Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 27, 1844, Image 3

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    itiollacp cl:7couclua-amall..
nunlingdon, March 27, I 844.
WANTED--at this office--
en Apprentice. A boy from 12
to 16 years of age will find a good
situation, if application be made
boon. tf.
to Advertisers.
'Advertisements must be handed in on Tuesday
learning before 9 o'clock to insure their insertion in
'next morning's paper.
BY virtue of sundry writs of Levari
Facies and Venclitioni .Exponus,
issued out of the Court of Common Pleas
of Huntingdon county, and to me direc
ted, will be exposed to public sale, at the
Court house in the borough of Hunting
don, on Monday the Bth day of April,
1844, the following property, viz;
Lot No. 37 in the old town plot of the
borough of Hollida,sburg, fronting 80 feet
on the north side of Allegheny street (on
the diamond) in the said borough, and ex
tending back along Montgomery street
155 feet more or less, to Cherry alley,
having thereon erected a two story frame
building and a frame shop fronting on
Allegheny street, and two frame dwell
ing houses two and a half stories nigh
fronting on 'Montgomery street.
Also, Lot No. 38 in the said town plot,
adjoining No. 37 above described, fron
ting 60 feet on the north side of Alleghe
ny street, and running back at right an
gles to same 180 fe et to Cherry alley,
having thereon erected a large brick
tavern llouse three and a half stories
high (exclusive of the basement story,)
fronting the whole breadth of said lot on
Allegheny street, and known by the name
of " American House." Note, oti the
eastern side of Lot No. 3'7 above men
tioned, there is an alley eleven feet wide,
tanning the whole tenth of said lot from
Allegheny street to Cherry alley, which
is fur the benefit of the buildings on each
of !said above described lots No. 37 and
38, and the said lots here declared to be
levied upon with the understanding that
said alley shall be and remain open for
ever, for the benefit and advantage of the
buildings on each of the said lots.
Also: Lot No. 50, in the said town plot,
fronting 60 feet on the southerly side of
Walnut street, and running back at right
angles 180 feet to Cherry alloy. having
thereon erected a large frame stable, said
stable is used in connection with said
Also, Lot No. 57 in said town plot, ad
joining the last mentioned lot on the east,
fronting 60 feet on' Walnut street, and
tanning back 180 feet to Cherry alley,
having thereon erected a large frame sta
ble, occupied as a livery stable.
Also, a Lot or piece of ground in said
town plot, fronting 45 feet more or less
on the west side of Montgomery street,
and running back along the south side of
Walnut street 120 feet more or less,hav
ing thereon erected a two story brick
dwelling house fronting Montgomery'
street, and a frame Stable, and wood and
carriage houses. Said lot being parts of
lots numbered 23 and 24 in said town plot.
Also, Lot No. 13 in said town plot,
fronting 60 feet on the north side of Mul
bery street, and extending back 180 feet
to Strawberry alley, having
thereon a log
building used formerly as adistillery.
Also; Lot 88 in said town plot; fronting
on the north side ut Walnut street 60 feet,
and running back 180 feet to an alley.
Also, a tract pieceor parcel of land situate
in Allegheny township, bounded by, and
adjoining lands of John Holliday's heirs,
land claimed by James Alexander, and
land late ofJolin Gardner and others; be
ing a part of a tract of land in the name of
William Forsythe, containing one hurl
tired acres or thereabouts—on which is
erected a two story tavern house, a saw
mill, store buildings, and stable, &c., [ex
cepting and reserving three out lots Nos.
11 and 12 in the town of Henrysburg,
heretofore conveyed by defendant.
Also, all the right title and estate of
defendant Peter Ilewit, in and to a parcel
of land containing 7 acres end 131 per
ches, sivate and lying in Blair township,
immediately below the town of Hollidays
burg, on the southern side of the Juniata
I)iv2 anon of the Penn'a Canal, at the junc
ti of the feeder of canal ) with the same
b2ended on the north by said canal, on
the south by the Juniata River, and on the
west and east by lands of Elihu Chauncy
en I Silas Moore's heirs, on which is erec
ted a Dry Dock for the making and re
pairing of canal boats, and several Work
shops, dwelling houses, stables, ti.c.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Peter Hewit.
