Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 08, 1844, Image 3

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    U?llaai• ctraDvatniattentl.
Huntingdon, May 8, I 844.
To Advertisers,
Advertisements must be handed in on Tuesday
morning before 9 o'clock to insure their insertion in
next morning's paper.
Whig Principles.
" T principal objects which, I suppose, engage
Tnon desire and the common exertions of
vV nig party, to bring about, in the Government
1; the United States are :
the will and authority of the nation.
2. AN ADEQUATE REVENUE, with fair protec
tion to AmsnicAx INDUSTRY.
la, embracing farther restrictions on the exercise
of the veto.
4. A faithful administration of the PUBLIC DO
proceeds of sales of it among all the states.
TTON or TOO GOVERNMENT, leaving public officers
perfect freedom of thought and of the right of suf
frage, but with suitable restraints against improper
interference in elections.
6. An amendment of the Constitution, limiting
the incumbent of the Presidential office to a six
These objects attained. I think that we should
cease to he afflicted with basl administration of the
Government."—lfenry Clay.
Comity Committee.
Huntingdon Boro'. T. H. Cremer, Chairman
Allegheny—Joe. Higgins.
Antes—Graham M'Camant.
Barree—Robort Cummins.
Blair—James A. M'Cahan.
Birmingham Borough—James Clarke.
Cromwell—Thomas E. Orbison.
Cass—Maj. John Stever.
Dublin—Brice X. Blair.
Franklin—James Dysart.
Frankstovvn—Seth R. M'Cune.
Gaysport—William M. Lloyd.
Henderson—Adam 11. Hall.
Hopewell—James Entrekin, Jr.
Huston—Jacob Hoover.
Hollidaysburg borough—Ntcholas Hewit.
Morris—John Keller.
Porter—lsrael Grafius, Esq.
Shirley—Benjamin Leas.
Snyder--John Kratzer.
Springfield—K. 1,. Green.
Tell—David Hackedorn.
Tod--Mordecai Chilcote.
Tyrono,—James Morrow.
Union—Eliel Smith.
Walker—Thomas M'Cahan.
Warrioremark—William Hutchison.
West—Dr. John M'Culloch.
Woodbury—Elias Hoover.
Williamsburg borough—John K. Neff.
Democratic Whig State Committee
of' Pennsylvania.
Hon. JOHN REED, Carlisle.
JAMES HANNA, Philadelphia city.
W. M'MAHON, do.
GEO. W. HAMERSLY, Lancaster.
THOS. G. M'CULLOH, Chambersburg.
U. V. PENNIPACKER, Chester co.
R. S. CASSATT, Allegheny.
THOS. H. SILL, Erie.
ROBERT SMITH, Gettysburg.
HENRY PEPPER, Harrisburg.
HENRY W. SNYDER, Union county.
We this week place at the head of our paper the
names of those whom the National Convention has
:elected for the highest offices in the gift of any
free people.
Tire United States Gazette says:—
Of him who stands first, we need say nothing.
Pie voice of congratulation rings out loud and deep
where ever the announcement has reached, and
multitudes, in their enthusiasm, have testified how
deeply he is seated in the affections of the people.
The candidate for the Vice Presidency is a man
worthy of the best endeavors of the Whig party—one
whose nnme is fair and proof against assault —who
has laboured not only for the cause, but with the
statesman who is to be the President of the United
The National Intolligencer, after making brief
mention of the Presidential nomination, thus speaks
of Mr. Frelingliuysen ;
" With regard to the gentleman selected as the
Whig candidate for the Vice Presidency,Theodore
Frelinghuysen, of New Jersey, besides being a
Whig of the first order— one who stood side by
side in the Senate with Mr.lClay for many years—
is a citizen of character so pure and unimpeachable
that malignity Itself would not dare to utter a sylla
ble to his prejudice."
Mr. Clay on the Annezation of
Henry Clay has written a Letter to the National
Intolligencer on the subject of the Annexation of
Texas to the United States, which will be read
with great interest and satisfaction. Its frank and
manly sentiments will endear the distinguished
author still more to the people of the Union.
The Editor of the Philadelphia Inquirer remarks in
reference to it, that " it has given great satisfaction
in that city not only to the political friends of the
distinguished author, but to hundreds of others who
cherish national honor and national honesty, as of
far more importance than partisan views or purpo
ses. The letter is regarded not only as a glorious
emanation from the mind of a great statesman,but as
the legitimate offspring of the heart of a true patriot.
