Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, May 08, 1844, Image 2

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"One country, one constitution, one destiny."
IMlvaara fl roa fLp di coda 9
Wednesday morning, May 8, '44.
t.f .V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street
below Third, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act as
Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and
Z• The Huntingdon Journal has a
larger circulation than any other
Newspaper in Huntingdon county.
We state this fact for the benefit of
. Once more our glorious Banner out
Upon the breeze we throw;
Beneath its folds, with song and shout,
Let's charge upon the foe!"
Senatorial Electors.
Representative Electors.
Ist District—Joseph C. Clarkson, of Philadelphia.
2d John P. Wetherill, do
3d John D. Ninesteel, do
4th John S. Litteil, Germantown.
sth Elleaser T. M'Dowoll, of Bucks co.
6th Benj. Frick, of Montgomery.
7th Isaac W. Vanleer, of Chester.
Bth William Hiester, of Lancaster.
9th John S. Hiester, of Berks.
10th John Killinger, of Lebanon.
11th Alex. E. Brown, of Northampton.
12th Jonathan J. Slocum, of Luxerne.
13th Henry Drinker, of Susquehanna.
14th James Pollock, of Northumberland.
15th Frederick Watts, of Cumborland.
16th Daniel M. Smyser, of Adams.
12,th James Mothers, of Juniata.
18th Andrew J. Ogle, of Somerset.
19th Daniel Washalnumh, of Bedford.
20th John L. Gow, of Washington.
21st Andrew W. Loomis, of Allegheny.
22d James M. Power, of Mercer.
23d William A. Irvin, of Warren.
24th Benjamin Hartshorn, of Clearfield.
The Outer Form.
On our first page will be found a portion of a
Temperance Lecture from GEO. TAYLOR, Esq.; a
" Revolutionary Relic ;" and a column of Poetry ;
and on the fourth page a " Patent Sermon." by
"Dow, Jr."—for all of which we bespeak a perusal,
on account of their intrinsic value.
Znocked in the head.---The meeting of
persons friendly to the Annexation of Texas to the
Union, whirls was to meet in the Old Court House
a few nights ago.
"Glory enough for one day."
We devoted last Monday to the service of our
country. At the tap of the drum, our company,
under command of Capt. Dorris, of the 4, bloody
62nd," formed in rank along Main street, in
front of the Court House; and after performing a
number of evolutions in an admirable style, marched
along one street—turned down another—up an
other—turned a corner—marched up another street
--turned another corner—and marched down Main
street to the place of beginning, where we were all
brought to a halt in order to call the roll. Owing
to some slight disorder, such as crowding upon the
officers and the like, the roll could not be called ;
and our valiant company was again formed in rank
and file—one of our men taken under guard for un
soldierly conduct. We were then marched down
street to the corner—turned up, passed Washing
ton street—turned and marched in front of the
county prison, where a hollow square was formed--
the roll called, and the company dismissed.
We are compelled to say that the whole company
is composed of a noble looking set of fellows, and
their conduct on Monday is proof that they are val
iant withal, and can stand the fire of friends as
well as of enemies.
We were sorry, in the evening, to see some of our
companions in arms dangerously wounded—one
poor fellow in particular, bravo and noble-hearted
as he was, had been awfully "shot in the neck,"
lying with nothing but a curb-stone for a pillow
and heaven's canopy for a cover. We hope he will
receive kind and skillful treatment, so that the
country may not be deprived of his future services.
q t
Me " Milkli 'a System" is a gloriouB affair indeed,
but then it cos the Commonwealth thousands of
dollars annuall to keep it up!
Mr. Clfy and Annexation.
o Mr. Clay h at length shown his hand' on
the question of the re-annexation of Texas, and
true to the instiAct of Federalism, in opposition to
Cie measure." )
T - We extract the above from an article in the
editorial columns of the Beacon Light of Wednes
day teat. The whole article is one of a usual or
der, !raping wholesale and indiscriminate abuse
up ? rt Henry Clay and the Whig party. It wee
p ned before Mr. Van Buren's letter had reached
ollidaysburg. Unfortunately the Editor will hare
to step back and "define his position" over again.
Balloon Ascension.
Mr. Wise, the celebrated eranaut, made his
48th atrial voyage, on Saturday last, at 2 o'clock,
from Hollidaysburg.
