that Mr. Von Boren entirely concurs with the Corn. of Ways and Means. In his letter to the Indiana convention'he says : "The great body of mechanics and laborers in every branch of business, whore welfare should be an object of unceasing solicitude on the part of every public man, have been the pea test eutierers by our high protective tariff, and would continue so to be were that policy persisted in, is to my mind too clear to require further elucidation r but he further says, what is much nearer the truth, that high duties are injurious to manufacturers them selves, for whose especial benefit we are told by the committee that these high dutiee are imposed. Mr. Van Buren says: " Excess of duties, which tempt to an undue end runious investment of capi tal in their business, is injurious to the manufac turers;' and how—by promoting competition, and reducing prices but is not this for the benefit of the consumers? But this is not all Mr. Van Buren says against the protective policy—he says, the period has passed away when a protective tariff can be kept up in this country," that the tariff " increases the poor man's taxes in an increased ratio to his ability to pay," and that direct taxation is a more equal and jug!' system of revenue than duties on foreign goods. These, sir, are Mr. Van Buren's opinions upon the tariff, and proclaimed to the world by his Indiana letter. But let us look a little into the details and practi cal operations of this bill on the great agricultural, manufacturing end mechanical interests of our country. _ In the first place it groatly reduces the duties on wool and woollens of all kinds; three-fourths of the duties, and more are taken from coarse cottons and calicoes; lead is robbed of more than nine-tenths of its protection. But Pennsylvania seems to be sin gled out for destruction. Her iron, her coal, her glass, her paper, her salt, and leather are all struck down together, and we are to go to England for iron, coal, glue, &c. Yes, sir, in 1842 we impor ted more than four millions of bushels of coal, under a duty of $1 75 per ton. This bill reduces it to one dollar. Of course you must double, and doubtless you will treble the quantity imported ; and for what? To increase the revenue, a few daye ago Pennsyl vania passed a resolution unanimously instructing ue to go for protection without regard to revenue." Yee, sir, these are the words, protection " without regard to revenue ;" and here we are reversing the rule, going fora bill for revenue without regard to protection; voting for 20,000 copies of a report in favor of this anti-tariff, anti-American, and British bill. Buf this bill greatly, very greatly, reduces the 1 duties on whisky, brandy, gin, and wine. We must import whiskey and brandy for revenue, and give the rich their wine at one half the present duty, and they must of course drink double the quantity or we loose the revenue. What say you temper ance men to this 1 You must all get drunk on for eign spirits to increase the revenue. Tax the poor by direct State taxation, and let the rich indulge in wine, brandy, silks and laces, at lower rates! No, put the duties high on luxuries, and distribute the proceeds of the lands among the States to relieve tha poor from taxation. Sir, pass this bill to lighten the burdens of the rich, while you double the bur dens. reduce the wages, destroy the labor of me chanics and the poor, and go home and hear what t hey have to say on the subject. The following abstract from table C,in the appen d= to the report of the committee, will show the practical operation of this bill upon the mechan ical, agricultural, and manufacturing interests of the country. Names of the articles. EFFECT C PON IHECIIANICH Per et. Per et. Clothing, ready mad by tailors 50 30 caps, binding and hosiery 30 20 Unbrelias, parasols, and sun shades Silk hate, bonnets, dm, 30 25 65 25 43 30 Hat bodies Hata and bonnet of vegetable substances _ 35 25 Children? boots and shoes 60 30 India rubber shoes 30 20 Clocks 30 20 Untarred cordage 188 30 Iron cables or chains 80 30 Cut and wrought spikes 82 30 Cut nails 43 30 Brass kettles, (hammered) 43 30 Japanned, plated, and gilt ware 30 25 Cutlery of all kinds 30 25 Sole leather 53 25 Calf Skins 37 25 Bricks and paving tiles 25 15 Metal buttons 30 25 Hard soap 51 30 EFFECTS EPOS FAIIMERS, Wheat 35 25 Beck and pork 120 25 Cheese 70 25 Vinegar 54 25 Pearl or hulled barley 47 30 Whale or fish oil 44 30 Wool costing over 7 cts per lb. 3c. pr. lb. oft Linseed oil 44 30 Spirits from grain, let proof 132 42 • Brandy, &c. from other materials 180 38 Coal, per ton $1 75 $1 00 China ware 30 20 3:FFECT rroir MANUFACTURERS. Wool, all manufactures of 7....arpettiriga, treble grain B russel. Venitian Other ingrain - • ~... Come cottons, (beings rcduc- tion of three fourths) 120 30 c; mon bagging 53 30 Oil cloth furniture 62 30 other kinds 64 30 Iron, bolts and-bare 77 61 railroad 77 31 Pig. 72 56 nail and spike rode 56 30 vessel. cast 45 30 wood screw. 