The views throughout are calm, dignified, truthful,
Christian, Republican and American. They are
expressed in clear and forcible, chaste as Well as ele
gant language. It is really refreshing to read such
a paper upon so grave and important a subject. Its
persual is calculated to make one love his country
more, and at the same time, to encourage and stim
ulate the noblest emotions and principles of the hu
man heart. This letter will decide many a doubt
ing mind,as to the impropriety of annexing Texaeun
der the circumstances. 'We have heard it praised
warmly and generously by individ'ls who are know:.
to us as decided in their political opposition to Mr.
Clay. It may be read with pleasure, because o( its
pacific doctrines—because of the earnest and elo
quent manner in which it sustains good faith and
national honer; because of the manly spirit it in•
culcates, in relation to week and strong national
antagonists; and because of the patriotic views which
it embodies, in relation to the preservation of the
Union. livery Whig must feel proud of this doc
ument and its sentiments, every Christian must
commend and applaud them."
We will publish the letter next week.
Mr. Van Duren on the Annexation
of Texas.
Martin Von Buren has also written a letter, to
ono of his political friends, on the Texas Question.
The letter-was published in the Washington Globe,
and filled about seven columns of that paper. The
effect of this letter upon the Locofocos is well des
cribed in the following extract from "Oliver Old
echoer." letter of the 28th ult.
" Great has been the commotion in the locofoco
camp, to-day. Had a bomb fallen among the party
as they oat in conclave the consternation could
scarcely have been greater than that produced by
Mr. Van Buren's letter in the Globe of last evening,
on the subject of Texas. Those of his party from
the South were committed to annexation, and most
confidently anticipated that Mr. Van Buren would
go with them for it; and when, yesterday morning,
Mr. Clay's letter appeared in the Intelligencer,
against annexation, they exulted in the hope of
having a new issue made up with the Whigs. You
can perhaps imagine their confusion and dismay
when they found their own man had taken the
same ground. They have been, to-day, gathered
together,in little knots and squads, in every part of
the city, looking cross, anxious, perplexed and puz
zled. One of the leading members of the House, on
being rallied this evening upon the position in
which they stood, jocosely remarked that he had
not made up his mind whether to swear he had al
ways been opposed to annexation and for Von Bu
ren, or always for annexation and and opposed to
Van Buren, hut one or the other he would swear
to-morrow: he would think of it to-night--consult
his pillow, as the phrase is. So you see, they per
ceive that they must either give up annexation or
surrender Van Buren. Mr. Calhoun, Mr. Wilkins
and Mr. Wickliffe, have been out to-day, apparently
extremely busy, in various parts of the city.—
Whether their visits to different messes had any
thing to do with the future operations or determi
nation of the party, I cannot say, but they are all
annexation men, and I learn that it has been propo
sed by some of the Southern locos to form a South
ern party at once, not with the view of opposing
Mr. Clay's election, but his administration, and
putting Mr. Calhoun forward as the Southern can
didate for 1848. If this is done, the present cam
paign will be given up and allowed to go by default,
or at least no strenuous opposition will be made to
Mr. Clay's election. Mr. Tyler, I presume, on the
other hand, will now press himself forward, under
the banner and with the shiboleth of "Tyler and
Texas." What number of votes he will be able to
obtain, remains to be seen: where the first is to
come from. indeed I am unable to say.
I learn that the friends of Col. Jol;Uson have had
their hopes revived by this movementof Mr. Van
Buren, and have written to the Colonel to-day to
push forward for the Presidency."
Nearly all the Locofoco papers in the country,
from the Washington Globe down to the very least
of them, had broken ground for annexation ; and
some had already denounced our candidate for the
Presidency as a traitor to his country because he
opposed the measure. They will now " turn about
and wheel about" and begin again on a different
track, or go the whole swine for " Tyler and Tex
as," a fit association.
cO" lion. Charles J. Ingersoll has said that had
he lived in the days of the Revolution, he would
have been a Tory. In a recent speech upon the
Oregon question, ho said
" No man admires or respects the English more
than I do; no man has more reason to venerate
them, for I believe every drop of soy blood is En
glish, and as I have been very often reproached,
some of it canto from a Tory ancestor."
