littnlingtlon, Feb. 2 I , I 844. '4.2 3 a1(119) V CCE)9IIUz' eall. WOOD WANTED. Wood is wanted at this office in payment of sub seription, advertising and job work. To Advertisers. Advertisements must be handed in on Tuesday morning before 9 o'clock to insure their insertion in next morning's paper. Democratic Harrison S All TE COA PEA TIOA . The members of the Democratic Harrison party of Pennsylvania—those who unite with them as allies in the achievement of that glorious political victory in 1840, the result of which was the elec tion of that pure, venerated and much lamented patript, GENERAL WILLIAM HENRY HAnnisos, to the Presidents! Chair—those who have hitherto consistently battled for " the Supremacy of the Laws," who are opposed to all mysteries, whether of the Government or otherwise, which are inacces sible to the public eye—those who are opposed to favored classes and monopolies either of office or power—those who are tired of experiments upon the Commerce, Manufactures and currency of the country, and all others who are convinced of the necessity of so reforming the abuses of the State and National Government as to secure their prompt, faithful, economical and energetic administration, with a strict accountability to the people, on the part of those by whom they are administered, aro requested by the State Central Committee of the Democatic Harrison party, to meet in their several Counties and Districts, and in conformity with former usages, to elect Delegates in proportion to the number of Senators and Representatives in the State Legislature from such Counties and Districts to II STATE CONVENTION to be held at Harrisburg en MONDAY, the 4th day of MARCH next, at 12 o'clock, M., to nominate a suitable candidate or Governor, to be supported by the friends of good order at their next General Election, and to do such ether acts and things as may be deemed necessary. The several County Committees will be careful to give the proper notices in their respective counties. GEORGE FORD, Lancaster. HENRY MONTGOMERY, Dauphin. HARMAR DENNY, Allegheny. . WILLIAM M. WATTS, Erie. JOHN G. MILES, Huntingdon. JOHN 'TAGGART, Northumberland. WILLIAM HUGHES, Phira county. JOHN RICHARDS, Berks. JACOB WEYGANT. Northampton. Lancaster, December 8, 1843. Monroe County. The 'Whigs of this county have instructed their Delegate to the 4th of March Convention to sup port Judge Banks for Governor. COLUMBIA COUNTY has appointed a delegate favorable to the nomination of Gen. IRVIN, and the party in that county are very unanimous in his favor. In Bradford county, the delegates have not yet been chosen, but the Bradford Argus declares Gen. IRVIN is the choice of the party in that county. Qj Mr. LEE., the delegate from Clearfield county to the 4th of March Convention, is a strong friend of Gen. Invisr. 0i UsioN COUNTY has instructed her delegates for Middleswarth. Gen. Irvin is the second choice of Union county. LYCOMING COUNTY has instructed her dele gates for Gen. JAMES IRVIN. From the Hollidaysburg Register. "The Popular Congressman." GE, Jaw, has been styled" the popular Con gressman" by his friends; but as it has been asser ted that no regard was paid to " to the fitness of things" in the matter, we deem it well enough to lay a few fads before the people, to enable them to decide properly on the point at issue. When a candidate for Congress in 1840, out of a poll of 13,098 votes in his district, Gen. Irvin re ceived a majority of 426. In 1841, when only 26 votes less were polled, Judge Banks was beaten in the same counties 850 votes. Now is this not a fair comparison, and does it not conclusively prove Gen. Irvin a popular man— for it cannot, with any regard to truth, be argued that Judge Banks was unpopular. But again : In our present district Gen. Harrison's majority in 1840, was 645—Gen. Irvin's in 1843, was 1,336 Irvin's majority being 691 greater than that of Har rison ! Has there not been some regard paid to the fitness of things" in bestowing upon him the flattering soubriquet of the popular Congress man 1" Aml again : In 1841 Judge Banks was beaten in Centre, Mifflin, Juniata and Huntingdon, 770 votes. In 1843, in the same counties, Gen. Irvin received a majority of I,336—and this when there was a •con siderable falling off from the vote of 1841, on both sides. Had there been as full a vote polled in 1843 as in 1841, we may fairly infer that Gen. Irvin's majority would have been proportionably increased, and that instead of 1,336 his majority