Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 08, 1844, Image 4

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    From the New York Mercury.
I shall preach a short sermon from a
long text. These are the words :
Attend to yrur business,
Be punctual in your payments,
Con,ider Well before you promise,
Dare to do right,
Envy on man,
Faithfully perform your duty,
Go not in the paths of vice,
Have respect for your character,
Infringe on no ones right,
Know thyself,
Lie not,
Make few acquaintances,
Never profess what you do not practice,
Occupy your time in usefulness,
Postpone nothing that you can well do,
Quarrel not with your neighbor,
Save something against a day of trouble,
Treat every man with kindness,
Use yourself to moderation,
Willy no person's reputation,
Watchfully guard against idleness,
Ricsmine your conduct daily,
Z•:alously pursue the right path,
And pay the printer.
Attend to your business. Nothing,
my hearers, so enables a man to prosper
in this world as attending strictly to his
business—provided he has business to
attend to: if he hasn't he should make it
a business to seek for some. Business
can never conduct itself, any better than
oxen can plough without a hand to guide
the instrument. fly attending to business'
you preserve health and accumulate
wealth; but by neglecting it, you .are apt
to bring both bodily and mental ills upon
you: and poverty is as certain a conse
quence as the blue devls after a jolly spree.
Be punctual in j our payments. Pay
every debt, my friends, precisely at the
time promised it possible. If you don't
do it, you injure your credit and reputa
tion, drive peace from your domicils, and
dream in your slumbers of nothing but
duns, due bills, creditors, constables and
various other annoyances. It affords
me great satisfaction, to know however,
that there is one debt Which there is no
possibility of your putting off for a single
day. That is the great debt of nature.
It must be paid at the appointed hour;
and as for escaping it, you might as soon
think of keeping clear of the girl whom
you once promised to marry.
Consider well before you promise.
Don't my dear friends, ever say "yes;"
merely because you fancy it difficult to
say "nu," Always think, for a moment,
or so, before yielding to any solicitation;
and it "nu" he the proper anawer, out
with it boldly and plumply, roundly and
forcibly, like a man. Making all due al
lowances for contingencies, always per
form what you promise. God, by setting
his bow in the cloud, has promised never
again to destroy the world by water; and
that promise will be faithfully kept. At
least I think so.
Dare to do right. Let no man, my
hearers, prevent you from performing
what you conscientiously think to be your
duty. Many a mortal is frightened off
the track of truth and righteousness by
mere scarecrows that have no power in
themselves of doing either harm or good.
Where there is a consciouimess of right
there is a vast amount of might. This is
the reason why I persevere in preaching.
1 know that I am right, and therefore go
ahead like a locomotive on a wager.
Envy no man. Be content with your
own situations; but, at the same time,
use every laudable endeavor to rise in the
estimation of your fellow beings. Envy
like'a worm, eats into the heart, and pre
vents the buds of hope from expanding
into bloom.
Faithfully perform your duty. Do
your duty to God, to man, and to your
selves, and defy the devil.
Go not in the paths of vice. They arc
skirted with thorns as well as alluring
dowers, anti bitter are the fruits that
grow by the way side, The paths of vice
lead directly to destruction. I have been
there several times, anti therefore ought
to know something about it.
Have respect for your character. If
you have nn respect fur yourselves, no
one will have respect for you—neverthe
less, I will insist upon addressing you as
my respected bre threo."
Infringe on no rims rights. That is as
much as to say, tread on no man's corns.
What belongs to another can be no means
belong to you. Therefore, 4. live and let
live." according to the motto of the oyster
slayer in Broadway.
Know thyself. If you don't know who
you are, a.k somebody that does know,
and profit by the information.
Lie not. Never, my brethren be guil
ty of telling a falsehood to the detriment
of others; for you know that liars will
have their portion in the lake that burned'
with flue !lad brimstone, You may iii
thlge occasionally in what are called
" w hi te lies," for they are as harmless as
vipers in December, and may be the
meaus of remedying many evils.
