'U 3 l:tt3cia qtia:Duau.acicsall. Illuittingdoit, Feb. 28, I 844. WOOD WANTED. wood is wanted at tins office in payment of sub scription, advertising and job work. To Advertisers. Advertisements Mita be handed in on Tuesday Morning before 9 o'clock td insure their insertion in next morning's paper. Democratic Harrison N T.ITE COA PI TIOA . The members of the Democratic Harrison party of Pennsylvania—those who unite with them as allies in the achievement of that glorious political victory in 1940, the result of which was the elec tion of that pure, venerated and much lamented patriot, GEwsnsr. WILLIAM HENEY HAMMON, to the Presidental Chair--those who have hitherto consistently battled for " the Supremacy of the Nhaws,". who are opposed to all mysteries, whether of the Government or otherwise, which arc inacces sible to the public eye—those who arc opposed to favored classes and monopolies either of office or j power—those who are tired of experiments upon I the Commerce, Manufactures and currency of the country, anti all others who are convinced of the necessity of so reforming the abuses of the State and National Government as to secure their prompt, faithful, economical and energetic administration, with a strict accountability to the people, on the part of those by whom they are administered, are requested by the State Central Committee of the Democatic Harrison party, to meet in their several Counties and Districts, and in conformity with former usages. to elect Delegates in proportion to the number of Senators and Representatives in the State Legislature from such Counties and Districts to a STATE. CONVENTION to be held at Harrisburg en MONDAY, the 4th day of MARCH next, at 12 o'clock, M., to nominate a suitable candidate or Governor, to be supported by the friends of good order at their next General Election, and to do such other acts and things as may be deemed necessary. The several County Committees will he careful to give the proper notices in their respective minks. GEORGE FORD, Lancaster. HENRY MONTGOMERY, Dauphin. HAR7.IAR DENNY, Allegheny. WILLIAM M. WATTS. Erie. JOHN 0. MILES, Huntingdon. JOHN TAGGART, NorthUmberland WILLIAM HUGHES, Phil'a county. JOHN RICHARDS, Berks. JACOB WEYGANT. Northampton. Lancaster, December 8,1843. UNTINGDON CO., Fl). 4 2, 1844. THEO. FENN, E-I:—Your paper of the •47ili ult. contains a communication sign ed "Old Mifflin," which I object to, fur the reason that it is unfair, uncalled for, and untrue, and was, no doubt. designed for the purpose of placiog the friends of some two or three prominent candidates for the Gubernatorial Chair, into belhge rani positions so. that the favorite of the writer— not brought into the controversy—. , may gain vantage ground thereby. In the same paper. in an editorial no• - lice of die Communication, you state that - your —press is open to a dietission of the 'merits of all the candidates spoken of." 'I ask, therefore, the use of your columns 'for the purpose of setting Gen, In , IN and • his friends, who have been assaile•il by your correspondent, in his and their prop er light before the politic. In so doing, %shall not detract one iota from the fair nine of any of the distiogui,hed gentle 'men who have been named in connexion with the office of Governor; nor skid! I •iudulge in fulsome or undue praise of the .aissailed ; but merely to show that "Old Mifflin" has ...wilted and rniltivor .eilto injure Geo. Incu r. . . Your . ' currespoothnt commences with 'hypocritical cant about the importance ''in .canvassing the pretensions of candidates for oili e. to abstain from any thing that Might have a tendency to generate hostile feelings among the respective aspirant s." This is, no doubt, a wholasome precept; but in his practice, ''ol,l Mifflin" is dia• metrically oppose to it; for he asserts that "it has lately been deemed necesrary to disparage his (Judge Bank's) popularity for the purpose of advocating the preten. ',ions of a new candidate, WOO PRESENrs tiII)PELF to the people, under the impos ing sobriquet of "the popular Congress• man:' Now, in the above quotation your correspondent asserts two falsehoods which are not even marked with plausa bility. Where is the evidence that Judge Banks' popularity is disparaged, and dis• paraged, too, as the language implies by he friends of Gen Irvin? 