Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, April 17, 1844, Image 2

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    man can't die till his time comes, and that he's
just as safe one another, I should like to
have you charge at the head of your column ; and
mark me now, don't you fire till the enemy has dis
charged every gun, then take aim at the whites of
their eyes, and having fired, stop for nothing, but
grapple them by the throat and make sure work of it."
"Very well, Colonel," says Bucket, "I'm always
willing to test my faith by my works."
Accordingly Bucket took his position at the head
of his command, which was about 500 strong, and
received the fire of 700 of the enemy. He stood it
like a man, only winking a little as the balls came
whizzing past him in showers. But he obeyed hte
orders to the letter; and, having received the 700
bullets of the enemy, he advanced f':;rward, poured
in a deadly fire, and immediately grappled hand to
hand with the foe, which soon decided the fate of
the day.
After the action was over, the Colonel remonstra
ted with him good humouretlly, for killing so many
of the enemy. " Why Bucket," said he, " this was
altogether useless ; half the number would have an
swered every purpose. How come you to cause
such a useless waste of human life I" "Don't
know how it was, Colonel," replied the preacher,
" we only fired once, and I rather think it was be
cause their time had come."
Bucket is still living and preaches to this day in
one of the Westcrn States.
National Morals.
The question is an interesting one whether crime
and vice generally are actually on the increase in
this country, as most journalists confidently assert,
and as most people actually believe. That with a
rapid increasing population, the number of offen
ces against the law should be greater is not only
probable but certain. But are they in the ratio of
the growth of the population I Are they not rather
multiplied by slow degrees competed with the rapid
accession of inhabitants to the country from births
and immigration? Yet we not unfrequently hear
and read of the great and alarming decrease of pub
lic morality that has taken place within a few years
in this country. The examples of a few murders
among the population of seventeen millions of active,
ambitious, energetic, impetuous people, and the in
stances of breaches of trust and swindling defalca
tions which have grown out of a corrupt banking
system, and confined to persona dealing in monies
and engaged in speculation,—these have given rise
to the opinion that bloodshed and fraud have alarm
ingly increased. But we must not so judge. We
must io ok to the amount of existing good and not
exclusively to the extent of evil, to arrive at a just
conclusion. Is not education beginning to be uni
versally diffused with us? Is not Temperance
spreading with marvellously rapid force? Are not
good feeling, charity, doctrines of peace and religion
extending themselves freely and constantly with us?
Is there not increased independence, too, of word
and action, and a clearer and more definite view of
the spirit ends and aims of republican government ?
But too many Americans seem unconscious of the
superiority of their social forms, their true position
and destiny, and without looking to the good, com
plain of the bad.
Be it remembered that the freer a people are, the
more they complain. In India they are slaves and
there are no complaints. In Russia no popular
chagrin is expressed. Austria is no better. Prusia
has some grumblers, being more free. France yet
more. In England, complaint is considered a birth
right of every loyal subject. In America, the lib
erty of speech is perfect, and the privilege of fault
finding has found vent through innumerable chan
nels. All that is wrong or criminal is blazoned forth
in thousands of newspapers for million. of readers;
nothing that is had published in one part of the
country, escapes record and notice in every other
part, while countless examples of noble, virtuous
and fruitful charities which are eminently the result
of free and enlightened institutions pass unheeded.
They are not out of the way ; they are common,
ordinary, and therefore unnoticed. Our counsel
ler—consider your own country actually and com
petitively, before you take part in this cry of im
morality and retrogradation in tonna feeling arid
pursuit, that is brought against her.—Philadel
phia Museum.
A runny Incident.
The last number of the Miners' Journal contains
an account of a " little circumstance" that recently
transpired at Washington, which is quite too rich
to be lost. It is as follows :
A large number of Mail Contractors assembled
at Washington for the purpose of bidding for con.
tracts. While these contracts were pending, a
meeting of the Contractors was called; for what
purpose, a large portion knew not. Gen. Eaton,
of Troy, was called to the Chair, and the meeting
was organized, when lo and behold, a series of res
olutions were introduced, denouncing Van Buren,
and lauding John Tyler to the skies for his vetoes,
&c. The Van Buren men were all taken a-back ;
their months were sealed—because the contracts
were pending—all seemed to pass off harmoniously,
when the President arose, and addressed the meet
ing to the following effect Gentlemen--I have
been caught—l did not know for what purpose this
meeting was called. I do not approve of the reso
lutions, and I wish to be distinctly understood,
that lam a Clay man from the shoe strings to
the very top of my head r and as regards a Na
tional Rant, Igo in for that by the Star load.'