Make few acquaintances. The fewer
the better in this sin-streaked sphere.
By making many acquaintances you are
sure to have some among them that will
exercise the saute corrupting influence as
dues a rotten apple among a barrel of
sound pippins.
Never profess what you do not practice,
Throw oft' the cloak of hypocrisy, and
show exactly what you are—otherwise
you will be dogged by the hell hounds of
suspicion even to your graves.
Occupy your time in usefulness. Idling
away ones time, my friends, is sinning
greatly in the eight of heaven. Moments
were never made to be squandered.
They are precious little genie in the
great mine of time—therefore turn each
one to the best account. Always be em
ployed about something useful, if it's no•
thing more than killing bed bugs.
Postpone nothing that can well be done
now. If you are in the habit of putting
off' till to-morrow, the chaticei are that it
will never be done. Generally speaking,
my hearers, it is just as easy to do a thing
as it is to sit and think about it—except
it is collecting a bill of the man who pro
mises to pay to-morrow.
Quarrel not with your neighbor. If
your neighbor throws stones at your pigs,
return the compliment by throwing stones
at his; and then, if you are both honorable
men, you will not quarrel about it, but
consider the matter settled.
Save something apinst a day of trou
ble. Commence in your young days to
save something out of the smallest earn
ings, and your breasts wilt always be pro
tected, by a golden shield, from the shafts
of adversity.
Treat every man with kindness. Yes,
treat your brother mortals with kindness,
but never with a gin-cocktail.
Use yourself to moderatmn. Don't
make too big hogs of yourselves. Est the
swill that Providence pours into your
troughs with the same moderation that
you would masticate a pocket full of pea
Villify no person's reputation. If you
have no characters of your own, you.never
can gain one by endeavoring to injure
others. A good reputation is valuable
property. I know an old maid who says
that she had rather even part with her cat
than lose her reputation.
Watchfully guard against idleness. I
have spoken of this before, and shall only
remark now, that idleness clothes some
men in rags, and others it dosen't clothe
at all.
',Carmine your conduct daily. Each
night as you put your heads upon your
pillows, take a retrospective glance of
your conduct during the day. If you
haven't conducted yourselves properly,
resolve to do better for the future.
Zealously persevere in the right path.
Among the multiiutle of paths that inter
sect each other in this mysterious world,
it is difficult to determine which is the
right one. Nevertheless, follow the one
pointed out by the guide-board of religion
and morality, and you will pretty surely
bring up at last at the gate of heaven.
And pay the printer. Aye, pay the
printer punctually fur your paper, in order
that peace may abide with you, and your
days may be long in the land. So mote
it be: I)ow, JR.
To housekeepers.
sale very low, in any
gnaouty to snit purchasers, for c Asti , at
prices horn 10, 15, 25, and 30 cents per lb.
Ready made Beds, Bolsters and Pillows—
Curled Hair Mattress,s—Moss Do.—snd all
other kinbs to suit air size Bedsteads, always
n hand. Curled Hair and New Orleaes
Moss by the Ball or single politic].
Also, Blankets, Marseills Quilts, Comfor
tables and Bethteads of all descr:ptions.
07- Country Merchants will tine it to their
advantage to call before purchasing.
S. E. Corner of Second &
Walnut Streets, Philadelphia,
Kira., March 27, 1844.-3 m.
Late of Welker township, Huntingdon
county, deceaSrd
Notice is hereby - given that letters of ad
ministration upon the said estate have been
grist ted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands against the same
ore requested to make them known with•wt
delay, and all persons Indebted to snake im
mediate payment to
M n ch 20, 1844.-6 t. tp.
Estate of 'timber A. Barton, late of
( Lute of Shirley Ip. dec'd.)