would have approached 2,000. But hero is another view of the case, that also establishes the position of Gen. Irvin's friends, that he is "the popular Congressman." In 1836 our district gave 1599 majority against the Whig candidate for Congress. In 1838 Gen. Irvin was our candidate, and the majority against us was reduced to 267 I—and that when lie had Gen. Potter, the most popular Loci:if°. co in the district, for a competitor. At the next Congressional election, (1840) Gen. Irvin was again our candidate, and still gaining on our enemies, he beat his opponent (Gen. A. P. Wilson) 428 votes! In 1843, his popularity still swelling, lie gains 900 votes on his poll of 1840, and beats his oppo nent in the " Great Gerrymander," 1336 votes ! Now can it be denied that Gen. Irvin is a popu lar man in his district? Has he not revolutionized it? and who will any longer dispute that there is a fatness of things" in styling him " the popular Congressman 1" The Locofocos, wisely regarding the cvidcnco of David It. Porter'e popularity is his vote when a candidate for Senator, nominated him for Govern or; and what was the result? Why the fact of his overwhelming popularity at home, bore down with such irresistable force upon his enemies that he was triumphantly elected. So will it be if the Whigs and Antimasons act as wisely, and take up an indi vidual whose opponents can be met with the same irresistablo weapon ;--and such an one in a pre-etn eminent degree is Gen. Invix. The state Taxes. STATEMENT, showing the amount of State Tax due the Commonwealth from the several counties, for the years 1842 and 1843, furnished to the House of Representatives by the Auditor General on the Otis instant. The table for 1843 is imper- feet, in consequence of some of the counties failing to make returns. It will be seen that a large amount of tax is still uncollected for 1842, and a very large amount for 1943. In some of the coun ties indeed, it is impossible to collect the taxes, be cause the people have actually not got the money to pay them, and cannot get it. In this state of things, how would it be possible to collect the taxes, under a system of augmented taxation?" 1842. 1843. Adams county $1,858 36 $4,060 50 'Allegheny . 1,441 07 Armstrong 2,308 83 Beaver 1,838 23 3,745 68 Bedford 3,152 58 3,413 91 Berke 1,733 67 38,372 91 Bradford 4,137 76 3,823 48 • Bucks 13,394 87 24,420 59 Butler 2,060 05 3,064 68 Cambria 757 39 675 17 Centre 2,842 64 9,603 32 Chester 5,159 78 36,071 49 Clarion . 504 47 2,267 22 Clearfield 770 86 1,339 25 Clinton 833 15 Columbia 2,758 23 Crawford 999 33 4,821 24 Cumberland 4,292 65 10,818 58 .Dauphin 1,398 80 8,894 78 Delaware 2.991 59 913 99 Erie 2,760 24 3,116 76 Fayette 2,352 68 2,733 68 Franklin 8,296 24 Green 392 35 Huntingdon 8438 94 14,140 14 Indiana 1,135 02 4,199 48 Jefferson 262 76 Juniata 2,807 28 Lancaster 1,557 83 21,611 71 Lebanon 6,132 06 12,772 88 Lehigh 6,572 54 Luzerno 7,594 14 7,861 56 Lycoming 4,980 28 M'Kean 159 49 IMercer 685 84 5,767 96 I Mifflin 4,390 46 8,304 17 Monroe 1,744 34 1,473 90 Montgomery 15,217 84 Northampton 8,882 58 7,710 16 Northumberland 3,411 80 5,769 20 ferry 2,575 64 4,569 28 Phil'a city and county 782 46 56,193 93 Pike 689 93 Potter 569 07 Schuylkill 2,926 22 8,421 55 Somerset 1,921 12 3,248 08 Susquehanna 2,100 53 2,871 89 Tioga 1,306, 40 Union 7,208 46 1,807 58 Venango 545 60 1,898 70 Wanen 324 85 1,404 00 Washington 2,286 07 Wayne 401 25 1,411 07, Westmoreland 3,394 33 7,148 95 York 3,000 76 10,946 52 A WARNING To &A:Nasal:as !—The following extract from the Bedford Inquirer shows that the fair fame of the late distinguished CHARLES OGLE, has been vindicated by those who knew him beat, and that at least ono of the vile resurrectionists who have desecrated the sancity of hia tomb, has been branded by a Jury of the Country with the indelible stamp of " CONVICTED L 'mama," notwithstand ing the promptness of his great patron PORTER in saving him from dwelling within the walls of a Jail or Penitentiary ! Ta o OGLE CASE.