The scene that followed can better be imagined
than described."
(a. Amos Kendall's Extra Globe for the cam
paign cost one dollar a copy ; he now gives his Ex
positor for thirty cents a copy if you take a lot.
Cheap ! cheap —dog cheap ! Subscribe ye loco
focos, one and all—if dollar Globes made converts
for the Whigs in 1840, omens and baby-wakere
But wont the thirty cent Expositor gain us a lot of
proselytes this year!
become of the „ Pyramid of Democratic States,"
that the Locos used to embellish their papers with?
We remember that Massachusetta was the base and
phi° the apes, and a very pretty looking pyramid
it wee. It differed in one respect, however, from
the Egyptian pyramids. They have lasted through
many centuries, whereas the 'Democratic Pyramid'
has turned to Cloy.
.. 4 - ---
- ',-- .
"One country, one conatitution, one destiny."
13E/ainua3uum , a l 3.=mi g ,
Wednesday morning, April 17, '4;
t i:} V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street
below Third, Philadelphia,) is authorized to act as
Agentfor this paper, to procure subscriptions and
of The Snatingdea Sournal has a
larger circulation than any other
Newspaper in Huntingdon county.
We state this fact for the benefit of
Once more oar glorious Banner out
Upon the breeze we throw;
Beneath its folds, with song and shout,
Let's charge upon the foe!"
'(Subject to the decision of a National Covention.)
Whig Principles.
"The principal objects which, I suppose, engage
the common desire and the common exertions of
the W hig party, to bring about, in the Government
of the United States are :
the will and authority of the nation..
2. As ADEQUATE REVENUE, With fair protec
no, embracing farther restrictions on the exercise
of the veto.
4. A faithful administration of the PVISLIC no-
MAIN, with AN SQUITAHLK ourritiaeTiox of the
proceeds of sales of it among all the states.
TION or THE OOTERNMENT, leaving public officers
perfect freedom of thought and of the right of suf
frage, but with suitable restraints against improper
interference in elections.
6. An amendment of the C onstitution, limiting
the incumbent of the Presidential office to a SIN ,
These objects attained. I think that we should
crew to be afflicted with bad administration of the
Government."—Henry Clay.
VVe are indebted to the Hon. Messrs. Dickey,
Morris, Stewart and.lrvin for valuable Congression
al documents.
Oj' A. K. CORNYN, Esq., is a candidate for
the office of Colonel of the 62nd Regiment, 2nd
Brigade, 10th Division, P. M.
Cj. DAVID DUFF is also a candidate for the
same office.
JOHN 13 nOTHE n Lis E, Esq., of Hollidaysburg,
was on Wednesday last, on motion of S. Calvin,
Esq., admitted to practice in the several Courts of
this county.
Munnmt.—ln Philadelphia, on Monday of last
week, John Frakin brutally murdered an Irishman
named James Leman, and also stabbed the son of
the deceased. Frakin has been arrested.
r To-day the 18th the Legislature has been in
session just one hundred days. From hence for
ward, so long'as they continue in session, they work
for half price, $1 50 per day.—Telegraph.
pl. Governor Shannon of Ohio has been ap
pointed and confirmed Minister to Mexico. Mr.
Bartley, Speaker of the Senate of Ohio, a Loco,
and the son of the Whig candidate for Governor,
will be Governor Ex-officio of that State, until
after the October election.
CONNECTICUT.-Of the members of the House
to he chosen on the second trial, the Whigs have
Danbury, 2 Stanford, 1 Plymouth, 1
Cheshire, 2 Trumbull, 1 Total-7.
