more prosperous than all others. He says further— " I have been freduently asked by well-dressed men, with a knapsack on their back, for money on the road, and of one of thorn I got a deal of infor mation. There is also a custom among the me chanics, when they go from one town to another, and it in &recognized privilege of theirs, from time immemorial to ask assistance from passers by as they travel along, and at the towns they pass through ; and at every town there is a herherge,' as they call it, whore thb master of the inn, has agreed with the guild of that trade to lodge them at a very low rate: so that, when they arrive, they immedi ately ask for the tailor's or shoemaker's, &c., her bergs, and by that means can travel very cheaply.— A very had system, which was originally intended to give them an opportunity of improving them selves in the knowledge of their art, hut it is pecu liarly favorable to vagahondizing. At the moment I am writing this a silk weaver has applied to me for aesistance." Now, I would ask the mechanics of America to look at this account SA given by a free-trade writer, and to say what they would think of such a system introduced here I That you are to make your liv ing by going about the country begging, to that you may be able to make come Now York dandy or southern cotton planter a cheap coat, or a cheap pair of boots, or a cheap hat. And yet you arc ravely told by men calling themselves Democrats, rhat this is the true democratic doctrine. Whether it is so or not I leave you to judge. I now pass on to Austria and Prussia. He says-- wander-schaft system of course prevails there, and most of the trades are supplied by the itinerant journeymen. A carpenter can earn from It. to 18. 6d. and even 18. Bd. per day, millwrights the same. In Northern Prussia, wages are not quite so high. Mechanics earn in towns front Is. 6d. to le. 10d. per day ; shoemakers, tailors, about 18.2 d.; common laborers in towns Is. in sum mer, and 9d. in winter; and in the country from bd. to Bd. Agricultural laborers, besides house rent, fuel, ancrsomethno half an acte of land, earn from bd. to 7d. per day. The food of the working dames in Prussia does materially differ from that of the Austrians, as it is described as follows: In the morning they eat soup, potatoes, or bread; for din ner vegetable or pudding; between dinner and sup per, bread ; supper, potatoes and milk, or soup; once or twice a week meat. In colt! weather, the titan would have a glass of inferior brandy before going to work in the morning. On Sundays, the men would hive a little beer or wine, and the women coffee, of which they are very fond. No wonder! for they don't get it often ! The best artisans are employed in the large towns, are fed and lodged by the masters, and receive from one to two and a half florins weekly, which is of our money from 40 cents I Gen. Irvin's Speech, top per week. When workmen are taken on ex- I In this paper will bo found an extract from one traordinary occasions by the day they receive from of the speeches of Gen. James Irvin on the Tariff 13 to 20 cents, and are fed. Farmers hire their ser vants by the year, feed and lodge them, and give them in the villages from 20 to 40 11c,rins, and in are sorry that we have not room to lay the whole the towns from 20 to 60 florins yearly wages. A speech before our readers. It is hoped that every florin is about 40 cents of our money ; that would I ono into whose hands this paper may fall will read amount from 8 to 16 dollars in the villages, and 20 I the extract attentively. We recommend the whole to 24 in the towns.' !speech (which may be found among the files of One other example and then I am done, for it is siekning to dwell upon it, and I only do it for many prominent newspapers of the summer of 1842) to every Fanner, Manufacturer, Mechanic the purpose of warning the mechanics and laboring and Laborer in the State. Let them read it, and men what their satuntion may be if this free-trade ponder over its contents, and then ask themselves doctrine prevails in this country. They have it in whether Gen. Irvin is not just "Ole ALAN for the their own power to prevent it if they will, but if I TIMES, the MAN fur the PEOPLE, and the MA?, party drill and discipline is to prevail, the time mny for VICTORY!" soon strive when those times will be upon them. . "A poor tailor in Sogua, whose business does not afford him the means, supports by day labor himself, his wife, and eight