All that certain two story log house sit
uate in the township of Bailee, the county
of Huntingdon, erected on a lot of ground
containing two acres more or kss, boun
ded by lands of Hans Hutchison on the
west and south, of Leonard Steffy on the
north and heirs of Asaph Fagan on
the east.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Henry Ware•
That well known tan-yard property,
formerly belonging to John Burket, situ
ate near the town of Warriorsmark, Hun
tingdon county, containing about four
acres of good meadow laud, with a tan
house, a bark mill, a two story plastered
dwelling house, a number of vats, a good
of water and got).l garden thereon.
Also, A tract of land situate in War
riorsmark township, itt the county of Hun
tingdon, containing 19.0 acres more or
less, 100 of which are cleared and in a
good state of cultivation, adjoining lands
of Elijah Weston, Grahus' heirs, and
heirs of Samuel Spanogle and others, hav
ing thereon erected a log dwelling house,
and a frame barn, said landis limestone
and is well timbered, and has a good ap
ple orchard thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of John Spanogle, jr.
A tract or parcel of land situate and
lying in Tell township, Huntingdon coun
ty, adjoining lands of George Gitoshorn,
Henry Eby and George May, containing
16:3 acres more or less, about 70 of which
are cleared, with alog house and double
log barn and apple orchard thereon.
Seized, takeil in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Nlichael Bolinger,
subject to the widow's dower,
Lot No. 98, in the plan of the town of
Hollidaysburg, Huntingdon county, fron
ting, 60 feet on Juniata street, and extend
ing back at right angles to same to Short
alley, having thereon erected a two story
brick dwelling house tronting on Juniata
street, and a one and a half story frame
house on said alley.
Also, the western half part of Lot No.
28 in said plan, fronting 30 feet on Wal
nut street, anti extending back 180 feet
to an alley, bounded on the east by David
Hewit, and on the west by a lot occupied
by the Methodist church, having thereon
erected a small brick building..
. .
Also the interest of David Kneedler, in
and to the southern half of lot No. 153 in
the plan of Hollidaysburg aforesaid, being
60 feet on the north side of Bank alley,
and 90 feet more or less on Wayne street,
thereon erected two small frame buildings
facing Wayne street.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of David Kneedler.
A lot of ground No, 9, in the town plot
of the borough of Alexandria, fronting 60
feet on the lower side of the. Main street
or Turnpike road running through said
borough, and extending back at right an•
gles to same 180 feet, bounded on the east
by a lot of John Ichinger, and on the west
by Nicholas Cresswell having thereon
erected a two story plastered dwelling
house, a small shop and a small log stable.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Stephen lchinger.
All that certain two story frame dwell
in.e' house 26 feet by 50 feet, situate on
Lot No. 85 in the borough of Gaysport,
in the county of Huntingdon aforesaid,
and the following described part of said
lot of ground, to wit: that part of said lot
of ground fronting 65 feet on Penn'a
street, and extending back at right angles
to said street 55 feet towards Porter
. . .
. . . .
S - eized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of William Sharar &
Joseph Peters, reputed owners and con
Lot No. in the plan of the town of
Alexandria, fronting 60 feet on the north
side of Main street or Turn pike road, and
extending back at right angles to same
200 feet inure or less, bounded on the east
by a lot belongi"•g to the estate of Henry
Neff, deed., and on the west by a lot of
William Temple, having thereon erected
a small two story plastered dwelling house
and frame blacksmith shop.
Seized, taken in execution, and Io be
sold as the property of Caleb Yocum.
All that certain brick house erected on
lot No. 112 in the new town plot of the
borough of Hollidaysburg, fronting on
Juniata street 70 feet, and on Mulberry
street 63 feet, and extending back to lot
of James Gardner 62 feet, being three and
a half stories high on Juniata street, and
two and a half stories high on Mulberry
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Dr. Etward Mc-
Gintie, owner or reputed owner.
A piece or parcel Of land, situate in
Franklin township, Iluntini , don coulity,
containing 20 acres and 109 perches and
allowance, adjoining Robert Moore, Datil
Hewit, Lyon Shorb 4- Co. and others, hav
ing thereon erected Elizabeth Forge, coal
house, a number of log buildings for the
hands, a two story brick dwelling house,
two stables and brick office.