The Locos have chosen in
Middletown, 2 Meriden 1
Columbia, 1 Sherman, (prob.) 1-5.
This makes the Whig aggregate 104, to 83
Loco-21 majority, or 30 in joint ballot.
GO. The Globe acknowledges that Mr. Clay is
still the advocate of protective duties, which fact it
says is proved „ by the unanimous devotion of his
friends to the present oppressive tariff !" Who
says it is oppressive—who complains of its provi
sions? no one, but loeofoco politicians ! The wor
kers of our land; those who toil and spin are asking
by petition, that the " pressent oppressive Tariff,"
as the Globe calls it, might not be modified or
CC' One of the 'crowing' Chapmans has married
into the Whig family, as vide the following:
At Westfield, Mr. Arnold Chapman to Ails.
Frances Coon.
O' The locofocos in Congress aro busily en
gaged doing nothing, and their political associates in
our State Legislature aro helping thcin.
pj The lion. WILLIAM Rums Kix., of Ala
bama, has been confirmed as Minister Plenipoten
tiary to France; and Gov. Suarnotr, of Ohio, as
Nlinibter to Mexico.
Court of Quarter Sessions.
The Court commenced on Monday of last week
—present Hon. A. S. Wilson, Esq., President, and
John Adamsand James Gwin, Esquires, Associates.
The following jury trials were determined.
Commontveallh vs. James Keener and Wiley
Frew.—indictment, Larceny. The defendants I
were charged with obstructing from the Despatch
Stage on the night of the 13th Feb'ry. lost, a trunk,
.containing seven hundred and fifty dollars in Gold
and Silver coin, the property of William S. Myler
a True bill." Verdict—Guilty. Sentence of the
Court—that the prisoners each pay a fine of one
dollar, pay the costs of prosecuticn, and that each
undergo an imprisonment in the Western Peniten
tiary, at hard labor for a term of three years, to be
fed and clothed as the law directs. Counsel—for
Commonwealth E. V. EVERHART, Esq. prosecu
ting attorney—for the defendants, S. S. WHARTON,
Com'th. vs. James Chamberlain. In this in
dictment, the defendant a licensed tavern keeper,
was charged with knowingly suffering and encour
aging drunkenness and other disorderly conduct at,
in, and about his house. The Grand Jury returned
a"true bill." Verdict—Not Guilty, and that the
defendant pay the costs of the prosecution. Coun
sel for the Com'th. E. V. EVERHART and A. W.
BENEDICT, Esquires—for the defendant A. P.
WILsoN, Esq.
Com'th. vs. James Jones, John Jones, John
Evans Jones, James Thompson, Washington Jack
son Briggs, John Briggs, Jr., John Briggs, Sen.
Indictment for Conspiracy and Malicious Mischief.
"True bill." Verdict—Guilty of a conspiracy to
obstruct the school Directors of Tell township in
the discharge of their duties, against all the defen
dants except John Briggs, Sen., and not guilty on
the other counts. Sentence of the Court—that
each of the defendants convicted pay a fine of $lO
each and jointly pay the costs of prosecution.—
Counsel—for the Com'th. J. G. MILES and DAVID
BLASE, Esqrs.—for the defendants, S. M. BELL and
A. P. Writs. Esquires. This trial continued from
Wednesday until Saturday evening.
The following applications for Tavern License
came before the Court, and were disposed of as
follows :
PotitiOn of Alex. Cannon, Huntingdon, Allowed,
" Geo. Jackson, do.
" John Whittaker, " do.
" Peter Livingston, " do.
" Thomas Wallace, " do.
" Wm. Donaldson, Hollidaysburg, do.
" Joseph Hammer, " do.
" John Dougherty, " do.
" Jas. R. Johnston, " do.
" R. F. Hazlett, Gaysport, do,
" Samuel E. Barr, " do.
" John Lowe, do.
" John 1,. Moyer, Frankstown, do.
" F. M'lloy, Williamsburg, do.
" Mathias Otto, Newry, do.
" Jas. M'Murtrie, West tp. do.
" John Hirst, Honor Hill, do.
" Jas. Livingston, Saulsburg, do.
" Micheal Sister, Alexandria, do.