1 never heard or saw any such evidence, and your env correspondent cites none. You are told that Gen Irvin "presents himsell," &c,. but you are not favored with any thing more than bare assertion. The fact is, Gen. Irvin is not, and never was an office seeker, as the people of his own district, and every one else who knows any thing about him, can attest. I never yet knew a man to be popular in this section of the State, if he wits known to be, or even sus pected to be an office-huuter. lam con fident that Gen. Irvin never swight the nomination tor Chief Slagist;•ate of Penn sylvania. Ile was nominated without his, knowledge or consent; and, but for the earnest solicitations of numerous friends, he would have had his name withdrawn from the list of candidates immediately after its announcement. Front another patigraph in the same communication, 1 extinct the following: “The gentleman who has thus appropria ted to himself the imposing cogonien of '.the popular Congressman," was riot known out of his own district at the beginning of the presont session of Congress, either personally or by reputa tion, to five hundred individuals in the State or Union, or in both together! Now in the spice of .six short weeks he is the "popular Cnogressman," know') far and wide." A bright idea, trmly ! Irvin, the man who in 1840 Lilt his uppo ucnt in a district that had previously, al nst from time immemorial, ele.cted a Lo cornet) to Congress! Ile who was reelec ted in 1813, by the triumphant majority o I 1330, _having received 25,725 votes. He who stood up in Congress during the late session, in defence of Monte Industry and Home Manufactures, and made speeches on the Tariff Bill, that were published far arid ride, by the newspaper press. Ile who is known throughot the State and the Union as "the popular Congressman," of Pennsylvia. lie it is, ((tat you are gravely told, "was nut known out of his own district at the beginning of the present session of Con g,resy, either personally or by reputation to five hundred people in she State or Union, or both together !!! I do not know the real name or your correspond• sit, nor am I aware of his locality, as he dates noa here ; but, from the degree of Ignorance he betrays—if it be not SOME. thnig worse—l would judge him to be either a Jew or a Hottentot. ''Old NI tHin" asserts that the wonder. ful popularity of lien. Irvin was wrought. "by the magic influence of letter writers, who for a proper consideration paid, can magnify the smallest dwarf into the largest giant, and affix to brass a higher value than to unalloyed gold." In the same paragraph, your correspondent "objects too, to some half dirien men at Washingtou city, aii4U ming the right of determining for whom the people of Penn sylvaMa roe for Governor." "It is well known," says he, "in this part of the State, that the 'public opinion' which it is said designates Gen. Irvin as the Whig candidate for Governor, Iraq been made to order at Washington." What an OM gent flood of light must have hurt sudden ly upon the benighted vision of your cot. respondent! Letters have been written in favor of Gen Irvin; and it has even reached Washington city that Gen Irvin the"'Popular COO ;ressma designated as the W hi , candidate •for Governor! Mort ouder n fo I discovery!! But "Old Nlifflin can have more light still. I can 'olio to him that in ninny parts of the Suite thejpeople; the real sorereigasossemble iu County meetings and Conventions; and with one voice declare in favor of the "Popular Conwesswan:"—they instruct their delegates to the 4th of March Con vention, to use all their influence to pro cure his noutination; and the newspapers, On, even they lall into the crowd, and teem with the evidences of his popularity It is the people—the hard fisted yeoman• ry of the country—that take the lead fur Ucn. ft% in; while the old politicians—the would-be and self styled leaders of the party—stand buck And WONDER. • "Old Mifflin," after stigmatizing Gen.' Irvin as a "dwarf" who "presents him self to the people —" as "appropriating to himself the imposing cognomen of the "Popular • Coegressman—" as 'Hying hired letter writers to puff him into veto• Hely, &c. Alter all this, your cnrres• pondent has the unblushing impudence to tell you that he "does not desire to dis parage Mr. Irvin ip the slightest degree. lie is a good meaning man." Mtn would say as much for "Old Nlifflini" "Ile is a gear! meaning man," says he, "but I do not wish to see him pulled into the di• 'pensions of a Statesman by the breath of a low hired letter writers, at the. expense el • such nom as Judge (links, George W. 