63 30 3t,ci, cast, shear and German 36 21 Glass, cut 186 30 window, 8 by 10 62 30 12 by 16 165 30 Lead, pig. and bars 66 30 Gunpowder 51 30 'l'he If:th .cction of (1.1411 pro , hlca that, aftcr the Ist of September, 1845, all duties above 25 p e r cent. is to be reduced to that horiuontot standard, 25 per cent. • In 1842, we imported more than four millions of gallons of wine, and nearly two million gallons of distilled spirits. England imposes 2,700 per cent. duty on our whiskey. and we, by way of re ciprocity, now propose to reduce our duties on Englialt and Irish whiskey (1650,000 gallons of which, with other distilled spirits, was imported in 1342) to a mere nominal duty! The duty of 25 Iper cent.—a horizontal tariff, except a few specific articles; and in one year more, it brings the duties down to 25 per cent., discriminating for revenue below that standard. Thus woo bringing it nearly down to Mr. Van Buren's standard, established in his famous Indiana letter. His 'maximum was 25 per cent. until the debt was paid, and then 20 per cent., discriminating for revenue below that amount, but in no case above It for protection. This was Mr. Van Buren's plan, as laid down in that letter, to which he referred gillstlemen who might be dis posed to doubt it. Judge Elliott Guilty, Our readers know that many hundred votes were manufactured in New Orleans on the occasion of the late special election for Senator, and that the fraud was charged on Judge Elliott, who granted the improper naturalization papers. So strong was the impression of fraud, that the Judge was im peached by the House of Represntatives, and tried by the Senate of Louisiana. On Saturday, the 6th instant, the High Court of impeachment closed its labors, and the Picayune thus notices the result: 44 The court were several hours in consultation— from five until ten o'clock. When they returned to announce their verdict, they took their seats in the House of Representatives, and the Secretary, Horatio Davis, read it. The court found Judge Elliott guilty of the four article. of impeachment preferred against him—the majority being on two of the articles 10 yeas and 4 nays, and on the other two 11 yeas and 3 nays.— They then unanimously resolved, that Judge Elliott be forthwith removed from office, and that it be considered vacant from this, the 6th day of April. We may add, that they also unanimously reset. ved that this verdict should not, nor was it meant, to affect the legality or validity of the certificates of naturalization issued by Judge Elliott; and further, that six days time be given for those who dissented from the majority to enter their protest in writing. About this case we have avoided saying a word since its commencement. It is now over, and what we say cannot of course, effect the issue. We have watched the trial with some degree of interest, and our opinion is that the verdict of the High Court of Impeachment is a most righteous Judgment, and the Senate of Louisiana in rendering it showed, as we said of them on a former occasion, that they are "fearless of pouter and beyond corruption." If Judge Elliot was removed for gmming illegal certificates, by what logic does the Senate arrive at the conclusion that the verdict should not affect the legality or validity of the certificates? Extract of a klter dated Now ORLEANS, 6th April. We have been in great excitement under the im peachment of Judge Elliott for the fraudulent nat uralization of more than 2000 foreigners, in the most corrupt manner, and by which votes the Whigs lost the recent election of State Senator and Mayor. This evening the Senate gave their deci sion, and found the Judge guilty of every count, and by a unanimous vote dismissed hint and ren dered him incapable of holding any office of trust or profit. This decision is the most important over rendered in Louisiana, and saves the State front being handed over to foreigners; for if he had been acquitted, all the votes he had already made would have been received, and ho would have manufac tured thousands more, so as to have completely commanded the election, and we should have had in both state and city the most radical of them in power. We nave a larger and worse floating pop ulation than any other city in the Union. Guns ere firing and bands of music are out cotnplimenting the managing committee of the House of Represen tatives, (Whigs and Locos) who so ably and so suc cessfully conducted this impeachment. The Senate, you know, is Loco illeetro Mantic Battery. We extract the following front the lotto; of" Oli. ver Oldechool, of the 15th inst. "1 wan again in the room occupied by Pofessor Morse, with his electromagnetic battery applied to his telegraph. The wires, two, extended to tho village of Beltsville; welve miles from Washington. While I was there, ho had