—The ease of the Common wealth against George W. Bowman for LIBEL, on the late Commits OGLE, tried last week at Somer set, before his honor Judge Black, resulted in a ver dict of GUILTY." Since the above was placed in type, we learn that Gov. Porter has I'AItDONED Bowman Gen. Jackson's rine. The bill to restore the tine imposed by Jhdge Hall on General Andrew Jackson for contempt of Court, passed the Senate on Wednesday last, with out amendment as it came frOM the House. The decision of this question was unexpected by the lo cos who anticipated a glorious harvest of capital on it, during the pending election, presuming that the Senate would reject it. It is a source of national congratulation that this fruitful subject of locofoco electioneering , humbug has at length been removed from the political arena. The Lady's Book, Godey's Lady's Book for March 1844, with ori ginal Parisian Fashions, is in advance of every ether Magazine. Tho pictorial embellishments aro an Original Picture, painted expressly for the book ley Croome, and engraved by Graham ; Paul and Virginia, by A. L. Dick, and five other engravings. We call attention to the following: A PREMIUM TO ARTISTS, Desirous at once to increase the value and attrac tion of the Lady's Book with respectto its legitimate objects, and to give a new direction to American genius employed in works of art, the publishers now offer the following Premiums:-For the best Oil Painting of a subject in American History, in which Ladies are the principal actors, two hun dred dollars. • The Paintings to be forwarded to the subscriber before the first of July 1844. A Com mittee of Artists and Connoisseurs will decide on the merits of the several performances with respect to their suitableness for being engraved for the La dy's Book, as well as their general excellence.— Each unsuccessful wolf. of Art will be returned to the address specified by the Artist sending it. The successful one will be designated in the announce mentor the award, so particularly, that the designer will have no difficulty tit recognizing it by the des cription ; and there will be no necessity for sending the name of any artist with his picture. L. A. GODEY, Proprietor of the Ludy's Book. MAIDEN Mei:mem—The Lowell Herald says there is a maiden lady in that city who is so ex tremely nice in her notions of female modesty, that she turned oft her washer woman because she put her clothes in the same tub with those of a young mem From the Harrisburg Telegraph, HomanarsminG, Feb. 1, 1844. Mn. FENN:-[ notice in your• paper of the 27th of January, a communication over the signature of "Old Mifflin,' al• though under garb of friendship to the party, evidently intended to thwart the claims, prejudice public opinion, and turn the tide of popular favor into channels other than those chosen by the people.— It is lobe deeply regretted that persons who attempt to "canvass the pretensions of candidates for office," can be so lost to generosity—so wanting in all the nobler feelings of our nature, so far to forget what is due toe fellow man, and so sadly mis taken, as to consider the disparagement' of one candidate an indispensible requis ite to advance the claims of an opposing —less worthy and less available man. Whether the charges arc made direct, or only by insinuation, the e'lB•ct is the same—it is felt as a thrust at the people through their favorite; and as such it will be repelled in tones not to be misunder stood nor disregarded. In pressing GEN. IRVIN to the citi zens of the State as a candidate worthy of their support, it is nut contemplated that he should rise upon the ruins of oth• erg, or that his qualifications should be made visible by the disparagement of those who might be preNrred by others. But, because he possesses in an eminent degree, and comes fully up to the ,stand aril of Jefferson—which was "is he hon est, is lie capable ?" These two ques tions alone, answered in the affirmative, would have jastified his friends in urging din as a candidate, to say nothing a - his unbounded populaiiiy, which, to say the least of it, is a worthy and weighty con sideration under any circumstances, and certainly where a party is in the minority, as we are in this State. Your correspondent, "Old Mifflin," al ledges that Gen. btuis dubbed himself with the imposing sobriequet of "the pop ular Congressman;" which charge is en entirely gratuitous, and without founda tion. He then makes several other char ges and innuendoes about manufacturing public opinion, purchasing letter writers, which are equally false—totally destitute of truth. Theo, by way of a clincher, he introduces a calculation, and attempts to show by it that Judge Backs is a inure popular Than than Gen. Irvin ; relying, no doubt, on the credulity of his readers is the old maxim, that figures won't lie. He takes the vote of Judge Banks in 1841, in this Congressional District, and that of Gen. Irvin ►n 1843. which shows that Judge Banks had 