The people of this borough, young and old, were
on the look-out; and about half past 2, the balloon
was discovered rising over the Warrior Ridge.—
The scene was magnificent and sublime. The
course of the balloon was in the direction of our
town ; but it rose higher and still higher, and when
immediately above us, its altitude was such as to
make it appear like en egg-shell flying through the
air; its distance being variously estimated at from
one to four miles. It was gazed at and watched as
it sailed on, sometimes obscured and hidden in the
clouds, and then again visible, until its diminished
form at last vanished in the distance.
The Hollidaysburg papers will, no doubt, this
week give an account of the voyage, perhaps from
the pen of Mr. Wise himself, which we shall en
deavor to lay before our readers at the earliest
P. S. Since the above was written, we have
learned that Mr. Wise landed somewhere near
Williamsburg, on account of the tearing of the net
work which surrounded the balloon, and that when
he stepped out of his little oriel ship,the balloon, not
having been sufficiently secured, and being detached
from its load, again rose in the air, and thus, with
out a guiding hand, floated over our town in its
ethereal course.
The balloon has not been heard of since it was
seen by the people of this borough.
A Dilemma.
The York Democratic Press, a paper that sup
ports Martin Van Buren for President, contains an
article, in last week's number, on the Texas
Question, from which we extract the following:
But on bestowing upon the matter proper con
sideration, we are confident that NO FRIEND TO
PUBLIC—wiII oppose the re-annexation of Texas
to the United States."
We ask the jewel of consistency who writes the
editorials of the Press to read the letter of Mr. Van
Buren on the subject, and then tell the " Demo
cracy" of " Democratic York" that the Locofoco
candidate for President, is " no lover of his coun
try"—no friend to the Republic."
The Press editor can prove it logically to his
readers if he takes the above quoted assertion for
his first proposition. The syllogism will be thus :
"No friend to his country—no lover of the Re
public—will oppose re-annexation," &c.
Martin Van Buren does oppose, &c.
Therefore Martin is " no friend to hie country--
no lover of the Republic."
" Go it for Tyler and Texas, little Van's not only
a used up man, but a Tn /axon.
Virginia Election.
The following information as to the result of the
Virginia election, is from the National Intelligencer.
So far as the returns have been received, it is
ascertained that the Whigs have elected to the House
of Delegates 65, and the Locos 30. The Whig
gain thus far is—Accommac 2, Caroline 1, Nor..
folk cm 2, Matthews and Middlesex 1, Mecklen
berg 1, Buckingham 2, Roppahannock 1, Franklin
2, Randolph 1, Wood and Ritchie I—total 14.
The Whig loss is—Southampton 1, King and
Queen 1, Taylor I—total 3.
Strong hopes are entertained that there will still
be sufficient changes to overcome the Loco majority
of the Senate, and give the majority on joint ballot.
The only two senatorial districts heard from have
both elected Whigs—one of them very unexpect
edly. Thera is no doubt of the election of Goggin.
Whig, to Congress in the District lately represented
by Mr. Gilmer. In Wise's district the vote is very
close between Carter, Whig, and Bayly, Loco; all
the districts have been heard from but three small
counties, and Bayly lends 34 votes.
The Richmond - Whig of Monday morning says:
Little or nothing heard from beyond the Blue
Ridge. The State we think now as we thought all
along it would do, has gone for the Whigs. The
rapid and great popular gain is conclusive how
Virginia will be in November.
Later.—The following is from the Richmond
Whig of Wednesday last.
The Elections—Wo have been in no hurry to cast
up the loss and gain. We prefer to wait for cer
tainties. We shall to-morrow present a tools of
these matters. Tho Whigs have thus far about, or
very nearly, tied the Democratic majority of the
last session on joint ballot.
We have little or no doubt that they have carried
a majority on joint ballot—and a majority of the
Those who wish to understand the true philoso
phy of the elections must consult the popular vote.
The gain we think, upon the elections of 1840 is
between ten and twenty per cent—a plenty.