a connexion of the wires at the distance of eleven miles, so that the termini wore on the some table, making the dis tance twenty-two miles for the fluid to pass. By applying the fluid at one end, the other caused a small hammer to strike a tumbler. The touch was simultaneous—that is to say, as you touched one end letting on the fluid, the other, at the same in stant, struck the glass, although the fluid had to pass the whole distance of twenty-two miles. But this is nothing. The same effect would be produ ced did the wire extend rounded the globe, instead of round a post eleven miles distant! M. Morse said that in conversing with the super intendent at the other end, he sometimes forgot himself and was about to speak to him as though he were present, forgetting that he was talking with a man eleven or twelve miles distant. It is estima ted that the electrical fluid passes at the rate of 180,000 miles, or nearly eight times the circum ference of the globe in a single second. Professor M. hopes to have the wires extended to Baltimore by the lot of May. If so, we would receeive the news of the nomination here the instant it was made by the convention in that city. 40 30 87 30 42 30 45 30 16 30 cr Mr. W. B. Hicks was a day or two since, at Brooklyn, thrown with great violence to the pave ment, front a vehicle in which ho was riding— When token up he was found to bo wholly unin jured; and the crowd were congratulating him upon his escape, or wondering at it, when a cry was raised that a man had keen buried alive by a land elide. Straightway the crowd hurried to the spot, and by dint of vigorous digging soon disclosed the upper part of the body of a son of Erin, who took the matter very cooly, and cracked jokes with those who were freeing him front his disagreeable con finement, saying afterwards that as he had boon dug out of Yankee soil, he was as good a Native Anglican as the best of than. THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL. "One country, one constitution, one destiny." IMXt:gamaflaxoaUat)m, Wednesday morning, April 24, '44. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street below Third, Philadelphia,) is autlwrized to act as Agentfor this paper, to procure subscriptions and advertisements. ccy- The Huntingdon Journal has a larger circulation than any other Newspaper in Huntingdon county. We state this fact for the benefit of Advertisers. "Once more our glorious Banner out Upon the breeze we throw; Beneath its folds, with song and shout, Let's charge upon the foe!" FOR PR FSIDENT, HENRY CLAY, OF KENTUCKY. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, lISIELMAR DENNY, OF PENNSYLVANIA. (Subject to the decision of a National Corention.) FOR COVER h on, 303E1 2 11 IVIARKLE, OF WESTMORELAND COUNTY. FOR CANAL COMMISSIONER, SIMEON GUILFORD, OF LEBANON COUNTY. Whig Principles. "The principal objects which, I suppose, engage the common desire and the common exertions of the Whig party, to bring about, in the Government of the United States are : 1. A soon NATIONAL etTnitascr, regulated by the will and authority of the nation. _ 2. As ADEQUATE REVENUE, with fair protec tion to AMERICAN INDUSTRY. 3. JUST RESTRAINTS ON THE EXECUTIVE Pow- En, embracing fartlier restrictions on the exercise of the veto. 4. A faithful administration of the PUBLIC no- MAIN, With AN EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION of the proceeds of sales of it among all the states. b. AN nosssr AND ECONOMICAL ADMINIETRA- Tiox OF T. GOVERNMENT, leaving public officers perfect freedom of thought and of the right of suf frage, but with suitable restraints against improper interference in elections. 6. An amendment of the Constitution, limiting the incumbent of the Presidential office to a ssa am: TERM'. These objects attained. I think that we should cease to be afflicted with bad administration of the Government."—Henry Clay. Adjourned Court, An Adjourned Court of Common Pleas will he held for this county in Juno next, commencing on the 31 Monday (and 17th day) of the month, and to continuo one week. At the late Court of Quarter Sessions of this county, when the applications for Tavern Licenses were under consideration, his Honor Judge Wilson remarked that it would be well for Tavern-keepers to bear in mind that the act of 1705 never contem plated that they might retail liquors on the Sabbath. They have no more right to sell on Sundays, by virtue of their licenses, than retailers of foreign morchandize have by virtue of theirs, which is not oven pretended. In the House of Representatives on the 15th, the Speaker laid before that body a communication from Chief Justice Gibson, of the Supreme Court, decla ring the recent act of Assembly, requiring one of the Judges of the said Court to hold a Special Court for the trial of the Flannagans convicted of murder, to whom a new trial has been granted, un constitutional. The communication being read, was referred to the Judiciary Committee. PHILLIP/HM(O ESTATE: We learn from the United States Gazette, that Daniel Ullman, Esq., of New York, has purchased the Pillipsburg estate,ly lag in Centre, Cambria and Clearfield counties, in this State. This splendid property contains up wards of seventy thousand acres of fertile land, a bounding in bituminous coal and iron ore, and has upon it several valuable furnaces, forges, factories, mills, &e. The Gazette soya, " Mr. Ullman will be a valuable acquisition to that community, uniting asho does a mind richly stored with sound learning to industrious habits and spotless morals." Ware Parise RI rTro !