dalyll.o.l. HF\TINGDO'N jOL.:;iiN.AL, Debottll to enteral iintelltgettte, trbertiotttg, Volittco, Attcratttre, Otoratttg, Otrto, Actencto, Ogrtculture, etutitormeitt, *cc., Sic. •u7aDa. e:Do erviusium EY THEODORE 11, CREMER. '...L 4 aiocraLoaczic. The “Joctivat." will be pubhehed every Wed nesday morning, at $2 00 a year, if ptiid in advance, and if not paid within six months, $2 50. No subscription received for a shorter period than sits months, nor any ptipe . r diecdtitinited till all ar: ?mirages are paid. • Advertisements not exceeding one sqUare, will bi inserted three times for $1 00, and for every subse quent insertion 25 cents. If no definite orders are given as tothe time an advertisement is to be continu ed, it will be ititit ill till Ordered out, and charged ac cordingly: BANK NOTE LIST Rates of Discount in Philadelphia. Eanks in Philadelphia, flank of North America - • of the Northern LibertZei lank of, Penn Township - ;omthetcialßank of Penn'a. farmers' & Mechanics' bank - - jar Kensington bank - par Schuylkill batik - - - - par Mechanics' hank • - - - par Philadelphia bank - par Southwark bank- - • ‘Vestern hack- - - par • Moyamensing bank . - - - - par ManufactOrers' and Mechanics' bank par ank of Pennsylvania - - - par Bank hank. - - - - 10 ank of the United States - 22 Country Banks; Bank of Chester co. Westchrster par Bank of Delaware co. Chester par Bank of Germantown OermantoWn par Bank of Montg'ry co. Norristown par Doylestown bank Doylestown par Easton Bank Elston par Farmerebk of Bucks co. Bristol par Bank of Northumbrrl'd Northumberland par Honesdale bank Honesdale .. 14 Farmers' bk of Lane: Lancaster 16 tancaiter. bank Lancaster i ancaster county bank Lancaster / Batik of Pittsburg Pittsburg t Merclets' tk Manuf. bk. Pittsburg i Exchange bank Pittsburg 6 ,_ Do. do. branch of HollidaysbUrg 6 Col'a bk lk bridge CO. Columbia i rranklin bank Washington 16 Monongahela bk of A. Brownsville . 16 Patine& bk of Reading Reading i Lebanon bank Lebanon 1 Bank of Middletown Middletown 1 Carlisle bank Carlisle 1 Erie bank 3 . ... . __. . —._. ......._ Bank of Chamliei4bUrg Chambersbfirg 1 Bank of Gettysburg Gettysburg 1 York bank York 1 Harrisburg bank Harrisburg 1 Miners' bk of Pottsville Pottsville 14 Il.tuk of Susquehanna no. Montrose 35 Farmers' & Drovers' Lk Wayneslinrongli 3 Bank of Lewistown lewistown ..... 2 Wyoming bank Wilkesbarre Northampton bank Allentown no sale Berk% county bank Reading no sale West Branch bai.k Williamsport 7 Towanda baik Towanda no sale Rates of Relief Notes. 14nrtli?rn Liberties, Delaware County, Far mers' Bank of Burks, Germantown par All others 2 FRANKLIN HOUSE, Illantingdon, Pennsylvania. CHBViTIAN GOUT'S, MOULD most respectfully inform the citizens of this county, the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular, that he has leased for a term of years, that large and commodious building on the Vest end of the Diamond, to the bo rough of Huntingdon, formerly kept by An drew 11. Hirst, which he has opened and furnished as a Public. House, where every attention that will minister to the comfort and convenience of guests will always he found. U4=115)11(6% will at all times be abundantly supplied with the best, to be had in the country. zcsa6o will be furnished with the best of Liquors, peal Ills ST.IIELLIG is the very hest in the borough, and will always be attended by the most trusty, at tentive and experienced ostl-rs. Mr. Couts pledges himself to make every exertion to render the " Franklin House" a home to all who may favor hum with a call. Thankful to his old customers for past favors, .he respectfully solicits a continuance of their Custom. Boarders, by the year, month, or week, will be taken on reasonable terms. Huntingdon, Nov. 8. 1843. e HAIRS ! CHAIRS ! ! he subscriber is now prepared to furnish •every description of CHAIRS, from the plain kitchen to the most splendid and fash ionable one for the parlor. Also the LUXURIOUS AND EASY CHAIR Fol? THE INVALID, n which the feeble and af licted invalid, though unable to walk even with the aid of crutches, may with ease move himself from room to room, through the garden and in the street, with great rapidity. Those who are about going to housekeep ing, will find it to their advantage to give him a call, whilst the Student and Gentle man of leisure are sure to Had in his newly invented Revolving Chair, that comfort which no other article of the kind is capable of affording. Country merchants and ship pers can be supplied with any quantity at short notice. ABRAHAM McDONOUGH, No. 113 South Second street, two doors below Dock, Philadelphia. May 31, 1843, --.1 yr. ZPw.. O tM 9 UE34.1.Ci4 COME THIS WAY! ZXTENEirt7iI C Etriqage Olanufactory HENRY SMITH r abs citizens ilbla of the borough and enmity of Hunting don, the public generally, and his old friends and customers in particular. that he still continues the Conch iilaking Business in all its various branches,at his old stand,in Main street in the borrugh of Huntingdon, nearly oppo,ite the 'Journal' printing office, where he has constantly on hand every description of Coaches, Carriages, r :1"4 Buggies, Sleighs .