" Robert Carmon, " do.
" Walter Graham, Yellow Springs, do.
" Jas. M. Kinkead, " do.
" Jacob M'Gahan, M'Connellstown, do.
" William Buchanan, Mill Creek, do.
" Joseph Forrest, Warm Springs, do.
" Samuel Fraker, Dublin tp. do.
" Samuel Jacob, Franklin tp. do.
The County Meeting.
The proceedings of the meeting held at the Old
Court House, on Tuesday evening of last week, will
be found on the first page of to-day's paper. It
wan, considering the early state of the campaign, a
demonstration after tl.e fashion of the Tippecanoe
gatherings of 1840. The meeting was large, and
characterized by spirit and enthusiasm. Many of
our old and our young men were there from the dif
ferent townships and boroughs in the county. Our
tarmers, our Manufacturers and our Mechanics—
our laboring business men of every class, were pre
sent, and seemed to glory in the principles cherish
ed and advocated by the Great Whig Party.
Gen. S. M. GREEN, on taking the Chair, addres
sed the meeting in a neat and lucid speech, in which
he stated the object of the meeting, and adverted to
the course of the lower branch of the present Con
gress on the subject of the Tarilt He was listened
to with much attention.
After the meeting was fully organized, JORN
BLANCHARD, Esq., of Bellefonte, rose by request of
the meeting and delivered a most able address, in
which he contrasted the principles of the Whig and
Locofoco parties in this country. When he was
speaking of the Tariff and the inconsistency of the
Locos on that subject, we saw that the interest felt
in it was not confined to the Whig party only—se
veral old and respectable members of the opposition
party, were standing outside of the bar, and listened
to the remarks of the speaker with evident pleasure.
It satisfiof us that rAnTr is no longer first with
them, and COUNTRY a matter of secondary impor
We may safely assert that 4, Old Huntingdon"
will do her duty next fall, and give a majority for
CLAY and MARKLE far greater than sho gave in
1840 for the lamented HARRISON.
Locorocoissr REBUKED In New JERBET.-The
Locofocos in the Legislature, employed the most of
their time during the late session by gerrymandering
the State in such a manner as they conceived would
secure their ascendency; but the People have
thwarted their rascally designs, and so far as heard
from Whig principles are triumphant! Trenton
was divided into four wordage nicely arranged, that
the loco legislators thought there was no doubt but
they would be able to carry three. The honest citi
zens thought different however, and they resolved
on Monday last to teach those reckless Represents
fives, that there is power in the ballot box. The
result is, the Whigs elected their candidates in
three of the Wards and part of their ticket in the
other! Well done Trenton! In Middlesex town
ship, also, the Whigs made a clean sweep—electing
their entire ticket ! Three cheers for New Jersey.
aj• How about the " sober second thought" in
our 13th Congressional District t Was free trade,
John Snyder, Yen Buren, coon skins, log cabins,
mummeries or tom•fooleries the cause ofloco defeat ?
What Industry Cannot Do.
It is often supposed that industry is of chief im
portance in making a great intellectual reputation
for a man. Thin doctrine is very comfortable. It
puts people all on a level, and attributes to each in
dividual the power of raising himself, if he closes,
to any mental height among his fellows. Many a
poor fellow, duly impressed with this idea, sets vig
orously to work to be a Newton, Shakespeare,
Burke, or Byron. Many is the apprentice boy, who
fired with the example of Franklin, tries by reading
and manyfold study, to lay the foundation of a
similar reputation. But after many a fruitless strug
gle; after, perhaps, tears of enthusiasm and tears
of regret, he comes to the conclusion that he needs
the preception, the judgment and the memory, for a
great man. But lo ! here we have the learned
blacksmith! an example of our own day! How
brilliant ! how satisfactory ! And the erudate Vul
can once assured us in a public lecture, that as lie
has done, so all can do; that each man can shape
and build urintellectual material to the moat tow
ering point. Well then, why does not this really
great linguist paint like Raphael, or speculate like
Locke? Why not take up romance where Scott
left it? Because he cannot. He has the talent for
languages, and can learn them readily. Thousands
of adult students, we dare affirm, have applied them
selves with more soul-withering intensity, to the
acquisition of all the forms and hues of a single
foreign language, titan has our scholastic hammerer
to his batch of fifty-two tongues, and have severally
failed to gain their simple and modest point.
