Huntingdon journal. (Huntingdon, Pa.) 1843-1859, February 21, 1844, Image 4

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How important it is that yin► commence
without loss of time with BR ANDRETH
PILLS. They mildly but surely ri move all
impurities from the blood, and no case of
sickness can effect the human frame, that
these celebrated Pills tto nm relieve as much
as medicine can do. COLDS and COUGHS
are more benefiitted by the Brandreth Pills
than by Lozenges and Candies. Very well,
perhaps, as palliatives, but worth nothing RS
ERADICATORS of diseases from the human
system. The Brandreth Pills cure, they do
not merely relieve, they cure. Diseases,
whether chronic or recent, intectinus or oth
erwise, will certainly be cured by the use of
these all-sufficient Pills.
SING SING, Jantiwy 21, 1843.
Honored Sir,—
. .
Owing to you a debt of gratitude that mo
sey cannot pay. I am induced to make a
public acknowledgment of the benefit my
wife has derived from your invaluable Pills.
About three years this winter she was taken i
with a pain n her acts; which soon became
very 1111101 inflamed, and swollen, so mach
that we became much alarmed, and sent
for the doctor. During his attendance the
pain and swelling increased to an alarming
degree, and in time weeks from its first
commencing it beceme a running sore. She
could get no rest at night the pain was so
great. Our first doctor attended her for six
months, and she received no benefit what
ever, the pain growing worse and the sore
larger all the time. He said if it was healed
up it would be her death, but he appeared
to be at a loss how to proceed, and my poor
wife still continued to suffer the most terrible
tortures. We therefore sought other aid,
in a Botannical doctor, who said when lie
first saw it that lie could soon cure the sore
and give her ease at once. To our surprise
lie gave her no relief, and acknowledged that
it quite baffled all his skill.
Thus we felt atter having tried during one
wholeyear the experience of two celebrated
physicians in vain, in absolute despair. My
poor wife's constitution rapidly failing in
the prime of her years from her continued
suffering. Under these circumstances we
concluded that we would try your Universal
Vegetable Pills, determined to fairly test
their curative effects. To my wife's great
comfort the first few doses afforded great re
lief of the pain. Within one week to the
astonishment of ourselves and every one who
knew the case, the swelling and the infla
motion began to cease so that she felt quite
easy, and would sleep comfortable, and sir,
after six weeks' use she was able to go thro'
the house and again attend to the manage
ment of her family, which she had not done
for nearly fourteen months. In a little over
two months from the time she first commen
ced the use of your invaluable Pills her nude
was quite sound, and her health better than
it had been in quite a number of years be
fore. I send you this statement atter two
years test of the cure, considering it only an
act of justice to you and the public et large.
We are with much gratitude,
Very respectfully,
r PS —The Botanical Doctor pronounced
the sore cancerous, and finally said no good
could be done, unless the whole of the flesh
was cut off and the bone scraped. Thank a
kind Providence, this made us resort to your
)'ills, which saved us from all further mis
ery, and for which we hope to be thankful.
T. &E. A. L.
Dr. Brandreth's Pills are for sale by the
following Agents in Huntingdon county.
Thomas Read, Hutmgdon.
Wm. Stewart, Huntingdon.
1. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg.
Mary W. Neff, Alexandria.
Joseph Patton, Jr. Dancansviile.
Hartman & Smith, Manor Hill.
S. Miles Green &Co. Barree Forge,
Thomas Owens, Birmingham.
A. Patterson, Williamsburg.
Peter Good, Jr. Canoe Creek.
John Lutz, Shtrleyshurg.
Observe each of Dr. Bredruth's Agents
have an engraved certificate of Agency.—
Examine this and you will find the NEW
LADLES upon the certificate corresponding
with those on the Boxes, none other are gen
Phira, Office S. North Bth St.—]y.
The beet medicine known to man for incipient
Consumption, Asthma of every stage, Bleeding of
the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Liver Complaint, and
all diseases of the Pulmonary Organs, may be had
of Agents named below.
(5 All published statements of cures performed
by this medicine are, in every respect, TRUE. Be
careful and get the genuine " Dr. Wistar's Balsam
of Wild Cherry," as spurious imitations are abroad.