• ~ac. Dearbarns, wmch h e ) will sell low for cash or on reason able terns. _ _ All kinds of wnt in his line made to Or- Jer, on the shortest notice, in a wonkmAALIKE MANNER And all kinds of repairing done with neat less and despatch: Country produee will be taken in exchange for wet k. . Any persons wishing to purchase are re spectfully invited to call rod examine and judge for thernselVes.. Huntingdon. Nov. 29, 1843. SMOKERS, Tills WAY! Cheap for Cash; The subscriber has just received a large and well assorted lot of srgars, which he of fers for sale at the Following prices. Cuba egars iii boxes Containing 150 each, $1 25 per boZ. lialfSpanish in boxes containing ISO each, 50 cents per box: Half Spanish per thousand. $1 75 Common do. - $1 50 and $1 00 rr•The ahotc prices are so low that the subscriber can sell for cash only. T. K. SIMONTON: Huntingdon, Oct. I I.—tf 110 Vr 4 EGS to inform the inhabttants of Hun tingdon and its vicinity, that he has commenced the business of light and heavy wagon making, and every kind of vehicle re pairing. Having learnt his trade in England, he is prepared to furnish either the English or American style of wagons, and hopes by diligence and attention to merit a share of public patronage. N. a Shop near to Mr. J. Houck's black smith shop. Huntingdon, April 19,1843.-Iy. 00 ..r# 303Eft.00 JACOB SNYDER qui KSPEGTFULLY informs the citizens of Huntingdon; and the public, in gen eral, that he continues the Tailoring usiness, at the shop lately occupied by Wm. Fahs, now deceased, in Main street; in the bo rough of Huntingdon, in the brick house immediately opposite the store of Thomas Read. where he is hilly prepared and ready to accommodate all, who may favor him with a call. He receives, regularly, from New York, Scott's „Mew York, Paris and London FASHIONS; and he is dote rinined to employ none hut the best and most expetienced workmen; and he guarantees to execute all orders in his line in the most fashionable and win kman like manner, or according to the wishes and orders of customers. . By strict attention to business, he hopes to co!ita . m a share c f public patronage. I Jan. 17, 1844. 0:7 - HARDY & HACKERS _LA Wholesale Dealers in Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods, No. 46 North Sec 1 S e ee' , - (A few doors South of Arch,) PH IL ADELPIIIA. WOULD respectfully invite the atten tion of country buyers to their large assortment of goods suited to the season. Thry have on hand a large stnck of For eign end Domestic gor.ds, laid in at lower prices than they can now be had, and are prepared to offer inducements to the trade. We solicit a call from buyers before peer purchasing elsewhere, as we arc satisfied that the prices at which we can offer our goods cannot fail to give satisfaction. Philad. Jan. 17,1844.-3 m. Estate of Alexander Templeton, late of Tyrone tp. Ituntingdon co., deceased. NirtmcE is hereby given that letters of i administration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All pet sons having claims or demands against the same are requested to make them known without delay, and all persons indebted to make immediate payment to DAVID 1 EMPLETON, Adm'r. Jan 17, 1844.—pd. Tyrone tp Job Printing. NE‘TLY EXECUrEI) LIT TiTIV OFFICE. EXTRACT FROM THE SPEECH GEN. JAMES IRVIN, of Pa., In favor of the Tariff Bill reported by the Com mittee of Ways and Mane. Deliverned in the Home of Repreaentativee of the United States, July I 1 th 1842. Mr. IRVIN rose and addressed the Chair as follows: Mr. CRAinmAs :—For a person, unaccustomed to public speaking as I am, to attempt to deliver his views before persons of talents and eloquence, re quires rather more assurance than I am possessed Of, and, as evidence of the fact, I have hitherto kept silent during the whole session; but this subject be ing of vast importance, not only to my own parti cular district, but also to the State I in part repre sent, I feel compelled to make some remarks on this all-important and exciting question. The district' represent is an agricultural, as well as a manufac turing district, and although surrounded by moun tains on