WO LICE is hereby given that letters of
,416,11 administration up,,n the said estate
have been granted to the undersigned. All
pt.' sons havmg claims or demands against
the same are requested to make them known
withiait delay, and all persons indebted to
make immediate pay meat to
BENJ. L EAS, Admir., de bonus non.
March 27, 1844.—pd.
IN orauziam.
el T TO RXE r L.1113'.
Messrs. Cunningham & Burchne
s - r? ESPECTFULLY inform the citizens
*Lis of the borough and county of Hunting
don, the public generally, and their old
friends and customers in particular, that
they continue to carry on busines in their
new establisment, otie dent east of the
north eastern corner of the Diamond in said
borough, where they are prepeared to sell,
wholesale and retail, all articles in their
line of business; such as
Sideboards, Secretaies, So
las, Settees, Bureaus,
workstands, card, pier, centr
dining and breakfast tables;
High, Field, French, and Low Post
ALSO—Every variety of
C=am..aa'aa3 9
such as Rush seat, Cane seat, Balb, Ben
Baltimore, Straight back, Boatou pattern
g' Common Rocking Chairs, together with
of all colors, qualities and sizes; and Paper
Hanging of various patterns and qualities
N. B. Coffins made and funerals attend
ed either ►n town or country, at thy shortest
notice. They keep . a splendid HEARSE
for the accommodation 01 their customers.
Nov. 29, 1843.
, 4-2
A --- p
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Carriage Olann factory
*MOS l' respectfully informs`the citizens
411 A of the borough and county of Hunting
don, the public generally, and his cc cl friends
and customers in particular, that he still
continues the
Coach Making Business
in all its verious branches,at bis old staod,in
Main street in the borough of fluntiogdon,
nearly opposite the 'Journal' printing office,
where he has constantly on hand every
description of
Coaches, Carrtages,
Vaßuggies, Sleighs
...i.sbardap Dearborns,
which he will sell low for cash or on reason
able terms.
All kinds of woik in his line made to or
:ler, on the shortest notice, in a
And all kinds of repairing done with neat
less and despatch.
Country produce will be taken in exchange
for woik.
Any persons wishing to purchase are re
spectfully invited to call end examine and
judge for themselves.
Huntingdon Nov. 29, 1843.
Cheap for Cash.
The subscribe r has just rer eived a large
and well assorted Lit at scgars, which he of
fers for sale at the fallowing prices.
Cuba segars in boxes containing 150 each,
$1 25 per box.
Half Spanish in boxes containing 150 each,
50 cents per box.
Half Spanish per thousand, $2 75
Common do. $1 50 and $1 00
irrThe above prices are so low that the
subscriber can sell for cash only.
Huntingdon, Oct. 11.—ti
'fp EGS to Inform the inhabitants of Hun
tingdon and its vicinity, that he has
commenced the nosiness of light and heavy
wagon making, and every kind ot vehicle re
pairing. Having learnt his trade in England,
he is prepared to furnish either the English
or American style of wagons, and hopes by
diligence and attention to merit a share of
public patronage.
N. B. Shop near to Mr. J. Houck's black
smith shop.
Huntingdon. April 19,1843.-Iy.
ra. AS removed to Huntingdon, with the
intenAnn of making it the 'lace of his future
residence, and will attend to such legal busi
ness as may be entrusted to him.
Dec. 20, 1843.
Temperance House.
fritHE subscriber occupying the
4..% large tht ee story brick dwell
.. • Mg house at the south east corner
of Allegheny and Smith streets, In
the borough of Huntingdon, the third story of
which (luting the last summer has been fitted
for sleeping rooms;
having a large stable tat
the premises, and having employed a care
ful person to attend to it and take care of
horses, &c., informs the public that she is
prepared to accommodate such of her friends
and such strangers ttml travellers as may de
site accommodation. She respectfully soli
cits a share of public patronage, and hopes
the friends of Temperance will give her a
call, ES' I' C L A,ll K E.
