Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, March 13, 1844, Image 3

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    1 4Uillama Vcoulautiathrt.
Illuntingdon,lllarch 13,1844.
WANTED--t this office—
an Apprentice. A boy from 12
to 16 years of age will find a good
situation, if application be made
soon. tf.
To Advertisers.
Advertisements must be handed in on Tuesday
morning before 9 o'clock to insure their insertion in
nest morning's paper.
B Y virtue Faeia s undry writs
si,,eadioni of Lv
e xpo e n a rtr i
and s
iasued out of the Court of Common Pleas
bf Huntingdon county, and to me direc
ted, will be exposed to public sale, at the
Vino! house in the borough of Ilu nting
',don, on Monday the Bth day of April,
1844, the following property, viz :
Lot No. 37 in the old town plot of the
borough of Holliday sburg, fronting 60 feet
on the north side of Allegheny street (on
the diamond) in the said borough, and ex
tending back along Montgomery street
145 feet more or less, to Cherry alley,
having thereon erected a two story frame
building and a frame shop fronting on
Allegheny street, and two frame dwell
ing; houses two and a half stories nigh
fronting on Montgomery street.
Also, Lot No. 38 in the said town plot,
adjoining No. 37 above described, fron
ting 60 feet on the north side of Alleghe
by street, and running back at right an-
gles to same 180 feet to Cherry alley,
f. eying thereon erected a large brick
tavern House three and a half stories
high (exclusive of the basement story,)
fronting the whole breadth of said lot on
Allegheny street, and known by the name
of American House." Note, on the
eastern side of Lot No. 37 above men
tioned, there is an alley eleven feet wide,
running the whole tenth of said lot from
Allegheny street to Cherry alley, which
is for the benefit of the buildings on each
of 'said above described lots No. 37 and
SB, end the said lots here declared to be
levied upon with the understanding that
said alley shall be and remain open for
ever, for the benefit and advantage of the
buildings on each of the said lots.
Also, Lot No. 50, in the said town plot,
fronting 60 feet on the southerly side of
WalnOt street, and running back at right
angles 180 feet to Cherry alley, having
thereon erected a large frame stable, said
stable is used in connection with said
Also; Lot N 0.57 in said town plot, ad
joining the last mentioned lot on the east,
fronting 60 feet on Walnut street, and
running back 180 feet to Cherry alley,
having thereon erected a large frame sta
ble, occupied as a livery stable.
Also, a Lot or piece of ground in said
town plot, fronting 45 feet more or less
on the west side of Montgomery street,
and running back along the south side of
Walnut street 120 feet more or less, hay
ing thereon erected a two story brick
dwetling house fronting. Montgomery
street, and a frame stable, and wood and
carriage houses. said lot being parts of ,
lots slumbered 23 and 24 in said town plot.
Also, Lot No. 13 in said town plot,
fronting 60 feet on the north side of M ul
bery street, and extending back 180 feet
to Strawberry alley, having thereon a log
building used formerly as a distillery.
Also, Lot 88 in said town plot, fronting
on the north side of Walnut street 60 feet,
and running back 180 feet to an alley.
Also, a tract pieceor parcel of land situate
in Allegheny township, bounded by, and
adjoining lands ot John Holliday's heirs,
land claimed by James Alexander, and
land late ot John Gardner and others, be
ing a part of a tract of land in the name of
William Forsythe, containing one hun
dred acres or thereabouts—on which is
erected a two story tavern house, a saw
mill, store buildings, and stable, &c., Fa
cepting and reserving three out lots Nos.
11. and 12 in the town of Henrysburg,
heretofore conveyed by defendant.
Also, all the right title and estate of
defendant Peter Hewit, in and to a parcel
of land containing 7 acres and 151 per
ches, sivate and lying in Blair township,
immediately below the town of Hollidays
burg, on the southern side of the Juniata
Division of the Penn'a Canal, at the junc
tion of the feeder of canal, with the same
bounded on the north by said canal, on
the south by the Juniata River, and on the
west and east by lands of Elihu Chauncy
111n1 Silas Moore's heirs, on which is erec
ted a Dry Dock for the making and re
pairino.' of canal boats, and several work
shops,dwelling houses, stables, 4-c.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Peter Ilewit.