Orders from any part of the country should be
addressed to Isaac Butts, No. 125 Fulton street,
New York.
For sale by Thomas Read, Huntingdon,
and James Orr, Hollidaysburg.
Price one dollar per bottle.
December 6, 1843.
37" Read the following from Dr. Jacob
Hoffman, a physician of extensive practice in
Huntingdon county:
Dear Sir:-1 procured one bottle of Dr.
Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry, from
Thomas Read, Esq. of this place, and tried
it in a case of obstinate Asthma on a childof
Paul Schweble, in which many other reme
dies had been tried without any relief. The
Balsam gave sudden relief, and in my opin
ion the child is effectually cured by its use.
Yours, &c.
Dec. 2n, 18.11.
11E subscriber occupying the
41 large three story brick dwell
,H ing house at the south east corner
of Allegheny and Smith streets, in
the borough of Huntingdon, the third story of
which during the last summer has been fitted
for sleeping rooms ' • having a large stable on
the premises, and having employed a care
ful person to attend to it and take care of
horses, &c., informs the public that she is
prepared to accommodate such of her friends
and such strangers and travellers as may de
sire accommodation. She respectfully soli
citso share of public patronage, and hopes
the friends of Temperance will give her a
Huntingdon March 1, 1843.
BLANK DEEDS, of an improved
form, for sale at this office.
From the 6th day of January, A. D. 1813, up to and including the Bth day of January, A, D. 1844.
Collectors, Townshys,
John F. Lowry, Frankstown,
James Ewing Franklin,
John H. Stiller, Frankstown,
Andrew Gilleland, Cromwell,
Isaac Shaffer, Shirley,
John Harr pson, -Union,
John Keller, Morris,
John Simpson, Henderson,
William Bell, Allegheny,
Thomas Williams, Antes,
James Leonard, Barree,
Simon Gratz, Cromwell,
Samuel Findley,
Jesse Moore Frankstown,
John Marks, Franklin,
Abraham Zimmerman, Hopewell,
Abraham Long Shirley,
James E. Stewart, Tyrone,
Joseph Hegie, Tell,
John Rumberger, Warriorsmark,
Samuel Dean, Woodberry,
Samuel Ewing, West.
Andrew Freaker, Walker
William H. Irvine, Allegheny,
Josiah Clossin, Antes,
Henry Learner, Blair,
Joseph Osburn, Barree, •
Frederick Hermon, Cromwell,
John Appleby, Dublin, •
Joseph Smith, Frankstown,
David Henderson, Franklin,
Andrew Johnston, Henderson,
Leonard Weaver Hopewell,
John Clarke Morris,
John Piper, Porter
Henry Mathias, Springfield,
Samuel Rorer, Shirley
William Clayton, ell,
John P. Snare, Tod,
Robert Morrow, Tyrone,
Samuel Pheasant, Union,
John Buck, Warriorsmark,
David Good, Wuodherry
John Walls, West,
John Hefiner, Walker,
James Hutchison, Allegheny,
Alexander 1111 1 Pherson Antes,
Daniel Massey, Barree,
Sotomon Wertz, Blair,
Michael Stair, Cromwell,
Caleb Greenland, Cass,
John Rouse, Dublin,
John Conrad. Franklin,
Joseph Jones Frankstown,
Alexander Port, Henderson,
John Plummer, Hopewell,
Frederick Fouse, Huston,
William Hileman, Morris,
Timothy Nowlan, Porter,
James Lynn, Springfield,
Armstrong Crawford, Tyrone,
Philip Taylor, Tod,
Henry Grazier, Warriorsmark,
James Reed, West,
George Hawn, Walker,
John Woodside on account of note,
Commissioners, sale of unseated lands,
do, sale of old Journals,
Eve Merrick Fine for selling liquor,
William Reed Esq. sale of Estrays,
John Whlillan, do.