Also, a tract of dnseated land in Porter
township, situate on the Warrior ridge,
containing 319 acres 37 perches and al
lowance, surveyed on a warrant to John
Spencer, dated 22(1 March 1783.
Also, about 2 acres of ground situate
at the western end ol the town of IVateri
street, in Morris township, adjoining other
lots in Waterstreet, Lewis Mytinger and
John Sheafrer's land—having thereon
erected a two story stone dwelling house,
an axe factory with water power privi-•
ledges belonging thereto, and a stable, and
other out buildings.
Also, a lot agrOlind in Mechanicsburg,
in Franklin township, on the north side
of Spruce creek, adjoining lands ol Satre'
Matters, and a lot of William MThetran,
containing of an acre, having a small
one and a halt story house thereon,
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the prupertyofSainuel Caldwell.
All that certain tract of land situate,
lying and being in Ilentlerson township,
and county of Huntingdon, adjoining lands
of John Fee, James llampson and others,
containing 415 acres, be the same more or
k.“., (b e ing the same tract of land which
James Sias by indenture, dated 11th Dec.
1852 granted and conveyed to the said
George Lane,) together with . the heredita
ments and appurtenances.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of George Lane.
Also, a tract of unseated land in said
township of West, containing 360 acres,
be the same more or less, surveyed on a
warrant in the name of William Bracken,
dated 2d November A. D, 1784—purcha
sed from Nancy Knight.
Also, about 2 , 0 acres of good land, more
or less, 12 of which are cleared and culti
vated, adjoining Wilson's Town" in the
said township of ft est, and land of John
Henry, John Stryker and others.
Also, the one undivided half part of a
lot or piece of ground in .‘ff ilson s town"
aforesaid, situate on the south eastern side
cf the great road leading fi om 's Mill
to Petersburg—containing about 2 acres,
adjoining lands of John Stryker and a lot
of Joseph Thompson—haying thereon
erected a two story frame dwelling house
and a frame stable—purchased front Jacob
Also, the one undivided half part of a
piece or parcel of land, situate in said
Wilson's town, composed of S adjoining
lots—situate on the north westerly side of
the said road, bounded by William Reed's
land, a lot of Adam Hoflman's heirs, and
a lot of Joseph Reynolds, containing about
&. of an acre, with a wagon maker's shop
and some apple trees thereon.
Also, the one undivided half part of a
small piece or parcel of land situate in
said Wilson's Town, on the south easterly
side of said road, bounded by a lot of An
drew Hollman's heirs, and other land of
Isaac Neff heretofore described, contain•
ing about of an acre—with a blacksmith
shop thereon. .
Also, the one undivided halt part of a
lot piece or parcel of land lying in said
Wilson's Town, on the north westerly
side of the said road, adjoining a lot of
Moses Woods. lands of William !teed &
John Henry —with a small stable thereon,
containing about of an acre, more or less.
Also, a lot of ground in the town plot
of the borough of Petersburg in the said
county of Huntingdon, purchased by Isaac
Neff from Valerius Armitage—adjoin
ing a lot of Thomas Johnston and of Sam•
uel Thompson, containing about one quar
ter of an acre.
Also, ore acre of timber land purchas
ed front A. H. Drummond, situate in the
said township of West, adjoining lands of
Robert Moore, William Oaks and others.
A tract of land situate in the township
of West, in Huntingdon county, bounded
by lands of John Striker, James My ton,
Wiliam Oaks, Joseph Thompson, Win.
Reed, Esq., and other lands of said Isaac
Neff and others, containing 188 acres and
05 perches and allowances, &c., be the
same more or less (the same being now in
the, occupancy of John Henry) about 150
acres of which are cleared, with a log
dwelling house, a log barn and frame sta
ble thereon erected.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Isaac Neff.