All that certain two story log house sit
uate in the township of Bailee, the county
•ot Huntingdon, erected on a lot of ground
containing two acres more or less, boun
ded by lands of Hans Hutchison on the
west and south, of Leonard Steffy on the
north and heirs of Asaph Fagan on
the east.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Henry Ware ,
field, jr.
That well known tan-yard property,
:ormerly belonging to John Burket, situ
ate near the town of Warriorsmark, Hun
tingdon county, containing about four
acres of good meadow land, with a tan
house, a bark mill, a two story plastered
dwelling house, a number of vats, agood
well of water and good garden thereon.
Also, A tract of land situate in NVar
riorsmark township, in the county of Hun
tingdon, containing 120 acres more or
less, 100 of which are cleared and in a
gond state of cultivation, adjoining lands
of Elijah Weston, Grafius' heirs, and
heirs of Samuel Spanogle and others, has
in..; thereon erected a log dwelling house,
and a fiaaie barn, said land is limestone
and is well timbered, and has a good ap
ple orchard thereon.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property . !if . .l,thu Spatiogle, jr.
A tract or parcel of land situate and
lying in Teli township, Huntingdon coun
ty, adjoining lands of George Gioshorn,
Henry Eby and George May, containing
163 acres more or less, about 70 of which
are cleared, with a log house and double
log barn and apple orchard thereon.
Seized, talcii in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Nlicliael Bolinger,
subject to the widow's dower.
Lot No. 98, in the plan of the town of
Hollidaysburg, Huntingdon county, Iron•
ting 60leet on Juniata street, and extend
ing back at right angles to same to Short
alley, having thereon erected a two story
brick dwelling house fronting on Juniata
street, and a one and a half story frame
house on said alley.
Also, the western halt part of Lot No.
28 in said plan, fronting 30 feet on \Val.
nut street, and extending back 180 feet
to an alley, bounded on the east by David
ffewit, and on the west by a lot occupied
by the Methodist church, having thereon
erected a small brick building.
Also the interest of David Kneedler, in
and to the southern half of lot N 0.153 in
the plan of Hollidaysburg aforesaid, being
60 feet on the north side of Batik alley,
and 90 feet inure or less on Wayne street,
thereon erected two small frame buildings
facing Wayne street.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of David Kneedler.
A lot of ground No, 9, in the town plot
of the borough of Alexandria, fronting 60
feet on the lower side of the Main street
or Turnpike road running through said
borough, and extending back at right an ,
gles to same 180 feet, bounded on the east
by a lot of John Ichinger, and on the west
by Nicholas Cresswell havinc , thereon
erected a two story plastered' dwelling
house, a small shop and a small log stable.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Stephen Ichinger.
All that certain two story frame dwell
ing - house 26 feet by 50 feet, situate on
Lot No. 85 in the borough of Gaysport,
in the county of Huntingdon aforesaid,
and the following described part of said
lot of ground, to wit: that part of said lot
of ground fronting 65 feet on Penti'a
street, and extending back at right ar,gles
to said street 55 feet towards Porter
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of William Sharar &
Joseph Peters, reputed owners and con
Lot No. in the plan of the town of
Alexandria, fronting 60 feet on the north
side of Main street or Turn pike road, and
extending back at right angles to same
200 feet more or leas, bounded on the east
by a lot helongi”g to the estate of Henry
Nell, deed. , and on the west by a lot of
William Temple, having thereon erected
a small two story plastered dwelling house
and frame blacksmith shop.
Seized, taken in execution, and to he
sold as the property of Caleb Yocum.
All that certain brick house erected on
lot No. 112 in the new town plot of the
borough of Hollidaysburg, fronting on
Juniata street 70 feet, and on Mulberry
street 63 feet, and extending back to lot
at James Gardner 62 feet, being three and
a half stories high on Juniata street, and
two and a half stories high on Mulberry
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Dr. glward Mc-
Gintie, owner or reputed owner.
A piece or parcel of land, situate in
Franklin township, Hunting don coutay,
containing 20 acres and 109 perches and
allowance, adjoining Robert Moore, Dan'l
Hewit, Lyon Shorb 4. Co. and others, hav
ing thereon erected Elizabeth Forge, coal
house, a number of log buildings for the
hands, a two story brick dwelling house,
two stables and brick office.