children, who, on ac count of their youth or attendance at school, can cant little or nothing, that is ten persons without incurring debts and without support of others, ex cept a few articles of clothing which are given them for presents. The work on which he is engaged is chiefly wood cutting and stump grubbing, by which he tams one day with another at the most, 24 kreutaers or 120 Coring per year, which in our money would be 16 cents per day, or 48 dollars per year. These people take in the morning, soup; then the roan goes into the forest, takes with him brandy to the value of 1 cent, and black bread for If cents; and in the evening cups with his family, who, during the day, have had potatoes, or garlic and herbs, or some other vegetable, or pelhaps pota toes again. These people taste meat, at the most, sometimes on Sundays, never wine or beer." There is one advantage in this kind of living, I presume; and that is this, that those who live on such food are not often troubled with dispepsia or gout. d Fatal Duel in Virginia, We learn theta duel was fought on Friday morn ing, about fl o'clock, in Virginia near the Chain Bridge. ne parties were a young lawer,Juiian May, sun of Dr. F. May, and a young student of medi cine, Joseph Cochrane, brother of John T. Coch rane, Esq., disbursing clerk of the War Depart ment—all of Washington city. They fought with rifles at fitly paces, an d upon the first fire, young Cochrane was shot in the forehead, and was, at the last accounts, lying in a farmhouse in the imme diate n"ighborhood, with no Hopes of his recovery. The Washington Standard says:—"' Dr. J. C• Hall hastened to the ground, immediately upon the receipt of thin intelligence, to render his surgical aid to the young unfortunate. Prom the various rumors and reasons afloat in the city on yesterday, in relation to this disastrous affair, we learn that it originated in a quarrel be tween a Mr. Ash, of Philadelphia, HO a Mr. Pool, of Georgia, in which Cochrane and May acted the friends of either party, and that they settled it with- out much difficulty. Growing out of this, a discus sion arose as to the bravery of each ; and, in the Nahum and heat of youth, without pausing to re flect upon consequences, a challenge was passed, a meeting arranged, and above is its lamentable ter- I urination. Thus has a young mar.. jag setting forth in the world. with the brightest prospects, been cut off in the flower of his youth, and the survivor—but we pauses—hfa own feelings and those of his family, Must by this time be sufficiently acute, without ad ding to these any remarks of ours. The survivor and all others, parties in this horrid affair, we trust, will speedily be brought to the bar of justice, to answer fur this trilling with life, and outrage on the law." The National intelligences announces the death cf young Cochrane, on Stinday, at half past h c'el,ck in the morning, seed 18 years. This is the .ing man who was mortally wounded in the re cent duel. What sort of men (2) must the specta ccn seconds have been, who allowed two boys, awl not yet arrived .zt !h, arra.) La a rwr.s.l st,tulet 7 fall, shivered to atoms by the solid, well-meant blows I Trial of Christiana Gilmour. of powerful men, whose nerves are braced by Truth, It will be recollected that this lady was epprelien whose only stimulant is Nature's beverage. A dcd in the United States, on a charge of murder, great many Ladies adorned the crowded house, ap- and brought back to Scotland for trial. At the proving by their smiles, cheering by their presence High Court of Edinburg, on Friday, she was tried and expressing by their animated countenances, for the murder of John Gilmour, her husband, at their interest and desire that the Temperance cause Inchinnan, in January, 1843. Mrs. Gilmour was should flow on like a mighty flood sweeping all op- the first person surrendered on n crimnal charge by position down, leaving blessings in its track. i the United States, under the Ashburton Treaty.— j, co. Her appearance is attractive, her bearing decorous. She was the daughter of Mr. Cochrane, a substrin- For the "Journal." tial farmer of Ayrshire; and her husband was the To the Chairman of the (SO CALLED) Demo- son of a neighbor in a similar condition of life.