—The locofoeos have not very recently put forth their cuts of guillotines, nor accused the Whig Senate of proscription. To show that under the particular situation of the Sen ate and the Executive, that body does not emulate a Jackson Senate, and reject, without cause, except political difference of opinion, we may notice the recent confirmation of the Hon. WILLIAM R. Kr Na as Minister Plenipotentiary and Envoy Extraordi nary to France, and of Dr. J. L. MARTIN as his Secretary of Legation, with rumored unanimity. 'Fhe first gentleman has long been an active parti zan, opposed to the majority of the Senate; rind Dr. Martin has been the reputed father of some of the most violent, incendiary and malignant edito rials of the Globe, for many years past. Their qualifications, not their political tenets, were con sidered by the Senate.—Forum. c 0". The Now Orleans Picayune says, that in " popping the question," now-a-days, the stricken individual, instead of saying, " Miss, will you mar ry me 1" asks, " Miss, are you in favor of annex ation." , ;;:f renitelitiary Coak arc plenl ill this town, Locofocoism Breaking Ground for Texas, and Consequent War and Disunion. The Globe, after a studied silence, occasioned as ' we learn by an ear ache, which has afflicted Blair, came out on Monday evening in a long, labored and sophistical argument in favor of the Annexe- ' lion of Texas. The locofocos, broken, defeated and overwhelmed on every old principle of policy, have determined to carry on the pendtng Presiden tial contest by creating new issues and hoping to entangle the perception and blind the judgments of the people by the magnitude of their schemes, rath er than convince them by a calm argument on their policy. The Globe has quietly scanned the whole field, taken into consideration every danger which would await such a step, heard the voice of the people speaking from every quarter against the pro ' ject of annexation, and yet, with characteristic con tempt and disdain for the popular sentiment, now breaks ground for a union with Texas, and seeks to drag the question into the political arena. We do not intend, at the present moment to fol low the Globe in its specious arguments on this sub ject, but wish simply to state the fact that it is out in favor of Annexation, and is backed by a long address of elr. Wisurrrs, Sec'y of War, to his late constituents of the Allegheny District. It behoves now the people of the free elates and every friend of the tariff to resist the measure, and in the strong est terms, to denounce so monstrous an assumption of power ! The plot hinted at by the Madisonian, of carrying the measure, (should a treaty fail, which requires two-thirds of the Senate,) by a joint reso lutionof a bare majority of both Houses, is fraught with danger, and may he carried out. The locofo co Senators from New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Maine, joined to the votes of the South might carry it through one branch, while a sufficient num ber in the House could be easily secured. The North and West then must be moving .d express their condemnation of an act which shall so grossly violate the compact of our Union. If they would defend their industrial pursuits from the competition of slave labor; if they would not have bitterness and ill blood and perhaps all the horrors of civil war, inundated upon us, let them speak to their representatives in the majesty of their power! Texas must not be annexed to the Union we do not want either its soil or its citizens thieves and robbers; we do not want to be heirs to its large debt or its quarrel with Mexico. We want none of it— our country is large enough already. We ore go ing on well enough now, and there is no necessity for fettering ourselves with such a drag to all ad vancement in civilization, honesty and the apprecia tion of the world.— Forum. DUELS—Cray AND J AcxEms . .