Also, a tract of unseated land in Porter
township, situate on the Warrior ridge,
containing, 319 acres 37 perches and al
lowance, surveyed on a warrant to John
Spencer, dated 220 March 1785.
Also, about 2 acres of ground situate
at the western end of the town of Water•
street, in Morris township, adjoining other
lots in Waterstreet, Lewis Mytinger and
John Sheaffer's land—having thereon
erected a two story stone dwelling house,
an axe factory with water power privis
ledges belonging thereto, and a stable, and
other out buildings.
Also, a lot of giound in Mechanicsburg,
in Franklin township, on the north side
of Spruce creek, adjoining lands of Siting
Mattern, and a lot of William M'Pherran,
containing of an acre, having a small
one and a halt story house thereon,
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Samuel Caldwell.
All that certaiu tract of land situate,
lying and being in Henderson township,
and county of Huntingdon, adjoining lauds
of John Fee, James Hampson and others,
containing 415 acres, be the same more or
less, (being the same tract of land which
James Sias by indenture, dated 11th Dec
1832 granted and conveyed to the said
George Lane,) together with.the heredita
ments and appurtanancea.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of George Lane.
Also, a tract of unseated land in sai d
township of West, containing 360 acres,
be the same more or less, surveyed on a
warrant in the name of William Bracken,
dated 2tl November A. 1), 1784—purcha
sed from Nancy Knight.
Also, about 20 acres of good land, more
or less, 12 of which are cleared and culti
vated, adjoining " Wilson's 'Loan" in the
said township of (test, arid land of John
Henry, John Stryker and others.
Also, the one undivided hill' part of a
lot or niece of ground in "14 i Ison's town"
aforesaid, situate on the south eastern side
of the great road leading fi om Neff 's Mill
to Petersburg—containing about 2 acres,
adjoining lands of John Stryker and a lot
of Joseph Thompson—having thereon
erected a two story frame dwelling house
and a frame stable—purchased from Jacob
Also, the one undivided half part of
piece or parcel of land, situate in said
Wilson's Town, composed of 3 adjoining
lots—situate on the north westerly side 01
the said road, bounded by William Reed's
land, a lot of Adam Ilollman's heirs, and
a lot of Joseph Reynolds, containing about
of an acre, with a wagon maker's shop
and some apple trees thereon.
Also, the one undivided half part of a
small niece or parcel of land situate in
said Wilson's Town, on the south easterly
side of said road, bounded by a lot of An
dress Ilollman's heirs, and other land of
Isaac Neff heretofore described, contain•
ing about of an acre—with a blacksmith
shop thereon.
Also, the one undivided hall part of a
lot piece or parcel of land lying in said
Wilson's Town, on the north westerly
side of the said road, adjoining a lot of
Moses Woods. lands of William Reed &
John H enry —with a small stable thereon,
containing about of an acre, more or less.
Also, a lot of ground in the town plot
of the borough of Petersburg in the said
county of I lu ntingilon, purchased by Isaac
Nell* front Valerius Armitage—adjoin
ing a lot of Thomas Johnston and of Sam•
uel Thompson, containing about one guar.
• ter of an acre.
Also, one acre of timber land purchas
ed from A. 11. Drummond, situate in the
said township of West, adjoining lands of
Robert Moore, William Oaks and others.
A tract of land situate in the township
of %Vest, in Huntingdon county, bounded
by lands of John Striker. James Nlyton,
Wiliam Oaks, Joseph Thompson, Wm.
Reed, Esq., and other lands of said Isaac
Neff and others, containing 188 acresand
65 perches and allowances, &c., be the
same more or less (the same being now in
the occupancy of John Henry) about 150
acres of which are cleared, with a lug
dwelling house, a log barn and frame sta
ble thereon erected.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Isaac Neff.
A tract, piece or parzel of land situate
in the township of Woodberry, in the
county of Huntingdon, containing 375
acres and 134 perches of limestone land,
being the whole of a survey made in the
noose of Alexander Douglass, containing
339 acres and part of a survey in the name
of John Swift, adjoining lands or Joseph
Feay, Jacob Rodkey, Charles Echoltz,
George Clapper and the Frankstown
Uranch of the Juniata river, about 230
acres of which are cleared and cultivated,
having thereon erected Franklin Forge,
a stone cottage house, a log barn and a
number of houses and work shops for use
of the Forge hands.