Benjamin Grove fine for refusing to serve as collector
of Hopewell township, eo
John Shaver fine 104
County tax on unseated lands, 294
Road tax on do. 24
John Shaver (Sheriff') fines and Jury fees, ?12
Sundry orders drawn by Conunissiones in favor of differ•
ent persons assigned to John M'Cahen, for which
said M'Calien holds Commissioners bond, 2210
Balance in the hands of 'Treasurer a last settlement, 371
We the undersigned Commissioners of Huntingdon county, in testimony of the correctness of the a
bove account, have hereunto set our hands this 4th day of January, A. D. 1844.
Alexander Kn x,Jr.,)
John F. Miller)Com'rs.
illrdecai Chilcte, )
Attest.—W. S. AFRICA, Cl'k.
We the undersigned Auditors of Huntingdon county do hereby certify that we have examined the
drafts of the commissioners of said county, and the receipts for the same, for the past year, and find a
balance in the hands of Andrew H. Hirst, Treasurer of said county, of nine hundred and fifty two dol
lars and nine cents. Given under our hands at the commissioners office in the borough of Huntingdon
this 4th day of January, A. D. 1844. Alexander Stitt,
77tomas E. Orbison, Auditors.
Jacob AS Mattern,
LIST outstanding debts due to Hunt- Fred. Herman Cromwell 106 20 John Plummer Hopewell 366 25
tingdon county up to January 4.1844. John ApplebyJr. Dublin 58 71 Frederick Fouse Ruston 202 19
1837 Jahn Stonebraker Franklin 541 18 Joseph Smith F'stown 372 17 Wm. Hilmar' Morris 885 59
1838 James Ewing do. 20 00 Andrew Johnson Henders'n443 84
a spin
T. Nowland Porter 513 88
Shirleygfi 1 d 587 132 0 61 7
1839 Daniel Irwin Antes 19 59 *Leonard Weaverllopewell 34 06 P.
.A. S l ne
Abraham Henry Barree 461 John Clark Morris 302 55 ies:ynlikaer
1840 *Wm. D. Black do. 119 92 John Piper Sr. Porter 273 17 John Kratzer Snyder 193 08
George Kelley Dublin 223 11 Henry Mathias Springfield 69 58 A. Crawford Tyrone 414 44
T. M. Robeson F'kstown 61 87 Samuel Rorer Shirley 44 92 David Parsons Tell 178 09
John Hampson Union 31 88 Win. Clayton Tell 86 07 Philip Taylor Tod 131 22
Abraham States Walker 565 Robert Morrow Tyrone 108 26 John David Union 90 36
1841 *John Keller Morris 26 41 Saila Pheasant Union 84 54 Michael Bossier Woodb'ry632 28
John Simpson Henderson 66 57 David Good Woodb'ry 531 79 Henry Grazier W. Mark 465 48
William Bell ' Allegheny 274 12 John IletSier Walker 101 66 James Reed West 438 27
James Leonard Barree 302 82 1843 James Hutchison Allegheny 523 56 George Hawn Walker 178 66
Simon Gratz Cromwell 225 32 A. M'Peraon Antes 135 00 A Clarke 4. J. P Snare balance
John Marks Franklin 156 61 Daniel Massey Barree 1094 22 of forfeited rec's.