— cratic Association which met at the House of She was about 23 years old at the time of her mar _ - C. Costs, on the evening. of the 2d inst. riage; her husband about thirty. An attachment Sir:—The undersigned perceiving our names (Z•~V. B. PALMER, Esq. (No. 59, Pine street had Leen formed five years before, between Chris below Third, Philadelphia,) i s au th or i ze d t o ac t as I published in the "Globe" as members of a Commit- l itana and John Anderson, another neighbor; but advertisements. Agent for this paper, to procure subscriptions and tee to draft Freebie and Resolutions for the govern the girl was obliged by her parents to marry Gil - merit of said Association, beg leave to decline any I tour. The Glasgow Saturday Post says, on " un such honors coming from a source so doubtful in questionable authority, that though they lived to The Huntingdon iTournal has a . ta Political character; and ask to have this paper - gether for six weeks and regularly retired to the larger circulation than any other P , y . placed upon your minutes, and published, so that Newspaper in Huntingdon count same bed-room, Mrs. Gilmour never undressed du- We state this fact for the benefit of I our withdrawal may be made as public as our ap- r i ng the whole dine At the trial it woo stated that Advertisers. _ pointment. they lived unhapily together. In a declaration which she had made, Mrs. Gilmour said that she was upbraided by her husband, while he was lying ill, with having broken his heart; to which she re plied that be had already broken hers, that he was not her choice, and that she could never feel towards him as a wife should feel towards a husband. Such were the circumstances under which six weeks after their marriage, Gilmour fell ill, with all the symp toms of having been poisoned by arsenic, end died; it was proved that a post mortem examination of his remains detected the presence of arsenic ; and that his wife had purchased some. On the other hand it was made clear that arse- SENATORIAL. nic was habitually used nt their farm for the destruc t. Philadelphia city—Joseph R. Chandler, Chas. . Gibbon.. tion of rats; that Mrs. Gilmour attended her hus 2. Philadelphia county—Wm. G. Smith, Francis band sedulously during his illness, made no opposi- E. Brady, James Clark. lion to calling in medical advice, end, in short, 4. Chester nod Delaware—Townsend Haines. showed no evidences of conscious guilt and no desire 5. Berke—David F. Gordan. 8. Bucks—John E. Kenderdine. for concealment, she herself wished the authorities 7. Lancaster and Lebanon—John Shaffner, of I to unbury the body. In a letter which she wrote to Lancaster, Jacob Grove, of Lebanon. ! Anderson, after Gilmour's death, but before she 8. Schuylkill, Carbon, Monroe, &c.---Jacob went to A merica, she complained that she was sent Hammer. away, though she did not say by whom ; she said 9. Lehigh and Northampton—Hon. Jos. Sager. 11. Bradford and Tioga—H. W. Patrick. I that otherwise she would have staid "till all was 12. Lycoming, Clinton, and Centre--Levi A. settled about John Gilmour's death;" and admitted 1 Mackey, of Clinton. that she had bought arsenic, but to take it herself. 13. Luxerne and Columbia—Amos Sisty. In her declaration, she said that she bought it for 14. Northumberland and Dauphin—Benjamin Musser. poisoning rats. These were the principal points of 15. Mifflin, Juniata, and Union—David Candor, i . the ',evidence on both sides. The jury returned a of Mifflin, verdict of "Not proven ;" which was greeted by I 18. Franklin and Adams—Capt. George Jarret. 19. Huntingdon and Bedford—Samuel Calvin. applause in court 20. Clearfield, Indiana, Cambria, and Armstrong —Benjamin Hartshorn. 21. Westmoreland and Somerset—Colonel J. R. Eddy \ •t( THE HUNTINGDON JOURNAL, 'One country, one constitution, one destiny." LEau.a awl a lxi FiTda cr)m, Wednesday morning, Feb. 28,1844, Once more our glorious Banner out Upon the breeze we throw; Beneath its folds, with song and shout, Let's charge upon the foe!" FOR PRESIDENT, HENRY' CLAY, OF KENTUCKY FOR VICE PRESIDENT, HARMAII DENNY, OF PENNSYLVANIA. (Subject to the decision of a National Covention.) FOR GOVERNOR, GEN. ZAMES OF CENTRE COUNTY. (Subject to the decision of a State Convention.) ( c)- Gen. Jemts Invnr will please accept our thanks for valuable Congressional documents. GEO. Mur.urr, Esq., the State Senate, and Messrs. DIA; R and M'Wrz.LiAXS, of the House of Rep- resentatives, have also favored us with important public documents. If any one entertains doubts as to the competency of Gen. Irvin to discharge the duties of Governor of the Commonwealth, let him read his speeches, and those doubts must [vanish like the