Tax FLAXAGANS AGAIN.—An actin accordance
with the views of Chief Justice Gibson, has passed
both branches of the Legislature and received the
signature of the Governor. By its provisions, one
of the Judges of the Supreme Court is required to
hold a Court in Cambria county, previous to July
4, 1844, and hear the argument in favor of a new
trial in the case of the Flanagans. If a new trial is
granted, it is to take place in Huntingdon county ;
if not, the record of the court is to be carried into
execution in Cambria county. The Clerk of the
I Cambria county Court is to officiate as Clerk of the
Court to hear the motion fora new trial. This long
vexed question is thus likely to be set at rest.—
Beacon Light.
ANOTHER RaLTC.-It is Mated that them is at
present, at one of the jewelry stores in New York,
a watch worn by Mrs. George Washington. It
has been handed down through her connections and
is now owned by Mrs Webster, daughter-in-law of
the late Noah Webster. Under the dial is ongrraved
1741, showing the watch to be 103 years old. It
is cylinder, horizontal, capped jewelled, and gold
case, very plain, and resembling in shape the ordi
nary small sized bull's eye."
O:7•We acknowledge the reception of valuable
Congressional documents from Messrs. Irvin, Stew
art, and Morris, of this State.
Important Vote!
We would ask the attention of all well meaning
members of the Van Buren party, and all true
friends of the tariff to the vote taken in Congress
on the 22d ult. They will see by that vote the proof
that the locofoco Van Buren party is what Van Be
ten has declared himself to be opposed to the present
Tariff. On the vote to take up M'Kay's British
Bill, one whig, (from Georgia) and cora HUNDRED
AND TIIREII locofocos voted in the affirmative, and
seventy seven whigs and only 17 locofocos against
it! Even the Northern states of Maine, New-
Hampshire,Connecticut,New York,and New Jersey
furnished twenty nine locofocos to vote for distur
bing the present tariff. While all the whig mem
bers from those states, and all the whig members
from Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina,
Alabama, Kentucky and Tennessee.—in fact the
whole whig delegation, with the solitary exception
ol i o member from Georgia ;—voted in solid column
to let it alone! One whig and fourteen locofocos
were absent! Could party lines be more clearly
It is true that the locofoco members from this
state voted against disturbing the wihig tariffof
1842. But that is not to be attributed to any friend
ly feeling on the part of themselves or the party.
The significant hints which the people gave them
at the Congressional election, last fall and more
recently in the 13th district, have had a salutary ef
fect on the few remaining locofocos whom the peo
ple suffered to serve a probationary tour at Wash
ington. They saw that instead of having a largo ma
jority in the delegation they numbered but ten of
the twenty-four members—and they know the cause.
They felt that their own seats were not secure and
they voted accordingly. Even the anti-tariff mem
ber from this district dared not vote in accordance
with the views ho entertained on the subject of a
teriff.--Norristown Free Press.
Whig National Convention,
This body assembled in the city of Bal'imore on
the Ist inst., and its permanent organization took
place the same day, by appointing Hon. AMBROSE
SPENCER, of New York, President, six Vice
Presidents, ono from each state—and six Secret.
The President was conducted to the chair by
Hon. Wm. S. Archer, of Virginia, and Reverdy
Johnson, Esq., of Maryland. The appearance of
this venerable and talented gentleman on the plat
form was hailed with an outburst of enthusiasm;
and on taking the chair, he addressed the Conven
tion in a brief and pertinent speech.
The Hon. DENTAMIN WATKINS Lama, of Vir
ginia, then presented a resolution, which he prefa
ced by a few happy remarks, the purport of which
was that as the public feeling had so decidedly set
tled the question of the Presidential nomination
that it was conceived unnecessary to enter upon
the regular and beaten formalities of a ballot. He
said it was hardly necessary to name the object of
the united love of the entire nation—no eulogy, no
effort of eloq hence could so embody all that was
pure, noble and manly as the mere mention of his
name—the name of HENRY CLAY, of Ken
tucky. He therefore proposed that the Convention
present unanimously the name of HENRY CLAY
to the people of the United States for the office of
This movement was hailed, as every true-hearted
Whig may imagine, with such an outburst of en
thusiasm, as has seldom arisen in any land under
any circumstances. The talented, the venerated,
the tried public servants of our country—the noble
hearted representatives of the Whig party of the
Union rose to their feet with one accord and cheer
after cheer, prolonged and repeated, testified the
unanimity of the nomination. The clock was
pointing to the hour of high noon on the dial as
those cheers arose—the thousands who were collec
ted outside the building, unable to obtain entrance,
caught up the shout and it will be repeated and re
peated, wave following wave, until it will surge
over the Union, carrying hope, confidence and hap
piness to the nation and, the most inspiriting influ
ences to the Whig party.
of New York, hens BURNETT, of Ohio, Aaaorr
LAWRENCE, Mass. and Wm. S. Amnon, of Vir
ginia, were constituted a committee to apprise Mr.