A. Zimmerman llopewell 39 11 Solomon %Yens Blair 6'5 94 J. Wallace
Samuel Dean W oodb'ry 127 45 Michael Stair Cromwell 196 22 John M'Collum
do. NV'finsburg 16 47 C; Greenland Cass 49 90 John Woodside note
1812 W. 11. Irvine Allegheny 568 29 John Rouse Dublin 168 50- Jos. Higgins titles and jury fees
Josiah Clossin Antes 211 05 John Conrad Franklin 402 55 Jos. Shannon do. do
Henry Learner Blair 324,13 Joseph Jones F'stown 362 05
Joseph Oburn Barree 893 04 Alexander Port Henders'n6B4 83
Att'y. Gen'l. and others on criminal prosecutions $ 588
Grand and Travers-Jurors and crier tipstave, 3880
Constables for returns, advertising election 4c. HI
Assessors, 548
Judges, inspectors and clerks of elections, 700
Bridge and road viewers, 323
Inquisitions on dead bodies, 44
$ 34
Sundry persons for killing wolves wild cats and foxes, 475
do. refundiug orders, 145
John Shaver, (Sheriff) in full of bill for boarding pris
oners, summoning Jurors, &c. 1842, - 104
do. do. and commission on fines collected, 1843, 568
M'Fai lane, Garber & co. for stoves, 64
David Snare Esq, postage, 21
Commissioners—Keniie L. Greene, 166
A, W. Benedict, 76
Robert Moore, 92
A lexender Knox Jr. 1842, 22
Alexander Thompson and Alexander Stitt, Auditors 6
Printers—Theodore H. Cremer, 101
John P. Jones, 79
E. V. Everhart, 1
John Colestock for moddel of an arch bridge, 10
do. on account of Shavorscreek bridge, 100
B. X. Blair in full for bridge over Shade Creek, 161
Thomas Bender in full of bridge at Williamsburg, 50
Joshua Roller Esq. for stoves for the court hall, 60
Dr. Jacob Hellman for medicine and attendance to prisoners 16
James Moore interest on orders in his favor, 31
Robert Campbell, late Prothonotary, fees in sundry cases 12
John Dinsmore and Francis B. Wallace for Srnithing, 7
Samuel H. Bell and J. Madden in full of bridge over
A ughwick creek, 351
William Dorris and John Kerr on account of Stilts'
contract for building new court house. 1082
Thomas Read for Carpet for the new court house, 112
Mrs . A. E. Benedict for laying carpet in new court house - 18
Samuel It. Stevens for 25 tons of coal, 131
W. B. Zigler in full fur stoves and coal buckets for C. 11. 51
James Steel Kiri, for docket for Prothonotary's office, 12
John Reed H(q, fora record book & Orphans' court (locket 35
W. Wagner for seals for the county offices, SO
Sundry Justices of the Peace for administeringoth s, 4
Samuel Goodman fur Pump for court house, 14
Alexander Carmon and Joseph M'Cracken in lull for re
building wall of the county jail, 457
J. Armitage in full of salery as clerk to comm'rs in 1841 159
A. S. Harrison for painting done at court house, 5
Sundry persons cleaning c. house tk washing for prisoners 48
do. furnishing 4- cutting wood at c. house 4. jail 126
do. articles of merchandize, stationary &c. for
court house and jail 5.2
Peter limit, James Ross and Henry 3. M'Clure Commis
sioners appointed to view and lay out a state road from
Hollidaysburg to the Cherry Tree, 47
, Sundry persons road tax on unseated land 55
do. repairs to court house and jail 47
Tho:nas Hamilton and William Kerr cleaning well 3
M. Clabaugh building fence at court house in full 50
Clarkson & Adams bedsteads for jail, 17
Henry Glazier Eearthenware, 5
W. H. King takingcare of tne court house, 6
Fred. Snyder for gravelling in front of court house 32
Sundry persons election boxes furnished, 6
A. Carmon building two ovens at jail &c. 17
David Evans iron safe for treasurers office, 102
John M'Cahen on acount of Commissioners bond, 100
Sundry Commissioners orders in favor of different per.,
sons assigned to John ArCalien, for which ArCalien
holds Coiiiinissioners bond, 210
A. H. Hirst Treasurer advertising 12 tracts of land in
1842 which were not sold 6
Do. two counterfeit s's on the bank of Louisville
received by him in payment of taxes, 10
Sundry collectors amount overpaid on duplicate, 69
John Simpson (coroner) commission on fine collected, S
Treasurer's commis'n on $29,428 81 at lf per cent. 33t
Balance in hands of the Treasurer, 952
$15,568 31
815,932 67
*Have since settled their duplicates.
Indian Vegetable Pills.
