jersey, Gen. Dawson and Col.
Lumpkin of Georgia. After the speaking had been
finished, the Tribune says the meeting adjourned to
the residence of Hon. Tim. FIIELINUIILITSEN in
Washington Square. Mr. H. E. DAVIES briefly
addressed him, tendering him the congratulaiions of
the Whigs of the city on their own good fortune
in securing so worthy an associate on the ticket
with their beloved Harm CLAY.
Mr. Frelinghqsen responded in an eloquent and
forcible speech, expressing himself grateful for the
good opinion of his fellow citizens, grateful for the
honor conferred on him by his selection by so illus
trious a convocation of patriots as that recently as
sembled at Baltimore—grateful, more than , all, that
his name had been worthy of association with that
of Henry Clay. He had served in the public coun
cils with Mr. Clay, and he knew there was no
more devoted Patriot, no more capable Statesman.
Ile had been tried in every way and had proved
worthy of his highest honors, the deepest admire-'
tion. His biography for the last thirty years is the
history of our Country, and nearly all the great
measures which have contributed to the welfare of
our People either originated with or have been most
powerfully supported by him. At this moment, the
measures for which the Whigs are contending are I
emphatically the measures of Mr. Clay. He (Mr. I
F.) would be most happy to contribute to the elec
tion and to support, in whatever way his humble
abilities permitted, the Administration of that noble
Mr. F. avowed himself a Wino in principle—a
Whig from the start—and made a brief but forcible
statement of the great Measures of the Whig par
ty, rind his reasons for supporting them. He por
trayed Mr. Clay nobly breasting the tide of Execu
tive usurpation through years of adverse fortune,
bravely battling for the principles of our Constitu
tion and of true Freedom, when the timid shrunk
back, and the feeble despaired; crowning years ofl
generous effort in support of the country's beet in- 1
terests by his patriotic artifice in the passage of the
Compromise Act, by which he rescued the Country
from the horrors of civil war and fratricidal blood
shed. He loved the Protective policy much, though
he had not shared in passing nor wholly approved
the Tariff of 1828; but he loved the Union, Peace,
and Concord even more than this, and he had abi
ding confidence that, after the fray had been averted,
wiser counsels in regard to the Tariff would uni
versally prevail. That expectation has been glo
riously realized ; bloodshed was spared, and the en
couragement of our Home Industry is mitered, and
is now heartily approved in every section. I believe
(said Mr. F.) that we shall see strikingly verified
the Divine annunciation, Blessed are the peace
makers I'
Mr. Frelinghuysen closed with a thrilling ac
knowledgement of his indebtedness and gratitude
to his native State, which had highly honored him
while her citizen, and affectionately remembered
him still, though she had ceased to be his home,—
Rely on it, said he that Now JERSEY Is wino,
and will so prove herself in every great crisis !
Local causes and the absence of any pressing ne
cessity for effort may seem temporarily to swerve her
from the right path—but she would be unfaithful
to her origin—to her whole history—to the patriot
blood which hollows the heights of Princeton, the
streets of Trenton, the plains of Monmouth, did
she cease to be a genuine Whig State! Rely on
The New Militia Law
We give below the principle features of the new
act, recently passed by the Legislature of this State.
1. All State exempt laws arc repealed.
2 All white male able-bodied persons from 18 to
45 years old, to perform two days' duty, as at pres
ent or to pay 50 cents for company day and 75 cents
for the regimental day. This fine is to be collected
through the County Commissioners, with the State
tax and paid into the treasury.
3, No Courts of appeal will be held ; no flags; no
musical instruments to he purchased by the State ;
no boys taught to play the instruments at the charge
of the Commonwealth ; nothing to be paid for en
900 00
4 The dress regulations of the U. S. army is adop
ted for the volunteers. Armories, as directed by
the present Adjutant General, must be provided by
every company, and no arms to be issued unless
this requisition is complied with.
. No contributing member will be allowed to a
volunteer company, unless under oath of the com
manding officer that such member paid two dollars
before the first Monday in May annually, and the
officer has furnished a list under oath, to the Bri
gado Inspector, satisfactorily.
6 The expenses of the system to bo paid out of
the fund collected by the commissioners, and the
surplus is to be paid pro rata to the organized vol
unteer companies.
The law to take effect immediately.
These are the principal features of alteration,
Garr. Cass, it is said, has written a letter to his
friends at Washington, declining to he a candidate
for President, in the present por tuns of affairs.
N.d....fata.cDat/D ~ ' ` ®o aaC:D4V..?.
A Dreadful Rail Road Accidei
On Saturday night, about o'clock two truth.,
cars on the road between Philadelphia and I , aid. ,
and within a few miles of Havre de Grace, can,•
collision at Shrewsbury mills, All the passetn,.
were dreadfully alarmed, several persona wore frigh --
fully injured, and one, a brakeman, was killed.