• .
Also, three adjoining tracts of unseated
lands situate in Frankstown toe nship, in
said county, one thereof containing 400
acres, surveyed on a warrant to the name
of Jas. !tenter; another thereof contain
ing 17 acres and 25 perches, in the name
of Absalom Boyles, and the other therein
containing 54 acres and 23 perches, also
in the name of Absalom Boyles, and a
piece or parcel of land adjoining the same
containing 6 acres, known by the name of
.4 The Gut," and being a part of a sur vey
of 150 acres made its the name of James
Also, a tract of barren land situate in
Woodberry township, in said county,
containing two bundred and four acres
and 150 perches, being part of a tract of
land surveyed on a warrant date ti
25,11 August, 1794, in the name of Caleb
Also, the right title and interest of Sam.
uel Royer in and to the following men
tioned and described seven tracts of un
seated lands, situate partly in '4Vtiodberry
and partly in Frankstown townships, in
said county, viz: one thereof contairing
four hundred and twenty-six acres and
one hundred and forty perches, surveyed
on a warrant in the name of Jonas Hartzel,
one thereof containing 37% acres 122
perches surveyed on a warrant in the
name of Isaac Hartzel, one thereof con.
taining four hundred and seventy-nine
acres and 153 perches, surveyed in the
name of Jonas Berme!, jr., one thereof
containing 371 acres and -2 peaches, sur
veyed in the name of Jonathan Hartzel
one thereof containing 165 acres and 59
perches surveyed on a warrant in the
name at George Hartzel, one thereof con
taining 161 acres and 77 perches, survey•
etl on a warrant in the name of John
Hartzel, and the other thereof containing
122 acres and 129 perches, surveyed on a
warrant in the name of Catharine Hartzel,
all of which warrants are dated respect
tively 13th February. 1794. The last
described three tracts being only parts of
au rveys.
The above mentioned and described
real estate all belongs to, and composes
the Franklin Forge property.
Seized, taken in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Samuel Royer,
who was impleaded with Samuel Smith,
John Torbert & Andrew N. Isi'Dov,ell,
trading under the firm of Smith, Royer
& Company.
Lots numbered 188 and 189, in the new
town plot of the town of Hollidaysburg,
fronting 60 feet each on the north side it
Allegheny street, and extending back 170
to Cherry alley.
Also, Lit No. 206 in the said new town
plot, situate on the north easterly corner
of Juniata and I'enn streets, bring 60 tent
in front on Juniata street, awl extending
back at right angles to same 100 feet to
Bank alley. . .
Seized, takes in execution, and to be
sold as the property of Robert Lowry,
dec'd., in the hands of Michael C. liarber
and Alexander his Adtor's.
Two lots of ground in the new town
plot of Cassville, Huntingdon county,
fronting each 66 feet on Main street, and
extending back at right angles 95 feet to
an alley, adjoining lots of Jacob M. Cover
on the north and south, thereon elected a
frame house thirty-four by forty feet, built
lOr the use of the Methodist Episcopal
Church and occupied as such.
Seized, taken in execution, and to he
sold as the property of the Building Coins
mittee•of the M. E. Church.
Sheriff's Office. Hun
tingdon, March 13, 1844. S
Oz As much difficulty has arisen in
making Sheriff's sales by reason of per.
sons bidding who are unable, or who fail
to pay the amount of their respective poi.
chases, therefore
IS HEREBY GIVEN, that in all cases, when
the purchase money does not exceed
350 00, the whole amount of the purchase
roust be paid immediately into the hands
of the Sheriff; and it the purchase exceeds
that sum, then the amount (viz : $3O 00,)
must be paid into the hands of the Sheriff
immediately after the property is stricken
dow.i and the payment of the balance ar
ranged with the Shuriff and fully secured
to be paid, to his satisfaction ; or else the
property will be ag,arn put up and sold.
This rule will positively he strictly
tiered to, and purchasers, whether able to
pay, or not, will do well to observe it, if
they wish to hold the property stricken
down to them at their respective bids.
March 13, 1844.