'Poland and others. I would u•ag'r that .0111 Mifflin" is not friendly to either of the gentlemen lie flames. Next, your correspondent states the votes given for Governor in 1841, in the counties of Ifontingdon, Mifflin, Centre, and Juniata, the Congressional D'strict which Gen Irvin represents; and also the votes given in the SAllle counties in 1843, for Member of Congress; which state meta shows nothing more nor less, can didly speaking, than that in a district in which Kickanoo Porter beat Judge Banks 651 votes, Gen Irvin beat Geo. M'Cul loch 1,336, making near 2,900 in favor of Gen. Irvin over his party vote.— But "Old :Mifflin" in.his insatiable desire to misrepresent and injure an open hearted and generous opponent, snakes an • attempt to draw a most despicable cons elusion from his statement—namely, that because Banks received more votes in those counties than (lid Irvin, therefore Banks is popular and Irvin unpopular! Every one knows that at elections 14 Governor more votes are polled than at any other elections, that of President of the United States not excepted. At the Governor's election in 1841 there were over 250,0(1 votes polled ; while at the election last fall for Canal Commissioners, there were not as many by 40,000. Would it not be fair to state the ques tion of (ten. Irvin's popularity thus :—lf a man can run (dwell of his opponent 1336 voles in one Congressional Disstrict, com posed of three Locdfoco counties to one Whig how much could he run ahead in the -24 districts? I leave the question to your correspondet to solve. It is idle for any one to pretend that the "Popular Congressman" is not popular. Gen. Irvin's qualifications are also grossly misrepresented by i•Old Mifflin" as every one who knows the Genearal can testify. A man who can manage his own busines, when as extensive us Gen. Irvin's, and (I() it with so much advantage to himself, can safely be entrusted with the Aims of State. In conclusion, I can safely assure you that if "Old Mifflin" expects to injure Gen. Irvin's prospects of a nomination, by these assassin-like stabs, he will fail in the cowardly attempt. GM) HUNTINGDON The delegation to Congress from Mary land 13 Whiff CIEOUghOU 1. A Shocking Occurrence. The Phil'a. Gazette of Friday says: This morning, about five o'clock the watchman at the corner of Fifth and Spruce streets, while going his round was alarm ed by the cries of a female, and proceeding in the direction of the sound, discovered a woman lying upon the pavement in front of the house of Leopold P. Coursault, Ni). 117 Spruce street dreadfully injured and bleeding profusely— one of her legs being fractured, the large blood vessels of the limb ruptured, and her head exhibiting an awful contosidh. The unfortunate fe male proved to be Mrs. Frontin, the second wife of Mons. Frontin, a French teacher. Frontin occupied two rooms at Mr. Coursault's house; and the wife's story is, that her liusband had threatened to murder her, and that to escape his vi olence, she, in her fright, threw herself from the second story window. The'poor woman has only been married a few weeks, and if her story be correct, she was fright ened into the marriage and has been in such dread of her husband ever since, that she has been obliged to flee from his per. secution, and keep herself concealed; and he has constantly pursued and .sought her out. Mrs. Frontin is not expected to sur vive her injuries. Iler husband has been arrested and committed to prison. The first wile of the above named Frontin, died in this city only a few !eoliths since, and we have been infermed that the se cond wife immediately after their marriage by a clergyman, refused to live with him, and persisted in this refusal for some time. Frontin became excited on the subject, said that he could not account for the conduct of his wife, and finding it impossible to re concile the difficulty that existed be tween them, said that 1;e was anxious to to obtain a divorce. Ile is a Frenchman by birth, about 40 years of age, and one or two children by his first wife are now liv- FATHER MATity.w.—The New York Evening Post says—. We learn that a correspondence has recently taken place bete eel) Father Mathew and Grinnell, Minim n S.: Co., of this city, owners of a London as well a; a Liverpool line of packet ships, in relation to his contempla .ed visit to this city. They offered him a free passage in any one of their ship; to America, which he has accepted, and has signified his intention to make the voyage in June.'' reSUDDEIT DEATH, APOPLEXY, BURST ING OF VEssELs, &c.