Huntingdon March 1, 1843.
Office in Main street, three doors west
of Mr. Buoys Jewelry establishment.
February 14, 1843.-0.
LANK BUN DS—Judg_ment and com
mop--fur sale at this qffice.
1721MU11^ , 2
Indian Vegetable Pills.
If, during the continuance of storms and
floods. the channels of
become so obstructed as to Wird On insuffi
cient outlet for the suptrabundant waters,
we can expect nothing less than that the
urrounding country will be
Overwhelmed with the Flood
like manner.witu the ittunatt
the skiti, kidneys and bowels (the natural
outlets for useless and corrupt humors) be
come so obstructed as to hail in affording a
full discharge of those impurities which are
in all cases
we surely can expect no other results than
that the whole frame will sooner or later be
As in the first place, if we would prevent
an inundation we must remove all obstruc
tions, in order that there may be no hind
rance to the flee discharge of the supera
bundant waters. So, in the second place, if
we would prevent and cure disease, we must
open and keep open, all natural drains of the
Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills of th
North Amer;ean College of health,
will bz. found one of the best It not the very
for carrying out this beautiful and simple
theory, because they compleatly cleanse the
stomach and bowela from all bilous humors,
and other impurity, and at the same time
promote a healthy discharge from the lungs,
skis and kidneys; consequently as all the
natural drains are opened,
Caution.—As t h e great popularity and
consequent grelt demand for Wright's Indi
an Vegetable Pills has raised up ahi st of
counterfeiters, country storekeepers and
agants will be en their guard agninst the
many impostors who are travelling about the
country selling to tile unsuspecting a spuri
ous article for the genuine.
It should be remembered that all author
ized agents are provided with a certificate of
agency, signed by WILLIAM WRIGHT, Vice
Prrsident of the 'North American College uf
Health, Conseq u ently, those who rHer
dian Vegetable Pills, and cannot show a cer
tificate .4s above described will be known as
m . .
The following highly respectable store
keepers have been appointed agents for the
sale of
Wright's Indian Vegeta3le Pills,
and at whom it is confidently believed the
genuine medicines can be obtained:
William Stewart, Huntingdon.
penry,eanier Hollidaysburg,
B. Antes township.
Robert McNamara, Newry.
Samuel S. !sett, yrone township,
Mil'ikims & Kessler, Mill Creek
A. & N. Crt sswell,Petersbutg.
Gemmel & Porter;Alexandra
Moore & Steiner, Water Street
Joseph Patton, Jr . . Duncansville,
R. H. McCormick, Collinsville
Wolf SsWillet, Fiankstown
Henry Brewster, Snirleysburg.
Walter Graham, Yellow Sprfngs.
Office devoted exclusively to the sale of
the medicine, wholesale and retail, No. 169
Race street, Philadelphia.
Beware of countertrits.—The - public are
respectfully informed that medicine purpor
ting to be Indian Pills made by one V. 0.
Flack, are not the genuine
Indian Vegetable Pills.
The only security against imposition is to
purchase from the regularly advertised a
gents, and in all eases he particular to ask
for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill.
Dec. 27 , 1843.-1 y
The subscriber is now prepared to furnish
every description of CHAIRS, fiat,[ the
plain kitchen to the most splendid and fash
ionable one for the parlor. Also the
n which the feeble and afflicted invalid,
thaugh unable to walk even with the aid of
crutches, may with ease move himself from
room tAnom, through the garden and in
the street, with great rapidity.
Those who are about going to housekeep
ing, will find it to their advantage to give
him a call, whilst the Student and Gentle
man of leisure are sure to find in his newly
invented Revolving Chair, that comfort
which nn other article of the kind is capable
of affording. Country merchants and ship
pers can be supplied with any quantity at
short notice.
No. 113 South Second street, two doors
below Dock. Philadelphia.
May 31, 1843. ---1 yr.