The differences in physical constitution, as appa
rent to the eye, are slight compared with those per
taining to the mind. The destruction between a
snub and an aquiline nose; a blind and living eye;
a hunch-back and erect form; between a Hecate
and a Hebe, are trivail, compared with the incalcu
lable odds between a dry, sapless, common-place in
tellect, and the ever rich, impetuously flowing and
rare genius. What folly to deny this marvel of ge
nius, or the more diffused gift of talent. He who
holds the argument, that all men are created
equal" in mind, outrages his creator by failing to
be less than any of the greatest who may be imita
ted. If determination be triumph, let him not only
be a Shakspeare, but a Shakespearein fifty-two lan
guages, and the master of all schools of art. Hu
man perfection in art requires no life time. Genius,
and according to our theorist all have it, jumps at
its conclusions after a few years of study.
Many a clever cobbler has been spoiled in aspira
tions after histrionic fame, and many a worthy
wheelwright has passed his days in the delusion that
perpetual motion was within the grasp of his inven
tive faculties. The time and engergies of like clas
ses have been often devoted perseveringly to the ac
complishment of purposes In themselves impossible,
or which extraordinary intellectual powers alone
could achieve. We think there is no danger of
discouraging genuine ability, or limiting original
effort or production, through the advancement of
this ilootrine. True genius is always conscious of
itself. It requires no external light to reveal its
existence to its own preception. It is a fire which
spontaneausly illuminates its own path. Sir Hum
phrey Davy never essayed a Childe Harold's Pil
grimage, nor did Lord Byron analyze soda and
polasse with the expectation of discovering their
metallic bases. Each felt his own native strength
in his own mental department, and guided by uner
ring instinct, labored with perfect confidence of
glorious success.
We do not mean by all this to repress the spirit
of industry. Heaven forbid! Vt e only wish to
keep it from going astray, and mistaking its means
of usefulness. No amount of puffing and straining
will make a bullock of a bulfrog. Of this fact there
are many around us, who seem to have no knowl
edge. e could name some, almost within a
stone's throw, who have all their lives pursued pol
itics with an idea that their statesmanship would
grace a legislative hall, but who never yet origingted
the fraction of an idea upon government. Others
have added to the dead weight upon publisher's
shelves, under the sweet illusion that a poet's bays
had been destined for their brows. How well were
it for society if the pains taking of these people, had
been duly and solely directed to the ends for which
nature made them competent ! Those who are car
ried away by the theory that industry may supply
the lack of genius commit a double error. They
ultimately disappoint themselves, and deprive socie
ty of their exertions in some useful pursuit to which
their capacity is equal.—Philadelphia Museum.
A Resolution,
Relating to certain resolutions adopted by the Gen
eral Assembly of the State of Tennessee at the
session of 1827, condemnatory of JOHN Q. An-
Also and HENRI' CLAN, referred to in said reso
Resolved by the General Assembly of the State
of Tennessee, That so much of the proceedings
adopted by the Legislature of Tennessee in 1827
as sustains the allegations, either expressed or im
plied, of an improper and corrupt combination, or
as it has been more generally denominated, " Cor
ruption, Bargain, and Intrigue," betwen JOHN Q.
Alums and HENRY CLAY, is, in the opinion of this
General Assembly, unsupported by proof, and not
Adopted, January 27, 1844•
Speaker of the House of Representatives.
Speaker of the Senate.
A true Copy:
Jxo. S. Yourro, Secretary of State.
LATER FllO3l Limeomr..—By the arrival at N.
York, of the packet ship Queen of the West from
Liverpool, the New York Tribune has later ad•
vices from that city.
The London dates are not so late by one day as
those received by the Montreal.
The cotton market at Liverpool was without
change. Sales of 4,000 to 5,000 bales were made.