To the Honorable Judges of the Court
of Quarter Sessions of the Peace, in
and for the county of Huntingdon, at
Huntingdon, the second Monday of
April, eighteen hundred and forty /our.
The petition of John Hirst, of Barrer
township, in said county, respectfully
showeth, that your petitioner being desi•
rous of keeping a tavern at his old stand
in Manor Hill, in said township of Barree,
that he is well provided with house room,
conveniences for the accommodation and
lodging of strangers and travellers at said
old stand. He therefore prays your lion.
ors to grant him a continuance of his tav
ern license, and he will ever pray.
We the subscribers, citizens of the sail!
township of Harree, do certify that the
tavern above mentioned and proposed to be
kept by John Hirst, is necessary to accom
modate the publ:c and entertain travelli•is
arid strangers, and that the said petition
er is a mon of good repute fur honesty and
temperance, and is well provided with
noose room, conveniences for the accom
modation of st rangers and travellers.
Maier Hill, March 4, 1844.
7h , rnias Stewart James Ewing
James Leonard .I,hn Davison
J, , ha Hagen Wm S Morrison
ferules Fleeting
John Lore
If na Swilitherirt
Geo. L'Crum
Jnq Stewart, Manor , bavifl Ramsey
Robed bacison Mordecai Massey
John Stewart John Carver
To the Honorable Cum.! at Quarter See
sions Huntingdon county.
The petition of James Stevens, Jr., of
flent!erson township, in said county, re
:peed illy represent., that he is well pro
vided with house rontn and conveniences
for the lodging and accommodation of
strangers and travellers, at the house he
now occupies as s tavern or inn. He
therefore .prays the Honorable Court to
grant hint a license for keeping a public
inn or tavern, and he as in dirty bound
will &c. JAMES STEVENS, Jr.
fie the subscribers citizens of Hender
son township, aforesaid, in which the
above mentioned inn or tavern prayed to
be licensed, is proposed to be kept, do
certity that James Stevens, the abtwe ap
plicant is of good repute for honesty and
temperance, and is well provided with
house room and conveniences for the Imlg-
Mg and accommodating of strangers and
travellers, and that such inn or tavern is
necessary to accommodate the public and
entertain strangers and travellers.
John Shade • Robert Hury
James N ilsors J. K. Metz
J. K. Bar•lelz Ealy
1-1 i/liawe Kelly M. F. Campbell
Philip Griffiths Jacob Dorland
Andrew Huey_ Johlt Wallkill
Michael Hawn
March 13, 1N44.
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court
of Common Pleas of Huntingdon co.
The petition of Witham Brothers of the
townslopof Cass,in Cassville,in said coun
ty, respectfully shewelli : that your peti
tioner i 3 desirous of keeping a house of
public entertainment for travellers and
others in the house now occupied by Amos
'look, in said township and county sfore•
said. He therefore prays your 'Honors
to grant hint a license to keep a house ul
public entertainment in the house afore
said, and he will pray &c. &c.
We, the subscribers beg leave to re
commend the above petitioner, to your
Honors as a suitable person to keep a tav
ern house of public entertainment and do
certify, that the said Wm. Brothers is well
provided with room and convenience for
lodgers and accommodation, and is Of
good repute for honesty and temperance,
and we will pray, &c.
F.bruary 26, 1844.
David Clarkson David Bunigaraner
Lemuel Green J on Gharett
Jucub Greenland George Ile* Kinney
Join P. Goebel Caleb Greenland, Sr
Montgomery J. ill. Cover
Hiram Grienlan7l A mos Houck
John S. Gharett.
to the lion. A. s.ll'ilson Pres'dt and As
sociate Judges, of the Cowl if Quarter
Sessions o/ the Peace, in and for the
county of Huntingdon, at Apra Ses
sions A. D. 1t144.
•f•he Petition of Michael Sisler, respect
fully showeth that your• petitioner occupies
that lar;e and commodious house, situate in
the borough of Alexandria, immediately at
the locks on the Pennsylvania Canal, which
has been long established, and is well known
as, and calculated for a public house of en
tertainment ; and tram its neighborhood and
situation, is suitable, as well as necessary,
fur the accommodation of the public and :he
entertainment ot strangers and travellers,
that he is well prov hied with stabling for
horses and all convvniennes nec-ssiry for
the entertainment of strangers and travel
lers; that lie has occupied the saiti house as
lie used inn fot• six years last past, and that
he is desirous of continuing the sum-. He
then fore respectfully prays the curt to
grant him a license to keep an inn or public
house of entertainment iu said house, and
he will pray, &c.