Two or three passengers leaped from the windows,
and others fell prostrate on the floor. The locomo
tives were jammed together, and some time claimed,
such was the scene of confusion and excitement,
before the injured persona could be extricated, and
the real amount of damages ascertained. Mr. Hill,
the conductor, was dashed into the root, his left leg
cut offimtnediately below the knee. Tile brakemen
who is killed was standing by the side of Mr. Hill
at the time of the accident. A fireman was severely
scalded, and had a leg much injured. Qne passen
ger, who had a seat in the front car, had hie back
broken, and was otherwise sadly hurt. It is stated
that the tender of the up-train was furred through
the car in which ho was seated, and passed by a
number of persons before it struck him. Mr. Der
ald, a grandson of Henry Clay, had his clothes te
and was sligtly bruised. A german gentlenan •
injured slightly, by springing from the car.
Hon. Daniel Webster and Mr. Graham, Post,
of New York, wero in the train coming to
Philidclphia. A meeting was held, at whit i :: 7
Webster presided, and at which resolutions of :-•
pathy for the dead and injured were adopted, an
censure of the persons who allowed the upper trait.
to proceed from Havre de Grace; and this too, when
a downward train was expected. A resolution was
also passed, that if any of the persons injured are
not in circumstances to enable them to Prosecute
for the injury sustained, the members of the meeting
will hold themselves responsible to render them any
reasonable assistance in the furtherance of the object.
Milt or Mr. Don IL—We learn from Newport,
that the jury in the case of Thos. W. Dorr, for the
crime of Treason against the state, spent two hours
and a quarter in deliberations on Monday night,
the 6th inst and on Tuesday morning dt 2 o'clock,
rendered a verdict of guilty. Mr. Dorr moved an
arrest of judgment, founded on. a bill of exceptions.
'rho court have assigned the second Monday of
June next for hearing this motion.
Great Ratification Meeting in
We perceive by the Forum, that the Whigs of
the city of Philadelphia, together with the immense
body of Whigs who happened to be passing thro'
the city on their way to their respective homes,
from the Baltimore Conventions, held a mass mee
ting in front of the State House to respond to the
action of the Convention and ratify the nomina
tions, on Saturday evening the 4th inst. At half
past 7 o'clock a procession was routed at the Ex
change, headed by the Washington Brass Band,
which proceeded up Dock to Third, up Third to
Chesnut, and up Chesnut to the State House.—
The procession having arrived at the State House,
on motion, Gen. JAMES IRVIN, of Centre coun
ty, was unanimously chosen President.
Gen. Irvin arose and in his felicitous style skted
briefly the objects for which the meeting had been
called. He said, that as the Convention held at
Baltimore on Wednesday last nominated Henry
Clay of Kentucky, for President, and Theodore
Frelinghuysen for Vice President, the Whigs of
the city and county of Philadelphia had called a
Mass meeting of their friends to hear the report of
their Delegation, and to listen to the eloquence of
speakers from different parts of the country. Cen.
I. concluded his brief but happy address, by intro
ducing to the audience Hon. Harmer Denny of
Pittsburg, who was received with three hearty
cheers. He then delivered an admirable speech,
and was frequently interrupted by the plaudits of
the multitude, and when he sat down the welkin
was made to ring again.
Joseph H. Chandler, Esq. was next called for.
He arose and offered the following resolutions—
prefacing them by a few brief and appropriate re
The delegation of Pennsylvania to the Young
Men's Convention of Ratification, assembled by
public call, in front of the State House in Philadel
phia, to hear a report of delegates from this State
to the Convention held in Baltimore on the let of
May. 1844, for nominating candidates of the party
fur the offices of President and Vice President of
the United States, do resolve.
First, —That the nomination of the great Mates
man, HENRY CLAY, as the Whig candidate for the
Presidency, is an act of obedience to the will of the
people, deserving the hearty commendation of this
meeting, not only for the result, which was desired
and expected, but for the manner in which the nom
ination was made, so expressive of a perfect unsnim•
sty among the 'Whigs of the Union, as to the claims
character and qualifications of the great mail, who
is now the Presidential candidate of the party.
Second.--That without any diminution of respect
for the several distinguished citizens, presented to
the Convention, from whom to select a candidate
for the Vice Presidency, and especially its the full
entertainment of State pride in, and deep affection
for the person and character of our immediate fel
low citizen, whose name was among those from
which the selection was In be made, we do heartily
COIICUT in the nomination of the Hon. THEO.
FRELINCHUYSEN, se the candidate of the
Whig party for the office of Vice President of the
United Staten, regarding bins as a man of distin
guished purity of life, of unwavering Whig rill.
ciples, end a sound and well trjed statesman.
Therefore, Resolved, That we here pledge our
time, talents and services es they may be deemed
advantageous, to promote the clecticn of Henry