Clay of his nomination.
Mr. BRONSON of Maine, then read a letter from
the Hon. Goofier. Evens of Maine, declining to be
considered a candidate before the Convention for
the Vice Presidency, and tendering kis acknowl
edgements to the Whigs of Maine for having pla
ced his name before the people. Mr. linen, of
Delaware, read a similar letter from the Hon. Joan
M. Coarrox and REVERDY JonNsex, one from
JUDGE M'Leee of Ohio. These letters were dic
tated by the loftiest self sacrificing wish to concen
trate the united energies of the party and produce
a speedy and harmonious termination of the delib
During their reading, the immense crowd in the
gallery had so increased, that the north-west corner
settled. A great panic ensued—many jumped
from the windows and rushed for the doom and it
was some time before order was resumed. I [appily,
no serious effects resulted from this, although it was
anticipated from tho press and rush that loss of limb,
if not of life, would ensue. It is strange how little
self possession there is in emergencies of this kind
—there is always loss danger in standing still, than
in the confusion of such panic rushes. After order
had been restored and the gallery partly cleared, the
lion. T. M. T. M'Keri sex rose and said he thought
the conduct of the gentlemen whose letters had
been read, should not pass without some action on
the part of the Convention, he therefore offered a
resolution that the Convention holds in high esteem
their character and services to the Whig party, and
highly approves of the purity, patriotism and disin
terestedness of their respective declinations. This
was adopted by acclamation.
Some debate, rather informal, and assuming the
character of a comparison of views, arose as to the
manner of obtaining the vote of the delegates for
the Vice Presidency. In this debate, DUDLEY
BELDEN, of N. Y., Judge BeRNZTT I of Ohio, Joaa
8. Ricusans, of Pa., Mr. K sm.:, of Ohio, Mr.
Molars, of Pa., Mr. 8 , of Louisiana, Mr.
STOUT, of N. Y., Mr. JOHNSON, of Md., and Mr.
BERRIEN, of Geo., took part. It resulted in the
adoption of a resolution suggested by Mr. RI Cll.
ARDS, that the States be called over by districts, and
the delegates in attendance answer to their names,
and then the election be held viva voce until some
one candidate receive a majority of all the votes.—
The States were then called and the following del
egates appeared in their seats :
[Want of room compels us to mnit the long list
of Delegates, as well as of the Officers.]
The names of JOHN BEIIO EANT of Pennsylva
nia, MILLAnn FlLLmons of New York, JOHN
DAVIS of Massachusetts, and Talonons FR SLING
RUYSEN of New Jersey, were placed in nomination
and the ballottings commenced as follows:
Davis. Sergeant. Fillmore. Fre'llysen
Maine 9
N. Hampshire 6
Massachusetts 12
Rhode Island
Vermont 6
Connecticut 6
New York
New Jersey
Maryland 1
N. Carolina
S. Carolina 3
Kentucky 5
Ohio 20
Indiana 7
Illinois 2
Alabama 1
Missouri 4
Michigan 1
35 1
2 a 2
1 2
1 I
1 4 2
83 38
There were 275 votes cast and no person having
received a majority of all the votes the Convention
proceeded to the
Davis. Sergeant. Fillmore. Freluysen,
Moine 9
N. Hampshire 6
Massach'setts 12
Rhode Island 4 4
Vermont 5 1
Connecticut 6
New York 35 1
New Jersey 7
Delaware 3
Pennsylvania 26
Maryland 8
Virginia 17
N. Carolina 11
S. Carolina 9
Georgia 11)
Tennessee 13
Kentucky 5 2 3 3
Ohio 19 4
Indiana 6 2 4
Louisiana 6
Mississippi 6
Illinois 2 1 2 4
Alabama 2 7
Missouril 6
Michigan 1 4
' Arkansas 3
74 32 51
There still being no choice in a full vote, Mr.