661 votes more than Uen. Irvin, then forsooth, Banks is the popular candidate and Irvin nut en titled to the appropriate name of The Popular Congressman. Now if figures wont lie, there is nothing more certain than that some calculators can make use of them, when hard run, just to suit them selves. The fact is, there were three thousand four hundred and eighteen more votes polled in this district in 1841 than in 1843, which will satisfactorily account for the plurality of Banks' vote. 1n.1840 there was pelted in this district, that is, Huntingdon, Centre, Mifflin, and Clinton, 13098 votes, of • which Irvin had a majority of 926. In 1841 there was polled in the same 13072, in which• Banks was beaten 850, Thus in about the same number of votes making Irvin 1276 votes more than Banks, or Banks that many less popular than Irvin. . . \Ve VOW come to the present district, Huntingdon, Centre, Mifflin and Juniata. In 1841 Banks was beaten 770 votes; in 1843 llrvin's in:jority was 1336, making Irvin 0107 votes 7169 re popular than Banks or Banks that much less popular than Irvin, and when, if there had been a full vote polled, Irvin's majority would have been increased five or six hundred. This I trust, will satisfy the friends of Gen. Irvin that he is justly entitled to the enviable reputation of "the popular COO gressman ;" which he earned by breaking down the opposition . in a district that until (lien was cunsidcred hopeless. Nominate him now, and he will carry the State by a triumphant majority; victory will surely crown our efforts. It is now too late to attempt to question the ability of Irvin! lie has given sufficient evidence of his being a man of more than• ordinary . attainments ; a man of sumod judgment aad discerning mind. he has read his speeches delivered in the halls of Cougress a. wi thou t concluding they were productions emanating trout a master mind, strong, clear and forcible, Whey were read ►vith deep interest throughout the Union. • Nlifilin" says he ‘‘ as not known by five hundred people, either porso,illy orby reputation .ut or his district before the present session of Congress. t should like to see this calumniator make this as section in the presence of the thousands of boys and girls engaged in the Cotton Factories of Lowell, or in the presence of the cordwainera of Lynn. Sir, they would scarcely know which to do most, pity his ignorance or laugh at his impu dence. The speeches of Gen. Irvin art in the hands of every New England man. ufacturer, every forgeman and mutter and in every collier's cabin in the Middle States. They have deeply entwined a round him the affections of the farmer. and mechanics of his native State. Ile is emphatically their favorite, and as such will be elevated to the first office in their gift. %Vali Clay for President, M'Kenniti. for Vice President and 'lrvin for Gov nor, you will be safe in sett:ug down 180 U majority in OLD HUNTINGDON. THE MARKETS. [CORRECTED wr•.r•.xLY.} Philadelphia, Fri). 18. WREAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $4 50 RYN. MEAL, do. - - - - 325 CORN-do. do. Wu :, , cr, piimc Penna. per bush. - - 1 00 RYE do. - - - 64 CORN, yellow, do. . - - - 98 do. white, do. OATS, do. WHISKEY, in his. - - fla/tinzore, Feb. 17. WHEAT FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $ 4 50 WHEAT, per bush. - - - 93 CORN, yellow, do. - - - - 43 do. white, do. RYE, do. OATS. do. WHISKEY, in bbls. Pittsburgh, Feb 18. FLOUR, per bbl. - - - $3 50 a 3 75 WHEAT, - per bush. - - - , 62 a 65 RYE, do. OATS, do, - - - - 18 a2O CORN, do. - - - - 31 a 37 WHISKEY, in Ms. - - - - . 17 A trag AMT. WAME to the residence of the subscriber living in Warriorsmark township, on the 20th ult. a brindle steer with white spots on his sides, supposed to be a yearling last spring, the owner is requested to come for ward, prove property, pay charges and take him away otherwise he will be disposed of according to law. SIMON CRAIN Fcb. 7;1844, Estate of Daniel Lower, Late of Wooberry township Huntingdon county deciased. Notice is he, eby given, that letters testa mentary upon the will of said dec'd have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same are requested to present them duly authenticated for set tlement, to _ _ JOSHUA ROLLER, JOSEPH FLAY, 5 Exes. Feb. 7, 1844. sluditors l .ittice. 