-Amos Ken dall has written a most malignant, unfair pamphlet, assailing Mr. Clay as a duelist. Now Mr. Clay has been twice involved in duels, much to our re gret and we arc sure much to his also, but in each case he was the grossly insulted and injured party, as his opponent lived to see and acknowledge, and he manifested no vindictiveness nor revengeful feel ing. He merely conformed to a most absurd and wicked custom of the community in which he lived —a costsm which he did not make, and ought to have disregarded. We are sure it is a source of profound gratitude to him that no other evil than the sanction given to an abominable practice resul ted from them meetings, and that no stain of blood rests Qn his hands. I le has declared in an address to his neighbors that no man can abhor duelling more than ho does, though a deep sense of wrong suffered, the momentary• mastery of his indignation, impelled hint to seek the redress falsely styled a hon orable." But this viper Kendall, who has written the tract to blacken Mr. Clay for challenging and meeting two men who had grossly defamed him, has written a life of Gen. Jackson, in which he narrates Jack- son's duel with Dickinson, originating in a gamb ling quarrel at a horse-race, in which Jackson, after receiving Dickinson's fire, deliberately shot his an tagonist dead. Amos winds up his account of this bloody tragedy as follows: The firmness of nerve exhibited by Gen. Jack son on this occasion has not ceased to be a subject of ADMIRATION. * • The stern purpose which might in fact have ner ved him, was described by himself, when a person expressed astonishment at his self-command: 'Sir" said he, " I should have hilled bias if he had shot me through the brain."!! And yet the admiring narrator of thisliorriblo business pretends to be shocked at the contempla tion of Mr. Clay's bloodless duels ! What mon strous hypocrisy !—Tribune. From the Regioler. Important Invention. The citizens of Hollidaysburg, Pittsburg, Harris- I burg, Columbia, Lancaster and Philadelphia, are respectfully informed, that a plan has been discov ered by a person in Hollidaysburg, of taking trains of cars, over the Allegheny Portage Railroad by steam, and without the aid of ropes, also without any stoppage, but at the same ratio of speed as on the levels in ascending ; and at from one mile to fif teen per hour in descending accordingly as required, without the possibility of leaving the track—and a perfect power of stopping every six yards; this dis covery will expedite the business between the east and west in a ratio n be calculated at present, added to which webs thr..alety7 to travelling and carriage, in t4isiars not ertmg off the track. The state expeas annually on the eleven plains between Phil's. ant' Pittsburg something near 70 000 dollars, the savialof which, would be important; the inven toll. made some calculations and althougls he cannot say the exact sum he thinks between eighty anti ninety thousand dollars would Purchase his right, and put the machinery and road in perfect working order: this can be done in the winter and all be ready for the spring opening of the navigation the inventor wishes to remark that if the State pur chase his right, ho will take one third in tolls, which will almost be ono third of the purchase thrown off. An experiment is to be made and a friend has sug gested to him that perhaps when the season's Mari nes, would be wrr,he would be allowed to make the experiment on ono of the %ins but this from so much altering and replacing would prove more ex 7 pensive than a new formation. The benefit arising, to Hollidaysburg and °Very town on the line, also to the State at large, the public aro better calculated to appreciate than the inventor; be has had two com munications from Washington with the patent of fice and intends to proceed according to directions. To make the experiments will require from three to five hundred dollars, in laying an inclined plane, and fitting machinery, and for a part of this he would ask the property holders—the business men and transporters, of the above towns to assist in a small subscription in order to carry out the design, and if afterwards any contributor please to call with him he pledges himself that so long as he can earn two dollars per week he shall pay it. N. B. The inventor is sanguine in the success of his plan, and will have the honor in the course do few weeks of laying his name and a drawing of his plan before a discerning public, and will ask no sub scription until both are shown. Hollidaysburg, April 17, 1844. The Times and Seasons, A valued correspondent, who takes a note of time, and makes interest in it for others, has sent the U, S. Gazette the following, which is worthy of pre. servation : PAUADINE, Lancaster Co., April 18,1844. Comparative Vegetation of Fruit Trees in full Blossom. 1842.—Apricot, March 10 ; Peach, April 4 ; Ap ple, April 20. 1843.—Apricot, April 20; Peach, May 1; Ap ple, May 17. 1844.—Apricot, April 7; Peach, April 14; Ap ple, April 17. The advance of vegetation, from an unusual continuance of warm weather at this season, has been rapid, and the grain is much too forward.