CHAMBERS of Pa. withdrew the name of the Hon.
Join( SERGEANT, and the Convention proceeded
to a
Davis. Frelinghuysen. Fillmore,
Maine 9
N. Hampshire 3 3
Massachusetts 12
Rhode Island 4
Vermont 4 1 1
Connecticut 6
New York 4 3 29
New Jersey
North Carolina
South Carolina
A lobo ma
3 19 4
6 3 3
191 3
5 7
2 7
78 155
Ballot 1 2
Mr. Frelinghuy.n 101 118
83 74 78
53 51 40
38 32 withdrawn
There were on the third ballot 273 voles cast,
(one delegate from Pennsylvania and one from Al
abama not voting,) 137 were necessary to a choice
and THEODORE FRELINOHUTSEN, having received
a majority of all the voles„ivas declared duly nom
inated, and the Whig Ticket was completed:
For President,
HENRY CLAY, of Kentucky.
For Vice President,
A motion was then made by JACOB BURNETT of
Ohio, seconded by ERASTUS ROOT, of N. Y., both
prefaced by eloquent speeches, that the nomination ' ,
of Mr. FBELINORUTSBN be unanimously confirm
ed. On this question, every State, which had ex
grossed afirat choice for another than the nominee,
gave in its adhesion to the nomination in the most
enthusiastic and unanimous manner:—Mr. M'KEtr-
NAN, of Pennsylvania, paid a tribute to her beloved
Sergeant, and congratulated the Whig party on the
selection of a candidate that not even the malignity
of that common libeller, Amos Kendall, would dare
attack. Mr. KELLY, of Ohio, Gov. ELLSWORTH,
of Conn., Mr. LUMPKIN, of Geo., Mr. TowLE, of
Tenn., and Mr. LITTLE, of Maine, each in turn
paid a tribute to the favorties of their individual
States and expressed their most hearty concurrence
in the result of the ballotings.
Mr. Green, of New Jersey, rose ; he said, with
a full heart, to reply to the many compliments be
stowed on hie distinguished fellow-citizen, Mr. Frs•
linghuysen—he for the last five years had resided
in New York, although his fame was of New Jer
sey--he envied New York nos the home of no
many virtues, but the whole notion would be proud
of his fame. In 1822 when Mr. Clay was the sub
ject of so many and such bitter attacks, Mr. F. had
stood side by side with him, and never, for one mo
ment, quailed in his defence. The name of Fre
linghysen was among the proudest and noblest of
the Revolution; his grandfather was the companion
of Washington both in the council and the field--
, at 'Prenton and at Monmouth he faced the enemies
of his country--such blood could not harbor treach
ery, the people need fear no treason in him.
On motion of Mr. Richards of Penna., Mr.
Ellsworth of Conn., Green of N. J., William B.
Reed of Penna., Mr. Metcalf of Ky., and Mr.
Mann of R. 1., were appointed a committee to in
form Mr. Frelinghuysen of his nomination. Mr.
Johnson of Md. reported the following resolutions
which were unanimously adopted :
Resolved, That in presenting to the country the
names of HENRY CLAY for President and of
sident, this Convention is actuated by the convic
tion that all the great principles of the Whig party
—principles inseparable from the public honor and
prosperity—will be maintained and advanced by
the election of these candidates.
Resolved, That these principles may be summed
as comprising--a well regulated National Currency
—a Tariff for Revenue to defray the necessary Ex
penses of the Government, and discriminating with
special reference to the protection of the Domestic
Labour of the Country—the distribution of the
proceeds from the sales' f the public lands—a sin
gle term for the Presidency—a reform of Execu
tive usurpations—and generally such an adminis
tration of the affairs of the Country as shall impart
to every branch of the public service the greatest
practicable efficiency, controlled by a well regulated
and wise economy.
Resolved, That the name of Henry Clay needs
no Eulogy—the history of the Country since his
first appearance in public life, is his history—its
brightest pages of prosperity and success are identi
fied with the principles which be has upheld, as its
darker and more disasterous pages are with every
material departure in our public policy from those
Resolved, That in Theodore Frelinghuyeen we
present a man pledged alike by his Revolutionary
ancestry and his own public course to every meas
ure calculated to sustain the honor and interest of
the country.