'MHZ undersigned auditor, appointed by 4.11, the court, to distribute the proceeds arising from the sale of the real estate of Z. G. Brown and others, known as the "Ben nington Coal Bank," will attend for that purpopurpose at the Prothonotary's office, in the se f,f Huntingdon, on Monday the lath day of March next, at 1 o'clock, P. M,— All persons having Claims on said fund are required to make them known to me at that time or be debarred from coming in for any share of it afterwards. J A.OOll MILLER, Auditor, Feb . 7, 1844. OWNER'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facias to me directed, I will expose to sale, on the prem ises, by public vendue or outcry on Wed nesday the 28th day of Fehruitry next, at 2 o'clock I'. M. , the following described prop erty, No. 12 in the Old town plot of the borouo of Hollidaysburg, fronting 60 feet on the north side of Allegheny street and extending back at right angles to said street 180 feet to an alley, being on the corner of Allegheny and Front streets, having there on erected a two story weatherboarded or frame house, a two story new brick house, back buildings and a frame - stable, [late the property of James B. frampton,] S ized, taken in execution and to lie sold as the property of John F. Loy , at the suit of John Shaver, Esq., Sheriff of HuntiwtdonCOUlllV. Terms of Salo.--One hundred dollirs, least, must he cash down, at oale, and tI balance at April Court, for which good W curity must be given on the ground. JAMES SAXTON Jr., Coroner. Huntingdon Jan. 31, 1844.—t5. .12 3 CID 12. L.Q. (la Lae., The Tavern Stand in the borough of Shur leysburg,now in the tenure of James S. M'El hetty, wilt be let for one or more years, from the lot of April next. It is the old stand Litt by John Price and others, as a public house, for the last fifteen years, and is one of the best in the county. Apply to the sub scriber. DAVID BLAIR. Huntingdon Jan. 31, 1844. 122.1M1 Z1:15.2,C3D-t HOTEL. No. 200 MARKET STREET, (Above 6th Street) Philadelphia. BOARDING $l,OO PER DAY. far HE subscriber, thankful far the liberal Whio support of his friends and the public generally,,respectlwlly informs them that he still continues at the old established ttouse, where he will be pleased to accommodate all those who favor him with their patronage, CHRISTIAN BROWER. Dec. 14, 1842.—tf. ESTATE OF J A MES TEMPLETON Late of Tyrone township, Huntingdon county,y deceased, IMOTICE'is hereby given, that letters Al testamentary upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All per sums indebted to said estate are requested to malto immediate pay ment, and those flaying chums or demands against the same are re quested to present them duly authenticated torrttlem settlement, to ARMS PRONG: CRAWFORD, JAMES RU 4 SELL, 5 Ex'rs, Tyrone tp., Jan. 3,1844. LIST OP ,LEMEIRS Remaining in the post office at Hunting don, January Ist 1844. 'lf not called for previous to the Ist of April next, will be sent tothe General Post Office as dead letters Borton"ri101114S M'Murtrie David 5 Bowers S trnuel M'Divit Miss Jane' Bell It thert Moore Samuel Barrick Henry Wichita John Jr. Farrell John Smith Thomas Fee John Frayr John thnston J nllrs R. Swoope. Peter H. K filer Henry Strong Benktmin WNalley Thomas Whittaker Daniel Wit lieritw John DAVID SNARE, P. M. Huntingdon, Jan. 10, 1844. COUNTY APPEALS. The BOard iif Revision for Huntingdon County, her hi give notice ti the ttochie inhabitants, u,c owners ar.ti in;rints of re , il nod per& nal property, taxahle for coolitY, Late nod pin I,,isesour.: the innkeepers wbohaveli.en returned accortlini,, to law, within the county t,l HuntingtLn, that an appeal for the heoefit of. all persans interest ed, wilt be held f-r the several townships within the said comity, as folliiw st For the township of Tyrone at the house of James Crawford, in said township, on Monday the 4th day of March next. For the township of Franklin at the house of Geo. W. Mattern, at Colerain Forges, on Tuesday the sth day of March next. For the township of Waf riorsmark at the house of Thomas Wallace, in the town of Warriorsmark on Wednesday the fith day of March next. For the township of Snyder at the Bald Eagle school house, in said township, on Thursday the 7th day of March next. F or the township of Antes at the house of John Bell, in said, township, on Friday the Bth day of Marchnext._ _ For ihe township of Allegheny at the house 'of David Black, in said township, on Satur day the 9th day of March next. For the township of Blair at the house of D. H. Moore in tjie borough of Hollidays burg, on Mondayi the 11th day of March next. For the township of Franks:frau at the house of Mrs Denlinger on