If, during the continuance of storms and
floods. the channels of
become so obstructed as to afford an insuffi
cient outlet for the superabundant waters,
we can expect nothing less than that the
urrounding country will be
Overwhelmed with the Flood
In like manner with the human body—if
the skin, kidneys and bowels (the natural
outlets for useless and corrupt humors) be
come so obstructed as to fail in affording a
full discharge of those impurities which are
in all cases
we surely can expect no other results than
that the whole frame will sooner or later b e
As in the first place, if we would prevent
an inundation we must remove all obstruc
tions. in order that there may be no hind
rance to the free discharge of the supera
bundant waters. So, in the second place, if
we would prevent and cure disease, we must
open and keep open, all natural drains of the
W right's Indian Vegetable Pills of th
North American College of Health,
will be found one of the best it not the very
for carrying out this beautiful and simple
theory, - because they . compleatly cleanse the
stomach and bowels from all bilous humors,
and other impurity, and at the same time
promote a healthy discharge from the lungs,
skin and kidneys; consequently us all the
natural drains are opened,
Caution.—As the great popularity and
consequent great demand for Wright's Indi
an Vegetable Pills has raised up a hcst of
counterfeiters, country storekeepers and
agants will be on their guard against the
many impostors who are travelling about the
country selling to the unsuspecting a spuri
ous article for the genuine.
It should be remembered that all author
ized are provided with a certificate of
agency, signed be NVILLIAM WRIGHT, Vice
Prrsident of the North American College of
Health. Consequently, those who offer In
dian Vegetable Pills, and cannot show a cer
tificate as above described will be known as
the following highly respectable store
keepers have been appointed agents for the
sale of
Wright's Indian Vegetasle Pills,
and of whom it is confidently believed the
gennine medicines can be obtained:
William Stewart, Huntingdon.
Henry Learner Hollidaysburg,
B. F. Bell, Antes township.
Robert McNamara, Newry.
Samuel S. Isett, yrone township,
Millikens & Ressler, Mill Creek
A. & N. Cresswell, Petersburg.
Gemmel & Porter, Alexandria.
Moore & Steiner, Water Street.
Joseph Patton, Jr. Duncansville.
R. H. McCormick, Collinsville.
Wolf kWillet, Frankstown.
Henry Brewster, Shirleysburg.
Walter Graham, Yellow Springs.
Office devoted exclusively to the sale of
the medicine, wholesale and retail, No. 169
Race street, Philadelphia.
Beware of counterfeits.—The public are
respectfully informed that medicine purpor
ting to be Indian Pills made by one V. O.
Flack are not the genuine
!fright's Indian Vegetable Pills.
The only security against imposition is to
purchase from the regularly advertised a
gents, and in all cases be particular to ask
for Wright's Indian Vegetable Pill.
Dec. 27, 1843.—1 y.
prAHIS LINIMENT has fully established
44, a character superior to any medicine
ever offered for so painful a disease in this
and the neighboring counties the relief it has
given and the cures performed is fully
known. The Medicine may be obtained at
the following Stores, viz :
Lewistown William Marks
Waynesburg Smith & M'Vey
Reedsville D. C. Miller
Steffens Mill's E. E. Lock & Co.
Perryville W. & T. Reed
Greenwood Jos. A. Bell
Allenville Wm. Bell.
Huntingdon Jacob Miller
do. T. K. Simonton
Mill Creek J. H. Dorsey & Co.
McConnelstown James Campbell Jr.
Shirleysburg W. & B. Leas
Orbisonia T. E. Orbison & Co.
Shades Brice X. Blair
Rebecca Furnace J. M'Kernan
Hollidaysburg Robert Williams
Yellow Springs James M. Kinkead
Petersburg Joh n Porter
Jos. M. Stevens
Shavers C reek Walker & Neff
Saulsburg H. L. M'Carthy
Ennisville J. A. Bell & Brothers
Bellefonte John Harris
Farmers Store Penns Valley, J. A. Booser
Millhelrn J. & W. L. Musher
Aaronsburg 0. P. & W.C.Duncan
Spring Mills Duncan & Hays
Boalsbnrg William S. Wolf
Pine Grove B. Shulze.
Mifflintown Samuel Pennebaker
Perrysville Charles Yowling
Johnstown Tus'a Va'y Muldagh & Milleken
Jackson Ville James B. Morrison
Waterford Matthew Laughlin
Near do. J. S. Laird
Waterloo David Kling
Letters to the proprietor should be sent
to Brown's Mills P. 0., Mifflin county, Pa.
March 8,1843.—1 y.
815,568 31
Chair and Cabinet Male Eng
Respectfully informs the citizens of Hun
tingdon and vicinity, thathe has commenced
the abone businesses in all their various
('ranches, in the shop occupied by him the
last year as it chair shop, opposite George
Jackson's hotel.