Inheriting the principles as well as the name of
a father, who with Washington on the fields of
Trenton and of Monmouth, periled life in the con
test for liberty—and afterwards as a Senator of the
United States, acted wills Washington in establish
ing and perpetuating that liberty. Theodore Fro
linghuysen by his course as Attorney General of
the State of New Jersey for twelve years, and sub
sequently as a Senator of the United States for se,
oral years was always strenuous on the side of law,
order and the Constitution—while as a private man
his head, his hand and his heart have been given
without stint to the cause of morals, education,
philanthropy, and religion.
The letter writer of the Forum, from which pa
per we have extracted the above information, closes
his letter of the Ist inst., with the following.
I have no room, and indeed no inclination: to
prolong my letter. I dare not even read it over, for
fear of finding inaccuracies in it, and my readers
will excuse me if there should be any, when I ex
plain the circumstances under which I am writing.
My room at Guy's on Monument square, (a host,
by the way, I recommend to all who love the good
things of life,) is the centre of all the " Commotion
--motion—motion"--of the evening. From Bar
num's steps, a voice that I think belongs to R. T.,
Daniel, of Virginia, is addressing the thousands in
the square; from Reverdy Johnson's steps Joe
Hoxie, of New York, is singing from the "book,
with the yellow kiver" and the way the boys chorus
it, is a dismay to locofocoism, and from the Court
House Robert C. Schenck, of Ohio, is pouring out
the thunder tones of his eloquence. The whole
city is literally like Rumor--" full of tongues"—
from every corner, from every door step, voices aro
speaking of the abuses of locofocoism and exhort
ing the people to concentrated action for the suc
The most magnificent preparations have been
made for the Convention of Ratification to-morrow.
It is impossible to estimate the numbers in town ;
every State is largely represented and the anima
tion, fire and enthusiasm of the occasion cannot he
imagined, much less described ! The spirit which
is abroad will bring back to our country the times
of which wo were deprived by the death of Gen.
Harrison. I must close, but shall hereafter have
much to say of to-day's doings. May heaven bless
and sanctify them to the best interests of the coun
try. J. B. W.
The Prize Banner.—The gallant Whip of the
State of Delaware won the National Prize Banner,
their Delegation to the Convention of Ratification
being, comparatively, the greatest in number.
Do. WISTAR'S Ils.xsam or WILD Caxnax.—The
extraordinary success attending the use of this med
icine in diseases of the lungs, and the many singu
lar cures it has ellbcted, having naturally attracted
the attention of ninny physicians, as well as the
whole fraternity of quacks, various conjectures and
surmises have arisen respecting its composition;
some physicians have supposed it to contain iodine,
other ignorant pretenders say it must contain mer
cury, and to some such substance they each attrib
ute its singular efficacy. As such opinions aro al
together ereoneous, and calculated to prejudice ma
ny persons against it, we pledge our honor that it
contains nothing of this kind, or any thing the least
injurious ;on the contrary, it is composed of the
most simple substances, the principal of which are
the extracts of tar and wild cherry bark, and the
whole secret of its efficacy consists in the mode by
which they are prepared.
For sale by Thomas Read, Huntingdon and
James Orr, Hollidaysburg.
(hi thio Borough.)
7 A. M. 2. P.M. 0 P. M.
Await 80 51 75 64
MAY 1 52 - 84
2 66 71
3 - - - - 59 • 84
4•• •.66..--71
5 58 76
6 58 77
!, LANK BONDS—lndolent and cam
moo.- -for sale at this Witt.
ING OF VESSELS, &C.—W right's Indian Ve
getable Pills are certain to previrit the at
bove dreadful consequences, because they
purge from the body those morbid humors
which, when floating in the general circu
lation, are the cause of a determination o r
rush of blood to the head, a pressure upon
the brain, and other dreadful results.—
From two to six of said Indian Vegetable
Pills, taken every night, on going to bed,
will in a short time so completely cleanse
the body from every thing that is opposed
to health that sudden death, apoplexy,
bursting of blood vessels, or indeed any mal
ady, will be in s manner impossible.
Wright's Vegetable Indian Pills also aid
and improve digeston, and purify the blood
and therefore give health and vigor to the
whole frame, as well as drive disease • ,
every name from the body.