Tuesday the 12th day of March next. For the township of Huston at the house of Frederick Fouse, in said township, on Wednesday the 13th day of March next. For the township of Woodberry. at the house of Francis M'Coy in the borough of Williamsburg, on Thursday the 14th day of March next. Fir the township of Morris at the house James M. Kinkead (Yellow Springs) on Fri day the 15th day of March next. For the township of Porter at the house of Robert Carmon, in the borough of Alexan dria, on Saturday the 16th day of March next. For the township of West at the house of Mes.Scullin, to the borough of Petersburg, on Monday the 18th day of March next. For the township of Rarree at the house of James Livingston, in Saulsbdrg, on Tues day the 19th day of March next. 'or the township of Henderson at the Commissioners office, in the borough of Hun tingdon, on Wednesday the 20th day of March next. For the township of Walker at house of Jacob Megalth, m M'Connellstown, on Thursday the 21st day of March next. For the township of 11 , pewell at the house of John B. Given on Friday the 22d day of March next. For the township of Tod at the house of Joins Henderson on Saturday the 23d day of March next. For the township of Cass at the house of Robert Speer on Monday the 25th day of March next. For the township of Springfield at the house of George D. Hudson on Tuesday the 26th day of March next. for the township of Cromwell at the house of David Etuire (Orbisonia) on Wednesday the 27th day of March next. For the township of Dublin at the house of John Rupert, at Shade Gap, on Thursday the 28th day of March next. For the township of Tell at the house of Henry Eby on Friday the 29th day of March next. Fur the township of Shirley at the house of David Freaker, in the borough of Shir l_eysburg, on Saturday the 50th day of Atwell next. For the township of Union at the public school house, near Hampson's, on Monday the Ist day of April next. When and where all persons who consider themselves aggrieved by - the triennial assess ment or valuation of their property, profes sions, trades and occupations, the offices and pots of profit any If 'hem hold, the value of their personal properly taxable for coun t , ,ante or .111111:01 SCht o, l purposes, the yearly rectal ot an Inn or tavein any of then) occupy, arc bee. ln. :Intifi:d to attend and state their !pievalices it they think proper. ALEXANDER KNOX Jr., 1 JOHN F. MILLER, I Board moRDEem uniLcoTE,;, of JOSEPH ADAMS, revis'n. JAMES GWIN, Feb. 7, 1844. Orphaus's Court sale. vrt N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' 4ACourt of Huntingdon county, will he ex posed to sale, by public vendee or out cry, on the premises on Monday the 26th lost, a Certain Lot of Ground, siMate in the town of Williamsburg, adjoin ing a lot of Henry Reigart—Also s the un divided halt of the Lot and Buildings, adjoining a lot of C. Hewit cm the east and a lot belonging to the,Lutheran Congregation on the west, now in the tenure of David S. Hhule. TERMS OF SALE. One half of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale and the residue in one year thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. To be sold as the property of Joseph Rol ler, dec'd., in pur,uance of his last will and by order of said court. By the court, JOHN REED, Cl'k. Attendance will be given on the day of sale by JOSHUA ROLLER, 1 4/1:1N K. NEFF, 5 Adm'rs. Willianisburg, Feb. 7, 1344. For Sale or Rent, The undersigned will either sell or lease, on favorable terms, that tract of land situate in Cass township, Huntingdon county, ad joining lands of Lawrence Swoope and oth ers, containing 100 Acres, more or less, hbout 70 acres are clear ed, with a good log house and kitched, well finished, a double barn and apple orchard theim. in a good st,te of cultivation.--Also, Two carding Machines, house &c. enjoining the above, with another large building adjoining calculaird, for a ful ling mill, part finished, and abnut two acres of land including the water power Etc. Any person wishing to purchase or rent the said property will please call on the sub scriber at Lock No, 32, the first below Mill Creek. ENOCH DEAN Feb. 7, 1844. ORP ILIA 8 9 COURT Sa L E. In pursuance of impeder of the Orphans.' Court of Huntingdon crusty, their will be xprsed to sale by public vendor sir nut-cry, on the premises, on Saturday the 2nd day nt March next. at 1 o'clock, P. MO, tht fcl luwiug described real estate, A Lot of Ground, in the borough of Petersburg, in said CCIIi , ty, numbered 127, having a two story log house, weatherboarded, a log shop and a frame stable thereon erected. Al so, lot No. 118 in the said borough, be ing fenced and having a shed thereon erect ed, late the estate (in part) of John Scullin, late of said borough, deed. the last mentioned lot is well calculated for the erection of a warehouse, it lying on the basin of the Pennsylvania canal ; and there is an alley about 8 feet wide along the north Bide t of each of the absA described lots. 7, • Terms of Sale.