175 00
13 18
41 24
52 68
56 60
20 00
All kinds of work made to order on the
the shortest nottce, warrented to be Kood
and will be given in exchange for all kinds
of country produce, and very cheap for cash,
Coffins made on si!zht.
'wit 7, 1842.
Messrs. Cunningham di, Burchnell.
SnESPECTFULLIT inform the citizens
444 of the borough and county of Hunting
don, the public generally, and their old
friends and customers in particular, that
they continue to carry on busbies in their
new establisment, one (loot east of the
north eastern corner of the Diamond to staid
borough, where they are prepeared *to sell,
wholesale and retail, all articles in their
line of business; such as
Sideboards, Secret arks, Sti
nts, MILTS, Hareems, •
workstands, card, pier, rent re
dining and breakfast tables;
High, Field, French, and Low Post
ALSO—Every variety of
Ct 3 Da. u.s,n 9
S uc h as hush seat, Cane a rt , Ball), Bea
Baltimore, Straight•back, Boston tratern
4. Common Rocking, Chairs, together wit
W:Briatel glaliill/O D
of all colors, qullities and sizes; Paper
Hanging of various patterns and qualities.
N. B. Coffins made and funeral,' attend
ed either in town or country, at the shortest
notice. _They keep a splendid HEARSE
for the accommodation ut their customer,,
Nov. 29, 1843.
::. - scrz)LEcmL
Wtl, persons indebted to the subscriber,
o save cost will make immediate pay
ment. All the accounts are now in the
hands of a proper officer for collection—it
is useless to wait any longer. He is deter
ned to have money if it is to be had ; he has
a desire to pay his creditors, and therefore
urges payment of those who owe him. .
Huntingdon Nov. 15, 1843.
N. H. The subscriber still continues the
practice of Physic, as usual, at his old office,
a few doors west of the Jail, Mifflin street,
Huntingdon. J. H.
.ILE_I. Li DR Id
r6).ESPECTFULIN inform the citizens
of Huntingdon county, and the public
generally, that they have formed a partner
ship to carry on the
Copper, 7'in and Sheet -Iron Baseness
in all its branches, in Alt xandria, when
they manufacture and constru.tly keep 141
hand every description of ware in their line;
such as
New and Splendid Wood Stoves,
22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 inches long.
.IVetv Cooking Stoves of all kinds ' , and
Also four sizes of Coal Stoves
All kinds gif castings done, for Forges, Saw
mills and Threshing-machines. Also WAG
WARE ; all of which is done in a workman
like manlier.
Also, Copper, Dye, Wash, hiller, Pre
serving, and Tea Kettles, for sale,
wholesale and retail
Persons favoring • this establishment with
their custern may depend on having their
orders executed with fidelity and despatch.
Old metal, copper, brass and pewter ta
ken ►n exchange. :Vs., wheat, rye, corn
and oats taken at market price.
Alexandria, Nov. 1, 1843.
NOTICE.—The subscriber respectfully
requests all persons indeUted to him for
work done at the old establishment, pre
vious to this date, to call and settle theii au
counts without delay.
Nov. 1, 1843.
Snyder's 'Vegetable Concrete ,
%Ft do certify that my wife was afflicted for
some time with a very severe cough,
with a pain in the breast, and after many
other remedies had failed 1 was induced to
procure a bottle of J. Snyder's Vegetable:
Concrete, and she was perfectly restored by
the use of part of a bottle full.
For sale by Jacob Snyder, lioliidayi,burg,
Jan. 18, 1843.
Estate of JOHN PL.A.SHER, Jr.
Late of Cromwell township, Huntingdon
county, dec'd
Notice is hereby given that letters of ad
minstration upon the said estate have been
granted to the undersigned. All persons
having claims or demands - against the same
are requested to make them known without
delay, and all persona Indebted to make ins.
mediate payment to
Tl - 10. E. OkBISON, Cromwell tp.
January 10. I/MC—pd.
Job Printing.
1 Ucbt niltialt i ji
.11 1 1'0 RAT T