mibts of morning before the summer sunbeams. Pacts about New Counties. Four or five years ago the Legislature erected the county of Clinton, to satisfy the Lock Haven Lor en, A comparison between that county and our own will serve to show the coot of 'new counties to the people. The expenses incurred in carrying on the affairs of small counties, whether old or new, are always higher in proportion than those of larger counties. It appears front the census of 1840 that there were at that ante 35,483 inhabitants in Huntingdon county, and 8,323 in Clinton. The published statements of the county commis sioner's show that in the year 1843 the tax levied, for county purposes, in Huntingdon county was $15,568 31, and in Clinton county $12,437 66. A rough calculation shows that the tax in Hun tingdon county is about 44 cents to each inhabi tant, while in the smaller county of Clinton it is about $1 50 to each inhabitant. It is apparent that the taxes in the small county are more than three times as high as those in the larger. Will the people look into this matter before they ask for new counties I 6:,:j" Ex-Senator James ilathers, Esq. has been appointed to represent Juniata county in the 4th of March Convention. He is in favor of General hymn. David Candor, BIT, is the Senatorial Del egate for Mifflin, Juniata &c., also for Irvin. For the "Journal." Washingtonian Lecture No. 8.. Last Saturday evening the people of Huntingdon were delightfully entertained and instructed by Lec ture No. 8, in course, delivered by GEOUGE TAT- Lon, Eoq Hid subject, " The responsibility of the Liquor Seller." was handled beautifully and forcibly. His arguments brought conviction, so that every one who heard him, must believe that liquor sellers, as such never do one particle of good to society, never aid in the support and welfare of the community, ne ver benefit any person but themselves! He distictly showed by proofs and , xamplcs cited, that the liquor sellers were the cause, directly or indirectly, of of least two thirds of the crimes which flood our land, and that, hi very deed and fact, they were murderers !—in this enlightened age, with the truth before them, murderers with malice aforethought! Ho referred to the startling fact, that within the loot forty years, in the town of Huntingdon, sixty five drunkards, have been laid in drunkards graves, whom blood mutt and will rest on those who sold them thedietilled poison. Many ouch advocates at Mr. Taylor aro enlisted in the "cold water army," and while they continuo to wield their Herculean clubs, the ranks of the enemy thel be beaton down. rrUcrs, bars and bottles must trembling SAMUEL POLLITT, A. L. DE PFENBACOER, WILLIAM DRENNEN, DAVID BLACK, Huntingdon, Feb. 26, 1844. Delegates to the 4th cf IViarch Har rison state Convention. We have been at some pains and trouble to col- f lect the names of the Delegates so far as they have been appointed to the 4th of March Convention.— The list is not complete, there being some twenty 1 Delegates yet to be chosen.—Pa. Telegraph. 1 22• Fayette and Greene—A. G. Allison. 24. Allegheny and Butler—John Gilmore. 26. Beaver and Mercer—William Stewart. 27. Erie—Elijah Babbitt. 29. Warren, JelTerson, Clarion, M'Kean, and Potter—George Means. REPRESENTATIVE. Adams—A. R. Stevenson. Alleglieny—C. Darrell, M. Hampton, R.'S. Cas sat, T. H. Stewart, Gen. Win. Marko. Armstrong—David Leech. Bedford—John Metzger, William Bishop. Berks—Michael Beard, Henry Binkley, Mark B. Eckert, David E. Stout. Bradford—John Hanson, J. N. Weston. ~ -... Bucks—Abraham Reifl; Samuel M. Hough, Geo. W. South. Butler—Samuel A. l'urviance. Cambria—John Fenton. Chester--U. V. Pennypacker, John Cornog, Dr. Gardner. Columbia--James Covenhoven. Cumberland--James Kennedy, George Brindle. Dauphin—A. G. Heisler, John Adams Fisher. Erie—James D. Dunlap, David A, Gould. Franklin—Thomas 0. M'Culloh, Jos. Snively. Fayette—Samuel .1. Krcpps, John Collins. Greene—William Crawford. Ifuntingdon--A. K. Cornyn, Dr. Alexander Mammy. Indiana—James Taylor. Jefferson, Clarion, and Venango—Samuel Wil son, of Clarion, Samuel 11. Lucas of Jefferson. Juniata and Union--James Mothers, M. H. Weaver. Lebanon—A. P. Hibshman. Lancaster—Joseph Konigmacher, Abrm N. Cas sel, Jacob 0. Shuman, Solomon Diller. Lycoming, Clinton, and Potter—John Knox, of Lycoming, Robert Irwin, of Clinton. Lehigh and Carbon—Reuben Strauss, of Lehigh. Lucerne—Chester Butler, John J. Slocum. Mercer—E. Sankey, James M'Kean. Milllin—Colonel