So it seems that Mr. Ingersoll has really "defi
ned his position." Some of his locofoco friends
have doubted that he formerly professed any friend
ship for the tories ; but he has " let the cat out of
the bag"--he stands before the people a leader of
the locofoco party, and acknowledges that "every
drop of his blood is English," and that " some of it
came from a Tory ancestor." Of course he will
always, either directly or indirectly, oppose the
American Protective System. He cannot be expec
ted to do otherwise.—Forum.
Ma. Emilia sometimes hear the
question asked, si Who shall be out next
Sheriff?" a question in which the people
generally feel considerable interest. In
looking over the newspapers of our county,
I see that but one person—Jacob Straight
hoof—has yet otnred himself as a candi
date for that important office. It is, how
ever, whispered by some, that they sup
pose that Mr. Such•a-one and Mr. So-and
so are trying to get the nomination• Now,
I ask you, Mr. Editor, and the people of
the county, whether every person who
wishes and hopes to be the candidate of his
party, ought not, like the candidate above
named, come out publicly, or if he has
friends who wish him to be the candidate,
whether they should not announce their
prelenence to the electors. Secret nomi
nations must sooner or later prove ruinous
to any party that suffers them. The dele
gate system, when not abused, is a good
one; but what must be thought when a
convention of delegates place in nomina•
tion a candidate who is afraid to give his
name to the public before the delegates are
chosen by the people? Conventions are
intended for the purpose of canvassing the
HILITY of the different candidates before
the public, and to select one from the
number for the whole party to unite upon.
But when there is but one candidate,
what necessity can there be for a conven
tion 1 It would be a wholesome rule if
the convention would consider no man a
candidate for nomination who does not, at
least ten days before the time for electing
delegates, announce himself as such alone
or more of the newspapers in the county, or
by handbills, so that the people could
elect delegates understandingly.
The same rule might, in toy, opinion,
with much propriety be extended to can
didates fur the other offices of the county.
May 7th 1844.
State Sabbath Convention.
The undersigned, believing that the pro
fanation of the Sabbath is an evil of alarm
ing magnitude, demanding for its suppres
• ion the united influ nce of all its friends
—believing, also, that a meeting of dele
gates from various parts of the state of
Pennsylvania, would produce a favorable
impression on the public mind, and pro
mote harmonious co-operation in future
plans, to sustain this Divine institution,
on the perpetuity of which the prosperity
of Religion and our civil Institutions de
pend; recommend that a State Sabbath
Contention be held at Harrisburg, on
1844, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
It is also recutmended that public
meetings be held in the various towns of
the State, to appoint delegates, and to
to buvgest topics of general interest for
e consideration of the Convention.—
Where such meetings may not be held,
Churches are invited to make the appoint
Individuals and delegates from other
States, who may find it practicable to at
tend, are cordially invited to participate in
the proceedings of the Convention.
John A. Wier Win. R. DeWitt
John C. Bucher A. Atwood
Jacob M. Awl 3 F. Mesick
David Lingle, jr. C. W. Schaeffer
William Keller 0. S. Parker
Samuel H. Clark, H. Walters
James W. Wier, Geo. H. Small
Hamilton Alricks Geo. P. Weistling
Herman Alricks F. %V }Till
J. J. C lyde
Luther Reily
R. J. Ross
John A. Bower James N. Linnard
Thomas Robins David Weatherly
Michael Reed Jos• R. Dickson
Thumbs Robeson Chas. Woodward
Hugh Elliott J. S. Rosswell
Martin Buehler Thomas T. Mason
J. P. Durbin M. Caldwell
J M'Clintock Henry Duffield
"I:liotnas V. Moore R. Angeny
Henry Tarring
Franklin County.
Jacob Oyster David Oaks
S. Kennedy S. M. Armstrong
John Smith Jasper E. Brady
Frederick Smith Thomas Carson
William Strong William Darling
Mosh'im Schmucker J. S. Woods
H. S. Heister Ephraim Banks
J. M. Coggeshall Henry Eisenbise
Members of the Legislature.