— Corn is mostly planted in this neighborhood. Reward of Merit. A year or two since, Dr. Harris, of Moorestown, (N. J.) brought with him from Normanda, (Eu rope,) a beautiful horse, with a view of adding to the value of that great aid of man in this country. Dr. H. employed Mr. John A. 'Woodside, of this city, to paint a likeness of his line animal ; and so faithfully was the artist to his work, and so exact the likeness, that Dr. H., who was about taking his horse to the State of New York, to be present at the grand exhibition of the Agricultural Society, determined to take with him Mr. Woodside's paint ing. The directors of the exhibition, on comparing the original and the painting, pronounced the latter eminently worthy of some signal notice; and, ac cordingly, decreed to Mr. Woodside a gold medal, which we had the pleasure, yesterday, to see. It bore on one side: Awarded to • Jolt,/ A. Wooasm, Animal Portrait Painting. And on the other side, the inscription : New York Agricultural Society." . . . with the representation of a Plough. We congratulate the gilled artist on the notice his work has received. We know that in such works lie is unequalled.—U. S. Gazette. BurinNEss.—Horses, chained for a series al years to the wheel, draw themselves blind. The same effect is produced upon men whose eyes are set and strained after office. Mr. Van Buren, once tolerably sharp sighted, was stone blind in 1839, as to the effect of Isis destructive policy. He enter tained no doubt of his re-election until it was known that two thirds of the Electoral Votes were cast against him. The second cloud obscures Isis vision now. He does not see that the means resorted to for a nomination are ensuring his defeat. He can -not perceive that while he is absorbed in dark, grov elling intrigues for Delegates in his Baltimore Con vention, the People, disgusted at such selfishness and rapacity, are banding themselves together with spontaneous enthusiasm for HENRY CLAY. STATE DEBT, The news from Harrisburg, informing us of the passage of the bill to provide means for the pay ment of the state interest, is the most gratifying in telligence that we have been enabled to give the community for a long time. The manner in which it was passed gives an assurance that the proper feeling of manly state pride prevails in our Legisla ture. Both political parties, and the most prominent , men of the parties, have vied with each other in sustaining and carrying through this bill. The time was, when it was feared that the constant coarse abuse that had been lavished upon this state by the writers in the English journals, would dead en the sensibility and render the public mind callous to the necessity of maintaining inviolate and integ rity of the state. That time has passed. The day begins to appear, and before us we sec the bright prospect of the faith of Pennsylvania redeemed be fore the world by honest laws, providing means that will be raised and applied to the payment of her honest liabilities. It was well that it was done by this Legislature. It is well that it has been done by the Key Stone State at this time. Just on the eve of important elections, both parties unite in this measure, disembarrass themselves of this most pain ful question, and enter into the contest free from the taint of even the suspicion of repudiation. Through the action of Pennsylvania, will new confidence be given, and all other American securities will ad vance, renovated and revived by the wholesome in fluence of our atmosphere. Pennsylvania never did repudiate. Her people will pay her debts. They are honest, hardworking people, and have been abused both at home and abroad. They have never been appealed to in the proper spirit. The time has now come, and we shall see the glad sight of the yeomanry of Penn sylvania cheerfully, and to a man, paying off their indebtedness, which, though heavy, is light to the loud of shame that would full upon them were they, for the first time, to defraud the widows, the or phans, and the honest, thrifty men, who have de posited their all in the public treasury of Penn sylvania. The Harrisburg Union asserts that there is no doubt of the passage of the bill in the Senate, and of its becoming a law. Tho Governor, by signing the bill, will have an opportunity of doing the most glorious act that ever fell to the lot ot a l'enn , y Iva. tria Gov cuter.— I. N. Ua:ct/r. Interesting Tact. Mr.- MeCadles; of Pittsburg, in a recent speech said that in 1798 the first armed vessel that ever floa ted on the Western waters was constructed there under the directions of a revolutionary officer. She was a row falley mounting a solitary gun, aad was infant trade, which that splendid domain afterwards acquired by the wisdom and foresight of your friend and contemporary the illustrious Jefferson. That vessel was named the John Adams, and, if tradition is to be beleivcd, after performing her duty in the watery clement here, she hoisted her sails, entered the peaceful pursuits, crossed the At. lantic, the Straits of Gibralter, wended her way to the Mediterranean, threaded the Archipelago, and penetrated to the very Dartlanells, on the borders of Asia Minor, thus carrying upon her brow into the bosom of a dcapotick country, the name of one of our honored actors in the struggle for Republican Liberty. Ij'SUODEN DEATH, APOPLEXY, BURST ING OF VESSELS, &c.