—Wright's Indian Ye getable Pills are certain to prevent the a bove dreadful consequences, becatise they purge from the body those morbid humors which, when fluatieg in the general circu lation, are the cause of a determination or rush of blood to the head, a pressure upon the brain, and other dreadful results.— From two to six of said Indian Vegetable Pills, taken every night, on going to bed, will in a short time so completely cleanse the body from every thing that is opposed to health that sodden death, apoplexy, bursting of blood vessels, or indeed any mal ady, will be in a manner impossible. Wright's Vegetable Indian Pills also aid and improve digeston, and purify the blood and therefore give health and vigor to the whole frame, as well as drive disease of every name from the body. Beware of Counterfeits.—The public are cautioned against the many spurious medi cines which in order to deceive arc made. :IN outward appearance, closely to resem ble the above wonderful Pills. _ . 005E10/E.—Purchase only c.f the adver tised agents, or at the office of the Getter. al Depot, No. 169 _Race street, Philadel phia, and be particular to ask fur WRIGHT' Indian Vegetable Pills. The genuine medicines can be obtained ;it the store of Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned appointed by the court of Common Pleas to distribute the mon eys in the hands of the Sheriff, arising from the sale ofthe persmal property of Jon'a. H. Dorsey & cc. mid S. Miles Green & co., and the individual property of. S. Miles Green, hereby gives ratite to all interested in the distrilite ion, that he will attend fiir that pur pose, at the Prothonotary's office, is Fri day the 22nd day of March next. (1844) at 1 o'clock, P. M. G EO. TAYLOR, Auditor. Feb. 21, 1843. ORPILIA S' COURT &ILE. In pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, there will be exposed to sal a by public vendue or out-cry, of the premises, on Saturday the lad day of March next. ut 1 o'clock, P. M., the fol lowing described real estate, _ - - A Lot (I Ground, in the borough of Petersburg, in said coun ty, numbered 127,' having a two story log house, weatherboarded, a log shop and a franc stable thereon erected. Al so, lot No. 118 in the said borough, be ing fenced and having a shed thereon erect ed, late the estate (in part) of John Scullin, late of said borough, deed. . . . the last mentioned lot is well calculated for the erection of a warehouse, it lying on the basin of the Pennsylvania canal ; and there is un alley about 8 feet wide running along the north side of each of the above described lots. Terms of Sale.—One third part of the purchase money to be paid on contirmltion of the sale, and the residue in two t qual an nual payments thereafter, with interest, to . be secured by the bonds and mortgages of the purchaser. By the Court, JOHN REED, Clerk. Attendance will he given on the day of sale by JOHN NUCULLOCH, Adru'r. Jun. 31, 1844. Third and Last INotice.. (THE VERY LAST.) All persons having accounts standing unsettled, with the subscriber, from 12 'soothe to 5 years, are now informed that unless settled- between this and the 20th of March next, they will be left in the hands of THE agent for collection. GEO. A. STEEL. Jan. 24, 1844. TUE MARKETS. [CORRECTED IYEEKLY.} Philadelphia, Feb. c 26. WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - S 4 87 RYE MEAL, do. - - - - 325 CORN do. do. WHEAT, ptimePenna. per bush. - - 1 05 RYE do. - - - 64 CORN, yellow, , do. - - - 48 do. white, do. - - - 37 OATS, do. - - - 31 WHISKEY, in bin. Baltimore, Feb. 20. WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $4 50 WHEAT, per bush. - - - U 5 CORN, yellow, do. - - - - 44 do. white, do. RYE, do. OATi. do. WHISKEY, in bbls. Pittsburgh, Feb. 23: FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $3 SO a 3 68 WHEAT, per bush. - - - - 62 a 65 RYE, do. OATS, do. - - - 18 a 20 CORN, do. - - - - 31 a 37 WHILSKEY, in his. 17 5•-traß Steer. ret AME to the residence of the subscriber licmg in Warriorsmark township, on the 20th ult., a brindle steer with white spots on his skies, supposed to be a yearling last spring, the owner is requested to come for ward, prove property, pay charges and tike him away otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. SIMON CRAIN b. 7, 1844. Estate of Daniel Lower, " Late of Wooberry township Huntingdo county deceased. Notice is he, eby given, that letters testa mentary upon the will of said dec'd have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same are requested -to present them duly authenticated for set tlement, to _ _ JOSHUA ROLLER, JOSEPH FLAY, 5 Exe',L Feb. 7, 1344. auditors' Xot ice. WRHE undersigned auditor, appointed