James Ross Snowden, Venango county
Ueorge Bush, of Wayne
Joseph Hammer Schuylkill It
Robert Parke, Chester
John M'Ewen, Indiana .g
James D. Dunlap, Erie it
Benjamin Jordan, Dauphin o
U. V. Lawrence, IN ashington "
Thomas Nicholson, Beaver • "
Jona'u M'Williams, Huntingdon "
John Linton, Cambria "
David Sankey, Mercer
c•Thomas W. Dorr is now on trial for treason
against the State of Rhode Island.
oo -oY.)XZett. o o
Jacob Snyder,
1 11114ESPECTFULLIC informs the citizens
of Huntingdon,and the publig,in gen
eral, that he has removed his tailoring es
tablishment to the shop lately occupied by
John Bumbaugh, as a saddler shop, in Main
street in the borough of Huntingdon,
doors east of Thomas Read & Son's Drug
and Drygood store, where he will contin
ue the
Tailorin g Business,
in all its various branches, and is ready to
accommodate all who may fayor him with
a call.
He receives, regularly, from New York
Scott's New York, Paris and London
and he is determined to employ none but the
best and most experienced workmen; and
he guarantees to execute all orders in his
line in the most fashionable and workman-
like manner, or according to the wishes and
orders of customers.
COUNTRY PRODUCE will be taken at the
market price, in payment for work.
By strict attention to business, he hopes to
obtain a share of public patronage.
N. B. He has just received from New
York Scott's reports of New York, Paris
and London Fashions for spring and summer
of 1844. He can now accommodate his cus
tomers with the latest styles.
April 3,1844.—tf.
The public are notified that on the 19th
day of March, A.. D. 1844, I purchased at
Cogstable Sale, as the property of James
Shorthill, of (the ridge) Henderson town
ship, in the county of Huntingdon, the fol
lowing described (amongst other) property,
goods and chattels—which I have left in his
care during my pleasure—to wit :
12 acres of wheat in the ground; 5 do rye;
2 mares, 1 gray and 1 strawberry roan ; 11
head of sheep; 4 hogs; 1 eight day clock , 1
plough ; 1 Harrow ; 2 set of horse gears ;
1 wind mill; I log chain; 2 hay forks; I
shovel; 1 cutting box; 1 sled; 1 large metal
kettle; 1 small grindstone.
All persons are cautioned against remov
ing, levying upon, or in any wise intermed
ling with the said property, or any part
Mill Creek, March 27, 1844.-3 t.
LANK BONDS to Con Stables for Stay
I WO of Execution, under the new law, just
printed, and for sale, at this office. '
elit er teat tg•
solicitation of a nevi rof Iris lids, in differ
ent parts of the county, I offer myself as a
candidate for the office of
at the general election in 1844, subject to the
decision of the Whig County Convention.—
In the event of my success, my hest efforts
shall be exerted to discharge the duties of
the office with fidrlity.
Tyrone tp•, April 17, 1849. tac.
qr , HE Volunteers and Militia comp.sing
• the 2nd Brigade 10th Divisi m Prim
sylvania militia, are hereby rrquirrd to
form by companies on Monday the 6th day
of May next, and by Battalions for inspec
tion as follows :
149th Regiment Ist Battalion on Monday
the 13th day of May next.
2nd Battalion on Tuesday the 14th day
of May.
62nd Regiment lot Battalion on Wednes
day the 15th day of May.
Battalion on Thursday the 16th day
of M:y.
lot Volunteer Battalion commanded by
Major Bell on the same day.
32nd Regiment will meet on Friday the
17th day 14 May.
2nd Volunteer Battalion commanded by
Col. Buchfeald, on Srturday the 18th day of
151st Regiment Ist Battolion on Monday
the 20th day of May.
4th Volunteer Battalion commanded by
Major Williams, on Tuesday the 21st day
of May.
151st Regiment 2nd Battalion on Wed
nesday the 22d day of May.
29th Regiment lot Battalion on Thursday
the 23d day of May.
2nd Battalion on Friday the 24th day of
142nd Regiment 2nd Battalion on Tues
day the 28th day of May.
Ist Battalion on Wednesday the 29th day
of May. _ _ _
3rd Volunteer Batalion commanded by
Col. Barrett, on Thursday the 30th day of
Brigade Inspector 2cl B. 10th D. P. M,
Ironsville, April 3, 1844.