William Butler. Monroe and Northampton—Alex. E. Brown, John 11. Keller. Northumberland—James Pollock. Philadelphia city—Wm. B. Reed, 0. R. Smith, G. W. M'Mahan, Robert T. Conrad, Samuel C. Morton. Philadelphia county—James M. Moore, Thom. J. Watson, John 11. Wither, Bela Badger, Samuel M. Fate, Daniel Fitter, Thomas W. Duffield, jr., Samuel Culp. Schuylkill—John C. Neville, Israel Reinhart. Somerset—Colonel A. .1. Ogle. Warren, M'Kean, and Elk—Thomas Struthers. Westmoreland—Captain James Nichols, Dr. B. R. Marchand, Capt. Benjamin Hill. York—Dr. Alexander Hay, Captain Adam Bon, Kirk. The New Haven Courier of Tuesday, re lates the particulars of a most dreadful occurrence at Bethany, a few days since. The dwelling house of Dr. Lucien Spencer was discovered to be on fire about midnight, and Mrs. Spencer catching up her two youngest children, succeeded, with Dr. Spen cer, in making her way out of the homing tene ment. The screams of her other two children, who were still in their room, reached them where they stood, and Dr. Spencer, almost to a state of frenzy, dashed into the flame to save them—hut was him self consumed with them. A portion of the remain~ of Di. S. and one child have been recovered from the burning ruins, but of the other child no vestige remained. Madame Cetiline has addressed a letter to a I.eipsic Journal, denying emphatically the report that she is dead. She asks pathetically "What have I done to the Gorman Press, that they have now, for the fourth time, killed me ?" She adds, that at the age of 64, aho still retains good health, and lives in quiet retirement. Her letter is very plea- santly wrist on. The Murder Case, The Phila. U. S. Gazette of the 21st says: A boy about 15 years of age, named Gotleib Williams Jr., was yesterday taken into custody and brought to the Mayor's office, about 3 o'clock in the after noon, on a charge of killing a boy somewhat older than himself, named Peter Dcescher, by stabbing him in the back or side wills a butcher knife, in the High street market, near Second street. It appears that Williams was left by his father, Gotleib Williams, who is a pork butcher, to take charge of his stall. During his father's absence, he had a fight with the other boy. Scveial persons who were eye witnesses to the whole transaction, testified that after they had ceased lighting, some words passed between them ; Drescher then struck the prisoner in the face, when the latter ran to a stall, about eight feet distant from where they had I been standing, and taking up the knife, rushed up on his assailant, and inflicted the deadly wound.— The deceased was taken into a drug store, on the south side of Market street, where lie shortly after wards died. The prisoner was then brought to the Mayor's office, where a lengthy investigation of the facts of the case took place; after which he was committed for a further hearing this morning at 11 o'clock. The body of Drescher was conveyed to his place of residence in Third street, near Brown. The Coroner to-day will hold an inquest—having been prevented from doing so yesterday, from the atten dance of the witnesses at the hearing at the May or's office. Further (fearing of Goileib IVillionts, Jr.,— The Mayor at 11 o'clock on Wednesday, continued the hearing of Gotloib Williams, Jr., charged with the wilful murder of Peter Doescher. Alexander S. Rutherford testified that he saw the beginning of the affray. He says that Williams attemped to take some candy from the table of the deceased, when the deceased resisted, and the fight ensued as related in the paper yesterday. J. F. Hight testi. lied chat he thought Williams was going after a knife when he started, and he did not stop him, for fear he would stab him, as they were not friends.— The knife was taken from the stall with blood on it, by George noes, sobs gave it to one dale Mayor's officers, sod it was taken by him to the Mayor's office. Williams was committed (the Mayor decli ning to take bail) for further hearing. o — j - The last doubt removed!— ELlZA§irrwrow Iv, N.J., Feb. 20, 1843. About two months ago I was seized with a vio lent Cold, which soon caused raising of blood. I tried varioun remedies, but none did any good; but, on the contrary, nay Cough increased, and it was feared it would result in Consumption. Hy acci dent, Dr. Wistar's Funnily Medicine Guide met my eye, which recommended !Jul..' of Wild Cherry. I purchased a bottle, used it, and in one week ceased raising blood—my Cough entirely disappeared, and my health was completely restored, enabling me to attend to my business no usual. JAMES W. WOODRUFF. We, the undersigned, are acquainted with Mr. J. Woodruff, and can assure all who do riot know him that his statement is entitled to full credit. 