The Liverpool papers are filled with accounts of
disasters and incendiary conflagrations at Ipwich,
Naughton, Polstead, &c. A destructive fire also
I had occurred at Manchester, which occasioned a
total loss of over £116,000.
Nothing new fiom Ireland or France. The re
peal meetings in Ireland were still going on.
We have been asked what tribunal has the
right to decide the case of the Hon. John M. Niles,
who has been prevented from occupying his seat in
the United S. Senate, by insanity. His political
friends have taken him to Washington, in order
that he may take his seat in the Senate, and there
by prevent the Whig Legislature of Connecticut
from appointing another in his place. His relatives
consider him hopelessly insane, and for some time
he has been confined in a lunatic's cell in Utica, N.
Y. Jefferson, in his published works, vol. 4, p.
238, gives it as his opinion, that under Article 10
of Amendments to the Constitution, the State Le
gislatures have the reserved power of declaring a
"lunatic, a pauper, a convict of treason, murder,"
&cAlisqualified to occupy a seat in the Senate.
Wc all think with reason,
That this will be a great Coon Radon,
From Ike Ali'lonian.
Uurrah for the 13th Congressional
District ! ! ! !!
77m American Tariff sustained by the triumphant
election of JAMES POLLOCK, the Tariff
candidate to Congress by a majority of 868
We have the heart-felt pleasure of proclaiming it
to our friends throughout the Union that the 13th
CONGRESSIONAL DITRICT is , right side up.'
Contrary to the expectations of many of our
friends, we have again elected a Tariff Man to
Congress from this district by an unexpected ma
jority, in spite of every vile artifice used by a des
perate enemy. Within a few weeks preceding the
election, Mr. Snyder suddenly turned from a Free
Trade man to a Tariff man, and even had the
audacity to say that he voted for the present tariff
bill twice—he also wrote several letters stating that
he was in favor of a Tariff, and that he would go
for a higher Tariff than the present one, if only
the people would elect him to Congress—some of
his friends even Went so far as to get a certificate
from a Minister of the Gospel, stating in substance
that he (Snyder) believed the Bible to be true, and
every thing was resorted to by a desperate enemy,
but all would not do. The honest freemen could
not be gulled by n set of designing politicians, but
came out like Freemen—like Americans, to the
rescue of their happy country from misrule and
oppression, by the triumphant election of JAMES
POLLOCK to Congress, by a majority of EIGHT
John Snyder. Well may we say that "virtue has
triumphed over vice," and our district saved from
disgrace !
The eyes of the people were anxiously turned to
the result of this election, and its happy and glori
ous result, will, no doubt, have a favorable influ
ence throughout the State. We are pleased to see
the way our friends at a dittance rejoice with us,
inasmuch as the victory was unexpected to them.
So sure were our opponents of success, that in Har
risburg 'every arrangement was made," says the
Harrisburg Intelligenccr, "for agrand jollification
in honor of Snyder's election! Banners and
transparencies were actually in course of prepa
lion, and the Painter had already feasted their eyes
with a deleniatton of the Coon or! his back and the
Chapman Rooster crowing over him in proud ex
ultation!" But in the midst of their expectations,
the news came upon them like a clap of thunder,
that the 13th congressional district had triumphant
ly elected James Pollock.
This is the fourteenth vacancy which has been
filled since the present Congress convened, and
every one by Whigs.
The following are the election returns
Northumberland County.
69 150
181 116
121 21
161 75
114 90
69 103
55 48
112 94
146 179
58 113
27 14
142 23
3 124
49 53
41 67
77 151
Little Mahanoy
Lower Mahanoy
Upper Mahanoy
Total, 1425 1420
Pollock's majority in the county 5 votes. This
is the same maj. that was against Snyder - last fall.
Well done Old Northumberland.
Union County.
New Berlin 75 54
Lewisburg 157 88
Mifflinsburg 25
Beaver 204 28
West Beaver 130 25
Buffaloe 122 48
East Buffaloo 102 24
West Buffalo° 76 43
Centre 111 68
Chapman 77 137
Hartley 37
Middlecreek 64 38
Penne 253 188
Perry 42 59
Union 88 124
Washington 77 101
White Deer 110 71
Kelly 104 7
Centreville 70 31
Total, 1939 - 1137
The above aro not official, but we learn the ofli•
cial gives Pollock 789 of a majority.