Estate of *ohn Isenberg, late of
Porter township. dec d,
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
minstration upon the said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known without
delay, and all persons indebted to make im
mediate payment to
April 17, 1844.
Late of Henderson township, Huntingdon
county, deceased. •
.S,VOT ICE is hereby given, that letters
IILII testamentary upon the said estate have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate are requested to
make immediate payment, and those having
claims or demands against the same are re
quested to present them duly authenticated
for settlement, to
March 13, 1844. Hendersontp.
1 - O,ESPEC ''FULLY informs the citizens
of Hntingdon and its vicinity, that he
has commeoc,cl the
Tailoring Business
in Main street, in the borough of Hun
tingdon, one door w st of the store of l'hos.
Read & Son, where he is rea , iy to accom
modate all who may favor him with a call
He receives regularly the
and is determined to employ none but the
best and most experienced workmen.
He will execute all orders in his line in
the most workmanlike manner, and on the
shortest notice. 13y strict attention to busi
ness and endeavoring tbplease, he• hopes to
merit and receive a share of the public
Country produce will be taken in pay
ment for work.
March 20, 1844.—tf.
List of Letters
Remaining in the Post Office at Hunting
don April lot, 1844. If not called tor previ
ous to the Ist of July next, will be sent to
the General Post Office as dead letters.
Alexouder Henry M'Clenehen Maxell
Barnes Mortimer Mussleman Martin
Buchanan Vt , m. Muscleman David
Cohn Madam • Rouse Barbary
Carbaugh Abraham Reichard John
Gnabl , Sam'l Sr Rothrock J A
Hazlewood John • Strong David
Jackson Henry Shoemeker Perry
Lum Philip Rev Semple Francis
M'Conib John Tyhurst Samuel
M Donald Abner E Thompson William
Taylor John.
•From Europe.
April 3, 1844.
Furnace to Let.
The Valley Furnace is situate on Silver
Creek,near Pottsville in the Schuylkill Coal
Beds of Anthracite Coal and Strata of
Iron Ore are opened for work, close by the
stack. The public railway runs by the
works, giving a daily communication at all
seasons, with the city of Philadelphia.
Limestone is cheaply had by canal or rail
he ore is exactly the same as that of the
coal fields of Great Britain, from which
neale all the iron is made in that country.
It fluxes very easily. The black band"
iron stone, from which the Scotch gray iron
is made, exists in this coal basin; but no
search has beer made for workable beds,
the discovery being recent.
The Furnace is newly built, with a good
steam engine and blowing. apparatus. Its
yield is about 35 tons weekly, and there is
an extensive consumption of Iron in the coal
district. There is no other Furnace in wor
king order in that region.
1 he Furnace will be rented on very favor
able terms to any person haying sufficient
capital to conduct the business properly,
Apply to
342 North Sixth street. Philadelphia.
April 3, 1844.
Jewelry! Jewelry ! ! Jewelry!!!
1 --- t UST received, as u
.1- • 44,/ id the most magniti•
z dent Jewelry IV." ever
came up the Pik ."..a
)?C, Consisting of GOLD PAT-
K il TENT LEVERS, Ladies
k\V "
, D f A u n t C l li j O
e l
w t
SILVER PATENT LEVERS, double and single
cased,StLvku ANCHoIt LEVERS,fUnjeweled,
e E d,
double and single casedENGLISHW ATCHES,
Im tatzon Levers, QUARTIER Mid FRENCH
Gold Fob Chalets, and Seals;
of the most fashionable patterns. Gold
Pencils, Spectacles, Guard Chains, Key's,
Bra acelets sett with topaz, Medalions, Fin
ger Riags, Ear Rugs, Breast Pins, sett with
topaz, amethist, &c. &c. Mineature Cases,
Silk Purees, Coral Beads, Pocket Barks,
Musical Boxes,Mathematical Instruments,
Silver Spectaes, Tablc Spoons,. Tea and
Salt Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Lowends pattent
Silver Pencils, Razors of the finest quality,
HENRY CLAY penknives, a superior arty.
de, Steel Pens, Spy Classes, Hair Brushes.
Tooth Brushes, Platina Points, &c. &c. All
the above articles will be sold cheaper than
ever heretofore.
Clock and Watch repairing done as usual,
very cheap for cash.
A large assortment of eight day and thir
ty hour Clocks will be sold very cheap.