'Where he is known his word needo not our endorsement. A PPOLLOS M. ELMER, J. P., for the county of Essex, N. J. ELIAS WINAN, J. P. for borough of Elizabethtown, N. J. For male by Them. Read, Huntingdon and Jumeß Orr, Hollidaysburg, Temperance Meeting. The Wattlangtonian Temperance Society will meet at the Uhf Court House, as usual, on Satur day evening next. A Lecture will be delivered by J. H. Oasis.. Subject—Revolutions. G. ARMITAGE MILLER, .Sec. February 29, 19,11. t~:aF,,:til.~D, On the 22nd inst., by the Rev. H. G. Dill, Mr. ift COB SN YDER to Miss MARGARET SCHRINER, all of this borough. We " Printers" are the luckiest fellows in all this region.. -.014 weddings are as plenty as black-birds in Harvest—and we are not forgotten,. we on almost every occasion receive an abundant share of deli cious cake. The above HAITI' rain have the sin cere thanks of all hands in the office, for the share we received from them. " May their habitation ever be as a hoover of roses, where gentle doves nestle, and where the sun-beams play eternally in the dew drops of Heaven. And yet further, may they and their descendants glide happily down the stream of time into the vast ocean of eternity, ripo with years, full of honors, and crowned with the pleasing hopes of n blessed immortality." We further say with another:— "As Hymen has join'd them for better for wows May peace, plenty and happiness be their worst curse,— May they live and enjoy the sweet comforts of life, Be he a kind husband and she a fond wife." PRINTER'S DEVIL. On the 20th inst. by the Caine, Mr. SAMUEL MOSSER to Miss RUTH TULLY, both of Hun tingdon county. On the game day by the same, Mr. JOHN 11. AUGHT to Mies MARY CODER, both of Hun. tingdon county. On tho 12th inst., in Philadelphia, by the Rev. Thomas H. Quinan, Maj. WM. WILLIAMS, of Hollidaysburg, to Miss JEANNETTE J. QUIN AN of Philadelphia. On Thursday, the 20th inst. by the Rev. A. K. Dell, Mr. ANDREW MORGAN, of Woodherry township, to Miss MARY ANNE RHODE, of Prankstown township. z:mn, On Sunday, the 18th inat., WAY ANNE, in. font daughter of David and Mary Cole, of Dun. canaille, aged 1 year and 25 day. On Wednesday, the 21st inst., in Barree town ship, Huntingdon county, after a lingering illness of six months, NANCY HENRY, aged 45 years, 8 months and 16 days. POR SALE. One Mol,x and three horse teams. whh or without harness; waggons &c. now at Mill Creek Furnace, Apply to the subscriber in the vicinity of-Huntingdon. Thu. M'CAHAIV. - We. undcrsi , ined, citize . nsOrthe biiteugh of Iluntindun, du certify that we are %?€l - 1 acquainted with Alexander Cullm, the above and foregoing petition. er, that he is a man of good repute For honesty and temperance; Iftat he is well provided with house room and cOnveni , epees for the accommodation of strangers and travellers, and that such inn or tavern as applied for by him and proposed to be kept is necessary to accommodate the' public and entertain strangers and tray , ellers. Feb. 28, 1844. I %Y. S. Hildebrand, Fcl 28,1R44, GEORGE TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Attends to practice hi the Orphans' Court, Stating Adnun'stration accounts, &livening. &c.—Office in Hill street, 3 dents East of T. Read's Drug Store. . . _ Z3Qzi.m.Gz. Came to the residence of the subscriber in liarree township, in July last, three steers, yne red and the other two brindle, with a piece of their right ears cut cff, supposed to be three years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay char ges and take them away, otherwise they will be disposed of according to law Feb. 28, 1844. REUBEN .I).UFF Cheap, Cheap Rarity§ are. Country merchants who wish to buy Hardware cheap, will please recollect Bumblers' Hardware Establishment, No 195 M.oket !-Armet, 2 doors below Silt street, North side, next door to Slum.' Hood & co. where they offer for sale Anvils, Vices, Steel of all kinds. Mill and Cross-cut Saws, and Scythes, with a general assortment of Hard care, cheap for cash or approved city acceptance. N. B. Look out for the red lettered Mill Saw._ MARTIN BUEHLER << BROTHER, No. 195, Market at., Philadelphia. Feb. 28, 1844.