Otr ,1 DY &
liMolesale Dealers in
Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods,
No. 46 North sect S'reet,
(A few doors South of Arch,)
'WOULD respectfully invite the atten
tion of country buyers to their large
assortment of goods suited to the season.
They have on hand a huge stock of For
eign and Domestic goods, laid in at lower
prices than they can now be had, and are
prepared to offer inducements to the trade.
We solicit a call from buyers before pur
purchasing elsewhere, as we are satisfied
that the prices at which we can offer our
goods cannot fail to rive satisfaction.
Milky'. Jan. 17, 1844.-3 m.
(Above 6th Street)
h iia d el phi a.
IvHE subbcriber, thankful for the liberal
support of his Friends and the public
generally . , respectfully informs them that he
still continues at the old established house,
where he will be pleased to accommodate
all those who favor him with their patronage.
Dec. 14, 1842.—tf.
Job Printing.
How miporhoit it is that yi u commence
void!. ui luss of thin with BR .‘N Dlt
y intuit) but suit I) j, 111
fr, in the blued, aotl no ease of
sickness can , If. the hn iiau frame, that
toe see, Mira ted Pills tio tiot tell, ye as much
as• medicine can .10. COLD.. and COUGHS ,
arc more benetlitted by the Brandreth Pills
than by 1. , zeneua and V, ry well,
perhaps, as palli dives, b u t worth nothiag as
EHADIVAT. HS of tliseas, s from the human
system. Tile Brand reth Pills (tire, they do
not meetly relive, they curt. Diseases,
whether chronic or recent, intectious or nth
erwise, will cert,inly be cured by the use of
these all-sufficient Pills.
SING SING.JaMI ivy 21, 1843.
Honored Sir,—
Owing to you a debt of gratitude that mo
ney cannot pay. I sin induced to make a
public acknowledgment of the benefit my
wife has derived from your invaluable Pills.
About three years this winter she was taken .
with a pain her acle, which soon became
very much inflamed, and swollen, so m mit
that we became much alarmed, and sent
for the doctor. During his attendance the
pain and swelling increased to an alarming
degree, and in three weeks from its first
commenciog it brume a running sore. She
could get no rest at night the pain was so
great. Our first doctor attended her fur six I
months, sod she received no benefit what
ever, ale pain growing worse and the sore
larger all the time. He said if it was healed
up it would be her death, but he appeared
to be at a loss how to proceed, and my poor
wife still continued to suffer the most terrible
tortures. We therefore sought other aid,
in a Botannical doctor, who said when lie
first saw it that he could soon cure the sore
and give her ease at once. To our surprise
he gave her no relief, and acknowledged that
it quite baffled all his skill.
Thus we felt atter having tri,d during one
whole year the experienee of two celebrated
physicions in vain, in absolute despair. My
poor wife's constitution rapidly foiling in
the prime other years from her continued
suffering. Under these circumstances we
concluded that we would try your Universal
Vegetable Pills, determined to fairly test
their curative effects. To my wife's great
comfort the first few doses afforded great re
lief of the pain. Within one week to the
astonishment of ourselves and every one who
knew the case, the swelling and the Saila
mation began to cease so that she felt quite
easy, and would sleep eomfertable, and sir,
after six weeks' use she was able to go thro'
the house ail(' again attend to the manage
ment of her family, which she had not done
for nearly fourteen months. In a little over
two months from the time she first commen
ced the use of your invaluable Pills her ancle
was quite sound, and her health better than
had been in quite a numberot years be
fore. I send you this statement atter two
years test of the cure, considering it only an
act of justice to you and the public of large.
We are with much gratitude,
Very I espectfully,
PS —The Botanical Doctor pronounced
the sore cancerous, and finally said no good
could be done, unless the whole of the flesh
was cut off and the bone scraped. Thank a
kind Providence, this made us resort to your
I'ill4, which saved us from all further mis
cry, and fur which we hope to be thankful.