All watches sold will be warranted for one
year, and a written guarrantee given. that
it not found equal to warranty it will (during
that period) beput in order without expense,
or if injured, may be exchanged for any
other watch of equal value. The warranty
is considered void, should the watch, with
which it is given. be put into the hands of
another watch maker.
Huntingdon, April 10, 1844
List of Letters
Remaining in the Post Office at Alex
andria, Huntingdon county, Pa., on the
lath April, 1844, which if not taken out
within three mnnths will be sent to the
General Post office as dead letters.
Anderson John S M'Pherran Samuel
licking Samuel Mensh Aabrha:n
Burk William Montgomery Mariah
Baker Jno 2 Maguire James
Cunningham John Nett Daniel
Porter John
Porter Charles
Carman David
Davis Owen
Fisher Elizabeth Piper Daniel
Forkler Henry Price Thompson
Flemming Jim Roderick William
& Porter 2 Stoutenberger Ellen
Gardner James Stevens & Patton
Horrell Christopher Snyder Lewis
Herrencane Jacob Stouffer Jonathan
Hutchison Edward Sister Michael
Houtz Daniel IVelshans Jacob
Kauffman Tobias White illiam
Kelly Catharine - Wootheater Henry
Alexandria April 17, 1844.
RESPECTFULLY inform the citizens
of Huntingdon county, and the public
generally, that they have formed a partner
ship to carry on the •
Copper, Tin and Sheet -iron Business
in all its branches, in Alt xandria, where
they manufacture and consta, tly keep on
hand every desci iption of ware in their line;
such as
New and Splendid Wood StoveF,
22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches long
New Cooking Stoves of all kinds, and
Also four sizes of Coal Stoves
All kinds castings done, for Forges, Saw
mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG
w ARE ; all of which is done in a workman
like manner.
kko, Copper, Dye, Wadi, Fuller, Pre•
servin , ,l ," and Tea Ketlles, for sale,
wholesale and retail,
Persons favoring this establishment with
their custi m may depend on having their
orders executed with fidelity and despatch.
Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta
ken in exchange. Alsu wheat, rye, corn
and oats taken at market price,
Alexandria, Nov. 1, 1843.
NOTICE.—The subscriber respectfully
requests all persons indebted to him for
work done at the old establishment, pre
vious to this date, to call and settle theii ac
counts without delay.
Nov. 1, 1843.
CD3 clime fl at) al.
A PERSONS are hereby cau
tkr.4 aim tinned against meddling with,
selling, disturbing or removing the following
property which I porch ‘sed at Constable's
Sale, as the property of John Briggs, Jr.
and Jackson Briggs. and left in their posses
sion until I see proper to remove it.
3 clocks ; 2 bureaus ; 6 acres of wheat;
1 sleigh ; 3 colts; 3-5 of ten acres of rye ;
3-5 of ten acres of wheat 1 saddle and
bridle; 1-3 of nine acres of wheat; 1 two
horse wagon ; 4 set of horse gears ; 2 har
rows; 1 spreader; 1-3 of three acres of rye;
1 croscut saw ; 3 empty hogsheads • 1 straw
box ; 1 double bitted axe ; 3-5 of three ' acres
of wheat; 3-5 of seventeen acres of rye;
4 of seven acres of wheat; 3 milks cows;
1 bay mare ; 1 plough ; 1 pair double trees;
of one and a half acres of oats.
April 24. 1844.
62311%1311r ZSUCCIIINZ3 ®v
reIhAME to the residence o
> subscriber, residing i
Franklin township, Huntingdon
county, on the sth of April
WC inst., one dark bay horse,
darK ine and tail, star in the torehead,
about 13 hands high, supposed to be 5 years
old, with bridle and halter, no other marks
worthy of notice. The owner is requested
to come forward, prove property pay char
ges and take him away, otherwise he will
be disposed of according to law.
April 10, 1844.
lI , USTIOES' Blanks of all kinds, for sale
V at this Office.
Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.
\vouLD most respectfully inform the
citizens of tlpis county, the public
generally, and his old friends and customers
in particular, that he has leased for a term
of years, that large and commodious Wilding
on the West end of the Diamond, in the bn
ough of Huntingdon, formerly kept by An
drew H. Hirst, which he has opened and
furnished as a Public House, where every
attention that will minister to the comfort
'lnd convenience of guests will always be
1M0.G3 kt.l 4
will at all times be abundantly supplied with
the best to be hail in the country.