Beware of Counterfeits.—The public are
cautioned against the many spurious medi
clues which in order to deceive are made p
in outward appearance, closely to reseni
ble the above wonderful Pills.
OBSERVE.—Purchase only of the adver
tised agents ,
_or at the o ffi ce of the Gen , r•
al Depot, No. 169 Race street, Philatiel •
phia, and be particular to ask for WRIGHT'
Indian Vegetable Pills.
. . .
The geiiiiine medicines can be obtai
t the store of Wni. Stewart, Huntin
(Mt Ma/2CM C397:1.
A. EL 311172113.6.17G11,,
. 41 01.1f.,D most respectfully infoinformtli ,
citizens of Huntingdon, and the
public in general, that he has commenced_
the saddle and harness making business in
all its various branches, in the shop former
ly occupied by Alex. M'Allister, dec'd.,
one door east of the "Pioneer Stage Stable"
and directly opposite Houck's blacksmith
shop, where he is prepared to accommodate
all who may favor him with their patronage.
He will constantly keep on hand
Harness, Saddles, Bridles.
Collars, &c.
Repairing done on the shortest notice
most reasonable terms.
By a strict attention to business he hi , p(
to receive a liberal share of work.
Hun tingdon, May 8, 1844
z3cDvzpziamm 2
All persons who know themselves bid, •' d
to the firm of HILEMAN, TUSSEY, &
CO., are respectfully requested to make
arrangements to pay their accounts soon.
Especially those who know their account,
to be unsettled, arc requested to call and
have them closed either by cash or note, for
it is the intention of the firm to leave all un
settled accounts with a proper officer for
collection in a few weeks. The hooks of
the above firm are ,left with John Harnish,
foi settlement.
May 8, 1844.-3tpd.
Estate of Barton Be Forrest, late CI
Tod township, deceased.
ETTERS of administration on the sai6
maglestate have been granted to the under
signed. All persons indebted to said estatf
are requested to make immediate payment,
and those havitig claims against it will pre.
sent them properly authenticated for settle
ment without delay, to
May 8,1844. .Tod tp.
Estate of Andrew Zimmerman
(late of TUD township, dec'd.
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
ministration upon the said estate have beet
granted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known without
delay, and all persons Indebted to make im
mediate payment to
JAMES EN'I'REKIN, Jr. adm'r.
May 8,1844.-6 t. Coffee Run.
Dissolution of Par tnership.
The partnership 'heretofore existing be
tween Anderson Harvey and S. E. Shepard,
trading under the firm of Harvey & Shep
ard, was, on the 30th day of April last, by
mutual consent dissolved. The accounts of
said firm will be settled by A. Harvey.
The Foundry will hereafter be carried on
by Anderson Hat vey.
Franklin tp., May 8,1844.-3 t.
Wagon Making.
IT) ESPECTFULLY inform; his friends
gl&cl and the public in general, that he car
ries on the above business in the shop for
merly occupied by William Wooster, situ
ate in Main street, in the borough of Alex
andric., Huntingdon county, Pa., where he
is prepared to clo all kinds of work in his
line at business in a durable and workman
like manner. A stock constantly on hand—
and work made to order.
By strict attention to business he expects
to merit and receive a liberal share of pat
Alexandria, May 1, 1844.
sa w PERSONS are hereby no
tified not topurchase or
meddle in any way with the f"ollowing de
scribed property . purchased by the subscri
ber at Constable 's Sale, as the property of
James Kennedy, of Porter tp, Huntingdon co.
1 brown horse, 1 sorrel do., 2 set of horse
gears, 1 plough and 1 set of harrow pins, 4
hogs and 1 heifer, 1 eight day clock, 2 lots
of grain in the ground.
Which property I have left with said
Kennedy until such a time as I may choose
to remove it.
April 29, 1844
Attends to practice In the Orphans' Court,
Stating Administration accounts, Scrivening.
&c.—Office in Hill street, 3 doots East of
T. Read's Drug Store.
Feb. 28, 1844.
A large asssortment of the latest. and
cheapest publications of the day.—.vie : Ro
mances, Novels, Tales,&c. &c. by the
most distinguished autors. All of which
will be sold trom 12i to 25 cents per copy.
the publishers price. Gall at I). Buoy's
Jewelry Establishment,
Huntingdon, April 10, 1844.