We the undersigned
of Alexandria, being particularly
acquainted with Michael Sisler the above
named applicant, and also having a knowl
edge of the house for which the license is
prayed, do hereby certify that such inn or
tavern is necessary to accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and travellers
01; t said Michael Sisler is a man of 0 011(1
repute for honesty and temperance, and that
he is well provided with house room, sta
bling and conveniercos for the lodging and
accommodation of strangt rs ;old travellers ;
we therefore beg leave to recommend him
for a license agreeable to his petition.
H. Fockler NA , m. A. Rodgers
Peter Shultz John Furlong
N. Cresswell John R. G,.e6ury
Jacob Bolter
. 13enAn . Kough
John Piper, jr Samuel Spy ker •
Nath'l Williams Samuel Iseitharg
James Yocum Francss M'Coy, jr
Andrew Sphen
. . John Sishin
C aleb YocumSte .. —.. ...
phen stinger
Jacob Kough Carens Patterson
March 6, 1844.—pd.
To the Hon. A. S. hi ilson, President and
.Issociote Judges of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions of the Peace in and for the
county of Iluneingdon, at April Ses
sions, 4. D. 1844.
The Petition of Robert Cannon tespect
fully showeth, that your petitioner occupies
that large and commodious house, situate m
the borough of Alexandria, on the Main
street, which has been long established and
is well known as, and calculated for a
house of entertaioment, and front its
neighborhood and situation, is suitable as
well as,necessary for the accomodation of the
public and the entertainment of strangers and
travellers; that he is well provided with sta
bling for horses and all convenhnces neCes
nary for the entertainment of strangers and
travellers; that he has occupied toc_
house as a licensed inn or tav , ru for three
years last past, and that he is desirous of
c , ntinuing the same, He therefore respect
fully prays the court to grant him a license
to keep an inn or publtc hose of entertain
ment in said house, and he will Pray , &c.
_ .
We the undersigned citir Its of the bo
rough of Alexandria, being particularly ac
quainted with Robert Carmon the above
named applicant, and also having a knowl
edge of the house for which the license is
prayed, do hereby certify that such inn or
tavern is necessary to accommodate the pub
lic and entertain strangers and travellers ;
that said Bibert Cannon is a man of good
repute for honesty and ti•mperance, and that
he is well provided with house room, sta
bling and conveniences for the lodging and
accommodation of strangers and travellers.
We therefore bug leave to recommend him
for a license agreeably to his petition.
Benjamin Kough limes Yocum
Washington Magahanearens 1° itterson
Samuel lsenbarg Wm. A Rodgers
Henry Fockler John Bisbin
braham Snyder Stephen Itinger
Jacob Baker John Piper, jr
Francis Conner N. Cresswell
Juhn R Gregory John Furlong
Frauds M 'C oy, jr.
March 6. 1844.
To the Honorable, the Judges of the
Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace
in and for the cfunt) of Huntingdon.
•flte petition of Joseph Forrest respect
fully siiiiweth.that he has tented the public
house at the Wa rut Sprinto, Ileuders..o tp.,
where he is •ie:irnus 01 keeping an lot.—
'hot he is well provided wide house room
onil convenience, for the accommodation
of strangers and trave.llets. He there•
lore prays your honors to grant him a Ii•
cense for that purpose, and he will pray,
We, the subscribers, citizens of the
township of Henderson, do certify that the
tavern above mentioned and proposed to
be kept lyloseph Forrest, is necessary to
accommodate the public and entertain
strangers and travellers—and that the
above petitioner is a man of good re•
pule for honesty and temperance, and is
well provided with house room and con
veniences for the accommodation of stran
gers and travellers.
A. 11. Brown, John Decker, Sr.;
Alexander Port, James Hight,
B. Elliot Miller, Elisha Shoemaker,
%V. B. White, Samuel Shoemaker,
John flight, Jacob Miller.