A tract, piece or parcel of land situate
in the township of Woodberry, in the
county of lluntingdon, containing 375
acres and 134 perches of limestone land,
being the whole of a survey made in the
name of Alexander Douglass, containing
339 acres and part of a survey in the name
of John Swift, adjoining lands of Joseph
Feay, Jacob Rodkey, Charles Echoltz,
George Clapper and the Frankstown
branch of the Juniata river, about 230
acres of which are cleared and cultivated,
having thereon erected Franklin Forge,
a stone cottage house, a log barn and a
number of houses and work shops for use
of the Forge hands.
Also, th7ee adjoining tracts of unseated
lands situate in Frankstown township, in
said county, one thereof containing 400
acres, surveyed on a warrant tn the name
of Jas. Hunter; another thereof contain
ing 17 acres and 25 perches, in the name
of Absalom Boyles, and the other thereof
containing 54 acres and 23 perches, also
in the name of Absalom Boyles, and a
piece or parcel of land adjoinn b , the same
containing 6 acres, known by the name of
The Gut," and being a part of a survey
of 150 acres made in the name of James
Also, a tract of barren land situate in
Woodberry township, in said county,
containing two hundred and four acres
and 150 perches, being part of a tract of
land surveyed on a warrant dated
25th August, 1704, in the name of Caleb
Newbold. - •
Also, the right title and interest of Sam
uel Royer in and to the following men
tioned and described seven tracts of un
seated lands, situate partly in %%Toed berry
and partly in Frankstown townships. in
said county, viz: one thereof containing
four hundred and twenty-six acres and
one hundred and forty perches, surveyed
on a warrant in the name of Jonas Hartzel,
one thereof containing 372 acres 122
perches surveyed on a warrant in the
name of Isaac Ilartzel, one thereof con•
taming four hundred and seventy-nine
acres and 153 perches, surveyed in the
name of Jowls tlartzel , jr., one thereof'
containing 571 items and -2 perches, sur
veyed in the name of Jonathan Hartzel,
one thereof containing 165 acres and 59
perches surveyed on a warrant in the
name of George Hart-Lel, one thereof con
taining 161 acres and 77 perches, survey
ed on a warrant in the name of John
Hartzel, and the other thereof containing
122 acres and 129 perches, surveyed on a
warrant in the name of Catharine flarttel,
all of which warrants are dated respec.,
tively 13th February, 1794. The last
described three tracts being only parts of
The above mentioned and described
real estate all belongs to, and composes
the Franklin Forge property.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Same] Royer,
who was impleaded with Samuel Smith,
John Turbert & Andrew N. M'Do , nell,
trading under the firm of Sinith, Royer
& Company.
Lots numbered 188 and 189, in the new
town plot of the town of Hollidaysburg,
fronting 60 feet each on the north side of
Allegheny street, and extending back 170
to Cherry alley.
Also, Lot No. 206 In the sals nett town
plot, situate on the north easterly corner
ofJuniata and Penn streets, being 60 feet
in front on Juniata street, and extending
back at right angles to same 180 feet to
Bank alley.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Robert Lowry,
dec'd., in the hands of Michael C. (iarber
and Alexander L. Holliday, his Admr's.
Two lots of ground 'in the two/ town
plot of Cassville, Huntingdon county,
fronting each 66 feet on Main street, and
extending back at right angles 95 feet to
an alley, adjoining lots of Jacob M. Cover
on the north and south, thereon erected a
fame house thirty-four by forty feet, built
for the use of the Methodist Episcopal
Church and occupied as such.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of the Building Corn
iniltee of the M.E. Church.
Lot No. 55, in the town plot of the bo
rough of Alexandria, fronting 60 feet on
the south side of Second street, and run
ning back at right angles to same 180 feet
more or less, to the Pennsylvania Canal,
adjoining lots of James Geminill and Bu
cher' Porter, having a larg e weather
boarded dwelling house an d a well of
water thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of John Canal', jr.,
dec'd in the hands of Thomas Fisher, his
Sheriff's Office. Hun
tingdon, March 13, 1844. S
Otr- As much difficulty has arisen in
making Sheriff 's sales by reason of per.
sons bidding who are unable, or who fail
to pay the amount of their respective put,
chases, therefore
19 HEREBY GIVEN, that in encases, when
the purchase money does not exceed
$5O 00, the whole amount of the purchase
must be paid immediately into the hands
of We Sheriff; aid it the purchase etceeds
that sum, then the amount (viz : $5O 00,)
must be paid into the hands of the Sheriff
immediately after the property is stricken
down and the payment of the balance ar
ranged with the Shoriff and fully secured
to be paid, to hes satisfaction ; or else the
property will be again put up and sold.