all sides, it produces more cereal grains, as appears from the statistics now published, than several of the Staten of the Union which are consid ered as being agricultural; it also produces nearly One-tenth of all the pig metal and bar iron produ ced in the United States. This, sir, accounts for the great interest which is felt in the adjustment of this question by all parties and all classes; there is no conflicting interest there between the agricultu rist and the manufacturer, each considers himself bencfitted by the prosperity of his neighbor, and when manufacturers prosper, agriculture also flour ishes. Mr. Chairman, the proposition now before the committee is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from Massachusetts, the chairman of the Committee on ManufactUres, to substitute the bill, as reported by the Committee on Manufactures, in place of the bill reported by the Committee of Ways and Means. Sir, I prefer the bill from the Com mittee of Ways and Means, with some amendment., for the following reasons :—lst. Because it produces more revenue, which the Government requires.- 2dly. Because it incidentally protects some of the great and leading interests of the country better; and 3dly. It being a revenue bill, will be likely to find more favor with . tluise Who are opposed to the protective policy. I have not gone into a thorough examination of all its details, but, from a comparison I have made on the articles of hammered, rolled; shect, hoop, and pig iron, and steel, ao imported under what is called the high duties of 1831, 1832, and 1833, with about tho same amount imported under the reduced duties of 1838, 1839, and 1840, I find in the three first years there were collected and paid into the Treasury, the following sums, to wit t In 1831, $1,515,516, in 1832, $1,915,947, in 1833, $1,588,852, making the sum of $5,020,315; and in the year 1838 the amount received, after allowing for drawbacks on railroad iron wag $559,264, m 1839, $1,610,996, in 1840, $712,631, making the sum of $2,882,891, being a difference in three years of $2,137,424, or an average of $712,441 per year, fully establishing the fact that an increase of duties on these articles will increase the revenue. lam also borne out in this view of the ease by a gentle man of very high authority, and whose views have been frequently referred to of late by members of the free-trade party on this floor, and strongs appeals I made to have them carried out by the American Congress—l allude to Sir Robert Peel. In his speech, on the introduction of ills new tariff as it is called he makes the following statement, which I take the liberty of reading to this committee.— [a:7. Mr. IRVIN here read an extract from the speech of Sir Robert Peel, which shows that a re duction of duties is followed by a corresponding re duction of revenue.] Now, sir, I trust, after the experience of Sir Robert Peel, that our anti-tariff friends will not insist so strongly as they have been doing that the true way to increase the revenue Was to diminish duties, but that they will come forward generously and vote for such duties as will raise the most revenue, which they have generally said they were Willing to do,— There is another reason why iron may pay a toler able high duty without any danger of injuring the revenue; and that is on account of the difficulty of smuggling it. Some gentlemen who have spoken on this subject have expressed great fears on this account, that if you lay high duties it would en courage smuggling and thereby destroy revenue ; but, as regards iron, they need be under no appre hensions, as it would be rather difficult to hide away bars of iron or pigs; so that I flatter myself that, on this account, if no other, there will be a disposition to put one fair duty. But, sir, although lam more directly interested, as a citizen of Pennsylvania, in encouraging the two important articles of iron and coal, both being great staples of our State, and through them to ported the agricultural portion of the people, by furnishing them a home market, at fair prices, for a groat amount of their surplus pro duction., yet I have no selfishness on this subject, I go for protecting the labor of the whole country wherever it may ho required, whether in the wool growing States of New York, Vermont, or Ohio, the cotton and woollen manufacturers of Massachu setts, the salt makers of Virginia and other States, the cotten planters of the South, tho sugar raisers in Louisiana, or the hemp-growers of Kentucky; all are alike to mc, and the labor of all shall be fairly protected so far as my vote contributes towards