In Union there is strength."
Lycoming County.
POLLOOK. Ss yntn
Williamsport 213 484
Fairfield 149 42
Hepburn 52 24
%Pk aebington 49
Clinton 34 70
Newberry 62
Wolf 10
Warreumilk 11
25 12
44 21
Muncy Borough
Muncy Creek
Money •
67 98
71 48
06 92
10 73
4003 622
The above is not official, but the official vote
gives Pollock a majority of 154.
Hurrah for Lycominge. Nobly has she come to
the rescue !
Clinton County.
Fount:K. SN F. it
50 76
39 16
81 41
12 • 10
6 21
8 28
45 20
22 77
62 73
1 49
6 19
35 61
42 33
28 28
81 19
18 3
Lock Haven
Bald Eagle
Pine Creek
Kettle Creek
Last Fall Frick received
Snveer "
5(10 589
C 64
IttAn - AIMD,
On the 9th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Furlong, Mr.
PORT—all of Huntingdon county.
Blessed are they that are Married in Leap Year.
NO 1 ! ! 1 1 ! I ! ! ! the HAPPY antes did not
in her brightest hours forget the Printers—they
will long be remembered—our best wishes. All
hands in the ace had share ; it was decided in the
affirmative that it was excellent. May they, and
theirs now, and theirs hereafter, have all the hap
pines through life that can now be imagined.
OH! oh ! ! oh!!! oh ! ! ! I oh! ! !
On the 14th inst., by F. R. Wallace, Esq., Mr.
both of IA , siker township, Huntingdon county.
On the 12th inst., at the reaidenee of his father,
irr Barree township, Mr. WM. M'MURTRIE, in
the 43 year of his age.
Cat U...) •
The Iron City Minstrels will give a
concert at the Old Court (louse this (Wed
nesday) evening, commencing at half
past seven o'clock.
M the close of Part Ist, two boys (one
ten and the other five years of age ) will
sing round notes at sight, for the purpose
of illustrating the pramlbility of teaching
children the mimes as well as practice of
vocal music. An opportunity will then
be given for any person present to test
' their abilities to sing by note, by making
selections for them.
TICKETS 25 cents each, admitting a
lady and gentleman, may be had at Mrs.
M'Connell's and at the door. One ticket
will admit two children.
April 17, 1844.
Regimental Orders.
The Volunteers and Militia composing the
29th Regiment, 2nd Brigade, 10th Division,
P. M., are hereby required to form by com
panies on the first Moiday, 6th day of May
next, and by battalion for parade and review
as follows :
Ist Battalion at the house of Capt. R. F.
Hazlett. in Grays Port, on Thursday, 23rd
of May next. 2nd Battalion at the house of
Capt. John Davidson, on the 24th May, in
Law rilyille, Sinking Valley.
April 17, 1844. ADAM KEITH, Col.
Militia Alf:Mon.
- -
enrolled militia of the 62nd Regi
ment, 2nd Brigade, 10th Division P. M.,
will take notice that an election will be held
on Saturday the 27th day of April, inst., to
elect one
for said Regiment. l'he first battalion will
elect at the Old Court House in the borough
of Huntingdon; and the second battalion at
the house of John Hirst in Manor Hill. be
tween the hours of 10 o'clock A. M., and
6 o'clock I'. M. of said day.
JOHN BURKET, B. Inspector,
2nd. B. 10th Div. P. M.
Ironsvile, A pill 17, 1844.
si ttertfrattal•
solicitation of a nember of friends, in differ
ent parts of the county, I offer myself as a
candidate for the office of
at the general election in 1844, subject to the
decision of the Whig County Convention.—
In the event of my success, my hest efforts
shall be exerted to discharge the duties of
the office with fidelity.
Tyrone tp., April 17, 1849. tac.
Estate of John Isenberg, late of
Porter township. dee'd,
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
minstration upon the said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands against the same
are requested to make them known without
delay, slid all persons indebted to make im
mediate payment to
April 17, 1844.