Z 333112.
will be furnished with the best of Liquors,
is the very best in the borough, and will
always be attended by the most trusty, at
tentive and experienced ostlers.
Mr. Couts pledges himself to make every
exertion to render the " Franklin House" a
home to all who may favor him with a call.
Thankful to his old customers for past favors;
he respectfully solicits a continuance of their
Boarders, by the year, month, or week,
will be taken on reasonable terms.
Huntingdon, Nov. 8. 1843.
hardware 4. Cutlery
(between sth and 6th streets)
AKES this method to inform the Mer
chants of this vicinity that he has re
ceived by the late arrivals from England a
large addition to his former stock, all laid
in at the lowest prices for cash, and he now
offers the same, as well as a complete as
sortment of American Hardware at a very
small advance for cash or approved credit,
and invites purchasers, visiting the city to
examine his stock before buying. Among
his ass,rtment will be found the following
description of goods in all their different
varieties. _ •
Knives and Forks Files all kinds
Pocket and Pen Knives Hinges do
Scissors and Razors Looks do
Mill,Pitt & Crosscut saws Screws dri
Hand & other Saws Bolts do
Shovels and Spades Augers do
Scythes and Sickles Hatchets do
Trace & Halter chains Harlamers do
Patent Metal Ware Gimblets do
Steel of all kinds Chisels do
Shovels and Tongs Plane Irons do
Anvils and Vices Hoes d o
Horse nails Needles do
Cutt & Wrought nails Awls Cl7l
Chopping & Hand Axes &climbs do
Hay & Manure Forks Spoons do
Straw Knives Saucepans do
Frying Pans Braces & Bitts chi
Fish Hooks all kinds Candlesticks do
Waiters do Steelyards do
And all other articles in the Hardware
Line required for a Retail Store.
Philadelphia, March 20, 1844.
Hardware A' Cutlery
The subscriber having Just received (per
late arrivals from England) direct from the
Manufacturers, a large invoice of Hard
ware and Cittlery, which makes complete
one of the best assorted stocks of
to be found in the city of Philadelphia, re
spectfully invites country Merchants to call
and examine for themselves, as it is his fix
ed determination to sustain the reputation it
has acquired of being the cheapest store in
the city. Those who buy for CASH in pre
ference to paying 15 or 5:0 per cent. for the
sake of 6 months credit will please call be
fore purchasing and get a list of my prices,
which will satisfy them betterthan anything
I can say in an advertisement, that a store
established on the exclusive
Cash System,
can sell cheaper than those who buy and
sell on 6, 9 or 12 months credit.
I have just received a large Invoice of
Newton Darling, Wilson's, griffin's, Wal
dron's. Inman's, Care's and Harper's Hay
and Manure Folks, Brads, Sad Irons, Amer
ican Plane Irons and Saws, Rowland's and
Ames' Shovels and Spades, together with a
general assortinent of Domestic Hardware,
which will be sold very cheap for net cash
and CASH onr.
493 Market St. bet ween 13th
and Broad, North side.
Philadelphia, March 27, 1844.
NIMOULD respectfully inform theirlcus
\Pi tomers and merchants generally, that
they are now receiving direct from Manu
facturers, their spring stock of
adapted expressly for the western trade.—
These goods have been selected witivcare,
and comprise one of the largest and best
stock of SHOES, &c., in the country.
Having been bought entirely for CASH, we
are enabled to offer them on as good terms as
as they can be purchased either in the Phil
adelphia or New York markets.
MERCHANTS deahn in our line would
find it to their advantage to call and exam
ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere.
Pittsburg, April 3, 1844.
Estate of Kintber A. Barton, late Of
(Late of Shirley tp.dec'd.)
WpOTICE is hereby given that letters of
4IA administration upon the said estate
have been granted to the undersigned. All
pet sons having claims or demands against
the same are requested to make them known
without delay, and all persons indebted to
make immediate pay meat to
BENJ. LEAS, Adm'r., de bonis non.
March 27, 1844.—pd.
•ITTORXEr T Lain".
ivatireumnr AT iLior
Ofce in Main Street, two doors East
Mrs, McConnell's Temperance Nouse