it. I do not view it as a sectional question at all, but as the great American ration of taking rare of our labor in preference to that of foreign countries, and I Their calculation was to make metal at about $lO iat least--are to he operated on, and to give them as such shall stand by it to the lust. per ton, but, after spending about one hundred thou- the alarm in time; for I solemnly believe that the Mr. Chairman, notwithstanding the great interest sand dollars, and making a few hundred tons of iron, object is to reduce labor in this country to the eon. I feel in this question, I had determined, on the lit Was abandoned. Another concem, located in the standard as in foreign countries. commencement of this debate, not to take any part district, I represent, made calculations of a similar'. The first fact I would state its regards labor is in it, or to consume the time of the committee one kind, but, after spending neer h a lf a m illi on o f dot- taken front a report of the board of ordinance ofli moment, believing that action was what the people tars, they found that the metal cost more than it I tern, s e t a to Europe in 1840, by the Secretary of wanted, not talking, and that I would be promoting would sell for; and that concern liar also been aban- i w ar i the interests of my constituents by a silent vote; but Boned. But these calculations and failures are not about the Aker state that common laborers employed he Aker fornace, in Sweden, waive from 20 there have been some remarks made within the last I confined to stir particular region, rind lam some-I to 30 cents per dee ; and a team of ties horeeS, few days by some gentlemen on this floor, which I what astonished that the Southern gentlemen seems' wagon and driter, is obtained at 42 cents per day. feel called upon to notice, particularly those that ed to place so much reliance on the calculation ex- Now, compere, t h ese wilts the prices pa id i n this were made by my colleague (Mr. &men) from !Ailed by my colleague; for, if I stn not much one the adjoining district to the one which I represent. mistaken, such estimates are sometimes made in country for labor, owl you will find it is only third. Instead, therefore, of a ton of pig metal I extremely regretted those remarks at the time their section of country. I recollect last summer, costing, as it does now, $l5 for the laber, ii ought they were made, believing they would be taken hold that a member from Georgia stated on this floor that Only to cost f 5; and a ten of iron, instead of root of and be used to our disadvantage, on account of a concern had gone into operation in his State, ing $45 for labor, would mast only $l5; making O coming from a State that had, at all times and un- which was making iron, and clearing thirty-three I dolo mite , i n th e one of $lO per ton. and in the der all circumstances, supported the protection of per cent. on their investment; and that he was as- other of $3O. Now what does this bill propose our own industry ; and in the tariff of 1824 and tonished that iron in Pennsylvania needed any p m Why, it is this, to lay a duty of $lO per ton on the 1828 were found, with but one single exception , tection. I nettle some inquiry of the gentleman— I pig metal, precisely the difference in labor, and on voting for those bills. lam not disposed to charge who was part owner—respecting their operations, bar iron, made in the same way, only $lB, which my colleague with having exhibited a false state- and was told that it was a furnace producing about is much less than the difibrence in labor. Now f meet in regard to the expense of making pig iron, seven tons a week, and sold iron at six setts per want to know whether it is the lai:oring man or the knowing it to he so, but I think he might have been pound, and castings nt five, but as yet they had not manufacturer gets the protection: I think, sir, there satisfis .1 that his estimates were incorrect, from the realized any profit, but they were assured by their ier not a laborer in my district that cannot answer fact that the establishments which he referred to had manager, an experienced man from Pennsylvania, this qncstion, and answer it correctly. But, sir all been obliged to slop operations; and when I that lie hail no doubt, they would clear 33 per cent. there are more cases than this. I hold in any hand asked him the question, if they had not done so, upon their capital ! Now this was a paper calcu a book published in Edinburg, in 1839, he Jelenger instead of answering it fairly, he threw out the main- ! lation. But mark the result. A few days since I C. Symons, Esq . , who was sent as commissioner of uation that they had done so for the purpose of in- asked the same gentleman how they were getting what was called the hand loom inquiry, to the con fluencing Congress, and that the manufacturers along with their iron works. The answer was ' tinent, to make examinations and to ascertain farts throughout the country were all doing the same they have turned out badly, our manager deceived in relation to manufactures and wages. And I will thing from the same base motives. This, I think, us, and, after running us in debt very match, wo now give you some of the facts he ascertained.