T. &E. A.
Dr. Brandreth's Pills are for sale by the
following Agents in Huntingdon county.
Thomas Read, Hutmgdon,
Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon.
& N. Cresswell, Petersburg.
Mary W. Neff, Alexandi ia,
Joseph Patton, Jr. Hincansviile.
H:n•tnuoi & Smith, Manor Hill.
S. Miles Green &Co. Barree Forge,
Thomas Owens, Birmingham.
A. Patterson. Williamsburg.
Peter Good, Jr. Canoe Creek.
John Lutz, iileleysburg.
Observe etch ofDr. Bredreth's Agents
have an engraved certificate of A gencv.--
Examine tils and you will find the 1.1P,W
LA LILES upon the cell' ficate corresponding
with those un the Boxes, none other are gen
Phila. Office S. North Bth St.—ly.
The best medicine known to man for incipient
Consumption, Asthma of every stage, Bleeding of
the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Liver Complaint, and
all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs, may be had
of Agents named below.
(C• All published statements of cures performed
by this medicine are, in every respect, TRUE. Be
careful and get the genuine "Dr. Wistar's Balsam
of Wild Cherry," as spurious imitations are abtood.
Orders from any port of the country should be
addressed to Isaac Butts, No. 125 Fulton street,
New York.
For sale by Thomas Read, Huntingdon,
and James Orr, 11, , llidaysburg.
Price one dollar Jeer bottle.
December 6, 1843.
Q?' Read the following from Dr. Jacob
Hoffman, a physician of extensive practice in
Huntingdon county :
Dear Sit:-1 procured one bottle of Dr.
Wistat's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from
Thomas Read, Esq. of this place, and tried
it in a case of obstinate Asthma cn a rhilduf
Paul Schweble, in which many other t•eme
dies had been tried without any relief. The
balsam gave sudden relief, and in my opin
ion the child is eff.•ctuelly cured by its use.
Yours, Bcr.
Dec. 23, 1841.
Cash paid to country Merchants for their
Rags in large Cr small quantities, at the
Rag and P.iper store of the srhscriber,
No. 4 North .511 i 2 doors above Market St.
Where he keeps an assortment of Writing,
Pttneing and tl rapping Papers—
Wall and Curtain Papers of
the latest styles ; Also
White and Mae
Also the standard SCHOOL BOOKS-BLANK
Boons, Slates, Steel pens, goal Ink and
Ink Powder, and stationary in general, till of
which are carefully selected for the country
' trade, and are offered at the lowest whole
sale prices, by
No. 4 North sth St. 2 doors
above Market St., Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, Match 30, 1844.-3 m.
Dr. Moat's Life Pills
The perfectly safe, unerring and sau
ces:l..l treatment at almost every speices
of disease by the use of Dr MOFFAT'S
LIFE NI EDIOINEA, is no longer an experi
ment ; us a reference to the experience of
many thousand patients will satisfactorily
prove. • During the present month alone,
nearly one hundred cases have come to the
knowledge of Dr. Morrwr, where the pa
tient has to all appearance, effected a per
influent cure by the exclusive and judicious
use of the Life Medicines—solve eight
or ten of these had been considered hope.
less by their physiciaM. Such happy re.
titiltsare a source of great pleasure to Dr.
NI.. and inspire him with a new confidence
reecommend the use of his medicines to
his fellow citizens. .
The LIFE MEDICINES are a purely YE.
GETADLE preparation. They are mild and
pleasant in their operation, and at the
same time thorough--acting rapidly upon
the secretions of the system—cal rying oil
all acrimonious humours, and assimilating
and purifying the blood. For this reason,
in aggravated cases of Dyspepsia, the
Life Medicines will give relief in a shorter
space of time than any other prescription,
In Fever and Ague, Inflammatory Rheu
matism, Fevers of every description, Sick
Headaches, Heartburn, Dizziness in the
Head, Pains in the Chest, Flatulency, Im
paired Appetite, and in every disease ari
sing from impurity of the blood, or a dis•
ordered state of the stomach, the use of
these medicines has always proved to be
beyond doubt, greatly superior to any
other mode of treatment.