by 4.a. the court, to distribute the proceeds arising from the sale t f the real estate of Z. G. Brown and others, known as the ''Ben nington Coal Bank," will attend for that purpose at the Prothonotary's office, in the bore ugh if Huntingdon, on Monday the llth day of March next, at 1 o'clock, P. M,— All persons having Claims on said fund , are required to nuke them known to me at that time or be debarred from coming in for any share of it afterwards. JACOB MILLER, Auditor, Feb. 7, 1R44. CORONER'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me directed, I will exposeio sale, on theprm ises., by public vendee outcry on Wed nesday the 28th day of February next, at 2 o Liock P. M. , the following described prop erty, Lot No. l 2 in the old town plot of the borough of Hollidaysburg, fronting 60 feet on the north side of Allegheny street and extending back at right angles to said street 180 teet to an alley, being on the corner of Allegheny and Front streets, having there on erected a two story weatherboarded or frathe house, a two story new brick house, hack buildings and a frame stable, [late the property of James B. Frampton,] Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the property of John F. Loy , at the snit of John Shaver, Esq., Sheriff of Hun tingd on county. Terms of Sale.--One hundred dollies, at least, must be cash down, at sale, and the balance at April Court, for which good se curity must he given on the ground. JAMES SAXTON Jr., Coroner. Huntingdon Jan. 31, 1844,—t5. ~ c z)uc. LQ.cDaaq., The Tavern Stand in the borough of Shit.- leysburg,mov in the tenure of James S. WEl heßy, will be let for one or more years, from the Ist of April next. It is the old stand kept by John; Price and °tilers, as a public house, for the last fifteen years, and is one of the best in the county. Apply to the sub scriber. DAVID BLAIR Huntingdon Jan. 31, 1844. • HOTEL. No. '2OO ill A R STREET, (Above 6th Street) hiladelphia. BOARDING $l.OO PER DAY. %THE subscriber, thankful for the liberal %.1 , support of his friends and the public generally, respectfully informs them that he still continues at the old established house, where he will be pleased to accommodate allthose who favor him with their patronage. CHRISTIAN BROWER. Dec. 14, 1842.—tf. ESTATE OF JAMES TEMP LE TOAV Late of Tyrone township, Huntingdon county. deceased. ROTICE is hereby given, that letters testamentary upon the said estate have been;granted to the undersigned. All per sons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same are re quested to present them duly authenticated for settlement, to ARMSTRdNG CRAWFORD, / JAMES RUSSELL, • Ex'rs, Tyrone tp:, Jan. 3, 1844. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining' in the post office at Minting don, January Ist 1814. If not called for previous to the Ist of April next, will be sent to the General Post Office as dead letters Barton Thomas M'Murtrie D avid 5 Bowers Samuel M'Divit Miss Jane Bell Robert Moore t;amuel Barrick Henry Reichart John Jr. Farrell John Smith Thomas Fee John Erayer John Johnston James It. Swoope Peter H. Koller Henry Strong Benjamin WNalley Thomas Whitaker Daniel Withrrnw John DAVID SNARE, P. M. Huntingdon, Jan. 10, 1844. Land for Sale. A first rate tract of land containing 220 acres and allowance, situate three and a half miles east of the borough of Huntingdon, and two miles west of Mill Creek Iron Works, will be sold on accomodating terms. About SO Java of this land lies between the turnpike road and the canal, all cleared, is level, under good fence, and now in a good state of cul tivation, the residue is on the north side of the turnpike. about six acres cleared, and at least 50 acres more of excellent quality may be cleared at a small expense, part of which is already partially cleared ; the re mainder is in general well timbered. The improvements are an old one and a half story house with an excellent Well or water near the door, there is also an excellent ap ple orchard and several springs of water on the premises. - - This tract is allowed to be susceptible of being made the handsomest farm in the county, and the situation is in every respect an eligible onr. Possession can be given on the first day of April, or sooner if required. for terms apply to the subscriber in the borough of Huntingdon.. _ JACOB MILLE.R, Feb. 21, 1844. Z3eanaUfta)uu,. The undersigned having purchased the personal property of John M'C oy, of Bargee township, on the 2d February, inst., at Sheriff's sale, and not wishing to remove the same until spring, hereby caution all persons from meddling with or removing the same on account of any liabilities of the said John M'Coy—and, also, give this pub lic notice of their said purchase. The prop erty consists of horses, cows, sheep, hogs, a farm wagon and bed, grain in the ground, household furniture and all the farming u tensils and other moveable property claim ed by said M'Coy, on his premises. J. & J. POTITR. Feb. 21, 1844.