— to say the least of it, was not only unkind, but also have given the business up, and the property is now Ile first commences with wages at home. He says unjust to those persons immediately interested, and to be sold, and will be sold' very low. So this is that— also to some in my district who have,from the diffi- the winding up of a thirty-three per cent. concern culties of the times, ceased operations. Now, sir, in less than a year, and ono that required no pre ss to his calculation that metal could be made at tection. Now, I presume, the gentleman from from $lO to $l3 50 per ton, there is no reality in it Georgia, at least, and some of Iris constituents, will and nit it was correctly remarked by my colleague not put much faith in my colleague's paper esti from tine Wilksbarreo district, it was a mere paper mates. calculation, probably made for the purpose of in- Mr. Clittirotan,l have statements which may be creasing the value of ore and coal lands, and without , relied on, furnished me by persons engaged in ma- any expectation at the time that it would be mall- I king pig metal, and taken from their books for 1 zed; but, whether this be so or not, I have been Year., which show a very different result in the ex informed by gentlemen concerned, that no metal Pens,s of manufacture. I have scarcely time to can lie made at any thing like that price. The refer to them, particularly as my time is short; but smelting of iron with anthracite coal in this country I will state the result to the committee and will lim its of :+ oery recent date; the first successful opera- badly publish the statements more fully. They Lion, I believe was made by Mr. Lyman, at Potts- show the expense to be from $22 to $24 per ton, vine, in 18.10, and I find in an English work on the and, from acalculation I have made of the expense iron trade, as late as 1841, the following notice taken of making bar iron from metal at $23 per ton—and, of it, a part of which, as it contains valuable infer_ which calculation, I have eubmitted to two of my :untie's, I take the liberty of reading to the commit• colleagues, acquainted with the business, and they tee. On the 18th day of January, 1840, a dinner have permitted me to refer to them for the correct was given at Pottsville, Pennsylvania, by W. T.y. ness of it—(to wit: Messrs. K PAM and PLosien)— man, Esq., on the occasion of his having successfully I I make the cost of a ton of hammered iron to be introduced the smelting of iron with anthracite coal 1572. and expenses to Baltimore or Philadelphia, at by the use of the hot blast. There was a number of , least $B, without nay profit to the maker beyond a talented gentlemen present. and from a speech made replier interest on hie capital. But adroit, for the at the time I extract the following:— I sake of argument, that the calculation of my eel s. In two years alone, in 1830 and 1837, the im- 1 kagno was correct, and that, es he says, those alt portations of iron and steel amounted to upwards of thracite furnaces could make metal to complete with twenty-four millions of dollars. It is especially the foreign article at 20 per cent, duty, would it be mortifying to see that, even its Pennsylvania, there good policy, or, rather, would it net bo suicidal pot has been introduced within the last seven years, exclusive of hardware and cutlerly, nearly 80,000 Icy for this Congress to adopt a rate of duty that tons of iron, and that of these there were about must inevitably break down and destroy all the 49,000 tons of railroad iron, costing probably three charcoal furnaces now in operation, and which are millions and a half of dollars. Nuy, thin very day, producing, from the best estimates that can be mode in visiting our mines we saw at the thrthest depth of from 300,000 to 350,000 tons per annum. Ido these subterranean passages, that the very coal and iron were brought to the mouth of the mines on rail not believe they will do it. I can scarcely believe tracts of British iron, manufactured in Britain and that even