Win. Drennem„ John Miller, St.,
Thos Hamlin
Feb 28, 1844,
To the Honorable the Judges of the Court
of Quarter Sessions of Huntingdon
This, - the petition of Thomas Wallace,
respectfully represents, that your petition
er still occupies the well known Wash.
ington l lwise, situate on Allegheny street
in tl.e Borough of Huntingdon, which is
commodious and well calculated for a
public house of entertainment, and from
its location, is suitable as well as oecessa
rS• for - the accommodation Of the public,
and the entertainment of strangers and
Snivellers. That he is well provided with
stabling and all conveniences necessary .
for the accommodation of strangers and
travellers, and that the said house liasi
been for many years, occupied and licenz
sed as such. Its therefore prays the Court
to grant hint a license to keep an inn or
tavern, and be will ever pray itc.
We the undersigned citizens of the
borough of Iluatingdon do certify that •ve
are well acquainted with Thomas Wallace
the above petitioner, that he is a man rf
good repute for honesty and temperance,
and that he is well provided with house
room and conveniences for the accommo
dation of the public and the entertainment
of strangers and travellers, and that the
hou,e proposed to be kept as an inn or
tavern is necessary for the accommodation
of the public atitl the entertainment of
arantrers and travellers.
A. Johnston Joseph Forrest
Wm. Stewart Peter Livingston
. .
DavidMcMurtrie James Saxton, Jr.
J no. Cresswell
Daniel Glazier
Clive, Stevens
George A. Steel
Tho's Adams
John Whittaker, Jr.
March 8, 1844
Charles Cowdel).
To the Honorable, the Judges of the
Court of Quarter Sessions of ti,e Peace
for the county of Huntingdon.
. .
The petition of Alexande - r Carthon l'e
speWu I y represents, that he is furnished
with every necessary for the acrOtamoda
tion id strangers aml travellers, and for
keeping a house of public entertainment
at his old stand in the borough of Hunt
ingdon, and is desirous of having a con
tinuation of his tavern license for the
ensuing year. He therefore prays vour
lomours to grant him a license to . keep
I an inn or tavern, and he will pray, 4.c.
We. the undersigned, citizens of the
borough of Huntingdon, du certify that
we are well acquainted with A lexander
Carmon, the above and foregoing petition
er, that he is a man of good repute for
honesty and temperance; that he is Well
provided with house room and conveni
ences for the accommodation of strangers
and travellers, and that such inn or tavern
as applied fur by him and proposed to be
kept is necessary to accommodate the
publ:c and entertain strangers and trav
W. S. Hildebrand,
Win. Steel.
C. Coots,
David Colestock,
Geo. A. Steel,
Sam'l Steel,
Eliezer Cox,
Frederick Krell,
Martin Graltui,
tto'Jert Stitt,
Benj'm Armitage,
Feb. 28, 1844
To the Honorable (be Judges of the Court
of Qvnrter Sessions of the Peace of the
County of flureingdon•
The petition of Samuel Fraker of the
township of Dublin in the said county re
spectfolly represents, that he is Atilt pro
vided with house room and conveniences
fur the lodging and accommodation of
strangers and travellers at the house now
kept by him as an Inn in said towns!,ip.
He therefore prays the Aonorable Court
to grant him a license for keeping a pub
lic Inn or Taieru in said house, and he
will pray, &c. SAMUEL FRAI(ER.
We the subscribers citizens of said
township of Dublin, in which the above
mentioned Inn or Tavern is proposed to
be lept. do certify, that Samuel ' , raker,
the above applicant is of good repute for
honesty and temperance and is well provi
ded with house eosin and conveniences for
the lodging and accommodation of stran
gers and travellers, and that such Inn or
Tavern is necessary to accommodate the
public and entertain strangers and travel
Thos Neely David Patterson
_ _
John Findley John Kelly
11 Wilma Stilton John Walker
Win ,Clymans Stephen Flemming
David Bowman II illiam Stewart
David Cree William flemming
George Kelly William Steuart, Jr
John Spitzer
March 12, 1844,
Came to the residence et the subscriber
in Barree township, in July last, three steers,
yne red and the other two brindle, with a
piece of their right ears cut off, supposed to
of. three years old. The owner is rQquested
to come forward, prove property, pay char
ges and talc.: them away, otherwise they
will be disposed of according to law.
Feb. 28, 1844.
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