This rule will positively be strictly ad
tiered to, and purchasers, whether able to
pay, or not, will do welt to observe it, if
they wish to hold the property stricken
down to them at then• respective bids.
March 13, 1844.
Le.0cm.uT...e1...W5-.1 - 4...9 ::3
A 0 TIC E.
NOTICE is hereby given to all persons
concerned, that the following named per
sons have settled their accounts in the Re
gister's Office at Huntingdon, and that the
said accounts will be presented for confirma
tion and allowance nt an Orphans' Court to
be held at Huntingdon, in ar,d for the coun
ty of Huntingdon, on Wednesday the ]oth
day of next, viz
1. Daniel Teague, Administrator with the will
annexed, of the estate of Margaret Cluggage, late
of Cromwell township, deceased.
2. Eliza Flenner (late Eliza Port,) surviving
administratrbc of the estate of Christian Port, latc
of Walker township, deceased.
3. Peter Myers, administrator of the estate elf
Martin Myers, late of Blair township, deceased.
4. Sawtel F. Henry, Executor of the last will
and testament of Andrew Dennis, late of` the
rough of Hollidayshtirg, deeeased.
5. Sawtel F. Henry, Executor of the last will
and testament of James Clossin, late of the bo
rough of Hollidaysburg., deceased.
G. James Ewing and Daniel Massey, administra
tors of the estate of Thomas Ewing, late of Ilarree
township, deceased.
7. Joshua Roller, administrator of the estate of
Elizabeth Shinefelt, late of Huntingdon co., dec'd.
8. David Templeton, administrator of the estate
of Dr. James Charlton, late of the borough of Al
exandria, deceased.
O. John Porter abil John Lyon, administrators of
the estate of Henry P. Dorsey, late of West town
ship, deceased.
10. John Aurandt and William Hileman, ad
ministrators with the will annexed of the estate of
John Minoan, late of Morris township, deceased.
11. Robert M'Nainara, one of the Executors of
last will and testament of James M'Nemara, late of
the borough of Frankstown, deceased.
12. Robert Irwin, one of the Executois of the
last will and testament of James M'Namara, late of
the borough of Frankstown, deceased.
13. William M'Lain and Elizabeth M'Lain, ad
ministrators of the estate of Eli M'Lain, late of
Dublin township, deceased.
14. William Reed, acting Executor of the last
will and testament of Samuel Fetterhoof, late of
Morris township, deceased.
15. William Reed, administrator of the estate of
John Kuhn, late of Morris township, deceased.
JOHN REED, Register.
Register's Office, Hun
tingdon, March 13, 1844.5
EAS removed to Huntingdon; with the
intention of making it the place of his future
residence, and will attend to such legal busi
ness as may be entrusted to him.
Dec. 20, 1843.
Hardware 4 Cutlery.
(between sth and 6th streets)
r ir !AKES this method to inform the Mer
chants of this vicinity that he has re
ceived by the late arrivals from England a
large addition to his former stock, all laid
in ut the lowest prices for cash, and he now
offers the same, as well as a complete as
sortment of American Hardware at a very
small advance for cash or approved credit,
and inviteS purchasers, visiting the city to
examine his stock before buying. Among
his assortment will be found the following
description of goods in all their different
Knives and Forks Files all kinds.
Pocket and Pen Knives Hinges do
Scissors and Razors Locks do
Mill,Pitt & Cross cdt saVis Screws do
Hand& other Saws Bolts do
Shovels and Spades Augers do
Scythes and Sickles Hatchets do
Trace & Halter chains Hammers do
Patent Metal Ware Gimblets do
Steel of all kinds Chisels do
Shovels and Tongs Plane Irons do
Anvils and Vices Hoes do
Horse nails Needles do
Cutt & Wrought nails Awls do
Chopping & Hand Axes Sadirons do
Hay & Manure Forks Spoons do
Straw Knives Saucepans do
Frying Pans Braces & Bitts do
Fish Hooks all kinds Candlesticks do
Waiters do Steelyards do
And all other articles in the Hardware
Line required for a Retail Store.