tine anti-tariff party would do it, as it sent to us front a distance of 3000 miles. This de- must recoil on theniselves before long, as it will ins pendence is deplorable. It ought to tense forever; evitably increase the price of the article to the, cons and let us hope that, with the new power this day acquired, we shall rescue ourselves hereafter from sumer. Sir, there is no other interest in this coon such a costly humiliation. We owe it to ourselves try which requires to be taken care of More than trot thus to throw away the bounties of Providence the iron interest; for there is none that requires PO which, in these very materials, has blessed us with a great an amount of manual labor as it does or is so profussion wholly known elsewhere. The United States contains, according to the best estimates not intimately connected with the farming and laboring less than 80,000 square miles of coal, which is about interest. Why, sir, every ton of liar iron made in 11l times as much PR much as the soul men/rums of j this country has at least $3O worth of the farmer's all Europe. A single one of these gigantic masses runs about 900 miles, from Pennsylvania to Ala- Productions in it before it is ready for market, and Mona, and must itself embrace 50,000 square miles, there is paid for labor of nll kinds, to the miner,the equal to the whole surface of England proper.-- wood chopper, the collier, the carter, the forgeman, Confiding ourselves to Pennsylvania atone, out of the blacksmith and others, at least from $4O to $45 54 counties of the State, no less than 30 have coal or iron in them. Out of 44,000 square miles from p er " i * Now, hrenk down this itikre ' 4, what is the area of Pennsylvania, there are 10,000 miles of the consequence? Why, the farmer loses a mar coal and iron, while all Great Britain and Ireland ket for his productions, the laborer and mechanic have only 2,000; so that Pennsylvania has five aro turned to come other employment, and reduced times as much coal and iron as the country , to which 1 wages are the order of the tiny. lint sir, the anti we annually pay eight or ten millions of dollars for iron. If coal and iron have made Great Britain tariff men say wo linve no notion of breaking you what she is, if this has given her the power of 40,- down: wo want to see you prosper: hut you must 000,000 of men, and impelled the manufactories produce cheaper; you must produce as cheap ns which have made us, like rho rest of the world, her forei g ners • and I was pleased to hear tine ge n tleman debtors, why should not we, with at least equal • - advantages make them the instruments of our own from Alabama come out boldly in that way to flay; independence." it is treating the subject fairly, it is putting it on a There is a peculiarity in the supply of labor 111 Now, sir notwithstanding the furnace which oc- the right ground—no concealment, but meeting the Si e, i l a lu i cbut s to tit ' barge pot inornin of , i.fi 17 . : casioned this celebration was built by a „ n u m ..; question of reduction of the price of labor openly. Austria, which it is occoesory to dose;neory :i„ . I oho ? , who was anxious to have the experiment made, and Sir, I view the whole question so a contest between to the wander-echaft spasm. By imMentorial usage; who gave Mr. Lyman the furnace without any the labor of this country and the cheap labor of noepe u i n it t i i c i e li c e an ho o s biain hie freedom told bee d onle h t charge it was soon discovered that the bushICSS Was foreign countries. They may talk about monopo- ma st er itinerant probation, al e i l l t i cililan. following : s e u r n •or e ntie l t: not profitable, and the furnace has not been doing lies, about the labor of the many for the benefit of I beyond his native country. Ile is furnished on any business within the last year. Soon after thohis master setting out with a book; in whir li Miens the few, but construe it as you will, give it what experiment was made at Pottsville, a company coin- coloring you will, it' tine manufacturer of this coup- psis ed i t ,' n e c o v a rn d n at i e i t i. e ' r ti rt s i i is 'noticed operations on tine North Branch, No Branch, and set.