—5 t. J. SE‘‘ S I EWART, ATTIAMMT ILANn DUNTINGDON, Pll. Of f ice in Main street, three doors west of Mr. Buoy's Jewelry establishment. February 14, 1843.--tt. Six cents and a Pair of ship pers Reward. Run away from the subscriber living in the town of Warriorsmark, on the 3rd inst. an indented apprentice to the shoemaking business, named Chockfry hoops. Had on when be went away a green coat, with a velvet collar, blue vest, gray pants, boots and a black hat; he is about 18 years old, and five feet seven inches high, all persons are cautioned against harbouring said apprentice. Any person • bringing him back shall receive the above reward bul no charges will be paid. LEVI 11. WILHELM. Feb. 14, 1844. Orphans , Court Notice. To the heirs and legal representatives of Robert Thompson, late of Dublin township, Huntingdon county; deed. Take notice that, at January Term last, a rule was grant ed by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, on you to come into court on the 2nd Monday of April next to shear cause why the real estate should not be sold. JOHN SHAVER, Shrff. Feb. 14, 1844.—5 t STRAY. Came to the roidence of the subscriber in Snyder township, Huntingdon county, nn on the 3d inst a gray mare supposed to be about seven years old, and alma thirteen hands high. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take her away, otheriviseshe will be dispos ed of according to law. JAMES MILLER, Ft-b. 14, 1844. Orphan& Court Ainice. To the heirs and legal representatives of Peter Bowers, late of Woodberry township, Huntingdon county, deed. Take notice that, at January T erm - last, a rule was gran ted by the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, on You to come into court on the ail Monday of April next and accept or refuse the real estate of,said deceased, at the valu ation thereof. • JOHN SHAVER, Shill: Feb. 14, 1844. St Estate of William Falls, late of The Borough of Huntingdon, thceused. I — es Err ERS of administration on the said v-telestate have been granted to the under signed. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those _having claims against it will pre sent them properly authenticated for settle ment without delay, to THEO. H. CREMEII, Atter. Jan. 17, 1844. Huntingdon. JUST RECEIPED t.tr, A SPLENDID assert ac Oa of new and cheap Hi - - 02. - : -: , ,, ilik watches, such as silver f r o c : ) 7 patent . levers , double and ~• :/, „,,,,,: tentstnlte ccl I-pines, ty \,,-} enct, vibrating,tnda lot of se ' coact handed watches, all of which will he sold on the most reasonable terms for cash. A Lso,. An assortment of first quality of gild finger rings, breast pins, silver thimbles, and Loweside patent silver pencils, 20 per cent, lower than they have heretofore been sold. P. S. Persons desirous of purchasing any of the t.bove atticirs will please call and ex amine for themselves. Second handed watch es taken in exchanke at their value. Clock and watch repairing done as usual on the most reasonable tel for cash Also, Gold and Silver Plating done Icy the Gal vanic Process. 1). BUOY. Huntingdon, Jan. 24, 1844. ISAAC rzsmins. ATTORNEY AT LAW • liat AS removed to Huntingdon, with the inten;ion of making it the place of his future residence, and will attend to such legal busi ness as may he entrusted to hitin, • • Dec, 20, 3043. COUNTY APPEALS The Board of Revision for liuntingdon County, hereby give notice to the taxable inhabitants, the owners ai.d agents of real and personal property, taxable for county, state and school purposes,and the innkeepers who have been returned according to law, within the county of Huntingdon, that an appeal for the benefit of all persons interest ' ed, will be held for the several townships within the said county, as For the township of Tyrone at the house of James Crawford, in said township, on Monday the 4th day of March next. • • For the township of Franklin at the house of Geo. W. Mattern, at Colerain Forges, on Tuesday the sth day of March next. For the township of Wat riorsmark at the house of Thomas Wallace, in the town of Warriorsmark on Wednesday the 6th day of March next. For the township