Philadelphia, March 20, 1844.
Cash paid to country Merchants fur their
Rags in large or small quantities, at the
Rag and Paper store of the subscriber,
No. 4 North 51112 doors above Market St:
Where he keeps an assortment of Writing,
Printing. and If rapping Papers—
Wan and Curtain Papers of
the latest styles; Also
While and Blue
BONNET BOARDS, &c. &e t _
Also the standard SCHOOL BOOKS—BLANK
Books, Slates, Steel pens, good Ink and
Ink Powder, and stationary in general, all of
which are carefully selected for the country
trade, and are offered at the lowest whole
sale prices, by
No. 4 North sth St. 2 clOofs
above Market St., Philadelphia.
Philadelphia, March 20,1344.-3 m.
Auditor's Notice.
HE undersigned auditor appointed by
the court of common pleas of Hunting
don county, to distribute the proceeds of a
Sheriff sale of the real estate of George W.
Pennock will attend for that purpose at the
Prothonotary's Office in Huntingdon on
Wednesday the 3d'April next, at 10 o'clock
A. M., when and where all persons inter
ested may attend aisd make known their
claims, or otherwise be debarred from corn
ing in upon said fund.
March 13, 1844-4 t.
Auditor's Notice.
ar HE undersigned auKM,aiciointed by
%lithe court of common pleas of Hunting
don county, to distribute the proceeds of the
Sheriff sale of the real estate of James Ennis
will attend for that purpose at the Prothono
tary's Office in Huntingdon, on Wednesday
the 3rd April next at 10 o'clock A. M.,
when and where all persons interested may
attend and make known their claims, or
otherwise be debarred from coming in upon
said fund.
March 13, 1844-41
tinditorl s Morice:
WRI-1E undersigned, appdinted auditor, by
IL the court of common pleas of Hunting
don county, to apportion, approptiate, or
distribute the money in the hands of the
Sheriff of said county, arising trom the sale
of the personal property of James S. Har
rell, will attend for that purpose at the
Prothonotary's Office, in the borough of
Huntingdon, on Saturday the 6th day of
April next, at 10 o'clock A. M. ,
when and
where all perSonS are required to present
their claims, or be debarred frdin coming
in upon said fund.
Match 13, 1844-4 t
la;) , coatbLlacw
Will be exposed to public sale, on the
premises, on
Thursday the 11th day of April next,
at o'clock, P. M. , all that certain two story
log and weatherboarded house, situate on
the northerly side of Hill street in the bo
rough of Huntingdon, together with the ap
purtenances, late the estate of William
Steel, Esq., deceased ; and also a vacant lot
of ground situate on the northerly side of
Washington street, in the said borough, also
late the estate of the said deceased.
TERI,IS OF SAM—One third of the pur
chase money to be paid in hand on the de
livery of deeds, and the residim in two
equal annual payments, to be secured by
the bond and mortgage of the purchaser.
Acting Adm'r of Wm. Steel, Esq., dec.
and attorney in fact for the heirs:
March 13, 1844—ts.
Late of Henderson township, Huntingdon
county, debuts - C(1.
1 OTIC E is hereby given, that letters
testamentary upon the said estate have
been granted to the undersigned. All per
sons indebted to said estate are reqUeited to
make immediate payment, and those haVing
claims or demands against the same are re
quested to present them duly authenticated
tor settlement, to
March 13, 1844, Henderson tp.
Job Printing.
Opp LANK. BONDS to Constables for Stay
TiEd of Execution, under the new law, just
printed, and for sale, at this office.
ZS eneatt aQD LEI 2
ALL persons are hereby cautioned against
meddling with, selling, disturbing, or remo
ving the following property, which I pur
chased at Constable's sale, on the 22nd ut
December list, as the property of Samuel
Smith, of Hopewell township, and lett in his
possession till I see proper to remove the
same, viz :-1 brown horse, sleigh and har
ness, 1 dearborne wagon, 1 cow, 1 heifer, S
head of sheep, 4 hogs and 1 clock.