- try is to produce an article as cheap as a foreigner ' I ted. not wily by the traUle to Which ho g belithge Y , he must hove Mbar as cheap. oral furnaces were built and put in operation, and,Now, air, I venture in triwns %there there is no employment for hiresbut by I believe, succeeded in making metal of fair quality , Ito mythat a inn of iron can be produced as cheap the donations of travellers. This part of fhb tyalem but cost considerably more then was first °Mid- in this country as it can in Sweden, if we have la- I think objectionable." paled; and I see by a newspaper I received from I boy at the same rate. I have teen paying some at- So do I, Mr. Chairman. and I wond , r what tl o Danville not long since that the works have been tection to that subject, and I have some facts about let the la- and it b t h Ihi wan to sum, eto I c fro% independent mechanics of this country will entirely stopped and some four or five hundred per- wages w think of men who hold up a country, as a inodel for none thrown out of employment. I would not give boring classes of the country mace whatthese an know them. I want lus to follow, that senile its young men out into the them ti-tariff people would make I much for paper calculations made in advance. I world to learn the occupetioes, and at the same time have seen some which wore about equal to those I them contend against. Sir, one of the principal sl. i they osest be supported by the charily of etrangrra, exhibited by my colleague. A company some time jocte I had in view in making a speech was, to have or, in plain language, by begging. And this is eines) commenced making iron, from bituminous I an opportunity of presenting these facts to my co. I what 19 called this freearadc system, toad that be coal, about twenty five mites from w here I reside. , stituents,who--a very considerable portion of them 1 eau, i'3witrerbn , l is a freia!raile country, she is 17a3(51451cg 1 - 12 r oa) Zic Workmen employed on farms making drains, scouring ditches, and others, who have fixed dailj , wages in money, commonly called day laborers: earn ten shillings per week. This class works from six in the morning to six at night. and are only paid for the actual time employed. In Argyllshire the wages usually paid to men are from Is. ed. to 2s. per day, and when provisions ore given, ed. less is paid. In Wigtonshire, average wages of a farm servant por annum, who lives in his master's house, is from 10 to 11 (bands stealing; or abut t po in out money, In England, (he says,) Bs. ed. to 100. 6d. per week will be, throughout, the average wages of the great bulk of adult male agricultural laborers of England. The prices of provisions are as follows, to wit : best beef, per pound, 611., coarse beef 31d, bacon 7d., wheaten flour 2d., cheese 7r1., pork er/.. potatoes, 252 pounds, as. 6d. In Belgium agrieul: tural laborers are paid as follows: with food 12 . 1 cents, and without food 18 cents." Now for the kind of living! "The food of the working classes, not only of Belgium hut of all the countries of the continent, consists of vegetables. Meat in not the food of the working classes either of Belgium or any other country—it is the relish used with food. The hal l.' eats macaroni—the staple food of the French and Germans is bread or eabbsge—or the Irish, po.: Moe, • The workmen employed in the iron works of thu Minnlt, Le;, ,, , no.l the marbine-making factories of Seraing. Bruxelles, Ghent, &e., live on potatoes and vegetables, with a piece of meat among them, for dinner regularly : coffee of chiecory." Now, Mr. Chairman, this is the kind of wages and living the free•trnde•men wish to see introduced WO this country. CoMe of ebb-Tory ! Why, I question if my free-trade friend of New York knows what chiccery is. I have examined two dictiona ries, and I cannot find the word in either. i pre sume it is Some kind of herb or weed that is con sidered good enough for forgcmen. I would ask my colleague how touch tax he thinks his poor con stituent. would pay on the articles he enumerated, if chiecory coffee and meat once a day were intro duced into the country I His $9 tax on every poor man would conic out rater small. Sir, it is enough to make this blood boil in our veins to read these descriptions, and to think that we have men on this fluor—yes, sir, men calling themselves Democrats, the peculiar friends of the poor man, and yet, at the saute time, doing every thing they can to reduce the wages of the laboring classes of this country to correspond with those of foreigners: But, sir, I trust in God they will not be able to accomplish their intentions ; nod I sincerely hOpe I may never see the day that the laborer of this country who in in; dustrious, shall be reduced to the necessity of eating meat only once a day and drinking chiceory But, sir, I am not done yet; I pass on to Switzer land, that el dared° of the laboring man, that court; try that has been held up by all tree-trade men On thi, floor as a model of perfection itself; and what does this free•tradc writer say of Switzerland He says—