of Snyder at. the Bald Eagle school house, in said township, on Thursday the 7th day of March next: For the township of Antes at the house of John Bell, in said, township, on F'riday tho Bth day of March next.. . . For the township of Allegheny at the house of David Black, in said township, On Satur day the 9th day of March next. For the township of Blair at the house or D. H. Moore, in the borough of Hollidays burg, on Monday the 11th day of March next. . For the township of .Frankstown at the house of Mrs Denliuger on Tuesday the 12th day of March text. . . For the township of Huston at the house of Frederick Fouse, in said township,-on Wednesday the 13t h day of March next. For the township of %Vondberry at thC house of Francis M'Coy in the borough of Williamsburg, on Thursday the 14th day of March next. For the township of Morris at the how James M. Kinkead (Yellow Springs) on Fri day the 15th day of March next. • • • Fur the township of Porter at the house of Robert Carman, in the borough of Alexan dria, on Saturday the 16th day of March next. For the township . of West at the house of Mrs. Scullin, in the. borough of Petersburg, on Monday the 18th day of - March next. For the township of Barree. at the . house of James Livingston, in Saulsbrtrg, on Tiies. day the 19th day of March next. }or the township of Henderson at .the Commissioners office, in the borough of AM-, tingdon, on Wednesday the 2Uth day of March next. For the township of Walker at house of Jacob Megahau, m M'Connelistown. on 'Thursday the 21st day of March next. For the township of Hopewell at the house of John B. Given on Friday. the 22t1 day of March next. For the township of Tod at the house of John Henderson on Saturday the 23d day of M,rch next. For the township of Cass at the house of Robert Speer on Monday the 25th day of March next. For the township of Springfield at tits house of George D. Hudson on Tuesday the 26th day of March next. For the township of Cromwell at the house of David Etaire (Orbisonia) on Wednesday the 27th day of March next. For the township of Dublin at the house of John Rupert, at Shade Gap, on Thursday the 26th day of March next. For the township of Tell at the house of Henry Eby on Friday the 29th day of March next. For the township of Shirley at the house of David Freaker, its the borough of Shir leysburg, on Saturday the 30th day of March next. For the township of Union at theuhlic school house, near Hampson's, on Monday the Ist day of April next. When and where all persons who consider themselves aggrievedbythe triennialanos ment or valuation of their property, profes sions, trades and occupations, the offices and . posts of profit any of then) hold, the value of their personal property taxable for coun ty, state or COMMO3 school purposes, the yearly rental of an Inn or tavern any of them occupy, are hereby notified to attend' and state their grievances if they think proper. A LEX ANDER KNOX Jr., JOHN F. MILLER, I Board MORDECAI CHIL,COTE, of JOSEPH ADAMS, revis'u. J IMES GWIN, Feb. 7, 1844. CD CD Catin At the store in Allegheny street, nearly opposite the Washington Hotel," in the borough of Huntingdon.. , The subscriber has - received in addition to his former stock, a splendid assortment of New and Seasonable Merchandize, con sisting of every variety of d'-` y ,<, \ `f DRY Gopm, GROCERIES, g' Clr:)\. - saz) Boots, Shoes, HATS, Acc. &c. The selection has been made with treat care, and will be sold on the most reasonable terms, for cash or country produce,. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine his• stock, feeling confident that his goods cannot fail to please both as to quantity and prices, . • . Thankful to his friends and customers for past favors, he respectfully solicits a contin uance of public patronage: • . , . : .. . . NOTICE,—tell persons indebted to the subscriber for a longer peviod than six months, arc hereby -notified that if their ac counts are not paid forthwith thev,will ; be lett in the hands of the proper, dater for coiLction. Attention to this will save costs. In this step the subscriber is, prompted by a desire to pay hi; creditors. • . . WM. ST EWA RT. Huntingdon, Jan. 10, 1844.-3 t. ....._ ---- , FOR R Kirin • ~ • That large and commodious lupin with threw acres of ground, an excellent orch ard, sundry outbuilil ings, stable &c, there on, situate in the village of .liuoisville, Iluntingtion county, forinerly the rnipertY of Jos. G. Watson. . For terms apply to flit subscriber liiin;; at M'Alavy's. Fort. .. . • D. 5: BELL J 1 .11.. tit