—One third part of the purchase money to be paid on confirmation of the sale, and the residue in two equal an nual payments thereafter, with interest, to be secured by the bonds and Mortgages of the purchaser. By the Court, JOHN REED, Clerk. Attendance will be given on the day of sale by JOHN M'CULLOCH, Adm'r. Jun. 31,1844. ✓JUDITOR'S NOTICE. m,HE undersigned appointed auditor by _ the Court of Common Pleas of Hun tingdon county, to apportion the money in the hands of the Sheriff, arising from 11w sale of the canal boat sold as the property Of James S. Horrell, will attend fur that pur pose at the Prothonotary's Office in the fp.- rough of Huntingdon, on Thursday the 22d day of February next, at 1 o'cock P. M., when and where all persons interested may attend if they think proper. JACOB MILLER, Auditor. Jan. 31, 1844. Third and Last Notice. (THE VERY LAST.) All persons having accounts standing unsettled, with the subscriber, front 14 months to 5 years, are now informed that unless settled between this and the 20th of March next, they will be left in the hands of THE agent for collection. GEO. A. STEEL. Jan. 44, 1844. • FOR RE.vr. That large and commodious house with three acres of ground, an excellent orch ard, sundry outbuildings, stable &c, there on, situate in the village of Ennisville, Huntingdon county, formerly the property of Jos. G. Watson. For terms apply to the subscriber living at M'Alavy's Fort. D. S. BELL, Jan. 24, 1844.-13 t arohanf.v Court .tale. TrN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Huntingdon county, will be ex posed to public sale, on the premises on Sat urday the 24th day of Februrry next, at one o'clock P. M. the following real estate, viz: A ROUSE AND LOT, in the town of Fairfield, in West township, in the said county. being No. 6in the said ti.wn of Fairfield, late the estate of Wilson of the said township. deed. TERMS OF SALE.—One half of the pur chase money to he paid on confirmation of the sale, and the remaining one half in one year, with interest to be secured by the bond and mortgage of the purchaser. By the Court JOHN REED, Clerk. , Attendance will be given on the day f sale, by ISAAC' NEFF, Adrn'r. &c. Jan. 24, 1844. .7' cte.wcy ael ct) cpd 3. a At the store in Allegheny street, nearly opposite the " Washington Hotel," in the borough of Huntingdon. The subscriber has received in addition to his former stock, a splendid assortment of New and Seasonable Merchandize, con sisting of every variety of A DRY GOOD, GROCERIES, CRi;k ‘att Boots, tho Shoes, IIATS, &c. &c. __— The selection has been made with great care, and will be sold on the most reasonable terms, for cash or country produce, The public are respectfully invited to call and examine his stock, feeling confident that his goods cannot fail to please both as to quantity•and prices. Thankful to his friends and customers for past favors, he respectfully solicits a contin uance of public patronage. NOTICE.—AII persons indebted to the subscriber for a longer period than six months, are hereby notified that if their ac counts are not paid forthwith they wPI be left in the hands of the proper officer for collection. Attention to this will save costs. In this step the subscriber is prompted by a desire to pay his creditors. WM. STEWART. Huntingdon, Jan. 10, 1844.-3 t. ESTATE OF JEREMIAH GItEENALL, Late of Cromwell township, Huntingdon county, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of ad ministration upon the said estate have been granted to the undersigned. All persons having claims or demands against the same are requested to make them known without delay, and all persons indebted to make ha mediate payment to JOHN R. HUN I'ER, .4dner. Nov. 15, 1843.-6 t. Cromwell tp. A. K. CORNYN, ATTOIRITIT ILAV' t , HUNTINGDON, PA. tyre in Main &reel, two doors East of 11Irs. McCoonell'a Temperance House. me LANK BONDS to Constables for Stay 181 of Execution, under the new 14w, just printed, and for sak e at this °ELM