March 13, 1844
Cabinet Making Business.
sopHE undersigned, having provided him
self with a large supply of materials for
the purpose of carrying on the above busi
ness m all its Various branches, at his old
stand, at Neff's Mills, where he hopes all
persons wishing any thing in the line of his
business will give him a call. Any article
that he may have for sale, will be exchang
ed for country produce, or on the most reu
sonttble terms for cash.
ICOrTINS will be made on the shortest
Were will also be GRAIN CRADLES
made on the shortest notice, at the same
place, by Wm• McMurtrie.
James Jack,
Neff's Mills, W. Barree tp . March 13, 1844.
A first rate Buggy, nearly new ; also a
Horse, seven or eight years old, well cal--
culated for saddle or harness; also a com
plete set of Harness. The Buggy and Har
ness will be sold separate, or with the Horse,
to suit the purchaser or purchasers. The
whole will be sold low for cash, or on credit,
with approved security.
Apply at this office.
March 6. 1844—tf.
G. .1.111.VE, Dentist
UIESPECTFULLIT tenders his thanks
to the citizens of Huntingdon for their
liberal enCouragenient extended to hini
since he has been a resident of the place,
and would inform those wilt) may need his
services, prior to his leaving' for the city,
that he would be happy. to receive their
calls, at Mrs. Clarke's, when he hopes to be
able to render full satisfaction to all win;
may favor him with their patronage.
Huntingdon, Pa., March 20, 1844.
i ESPECI'FGLI;Y informs the citizene
dpi of Hntingdon and its vicinity, that he
has commenced the
. Tailorin g lensinekS
in Main street, in the. borough of Hun
tingdon, one door wtst of the store of Thos.
Read & Son, where he is ready to accorn
mndate all who may favor him with a call,
He receives regtilarty the
and is determined to employ none but the
best and most experienced workmen.
He will execute all orders in his line in
the most workmanlike manner, and on the
shortest. notice., By strict attention to busi
ness and endeavoring to please, he hopes to
merit and receive a share of the public
Country produce will be taken in pay
ment for work.
March 20, 1844.—tf.
Late of Walker township, Huntingdon
county, deceased.,
Notice is hereby given , that letteYs of ad-
Ministration dpon the said estate have been
granted to the tinderiigned. Al! personi
having claims 01• dertiands against the same
are requested to make them known without
delay, and all persons indebted to make im
rnediatepayment to
March 20, 1844.—5 t. Walker tp.
6 Cents Reward.
Ran away from the subscri
, ]per, residing in Htintingdon, nn
Friday last, a bound black boy,
aged abodt 17 years. Any per
son. who will return the above
named boy to the subscriber shall receive
the above reward.
March 20, 1844.
o Ica
The public are notified that on the 19th
day of March, A. D. 1844, I purchased at
Constable Sale, as the property of lames
Shorthill, of (the ridge) Henderdon town
shi, in the county of Huntingdon,,tbe fol
lowing described (amongst other) property,
goods and chattels—which I
have lett in his
care during my pleasbre—to wit
12 acres .of wheatin the ground; do rye;
2 mares ; 11 head of sheep ; 4 hogs ; 1 eight
day clock ; 1 plough ; 1 Harrow ; 2 set of
horse gears ;
1 wind mill ; 1 log chain ;
hay forks ; 1 shovel ; 1 cutting bok ;
1 log
sled; 1 large Meta! kettle; 1 small grind
All persons are eauticinect against remov
ing, levying iipon;.or in any wise intermed
ling with the said property, or any part
Mill Creek, March 27, 1844.-3 t.
Temperance House.
HE subscriber occupying the
large three story brick dwell
ing house at the south east corner
of Allegheny and Sthith streets, in
the borough of Huntingdon, the third story of
which doting the last summer has been fitted
for sleeping towns; having a large stable on
the premises, and having employed a care
ful person to attend to it and take care of
horses, &c., Informs the public that she k
prepared td accommodate such of her friends
and such strangers and travellers as may de-:
1 1 site accommodation. She respectfully soli
cits a share of public patronage, and hopes
the friends of Tiniperance will give her a
Huntingdon March 1, 1843.
im cm L. mum