-2 mo, Music and Engravings. Large quantity of the latest fashiona ble and powilar music., consisting of WALTZES, MARCHES, COVVILLIONS, QUAD RILLES, SONGS, BALLADS, and 80771 e of the latest Mthiopian Melodies,. arranged for the Plano Forte, anti other in struments. Also, a lot of splendid Engravings, just received and will be sold cheap for CASH, by the subscriber at 1), Buoy's Jewelry Es tablishment, in iltuainOon, Feb. 28, 1844. 11. K. NEFF, Real Estate tbr sate. The subscriber cffers for sale on reasona ble terms, that valuable farm, whereon he now resides, in Cromwell township, Hun tingdon county, containing ae.a3. ACRES, of first rate Lino stone land, with about 100 acres cleared, about 3 of which i.;',11,0 0 , all in a gOO,l state of cold vati on, with if good selection of fruit trees, such as A pple, Peach, Pear, :trid Plumb of di Ifereht kinds, and sel di.m I ills in la r ring. The above is well fru proved—therereut erected a good Stone House , ou I two st.,ri,s high, stone ki:clien. well indshed, and a Carpenter shop—st never failing stream of water •+t the door, and spring-house, with a large frame baok bars, 75 by 40 feet, well finished, a wagon shed and corn cribs at tached thereto, and other necessary out buildings. The above is Patented. ALSO, 175 acres olgood land, with a hewed log house two stories high, and a mall cabin barn, with about 6 acres of Meadow, about the same of op land cleared thereon, the rem:doc:r well timbered—the same being surveyed in 1767 t,u a warrant, and the purchase money paid. Any persons desirous of purchasing, will please call and examine for themselves.— Possession can be given on the first of April next, or :it any time to suit the purchaser or purchasers. DANIEL TEAGUE Fehronry 28, 1844.-1 rno, L4\ NK. lit NDS to Constables for 'Amy 44 of Execution, under the new law, just lu intvd, anti for sale, at this unite, TAVERN NOTICES. To the Honorable; (he Judges of the Court of Qdarter Sesttions of the Peace in and for the cutihty of Huntingdon. The petition of Josrph Forrest respect fully showeth,that he has I voted the public house at the Warm Springs, Henderson tp., where he is desirous of keeping an Inn— that he is well provided uith Louse room and conveniences Inc the accommndutimti of strangers and travellers. He there fore prays your honors to grant hint a li cense fur that purpose, and he will . pray, &e. JOSEPH FORREST, We, the subscribers, citizens of the township of Henderson, do certify that the tavern above mentioned and proposed its be kept I/Joseph Forrest; is necessary to accommodate the public and enteitain strangers and travellers—and that the above petitioner is a man of good 'rut: puts for honesty and temperance, ail!' is well provided with house rutin) and con.; veniences for the accommodation of strati gersand travellt rs. A. It. Blown, John Heckel', Sr.,. Alexander P, t, James Hight, B. Elliot Nliller, India Shoemaker, W. B. IVhite, Samuel Shoemaker, John I light, - Jacob ;Vliller. Wni. Dreanen, John Muller, Sr., Thoslin Feb 28, 1814. To the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace for the county Or Ifuntingdon... •-• The petition of Alexander Car mon re spectfully represents, that he is furnished with every necessary for the accoramoda tion ol stranu,ers and travellers, and for keeping a house of public entertainment at iiis old stand in the borough of Hunt ingdon, and is desirous 01 having a con tinuation oh his t.,Veto license for the ensuing year. He therefore prays your honours to grant him a license to keep an inn or tavern, and he will pray, 4.c. A LEVIt CARMON. Woi. steeF, C. Coots, Da% itl CUlestock. Geo. A. Steel, , &toil Steel, . Eliezer Cox. Frederick Krell, Martin C;ratiti2, Hobert Stitt, NVilliam Couch, Beni'm Armitage, Feb. 28, 1847/ Farm for Sale. MAME subscriher offers for sale the first 4,11 rate tract of land, situate is township, Huntingdon county, containing • M U 4 (2E0133 0 89 Perches, and allowance—between 50 and 60 acres cleared-15 or 20 acres, good mea dow land, and 20 acres in clover—the re mainder well timbered, and would make, good tarm land if cleared. With agood two story log ;ill Dwelling House, LOG BARN, and two never failing springs of water near the door. Also a good bear ing Apple Orchard thereon, with other good advantages. If the above property he not disposed oft, at private sale before the 22d day of March,, it will be offered at public sale, on that day. An indisputable title will b. given. MARK WACHOII.. February 28, 1844.—t5. :=%._vaataa