All that Dr. Moffat asks of his patients
is to be particular in taking them according
to the directions. It is not by a newspaper
notice, or by any thing that he may say in
their favour, that he hopes to gain credit.
It is alone by the result °fa fair trial. Is
the reader an invalid and does he wish to
know %hether the Life Medicines will
suit his or , n case 1 Hsu, let him call at
the office of the agent, and procure a copy
of the Good Samaritan, published gratui
tously. lie will there find enumerated
very many extraortlinary cases of cure
perhaps some exactly similar to his own
Sold by JACI , I3 MILLER, Huntingdon.
August 30 1845.
Cnienutvaa 0:0 aa 2
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against
meddling with, selling, disturbing, or remo
ving the following pvoperty, which I pur
chased at Constable's sale, on the 22nd of
December last, as the property of Samuel
Smith, of Hopewell township, and lett in his
possession till I see proper to remove the
same, viz :-1 brown horse, sleigh and har
ness, 1 dearborne wagon, 1 cow, 1 heifer, 5
head of sheep, 4 hogs and 1 clock.
March 13, 1844
Cabinet Making Business.
mr/HE undersigned, having provided him
-IGleself with a large supply of materials for
the purpose of carrying on the above busi
ness in all its various branches, at his old
stand, at Neff's Mills, where he hopes al!
persons wishing any thing in the line of his
business will give him a call. Any article
that he may have for sale, will be exchang
ed 6,r country produce, or on the most res.
50m.1,1.• terms for cash.
COITINS will be made on the shortest
'Here will also be GRAIN CRADLES
kept on hand at the same place, by tho
James Jack.
Neff's Mills, W. Barree tp. March 13, 1844
A first rate Buggy, nearly new ; also
Horse, seven or eight years old, well cal
culated for saddle or harness; also a com
plete ser of Harness. The Buggy and Har
ness will be sold separate, or with the Horse,
to suit the purchaser or purchasers. The
whole will be sold low for cash, or on credit,
with approved security,
Apply at this office.
March 6. 1844—tf.
Package Sales of Boots and Shoes,
(Every Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock,)
lly a. W. LORD
CARD.—A combination having been
formed by a portion of the Dealers in Boots
and Shoes of this city, with the avowed ob
ject of suppressing the sale of those goods
by auction,
it seems proper for the subscri
ber, (who has held these sales for the past
eighteen months) to state that notwithstand
ing this combination, the sales will not be
stopped, but on the contrary., as he will now
rely flee than ever on thepatronage of the
country Merchants , the sales will be held
every Tuesday morning,at the auction store,
208 Market Street, and his arrangements
with the Manufacturers, both of this city
and all New England. are such as to insure
him a constant and full supply of every de
scription of goods.
The mere tact of so great an effort being
made to put down these sales, is the best
evidence the country Merchants can have .
that it is for his interest to sustain them.
Philadelphia, March 27, 1844.-6 m.
Cheap, Cheap Hardware.
Country merchants who wish to buy
Hardware cheap, will please recollect
Bueiders' Hardware Establishment. No 19 ;
Market street, 2 doors below sth street,
North side, next door to Samuel Hood & co.
where they offer for sale Anvils, Vices,
Steel of all kinds. Mill and Cross-cut Saws,
and Scythes, with a general assortment (1
Hard vare, cheap for cash or approved cit y
N. B. Look out for the red lettered Mill
No. 195, Market st., Philadelphie.
Feb. 28. 1844.-2 mo.
LANK BONDS to Constables for Stu..
of Execution, under the new law, jn..t
printed, and for rAir, at this office,