—Wright's Indian Ve getable Pills are certain to prevent the at hose dreadful consequences, because they purge from the body those morbid humors which, when floating in the general circu lation, are the cause of a determination or rush of blood to the head, a presitire upon the brain, and other dreadful results.— From two to six of said Indian Vegetable l'ills, taken every night, on going to bed, will in a short time so completely cleanse the bod) from every thing that is cliposed to health that sudden death, apoplexy, bursting of blood vessels, or indeed any mal ady. will he in a mantic'. impossible. Wright's Vegetable Indian l'ills also aid and improve digestnn, and purify the blood and therefore give health and vigor to the whole frame, as well as drive disease of every name from the body. Beware of Counterfeits.—The public are cautioned against the many spur ieUs medi cines which in order to deceive are made in outward appearance, closely to resem ble the above wonderful Pills. OBSERVE.—Purchase only if the adver tised agents. or at the office of the Gener• al Depot, No. 169 Race street, Philadel phia, and be particular to ask for WRIGHT' Indian Vegetable Pills. . . The genuine medicines can be obtained at the store of Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon. The following certificate is from Levi W. Sibley, Esq. well known in Rochester and western New York as a merchant •and auctioneer for the last twelve or fifteen years. His disease has moved so obstinate that he has been compelled to spend two winters prior to the last in the 'sunny south,' in Florida. Bat the last winter he has been enabled to spend at home, as Isis own short statement will explain. The Rochester Daily Advertiser, on pub lishing Mr. Sibley's statement, remarks: We would respectfully call the attention of our readers to the testimony of Mr. L. W. Sibley, of the well known firm of Sibley dr. Scrantom, Auc tioneers of this city. Rochester, March 21, 1843. I have been using Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for the last three months, and find consider able relief of my complaint—Bronchitis, with whirls I have been afflicted for the last four yours. I have no doubt it will prove beneficial in that complaint, and also in all affections of the chest and liver. L. W SIBLEY. For sale by Thomas Read, Huntingdon and James Orr, Hollidaysburg. 1141.P.Z.1ED, On Thursday, the 2nd inst., by the Rev. T• Mitchell, Mr. HENRY S. DRINKLE, to Miss LYDIA D. TURNER, all of Alexandria. STATE OF THE TITER2IIOMETER. (in this Borough.) 7 A.m. 2. P. m. 9 P. nr4 62 87 63 72 46 62 46 53 70 • 59 ---57----72 54....78 APRIL 19 17 18 • 19 20 21 22 - Regiment al Orders. The Volunteers and Militia composing the 29th Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 10th DiviSion, P. M., are hereby required to form by com panies on the first Moe day, 6th day of May next, and by battalion for parade and review as follows : Ist BAttalit.n at the house of Capt. R. F. Hazlett. in Grays Port, on Thursday, 23rd of May next. 2nd Battalion at the house of Capt. Win. Davidson, on the 24th May, in Sinking Valley. April 17, 1844. ADAM KEITH, tot. Militia Elect ion. The enrolled militia of the 62nd Regi ment, 2nd Brigade, 10th Division, P. M., will take notice that an election will be held on Saturday the 27th day of Aprtl, inst., to elect one eeadIDAME for said Regiment. l'he first battalion will elect at the Old Court House in the borough of Huntingdon, and the second battalion at the house of John Hirst in Manor Hill. be tween the hours of 10 o'clock A. M., and 6 o'clock P. M. of said clay. JOHN SURREY, B. Inspector, • 2nd. B. 10th Div. I'. M. Ironsvile, n pill 17, 1844. Sheriff/MR. FRIENDS AND FELLOW CITIZENS :—At the solicitation of a nember of friends, in differ ent parts of the county, I offer myself as a candidate for the office of SHERIFF at the general election in 1844, subject to the decision of the Whig County Convention.— In the event of my success, my best efforts shall be exerted to discharge the duties of the office with fidelity. JACOB STRAIGHTHOOF. Tyrone tp•, April 17, 1849. tac. Estate of John Isenberg, late of Ponder totenNhip. dec - d, Notice is hereby given that letters of ad minstration upon the said estate line berm granted to the undersigned. All persons having claims or demands against the same are requested to make thern known without delay, and all persons Indebted to make im mediate payment to DAVID ISENBERG, WILLIAM (111tIti1 Y, 5 Milers, April 17, 11+,14.